The Clinton New Era, 1913-06-26, Page 4•-•,•• ..4""r"r"e""e'"'rere'l'Ieseeeee""testeests, 111111linery atitl !Dress Malting tt) Wear Pliotto 78 4RILLIANT "ASSORTMENT OF ew. Summer Dresses Stunning new Dresses from thebest makers in Canada are now on display in our Ready -to wear De- • partment. Uade of all-over embroidery, colored voile "silk muli, repps a:nci linen, in the smartest of designs. Ideal garments for morning, afternoon or evening wear, in ladies and misses sizes. Prices $4 to $25,00 New Tub Skirts We are showing this season a smaft line in New Wash- , Skirts including Cor- duory, Pique, Repp and Indian Head. Prices range from $2.5o to $5 oo House Dresses We've passed into stock 5 doz. Ladies Print House Dresses are guaranteed fast colors, made of good quality -print, sizes 34 to 44, very special Ifor Saturday $1.25 Millinery Half Price We have about two dozen Trimmed Hats left I and would like to clear these before our milliners leave. They are all up-to-date styles, sold from -$5 to $7, your choice Satuiday $3.5o. Ladies Cloth Coats $3.go We have only four Ladies Short Coats left, made of covert cloth, color fawn, sizes 32, 34, and f36, regular $6.5o for $3,98 • ,fibleot lessons In Thrift Slabs For Sale (Windsor Record) Every time you toss away a nickel , cacelessly you throw away the work of 1 14 inches long, Hardwood, '$f at 5 per cenk for one year, Throwing away a dime is losing the I 12 inches Long. Body Wood. the work of $2 f3r one year, Wasting 31 'is squandering away al years interest on $20, ,nent. on $7 300. dissipating a year's income at 5 per every day tor twenty months you are STAPLET'' SA 1W 11111,1, When you spend $1 extravagantly Saving ten cents a day your gather , equals haying $365 working for you 365 days of the year at 5 per cent. Saving ten cents a day you gather '.sum equal to a years indome on $730 at 5 per cent, 'Saving $1 a day is exactly the same 'see 5 per cent. intesest on 37,3000 for a Whole year. These are the elements finance— the A. B. O's of money making. Mullett .• lleiss Mabel Written spent Sunday With her friend', iVliss Elsie Button, of S Mr. James Shobrook and daugh tee, Mabel are spending a few mon- ths with eelativee in Michigan. Miss Viol ot Philips ii still uncle" {the dector's' aerie. Mr, and Mrs. •Thos. Shobrook° spent Sunday at the home of John Oa[tight. Wm. Sltevens spent Satorday with Erucerield friends. e Mr. land ',Mrs, Norman Cartee spent Friday With his cousin, Jos. Cartes". AYFIEL D Our }SOW]) is again becoming fill ed with visitors and as wet deem it necessary itlesmake me.ntion of the' most important ones. We now de- • sire tio•sareak. .of one, Dr. William un keit land his wife who. were old /tine& residents or this place. Dr. Plunkett is known as gee of, our pion ce- sched-teachers and mcist of our middle aged residents can well eo- n-ea/nil:et' Ms great dexterity in wielding the stick and placed him in connection, with the wordssof the poet, "A man severe he was and sten' to view. I knew him well and teey truant knewa' Since leav- • ing here Mr. Plunkett t became a doctor and Made good in the State of Iowa, Het is now in his eighty- second ese(er and compabaStlively ,aetlye and still bolding his old time !esteem with the public. • Milburn The SeilOCti TrliSter.