The Clinton New Era, 1913-05-15, Page 2Protest Over Q lifarrna . Affair' Soud n s Like Ultirnaturn. MAV DISTURB RELATIONS Fear 1s Felt In U. S, Administration Circles hat the Tone ofthe Japa, ,nese Ambassador's Note 1^.';II :'Make Restoration of Harmony Between the Two Countries Difficult --No Talk of WarYet WASHINGTON, D.C., May 12-- Piesident Wilson, through. Secretary afl. State 'Bryan, last night made a fin41 appeal to Governor Hiram John- sen of California to veto the anti - alien land owning legislation passed by that state, and now in the hands of the governor for his action. The appeal was made' in a telegram which Secretary Bryan sent last night. No further step will be taken by President Wilson until Governor Johnson acts, The latter has until May 13, Tuesday noon, to decide, but it is not expected here that he will do this. He is expected to sign the bill as soon as he receives Mr, Bryan's message. If Governor Johnson does not veto the bill the relations between the United States and Japan, which are already strained, will be stretched near to the breaking point; Viscount Chinda has informed Sec; retary Bryan that his Governmedt will not permit the Japanese people to the subjected humiliation, and that the proposed alien land bill of California does humiliate the Japa- nese. According to the Japanese ambassa- dor, the bill passed by the California Legislature puts the Japanese nation in the position of being inferior to the American. He says neither he nor his Government concede this at all. The wording of the protest lodged by the Japanese ambassador is strong. It is, in a sense, an ultimatum. President Wilson promised the Jap- anese ambassador .to do everything possible to adjust the case, but in- fromed Viscount Chinda, throngb Secretary Bryan, that California has the right to make the law, and that all the Federal Government will do in the event the governor signs the bill will be to submit the act to the federal courts. He is perfectly willing to have the law tested as to its con- stitutionality, but he is firm in his decision to stand by California. In other words, the President will not under any circumstances allow de- mands made by the Japanese Govern- ment to induce biro to say that Cali- fornia is wrong and Japan right, and that California must meet the wishes and demands of the Japanese. For the first time since the nego- tiations between the two Governments began for a settlement of the mooted question, the administration regards it possible that a breaking off of all relations with Japan may result. While no preparations are being made officials of the administration are giving serious consideration to the step following a breaking oft of all relations. There is plenty of war fear, but little discussion on the part of the administration officials. STEAMER HITS BERG. Ler sa' :otitl (no C' 1158 ta l eY ��api ourging or griping) Yet DO theroughly LAXA RHS^'^.-G7�• are best for the children as well as the grown-ups, . 25c, a, box at. Your druggist's. kallonai ileus and ahsmioal 00, of canatla,t{m{tad' PiCO vs,'a were mane -signer. eve nepeveu the Laurier Government would take action about five years ago when a bill was introduced, but before the Senate got through with it the age of prevention was set at 16 years. If a law were passed changing the age to 18 we would be satisfied for the present.' Promise Is Denied. OTTAWA, May 12. -Respecting the allegation' made by W.O.T.U. leaders in Montreal that the Prime` Minister has promised to bring in a bill pro- hibiting the manufacture and use of aigarattes, it may be stated authori- tatively that Mr. Borden has done nothing of the kind. To representa- tions made last year in favor of such legislation he promised the most care- ful consideration, He has not gone further, In cases like this no Premier is wont to make promises. ow; ale va onnit rogues', doubtful nettle aid ,worth, ',;..1 i' And a11, have' one credesttial that one 01 to beta .' That we were born in Canada 1101 00,th 0",Pert fl a g. , Pe andTrn Mtho British p 4lD s•w. Ar.....,r✓•v � w 'C11oee friends are not ithe kind we want in limen of need, 0d BABY'S BATTLES Baby's • .battles for health are Many. -The precious little .rife is is constant danger from the many ills thalt :afflict .little ones such a constii strong • indigestion, colic, cirarrhoea, etc., and useless the mother guards her little ones a- gainst these trembles • s riou Tr.1 Tee may foltoW,, `Baby' lets is the best medicine to fight baby's battles. They are e mild laxative. that will regulate •the sitomiach and bowels and will thus war'd'of sickness and will l keelp baby happy., healthy and eteong. The Tablets are sold by mediciri'e deal - ere or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. 11-illniams' Medicine Co., Brockvitte, Ont. Furness Liner Chiltern Range Has Miraculous Escape. MONTT EA May 12. -Col nee en with an ircnur • in a dense foe wee the exp rr u of the Chiltern Range of the Furness ness Line, while on her voyage from Hell to TMlonticsl. Her bowplabes were badly dented by the glen:Aug blow she '•truck the berg, and standing away to the eastward after the cnllieinn, the steamer was surrounded by icebergs that could he heard, thoueli not seen. The escape of the vessel from comparative injury seems to have been nothing short of miraculous. Captain Rea, on his arrival here, said: "We were in latitude 40.39 N. longitude 11.40 IV., and were going dead slow because of the dense fog which prevented us from seeing more than a few feet ahead. Suddenly an iceberg loomed up to starboard, which I estmiated to he at least 150 to 200 feet high. It towered above us. The vessel touched it with her starboard bow, but fortunately the impact only badly dented a couple of her plates. The Chiltern Range struck the berg a glancing blow. No, we did not re- verse the engines, or I would not be here to tell the tate. We just slid off the berg as . ib were. Had the en- gines been reversed, there would prob. ably haye heen a stem -on collision. "What I was most afraid of was that an underlying spur of the ice- berg might rip the ship open as was the case when the Titanic struck. When the ship struck away from the berg, we went to the eastward, hut very slowly. We stood away to the eastward till dark, and lay all night with the engines almost stopped. We were surrounded by icebergs, which we could not see, but we could hear. After every blast of the whistle, a , sound like the report of a gun folloiv- ed from 20 to 30 seconds later." Captain Rea subsequently pointed out the plates which had been dented on the steamer's bow. liF1UU-DINNER MiNI$ Any man's credit is .good when it comes to borrowing trouble.. We've yet to make ear money, we've yet ;to make"'' our fame, But we have gold • and glory in our clean colonial neene' Aad every man's a, millionaire if only he pan brag That he Was born in Canada beneath the British flag, le/o title 'and no coronet is hail so lfee ori . 1 g '�}y w Oat which we inherited as men Canadian. 'born, The eller() wince keeps `hammering away isn't necessarily a knocker, It's' a plan Ilan to believe only b Half you hear -and foa•g'et two - third's of thlat, The rollingstone gafthers no moss -neither does hit have to maize Ian uphill. fight. Visitor.: Andm when aro you in for, my good man? Prisoner : For robbery at a sum- mer•, hlotel. Visitor :Which were you, propri- etor or Bead evai:ter, Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA ,01 course a; girl dnesn't,wanit to he kissed against her will, That's t what her face is foe. Sometimes a greatt deal of a Wo- man's wlorry IS due to her being al- lowed' to have her own way, CANADIAN BORN (We tint bo nt no man so noble as the one o makes the brag thath ebeneath Canada was in Ca �1born the British flag, Ts