The Clinton New Era, 1913-05-08, Page 6CbINTON NE
Can Helen Giber by Gild PILLS
11r. W, G: Reid, of Harnileon, Ont.,
one of the best known and must highly
repectecl coanmcrcial travellers in
Ce ad a,.w ee a cripple from Ill henmatistn
and srrt;'ered terr;hly. GIN 'PILLS
cured him. Mr. Reid writes as follows
"I have boon for the last two years a,
"cripple with :,Muscular and Inflammatory
Ih'ournatism. I tried almost everything
'known to medical science to relieve um
•dfthe intense pain and inflammation.
I sou ,ht change of climate in Kentucky
.and other Southern points without relief.
Your manager in this city recommended
'GIN PILLS and I have since taken eight
boxes and am now cured, I consider
GIN PILLS the conqueror of. Rheu-
matism and Kidney Diseases.
Gin fills is sold with a positive
guarantee to cure or money promptly
refunded. 5oe, a box, 6 for $2.50.
Sample free if you write National Drug
and Chemical Co. of Canada, Limited,
Toronto. 142
1Angio-Saxon Peace Conference
Begins in New York To -day.
Dominion's Delegation Roaches New
York Along With Newfoundland's
Representative - Lord Weardale
Leads British Party and .Ex-
presses Belief In Satisfactory
Outcome of Panama Dispute.
NEW YORK, May 6. -The conferees
'for Great Britain who have come over
to formulate a plan for the celebra-
tion 'of the centenary of the signing
of the Treaty of Ghent ant of a hun-
dred years of peace among English-
speaking nations arrived yesterday on
the Cunard Liner °amnia, and were
met at Quarantine by an American
reception committee.
Lord Weardale is the chairman of
the British delegation, and those who
accompanied him were: Sir Arthur
Lafley, Rt. Hon, Herbest E. Maxwell,
Han. Neil Primrose, M.P., Hon. Chas.
Mill, M.P., P. S. Perris, DLA., and
Rt. Hon. Sir George Houston Raid,
high commissioner for Australia. who
will represent the Commonwealth at
the conferenl'.e. Moreton Frewin,
M.P., ono'. ier British delegate, did
not arrive on the Caronia, but is ex-
pected in a day or two.
Lord Weardale, who is a Radical
peer about 55 years old, said: "On
every hand the feeling has been ex-
pressed that the celebration will do
good, and serve to remind the world
at large, as well as our own iiatinns,
of the truth of Milton's dictum,
`Peace has her victories no less re-
nowned than war'."
When asked about the Panama
'Canal question, Lord Weardale repli-
ed that the national honor of the
American people is so well known in
Britain that there was no doubt the
'matter would be settled amicably ac-
cording to all traditions of honor and
probity by the American Government.
Sir Edmund Walker, CharleS A.
'Magrath, M.P., Travers Lewis, K.C. ,
and Capt. Charles Frederick Hamil-
ton, M.A., the conferees from Canada,
arrived by train yesterday, and will
attend the inauguration at the City
Hall to -day, with Eugene H. Outer.
bridge, the representative from the
crown colony of Newfoundland.
It one of the most prevalent troubles
f civilised life, and the. Door dyspeptic
armor even enjoy a meet;without d istress-
' ng after effects, for nearly everything that
niers a weak dyspeptic stomach acts as
an irritant, Burdock Blood Bitters w
regulate the stomach, stimulate secre
tion of the saliva, and gastric juice to
facilitate digestion, remove acidity, and
tone up the entire system.
Mrs. .Dennis Hebert, St. Boniface,
Man., writes: -"I have used. Burdock
Blood. Bitters, with great success, for
dyspepsia, indigestion and sour stomach.
I was terribly troubled with my stomach
t".Or months, and spent a lot of money
l csdifrdout getting any relief, until I bap
paned to see about a woman, using it,
1 and her trouble seemed the some as
mine. I tried one bottle. and was so'
enueh relieved, I bought five more, and
have taken them, and I now can eat any-
Ithi;ng I wish."
