The Clinton New Era, 1913-05-15, Page 5TITURuDAI
141A11lith, `1913.
Dilstflct Ho
Will buy a gocd S -day
eboniz '
LeU wood,
cathedral Gong
It liS
anCe Cloc
at Hellyar's
Clock is made by
- old reliable makers.
and Gel One
. --.
net/ended foe last smote
Mr. 1Vln Turney has received the
contl'aot lo, carrying the mails over'
the new. rural wail ronts Via Oons
Miss i1,Lnnah C anibell
end Miss
p ;n
' Agnes Smith have reterned home eft
er spending two months with her
friends in Nese York,
Miss Mamie Oheeney, nurse at the
General Hospital Rochester. N. Y. is
j visiting her parent, Mr end 'Mrs
Pierson Chesney,'1'uckersmith.
1 Mrs, Robert Scott has removed to
I Toronto, where her sori is a teacher
in one of the Collegiate Instituter).
. Weir
Mr. and,
1 Mrs LUt'
r)8 Z� Cl arid d sal/
have returned from Prince Albeee
Sask., where Mr, •W'eir has been for
the 'pest nine years and will manage
the RoyalHotel for his father, James
Secretary . Broderick of the
Seaforth Turf Club, has received IS
entries for the 2:30 pace, and 17 entries
for ( oz the
t tro -:
bothvee are stele
es and'
e is ctoae
d a few days ago. The
l races this year will be held on June 10,
111 end 12, and a big field of horses are
looked for. , -
of the tate Frank
Kenny will be e be sold' by public auction I
on May 9.
Airs W. MeeLean and children left
Lean has an f
today for Edmonton, where Mr Mc
tionart '
n?p rwt Editorial os!
on the Bulletin staff.
Mr. John '1' Dickson and Mise Irene
left yesterday for their new home in
Toronto. They will drive down.
funeral l ofArchie Scott will take
place on Monday to the Maitland,
Bank ]c Cenieterp, bis father, 141E James t
Scott, having received permission, t
from the Toronto authorities to have: t
the remains hrougbt to Seaforth,
Mr. and -Mrs; Dan McDonald, of
Edmonton, have' returned to town and
wz]l spend the summer at their honse
eambilwEllissesseser on the first concession, McKillop.
111ayoe Greig welcomed the salvation
--- AranyTerritorial Band on its arrival
Page •
The ways of a watch are past,
finding out, Dont try. If your
'watch is lazy and won't run, let us
repair it for you.
Ten to one you neglected it -let it
get dirty, or it stops from lack of
oil. Wlzateyer is the reason, dont
On the evening of Friday, May 10th,
P11."itz of the' Ontario Agewut
tural College, Guelph, will address the
! Ethel tlalrt4tdiat] Club.. His topic will
be " Fleview of ail years uf 2 geieult 1r-
• ai life in Ontario," 13e is a good spwi i
er and well posted and Ethel Deferent -
ate in securing hie]'
J. J. Mitchell, of Wingham, lies
'been appointed License Inspector for
till the bill to
tt nicety as he is alert`, level heeded
and will do his duty, Mr Mitchell
was a resident of Oranbrook for aood
many -years and old friends there wish
him success.
1 It is expected that Rev. Mr Taite, of
St. . Oa
es may
be ind
May Elliott4 on
. 20th. Jae. EI►iwas Inc 0otn-
misionor appointed to represent" the
case of Bluevale 'and latches at the
Presbytery in which St Catharines is.
An antomobile in which Frank tur-
dle and W. Clayton of Exeter, were
driving accomplished a'iz'emarkable
feat recently. The machine turned a
complete somersault and landed in the
ditch right ht e'
tde up. • Mr. Durdle es-
caped with a few bruises and Mr.
Clayton with a broken collar bone.
Rev -
Mr. Ferguson, nf been
to become
pastor of Norville and Union in Toron-
to Presbytery. 11 the reverend
gentlemen accepts his removal will be
greatly regretted by many.
From Assessor Miller's roll of Morris
ownship the following particulars are
aken •-- No. of acres, 55,174; value of
cal property, $1,443,805; value of
buildings, &c., $630,300; business 'as-
sessment, $5,553; total assessment,
$2,079:658; population, 2,129. The
Court of Revision will be hold on Mon.
day 26 inst,
Mi'. Clifford McCartney spent Su
day renewing old acquaintances on
the Maitland.