patch may have their Holland, . ke Spaniard may have his Spain, aakee'to the south of us must eitith of ug remain; et a man dare lift a hand against t men who brag t they were born in Canada be - 'X i Bath the British fiat Speed of Aeroplanes For an aviator there has been in - ted in France an apparatus which owe the speed at which his aero - eane is travelling, the velocity of the rind and the angle at which he is attacking it and whether he is rising tit falling: By Pauline Johnson Weret saw light in Canada, the land beloved of God; We are the pulse of Canada, its mar- row and its blood; And we the men of Canada, can face the world and brag That we were born in Canada beneath the British flag. " 1 miade all kinds of excuses to • get of to see them play hall this afternoon." eWouidn't any of them worlk?•' Yes. finally I touched the hoss' heart by 'telling him 1 wanted to ga'• to the hall game." Electric Restorer for Men Phosphonol restores eovp ynerve in the body to its proper tension ; restores vim and vitality. Premature decay and all sexual weakness avertedat once. Phoavtronol wilt make you new new man. Price 08 a box. or two for S.a., 86'Cotl is of address, SOte Sceben Drag, New Field Wireless The British army's new field wire -1i less equipment is so compact that ant the apparatus for a station can be carried in .knapsacks by four men. Few of us have the blood of kings, few are of courtly birth, raker I was tart in nitkeeieYe metor last week. Cie was every- thing e:•y- thing i r it, even a ped meter. L?akar : 'You mean a spetdo- ancter, old man. .1. pedometer is an instrument for measuring, how fel you walk. Baker :All right, Ill stick to ped- ometer CAN'T EXPECT ABOLITION. London Anti-Cigarettist Hopes For Raise In Age. t•imit, LONDON; May 12. -Rev. W. R. McIntosh, speaking of the proposed legislation to prohibit the manufac- ture, anufa -ture, importation and sale of cigar- ettes,- stated that he doubted if it would became law. "Drastic changes are not made frequently," ho said, "and I think yowillu thiswill be altered find bill considerably before it passes, it ever if does, As an opponent of the cigarette I would be satisfied, and I believe all interested would, if the free limit for CASTOR IA For Infants .and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of quickly stops coughs.. cures colds, and heals the throat and lungs. 11 .. 35 cents. "Yes,'" confessed DTr, Dorkins. "it serves me right. I engaged the, man to move our goods and I forgot to ask him how much he was going to charge me for the job. If eter 1 119 such a thing again Maria .yuu'can have my lreaci tora football," Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CA.STO R I A Travelling Bag Handle A new handle for a travelling bag or suit caee bears its owner's name an such a Position that it cannot be removed without breaking the handle. i'\Vhat •is this diomestic science?" inquired tate engaged sir 1. "It would be a, good deal more profitable, John, 'said Mrs. Dork- ins, "to cut it up into billiard balls," 9�l A Or y 11 EASY TO USE GOOD FOR THE SHOES "She laud him arrested Inc kiss- ing her forcibly and he was fined. ;200 " r "Yet they are good friends now." "Yes ; he .announced in open court that it was worth the mon- ey • All Skin Diseases ARE OCCASIONED BY BAD BLOOD. SPRING IS HERE YOE WANT Wire. -barbed, coil, spring and plain. Nails - all sizes. Staples and Fence eLooks. Alfalfa, Alsike and Red Glover Timothy Seed and Orchard Grass. Dutch sets and Multipliers. Garden Seeds. Stock and Poultry Foods. We have a car of British Columbia Shingles on the way to be here shortly. Our .Boots, Shoes Rubbers, etc., to fell supply. Groceries and Dry Goods -fresh and good. Highest Prices for Butter, Eggs, Etc., at the EMPORIUM LONDESBOR Ge A i '' S , ifDrop r' 'EJ'Vk►o are "just Ready to p ; 'when you are "hose ready to drop," when you feel $o weak that you