The Clinton New Era, 1913-09-18, Page 7*Selkte111,k14' ist ED FROM O.D.ERATI ONS ByLydia is E.Pinkham's s Veg e • table Compound —Their Qwn Stories HereTold" Edmonton, Alberta, Can. -"I think it is no more than right for me to thank. you for what your kind advice and Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound have done for me. "When I wrote to you some time ago I was a very sick woman suffering from female troubles. I had organic inflam- mation and could not stand or walk any distance. At last I was confined to my bed, and the doctor said.. Iwould have to go through an operation, but this I refused to do. -A friend advised Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, and now, after using three bottles of it, I feel like a new woman. I most heartily recommend your medicine to all women who suffer with female troubles. I have also taken Lydia E. Pinkham's Liver Pills, and think they are fine. I will, never be without the medicine in the house." -Mrs. FRANK EMSLEY, 903 Col- umbia Avenue, Edmonton, Alberta. ! he Other Case. r Beatrice, Neb.-"Just after my mar- riage my left side began to pain me and the pain got so severe at times that I suffered terribly with it. I visited three doctors and each one wanted to operate on me but I would not consent to an op- eration. I heard of the good Lydia E: Pinkham's Vegetable Compound was doing for others and I used several bot- tles of it with the result that I haven't been bothered with my side since then. I am in good health and rhave two little girls. "-Mrs. R. B. CHILD, Beatrice,Neb. r!assieehaeeRel!eeleen•tieee•e,i llse• e•eeeee••eeesreeteeeieees her, and I'll take the west;' "All right.". And they began' to snatch away her side-eomba, the little gold eha n at her 'throat, the jeweled pin ,that 'Mal- lory had given her as the first token of his love, The young soldier' had foreseen this. He had • foreseen the wild rage that would' unseat his reagin when he saw the dirty hands of thieves laid rudely' on the sacred body of his beloved, But his soldier -schooling had drilled him to govern his impulses, to play. the coward when there was no hope of successful battle, and to strike only when the moment was ripe with per- fect opportunity. Ile had kept telling himself that when the finger of one of these men touched so much as Marjorie's' hem, he would be forced to fling himself on the profane miscreant. . And be kept telling himself that the moment he did this, the other man would calmly blow a hole through 'him, and drop him at Marjorie's feet, while the other passengers shrank away in ter- ror, - He told himself that, while it might be a fine impulse to leap to her de- fense, it was a fool impulse to leap off a precipice and leave Marjorie alone among strangers, with a dead man and a scandal, as the only re- wards for his impulse. He vowed that he would hold himself in check, and let the robbers tape everything, leav- ing him only the name of coward, provided they let him also the power to defend Marjorie better at another time. And now that he saw the clumsy - handed thugs rifling his sweetheart's jewelry, he felt all that he had fore - 'seen, and his head fought almost in vain against the white fire of his heart. Between them he trembled • The Origin of Grocer. like a leaf, and the sweat globed ou Grocer appears in Boliusbed's Chrotat. his forehead, rete, 1:a8U, as tosser," and in other.; The worst of it was the shivering mediaeval records this sometimes writ -I} terror of Marjorie, and the pitiful eyes she turned on him. But he clenched his teeth and waited, thinking fierce- ly, 'watching, like a hovering eagle, a 'chance to swoop. But the robbers kept glancing this •way and that, and one motion would. mean death. They themselves were so overwrought with their 'own ordeal and its immediate conclusion, that they would have killed anybody, Mal- lory shifted his foot cautiously, and instantly a gun was jabbed into his stomach, with a snarl: "Don't you move!" "Who's moving?" Mallory answered, 'with a poor imitation of a careless laugh, And now the man called Bili had reached Marjorie's right hand. He :chortled: "Golly, look at the shiners." But Jake, who had chosen Mar- °jorie's left hand, roared: "Say, you .cheated. All I get is this measly plain gold band." "Oh, don't take