The Clinton New Era, 1913-05-29, Page 2R. \�'tiln`A �t I i 'll u,&i ,> rillIulpililf �llh!! -eases r. 'sere �. f ,.iii•-,.� .r-• . �. .• ,..K.-.` w,' �, /., Move's GreatLondon �(��T�j`� Show TTThreee-Rung CircusDouble Menagerie' • FREE STREET PARADE AT 10 A.M. 41AAAAAAAAAAAAAAUAAAAAAAAAAAAAAiAAAAAAAAAAAAUAAAAAAA 4 444 t 4 Hca] News44 4 1 Q OrVVVYVVVV`?VVVVVVVYVVVTVVVYYr.orVVYYVYVVVVVV VVYV7TflI1 THE EDITOR'S CEIOICE, The editor is'thinking of buying an auto, and has got down to two reliable makes -A Ford and a Gant AM. rd. He has finally decided upon the latter as the one he will have to take HURON CO. PR11SS The next meeting or the bluron Oounty press will. be held in Clin- ton on Friday, June 8th to discuss the proposedrate card for job work. . A full 'attendance is re- quested. Al GOOD ROAD. "While it is true that every mile of road may require different treatment, it may be stated in a general way that arced to suit f he requirements of gen eral traffic should he about 21 feet from shoulder to shoulder The trench whether open drain or tile, should be about two feet below the ;{ vet'sgr h• vel of the road. The stone or gravel should he put on either for single. or deu file track according to requirements. A single track requires atom nine feet of metal in the centre, and a.1 tr;a-tt:e, k road should hi..\ c ;about 16 feet. If the road has been built of crushed stone, and a steam roller used in ire construe tiou there should be a crown of about 12 inches from the shoulder to ths cen- tre of the road, that crown bring sharp- er on the e.irl: h sirr.ulders th m the :tone A hale excess crown is &sirn Ole on a newly Ian it road to provide for settling Aroad that is just right itsregardi crown on first construction will soon become too flat to give proper surface drainage. and is battler to keen in re. pair." -Provincial Engineer McLean CIVIL ENGINEER DRIVING AN ,OX TEAM Here is a story concerning Mr. Charles Whitehead, of Brandon, form- erly of U,inton, ( son of the late Joseph 'Whitehead ) which is absolutely true and which bas not, we believe, been iu print before, Mr Whitehead, sr, was a well known railway contractor; Charles was a Civil Engineer who gen- erally helped his father carry out his contracts. While wording on a new road in Nova Scotia some years ago, they quarrelled, and Charles left his father, heading for home, and landed in Toronto with barely enough money to buy a pair of overal s. 'rhe Michigan Central Railway was then being built in south-western Ontario, and he man- aged to make his way there, securing a job as driver of a yoke of oxen that were Being used in connectiop with the excavation. One day while thus. engaged a party of officials came along to inspect the work, and were, discuss. ing the best way to overcome a small steam that ran along the railway em• bankment, causing considerable trou- ble. The remedy suggested by them involved considerable labor and seem• ed so absurd to MrWhi:tehead what he blurted out what appeared to him a much easier and better plan: The officials were surprised that that apparently an ordinary laborer should know more about sueh things; than they did, and one of them said 'Who are ,you anyhow, that you should pretend to know so much about it?” "Just at present," said Whitehead, "I'm the driver of a bull team of oxen; under other circumstances 1 am Charles Whitehead, Civil' Engineer." When the officials could recover their breath one of them said "You leave that bull team and report at headquarters, and we'll give you a job that is more in keeping with your ability.!' It is