The Clinton New Era, 1913-08-14, Page 2zt :0006o.4R:04 61041,� 14000.9000*lMlO0lat 01)0i�060411M®MO Y*OrrYoo4 000.0100.0.** • w rrriR*rr*rou setesseresersesseceoassrases mate©e®o000.0604eee0. 'Oird S`tratiteona, Celebrates Ills 93rd Birilltla�y o '2414 secoli4ti Oldest Peer ill tile.itca1111 Mt®lDe®sot a esseessesOo©000sseseseetes i k`'I5 I NT HUEPTA o{' h6 1 EX:CC7 The New Era. 17TH YEAR. "IN THE PUBLIC SER'VIC:G,'' W. I[. KERR a SON, Props, J. Leslie Kerr, Business ilIauarcr New Era, One Year in advance $1.00 New Era, when not paid in ad- vance... $1.50 New Era, t;1 the United States in advance $1,50 Advertising Rates on Application. Job work prices advance on July 1st 1,13, in accordance with the Huron Co. Preis Asso- ciation Rates. Orate Phone 30 Rouse Phone 05 Di[e5 01 frail [01rs Ween COMM Payfield Sept 20-20 Blyth Sept 30 -Oct 1 Brussels .,Oct 2-3 Rowick Oct 4 Exeter ...... ..... ...... : ......Sept 15-10 tloderich : --•--' `teat 17-19 Zurich Sept 1:8-19 Seafortlh .......-.... .Sept 16-19 Tei sw e t., a c1 Oct 7-8 \Ving.lam .. -. .,.. Sept 20-29 'THECMPIIIE ^ityr rY� Former - nited States 4muas- sacLor Henry Lane Wilson. who with his wife. recency returned +tto Washington, having been recalled by S"cretary of State Bryan dower right) bacon for with President 1j• Ilion as to the recognition 'of u r:a ,Lower left) as .Pres:dent of Mexico. I'm iatienice enthroned on the job! rot in spite of the idol. I've grown tG'ith the players, the fans and the, press, I must wander the cirenit—aL-:Ine Like a sort of hermit, I guess. Im the monarch of all I survey, Though they call 100 a "stiff'" • and a "chunhp " But it s alt in the workof the da;-, And the pay, ain't so worse—I'm the iinzp SIMMER COMPL1INTS KILL LITTLE ONES At first sign of ill:Liss during the. hot weather give thelitle ones Baby's Orval Tablets or in a fete ours he may be beyond cure These Tablets will prevent summer complaints if given occasionally to th well child and troubles if they come on suddenly, Baby Own Tablets is slhould 'always be kept �in. ever} hoarse where there a.'syoung ebhldr, n Ther,. is no other med- icine as good clnd . the *idler has the, guarantee of a government analyst that they are absolutely s,af The Tablets are seal by reed-. icne ,dealers or b1 mail at 24,ciirnts a hoz from the DrWitham•'. Med- icine Co., Brockville, Ont. A Mole's Nast. Among comhnon animals few have' been less studied in their life history, than the mole, Mr. Lionel E. Adams says that under the "fortress" which the mole constructs above the surface of the ground will always be found a e ies'of tunnels running out beneath he adjacent field. A curious feature. ost invariably found is a Parnell' dicnlar . run penetrating about a foot below the bottom of the nest and then turning upward to meet another ran. mole is never found in his nest, ai- ough it may yet be warm from his dy when opened. Guided by smell d hearing, a mole frequently locates BY BERTON BRALEY. the nest of a partridge or" pheasant ve his run and, penetrating it from ow, eats the .eggs. The 'adult mole practically blind, but there are em- onic indications that the power of sight in the race has deteriorated. se th slm A, th bo an • lam lntonareh of all 1 survey; bbl My • right there is mine toldispute? bel Through abrick may :come sailing r my vvlay," Ar, la batti1e, a bat ora boot!' Pim the guy with the pugnacious saw, Pan the bass of the di'mond, you And my 'Mord it the ultimate law, .Pm the •pliayer's particular pet. The public.is strong fox