The Clinton New Era, 1913-05-15, Page 815c Tirade4 i ' Nf hams I2hc .
711 New Spring Patterns -1000 yards Anderson's New Spring Ginghams,
iliall li 1 t e eery �rtest colorings and designs, in plaids, checks and stripes, full
width t r and h weight, regular 155 per yard, Saturday i2ic
1214c Enalash Ginoharns IOc
500 yards of English and Canadian Ginghams, guaranteed fast colors, in
all the izeyr Colorings and patterns, full weight, regular 123.c, Saturday roc
100 New Rues .lust in
If you have a Rug want—to brighten up your home, come and
see our display of right up to the minute patterns, comprising
Wools, Tapestry, Yateki Fibre, Brussels, Wilton, Velvet,
Axminster and Japanese Fibre, in fawns, browns; greens, and
reds, in all the New Spring Colorings and' Designs, from
$1.25 ui' to $45.00
Linoleums and Oilcloths
Just to hand, six new designs in Scotch Linoleums, in floral and
and block designs, four yards wide. Same weight and quality as
last year's, and the same rice bOe per square 3ard.
ain Oilcloth,in
We are also showing a large range of patterns
one and a half and one and three-quarters yards wide
one, 9
at sec the square yard.
floor Men and f =r vs
We are showing a complete range of New Spring Hats for Men and
Boys, in Straw and Felt. Right up to the minute in style and shapes, down
to the Harvest Hat, from roc to $3.00. A. CALL SOLICIT1 D.
Both our Stores wilt lie open Saturday, May 24, and closed Monday, May 25
Was it cold enough for you last
Remember the Minstrel show on
Friday evening of this week.
'The Clinton Horticultui al Soejece
two prizes for the t'::e
e s of Tulips this year and
Geo David's captured first pe
with Mr. G. D, MoTagga;t eel ;et -
second. _second.
Hereafter issuers of marriage 1 -
eenses and clergymen are sub'e t
to a fine not exceeding $300 if they
marry parties whom they know to
be insane or under the influence of
liquor. The marriage of ;mbee,I, s
is criminial and tends to lower and
degrade 'the standard of citizen-
ship in the Dominion.
Last Friday the .Huron County
Press met in Clinton but there was
a very small turn out. Secretu.ry
Imrie, .of the Canadian Press Asso-
ciation was present for a shore
time. Those present took ut the
matt >.
revising assn the
rates and adjourned tolmeettri t ea
few weeks again. Those rpresent
were ; E3. B, Elii�ol''t, Wingham
Times, President of the County Ae
aociattan; K. McLean, Seaforth Ex
positor ; R. Belimav, Dunganeon
News; W. J. Mitchell, Clinton News
Record; J. L. Kerr, Clinton New
Era; and Mr. MeK. 'Wright, of the
Wilson Publishing Co,, Toronto,
The lips of truth shall be estab-
lished forever; but a lying tongue
is but for a moment—Solomon.
The license commissioners of
South Huron will meet at the Com-
mercial Hotel, Exeter, on May 3'Ith.
to consider -the transfer of the
Grand Bencl licenses from Ezra
Brenner to Joseph Brenner and the
transfer of the G >mnte.reiai Rotel
license of Exeter from Mrs. J. A.
Newell to Thomas Newell,
Councillor A.3. Morrish and Chief
Wheatley are making atour of the
merchants •of town to get an in-
crease of street watering rates to
amount to $200 so that Councilcat
go on and get Tarvia for the front
The Royal Welsh Ladies Choir
which :appeared in Clinton two
years ago, are expected to give
another concert in Clinton about
Noteinbet The tour is under the
drreenont of Miss Maud C. Bradley
and the demands for the concerts
are exceeding all expeetations.
•Ons Monday evening of this Week
Mr. Getty Sellars, ,one of Engi.and"s
niote•d organists gave a recital.: in
Wesley church, under the auspices
of the choir. His selections were
Sped I S:vings
for Saturday and all Next Week
10 tooth Mailable Iron Garden Rakes for 20c
4 boxes Tiger band cleaner for 25c
Brass Curtain Extension Rods 5c to $1
Flempol the new furniture polish, only 25e
Liquid Veneer 25e and 50c
Silver Cloth Duster, regular 25e for 15e
Household Hand Saws
Tack Hammers 5c, 10c and 15c
The Androck Oven for oil or gasoline stoves, only '750
Sherwin•Willaams Paints, Floorlao, Japalac, Campbell's
Varnish Stain, Liquid Granite, Dustbane the great
disinfectant, brighten up with Windowphane, Champion.