Mr, Strilfrid Biggin wears n
broad smile these clays. The ee.>.-
elon being that the stork called at
his ]rouse afew days ago and leit
him a bouncing hairy boy.'
The Beef Ring opened on Tues-
day of this weer., with Joon Durst
.As butcher teethe season.
Mr. :Hugh .Hill has purchased n
five passenger' Ford, automobile,
taugh believes in being strictly up -
ho -date.
The recent frosts have lean
very severe on the fruit ideeeoms,
in' many cases having almost ru111-
ed the pzlospec'te of a crop chi=:
at the town halllast evening.
Bank House, for a number of years
Mr. and lits. Joseph Carter hive
the sympathy of their many 1.ieuds
and acquaintances in their bere-
a •ement by the death of their in-
fant boy last week.
Mr. Alfred Asquith .has s't •
out i*ith his gasoline spray�ingao It
We are sotry to hear of'thc.dle; Lir
of Mr. Stephen Medd, of 11 -est 19a-
waniosh. Mr. Medd has beenin
•poor health neost of the winter lint
his death cane unexpected as he
had been about until the wclek end.
Mrs. King sr„ is on the sick net
again but we hope to hear of her
recovery soon.
ilIr. 0.11..Ernatt went to London
Ian. a business trip last week,
Children Cry
the residence of the manager of the
Oe'-,adian Benk of Uomerce. is being
cfferecl for sale. the hank officials in
Toionrn having leased residence of
Mrs. D. W. Johnson for their man
, Robert Smith leas been elected es
I, butcher teethe beef ring Mere.
Miss Gertie Oaks spent a few days
with Miss Elsie Brown.
i There will be ,arceting in the
Methodist I church, Londesbol'o. un Monday ,evening, May 12th, to or-
ganize for the Canada Temperance
Act :Campaign. All persons inter-
ested are dsked to attend.
Miss Addie Jenkins, of J1lyth, is
visiting her sister, Mrs. Wm. Snell.
Joseph Slleox, of Rayfield Road,
spent Sunday with friends near
Mr. ,and Mrs, Bert Gibbings and
daughter, of Enron Road, spent
Sunday with Mr's, A. Cartright,
Clarence Noble, of the Rh • con..
spent Sundae with Mr. and Mrs.
Wm. Stewart, of Clinton.
John Nott is engaged with Wm,
Gray for a few months.
Dt''..f Rlll.cnot aiel, of Louden, fort
er well known resident of \Vinha
has retell 13cd to that town and will
gain resume the practice of his prof
Mr, 'Then 'fall of Bingham sold hi
beau Ifni home cm Stutter street .
liav, J J Blair, who will get posses
ion in a few weeks,
Death on Saturday last remove
e.t of the poineer residents o
'Winghanz section, when Mr Joh
Oasemore passed away to the great
beyond after seveeal weeks ilness,
aged 75, years and 2,i days; Prior to
cornine• to Tnrnherry the deceased
resided near Moiesworth, `Lie settled
on a hundred] acre farm, at Wingham
Junction upwards of fort gam
non Y years
n- Delay costs money and often
m spoils the watch.
a. 1I
give thorough ugJi exarninatipn
• and regulating free, anything more
costs as little as satisfactory word;
can be clone for.
s II
•.,• ria I
n '
:Jeweler and Oirtician;
The ratepayers of Wingham will
vote on two important po ant hy,lawa on
Monday, May lOth, By -Lew 670 pro
vides the raising of $5,030 for the
improvement an extension uf the
present waterworks system and for
procuring a supply of water fox don) .
estic purposes
• Conrad Weidenhammer, brother of.
Mr. B. Weidenhammer, principal of
Exeter School, was the successful
Conservative '
s candidate For Stony
Plain in the recent Alberta Frail/at
cial Election,
The Exeter Band has been engaged
to take part in the big celebration at
Dashwood on June 3rd.
Rev, D• 0obblediok an old Exeter.
hoy has been transferred from the
Montreal conference to the A.II-erta
Mr. D. McPherson of Wingham re-
cently sold a pair of heavy draught
fillies, ten months old. to Mr Henry
Ford of Neustadt, The priee paid
was $350,00.
Rev. -and Mrs. J.W, Holmes Mabaflf leer l;a:'ernes Mr. and Mrs.
Saskatoon, once of Clinton,
area Mahaffy,
guests of their daughter ilIrs. G.M.