my ways,; Yee, its 8ondlness surpasses belief As it slips me the ..verbal bo uete Such as "thief 1"" and "rummy ! and thief 1 Nla anger must roughen my brow !When Pm fleeing the. teams and the mob In the midst of the busiest row A Japanese Peculiarity. "'When a Japanese servant is rebuk- ed or scolded," says a traveler, "he must smile like a Ohesbire cat. The, etiquette in smiles is very misleading 'I at first I often used to think that Taki, my rlksba `boy: meant to be im- pertinent when he insisted on smiling when I was angry at him. But when he told me o! the death of his little child with ,a buret o! laughter I knew that this tees only one of the curious details of etiquette in this Wily turvy, . land" = • MPS MEN Ps( LANE WILTON, Get ext To Year Liver. EF YOU DONT Something Serious May Happen. At times everyone is bilious, the Liver becomes overworked, bad bile is accu- ululated, and enters the blood, and causes a general clogging up of the secretions. When this happens no one can escape Constipation, Jaundice, Headaches, I'Icartburn, Indigestion, Liver Com- plaint, and those tired weary feelings which follow the wrong action of the Liver. .3IILOVRN'S LAxA-LIVEIt PILLS Stinhn- late the sluggish Liver, clean the coated tongue, sweeten the breath, and clear away all the waste and poisonous matter• from the system. Mrs. 1T, A. hlcCr,ARAN, Rimbey, Alta„ writes:--" I have used MILBURN'S LAxA- L1vER Pn,LSand am greatly pleased with the results. I had Indigestion, and. such a bitter taste in my mouth after retiring that was so unpleasant I could not sleep well, and also had a deathly sickness sometimes after I had eaten. Two vials of LASH -LIVER PILLS have cured me." MILaugei s LAXA-LIVER PILLS are 25 cents per vial or 5 vials for 51.00. See that you get them when asked for. Manufactured only by The 'f. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. • • .ltltlio� ii flet tet Winter' h d lure ; W. ll�f�gl,lr7i. a1 Plee , five BA B.4SThB S L R Sumner 4ad, tell fall. 11u regard. tot q tiIITQ ISOTA1t1' the.Marti not appl,as' alLoWance witsl'77,¢1•4t it E2+p toad Dor the early Season,' obtxl+Air he cup is awarded 1 Everybody now admits Zara-L'uk' $est for theee. Let it.. glue YOU ease and comfort. Dr„grests and Storrs everyyoh rt e t15Nir'4' : LORD S'1R&PT'ICONit. London, Aug, 0.—Lord Stratheona and Mi11i,nl• Royal, for many years a for:�nlost figure hi C!ao adian ihulhlic life, and allow, with the exception of Lord Wenyss, the oldest .peer of the realm, quietly .celebrated his ni1n.'ty-third birthday • a110iveh'- sary :on 1i'c•dptesday. He rei.eivc l a ver table fLnod of congratulu- un',y Messages and among the send cru were hundreds of Civnaidians. Lord `ltiathcona's \Vunderfitt phy- sical persistence is one of0he re markable features of a Wonderful career, In spite .of his great age he remains an active man. On las+ Dominion Day he shook hands with hundreds orf v is:tor's at the Queen's TI+al1 r.'cepti.on, and a few clays la.x he was able to pres'de at the an- nual m eti,ng of Oho lludson.'s I'•oy Company. 0f which ho is president, and to deliver his annual address to the stockholders. BYE ELE4 IONS SOON Interesting Federal Campaign's Promised in Font. hidings. Ott a wa, • Aug.,6.