needless to add that Mr White. head' did as he was told and proved hie worth. MAY 13,0.D AND !GUN. May Rod and Gun in Canada (publish ed by W. J. Taylor Limited, Wood stock, Ont. ) is out with a varied list of contents. Among the articles noted ted are A Blaze on a Portage g which willstrike a responsive chord in many hearts; After the Giant Masealonge `, of Anchor Bay an entertaining, tale of the St. Clair Flats; A Canoe : Trip to the Great Opeongo Lake district, a well illustrated story of a' somewhat, strenuous trip in Algonquin park; A Southern B. U. Goat Hunt, annccount of a successful trip into the Caseads;. Fox Breeding in Prince Edward Is land; Artical IV of Small For Bearers and Flow. to Take Them; The 'Diary of aCanoe Trip in 854 (conclusion) etc,, ete, • ROSY CHEW STRONG NERVES Should be the Birthrig•lit Ot liberals Attender Centre muton liberal Association; The annual meeting of the Cen-• tre Huron Liberal Association will be held this year in Crodtetrich on 30th. May, 1913, at 3 o'clock p.m.. Note -The notice for meeting at Seaforth 00 27th inst. is cancelled.1 as this year it is thought desirahlel re to hold the meeting in Goderieh on( Every Woman and Crow- the clay of the big Demonstrationi iuo Girl, and give those attending a chance i to remain for the evening. The afternoon meeting will be. addressed by the member 111x.. Prouclfoot Ii.C'. and by J.C. Elicit M.P.P. anti other speakers. I DEeMONSTRATION On the evening of 35th inst. a large demonstration is to bo held by the Liberals of Centre Huron in the Skating Rink at (4odericll, to be Many women and growing girls who should hive bright eyes. nosy cheeks, strong nerves and elastic step, and a good appetite, are seen so decline in health, •Their spirits grow sluggish, the cheeks become pale, temper fitful, and the nerves over sensitive. They may have inherited a tendency to ill health, or they may have over worked, over studied or worried until the strength of the body was not equal to addressed by N.W. Rowell, reader the demand, made upon it. of the Opposition, and other Libel-! ,Tu guard against. a complete break- down iu health the blond utast he kept el members of the.Lezislatu pure and rich. No other medicine can Special Train -Special G.T and do this wellWilliams'of p p i h so .is Ile'. `Villiitms Pink P,Ils. for they let both on the Motel C.P.R. trains will leave Goderich 1 ret ll d after the evening meeting. and nerves restore the appetite and keep every organ toned tip. All women Cannot rest whenever they should, halt this strengthening ?tied ?tate is within every woman's realch, and will keep them in the enjoymentSEF° of good health. And it is especially important that In every stage of 10001111's life the blood supply be kept pure and rich. The value of Dr, Will rates' Pink Pills is well illustrated by the cause of Mrs, David Chambers, Bensfort, Ont„ who says "Some years ago I suffered greatly from impoverish ed blood, I was eery pale and thin and bad no strength. 1 touts a int of doctors medicine without getting any benefit and at last decided to try Ur. Williams' Pinl, Pills. wbichl had heard highly recomttiteoded' It was not long before I began to feel better, and after taking the Pills for perhaps acouple of months nay health was fully restored, and although some yearshavepassed 1 have con tinnedstrong and healthy, and I think I owe it entirely to Dr, Wil Barns' Pink Palle, Sometime letter my [laughter, then about twelve years of age, had been working -very hard at school and her health gave way, She was weak and listless and her hands and lace were