The Clinton New Era, 1913-06-26, Page 6...®-� 4posassommor
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Children Cry forFletcher s
z: which gen
lit and bas .s�3
tt aI c c
: 1A Tia o
The Rind You ala o 3 Bonght,
ht use for over 30 yeas, has borne the signature of
,;,,,m, and Inas been macre stridor Itis per-
Soaial supervision since its infancy.
cl/1 .A,Ilow no one to aeeeivo you in this.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just -as -good" are but
Experiments that trine with and endanger the health of
Infants and. Children -Experience against Experiment.
h,hati RIA
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare-
goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic
substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys '%Norms
,end. allele PeveriShuess. For more than thirty years it
Jas been in constant use for the relief of Constipation,
Flatulency, Wind Colic, all Teething Troubles and
Diarrhoea., It regulates tiie Stomach and Bowels,
tissimilates tixe.Food, giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Clliltlaen S Panacea -Tho Mother's Friend.
Bears the Signature of
The Bought
Kind You ilave
ways i�
Its Use For Over 30 Years
tka.JitaeaTeletat ^eaefeeeeeeeraaantlea atm' era
Helpless Crowds Watch Tragedy
at Niagara Whirlpool,
;den -Year -Old Chums in Boat Got
' Away From Moorings and Were
t Swept Into Swirl of Waters-
Clasped Hands and Crouched In
• Boat as End Approached -Old- _..
er Lad Swam to the Shore.
NIAGARA FALLS, N.Y., June 23. -
Hubert Moore, the 1.n -year-old son of
ll}irs. Tobia Moore, 6281.2 Elmwood
avenue, and Donald Roscoe, ten -year-
old son of William Roscoe, 710 Ash-
land avenue, were carried to death in
a fishing punt in the \'hiripool Ra-
pids at five o'clock yesterday after-
noon. Elliott Thompson, the 14 -year-
old son of Frank Thompson, 455 Elm-
wood avenue, escaped by leaping from
the craft and swimming ashore.
Fully 300 people saw the two boys
go to their death, but were powerless
to lend aid. A call was sent to the
ire department, but the inen who
desponded could do nothing to prevent
the tragedy.
The three boys were playing on the
lower river bank below the plant of
the Niagara Falls Brewing Co. A fish-
ing punt owned by George Wolfe.
1,172 Michigan avenue, was moored
to a tree stump, and the little fellows
clambered into the boatand amused
themselves for an hour throwing sticks
into • the river and watching the cur-
rent carry them ashore, When the
old rope that held the punt broke the
boys did not notice that the craft
was adrit until itwas about twenty
feet from the shore, but having seen
sticks carried shoreward by the aue
rent, the boys did not apparently feet
alarmed. Soon, however, they were,
horrified to discover that the punt was
going clown stream at a rapid pare.
Yount Thmmnsnn the only member
or the party who eould swim, plunged
into the river and swam ashore, after
telling his companions not to worry,
that the boat would be carried ashore
by the current. For half a mile the
little fellow ran along the rough bank
calling encouragement to his maroon-
ed companions. Then, exhausted, he
fell to the ground. He watched the
boat round the curve in the river and
saw it carried quickly to midstream
by • the swift water just above the
Whirlpool Rapids. He trudged home,
completely done out, andsis in bed
suffering from terrible nervous shock.
Word was quickly passed that two
boys were adrift in a boat without
oars, and the river banks were 'lined
with people. A crowd lined the rail
of the tower bridto as the little craft
with its helpless pa-senaers plunged
into the Whirlpool Rapids.
Just before the enek•sheil death trap
entered the rapids, the two little vic-
tims of the treacherous stream stood
up and shook hands. Men wept and
women screamed when they witnessed,
this touching ween. Then, as if in
prayer, the helniee4 ten -year-old;
crouched in the bottnm of the boat
with their Hands clasped. In an in-
stant young Monte threw up his head,
braced himself. and grabbed the side
of the boat. Hi+ companion did like-
wise, and the old fishing punt struck
the first wave of' the Whirlpool Rapids.
The boat was tnseerl in the air by a
giant wave forty feet high, the great-
est of all waves of the rapids.
Like soldiers under fire. the boys
faced their doom )hanging tight to the
side of the punt, awhile the tiny craft
was buffeted frdm wave to wave in
the turbulent, rushing, toseine. waters
of the rapids. After mounting tha
mammoth wave, the punt plunged her
nose into the crest and sank with her
human freight. The two boys were
still holding fast to the sides of tha
boat when the cruel waters engulfed
Mrs. Roscoe is seriously ill, and it is
feared the shock will kill her. • Three
physicians were working aver last
night: She is unconscious. Mrs.