Haldane, Straithroy-. They have Mr. D, Fulton, of the C. Pt. Co,.
just re(tut'ned from Ireland, where accompanied by Mr. Bradshaw anti
they 'Spent the winter, Miss leradshau-, who is Steno -
The engagementis annoul eed of gi'apller at the Co's office motored
Anna Rae, daughter el Ail, and :ire•. to Toronto on Saturday to spend .
Samuel Dickson, of St -acetate Ont., the week enol in'the Queen's City. l
to Re -v. Edward Armand Corbett. Miss McLaren, nurse, who -has
J3.A., of Watrous, Sash., son of Yee, been in Georg; town to."_echm t+rye 1
Thomas Corbett. Fort Qu ,11,- arrived in Clinton on Saturdn.y. ]ler
pelie, Seek. The marriage welt neany friends tt.l. be glad to Svc'
take' place in Seaforth on June= 3 her here a
Issuer of drrial a Menses
1Ve,llierald, of Toronto,
is making his offieeid visit to Inc
C,loilegiate Institute;
. I. Axon returned on Mon-
day from, a visit to her liome in
Miss May Forbes was the guest of
her sister, Mrs. 15085, of Woods;tuck
this week.
Miss Annie McCorv!e returned on
Tuesdayr ;
f om a ii]ontir's visit' in
Ilamilton and Toronto,
Miss Motherside, of Washington
D.C., is.the guest of 5Xiss Beaulah
Miss Amy Howson spent a few
dlays in Toronto this week,
Dr. and Mi's. MacGill, of Mitchell.
spent the week end in town the
guest iof Dr. and Mrs. Axon.
Miss Gilchrist returned this week
feom: to visit in Platteville.
In the School of Science results
Published Gast week we notice tl:e
names of several Clinton students.
Clarence Rance was successful in
the second year .exams. and L. L.
Bedard, Percy Whitley and Dean
Courtice in the third year. Dean,
besides taking honours, had the
honour of winning the scholarship
for Mechanical l:nginecring in the
third year. This is the •oeiv schol-
arships s g1v^sr) in the cootie. and the
people of Clinton are very proud to
think that it should he Iron by 01.e
of the Clinton boys.
Mr. J. 11'. 5tevensen was well ac-
quainted with the three;' in,este.,
N.sore killed at kit ratfbrd on 'Hies-
ciay morning in the fire fa Knox
' .church
.z. The ,]i= late Constable Ir:trall-
st . .and himself were raised mar ,
rt each otlicr in Nen tit 73ust toi,e,
S. Mrs. 13 Ma -shall. Eattetrilti •, en,had a clean 0011 on Saturday 1': t'eu
sez•ious injuries. if not fatal.
- Marshall had stet t. cl the fur •;tee.
and net thinking it to begn;n • very
0 good went down •celiac and v.,
looking in ti.= door
whet: t1,�
u' flames shot out, ecorchln, her taco
and seating lire to her waist, Mee,
]l Matsliall asets alone at the thein 1;td
had presence of mind to art ihi•
k t five out.
She is still
arilho •
a i...
Miss Mary Sampson neice of u,'
Chis. Ilaiilre, wee mor:red to Vv.'
Will ,1ttachford of To;'' -tn-on the
0th'of Mae. 1V- all wield her V.
long life full of happiness.
Rev. Mr. AleKielev of Lncknoiv,
was a\ visitor in and around i lin-
ten bash week.
Holier Jud,•, 7-lt:l, v t; in
toren, fast 'week and Master nine;
Tozer took Elis Howie for a u.tI
to see the sights of Clinton,
Mies.vt'innie .O'Neil was in ],ramp
on on lviondxt}^ aetem•lia'r the
funeral of '41'. IT: roster,
Tars. ,James -Sheppard, of Town -
rimed St. ii h 1 has been in the West ]stt. •
for some time, has returned to
town. Ilor• sis'ter.D1'rs Hertenof
Ales. La:thorned and da ughtc
Edith returned to St. Thomas is
week, after several we des vis
with the former's mother, Mr
C'om'bs sr.