Ideal and Perfect Lawn Mowers, good stock Poultry Netting
and all supply, It pays to use Panacea for the bene. See
our new steel clad Dairy Pails,'_ just received another lot of
Perfection Oil Stoves
2 second hand Gasoline Stoves, in good order, cheap
We Now Sell Beaver Board
well received, The '•audience was
not very large, caused no doubt.
by the rain.
The Women's Institute will meet
at the home of Mrs. Bradshaw, Bary
street, on Thursday afternoon,
May 22nd. at three o'clock sharp.
All members please be present and
answer to 'the roll cast by paying
yearly fee.
The Corner Store
"Live and Let Live"
This is the week for Pineapples
for preserving. Call and get our
Pickles by bulk :or in bot:tl•es
Sweet and Sour—TRY THEM.
E. E.
for good plumbing differ from the
ordinary kind. mon may not be
able to note the difference, but
every good plumber knows.
Our Pians
include only materials 'that will
give lasting satisfaction and work-
manship that will prove durable.
No matter how important or how
unimportant the lob may be, We
never slight any detail. pot
Plumbing Work
Thos. Hawkins
Plumbing and Keating
(Phone 53)
O. #' ,40.4,...(6... ,,,z,?,
* c evvs .'moes..oe. 00000sa+ma 00000mm
Newepapers would do well to get A denudation of the Wingham
ready with these headings:
"'Tried to Change Places in the
"Rocked the Canoe."
"Went Beyond His Depth and
Couldn't Swim " The Gioderich District Meeting
Eladit't Had Mw h Experieece Will, be held; in. Wesley church,
With Sail Boat," Cliniton on Tuesday and-Wettees-
of next 'eek.
A call for Rev: Crawford Tait of the MORE PIANOS.
Queenstou Street church, St Oathar- .o.: nioar,e, of the Town Music Em-.
Ines, from Bluevale and Eadies in the porium, has sold recently a number
Presbyterian pastoral of Maitland, of la fine pianos in Clinton and vie-
near Wingham, was favorably conoid- -unity. Among (them being some
ered by Hamilton Presbytery on Nlay' epecials to Mr. J. K, Wise, Mr, T.
6, and accepted. The stipend is ,$1,000 Themipson, Mr. G. Roberton, Mr, E.
per year with manse and three weeks'
Deafen, Mr, W. Geddes, Mr, F.
Counel1 and Board of Trade motor-
ed here on Friday last and. looked
over the Knitting Co.'s plant.
1 Carr,. also Mrs. McGee, Deacon Charl
ton, 'Hamilton Stalker and C. Hess.
As the result of an unexpected , TAKEN TO CLINTON HOSPITAL
visit at Lucknow by the Provin•
Ciel Inapocter Ayeast on Saturday, Ripley Express -Mr. Ben Black
fifteeen charges of violataing the local well is in the Clinton
option law by selling liquor have been Hospital undergoing treatment, Mr.
made.. Those named are John Mc- Blackwell is suffering from nevous
Garry of the McGarryRouse 'P F Oaln prostration and his friends hope that
of the Cain House, J G Armstong he may soon recover. He was ac•'
druggist. The case will be heard at compauied to Clinton on Tuesday in
Kincardine on Tuesday. Robert Irwinis auto by Mrs Blackwell
The Grand Trunk Railway Sys- The glory and sanctity of Motherhood
tern will issue round trip tickets at furnished the theme for eloquent and
Single Dare between all stations inspiring pulpits messages in Clinton
in Canada east of Port .A.rthur•, churches on -Sunday. In most cases
alslo, to Detroit and Port Huron, one service was set apart specially for.
Mich:; Buffalio, Niagara. Palls, the, purpose of paying honor to the
Black Rock 'and,' Suspension mothers, for it was Mother' Day, an
Fridge, N.Y. Giood going Friclay observance founded by Miss Anna
and Saturday, Nlay 23 and 24val- Jarvis, of Philadelphia and which is
id returning ueftil Tuesday, May growing yearly in popularity. .
27, 1913. Tickets and full informa-
tion from Gland Trunk Agents. A CORRECTION
BANANAS LIKELY DEARER. A few errors crept in the report
It likely that bananas will he of the death. of William Whitehead,
y late of Winnipeg. The press a,-
higher in price this year, the better port stated it was Charles White-
varitiesprobably retailing at 25e. per head, which was not thecase. Full -
dozen. This is caused by the scarcity owing is what the Winnipeg 't'r.,:
of supply` due to the failure of the ,
orange crop' in califonia. When a WhPreitehead,
ofe May 2nd saysa' 0111 illi: m
customer cannot eeoure oranges, W'innipegd, fruy a who
bananas are generally next choice, `Winnipeg druggist, who retired
with the result that the demand is from business ill ye'aes ago, died of
greatly the.