J rv1anufaetured only by The T. Milburn
Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont.
Mexican Rebels Destroy Whole Block
of Buildings.
MEXICO CITY, May.' 5.-A whole
block of buildings, i:ncluding 33 struc-
tures, were destroyed with dynamite
by the rebels when they gained ens
session of Matehuala on Monday.
The Matehuala garrison of 90 sol-
diersii an unequal
was wiped out n
fight, the rebels being aided by hun-
dreds of miners, who continued in the
ranks when the rebels evacuated the
place. Just how many were killed is
unknown, but there was ]rouse -to
house fighting, looting, executions and
elebauchery of the bloodiest sort
Marione Zunon the ieff•,-e1•,•",
particularlyrl need the
re -
nourishment in SCOTT'S
EMULSION. it, creates strength
and rich, active blood. It insures
abundant nourishment and keeps
baby growing.
Scott & Bowne, Toronto, Ont. 1e44
rhes an
From Putrid Matter Flies Carry Disease Germs to the Baby, ae Pictured Here,
(From the "Fly Peat" Moving Picture film.)
This striking picture was, sent out by the fly fighting committee of the American Oleic association, an or-
ganization of public spirited. men who have devoted a vast amount of time and money to the work of improving
the pubiic health by destroying the disease bearing housefly:
They are'doing their part. Do yours by cleaning up your premises. by destroying the
breeding places of flies and by killing every fly you see.
wets executed cecina '' he reeleed to.
cry "Viva Carran'a " rj DrjjL�LL rj
The Government had shipped 200 JAIL
rifles into the 'town I ,r its defence:
but the, guns were still unpacked when
thea tt ac oceurre ere e k sraz-
ed them.
One hundred and twenty persons
were killed by the dynamiting of a
train by Zapatistas near La Cascada,
in the state of 'Morelos, Thursday, ac-
cording to information received here
yesterday. Contrary to earlier report,
there was a military escort aboard the
train, all of the members of which
are said to have been killed.
Steamer Mack Ashore.
SAULT STE. MARIE, Mich., May 5.
-The steamer William H. Mack of
Cleveland is reported ashore off White
Fish Point and the tug Shenck Sat-
urday morning left to assist her.
You never saw a beautiful woman
who didn't J:aee beautiful hair•,
The charms of a beautiful woman
Ile in her ha'r. Many women do
not realize 'rhe attractions they
they possesses because they do not
give proper attention to the hair.
The women of the "400' are famed •
for their hearty, not because their
facial features are. superior to.,
those of other women, but because
they know how to keep young by
supplying vigor, fuscre, and
strength to their hair.
Up to a few years ego PARISIAN
"age could hardly beohtnined
Canada...Bul: rr.)w- this do l gliifril
ha r restore' can be had in every
town. 'W. .t`T.Deimos ec it('lin-
ton for 50 conte a 'bottle, arcl
guarantees it to grow- beautiftl.
lu. it ant hair: to stop filling hair,
eradicate dandruff.
G. A. Reid Honored.
LONDON, May 5.--(C.A.I'. Cable.)
-The painting., "Foreclosure of the
Mortgage," by George Andrew Reid,
Toronto, has been accepted by the
Royal Academy.
Duke of Connaught May Resign to
With h Wife.
LONDON, May 5.-(C.A.P. Cable.)
-According to last night's bulletin,
the Duchess of Connaught is not so
well. She passed an unrestful day,
while her general condition is less
In consequence of the continued
serious illness of the Duchess of Con-
naught, it is expected, says The Irish
Times, "that the duke will ask per-
mission to resign the Governor-Gen-
eralshin. It is nointed out that, poor.
"ease -Ass sal
King of the Dope Fiends.