badly swollen and we feared dropsy was setting in, However, we started D to give her r. Williams' Pink Pills and she was soon quite well again. I always recommend Dr. Williams' Pink fills to any suffering as we did, know ing the benefit our family received from them," Dr Williams' Pink Pills are sold by all medicine dealers or will be sent by mail, postpaid, at 50 cents a box or six boxes for 82.50 by writing The Dr, Williams' Medicine Co,, Brockville, Ont. I\L _lfurdie. President. J.L. Kiila:tran Secretary. HAVE YOU A SKIN RASH? Zatn BHA Will End For skin rashes, eruptions, eczema, etc., either in adults or children, there is nothing known to science which equals Zam-Buk in the quickness and certainity of its curative power Mr. Raymond Webber, of Allanbarg, Ont. writes: "I have tried Za m•I3nk for many ailments, every time have found it successful. Borne time ago 1 had a bad rash all over my body. I tried home made salves, herb salves, and various home tnade preperations and these pi, aved no nse, but when I ttied'I.am-Buk I was cured in aquarter of the time that I had been experi :melting in vain with other prepare tio•(nJet:,. another occasion I had one of nay fingers crushed, and in that case also %am Bok was the only remedy I used It healed the+wound splendidiv. " JIy boy had boils, and once again Zini Buk brought about a complete cure. We have also used it as a house hold halm, for the injuries and slain diseases which ate common to every person, and can say that in nue ex per len cc, there is nothing to equal Zaul li uk. Zun Buk owes its unique healing power to ce rtan herbal extracts it con tains. Unlike most ointments it con tains no poisonous coloting matter, no animal fat, but is purely herbal, For eezeina, piles, blood poison, abscesses, ulcers, cut', bruises, and all skin in,jur les and diseases it is valuta, equal and should be in every home. 50a. box, all druggist and stores, Use also Z tin Buk Soap, L, tablet. Many Coming to Canada Quebec, May 7- Five ocean steam ers arrived' between '7 o'clock last even ing and 4 o'clock this morning, the Tyralia, Grampian, Victorian, Laur entic and Royal Edward, bringing 6,901 passengers 95 per cent of whom are disdained for the Canadian West. Eighty per cent. of these are British and 20 per cent foreigners. This afternoon the steamers Lake Michigan, Ansonia and Saturna ar rived with 4,000 more, making in all 10,901 passengers by the steamers within 24 hours. ""; ciiod's bosphod.ixle, T2s 610,01 Englislo !Tersely. .The and invigoratestbowhols nervous system, makes new lilocrlin oldVeins. CruresNery ass Dil IJ tl7/, JtentaZ arta Brain Worm, Dos vondeney, ,Sexual N'calcress, Emissions, Spar, rnator r e r . 1 ret. and r c,ls o dL�uscor .P'tccess r. -lila i' Price11six perBold s . for r. One will please, six s gg P trill core. d ,y all tlrir • r mailed plain pkcogg' ono receipt of rice druggists , TrZer nearleel free. 'rhe Woad ltlicine Co. tfo•merld Wherlse'd 'tcronae,Ores INTERMEDIATE FOOT BALL SCHEDULE. Seaforth aft Clinton, May 22nd. Clinton at Brussels, May 30th. Brussels at Seaflor'th, June Oth. Clinton init Seaforth, June lath, Brussels at Clin(tou, June 13. Se'aofrth at Brussels, June 20th Just a Few Items From Our Immense Stock Extension Gables -Golden oak finish, made very strongr6, and 10 feet long, price's $7.00, 8.50, 9.73, 10.'10 and 12,(10, Hall 'trees -Quartered oak finish, bevel mirror:121.20, 6 hat and coat pegs, umbrella holder, for $S, Kitchen Cabinets -Useful and ornamental, 5(150, 8.50 and"21).