A local dealer also blood poisoning at St. Boniface
stated to the New Era that this was hospital yesterday afternoon,
aa material increase in the aged 04 years. Ile was the son of
demand for pine apples. the tate Joseph Whitehead, the
man who lror�;ht the Pest re a-
way 1 x'omatrt e to Win
NO CHANGE IN LAW. which for some time past has l,e,•n
The Government has yeilded to the on exhibit near the C. P. R, d. pole
protests of muncipalities and Library Re is survived by a eisti*r, Dr.
'Boards aa'ainst the changes to the Charlotte W,Ross, 11.1 Lenore at...
public libraries act Since the ,imer d- and one hrother. (bus 1s Whitehead
ments were passed last week providing of Brandon, The funee al will be
that school teacher should be the held Sa`urdny niteuoon from Thom
nominees of Boards of Education on sun's undertaking rooms to ;Brook
the Library Boards of the side cemetery and Rat'. D.11l'. Rede
l -
Province, au avalanche of objection andt Will conduct the serviees 4'—
has rained upon the Department of Mayor Gibbings who is now in
Education, The result is that a Winnipeg attended the funeral.
further amendment has been intrr. s
duced to the Legislature, whereby the i A TIE GAME
amended sections will only become 1 On Sltnrclay afternoon the first
operative under proclanatiou of the I
Lieutenant—Governor he commit.'demi-fitral match for the 'Rough
This is a virtual stay, and if the libr• l Oup as played ion the park: here
ary people can put out a sufficiently 1 bwas
etwehe rngham ILS. team
strong case, the new law may become and Clinton C.I. football team and
e dead letter,•resulted in a draw 0-0. Referee
McLachlin, of Stratford got play
started about 2.15 and Wingham
winning the toss played against
The sympathy of every newspaper the wind. The Clinton boys made
office in the land will go out to Mr 5. several rushes but could not score
Stephenson, of the Chatham Planet, and in the second half, outside of
whose plant was so quickly and eon) a couple of times the playl was in
pletly destroyed by fire last Friday Clinton's half. Wingham played
night, In their effort to provide its much better than the locals and
readers with the usual interesting and have a well-balanced team, The
extralarge Sateeeko evening, members locals macre a change, but it did
of the staff were toiling lateto advance not add any strength to the team,
the workof publication fortbefollowing The heavy wind which swept the
day, when suddenly thefire fiend swent field during the whole game calls: d
down upon and enveloped them cutting many throw-ins and corner kicks,
off the escape of two of the oldest and which otherwise the ball would
most faithful employers. Both the
men who have lost their lives had been
in the service of the Planet for a gnart
er of a century, and they not only
literally died in harness. but suffered
one of the most agonizing of deaths'
Mere words are futile to express the
horror and sympathy of the moment
A' press report on Wednesday of
last eveele from Goderich gives the
following;—Asking the town to
guarantee his bonds to the extent
,of $25,000, repayable atithc rate of
$1,000 ayear with interest, hegiv
ing alien or mortgage for the
bond's to be released any time he
paid off the bonds with intertest,
Mr. Johns Rlansforcl, of Clinton pro-
posed,. 'before the local Board of
Trkdle Tuesday night, (to erect an
up-to-date $40,000 vacuum process
plant here Sor (the manufacture of
the differenit grades of table and
dairy salt, tvifth a capacity of 500
barrels a day, the planet to be added
tofthe present :plant, known as the
North American. Chemical Company*
which will still nlake coarse salt by
-the pan service, The proposition
was referred to a special commit-
tee b,nd :vas dealt with on Monday
A niew cement sidewalk and steps
have been, put in at the "Maples"
Which is'occupied by Mr. Morris.
,Clinto'm 'twill, be on the sporting
miap this year wilth, bowling, foot
ball, base ball .and lacrosse.
If you w'anit to keep posted be a
New Era reader.
Have you started to starve the
Seeding is practically over
Rhubarb pie is on the hill of fare.
Measels are prevalent in town.
The auto weB never more in evi
dente than this season.
Farmers are busy and consequently
a noticeable "sag" in business.
Is the house cleaning finished?
Seined us the news.
Synod of Huron Willtweet aft Lon
don, June 17th.
Thiel song of the Lawn Mower is
he'ard' inrthe land.
'Garden Parties hili soon be here
Get bnfthe boost Wagon and
bloostl Clinton.
The barefoot boy is in' evidence.
S'ay, honest now, isn'•ft beating
aboutcarpeaboutthe rottenest job on
As the assessor finishes his,
rlounds the dogs commence to I
crawl but from u•ndes• the barns.
Bicyclists ; dionIt riche on the side -1
walks. The constable will catch
you and 'there's stringent by-law
againstf R.
have stayed in play. No men were
ruled off, Following wos the line
ttringirlam—Smith, goal; • Colvin,
Taylor, flacks; Campbell, Or
nick—shank, Carrie, halfbacks, II:eines.