that!" Marjorie, !gasped, clenching her hand. Mallory's heart ached at the thought !of this final . sacrilege. He had the ;license, and the minister at last -and now the fiends were going to carry off the wedding ring. He controlled him self with a desperate . effort, and stooped toylead: "Say, old man, don't take that, That's not fair." "Shut up, both of you," Jake !growled, and jabbed him again with the gun. He gave the ring a jerk, but Mar jorie, In the very face of the weapon, would not let go. She struggled and to ed wee in and imploring: "Oh tea "engrosser" and was applied to the spicers and pepperers who were wholesale dealers in various spices - that is, who dealt en giros -i0 large quantities, as distinguished from "re- gratnrs"`who were retail dealers. The Grocers' company Ih•st id op1et) the ward grocer in 1'17:3, when the s'picers and pepperers 11lli„d theinsrlvis into a ;le corpot•atiou.-Loudon Express. r' Agreed With Her,' Tramp (at the door) -If you please, Indy Mrs. Mugg0 tsf rtaly1-'1'Ia're, that will do. 1 nm tirrd of this ever- lasting whine of "l.ndy, !Hely.' 1 ant just a plain dv•intiu• and - Tramp- 1'ou tae, iWilda I n, ane ut the plainest women I've ever 00011 nn' tine of the huuestest to own up to i1. Cruel. I1Irs. Renham-Every time 1 sine to the baby he cries ha'nhluu- lie guts his Lability els a musical critic from m3 side ()Vibe house. -New Sm•k Press.. CARTERS, iTTLg 'EVER RILLS. CUR Sick'Beadnehe and relieve all the troubles lac!• dent to a bilious state of the system, such as Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsiness, Distress after eating, Pain in the Side Cc. while their most remarkable success has been shown in curing sc headache, yet Carter's Little Liver Pills are equally valuabteln Constipation, curing and pro• venting this annoying complaint, while they also Correct all disorders of the stomach, stimalatetho liver and regulate the bowels. Even if they only cued ® t1F�le• 'Acbethcy would be ahnostpriceless to thosewhe suffer from this distressing complaint; butfovtll. . Lately their goodness does not end hcre,nedthose who once try them will find these little pills vale' able in eo many wave that they will not be vei- ling to dry wilhoutthem, But after all sick heed Is the bane of yo many lives that here is where we make our great boast.. Our pills °omit while others do not. ' Carter's' Little Liver Pills are very small and very easy to tale, Ono or two pille make a dose. They are strictlyvegetableand do not gripe or purge, but by their gentle action please alll who G CBT111i.1C DXCD1D CO.. Eh'g 408L r t Dos% bbali Prick DON'T NEGLECT YOUR WATCH WATCH is a delicate piece of machinery. It calls for less attention than most machinery, but must be ;cleaned ;and oiled occasi,9nally to keep perfect time. With proper care a Waltham Watch will keep perfect time for a lifetime. It will pay you well to let us clean your watch every 12 or 18 months. W. R. COUNTER Jeweler:land Optician. issuer -of Marriage Ltcensse. gg P don't, don't take that! It's my wed- ding ring." "Agh, what do I care!" the ruffian (snarled, and wrenched her finger so viciously that she gave a little cry of !pain. That broke Mallory's heart, With a wild,' bellowing, "Damn you!" he !hurled himself at the man, with only his bare hands for weapons. CHAPTER XL. 1' a. PROMPTED Lesson XII --Third Gtarter, For Sept. 21;.1913. R THE INTERNATIONAL SERIES. THIS LEVE. t' 5.20.30" Text of the Lesson, Ex. xrx 4 1 , 35 -Memory Versos,, 19, 20 -Golden' Text, I John v,. 21 -- Commentary Prepared, by Rev. D. M. -.•Stearns, 1 Proud o Prominent Peop e T Testify For "Fruit-a-tives We.maysummarile Ex. xxv. to sari. inelusive,.is the Lord's instructions -to; Moses concerning .the tabernttcle, of,. which the' principal vessel was, the .ar•h_ of the covenant containing the ti�'vu tables pf the law. We cannot think of Israel us 'a' nation without'a taberna- cle or tetnple,.and ,when finally restor' ed we sharll'see 'a fuitillnieut of. Bzei,. xi to :della. The reason why. of the taberneele 1s seen,In Hs. xxv, 8, "Let them make me ;a sanctuary that 1 may dwell among, them," and concerning the temple that Is yet to be we Lead In Bzek, xliti,, i, MR. TIMOTHY MCGRATH -"Sou of man, the.place of My. throne, 030 ATLANTIC AVE., MoN'rRUAL, and the place of the soles of My feet,' 1\.