Moore is prostrated by the shock.
Los. footing In Boat.
TORONT), June 23 -Losing bis bal.
anae while standing up in a rowboat
in the lake off Swnnsee'va-t",•r1nv 5f.
vernoon,Pr•ard Breiiaher, aged' 32;
fell into the water and was drowned.
His companion, Alexander Murdock,
was unable to make any attempt at
rescue, as Bremner's head clic) not -ap-
pear above the surface. The accident
occurred directly opposite the Grena-
dier Pond, about a mile and a halt'
from shore.
Bremner and Murdock were triune
and boarded at.142 Northcote avenue,
Taking advantage of the ideal, weath.
or, the two went to the boathouse of
•Walter Dean at Sunnyside and rented
a four -seated lariat, having two pair of
o'clock the me de•
i t two 1 n
oars. Uo i A
aided to retuin to
•boat house.
They had goteopposite Swansea when
Bremner stood up. A choppy sea caus-
ed the boat to roll slightly and Bram-,
nee, not accustomed to boats, fell
overboard. His feet struck the side of
the craft -and pushed it farther away.
English Woman Drowned Herself.
GUELPH, June 23. -"That Gertrude
Clayton committed suicide by drown-
ing •in the river Speed, near Lyon
Park, on June lath, while in a fit of
despondency," was the verdict arrived
at by the jury empaneled to enquire
into the circumstances surrounding,
the death of Gertrude Clayton, the
English girl, whose body was taken
from the river on Monday.
Before she leaped into the river she.
posted four letters to different parties
in which she told of her intention of
doing away with herself.
Brothers Get Fifteen Years,
BRIDGETOWN, N.S., June 23. --
Judge Ritchie Saturday morning sen-
tenced the Graves brothers, who were
an Friday found guilty: of manslaugh-
ter in connection with the murder of
Kenneth Lee, in June of 19!`3, to fif-
teen years each in Dorchester Peni.
Win Teach Cadets To Swim.
KINGSTON, June 23. -There is
something new on the program for the
cadet camp, which opens next week
at Barriefield, in that the boys will
be taught to swim. Last summer
swimming at adjacent- bay and river
shore was prohibited. The location for
swimming will, be properly patrolled
and competent instructors will be on
-,hand. The camp this year promises to
be larger than lint which was the
' first in Canada.
Thursday, Jung 23(th,'1913,
Cyclone in Elgin.
ST. THOMAS, Tune 23.-A disas-
trous cyclone, which swept across' the,
southeastern part of Elgin Counlr
late Friday afternoon. Out a swath 20'
rods wide and a quarter of a mil;:
long, leveling everything in its path.
In the vicinity of Vienna houses were
partially wrecked and many trees uprooted. A large harp was struck by
lightning and destroyed. No one ccs,
I injured.
Between Women's
Health or Suffering
The main reason why so many
women suffer greatly at times
is because of a run-down con-
dition. Debility, poor circula-
tion show in headaches, lan-
guor, . nervousness and worry.
(Tho t.ar0ost Salo of Any Madleine 1n Um Weld)
are the safest, surest, most
convenient and most economi-
cal remedy. They clear the
system of poisons, . purify the
blood, relieve suffering and
ensure such good health and
strength that all the bodily
organswork naturally andprop-
erly. In actions, feelings and.
looks, thousands of women have
proved that Beecham's Pills
Make All
The Difference
Sold everywhere. In boxes, 25 cents.
Women will find the directions with every box.
very valuable.
u. . s�' .:T. wa.zH7"� x t 5: •"?ane' %L�w �l�li
The only building material that has not increased
in price is
Portland CEMENT
It makes concrete that you can depend upon for satisfactory results, whe her you use it for a silo
or a garden walk. o
High quality and low price are made possible by eincicnt organization and manufacturing
economies due to a large and growing demand.
See that every bag of cement you huy bears tha"Canada" label -it is your guarantee
of satisfaction. •
Canada Cement Company Limited, Montreal
Write far a free copy of the book " What the Farmer Cass Do With Concrete."
Will killevery fly in your
house or store. Allyou have to
do is to get theflies to the Pads.
Directions in each packet
show how to do this.
Suction of G.T.R. Fly,r. Draws Youth
Under Wheels.
TORONTO, June 23. -Harold G.