—Preperatiuns are under the way aac!.daeetip are expected to be fixed shortly for the Pc deral bye -elections Ln Chateau- guay, South Lanark, South Bruce and East Middlesex, The liberal majority Last election 'un Chateau- guay was fifty andira Consorva- tive Load in South Bruce under 100 so that hot contest are expe,cedi in those ridings, The other arc Con- servative by heavy majorities. without a doubt you'll find this out in all your travels round about the bread that's best with any meal— isaju,t the one and only real Mother's Bread +�amms� better bread - could not be made --that's what you'll say when you have tried this crispy, crusty Mother's Bread :i H. nliff Phone No. 1 and have it delivered to your house every day. Fishing -► For Dollars Are you satisilpd w1th the catch 9,, Are yon'usine he beat bait? Classified Want Ads. in this paper bring maks. 0.'1', liS11,40NL1. meteor Ontario Apples Best in ,�1merivaa, • ,Ontarl'o to -clay holds the p001010l' position 00 the North America tor- 011)Il t a 1ppie-pr 7dncing ca 'iitil this was sett I el Friday at the ovhibition of•Lhe Into rra In ial A1, f +o oirrppel's Asse cItion at Cie o land. e i 11 the president's Cep - a sweep stake, for the entire spew was„utalild to .Ontario, \Vmd,t sreceie 1 friday afire �- Yernen;r o:, the ti, 'eome IICWS bv. F3 )n1 I. D rf: 4 lister of Ag;rio- ulLur f ,am M, W P K art and _Sir S,e Palm r 11031st +,its. lit the fruit Branch who liar'° charge of the Pint inti tl exhibit The win is doubly significemt for it mea s a A:r that .Ontar•i+o won :first in its 0Wn. clays where it was grouped with Nora Scots, 3lain^., .New 100tah%h;• 'Vermont Massaclhusetts, Co nneet- rut, 13:hod: Is Land. Now 'York, $Bali.. Wisconsin ,and Minn,:.sota. Th:, .Ontario exhibit was only col- lected en oondlay shipped Tuesday and carried' the priaos off od Wed - Good 'Farm for Sate. Lot.35, Concession 3 I'uckcrsmifl' oontz'ning 100 acres 93 all cleared and in 0 •spl:11did state lel Ctlltiv- ation. The farm is Iva!! ueder dra'n^r1 and fenced with fire acres of good hard woad bush Lore - bank Iran and strati shed with good stabling, silo and other nut uildin„s tl,':orl brick lions,oig1:'t rooms 14-L6-the/land woodshed with good erl'lar and hard and soft water. There is a splendid apple orchard also large orchard of plhnus, pears, and cherry s trees and an abundance of shade trees. On thofar•nr ere tee). neyei failing wells one with with the windmill Th'' •fal'nr, is eon eenient to church and school six mires from thetow'n town of Clinton .end Scaforth and 2 1-2m',1.7s from j3i'ucefield Tel phone in house with long distatnee connection, rural mail delivery root a to be established imnhdiately Terms reasonable as' the pro- rictnr is giving up farming, Apply on'tlie premises o1' address. A. ELOOAT, • Brucef:eld Will Sell at Ninety $60.000,00 five per ecrit Gold Mu- nicipal. Debentures (11n•t Western), in lots of one thousand and up. In- terest ceepo)15 half yearly, All offers subject topureh,aser's right to investigate Lite! and legality of issue. Security unbounded, Rate elightly above five anti a half per cent per annum, All offers sub- ject to prior sales, Address BOX N, Clinton, Farm lot' Side. A sale, being desirable Con, farm Hallett. Good frame house and kitchen ; bank barn 50x66, 3 miles,from Clin- ton, 3-4 mile from school. The farm is well: fenced, well u.nderdraioed, and in good state of cultivation. Plenty of spring water. Possession given to suit! purchaser. For fur- ther particulars apply to J0HN CARIIERT, Phone 4 on 165. Clinton, P.O. Slabs For Sale 11 inches long, .Hardwood, 12 inches long, Bocly Wood, —0_ SIdP[]TOy' SAW Mitt molimmomonommirm I --_0--- We can Tilt all orders for Na- tional Portland Cement at once. call or phone, J0 HUTTON LONDESBOI20 CLINTON COAD VARDS Yards