‘a leave secured the eta vices pf our popular teacher Mr. Shackelton for another year. The pathmastee have had the roads teas.ft ancl west of the village irapeoVed by having the stones naked' loff. Miss Geatrude Asquith underwent a painful loperation on Monday for throat trouble. Miss Thompson, of 'Myth, spent Sunday aft the Ellett Horne. We ;extend congratulations to MT. 3104In Steady who celebrated his 87th birthday on Tuesday, -The membees /of the Ilan -illy were all home also Mr. Kernighan, of Col - beans% spent the dlay with Mr. Sturdy. Mr. John Young and Thomas Rat cliff e.weaft West la,st week. Miss 'Brown ()law, is visiting 'at Mr. Wm. Patterson's, R,obent Lockhart arrived home last The Youmg ' lad:e3 of the village showerei Miss 'Hattie Dawson on Monday night. The n -embers °tithe rim emigre,. gat san surprised Mr. and Mrs. Laing on Monday ea•aning with a shower, of furniture. A social evening was spent on ti e Manse lawn. Mr. Robert Stall:Qv has ordered a 'Buckeye traction ditching machine •and expect to have it in operation soon. Summerithi • I . Miss Elsie Emown saetnit Sunday Connell at London this _wee's. with her friend, Miss (SortieOaks R. Adams, Mrs. Boyd and daugh- 000000000000000• 0000000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 NO FILT11--,NO„:PlelES. V le el 'formof should be re, . ITIOveld h ou Beholder. him!! • ct:,fer,,1414u 6 OVIO, Not iittly,gaie baegie but "ein:' c areeT r a g a, ,• lawn el Ip: %alas' pings and • h ere e h el d , rubbish, should go / into • such. containers..- Much of this rubbish. can be burned. An old garbage can with a defective bottom will make an excel/ant furnace. Such a can may be inverted and raised six or eight inches from the ground. Numerous ,holes May then be punched into the upper end. This end will there- after serve as a screen and pre- vent bits of- burning paper or ash from menacing the neigh- borhood. , When 'the back alley way and cellar are scrupulously clean screen the house. Screen every window and every doorway. See that the screens fit and that they • are free from holes. There is little use in screening most win- dows and most doors if some windows and some doors are not protected. 'Also flea* can enter through very small holes, and thus only perfect screens should be used. eeei 000 000000000 0000+0, 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 sr.. although in his 93rd year, is still hale, and hearty. There will be no League /fleeting next %aeek. But the following w eis the meeting will 'be held 'at Mr. Levi Wiltees. LondesbOro The rains of last week were very wi lame as 'things were getting pretty well dried up. The ee:vice in the Methodis church next Sunday will Le of a special character. Rev. Osterhou will preach in the morning and Rev. Mr. Red' of the Presbytewitan church in the evening. Miss Viol:t Phillips is on the sick A paely Of picnickers went to Getterich last Friday to si end the da v. It turned out ratt er damp and rainy. The regular meeting, tof the WO- 1117rCS Institute will be held ineon- junotion with the Women's Instit- ut? at :Slyth on Tee,sday afternoon next nt the home of Mrs, 5, Pople- stone. A conveyance will be at Mrs Alt son's at 1.30 to convey the meml e ta Blyth. All are invited. Dr. AirS011 atte-Ildel the Medical ESTATE 'Huron °minty Press met here on Monday and lied an enjoyable sesion. Mr. 3. J. Hunter, of the Kincardine Reporter took up the matter of job Sates and Mr Lorne Eedy of the St. Harps journal, gave a talk on home mei foreign advertising. There were Camay painters absent and missed teeny points that would benefit them. The following Publishers were I sresent: • ffss..J. Mitchell, News Record Clinton. fas. Mitchell, Goderich Star. itr. Southcott, Exeter Times, aa Zeiler, Zurich Herald. Spotton, Wingham Times. r, L, Kerr, Clinton New Era. Ousy Eyes See It All, , Mr and Mrs. Wm. Ford sant a few ays last week at the 'home of the aters sister, Mrs. 11, Diehl of 3tanle v Miss Erma, Diehl, of Stanly left on aturday to visit friends in Steatford. Mr. George Roberto') was iu Brussels :et Saturaay attending the funeral of 1r. eohn Cardiff. Mr, Arthur Allin, 111. A, son of Rev. Allin of town has