Worth, weed 28, of 123 Victor avenue,'
wearer of the Royal Humane Society's
medal for conspicuous "nallantry in.
saving four lives from the lake .two
years ago, met .instant death on the
G.T.R. tracks at a. point midway be-
tween Port Union and Rosebault about
seven o'clock on Set r rlay, when ••
suction from the faat-moving Grand
Trunk eastbound flyer drew him under
the wheals.
\Vm•tb was speaking to an engineer
friend on a freight train at Rosebank
station. While speaking to him, the
.flyer rushed past, and 1t is thought
the friction drew him into the train,
FIe fell in towards the express and
was struck, knocked baekwerda, and
killed instantly.
Worth and his father Robert are
prominent in bowling circles, both be-
ing members of the Kew Beach Bowl-
ing Club. Both also were awarded the.
Humane Society medal for their dar-
ing rescue of four young men from an
overturned rowboat in the lake oppo-
site Lee avenue in June, 1011. It will
be recalled that father and son, hear-
ing cries for help, put out in a small
open boat at midnight and effected
the rescue in spit of the heavy sea
which was running. Their heroism
was made the occasion of a public
reception at the City Hall, where the
medals were presented to them.
Henry Cronmiller, sr., of Welland,,
died at the age of 84.
Four deaths and eleven injuries
have been recorded in Toronto as a
result of accidents within the past
two days.
The body of Henry Geery, who dis-
appeared last Monday from Oshawa,
was found at noon yesterday floating
down the creek.
The blood-stained body of an un-
known man was found by Alexander
Haky, lying under the steps at the
basement door of ielaehorne, 131 Well-
ington street west, Toronto.
Mrs, Couch, wife of Ilev. S. 11.
Couch, Fenwick, had her leg broken
and was -otherwise injured by a mail
bag thrown from a T., 11. & B. fast
train passing the staton there,.
Fire early Sunday morning at Mar -
mora destroyed the Hotel Royal, its
barns, sheds and laundry building,
also Miss McWilliam's millinery
store, Dr. H. M. Jones' drug store and
Delbert Gladstone, carpenter, fell.
from the roof of the C.P.R. station at
North Bay, where he was working,
breaking his arm and sustaining other
injuries. Luckily his fall Vas broken
by an awning.
The Englishman sailed from Mont-
real Saturday for Liverpool with 440
fat cattle. These are the first cattle
to cross the poncl for over two years,
although great attempts are being
made to revive the trade.
GordonB..Cameron of Montreal was
sentenced to 25 months in prison and
15 lashes for brutally abusing his
daughter. The girl in her evidence
said if her father was released to con-
tinue his abuse, she would commit sui-
While attempting to frighten three
fugitives, two men and a woman,
whom he was pursurne about Saturday
morning, by firing his revolver, Con-
stable Mitchell of Winnipeg :lint and
wounded Robert Turnbull, aged 22, in
the back.
Montreal Youth' Charged With Fed -
citing In Schools.
MONTREAL, June 28. -Mortimer
Gleason, a young fellow showing the
fearful effects of the constant use of
cocaine appeared in court yesterday,
cl.arged with pedclling tha drug among
school children,
He made a pathetic appeal to the
police to supply hien with.- soros:
"coke," but -his begging fell upon deaf
Gleason is an old "Snowbird." He
got into trouble here a while ago by
attempting to throw cocaine over the
jail wall to some of his friends who
were cooped is inside at 'work on the
stone pile.).
Explorer's Ship Reporter' Traveling
Towards Nome City.
VICTORIA, June 23. -The. Govern-
ment steamer Quadra reports by wire-
less that the Karluk with the Stefans-
son Arctic expedition on board is an-
chored in Duncan Bay near Cape
Mudge, awaiting favorable tide to pass
through Seymour Narrows. This is the
first time Karluk has been spoken
since her departure from here Tues-
day afternoon:
Since her departure the Karluk'has
averaged about seven knots ,.n hour
which is remarkable time for a vessel
loaded down las is the Arctic ship.
It is expected Haat she wilt reach •
Nome by July 8, where Stefansson
and some of the other members of
the, expedition will join them. Stefans-
son plans to leave Seattle about July
1st for Name.
Choked on False Teeth.
NORTH BAT, June I3: illiam
Rees, 22 years old, was drowned while
bathing in Lake Nipissing yesterday
morning. lees' sister, a nurse in.
North Bay hospital saw bar brother
sink to death a few yards from the
boat in which she sat, while another
brother had just' left the water and
was on the bake. The body was re-
covered' three hours later. It is
thought -the accident was caused by
Rees' false. teeth slipping into his
throat and cholting him. He was a
good swimmer, )Zees arrived in North
Bay from Swansea, Wales, only. last
Friday, and had engaged with the
T. & N. 0. Railway to begin work
this morning.