Opposite G. 11. B. Station Ali' kinds of Coat on hand=' Chestnut Solt Coal Stove Blacksmith Furnace Coke Kennel Coal and Wood Tile --a , 3 gild 4 -inch size— . The Tile is of:the very ,best 1 quality. Brick to Order. RS ES Phone 52. �y1V7z. +1 d; otn is ofNew York. Presides/it of Ce*lllli12l,le l on, Iui1d rs Open telt a 1 &d7tLB tlirr asauirt'i $ B. anal 0.)rnpeti1), p' _ Conveyance, Notary Public, Commfasiondr, eta 1�i1�e{tdD1��S Wanted Issuer .NESTAT.B AND INSURANCE,, Issuer of Marriage Licenses, Huron gt„ [7linton. I am now ready ito hand!10'at TTetns and Yoonp' ,CI111eleetnsi and Young :Ducks, ort highest prices, !",uttl v .:taken not latter than Thursday "h'f mach w+evlt, Other b'ow'l) handled leiter on. W, MARQT.IS Base Line Phone -14 on 160. • Auction. Sale of Stilk001 Actin sal of School' property on N,10(101' Au;, :itlh, at 1p,m beim S.S. No. 8H7n1101t the building is a, frame structure and there is one acre of Land, Also two box stoves far -eat:: one ».early new, Money Wanted. I have several inquiries for loans of various amounts and will be pleased to find investments for funds oe mortgages, W. LR'Y DONE Farm lor Sale A desirable 10 acre farm for sale Good flame house, a parlor, dining room, slimmer 1 1t[rihen and 1s'ood: shed- A bank barn with cement floors, pig pen with cement floor and troughs, incl drive shed, well drained, all seeded but about 22 acres everything in good shape, Some of the money may be hacl at a low rate of interest, will sell wvith or without crop, Apply to 71, 11ESIi, Londesboro. or on the premises, lot 17, con. 8, .Piuliett. Waa nted A man •of good culdress and abil- ity to act as our a'epresentativie in the County of Huron, e,A splendid opening for the right ;natl. Por full particulars write STONE & WELLINGTON Nurserymen, Toronto, Ont To The Farmers • Insure your horses and cattle a- gainst death by accident or disease. All valuable live stock is being protected in this manner. Reason- able rates and quick settlements, Call and see. C. B. HALe, Residence Phone No.100 ; Office No,2 Windstorm insurance The da WeatherIaw insure buildings against dam- age done by windstorms, moderate rates. No premium note. O.UARLES B. HALE District Agent Clinton Farm For Sale 35 of acres, alt con,12, part 0o 34, consisting township, 3miles from Londes- boro, and 5mtles frown' BIyth 11-2 miles from School. A bank .darn 36 by 56, another barn 36x52, drive shed 24x40. A brick house, plenty of water, about Re', Igoe of or- ehard. Possession can be given right after harvest. Apply to. WILLIAM LONGMAN, Wirth, P. 30. Farm for Sale The executor of the Southcombe Estate offers for sale 50 acres — East half of lot 28, ecu, 6, 'Huliett. A first-class farm, well watered and improved, and with good buildings, Alio the undersigned offers for sale, lot 29; con. 6,Hu11- ett, 100 acres. These farms may be bought together or separately. JAMES SOUTECOM:t,E. Notary'Puhli,' Conveyancer, , 4 Winancial and Rea Estate. INSURANCE AGENT -Rep esentina14Fire:In seroma Companies.. Dllvisioii Court Office.' Med;i1:a ,1. DR) 5. W. TRO]ispSON special attention giSven to dine diseases of the Eye, .Ear. Throat, and Nose, Eyed careuny examined, and enitable glasses!, prescribed, Mee and Residence. Tyro doors west of the Commercial doter • Duron St, DRS, CIlltiN and CAN78fl)It Dr. W. Gnus, L.10. c i',. L. St, CS.. Edfs Ilr„1.11 Candler. B.A. 31.11. (Moe -Ontario Street, Clinton, Night cans at resideno0, Battenbarl ISS. or at hotmtal DI'6... J. W. &i0-SAVV. PEYSICIAN, 0URG1ON, 