beeu engaged as Sieuce teacher in the Jarvis street ollegiate Inetitute, Toronto, corn encing his duties next September. Ma and Miss Mann, of Clinton, tended the Mee—Wilbee wedding at eusseis lest week. l3A OK TO SEAFORTH et despatch from Dauphin, Man., I yaz "Owen Carr, homesteader front "blin, was arrested here last night, ' d Will be sent to his relatives at aforth, Ont. He was meting queer. and laboring underedelusions re- edirig family matters." GRAND TRUNK RSVSTEV DOMINION DAY SINGLE FARE }Going June 30th • July 1st, 'Return Limit Ally and. FARE AND 01E-T11111D Going June 28, 20,30; July- let Return Limit July 3rd Pethweon all stations in Canada 't 'of Port Arthu ,r also to Detroit and Fort Hurone Mich., Buffalo, I ,lack 'Rock, Niagara Fa ISs and Sus- pension Brielge, N.Y. Tickets now On sale at Grand Trunk ticket of,- fi ces, JOHN LANSFORD & SON, Passengte: & ticket agent, phone 57 A. O. PA:TTISON, Depot Agesit C. El. HORNING, D. P. A., Union Stsltion, Toronto, Ont. •, TINY DHNG you want done in the line of Plumbing Tinsnailhing Eavetroughing. Let us Give you' a Price Prices given on all Contract Work. Cali or Phone for our Prices. ..M1171.1i1MIsmemml,Mmaer.....armays, Byam & Sutter Sanitary Plumbers J'hone 7. MAAAmANNAAAAAAAAAttetnaw 1 Kippen Mun n—Jon r s-00 Wednesday the 18th inst, Mr. J. R. Munn of Us- 1, borne a nd Miss Ida Joree, only " 'daughter of Mr, W. J. Jon.e3 were quietly married by Rev. T. J. Snow don. The, young couple left on the. •evening tram Oh a trip to Lon- don and Toronto, 'Upon their re- ture the, young conple will take up housekeeping on the groom's fine flarm, London Road, north of Ex - este a The bride who,, was organist in the, Methediet church will lo I missed vetmuch. All the numer- ous friends of 11-e- young couple join in wishing them bon voyage ovee tae matrimonial sea Mr. Jno. Jones has sold Ile re- mainder of his fine .farm to his son William, and has gone to live with his daughter, airs. Johns, of Elim villas Party -five , years ago, Mee Jones and his family'rnoved from Hastings County to this farm, lot 4, con. 3, Stanley. The country was then compheatiately new and his Selma was only partly cleared but with commendable industry, good manageneent and -excellent judg- ment lee and his late behaved part- ner, Mrs: Jones, ' who died about I five years ago, made ithe farrn one of the finest in buildings bled ap- pearance in ([his part bf the coun- try. This condition will he, contin tied under the careful ruanageeneet of his son. Mr.. Jones will he, great ly missed in this vicinity and espee fatly intim Methodist church where he and his family have always been regular alteencla.nts and loyal mem- bers, The' best wishes often follow him ha his ' new home where we hope le may spend many happy years of helpfulness. Tnekersmith Thp. 1111e flee anniversary ewas held -beet Sunday at Turner's church Year by year the flower Sunday is gnawing in interest tend influence This church is in a healeby eondi- Incite and the trustees have de- cided to decorate the church in the 'near feature. Stanley: Mr. Hugh :McGregor, jr., went to, Warkention east week in the 0111 - ploy of the Massey-Heal:is „Co. ' Carapbeal and Ler, daughter May, are visiting ten the Linew?lok this Thos.)3, Baird and bride re- thrned froant wedding trip at the end tee last week Mr, Alex: E. Gilmour returned beim Deeroit on Tuesday last. Miss C. McDonald was visiting On l[hs 1115lIast week, She 'wee the guest IPS Mrs, Jealin Buteleart. The, young )eeop e on the Line he lid en1C 111 BayfieAd On Friday of last} we', London Road Mr, George Hanley is improving the ilinTaearance ,of his house by a eclat of paint. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Peaclock vis- ited Mr. Peacock's brother in Hied - at over Sunday. Mr. eelobent a:11.11Am' has enlarged his feern by buying the downer lot of Granite's) village from Mr. Elliott Hiss on on Satnrday to Visit Mr. and Mrs. J. Shipley drow to Me. Shipley's father Mr Shi ter sre ,a few days in GoderSch from Friday last till Tuesday. Nice shower of rain on Wednes- day. Some have started to cut bay— crop very poor. HolmoovIlle Mr. Ben. McCormick, of Trow- bridge, sr,ent a few days at thepar sonage thif3 w,esk. Donk forget the monster camp services }on the old camp grounds a few rads down the Maitland Road neett Sunday. At 10.30 a.m.. Robert Holm; s, Esq., of Toronto, preach and at 730. Rev. A. K. :Birks, 13. A. L. L. B.,of Dandies will, d,eliver the sermon. In the afternoon} at 2.30 a platfo.rm me eting will be held when two of the Old Boys will ,speak. The Holmesville choir will be ably aesisted by ,singers from Clinton and inthe ,e,veming a male chorus of 40 voices will -lead the service in song. Soloists also have been en- gaged in the persons of Mr. Fowler of Goderich and Miss MeCormick, of Trowbridge. There is. splendid 500011)005±101)for horses, Every -- one is cordially invitej. to attend thee special services. Exeter The bribery charges against Ezra Brenner, of Grand Bend, were to to have been tried before Judge Doyle, at Goderich, last week, bat when the case was called his honor, after listen• ing to the argument of Lawyer Haver. ston, as to jurisdiction, decided to send a stated case to the Court of Appeal. There will be ameeting of representa- tives of the Sunday schools on Wednesday evering to arrange for a union excursion to Springbaeik or elsewhere. , The South Huron Sunday school convention elected for their President John Scott, of Exeter. Frank O'Brien, of Chiseihuret, who has been president for two years, is moving out of the .hn 'Wightman's grove uaber the auspicea of the Metkcidist„, Sunday t1Qh00l,0n•Fridry July Ith. An inter estieg 'genie of baseball will be played between Etelgrave and Westfield clubs ,•eand otber sports will be indulged in during the day., lelie I). Carter has seeuredthe booth privileges and will sthetrea'(-Of iCe eream,.fruit, etc, Every blielaeiteiOome and do not tail to bring yotrr lexneh basket with you. 13Iyth Mg. ,Tantee Sims and eon arrived henne fronaelliinton Saturday evening The meatilei have become prevalent among the school children and older •' TheMisses King of Saskatoon, Seek,, are visiting their grand parents, Mr, and Mrs -George King. Mr: Franlc Metcalf will le ive next month for the West where he will resume his position as Dominion fruit Inspector, ° Next Sunday will be observed as flowor Sunday in . the Methodist Church, Special music and a special collection for miesious is asked for. Miss Lily Carr is the delegate from W. 0, T. U. to the °minty Convention 1 at Wingham on Tuesday and Friday of this week. A number of others intend going. The cativassesr for signatures to the i petition for the submission of the • Canada Temperance Act to the Electors next October have coinpleted their work. We understand they. received the required number of naisaes. , Teachers' Camp. NOM. ,Will Be Held at London JUly 2 to August 13, A camp of instruction in physical end military training for male school teachers will be held in London frorn July 2 to Aegust 13. Notice of the camp is I sing sent out by Major Me. Urimmon, organizer and instructor of cadet corps. It is expected that a large number of teachers from all over Western Ontario will attend the six weeks of camp. School teachers at- tending the camp Will receive from the department of militia and defence at the rate of 32 per day. They will also be entitled to transport to and from home. II' WILL