Eight Hurt In Auto Wreck.
HAMILTON, June 23. -On the
Plains road, outside Freeman's post -
office, an automobile, the owner of
which was unknown , at ,the time of
going to press, turned turtle and fell
into the .ditch on Sunday afternoon.
There were eight occupants in the ear,
two of whom were so seriously injured
that they were removed to the'hos-
Lost Life While Cooking Dinner.
MONTREAL, June 23. -Geo. Ark -
Wright undertook Saturday to cook his
own supper while his wife attended to
the children. While frying potatoes,
the pan upset, and he sustained fatal
burns. •
His wife was also badly burned
while she wrapped her blazing hus-
band in a blanket.
Almost Despaired of Ever Getting
MRS. MARY MACKAY, Hunter's Moun-
tain, N.S., writes:-" I was troubled with
Indigestion for more than ten years.
I tried several doctors' medicine, claim-
ing the power to cure, but all withoutsuc-
cess. Having heard of the many cures
effected by Burdock Blood Bitters, I
decided to give it a trial. After taking
two bottles, I was completely cured.
ltJ y appetite which was very poor, is now
good, and I can eat most everything
without any disagreeable feelings
can strongly recommend I3.B.B. to any-
one suffering from Indigestion."
BURDOCK BLOOD Brr'rifiss is the best
known remedy for all Stomach Troubles.
It has been on the market for thirty-
nine years, and is manufactured only by
The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto,
Suicide By Gas.
TORONTO, June 23, -Shortly after
three o'clock yesterday morning James
Forbes, aged 38, E Ulster street, was
found in the kitchen of his home in
an unennseious condtiou. The gas jets
were turned on and the man held the
rubber tubing oaunecting with a gas
tuts in his hand.
Dr. Hendrick 646 Bathurst street,
worked over Forbes for three hours
and also used the Toronto Electric
Light Co.'s pulmotor, but could not
restore life.
Blood 325 a Quart.
NEW YORK; June `.:,S. -The market
for human blond appears to have
rate 1p
been set where at $25 a quart.
In answer to a pineerd posted in
the West t Side 1 1LC.A., ten hardy
athletes have offprede to part with a
full quart of blow) at that price, for a
blond transfusion operation.
The successful applicant is a west-
ern college graduate, slotted because
shnwrd h1= blond to be in almost
perfect condition. ]lis name is with -
'y{.u'u "t,n r.. 5 a.
Doors -- as
(1► WMAWN•
summepLr School •
j For courses in all Business •
e subjects leading to positions •
• as Bookkeepers or Steno-
• graphers and for Civil Service
e ancl Commercial Specialists'
• exami nations will be eon-
• ducted in Shaw's Schools, To
• rento, (The Central Business
• College with four city Branch
• Schools) from July 3rd to
• August this year. Studentsagi.
may enter any time for
• general .Courses. No vacations.
• Write W. H. Shaw, President,
• for catalogue. 391 Young St„
p Toronto,
4.004106 :es6009••o9aee►s•11•e••
Walking and Filiiag O'Iiver
I.H. C. Gasoline Engines
McCormack Machinery Pumps
and Windmills.
miner & Litile
Corner of Prances and Albert
Ceii trai.RnsinessCollege
Stratford, (rut.
Canada's Best
Buslntss Collage
We have thorough courses, and
compelled, experienced instructor
We do more for our students anc
gradnates than other schools, do
At present we have application
offering from $600 to $1200 per an-
num for trained hielp. Business
men knew 'where they. melt the best
help, We have three departments'
Commercial; Shorthand nad Teleg-
raphy. Gat our frlee catalogue,
Look at these roomy
Double Feed Doors.
You can use a big
shovel ••-• there is no
; danger of hitting the
® n e 1',l$ sides and spilling coal
all over �the floor.
hese doors will admit
---J° a big chunk of wood too:
Aslc our agent to explain The Sunshine Furnace is
its many advantages, or
write our nearest branch easy to operate.
for booklet.
Toronto Montreal Winnipeg , Vancouver St. John, N.B.
Hamilton Calgary Saskatoon Edmonton 331
Sold by IIIAM c& SUTTER-
Four of the Six Recently Sentenced
• Force Their Release.
LONDON, June 23. - 111 -health
brought about by"hunger striking,"
opened the prisodoors Saturday to
four of the six nfiicials of the Wo-
men's Social and Political Union, the
militant' suffragette organization, who
were sentenced on Tuesday last to
varying terms of imprisonment for
conspiracy to commit malicious dam.
age to property.