Eeferec J. .d, AI'Lachl:n, of Stat
ford leas a former teeeltc'1• of Ili
Editor ofthe' New El,a and. ever
also rz`i^ala 00 the football Field 1
the days gene by. A pleasant hot
was spent after the game last Sat
urday recalling old clays at schoc
and on the games, • Counter !Spent ;he wee
end in Simeoe liis father' has no
been, very well of ;.ate', 1.eiieel the
Oehlcosh, ]rise who leas been e s't-
Eng in Toronto. Will $hent] some
George Bedford is :engaged with time here, as will ;ileo her d';rugh,ter,
Robert Smith for the summer Mrs. ICelan, of Ottawa, end gr•and-
months. aon Donald,
18. Wm. ;Miles is Maid up with
fractured bonein her ankle- ,
Mrs. Sam. Appleby spent Sunday
with her cousin, Robert 'Saunter, of
London Road,
'he item in last week 's New Era
concerning the death of 111r "Char-
les" Whitehead, Winnipeg's oldest
druggist, was an error• in so fares
name 'was concer'necl, at should
have read • "William" Whitehead.
j who was the youngest son of the
C /4 S T 0 R I A Late Joseph Whiltehead, and uncle of
Xr,�n", "", """" "", ", ' ,"t ""�"' "" ,",�"' „u�i,"�!'"t""^�" s Mr. W.D. Flair. Mr. Charles White-
%♦� o, d Chalice 4+ Persona/ Notes +;' eldest son, and is not a druggist.
r]► �11��1 V�G�Ii�,,,•L,r � having yes r � O r
visiting in town. r o � d 1 I �. rn
ss.. o the anti sap week, we .that he has .secured an interest; in
would announce itrn the NKw ERA, -"," the ~veld 1-nno and i•o •r
'MI' p• es•sire
+et- head, who is still aft :Brandon,is the
.Sr 12 those lata friends The ]many friends f M A.J.
o ging away aale -will be interested to l,e•trn
notify f f +'
Two Storey ti Ouse g
' „•,u� u,t•,,.',,,t,,�„'i,t•,,, ,, ,;� , , d''ry ga:ocls businsss of Mr. J.�. Ir
D • ' ', dry goods business of•J. A, Irwin
New Cottage
,Mr. John Jenkins spent a short This business from its commence -
"me With his h M Dd commence-
ment ehr e os four years ago has
J Y the ever increasing con-
, g.
T• t I
us nb
eve r ' -
en.' o
c s , in 'Toronto, this week. Whated
FOR it
fid'ence of the public. The new
Fi./ R SALE I „neatly,sol+prised him eves the ex- will be kmown as that of J.A.Irwi
-and C'o, and will adhere strictl • to
the methods that proved so succ-
essful in the past. Strictly Cash
,and one ,price only. Mr. Tindale
will be pleased to have a call from
his numerous friends.
Properties in excellent
Located side by side.
Would. Lease from Buyer
F. J. Hill, Clinton
Phone 77.
tensive building operations going
on all over the oily, and the fact
that any sma11 piece of vacant land
hiard'ly big enough to swing a cat
in, was Worth as much as 50 Irene
farms in Goder'ich township,
Mr, ;and Mrs. David Sours, who
have lived in Wingham f.oe the
past Iwo years havr moved
bask to Ciiolton,
waive,erauss=n,-r= acRszataystest ut
Our Ai: ==To Please
Furniture buyers at this store invariably conte back
when they want more, and bring their friends with them.
To Use Our Miniature is to prove that it is as good as it
]oaks, and that is saying a whole lot.
lItDS it
. t d,af !Furniture At
tllre ca n be bought beCe at
saving rates. Why not secure what you need now
while prices are so favorable.
Dunford iete
Furniture Dealers and Funeral Directors -P
lton• � 104
NIC3IT .AND SUNDAY CALLS -Phone No, 127 or Pltoue 16
for * 11Kinds of
Miss Jean Scott is in London, the
guest of Miss Giadys Manning.
Rev, Alex. 14IacNliIlan and daught-
er Dorothy of Mirnico were eveeln-
end 'visitors At the home ofDr.
Mrs. H.P. C'olnbe and Miss Barry
were in Cloderich Past week at-
tending ithe funeral of Miss Alice
Mr. Norman Wesritit of the Mol -
eons Bank staff has been traitsfer-
peet to the Meaford :Branch.
Mr. Fronk O'N,eil is home from
Mo osee jaw.
Mr. Jas, Scottie in- Toronto this
week attending Ilse Postmasters'
Clore 5lerntion.
Mr. and' Mrs., 'I3.11, Hall .of Con-
were in town on Sundt.- for
Anni y.. v ers.ary services in Willis
Mr. A. Lawslon Sr. has rented the
cottage on Ontario St. formerly,'
.occupied' by Mr. ICeUer,
Miss Winnie O'Neil teas in Bramp-
ton on Monday aittend,.ng the fun-
eral lof the late Horace Foster. She
•after"wands went onto Toronto
where she spent -a few days with
her sisters.