1001708511% etc,; ofiicti aid residence on tenburyRt,. onvosite W, Farran's residence, DR. 10. N. AXON bENT1hT; Crown and )fridge Worlt a Specialty;” Graduate of C.C.D.S.,a Chicago, end 11.0,D,5 Toronto, itayllelti on 1londal's, May lst to Decent FOWLER, DENTIST. Ofdoes over O'NEIL'S 6tore, Special care taken to make dental tree.,• mane as painless ae poedible. THOMAS GUNDRY Lire stock and general Auction 1e» GODERICH O$ T Maim store sales a specials), WGots of ai NM ERA miles, Clinton, prt.mr•t,y attended. to. Terms reasonable. Farmers' sale noto 'liseonnted G. D. McTaggart Al, D. MoTaggag McTagj r Br,' 3„ BRRIIf1ERS ALBERT ST , CLINTON General Banking Essiine s transacted NOTES DISCOUNTED Drafts issued. Interest allowed on deposits. The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co, Perm and Isolated Town Props erty Only Insured. J. B. McLean,OPresidEentt, Seafortih• J Conssoijy, Vice -Fres., Godes+ich. T, E, Hays, Sec, -Tress., Seafosith, DIRECTORS. Jas, Connelly, Hclmesville, John Watt, 'Harlock ; G. Dale, Clinton; D. P. McGregor, Seafortb i J. Evans, Beechwood , J, G. Grieve, Winthrop J Benneweas, Brodhagen; M. Mc. Ewan, Clinton. Each Director is Iuspector og losses Urn his own district. AGENTS. Robt Smith, Harlock; Ed.Ilinch- ley, Seafortb; Wm, Chesney, Eg- mondvjUe; .'. W. Yeo, Hol.meavilI% Paymee NEo r ek Clothing Co. Clinton, mor R._ H. Cutt, Goderich. JACOB TAYLOR CLINTON Fire, Life and Accident Clinton,' Insurance Ford & McLeod We're now selling Timothy Seed (Government Standard,). We also have on hand, Alfalfa, Alsike, and Red. Clover, We always, have on hand —Goose Wheat, Peas, Barley and Feed Corn Highest Market Prices paid for Hay and :all .Grains, , Ford & McLeod AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaAAAa 4 4 i iPi'oos . 4 to A C 4 See and here our finest o. 1 New Stylish designs of ” Doherty Pianos and a .4 4 t 4 Organs, s. 4 4s. Q' ,special values in Art Cases4 '. 4 1 Pianos and organs rent pt ed, choice new Edison E, 4 'phonographs, Music & variety goods, s.O. to 4 4 1. C. H08Ce E Dr. de Van's Female Pills RA reliable French regulator; never tails. Those f . pills are. exceedingly powerful in regulating the, el generative portion of the female system. Refuse le all cheap imitations, Dr. de Vow% are sold at S6 a box, or three for $10. Mailed to any address. AWA►4A�XAIIJAAA/Wo/tAA (Th. 1ooben Dru>r Co,. 85 Gat4ReLlox.On6. Music Emporium. Real estate bought and sold Money to loan Office resat, Street, next door to New Ern Grand Trunk Railway System Railway Time Table London, Huron and Bruce. North Passenger London, depart...,., 8,30am 4.50 p m Centralia 9.40 5,43 Exeter 9.53 5.547 Bensa1l;,,,,.,...,•10.08 6.05 Kippen 10,16 6.11 Brucefield 10.30 6.19 Clinton 11.00 6.35 Londesboro 11,18 6.52 Blyth 7.00 Belgrave 11.40 '7.13i Wingham, arrive.,, 11.50 7,35 South Passenger Wingham, depart6.43 a an 3.33 p m Belgrave 6,54 3,44 Blyth .... '7.08 3.50 Londesboro 7,16 4.04 Clinton 7.50 423 Brucefeld 8.12 4,39' Kipper 8.23 4.47 Hensel! 8.32 4.52 Exeter 8.48 5.05 Centralia 9,0 5.15 London, arrive 10 00 6,10 Buffalo and (lode,- Wee. lode„Wee”. Pscaengez Stratford ,,10.0 12,20 6.28 10.20 Mitchell 10.22 12.45 5.55 10.47 Seafortb ,,.,10.45' 1.10 6.18 11.12 Clinton 11.07 1.25 6.40 11.28 13olwesatlIe,...;11,16 1,33 6,46 I1.38 Goderieb ...11.35 1.50 7,05 11,55 East 1'asseng,)r Goderich a m pm p m Holmesviile 7.10 2.40 4.50 7,26 2.57 5.06 Clinton 735 3,07 5,15 Seatorth ••.: 7,52 3.25 5,32 Mitchell ....... :8,16 3,48 5 55 Stratford 8.40 4.15 6 20 411