(10 BabyBaby4':1t•a l.t.,-.g• es -Folding (,arts, Putman tieleeprs, Children's Wagons at low prices. Pictures, Wall Pockets, ExtenSiml Hods Chair Seats, Curtain Stretchers, .Ere. Pliloltes 7r and 8 e n{ e esiELLEw Estate Furniture and -Undertaking. I36.i'1'l i ,0 000P 0,,rk^., Ige ei.,1:ta..,'e10,.. t�a°tvr without a doubt you'll". find this out in a11',• your travels round about the bread that's best with any meal— is just the owl and only real+' Mother's Bread), better bread could not be made —that's what you'll say when you have tried this crispy, crusty Mother's Bread H. Bri1iff Phone No. 11 and have,itl delivered to your house every day. French Acad ean} of Sciences hes a' 1120,000 prize awaiting the faste son who establishes ctn1l o - unie'a'iionT with some planet other tl(ani Mars. ' ,'faro New York police will try mo- tion pictures for the/ identification of criminals, the, idea being' to re - their peculiarities of 'walk and car- riage. HOOFGnC Coii LEFT A II,'' STY, DRY COUGH. Doctors Could Do No Good. . Mrs. A. Mainwright, St. Mary's, Ont., writes:—"I feel it my duty to write and tell you the good your Dr. Wood's Nor- way Pine Syrup did for my little boy. He had whooping cough, which left him with a nasty, dry hard cough, I took him to several doctors, but they did him no good, and I could see my little lad failing day by day. I was advised to take him to another doctor, which I did, and be told me he was going into a decline. I. was telling a neighbour about it, and she told me to get a bottle of Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup, and give it to him regularly. She then got to tell me how much good it did her children, so I got a bottle, and gave it to my little boy, and was so pleased with the result that I bought another one, and by the time he had finished it he, had no cough. He is now fat and strong, and I would not be. accowithountut ."a bottle in the house on any Whooping cough generally begins as a common cold, accompanied with cough- ing and a slight discharge, from the nose. It is, as a rule, more of a child's trouble but also affects adults. Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup is a sure preventative 11 taken in time, and is alsoeffects. a positive cure for any of the after "Dr. Wood's" is put up in a yellow wrapper, three pine trees the trade mark; price 25 and 50 cents. Manufactured only by The T. Milburn Co,, Limited, Toronto, Ont. BABY CUICfaS We are prepared to supply day o'd chicks, hatched from our Prairie State Incubators, in lots of 25, 50 or 1(.0, at 10 cents each. Fat hens wanted at 12c per pound. -. (GUNN, LANG & (70. Limited The up to date firm. \, W, T'ren•artha, W. Jenkins Flinn to Rent Lot 21, concession 1, Stanley. Easy terms, immediate possession, apply to GORDON WALDRON,- Star Building,•Torolito For Sale A first-class short horn hull for sale, 1.1 months old, 00202'- dark roan. apply to Int 335, con. 8, Tnckersmith, or Brucefield P.O. A. EL'OAT Shingle; Cal' o€ shingles arrived T. AieFenzie. For Service Clue thurnhred Yorkshire hear also thornbred Shorthorn P210115 1 hull for service. Tivms—:1+'1.00 at time of ser, vice and 81.25 if charged. Trot 16 Cindy- rich township, Hurou Road, Coe, 1i' T. J. POTTER Money Wanted. I have several inquiries for loans of various amounts and 1~111 be pleased to find investments for funds on mortgages. W. BRYD0NE 19 910 All paper bought from me from now till the 1st of April'w h be hung for 8c a single roll. Samples taken to your house if desired. Paper It 4c a Roll up. Geo. P0118 Corner Queen and Princess Streets CLINTON COAL YARDS Yards Opposite G. T. R. Station A.11 kinds of Coat on