Miss Sturdy is 'theuest of Miss
Citadys Cantel•on. g
Ai re. "Wil.l Sparks of Stanley is' the
53'e Are glad to hear that Set's.
Combo, Sr., has se far recovered
from her recent illness that sh; IS
now able Lo be down stairs.
Mrs. G.E. Ferguson returned to
her home in Toronto after spend-
ing a felt's days with her sister,
Mrs. J.L. Kerr,
De Witt 008511,8, recently of Clin-
ton was pet on the list of exhorters
by 'Enr:press Avenue Methodist
Church, London, `.Elis father, Rev,
T. Wesley Cosens, made an early
starlt and :has kept up the good.
Word has been received from
London, Eng., thalt Jucige.J.T. Garr -
ow formerlyM.P.P. for 'West Hur-
on underwent a successful o,pet-
The Old And The New
Our showing of Wash Dresses this year is larger
and prettier then we have ever shown before, Dainty
little Dresses in Prints, Ging-hams, Chambrays, Ducks
and Linens, and in all sizes from 2 years to 14 years
and wonderfully low priced at from 25c to $N
See our Middies at $ 1
Ladies White Waists lid
We have a beautiful' assortment of Ladies
in lawns, embryiderw, pique - linen, ranging
price from 5oc to $3,00. etc., ' in
Ses our special at
p $l.00
Also some extra values in
Ladies' and Children's Underskirts, Gowns,
Corset Covers, Drawers, Princess Slips,
and Combinations.
t5th Aunua
1 Excursion
� h to Detroit
and Return
Big Steel Steamer GREYHOUND
will leave Goderich June 10th. 930•
Arrive Detroit, June 10th 5.80 pant,
Returning leave Detroit, June I2tl]
7.00 p.01.
Tickets $1,50 Tri
e'er particulars see small bills or write
E. 1--1, AYER, Excursio;a Agent, Detroit, Mich.
839BSt;TO00.9•®•o••i®•••f60.40eta coiDee@COE 06 Om MOO 03000000006ty55
S'lute yer pardner; let 'er go;
Halltnce nee ai,d•do; •
Swing yer girl and run away; • r
Right tied left on; gents sashay;
Gents to right, ah' swing or cheat; •
On to next gal, en' repeat; •
Balance 6ext ere don't he shy; -• .
Swing yet• pard an' swing 'et. high; • 1 0
linnet) the gels an' circle round •
Whack yer' feet until they bound; •
Alatnan lel't, an' balance all; •
Lift yer hoofs an' let 'em fall, •
g'wa ' �l•`iJ�"
a1 .th:
.x ar
racsw•t,x.•e.,c =r 'sqs •,roc s¢:r green axeem:•s:-mam 58
We are sole agents 1o1• R•9
made in \\ralkerville, Ont. We
ee4ot every button that
comes off, and 25c
for every rip.
roc for •
For every si:. pockets cut from worn garments
we will give you one pair of Overalls or a:
Smock Free. to
Get in the habit of pockets
our ) saving '' 3
Back to pardner, do allot
A.11 join hands, and off you go.
-An Exchange.
Salute your partner, grab her there,
Snap your fingers. It's a bear
ation performed by Dr. Armour on Glide an then your shoulders shrug,
Tuesday, Judge Garrow and 141i•s. Do the willow bunny hug.
Gamow left Toronto early in the Writhe and wiggle round the hall.
win'ter for a Medi'ter'ranean trip, Hold her tight -don't let her fall.
for the benefit of his health. It is Sinewy, snaky movements now -
understood that the operation was Be as f t'aceful as a cow;
ofa minor character. Judge Gar- Swing around one little spot,
row is seventy years of aBreak ori 113 the turkey trot
Mrs. D. S. Kemp and little son, of S
Ottawa, are visitingthe fanners w how high you two can nkick,
mother, Mrs. Jas. Shepherd, Town- wist and tern termed
a dance and to day send streelt, That's wnat's a to day
-Detroit Free Press.
Now the tango! Come, be quick,
Dr. Shaw, the M. H.0. has hand-
fs the following figures about
Y tend gives the method, of
Ile states that ap;ail. of flies. be-
tw'een April. and August would pro
duce 191;Ooo,Ooo,0o0,0o0,00o ;000 We
flies, These figures aroused the
niteresft of a man who evidently
has a head :for £ig g:ers," and he
sent in an amazing sltaternent of
how nsany Dees that would be,
It rathers addles'one's brain to
think. of but .here is -what he says,.