SPEECH RIOT Ottawa Doctors Report Well of the
Disorderly Scenes Accompany
London Mass Meeting.
Officers Suffer at Hands of Huge Mob
In Trafalgar Square Until .Mounted
Reinforcements Came to Their
Assistance -Many Arrests - Made -
Form the •Back.
bone of the Assembly.
LONDON, May 5.-A demonstration
in Trafalgar Square yesterday after-
noon to maintain the right of free
speech resulted in disorderly scenes.
The meeting was organized by the
Free Speech Defence League as a pro-
test against the Government's action
in prohibiting suffrage meetings. It is
estimated 30,000 were present. inclurl- '
ing many suffragettes. At first all went
well. Keir Hardie, Mrs. Des -pard and
others made speeches without serious
interruption. 'The diaturbanees_ began
when several Socialists, yearning to
air their grievances, attempted to
speak at the south side of the plinth
of the Nelson monument. -It was pre-
viously arranged Pi order to keep the
roadway clear that no speaking would
be allowed nn that side. lint despite
the warning the men per:neted, where.
upon the 1'' lire interfered and mount-
ed the plinth. A scuffle followed, dur-
ing which a Snealfst was knocked off
the plinth. This aroused the Sealing
of the crowd against the ],mice. Egg-
ed on by the suffraeottes waving Wo-
man's Social and Political Union ban-
ners tie Socialist crowd clashed at a
dozen pnlieemen who were guarding
the south sire of the plinth, pinning
-then] to the base.
The police strove to drive them
hack, bet were powerless against such
odd:. Mounted police reinforcements
soon arrived, whereupon the tight
spread all ever the square, The mob,
cursing and yelling. was driver, hack
by the police. Letting out with fists,
the Socialists on the plinth encourag-
ed the crowd while the responsible
leaders of the demonstration tried to
pacify them. hcir Hardie, at police
suggestion, attempted to quiet the
mob, but was unheeded by the dis-
turbers, w•hn were shouting n battle
cry and continuing their spasmodic
dashes against the pcliee. Two women,
crying and shrieking, were dragged
frnm the midst of the crowd and hoist -
ad safely on the plinth, where other
women with babies took refuge. A
young suffragette seized a militant
flag, and, waving it energetically,
shrieked: "I am going to keep- the
flag .flying. No copper can make me
put it down." The flag was torn from
the staff and the girl waved the rem-
nants. \:bile the tumult was at its
height a number of suffragettes passed
in motor omnibuses: They were stand-
ing up holding the bulletin sheets of
"Votes for Women," and one suffra-
gette was shorting defiance to the
police. • When the police were making
arrests •the mob tried to drag the
mounted police from their horses, but
without success__
California Senate Accepts Anti -Japa-
nese Measure.
SACRAMENTO, Cal., May 5. -The
administration anti -alien land holding
bill, drawn by Attorney -General
Webb, passed the Senate early yes-
urday morning by a vote of 36 to 2,
after nearly ten inane of debate. .
The only negative votes were cast
by Senators Cartwright (Democrat)
and Wright (Repitl.]lican),
Although the act is designed to ex -
elude all aliens ineligible to citizen-
ship, -it is drawn in conformity with
treaty obligations and guarantees to
every alien his full treaty rights, omit-
ting the phrase "ineligible to citizen
. ship," objected to by Japanese.
The signing will be delayed tnti
after. the Bryan protests have been
Friedmann Serum.
OTTAWA, May 5. -Dr. F. F. Fried-
mann, the -German physician who
claims to have a cure for tuberculosis;
re-examined eight of his former pa-
tients here Saturday. noted improve-
ment in some, none in others; and in
one case apparent accentuation of the
disease. Four received a
iection of the turtle culture, while two,
as was the ease in Montreal. refused
the second treatment.
Three local medicos, Dr. A. T. Shil.,
lington. Dr. F. %I. E. Gorrell and Dr.