APPLY IN CLINTON ' Collingwood Saturday News—Some enterprising carivaseers from Toronto print shops are said to have secured over one thousand dollars in orders for printieg from Barrie and Orillia, And yet people wonder why so much money goes to the departmental stores. The Toronto Globe had a proverb as [bit heading of au artiSle recently, which should serve every other place, It was "Spend Toronto Money in Toronto.' Good advice, which every town and villege might follow. MINOR LOCALS, Dominion Day next Tuesday. .1.1" is a Statutory holiday and hence bnsiness places will be closed. Clinton Orangemen will go to ensell for July 121.11. County W. 0. T. 11, Convention In Wingham Thursday , and Feiday of this week, Saturday of this week the joint annual meeting of East Huron for the Commons, and North Huron, for this Legislative, Associations will be held in the Town Hall, Winghana at 2 p.na. After the business addvisses will be given by James Bowman, M. P, and A. H. Musgrove, M. P. P. MINOR LOCALS, Clinton Orangemen will go to Hen- sel! for July 12th. Tue New Era Editor is grateful for off subscription accounts and will b the goodly number who anti squaring equally thankful to receive shnilar remittances from those still owing. The New Era gives the news, Dominion Day come son a Tuesday. Open For Engagentruts ,Clinfttm Brass Band open for engag.ements, Apply aer teems to T. PIERIVIAN • Douse for Sale A six-thenied house (intim Lon- don Road, known as the Hayward honse. To Iseremoved: Apply to owners PHILIP ROWCLIFFE, London Road For Sale vietoz, Victrolia, Cabinet style, cost 352,00; • and 20 Recorde,' Cost 35e each. Re 10505 and Grainaphone complete for $1-0.00 cash. Also a CilIrtt Gasioline. Li ht• nmettng of forte -300 ''c. p. id, 70 -feet of hollow copper wire sI 350.00; Lor 325.00 cash. JAS: E. WILLIS, . Seaforth, Ont. . co , hi county. I co Belgrave My. E. Wightman, Sesk„ is renew- ing old aquaintances. Mr. Frank Wheeler of Vancouver is visiting friends in and &round il3e1- grave, Wm, and Dan. Ferguson4are home for the holidays. P. W, Scott has it beautiful new auto, Reit, Hestia a,nd wife are renewing old equaintances in Belgxsave. 1, teid of Guelph gave a very in structive lecture on horses a t. the Far- mers Institute last week The Woman's Institute held in Bel - grave lest week was well aetended. • Dr. and Mrs % Stewaet are„attencling the medical convention in London this week, Westfield Miss jean Tiinney, of Auburn, spent Sunday at her home here. Mis. N. ()lemons, of I3espeler, is visiting Mrs. Charles Campbell. Mr. Ed. Taylor, who- been on the sick list, we are glad to here is well agein. Miss Lily Taylor, of Blyth, is visiting Mrs. Wes. Stackhouse in IVestfield. Mr, and • Mrs. Prank Hollyman spent Sunday visiting a.t her home in Westfield. Arrangements are now eompleted for the tnaramoth picnic to be held in JUST ARRIVD -" A carload .of Weetern Oats, also a carload, of PLOUR, BRAN AND SHORTS, We sell the following kinds or Stour, whol eeale, and, te ' FIVE ROSES, EXETER, JEWEL QUEEN, PERFECTION. AND NORTH ,STAR, • ,1 in 100 lbs,, 50 lbs., Ond 25 lbs. tots We also keep on hated a full lthe of teed—Wheat, Small. Wheat for chiCkens, Barley, Oats', Coen, Bucle- wheiat, Shorts, Bran, Low-grade Fleur, Oil Calte„ Etc., Kee. , In it few days We al I I have a full line of 'POULTRY Foops. Clive,' us al Call and Ceti Una Prices LIVE POULTRY . and non -f eati NEW LAID EGGS wanted at top prices, at :the Elevator. TheGun-laiigiois Co., Limited The up-to-date Pinn Clinton N. W, TRE WARTIIA, W. jENKINS . • Phone{ 64. , r.ehnredaY,, je:11-6 ,2oni, '1914. TH E GR;EATEST 'VARIETY OF ,EDINNG-.PRESEN'I'S . Will be Found at This Store Cut Glass • Chinaware Brass Goods Fancy