The Clinton New Era, 1913-05-01, Page 5itSinet-tese, 4
ettukaffax2r,..-Zaw tetaatzam...imllhiuery
11111)130 7S
Never before have, we sold
so many suits. Never before
have we had such good valies.
just to hand this week, 15
Ladies and Misses Suits, all
the latest styles, neatly .tailor-
ed, extra good cloth, all srnall
ize.s, 14, 16, 18, 34 and 46. If
these suits were bought in
the regular way they would be
good value at $17 00, we
would like to clear all in one
day. Take your choice on
Saturday at $11.9
two suits alike
A Grand Display of
Have you seen our new Rug Department? if
you have not, we have a big surprise in store for you.
The large room over Twitchell & Son's store is now
given up to this department.
Everything in Draperies and Floor Coverings is
',here. Just to hand this week:—
New Wilton Rugs New Velvet Rugs
New Tapestry Rugs New Brussels Rugs
New Matting Rugs'and Matting
New Oilcloths and Linoleums in all widths
Ask to See Our $9.410 Special Rug.
Tragedy Ill Mcifillap Township°
Father Slain By on
Seta orth, 21.Robent C or -
doe, a young, farmer or 3,ick:1110p
• tO1Yrinthin, 3V.a9 taken tuto alliitOdY•
at an early hour Thursday m Orli 1 nee
nod is held to the slaying or his
eaeiter, esogle fl tie/-
get -1Y <Mei/reed on the Gordon faerri
lat 14, concession 11, on Wecinesda
evening-, when the San strnek his
fa thee 'on t he head with a h i'avy
piece of iron. The elder s
skull was fr aetur ad at the use but
the elan)) lived un HI a it Lailr
Wednesday night, never, hevetver,
regainhig ceinsciousness.
• No one 'witnessed the 1of ir,lett
according teithe son'e; story the
tragedy. was clue et) a fit of anger.
' infr, Ifugh Gordon was a mem past
Middle I,fe, wheee ha y teas grown
up. 13iS vile died some years ago,
and a sister -anda dal/getter kept.
house for him. One other daugh-
ter attends the Collegiate Institute
here, and a third deughter was al-
so away from home. Robert was
the only son and is about twenty-
nine years of aze•
The Goectons .are one of the Most
highly respected familiesin the dis-
text ond have resided about SLs
miles from here for Many pais s.
Hugh Gordon \ease leading mem-
ber of the Presbyterian Church,
and was 1110,9( 11 y esteemed a -
manse. his neighbors, and the 11 111-
e5o05 friends of the 1'00111 y tt
shocked by the tie-eedy.
Last.Wednesday e v en ing„ t e
young man sagshe was whipping
a horse at the s-tehle end his father
nepeoved him. Tie finthee alt 'gos
that his father threaten:d to
him and made a /notion towiteds,
him. Thereupon the son picked up
a piece of iron that N119 on thc
stains Ilene and struck his father
to th e ground. 'Young Gordo
went ta rhe houss, and to his aunt
and sister, said ; "I guess I have
kilSed father." The horrified
men aceempanied the man to the
been and carried th victim to the
houee. Dr. Ross was Smiemoneel at
mice but could do nothing for thee
injured metn.
:2ef ore midnight Dr. 110"18 tele-
phoned 'Coronet' Scott of Scarottli,
that Gorden had succumbed 'and
Coroner sent theCounty Const al: I n
to - the Gordon fartnIvith a:warrant
for the eon's 'aseeet. Aland two
e" e oek Thsrscjay morning young
Gordon wa e brought to the police
station here almost overcome with
Cs/rimer Sena ompano11.7d a jury
and the remains were viewed. An
adjearnment was made to give the
Coroner an opportmeifty to have a
postainortem made.
Robert Gordon, charged with the
murder of his Father, Heigh Gordon
in MeKillop lownship, was brought
brought, fiefore .Magistrate laohnsteed
shortly slates 13 o,rlock this atereoon
and remaind id till next Wednesday,
eittyl,at 8.80.
"My •learned friend and I have
agreed to an adjournment of the case
fo" n week," Drown Attorney Seager
ammuneed, " and ask your worship
for remand until Wednesday."
Gordon was not, asked to plead. The
warrent had previously been read to
him The young men sat, es he bad
done during the hours of rhe nquest
previoesly, with 1 owed heat, and
holding a handkeechief over his eyes
with toth bends.
Dr J. G. Scott, coroner, pvesided nt
the ineinest, whi,h concluded at 2.10
this at/erne/ma' three-quarters of
an hour the' jury. of which Reeve
Govenlork of McKillep, was kneeler',
returned this verdict:
„ Mkt the jury appointed find that
Liegh Gordon ceme to his death by a
blow on the head
with . rod of iron in
the hands of his sun, Robert, on the
evening of the 22.11:1 day ef A pril, 1013,
on lot 14, eocession 13, Township of Me.
Killop, County of Huron."
Of 5194 Tdronto Public Scheel chil-
dren inspected by physicians, those
having phye:eel defects were as fol-
• Number with defective 23:1
Number with rye dire see
Number with defective hearing.. 32
Number with ear disease 111
Numbet with defective nasal
brentbing ... 334
Number with exam -god tonsils314
Number with enlarged glands159
Number with pulmonary disease 5
Number with heart disease.. 1
Number with defect in feet 11
Number with malnutrition 23
Number with decayed teeth 1723
Number with defective palate.. 3
Number with .skin disease 211
confined to his bed, the dem ased
Wanted was in poor health toy 'the past 8
• years. He was born in Ireland
t and mune to Clinton 30 years ago. teamster, steady position, must 4e
a, fen( ekes man, and find with horses He is survived by MS l'affIner 11)
-Apply to life and two sons and two daugh-
v,e, Dose ERry NANO CO tors ;—Mrs, F. W. Milton, De ti'oit ;
Mrs. Albert Hodge, Syracuse N y,
Michael to f town ; and Edward •or
•Private SaleSyraeuse. The funeral was held on
'Wednesday, at 9 a.m., service
.61 Furniture and Woonus
being conducted by Rev. Pr. Hogan
and interment was wide in -the
Estate of Late John LeSlie
Dining room chairs, table and side.