J. K. Gordon, issued statements com-
menting favorably on the results in
cases under their observation since
the first treatment. Dr. Gordon, who
is a well-known authority on the dis-
ease, said there had been remarkable
improt'ement in the case he had been
Dr. G. B. Porter, secretary of the
Canadian Society for the Prevention
of Tuberculosis, after the clinic, sent
the following telegram to Dr. Adami
of Montreal:
"I am favorably impressed with the
progress of the patients up to date
at the Friedmann Ottawa clinic."
"There has never been any secret
about my treatment," was Dr. Fried-
mann's reply when physician, pres-
ent app ale.] to him to here news.
paper mon horri=d from the r!iu!r, and
the scribes remained throughout.
Dr. hriednuann left for Toronto last
Cadets Logia and Smith Believed to
Have Drowned.
KINGSTON, Ont., May 5.-J. W.
L(560 of Ilitrniltnn and A. L. Smith,
cadets of the first year at the Royal
Military College, art. missing.
They went (silt canoeing Friday af-
ternoon, rowed to Wolfe Island, land-
ed, and then started off again.
Up to noon the missing cadets had
not been located. When last seen they
were on the shore of Wolfe Island
wringing out their clothes, evidently
having been in trouble running across.
Smith comes from Toronto, living
at 51 Spencer avenue. He is a son of
the late Cecil 13. Smith. Logie ,is a
son of Col. Logie of Hamilton. The
water on Friday afternoon was chop-
py. The canoe was found off Wolfe
Island at 11.30 yesterday morning.
Father Finds No Trace.
HAMILTON, May 5. -Word was re-
ceived yesterday from Col. Logie, who
went to Kingston Saturday morning
in answer to a message which stated
that it was feared that his sen, Cadet
J. W. Logie, who is attending the
Royal Military College there, had been
drowned in company with Cadet A. L.
Smith of Toronto, that he would re-
turn home not having found his son.
Every effort was made by the cadets
of the college to locate their missing
companions, but no trace of them
could be found.
Outing Shoes
Pers. (Jdirc]be,•lain ln:
• LONDON, (lay 5. -Mrs: Joseph
Chamberlain, wife of 1osep11 {Chamber-
lain, former Secretery of Stater for the
Colonies, and 1 oadr'r of the, radical
of the Unionist party, is lying
in a grave condition ,;t Cannes,
if.anri., arroreline to a despatch, pub-
dished by The Currie( News..
Montreal's Fire Record.
MON']'REAi, May 5. -The city fire
department for the first four months
of the year answered 1,007 calls. April
was the month with the largest ntrrli•
ber cf calls, viz., 285. In February
calls numbered 246. January had 23:)
and March had 136. There was one
death from fire, Mrs. 3. Laherge be.
ing asphyxiated in her hone, 804 Al.
bert street, during March.
His Eye Remover'.
ST. CATHARINES. May 5. -Chief
Engineer Weller of the Welland Ship
Canal yesterday underwent an opera-
tion at the General and Marine Hos-
pital, by which one of his eyes was
removed. in t:re hope of saving the
other. Mr. Weller has sufferedwith
an eye affection which, since his re-
turn from Panama, became more
Churchill Expresses Belief In Fitness
of the Fleet.
,LONDON, May 5. -"The more I
know about the British navy the more
I have confidence in it," said Winston
Spencer Churchill, First Lord of the
Admiralty, at the annual banquet of
the Royal Academy last night.
The First Lord said that the navy
was great, not merely in re.spect to
numbers, but especially with regard
to the quality of the ships and the
men. He declared that the mainten-
ance of an adequate military estab-
lishment was essential to an effective
naval defence.