Dickson, Day Cuckanan and Ell-
iott, forwards.
Clinton—Caldwell, goal; Teecom,
Torrance, backs ; Sparks. Sntiliie,
Kitty, halfbacks; McCr•ostie, Coop-
e:, S. Smillie, Kaiser and Moffatt,
Afterillness of about e
'a shoot o r l n e
week from bronchial -pneumonia,
John Smith, former ly of Clinton, at
the age of 82 years and 5 months,
p'assecc away at Woodstock on Sat -
Sanitary Cleaning and
Pressing Parlors
Altering and Repairing
Neatly pone,
Expert French Dry Cleaner's
Prices Moderate
Satisfaction Guaranteed
Goods Called for and Delivered
Stand—A. J. Holloway's Tailor
110•1111.060101114, ACEIMMEN.1
Mies! Grade Bread
1101111C=111111C Bread:
Conner's Eome•mnde Bread is
quality through and through.
There is not a detail • of good
making and baking overlooked, so
you know what you are getting
when you order this•Good Bread..
Balzer and Confectioner
ree Thi
wrest to a
'moo .an
We can't very well talk to you here about
the first two, but we can about the third
—your Home. No matter what "fixing."
No matter what embellishments. No
matter what expense you have gone to in
furnishing your home, its good appearance
is largely controlled by the Wall Hang-
ings; the make or mar the harmony of the
whole. Our spring stock is now almost
complete, and our designs almost sure to
suit your taste; and our prices, your >de-
ThelM.1j. Fair Go.
Often the Cheapest--AIHrays the Best •
urclay last. Deceased was born at
Cuckney, Nottinghamshire Be
married his bereft partner, Mary
Ann Green And they lived ie
Lincolnshire about 20 yeas. They
then came bo.Canade in April 1675
and later moved to Lonclesbo-o
where they resided for 5 velars,
after which they moved into Gode-
rich township where 'they resided
till they. came to Clinton over 20
years ago. The funeral s h' Id
on Tuesday morning from the G.T.
R stattiorn on the arrival of the
train from Woodstock, the services
being conducted by Pees W. \V,
Wylie, 1of the ,Baptist church. ,fie-
sides his aged par ane e. tat • 1 tte ll:'.
Smith is survived by two daugh-
ters, Mrs. R. A. Downs, of Wood
stock, and Mrs. Geo. Eason), ' of
town ; Mand five sons, William, of. -
Arden, Manitoba; John, of Toledo;
George, of Port Huron; Hamar, of
Toronto, land Robert of Vancouver
Those who attended from a dis-
tance were (three sobs, John, George
:and Hamar; R.A. Downs, Wood-
stock ; Mr. and Mrs. Dodswortii, of
Seaforth; Mrs. Kemp, London'; and
Mr, Perdue, of Selaforth. The pall-
bearers were;—A. J. ;Holloway. H.
Hill; C Leven. Medd, D. N..-W,,at-
son 'and W. Tiplady. The family
has had their share oftrouble dur-
ing the past few years by deaths.
To the widow and family the heart
felt sympathy is extended.
Nation yf I Portland Cement
After trying other kinds, you'll always come back to the best
The Best Cement is the National Portland Cement
It is the old stand-by. A car load just in.
Se J ANDREWS, Clinton
AnndViAetANOMOnANSAnnNdaMnean W vVW WVVVak
Paxman=Gillies Garage
McLaughlin Automobiles
Indian Motor Cycles
We Carry. a Full Line of Gasoline, Oils, Greases
Z!^c .,....,.,- , lran er^. m•;zrra�:,..risc�sm:^•�«
Terms on Application
Neatly and Promptly Done,
cavitm•.t:s,a-•ra�: -L spa-se,^^.,e^,..,...,.61.C.C=¢aa9mu_ r-rr-
CerI lrtl•l'leilltz►llalt Piano for Sale
VV Svwed.#WwwwyvVvvvv.0 P+l'1CCowNoewM.�CAB,MOY
* Our Shoes Are Good Shoes
q, f ti % i,d T ..'z, 3 ;• a p .t l t .t l ;iii ir, . .1.4-t„3„f+.4.4.4.l'4.+?; .II'!1!'I'4 4
Every Shoe we show in our stock possesses
ss much of genuine merit that it warrants
your attention and deserves your ad-
miration and careful consideration -
Not because we say so, but because they are.
You will never know this until you wear them
A good time to find out is when you need
your next pair,
Come and see and be convinced.
Wear our Shoes and you will know the
Best Shoe Satisfaction.
lege !eeee iteeIIS^meF;leel'tN'DeseE sees eeet.. a o,}'x•1„1,.4, t ..iee•i.,d„+•p•+4.•-1.+4 ,