The women who were 'diked on li-
cense were Miss Annie a enny, who
sueerintended the organization of the
\'omen's Social and Political Union;
Miss Rachel Barrell assistant editor
of The Suffragette; Miss Agnes Lake,
business manager of the militants' or-
gan, and Miss Laura G.:aldine Len-
nov, a sub -editor.
Miss 'Keeney was serving a term t;f
18 months imprisonment, Miss Bar-
rett nine menthe, and Miss Lake and
MisseT.ennox six months each. all at
na1'CI la um:.
The prisoners declared„ when sen-
tence was pronounced, that they would
refuse to eat and would compel the
prison authorities to release them.
The prison authorities hay: also
released Miss Laura Geraldine
nox, formerly sisub-editor of The
Suffragette, who was sentencedto six
mouths' imprisonment by the central
criminal court on June 17 for conspir-
ing to commit malicious damage to
She and her companie-s, all of
whom were committed for long terms,
refused to eat anything f 'm the mo-
ment they were sent to jail.
Fire at Le rning:on.
LEAlafING'TO\ zee.. June -.i
fire whichcaus,1 wl nt$1,Cd r,i . , -
occurred in th. i' ei'.era,al .tri
town yesterday afterca. , 'f' - i '
belonged to. Mr. Fred. Mr) • '•...
with bis farm); , way away f••
w'nen the tiro -t;,it' i. IN n
contents are il..,�n:41 to ..,
tits loss.
Toronto, Sarnia, Sault Ste. Marie, :Port Arthur,
Fort R'illiam aJH1 • Winnipeg.
STEAMBOAT SPECIAL Effective June 7th
W estbottud
.ems m .�- . ,,,.,,.,--Ism.
Toronto, G.T.R, ..10.45
Ramilton, G,.TR. 11.53
London, G.T.R. 2.18
Sarnia Wharf, Nor. Nay. Co4.15
S.S. Marie, Ont., Nor. Nay. Co.11.30
Bort Arthur, Nor. Nava Co7.30
Fort William,. Nor, Nay. Co9.00
Winnipeg, G.T.P. Rlaliwayf ...... 7.45
a.m.-141op„ Wed,, Sat.„ Wed., Sat
p m. -]thou., Wed., Sat,
p.m. -Mee., Wed., Sat.
a.m.-Thur,, Sun. -3 p.m. Tues.
,a.ia�,-Mlon. Priv.
a.m.-MOIL, Fri. -2,30 p.m.Wed,
a,m.-Tues., Thurs., Sat,
, Parllor-Cafe, Parlor Cars and Fir
and Sarnia Wharf.
Standard Sleeping Cars (electric
Colonist Sleeping Gars (berths fre
twelen Feet William and Winnipeg.
Commencing June 16th tathrough
ing 'Car wilt be'operatedl between
and Edmonton,
This is the inauguration of Grand
vice biatween' eastern and Western
A slpeciat train will run the reve
Toronto, commnecing Juniet 8th, a!n
dray therleaflter.
Full particulars, Reservations on
nod lonapgglicetion .to Grand Trunk
C. E. 'HORNING, D. P. A.,
A. 0. PATTISON, Stlati;om Ticket A
st-class Cioaches between Toronto
lights in leaver and tapper berths)
e), Dining Oar ands 'Coaches bei-
electric Lighted Standard Sleep -
Fort William, Winnipeg, Saskatoon
Trunk Lake and Rail Route Ser -
Canada. '
rse, way -frons Sarnia Wharf to
d each Tuesday, Friday and Sun -
Steamers or Trains, may be oletai
Agents for write
Union Station, Toronto, Ont.
aasenger & ticket agent, phone 57.
gent, Phlon,e 35a.
D. A. lfcLacblan, Principal ` �y
Women and Advertisements
SOME statements are so saturated with their
own moral as to require no comment. "Rid-
ing on a car during the excitement over,the
naval battles between Russia and Japan," said Mr.
Thomas Martindale, before the Retail Merchants'
Association of Pennsylvania, "I observed that the
men were reading the war news and the women
were reading advertisements. Those women, I
watched keenly, read eoery line of the advertise,
ments, and then turned to the woman's page, This
ride was a distance of eighty miles, yet at the
journey's end the women had nor yet had ,time to
turn to the, actual news of the day. The women
want advertisements to read, and you must present
your business in a readable shape to be in the fight
these days."
is your Stock Moving? If not.
Then we can Iiolp You,
New Era Ads pay -They
get right at the people.