Viscount Morley of Blackburn de-
scribed the international situation as
the most tangled soil that ever con-
fronted European diplomacy in this
generation. The spirit of persistency'
and the firm legislative policy of the
British Government, however, was the
most perfect instrument they could
have desired for the attainment of the
common ends. He understood that
there was every reason to believe that
on Monday next they would be in
sight of a solution which might be
unanimously agreed to. ,
at the presentrate of progress, and
he absence of further relapses, her
oyal highness will take several
months before she is completely re-
covered, and the duke has expressed a
desire to be with her during her per-,
iod of convalescence."
Flexner S
NEW YORK, May 5: -Only 30 per
emit. of the 1,294 perens afflicted
with epidemic cerebro spinal menin-
gitis, who were treated with the serum
discovered by. Dr. Simon Flexner,
died: according to his final statement
in The Journal.' of Experimental
Medi -
cane, published la Friday.
The mortality in the disease in its
M ATRL.\L Ma • 5 (,rank Barl.
0 e
the "Kingof DopeFiends," wass ar-
rested on St. Lawrence street Satur-
day morning, after a lively skirmish
with the police. He is charged with
peddling cocaine among the little chil-
dren on that street. He is an old
Serum a Success. S veto r lealth
Most' sicknesses that impair health
have their start in uitd` ordinary
q o dreary^
ailments of the ,organs of diges-
,.:tion or.elimination. Stomach,
liver, kidneys, and bowels are
quickly benefited by the action of-
'epidemic form, when riot subjected to
the serum treatment, was 73 per cent,
i n New York City and 69 per cent,
Boston, varying in other. plates in the
United States from 70 to 90 per cent.
Sold everywhere.'. In honee,.25 cents.
South African Prospectors Report Big
Field In Congo.
LONDON, April 25. -The probable
effect of a new source of supply on
the diamond trade is being discussed
as the result of the announcement of
a diseov0vy in Africa.
A considerable deposit of diamonds,
it is stated in The Congolese Tribune,
has been discovered in the Congo.
Should this ^message be confirmed, it
will, of course, mean 'that, the mar-
ket will have yet another source of
At one time South Africa was the
principal source of supply, and prac-
ticall all the stones were in the
hands of a' diamond trust.
With the
discovery of cliamonds in German
Southwest Africa, it was rumored
that a diamond war would be inevit-
able, but eventually an arrangtment
was made for the control of German
Dies In Witness Box.
BRAMPTON, May 5. -While giving
evidence in an assault ease in which
her husband was defendant, Mrs. Os-
borne dropped dead in the courthouse
Saturday. She lived on the third
line east of the town. The strain of
excitement caused heart failure.
Schooner Sinks In River.
DETROIT, Mich.• May 5. --The
schooner Iron City. 187 feet Inns went
to the bottom of se Clair River yrs•
terday after collision with the steam-
er Thomas F. Cole, 500 feet Inng.
Her crew escaped safely in life.
So Said Italian and Prospective Occu-
pants Fled.
MONTREAL, AI May 5. -Angelo Russ:)
and his daughter Angelina made e
record run from their home in Ville
jfniarrl to the police station Saturday.
Ra phrlo llamak) tolfl then/ that their
graves were made ready for them;
then he tank off his coat apparently
preparing to begin their execution.
Not caring for the looks of things,
Russo and his daughter beat it a pace
that would near:c Longboat turn green
with envy.
A police officer went up and arrest-
ed the Italian and landed hire in the
cells. The magistrate bound hien neer
to keep the peace, so that the execu-
tion of the father and daughter is in-
definitely postponed.
Japan Prepares To Lay Down Fight-
ing Monsters:
TOKIO, Japan, May 5. -The Navy
Department has contracted for three
bat.tleshins of 30.500 `ons each. to be
built in 'Japan ' il'hey, Will &e sister
ships to,' -'the Fusb, now .building 'in
the naval dockyards at (Cure.
Very. little iS definitely known of
the Fuso, but it is supposed that ber
armor, ]n accordance wit's the Japer
nese practice eine° the 11,aIs aan wee,
will consist of a moderately heavy
holt, rn 1nahly 10 inches thin]., extend- l
ing over nearly her enter length, and
parried clear tip,t'o the main deck.