hand— Chestnut Solt Coal Stove Blacksmith Furnace Coke Coal and G a. Kennel o Wood' Tile -21, 3 and 4 -inch size- Mie Tile is of the very best quality. Brick to Order. [• FORBES Phone 52. t'arin; for Sale'; desir21)1e S0 Oce farm for sal, Gooch frame house, a:patl.or, dining room, suMmer kitchen and 2,00(1 shed." A, bank barn with cement floors, pig pen with cenienit floor and, troughs, and d,rtve shed; welt brained, ail Seeded but alrou(t 22 acres, everything in good shape, Somo of the money may hehad „at a 'Low rate of interest, wilt sell with ore withreet tree, Apply to fI, DESK, Lonslesboro, or on the premises, loft `17, con. S, Eu1let(t. Meethtg of Huron County: Council. The Clouncll of the Corporation of the County of 'Huron, wilt, meet in the Clauneit Chamber, in Rhea Town of Goderich, on Tuesdiay, Tune, 3rd let 3 o'clock. Accounts requiring Settlement must be placed' with the Clrer'ld beflore this date. C .W. LANE, Dated • May 20th,' 1913, Clerk Wanted A mien of good address and abil- ity bolact as our representative in the !Cooney of Huron. A splendid bpenimg tier the right hien. For full particulars write STONE & WELLINGTON' Nurserymen, Tbronto,,Ont Wanted. A -dining zoom, and_ kitchen girl wanted. Highest wages. ' L. G. WEIR, Royal Hotel, Seaforth For Sale. • • Carriage for sale, cost $290, will sell cheep, Rubber tires, ball bear- ing, one or two seats, folding tole apply to W. B. WHITLEY. Ontari a F0teeet, To The Fanners Insure your horses and cattle a- gainst death by accident or disease. All valuable live stock is being protected in this manner. Reason- able rates and quick settlements. Call and see. C. B. EIALe, Residence Phone No. 100; Office ?v o,2 For Sale A commodin.ur brick noise at a 1 argain. Furnace, electric lighting lath- room, hot and eo'd water, alae e stable tin the prem'ses. For in- formation apply at '11RD NEW ERA Windstorm Insurance The Canada Weather Insurttnse Co. will inenre ail buildings against chtm- age done by windstorms, moderate rates. No p1'elrlitn,l note. CHARL1'ES B. HALE District Agent Clinton Farm For Sale A fust class farm, consisting of '75 acres, on con. 12, part 1ot34, Hul- lett township, 3miles from Londes- boro, and 5 miles from Blyth 11-2 miles from School. A bank 'oarn 36 by 56, another barn 38x52, drive shed 24x40. A brick house, plenty of water, about an': l,'tcrs of or- chard. Possession can be given right after harvest. Apply to WILLIAM LONGMAN, !Blyth, P, O. Fa.i'lla for Salo' The executor of the Southcombe Estate offers for sale 50 aeres - East half of lot 28, can. 6, Hallett. A first-class farm, well watered and improved, and with good buildings. Also the undersigned Were for sale, lot 29, eon. 6,13uh1- ett, 100 acres. These farms may be bought together or separately. JAMES SO"FICO1 II . Clinton,2 Ford & McLeod We're now selling !timothy Seed (Government Standard.). We also have on hand, Alfalfa, Alsike, and Red Clover. We always have on hand -Goose Wheat, Peas, Barley and Feed Corn Highest Market Prices paid for Hay and all Grains, Ford &McLeod seAAAAAAAAAAAAJAAAAAAAAAAAA 4 41 Pid 4 A HOS E 4 C 1 See and here our finest New Stylish designs of E R Doherty Pianos and i Organs, E ,special values in Art ► , 1 4 1 4 4 4 44 4 i 4 4 41 4 4 4 Cases 4 Pianos and organs rent a. ed, choice new Edison E phonographs, Music & variety goods. e ► Music Emporium `► C • C. 