Can,; hardly tiers yourself about --and, be- cause you have not slept well, you get up as ti}ted-out next morning as when you went to bed then you need help right away Miss Lea Dames 'writes from Ma- lone, N. Y. saying; "I was in a badly run-down condition for several week -e, but two bottles of Vinol put me on my feet again and made me strong and well, Vinol has done rile more good than all the other medicine I ever took," If the careworn, haggard men and women, the pale, sickly children and feeble old folks . around here would follow Miss Dumas' example, they, too, would soon be able to say that Vinol, our delicious eod liver and iron remedy, had built them up and made them strong. It is a wonderfully strengthening and invigorating body-builder, and we sell it under an ironclad guarantee of satisfaction. You get your money back if Vinol does not help you. W. S.E. aolmes, 'Druggist Clinton, Ont. "It don,sielts of m'altin'g hash out of the left -over meat and croquet- tes nut of the left over hash, sex-. plained' her miore exp ellence.d friend, OTIM i..ssass 0== .u2 it t Ara= No one can expect to be free from some form or other of skin trouble unless the blood is kept in good shape. The blood can easily be purified and the skin disease cured by the use of Burdock Blood Bitters, that old and widely known blood medicine. It has been on the market for over 35 years, and its reputation is unrivalled. Mrs. Lillie Mitchell, Guelph, Ont., writes: -"I wastroubled with eczema, My body was covered with awful itching skin eruptions. Although I tried many different remedies I' could get nothing to give me relief. Finally 1 got a bottle of Burdock Blood Bitters, whieh completely'' cured me." Manufactured oily by The 'T Milburn. Co., ;Limited, Toronto, Ont. F_ Just. a Few Items From Our Immense Stock Extension Tables -Golden oak finish, made very strouged, and 10 feet loug, prices $7,00, 8.50, 0.75, 10.00 and 12.1(0. Ball 'trees -Quartered oak Linish, betel rnirror•;124=0, 0 hat and coat pegs, umbrella, holder, for 55, Kitchen Cabinets -Useful and ornamental, 50.50, 8.50 and•20.00 Baby Carriages -Folding Carts, •Pulruan Seleeprs, Children's Wagons anlow prices. Pictures, 'CV:r11 Pockets, Extension) Rods s . Chair Seats, Clnrtain Strctciner•5, Etc. Phones laud 8 J.R.II LL te nnl•al anitbLYTR Furniture and Undertaking:. t r0,'.5 without a doubt you'll find this out in all your travels round about the bread that's best with any" heal - is just the otv and only real' Mother's ad'17 axe ,r fr*.,._ 4" in t • JJs ilu cI4 Ate Of' i 1etllx-le1l JU til►• NOTICE is hereby given that :all 1100080118 ha\"ins Cl,titns. titfrralnot 'the aeItla(ta, of Fsedclroli kthTbalL ,Date Of the ; (town .of (Clinton in the Cptitnty of .11oo'on, carriage builder, Who died on or about the twenty- i sixth tilay of Api'11.1913 are requir- ed to delivev to the nnd01'8 gne,d the stoliol(t•ors 'tor the executors en at before the ithirty-first day of May 1913 a full statement of their eialms together. with particulitrs thereof and the nature of the. sec - levities, if any, held by them all duly verified by affidavit, AN'D TAKE NOTICE that after the said Last mentioned date, tho said exeeutto4•s will pr'oceecl to dis- tribute the estate bf the said de- ceased amongst the persons enti- tled there to leaving regard only. to such claims- as they shall have received due notice in aceosdance herewith. Dated aft Clinton this 3rd day of May 1913. W. DRYDON1;, Clinton, Onit, s'.olicitor for the executor's BABY CHICKS We are prepared to supply day old chicks, hatched from oar Prairie State Incubators, in lots of 25, 50 or 1(0, at 10 cents each, Fat hens wanted at 12c per pound. GUNN, LANGLOIS Se 00. Limited The ep to date firm. N. W, Treoe artha, W. Jenkins Farm tor gale A desirable 80 acre farm for sale (:hood frame house, a parlor, dining room, summer kitchen and •woad shed, _e. bank barn with cement