[A1 crI 1st. 1912. where I will dwell in the midst of the "For years, I suffered from Rhea- -children of Israel forevl._, and My holy Rheu- matism, being unable toworkforweeks name shall the house of Israel n0 more at a time and spent hundreds of dollars defile." Compare Rev. xsi, 3-5. The on doctor's medicines, besides receiving section concerning Moses with God in treatment at Notre Dame Hospital the mount ends . with these words: where I was informed that I was incur- "And Ile gave auto Moses wben He had able. I was discouraged when afriend made an end of communing,with Him • advised rue to try "Fruit -a -fives". upon Mount Sinai two tables of testi- After using three packages, I felt molly, tables of stone, written with relieved and continued until I had the Linin used five packages when a complete ger of God" (Ex. xxxi, 18). cure was the result after years of doc- Today's lesson gives us the sad, sin- tering failed. I consider "fruit -a fur. earthly side of the story while tines" a wonderful remedy. You are at bioses was absent scarcely six weeks, liberty to use this testimonial to prove Tate people who had seen the love of to others the good that ' `Fruit -a -tines" God to them' and Mrs power on their has done me" TIMOTHY MCCRATH. behalf in Egypt, at the Iced sea, in the Soc. a box, 6 for 2.go-trialsize, 2gc. giving of the unman and quails and At dealers orfr front Limited, 250. water from a rock, had heard IIis Ottawa. -voice out of the midst of the fire, could not live an ordinary, .uneventful life iear, and shoutea ms oto rlae+t•Le: I. for• forty days without wondering what had become of -God and of Moses, their "Hands up! you!" leader. "Hands up yourself!" answered If the see special provhlenees, spe !Mallory, and his victim, shuddering at c.lal ,.,llicatiosp that God is working the fierce loot: in his comrade's' eyes, for us; handfuls of purpose dropped gasped: "For God's sake, don't shoot, for us (Ruth it 11;1 manifest tokens of ;Bili!" His loving care, we are ready to sing Even then the fellow stood his and praise; but, if weeks or, months or ground,1Maland debated the issue, till even days come and go and there is !tion ryt threw such ,ringing determiner nothing out of the ordinary, do we ;tion into one last: "Hands up, or by give Ilim occasion to say of us. ,God, I'll fire!" that he caved in, lifted "Blessed are they that have not seen. This fingers from the triggers, turned vet have, believed;' or "O ye of little Itis gams up, and slowly raised both faith?" When they cavae to Aaron Ihands above his head. with their complaint concerning the 1 A profound "Ah!" of relief soughed absence of Moses and their request for )through the car, and Mallory, still something visible to worship, what to !keeping his eye on Bill, got down eau- splendid opportunity Aaron had. to Itiously from the seat. The moment stand for bud to remind them of the he released Jake's left hand, it darted 'A Hero in Spite of Himself. Passion sent Mallory into the un equal fight with two armed and des- perate outlaws. But reason had planned the way. He had been study4t Ing the robber all the time, as if the villain were a war -map, studying his gestures, his way of turning, and how be held the revolver. He had noted that the man, as he frisked the pas- sengers, dirt not keep his finger on the- trigger, but on the guard. to the holster where his second gun jwas waiting. But before he could clutch the butt of it, Mallory jabbed ithe muzzle of his own revolver in the rman's back, and growled: "Put 'em Ilp!" And the robber's ]eft hand lioined the right in air, while Mallory's left hand lifted the revolver. Mallory stood for a moment, breath- ding hard and a little incredulous at :his own swift, sweet triumph. Then ire made an effort to speak as if this :sort of thing were quite common with (him, as if he overpowered a pair of ;outlaws every morning before break - !fast, but his voice cracked as he said, In a drawing -room tone: Marjorie's little battle threw the desperado off his balance a trifle; as he recovered,` Mallory struck him, and swept him on over against the'back' of a= seat. At the same instant, Mal- lory's right hand went like lightning to the trigger guard, and gripped the fingers in a vise of steel, while he drove the man's elbow: back against his