'Hoare: sa AUAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA W. Beit1tISTIEB SOLICITOR. NO i PUBLIO, ETO otarere `? CREI dLES B. 1 SIIiLE (lonneyanee ;Notary Public, Commissioner.', etc.: REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE Issuer of Marriage Licenses, Huron ,St„ 0linton, H. T. RANOEis Notary Public, Conveyancer, • Financial and Real Estate, INSURANCH;AGENT-Representing 14 Piro to sureties Oempueles,n Division Court Office. Medival. DR. e3. W. THOMPSON Physician, surgeon. Ete suede) attention given to diseases of the Eye, Ear, Throat, and :Nope, Eyes carefully examined, .and suitable glasses prescribed. Office and Residence. Two doors: west of the- Commercial HMV Heron St. DRB. G'UNN and DANDIER Dr. W. Gunn, L. R. C, P., L. It. C, d.. Edna Dr: J. C. Gaudier. B.A. 111,15. Office -Ontario Street, Clinton. Night calls at residence. Ratt•nburr st. or at hospital DR. J. W. SHAW. PRSSIOIAN, StrnaBorT, eenuehenr, ale,, Mime 'and 'residence on tenbury St., opposite w. Farran's residence, DR. F. R. AXON Crown Sad Bridle Work a Specialty. Graduate of 0.0,15.5,., Chicago, and R.O,D,S Toronto. hayfield en-Moiidays, May 1st to 1leceuttr DR, 11. FOWLER, DENTIST. Offices over O'NEIL'S store. Bpeoial oare taken to make dental tret,b. meat as painless as possible. THOMAS OUNDRY Lire stork and general Auction le* GODERICH ONT 5 atm et03,0 Sales a specii,h,/. Qltets or 111 NEW ERA office, Clinton, prwun1 5 astencted to. Terms reasonable. Farmers' vale nuts discounted G. 31 2deTaggart 51. D. eleTaggar McTaggart Bros, BANNERS ALBERT ST , CLINTON General Banking Bucimette transacted NOTES DISCOUNTED Drafts leaned, Interest allowed tie deposits, The ICK[llop Mutual Fire: Insurance eo fn'arna and isolated Town Preys arty Only insured. OFFICERS. J. B. McLean, President, Seaforth, J. Connolly, Vice -Pres., Goderich. T. E, Flays, Sec.-Treas., Seafessth DIRECTORS. Jas, Connelly, lecimesvllle, John Watt, Earl ock' G. Dale, Clinton; 1, McGregor, daeafortb, J. Evans, Beachwood•3 v , G, Grieve. Wiathrap J 13enneweis, Brodhage0; I. Sfe- liwan, Clinton. Each Director is inspector of losses in his own distriet. AGENTS. Robt Smith, Earlock ; Ed. Hitch - ley, Seaforth; Win. Chesney, Eg- mondvillo; J. W. Yeo, Holmeevilles Payments may be,mnade at The ri7.orrislr Clothing Co., Clinton, or R. B. Cott, Goderich. JACOB TAYLOR CLINTON Fire, Life and Accident c Iden,. Insurance Real estate boiepbt and solei Money to loan Office Issac Street, next door to New Era Grand Trunk Railway Systeol Railway Time Table London, Huron and Bruce. North. Passenger London, depart...-. 3,80 a m 4.50 p to Centralia 9,40 5,48 Exeter........ , 9,58 5.54. Bensall 10,08 6.05 Rippen 10.16 6.11 Brucefield 10.80 6.10 Clinton 11.00 6.35 Londesboro 11.13 6.52 Blyth ' 11.27 7.00 Belgrave 11.40 7.18 Wingham, arrive11.50 7.85 South Passenger Wingham, depart6.43 a m 3.33 pen Belgrave 6.54 3.44,` Blyth ., 7.08 3.56' Londeeboro 7.16 404 Clinton 7.50 4,23 Brucefield 8.12 4.80 Kippen 8.23 4.47 Hensen' 8.32 4,52 Exeter 8.48 5.05 Centralia .....0,00 5.15, London, arrive 10 0.0 6.101 Buffalo and Godes; Wee` Passenger. amm pm pm Stratford. ...... .10.00 12.20 5.255 10.20 Mitchell 10.22 12,45 5.55 10.47 Seaforth 10.45 1.10 6.18 11.12 Clinton11.07 1.25 6.40 11.28 Holmesgille 1L16` 1,33 6'46 11.38 Goderich 11-35 L50 7.05 11,55 Easta er F esen g Goderich7.10 2.40 4.50 Holmesville..:..... . 7.26 2:57 5.06 Clinton 7,35 3,07 5.15 Seatorth 7.52 3.25 5.32 Mitchell 8.16 3 48 5.55 Stratforct 8 40 4.15 6.20 Dr,, de Van's Female Pills A reliable French regulator; never fails; Them pills are exceedingly powerful in regulating the generative portion of the lethal° system. Refuse all cheap imitations. Dr. de Van's aro sold at $5 a box, or three for GO. Mailed to any address. The Soobell Drug Co... St, Catharines. Ont.