'The enormous' iemo'unt above is
one hundred ninety one tluintil liana.:
Supposing; that 1910 flies willf111"a
box containing one cubic indh, we
have the tremendous sum of 100,000
000, 000, O'oo,000 (one hundred
000,0oo,Ooo,Ooo (once hundred qua-
drilli'ons) cubic inches. There are ,
1728 cubic 'inches in one cubic.
foot,`11,enc0 we have the amount of
57,870,370,370,370, (fifty-seven 4t:lit'i1
lions, eight .hundred and seventy ;
billion three hundred and Sevenityl
Also by the 1Valkeryille Paint and Overall Co. •
'alkerville, Ont. •
• 0••••••••i1••rr0111000011 ,110r--.- it see _ _ is
millions, three hundred and seven-
ty ,thousand, three hundred and
seventy cubic feet.)
"Now by using a little• 'moven of
redaction, ascending, as Ray's old
third part arithmetic used to sa.y,
we find thait uelaave 214,334.705,074
dd 1
(two hundred {{
r •1
aid fourteen billions,
three hundred and ithirty-four mil -
tions, seven hundred and five thou
sand and seventy-four cubic yards.)
"Should we load this grealt pile
of killed And swatted flies On flat
ears, l'eadin'g 12 cubic yards on each
ear, we should have 17,861,235.423
(seventeen billion, eighit hundred
land sixty One million, two hundred
And twen ty five thousand four
hundred and twenty-three) car-
loads. , .
"Allowing 35 feet for length of
each car, we will have a string of
cars 625,142,889,805 feet. 118.398.278
miles or 4735 times the circumfer-
ence 'of the ,earfth at the equator.
"One hundred oars to a (train
will require 1,183,983 locomotives
to pull the trains.
"Allowing telv'e ,feet wid
vie. for
each track, as yardage for these
trains, nt would reeluire a yard
equalto. the circumference of the
earth in length and twelve miles
U. S. Government Standard
Below is an extract from U.S,
Gov, ad. for tenders "The anth
recite coal must be equal to that
mined and prepared by leniladel
phia & Reading Coal & Iron Co"
We handle nothing but the first
grade Philadelphia. & Reading.
.& J. Molllow':ay
house phone 12, Office phone 40
A Terrible Lesson,
With such appal iin.g figures as
those, will everybody be good now?
They seem hard to Ielicve., but af-
eatingin '
same restaurants and
seeing the flies on the tables, per-
haps these figures do not lie. Any
way, they are enoughto strike
terror to everybody in the world.
Plies are always danger signals,
Event Ione may carry diseasegea•nis
on its /tiny, hair feet, and death
may follow. Where there are
children. one should especially
guard against the pests. Nothing
fed to. a, child or used by Eft
should be allowed to go ene0vered
from thein. That is the only safe
But Ito go back to • the original
proposition, "Sita-: i -e the fly,'
means safety and good health, and
prevents its lrl'opagation "Swat
the fly" only means Efts renrov al af-
ter it le here. If flies ere starved
to 'de'a'th in April, by extreme
cleanliness in all families, there
will bre none in Augustewhen (they
are most numerous and most dan-
Sq long as back yards are kept
in a filthy condition and the
streets are left um:Leaned'fur weeks
wed months, just that 'long eve will
have flies, just 111 511 long
will ba
o su
d to
the dan-
gers ger6tieY breed. Cl .an
streets and
clean yards mean starvation
the fly, and health and Life, for the
Sonde children are ,easily inter-
ested in hygienic work. 11 the mo
tlrers in 'a neighborhood would
form (
little club
a dirt]which may be
called the Cleanup Club, and make
sill the childl'en of the 'neighbor-
hood members, they would soon
learn to be little "white wings') and
keep the yards and streets spotless.
To further encourage Itheni, a
prise may be offered for the clean-
est yard and street kept by a. 0111)51.
Fully Equipped for Summer.
Are you ready for the hot days that will soon be here ?
We are prepared to show you the newest designs in Leather and Fabrics.
White ' and Tan Shoes.
This season promises to be another in which these will be very muchin demand; Our stock of these colors is now
complete, comprising new designs in Pumps, Oxfords and Boots.
amiA.pmclal..-kez 7s
Successor ito Jas. Twitchell & Son` LIIJTN