side. Mallory's left: hand mean- while flung around his enemy's neck, and gave him a spinning fall that sent MS left hand out for balance. It fell across the back of the seat, and Mal- lory pinioned it with elbow and knee Before it could escape:'' All in the sante crowded moment, Bis left knuckles jolted the man's chin 'in the air, and so bewildered him that his muscles relaxed enough for •Mallory's right fingers to squirm their ;way to the trigger, and aim the gun ,at the other robber, and finally to get ;entire control of - it. The thing had happened in such `a flash that the second' outlaw could :hardly believe his eyes. The shriek ),of the astounded passengers, and the grunt of Mallory's prisoner, as, 'he 'crashed backward, woke him to the need for action... He caught his other gun from its holster, and made for a double volley, but there was nothing ito aim at. Mallory was crouched in ;the seat, and almost 'perfectly cov- ered by a human shield. , Still, from force of habit and fool - ;hardy pluck, Bill aimed at Mallory's ,right eyebrow, just abaft Jake's 'right "Dr. Temple, would you, mind re ere set on mischief, for they said unto re- lieving that man of those guns?" me make its gods which sball go be - Dr. Temple was so set up by this fore us. " * ` I asked for their gold, distinction that he answered: "Not by so they gave it to me: then I cast it Iinto the fire, and there came out this • "Walter!" Mrs. Temple checked calf" (verses 22-24). ibim, before be could titter the beau- Then just think of the death of the •tiful word, and Dr. Temple looked at 3,C00, for which he was responsible her almost reproachfully, as he (verse 98). This is calleda temperance ;sighed: "Golly, I should like to swear lesson, and If used as such it seems to just once more." me that the harm brought to many by Then he reached up and disarmed the misconduct of one comes in here the man who had taken his wallet very strongly. and his wife's keepsakes. But what shall be said of preachers American children breathe in this who,to please the people and beep desperado romance with their earliest theiposition, either keep back the btraditions, and Dr, Temple felt all his truth or teach what is not truth? All oyhood zest surge back with a boy's calm stand before others as leaders ;tremendous rapture in a deed of der- should remember Gal. 1, 10; 1 Thess. ring -do. And now nothing could check II,4 his swagger, as he said: to Mallory,: Notice bow Moses stood with God "What shall we do with these ,:;In bis showing them by a most strik• dam-ned sinners?" ' lug object tear= how they had broken He felt like apologizing for the the law, In his grinding the calf to clerical relapse into a puipitism, but powder ancl making them drink it. iu Mallory answered briskly: "We'd bet- his call for those on the Lord's side to ter take them into the smoking room. slay even their own kindred if guilty' They scare the ladie;l' ,,•But first, wilt, of worshiping the Idol. The responsd Ithe conductor take those bags and of Levi. is referred to in Mal IL, 5-7, distribute the contents to their right- some ofthe words ,.being "the feat fel owners?" wherewith Ile feared Me and was afra ill • The conductor was proud to act as before My name; M ° 0 IIs wa'v.e, lieutenant to this lieutenant, and he with Me in peace and equity and did quickly relieved the robbers of their turn many away from Iniquity."' loot -kits. Their faithfulness that day is re' Mallory smiled. "Don't give any- ferrel to by_ Moses in these words' body my things," and then he jabbed 'Who said unto his father and, to his his robber with one of the revolvers, mother,- I have not seen him; neither; and commanded: "Forward, march!" ' did he acknowledge his brethren nor The little triumphal procession' knew his own children" (Dent. xxxiii. moved off, with Bill in the lead, fol, M. This' is part of what it means to lowed by Dr. Temple, looking like a Ue on flee Lord's side, not !rrlply giv- whole field battery, followed by Jake,, !ng a' testimony in meeting, but stand- followed by Mallory, followed by the ing against our dearest ones 1f' they porter and as many of the other pas stand •against God, even as our Lord bengers as could crowd into the smok- said, "IIe.that loveth father or mother ing room. more" than .Me is not worthy of Me. • The rest