floors, pig pen 'frith cement folie and troughs, and drive shed w3 drained, all seeded hut almut acres, everything in good shapa, Some of the money may 1 a had ,t a low rate of interest, will tall with or evithuuHcIIE8 . LMedApply o eboru, or on the premises. lot 17, con, 8, Hallett. Farm to Bent Lot 24, concession 1, Stanley. Easy terms, immediate possession, apply to GORDON WALDRON, Star Building, Tor onto 5 1i ,0+-attarMeir Or 1fa 34 better bread could not be made -that's what you'll say when you have tried this crispy, crusty Mother's Bread N. RartlIff Phone \o. 11 and have itl delivered to your house every day. For Sale For Sale. Carriage for sale, ,cost 9250, will sell cheap. Rubber tires, ball bear- ing, one or two seats, folding tap. apply to W. B. WHITLEY, Onear:lee Sittriee't. A first-class short horn buil for sale, 14 months old, color- darkroan, apply to lot 85, con, 3, Tuckersmitb, or Brucefield P.O. A. IELCOAT 1 s louse Its Car of shingles arrived T. McKenzie. For i"iervice 3ARRFS�171t' 0 I Y'Ll31% c 7A 1+T18I410, ;11"1'[1 , . or,Ir3mpza WFII1lRLRS 13. l WL* Conneyance,"`Notary Public, Oomrliiasioner, etc.`, REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE "issuer of Marriage Licenses. Huron St.,'Olinton,; To The Farmers Insure your horses and cattle a- gainst death by accident or disease. All, valuable live stools le being protected in this manner. Beason, able rates and quick settlements; Call and see. C., B. 'HALe. Residence Phone No. 100 ; Office No,2 For Sale A commode, ie brick i,oat.e at a 1 argain. Furneee, electric lighting lath room, hot and co d water, also s stable on the prem'ses, For in- formation apply at ' 1IE NEW ERA One thnrohred Yorkshire Boar also thnrcbred Shorthorn Purl -elm boll for st.rvire, Terms -91.0t1 at time of ser- vice and 91.25 if rhargc d. Lot 16 Ciode• rich township, Huron Road, Uon. 1-1' T. J. POTTLP, li'ilaalstirlll Insurance H. T. R A N C E Notary Public, Conveyancer, Finaneial and Real Estate. INSURMNCE:AGENT epresontlng14Fire:In sera nee Cdnpan a . Division Court Ofllce. Med�ai• DR, 1. W. THOMPSON Peysioian, Surgeon, Etc Beeeial attention given to diseases of the Eye, Ear. Throat, and Nose. Eyes carefully examined, and suitable Biasses preecl•ihed, Office and Residence. Two doors west ot'the Commerillal Betel Huron 55. The Uangde-Weigher Insurance Go. will insure all buildings against dam- age done by windstorms, moderate rates. No premium note. CHARLES B. HALE District Agent Clinton -Ladies 'Waisted Money 91St a1 n t e t l. I have several inquiriee for loans of various amounts and will be pleased to find investments for funds on mortgages. W. BRV DONE Bs Employment fettered in Player Preumatic Department. Light suitable work amid pleasart aur - rounding'. In New Ye? k or Chicago this is considered employarent for the highest class of lady operators. Apply at .the Office of W. DOHERTY PIANO AND ORGAN CO., Limited. Clinton. All .paper bought from me from "now till the Ist of April will be hung for Sc a single, roll. Samples, ,taken to your house if desired. Paper at 4c a Roll up. GeO. P0118 Farm For Sale DIES. GIJNN and CANDIES Dr. W. Hann, L. R, C. P., L, R. C. d.. Edts lir, J, C, Candler. B.A. SIM, Office -Ontario Street, Clinton. Sight cans at residence, Rettenbnr St. or at hospital DR. J. W. SHAW. PHYSICIAN, SURGEON. Pconeheur, ere„ cruse and residence on teabury St., ooposite W. Farran'e residence, DR. F. A. AXON DENTIST: Crown and liridge Werlr 'a 5peclalty Gradnate of 0.0.D.S..a Chicago, and R,0,D,8 Toronto. ltaylield ,ori lioadays, May 1st to Decetab A first class farm, consisting of 15 acres, on eon. 12, part io't 34, Hul- lett township, 3miles from Londes- boro, and 5 miles from Blyth, 11-2 miles from School. A bank barn 36 by 56, another barn 36x52, drive shed 24x40. A brick house, plenty of water, about am lacre of or- chard. Possession can be given right after harvest. Apply to WILLIAM LONGMAN, 03lyth, P.