The ship is designed, ticecndfng to
report; for a s;,,eed,of 27 knots.
i SMmmCP School s
• •
• For courses in all Business
• subjects leading to positions •
• as Bookkeepers or Steno- •
• graphers and for Civil Service
• and Commercial Specialists' •
exami nations will be con- • E
• ducted in Shaw's Schools, To- f
• /onto. (The Central Business •
• College with four city Branch •
• Schools) from July 3rd to •
• August this year. Students a
e may enter any time for •
• general courses. No vacations. •
• Write W. H. Straw, President, •
o for catalogue. 391 Young St.,
• Toronto.. •
Walking and ;Ii-)imlg Oliver
plows •
I. H. C. Gasoline Engines
McCormick Machinery Pumps.
• sand Windmills.
Miller itL�fille
Corner of Princes and Albert
Central [lnsln;essCOl'lege
Stratford, Oest.
TM Rest, Practical
'framing tSC1100I-111
Three Departments
All courses are thorough and
practicagl. Teachers are ex-
perienced and graduates are
positions. We give
in ividualattention, andgtu-
duents may enter at any time
Write for flee catalogue at
D. A. McLachlan, Principal
Montenegro Filr,ll /Decides To Yield
to Powers,
LONDON, lily 5. -As a result of the
Crown Council held at Cettinje 'on
Saturday, whereat Ring Nicholas and
his generals were present, it was de,
elded .to yield to. the wishes 01 the
powers and evacuate Scutari, The
Montenegrin- Parliament' hes been
summoned for Thursday, and the
matter will then be placed before it.
The above forms the gist of 'rev
era] messages received from the
Montenegrin capital both in London
and Vienna. If it really represents,
the intention of King Nicholas, a
much more favorable . phase of the
situation, so far as it affects the Scu-
tari question, would appear to have
been entered upon.
Down to late Saturday night the
ei n at Vienna,
Foreign Office however,
had received no corroboration of more
pacific tendenc;es at Cettinje, and
there is evidently a very strong dis-
position in official Austrian quarters
to distruct King Nicholas and his
The Daily Telegraph's Cettinje cor-
respondent says that, according to
reports tom Scutari, Essad Pasha.
who has made claim to be the ruler
of Albania, had an encounter with
Djaved Pasha in the neighborhood of
Durazzo, defeating him after a battle
lasting several hours. Other reports
state, however, that Djaved was vic-
Europe Must Be Firm.
BERLIN, May 5. -The weekly re-
view in The Norddeutsche Allegemeine
Zeitung, says:
Montenegro should be informed.
that it will be driven out of Scutari
if it refuses to evacuate, and Monte-
negro cannot expect any assistance in
its rehabilitation from the powers.
"Crown Prince Danilo's action in
proclaiming Scutari the capital, and
the reported occupation by Montene-
grin troops of the Albanian coast
points destroy the basis on which the
London conference has decided to take
a further step, and makes the pro-
jected action hopeless. Austro -Italian
military action is impending.
Cabinet Has Resigned.
• .nese..
LONDON, May 5.-A Cettinje de-
spatch to the Reuter Telegram Co.
confirms previon. announcements that
the Diontcneerin Cabinet has resigned.
\ Cottin!r despetc•lr to The Tunes
say.: that the resignation of the Cabi•
net is generally believed to indicate
that the coon -el of those advocating
the evacuation of Scutari have pre-
Thr Portuguese Government declar-
ed Saturday a ruatinnal holiday in
eelebratioo of the discovery of Uracil
in 1500.
The President of the Republic of
Haiti, Gen, Tancrede Ainmete, died
at nine o'clock Saturday night after a
brier illness.
Sir 'L'atton Sykes tried in Landon
yesterday alter a lung illness. Ile was
born on Mane]/ 13, 182.0, and has writ-
ten many books.