went after those opulent and he that loyeth son or daughter }teed -bags. more than Ile is not worthy of Ale" (Matt. x. 37-80). CHAPTER XI -I. l Consider the pleading of Moses with the Lord before he came down from Clickety-Clickety-Clickety themotuat, for up there the Lord told Marjorie, as the supposed wife of him 01' Israel's sill and how they had lthe rescuing angel, was permitted: corrupted themselves and turned aside first search, and the'first thing• she, quickly out of the way (verses 7r14). bunted for was a certain gold brace- Consider also his request to be blotted Yet that was none of hers. She found, out of God's book rather than not have 'at and seized it with a prayer of: israei forgt'eu (verses 81. 82). and tthanks, and concealed it among her, ittink of the Lord Jesus being actually Lown things. sin for ua Mrs. Temple gave her a guilty start, !tiy speaking across a barrier: i "Mrs. Mallory, your husband is the` bravest' man on earth." "Oh, I 'know he is," Marjorie command they lad jest heard out of the midst of the fire -not to bow down to the likeness of anything, to call their attention to the daily manna as an evidence of the constant care of Tchovalt land to insist that they war- ship the Lord their' God and serve flim only. It seems as if Joshua would have done so, or a man like Daniel or his friends. How can we account for Aaron's listening to them, asking for their gold earrings. melting them into the form of n calf and deliberately fash- loulug it with a graving tool? (Verse 4) When Moses rebuked Aaron for his great sin, hear part of his reply: "Thou knowest the people, that they For' nursing mothers Na-Draa-Co LaxaUUves offer the important adVatat age that they do not disturb the rest of the system or affect the child. 2.5C, a. box at your ,Druggist's. Drug andChemical Co., National a I9' 1 5 of Canada. Limited. 7 Afrai(1 of Dogs. "D14 you ask,for. a handout at' der blg house?" "No.' Jes' as 1 wuz about to go in derogate de minister lookin' guy told me •wuz goin' to der dogs, so I turned around au' come back." -St. Louis, Globe -Democrat. rulai tdtal;;;loss or s'itallry. crust naw 0d':me ie'time, •:lou tnust.inove to.a healthy, congenial cesert and: eeeuper te, 1 would adviseaa season.in the tenement district of New York. It will' strengthen two fatten you. AUCo1b1N' lc '!iEGi)LATI0Na Law Is All Right When Not interpreted by aFernatips vr, "What's satin' 'e Jason?" in [red 3 n q the -hardware man' ieasan' y as h t p t19 is aged customer, doubtless thinking of something else, picked a tenpenuy nail from the barrel and started to. nib- ble at. the head. "What's eatin'- me? Well, ,I been to the fair -that's what's eatin' me. I been to the fair." "Wa'n'the fair good enough?" "Good enough," snorted the pleasure .seeker,, "Too darn good -that's what - was the trouble with it. Yes, sir, if anybody had told me what I was go - In' to run up agin at that:, fair I wouldn't have believed 'em. Right smaek up on horticultural hall, where nobody could miss it, was' the sign, 'No Liquor, Gambling or Immoral Shows Allowed on the Grounds.' " "Of course," said the hardware man, "that's the very sign you put up your- self when you was secretary of the as- sociation fifteen years ago." "S'pose it was! S'pose it was! That ain't any reason, is it, why I sh'd tramp around to five different re- freshment stands and wink at every sep'rate stand and not Bud a thing harder'u spft cider?'' It ain't any rea- son why I sh'd walk my legs -off look - in' for a place to lay a few dimes on the red or black and not find nothlu' but spindle' machines giviu' chances on breastpins and dollar watches. It ain't any reason wiry I sh'd pay 25 cents to see the big double show of oriental and Turkish dancers ttud not auythlug inside brat a look at a lot of bum dance stets that could have been done just ns well at a Sunday s:•hool Nettie. I'u, in f ser of the law -yes. sir -Inst 1 dent ,,r 1L" 19 NV !ulorpret- Do As Others Do, -Take, this time-tested—world proved—home remedy which suits and benefits most people. Tried for three generations, the best corrective and preventive of the numerous ailments caused by defective or irregular action of the organs of digestion and elimination has been proved to be BEECHAM°S 1LLS (Tho' Largest Sole of Any Medicine is the World) - If