(0. Farm for Saie Corner Queen and Princess Streets CLINTON COAL YARDS Yards Opposite G. T.R. Station DR. II. FOWLER, DENTIST. Offices over O'NEIL'S store, Special care taken to make dental treate meat as painless as possible. THOMAS GUNDRY Live stork and general Auction ser OODERIOH ONT karts sto:s sales a spenu,lt f, Ciders of 51 NEW El4A office, Clinton, prr.mriy abtena•d to. Terms reasonable. Farmers' lade note discounted G. D. aptMttcTaggave M. D.c MgTagg�a�r $Yill dv Aa gq �pt Br ts, BANKERS ALBERT ST , CLINTON General Banking Bneineee teansacted NOTES DISCOUNTED Drafts leered. Interest allowed on deposits. The McKillep Mutual Fire Insurance eo. Farm and Isolated Town Protea erty Only Insured. OFFICERS. J. B. McLean, President, Seaforth, J. Connolly, Vice -Pres., Goderieh, T. E. Hays, Sec.-,Treas., Seaforith•. DIRECTORS. Jas, Coenrelly, Hclmesville, John Watt, Hariock; G. Dale, Clinton; D• F. McGregor,. Seaforth , J. Evans, Beechwood; J. G. Grieve, Wintheop J Bennewais, Brodhagen; M. Me - Ewan, .Clinton. Bach Director is Inspector of losses in his own district. AGENTS. Robt Snaith, Harlock; Ed. Ilinch- ley, Seaforth; Wm. Chesney, Eg- - mondville; J, W. Yeo, Holmesvillet, The executor of the Southcombe Estate offees for sale 50 acres - East half of lot 28, can. 6, Hullett. A first-class farm, well watered and improved, and with good buildings, Also' the undersigned otter§ for sale, lot 29, con. 6, Hull- ett, 100 acres. These farms may be bought together or separately. JAMES SOUTHCOM.8E,. Clinton. Ail kinds oI Coal on hand- Chestnut Solt Coal Stove Blacksmith Furnace Coke - t Kenlnel Boar and Wood Tile -2z„ 3 and "q. -inch size- The Tile is of the very best quality. Brick to Order. Ford & McLeod We're now selling Timothy Seed (Government Standara.. We also have on hand, Alfalfa, Alsike, and Red Clover. We always have on hand -Goose Wheat, Peas, Barley and Feed Corn Highest Market Prices paid for Hay and all Grains. PLonc 5g. Ford & McLeod AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA 4 4 pianos 4 1 See and here our finest New Stylish designs of F, Doherty Pianos. and : Organs; 4 4 4 4 ,special values , in Art i .4 Cases. i Pianos and organs rent ed, choice new Edison phonographs; Music & • variety goods. 111lnsac Emporium i m corium 3 _ 1 1 Payments may be „made at The Morrish Clothing Co., Clinton, or R. H. Cult, Goderich. JAOOB TAYLOR CLithli Oltl Fire, Life and Accident Insurance Real estate bought and sold Money to Ioan Office Issac Street, next door to New Ere Grand Trunk Railway System Railway Time Table London, Huron and Bruce. North , Passenger London, depart..... 5,30 a m 4.50 p m Osntralia 9.40 5.48 Exeter ....... ...•9.53 5.54 Hensall 10.08 5.05 Kippen 10.16 8.11 Brucefield 10.80 6,19 Clinton 11.00 6.35 Londesboro 11.15 6,52 Blyth 11.27 7.00 Belgrave 11.40 7.13 Wingham, arrive11.50 7.85 South Passenger Wingham, depart6.43 a m 3.33 p;m Belgrave 6.54 3.44• Blyth 7.08 3.56' Londesboro7.18 4.04 Clinton 7.60 4,23 Brucefield 8.12 4.39 Kippen 8.23 4.44 Hensall; 8.32 4.52 Exeter 8.48 5.05 Central a , ....... • • • 9.00 5.15; London arrive 1000 6.3Oj Buffalo and Godeet Wes' Passenger am, pm pm pm Stratford 10.00 12.20 5,25 10.20 Mitchell ..10,22 12,45 5.55 11.47 Seaforth 10.45 1.10 6.18 11.12 Clinton 11.07 1.25 6.40 11.28 Holmeseille .,11.16 1,38 646 I1.88 Goderich..... •11-35 1.50 7.05 11,55 East I'sssenger am pm Pm Goderich 7.10 2.40 4,50 Bolmesville 7.26 2.57 5.06 Clinton 7.35 3,07 5.15 Seatorth 7.52 3.25 5.32 Mitchell 8.16 3 48 5.55 Stratford..,8.40 4.15 6.20 Dr. de v'an's Female Pills CCHoare j 1 A reliable French regulator; never fails, These . ;� pills are exceedingly powerful in. regulating the 10. ' all cheap generative. ionsf tDr.'delVan'soare sold se at 86 a box, or three for 810. Mailed to any address.. ►AAAAAAAQAAArAAAAAAAAAAAAA ' 1ho gcabeit Pr= es.. 5t. eatbarinea. Ont.