Goods Dinner, Sets Tea Sets You VV1111 Find What Vou Want At the Price You Want to Pay eofDper & eo. eliriton MANY JUNE WEDDINGS IRWIN—BOOTH. A quiet wedding took place in the Methodist parson!' e. Crescent Heights a gory, Alta., Weclnesday evening, June 4th, at 380 p.m.. when Rev. Wm. Irwin of Bellevue, Alta., and eon of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Irwin, of Clinton, was united in marriage to Miss Laura Booth, of Toronto, Ont. Rev. Robt Irwin, of Fishburn, Alta., supported the groom while Miss Ruby Irwin, of Calgary, acted as bridesmaid. The ceremony was performed by Rev. J. B. Francis. Mr. and Mrss Irwin left for Bellevue Thursday evening, where Mr. Irwin will enter upon the third year :as pastor of the Methodist church in that town, The brotherhood extends hearty congratulations and trusts Mr. and Mrs. Irwin will spend many happy Years together in the service of humanity. LOUNSB CRY —MISENE Et At the home of bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John N. IVIisener, 58 Patter. SOS Avenue, Miss Edna Amelia was joined in holy wedlock to Chas. A Lounsbury of St. 1 atharines on Wednesday. With Miss Jessie Louns- bury acting as brilesmaid and Ernest Jamieson as best man, the bridal party took their position at 11 30 a. m., to the strains of Mendelssohn's Wedding March, beautifully played by Miss Lounsbury, sister of the groom. The marriage was solemnized by the Rev, ,17. L. Austin of Fonthill in the presence of a number of relatives and friends. Following hearty congratu. lotions and many best wishes all sat, to a bountiful dinner prepaired by the bride's mother. Mr, and Mrs Lonna. bury left on the 345 tram for Lyndon. ville, New York, to spent a few days with relatives of the bride, They will return to the bride's former home on Saturday, leaving again on Sunday for St. Uatharines, their future home, where Mr. Lounsbury conducts a thriving insurance business. The groom is it relative of Mr. Lounsbury, merchant at Londesboro. CLARKSON—STEEP. On Monday at high nocsn npretty wedding took place at the home of Mr. Wm. Stteep., when his daughter, 'Margaret Anne, became the wife of ale, Arthur Cecil Clarkson, -• of town, The ceremony was perfcitm- ce by Lev. D.K. Grant, and the young coup I e wore u not tended , ,presents were handsome and (testiflead bathe popularity of the young couple. After a short honey moon trip they will reside in town, TURNER—ALLIN. Ontario, Street Methodist Church was' the scene of a very prtity, wedding hit noon Wednesday when Alice Elamite, 'eldest daughter of Rev. S. J, and Mrs. Allin was mar- ried to Mr. Peederick R, Turneraof Regina. The ceremony was per - Permed bythe father of the bride,' assisted by the Rev. J. E. Ford, of Wt sley church. The bride wear- ing a gown 61 cream satin charme- use with tulle veil and ,orange blossoms and carrying it shower bouquet of lilli.es of the valley and mauve oechids, entered the church with her brother, Mr. A. P1. Al lin, of Toronto. Miss Mayfrici Alla) was bridesmaid. Miss Mal ,e1 McEwen, of Toronto, and Miss Hattie, Lavis, of Clinton, preceded the bridal party framing an aisle with rib- bons. Mr. D. W. McIntosh, of Evan don, was best man the other attend ants being Mr, jack McEwen, of forma), and Mr. V. W. stain, of Delteoit, The ladiee of the choir had decorattel the church for the occasion, a very petty effect be- ing seemed with ferns, daisies and palms. The wedding music was Play c by Tieleaveneor- • ganist Of the church and while the register was being signed Miss Bea White, of Windsor, rang DeKovenis eesnise lea Alter dejeuner Mr, and Mrs. Turner left for a short trip to Muskoka before going to their home in Regina, the bride tra fling in a suit tof black and gold silk