Miss Dorothy 1?vans, the minister
of war in the suffragette cabinet, was
arrested yesterday at Dover, as she
was leaving for 1F ranee.
Pape Pius X. continues to progress
in the recovery of his health. Every
day he descends to his library and
devotes several hours to his work.
German experts continue to express
doubts of one kind or another on the
Panama Canal question. The latest-
atestwriter declares that the locks are too
An anarchist plot to kill King Al-
fonso during his visit this week to
Paris has been discovered by the po-
lice at Montpelier, in the south of
Russa will not regard Austrian or
Austro-Itailian inter='ontion in Albania
Within the past few months.
over 100 persons have written
to the Zam-Buk Co. reporting
their cure of eczema, rashes
and skin diseases by Zam-Buk
Doesthisnot prove that Zam-
Buk is something different?
Don't you need it in You;
a. Miss Mary MoCuaig, 913 6t. Oath•
erine Street W., Montreal, says:
"I do not know words powerful
enough to express my gratitude to
Zam•Buk. Eczema broke out on my
scalp and hands. The irritation of
the scalp was so bad that I could not
sleep or rest, and Y feared i should
have to have my hair out offOn
my hands the disease appeared in
sore patches, the burning and itching
of which drove me many times to
spells of weeping. I went to the dis-
pensary, but they referred ms to a
akin specialist, who said that mine
was as bad a ease of eczema as he had
seen. Ha gave me some ointment,
and then a second lot, but neither
gave me any relief.
I was in a very bad condition when Zaw
Buk was introduced, but 1 soon found out
that it was different from all the other rem.
dies. I per severed with the Zam•Buk treat-
- good. end Te irrit tion and smarting goeach box did me more o more
appeared, then the sores began to heel, fresh
healthy akin grew over the parte which had
been sore, and 1 am now quite tree from all
trace, of eczema both on head and bands.
Td) talo hes alw �een,ared,"
Zom•Dak to eke • sun euro nor piles, !re ens,
all druggists
cud, buena and alt akin (Cloaca, 50e.
all druggist. and stores. or Zam•BukCo.. Toronto,
for price 150(0.. substitutes.
asp cause aor war, according to a de-
spatch from St. Petersburg to the
Frankfort Gazette.
Mrs. Elizabeth \"aineonr, 331 North
Catherine street, Hamilton, drank a
quantity of turpentine for other medi-
cine at her home and was removed to
the City Hospital in a serious c,iindt
Rural Dean Wright, rector o: St.
Jude's Church, Brantford, who was
injured some time ago on a C.P.R.1
train at Fort William, has entered)I
suit for 525,000 against damages the!
Suspicion attaches to militant syr
fragettes in connection with my'ste:
haus outbreak: of fire in two umbel
yards in London yeste=rday morning.
at which. many thnusan,ls of pounds'
damage was (Irmo.
01726 oCJ
Z --ri
-,else' isra
DYE, one can buy --Why youdon't even have to
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Montreal. Canada.
Women and Advertisements
SOME statements are so saturated with their
own moral as to require no comment. "Rid-
ing on a car during the exriterrant over the
naval battles between Russia and Japan." said Mr.
Thomas Martindale, before the Retail Merchants'
Associati"on of Pennsylvania, "I obseiv(d that the
men were reading the war news and the women
were reading advertisements. Those women, .I
i -
watched keen] res
r e advert se
meets and then turnedd hYe woman's
thpage, 1 his-
Idistance of eighty miles, •et at the
ride was a t g y)
journey's end the women had nor yet hnd time to
turn to the actual news of the day. The woolen
want advertisements to read, and you mutt prestnt
your business in a readable shape to be in the fight
these days."
Ig your Stock Moving? If not.
Then we can Help You,
New Era Ads pay -They
get right at the people.
THE /R�:/r . A CLINTON .