you have not tried this matchless family medicine, you do not know what it means to have better digestion, sounder sleep, brighter eyes, clearer complexion, which conte after Beecham's Pills have cleared the system of impurities. Try them now -and know. Always of the same excellence -in all climates ; in every season-Beecham's Pills are The Tried; Trusted Remedy Prepared only by Thomas Beecham, St. Helens, Lancashire, England. Sold everywhere in Canada and U. S. America. In boxcs,25 cents. MRS. A. SATCHtcof Cannington Manor, Sask. Writes :-"My brother suf- fered severely from eczema. The sores were very erten_ r sive, and burned ;like coals into his flesh. Zam-Buk took put all the fire, and quicfcly gave him ease. Within three weeks of commencing with Zam'Buk treatment, every sore had been cured." - This is but one of the many letters we are constantly receiving from people who have proved the healing powers of Zam-Buk. For eczema, piles, sores, burns, cuts and all skin troubles there is nothing like this wonderful balm;., No akin disease should• be con- sidered incurable until Zam-Buts has been tried, • All Druggists, 50c. per Box. 0 Refuse Substitutes. Ha uy a lot of curneti females. I want . moderation, and I want a fair that' ain't ti ministers' convention nor yet 11 church so:•ial:_' - Horatio Winslow am, Puck. The Man Higher Up. Crick! Crack! Crash! The skaters turued and fled. Brea one, less fortunate than the rest; was. overtaken by the widening crack, threw up his hands and fell is with n: benfty splash, "Help!" "He's drowning!" "Get a ladder!" At last the ladder was procurer Cautiously approaching the pool, which was ornamented by the luckless man's head and shoulders, the park keeper placed the ladder in position and be- gan to creep along it. "Come in a bit closer!" he shouted. "I can't swim," answered the ins- - promptu bather. "But you're only up to your armpit", man," said the park keeper, "Yon ain't got no need to swim. Walla" "Walls be blowed!" responded the. other. "This water's ten foot deep. "Ten foot deep!" exclaimed the park keeper. "Then how are you keeping up?„ "How?" retorted the bather, "Why, I'm standing on the bloke that broke the ice!" -Answers. ro lire in hearts we leave behind 151 not to die. -Campbell. of Cook's Cotton Er ox Compound cbeamed, and added with a spasm onscience: "but he isn't . mY huan band!" Mrs. Temple gasped in horror, but' (Marjorie dragged her close, . and!, !poured out the whole story, while they, other•nassengere recovered!theironron-'' ICantantlefl next Week, The great, Uterine Tonic. and only .sate effectual Monthly Regulator on which s'_ �✓d, womenean ofStrehNota$i;dg. Strength -No. io. 2, 10 dcgrees'stronger�C 3; No.3, • for. special eases 'y5 per.box, Sold by all druggists, or sent Prepaid ,on receipt of `.price. Free pamphlet. Address Tilt spasglom'sies.,TUBOHTC.OW, ii0eMwdY.l„ViAliM4 Jogging Laziness into Activity The merchant whose business lags in the summer has himself to thank. To slacken the selling pace in the hot season—to lessen Advertising activity—indicates a resignation which has no place in modern business. If we think we cannot keep our business booming in summer time, we surely will not. What a jolt it must have been to the fur trade, when the first mid -summer fur advertisement was run in aPP dailyp paper! ! Now many n fur stores are following' ' the example of that progressive fur man who dared to believe that fur sales need not go down as the mercury goes up. Energy, linked with Advertising, has turned the month of January into the biggest selling season for white goods. Advertisements of a high stimula- tive power, combined with a disregard of "seasons,'', have opened up automobile selling two months earlier than was once thought possible. Advertising has started Christmas shopping early in October instead ofthe middle of December. Advertising rises superior to seasons and thermom- eters. The right kind of Advertising strikes a responsive cord in human nature—and human nature is. the same in August as in December. Advice t. sIming youradvertiehlg prof lelns is available through any reoogoised Canadian advertising agency, or the Secretary of the Can. Wien Press Assochtion.Roorg5OSLwnden&mldmg.Toronto. Enquiry involves no obligation on yourrpart--so write, if interested.