with sills Tagel-braid hat to match. Guests were 'Present from Toronto, London, Detroit, Cil ,eiond. Windsor, Stratford, Brandon, Parkhill and ether points. HOICi NOF111811diC MENU SPECIAL SUNDAY DINNEI i ery man's dead Is against bim. Sea 1 ence has pronounced the death sem. ' tence upon him, and the only reason 1 that bls execution Is delayed is be- cause there are so many of hlm. e This new way is the way of pre- vention. Stables and refuse piles, out- ( houses and garbage cans are points of ' attack in the fly campaigns. By mak- Ing the breeding pleees inhospitality clean ned sanitary more me he ac- complished in a day than in a season , of swatting the fly after tt has once ' come into exestence. EXTRAS Green Onions Radishes Queen Olives Pickled Beets SOUP Chicken Broth English romato FISK • Baked White Fish with Egg Sauce ENTREES Roast Spring Duck with Dressing ROAST Prime etibs of Beef Brown Potatoes Leg of Spring Lamb Roast Turkey BOILED Stewed Spring Chicken with Dunmliugs VEGETABLES New Boiled Potatoes Mashed Old Potatoes Boiled Cabbage Linea Beans DESSERT Rhubarb Pie Lemon isie Strawbeery Shortcake with Whipped Cream Ice Cream Black and Green Tea Culfee Milk Osamcliau Factory Oheese McLaren's Cheese Holbrooks Worcestershire Sauce is served gratis, DINNER 50 CENTS. WAKE UP AND DESTROY THE FLY—NOW. ,When the little pests begin to swarm I about our doors $u thick that no amount of shooiug will drive them away, wben a good dinner is spoiled for es by the siglit of' a fly in the greve, then we will begin to buy fly' traps -and paper and poison and spend hours of each day swatting tbeiu and scolding the children for leaving the door open, and we'll keep right on in the same old way until froet cornee. We have done It for years, and we can go on doing it for years to come, and 11 themsand years from now there will be just as ninny }hoe to swat as there 'are tow uniess we Orange our meth When we were children we were taught that the fly was a harmless lit- tle creature, "natureis'scavenger," and therefore a friend to roan. Even then we looked npon Linn wltb aversiob who» we found him swimming in our milk. But now tbat we know his scavenging consists in collecting filth and disease gernas In our outhouses end deneisfelne them en ear food as. THE SUMMER SCOURGE. FLIES are disease carriers and originate in filth. They are born in filth; they thrive in filth; they prefer filth as art environ- ment. With filth 'It,"!, laden feet - they drag their way through the butter; with filth covered wings they flounder in the milk; with filthy bodies they succumb in the sirup. Prom sewer and alleyway, manure pile and dead cat, they gather disease. This, too, they bring into the butter, the milk and the sirup. And thus human beings die, victims of the noi- some, dirty, disgusting little in- sect—the worst nbisance of the -summer. One female fly lays about 120 perfect eggs, These eggs hatch in ten days. It may be assum- ed that they result in sixty per- fect females. These females lay 120 eggs each. The eggs hatch in ten days and result in 3,600 perfect females. The 3,600. lay 120 eggs each, which hatch in ten days and result in 210,000 fe- males, and so on. If therefore one energetic fly becomes pro- ductive on April 15, how many energetic flies win one manure pile give forth by Oct. 311 Kill the early fly. a no,. 000000000 00000 0 00 00 0 Kill Flies --NOW. Today is the time to kill Wes, mgfa now, before the weather becomes warmer, is the time to clean up, [bus destroying the eggs and eliminating [be flies before they are hatcbed. Tb e Ors[ lazy flies of spring are be- ' ginning to, crawl into the sunny cor- ners. bee fly now may mean 10.000,- 000 later en. , ......acernwm,senslat .