'beard, 1 hoer cloth sofa, I book case, 3
,Enereaue, 4 kitchen chairs and other
•hotieles. 1 democrat wagon 1 one horse
unseen, Can be seen any' Morning or 1
-afternoon at his late residence,
Pasture to Let
'There is for to let 123 acres of first
asfase pasture with a never failing 1
epring creek sunning through the
(ace with a quanity of shade trees. I
11,3 whole or hall', comprise part
tot 78 Maitland con., &ode' i eh Towt
ship. Apply on the psetnises to
Hohneeville Ont.
• Auction Sale
''The nndersigned has been instructed
'b sell by public auctien on Thursday,
the 15th day of May at 3 p m. on the
eztd school site, the old brick school
house and site, of school sectien No, 5,
Hallett. 1
erms made known at day of
seta D.N. Watson, Auctioneer; Jas,
Snell, Secretary -Treasurer; Clinton
Lost ,
"al. Black Morocco Hand Satchel be,
sessteen Albers Tornei's and Graham
1Filaase. Finder will be suitably re•
asisreled by leaving it at W. T.
geacsry store,
• For Sale
El. Baby Carriage with urnbiella top
also s0radie, nearly new. Apply at
The DIew Era. •
We are prepared to simply day old
-chicks, hatched from 00 Prairie State
teat/bitters, lo loss of 25, 50 or 160, at
• all cents each. Fat hens wanted itt 12c
esee pound.
GUNN, LANGLOIS & C10, Limited
• The up to date firm,
• 51T. W, Trewaetlsa, W. Jenkins
37, Local
News •
Early Monday morning Mr. Owen
.R. C. cemetery' in Hul lett; ' The
pallbearers were ;—J. Shanxi ahan,
McCaughey, P. Reynolds, J. Levy. al
Brown and D. Flynn. :Besides the
many flowers was a wreath from
the piano' flat of the Doherty Co., in
which Mr. M. Grealis works'. The
family wish to thank the many
ft/ends for their kindness shown
daring their recent bers•avement,
We are glad bo announce that
the advance agent of the Natioeal
Sanitarium Association has been in
town, this week, arranging 303' a
lecture to be given by Mr. J. E.
Watson, field secretary and lec-
turer bf the association, on tuber-
culloeis and the 'work of the Mus-
koka Free Hospital for Consump-
tives. The lecture will be &lista:-
ed 00 the 27th day of May, in the
town hall. Those who have been
privileged 30 hear this lecture. Will
be glad to have the opportunity of
hearing it again. We st ming! y re-
commend those who haee nut
heard it tio make it a point of doing
Entesibaitement, interest and
education are its tht'ee ve)'y out-
standing textures, Dr. Shaw; the
atedidal officer of health, has been
requested to act as che.irmau.
Steel Shingles
Corrugated Iron
• Asbestos Fire Proof
• Regal
or Phone lor
our Prices.
Byain ec Sutter
Salutary Plumbers
Phone 7.
Grealis aged 82 years passed a-
t his home.Alithotign nolerassysivessearsosis.WeeietswAsssaAAssis '
white eural bungalows and cottage,
which for vivid, radiant whiteness
would surpass the executive mansion
at Washington. Paint can not rival
the dazzling lustre of Bermuda's lime-
washed coral buildings, shimmerin
as they do in the brilliant, sub-tropical
sunshine like pillars of light.
Russians Use Wooden Spoons
The peasant class In Russia, which
torms 77 per cent. of the total o
'titian, still uses the wooden spoon.
The people of this clan can not afford
plated ware. The middle classes use
steel and plated ware, and the weal-
thy classes usually have sterling,
Most of the steel and plated ware
is manufactured In Warsaw, Probably
90 per cent. or the people of Russia
use the very cheapest grades of table
ware and only 10 per cent. of Silver
Waener's Thi( -teen's
It Is a comfort to know that thir-
teen is not invariably connected with
bad luck. Riehard Wagaer revelled
in the figure; he was born 111 '13, and
the sum of the figures 01 (116 year also
made 11; his hatne heel 13 letters; he
composed and published 13 great
works, and his real career Commenced
on the 13th day of the month. "Tann-
bauser" was completed on April 13,
and produced in Paris for the first
time on March' 13. Wagner left bay-
reuth on September 12; be also bap-
pened to leave this world on the 13th
day of the month.
Natural Blankets
Nature is kind in Ecuador. When
a native wants a blanket he goes to
a demajagua tree and cuts from it
a strip of peculiarly soft, thick bark,
five or six feet long. This is dam-
pened and beaten until the flexibility
Of the sheet is much increased. The
rough, gray exterior is next peeled
off, and the sheet dried in the sun,
The result is a blanket, soft, light,
and fairly warm, of an attractive
cream color. 115 may be roiled into
a compact bundle without hurt, and
with ordinary usage will last for
several Yen.r,
•••PV "e• •
President of the Grand Trunk Railway
Big Mountain Lion
Maddened when wounded, fighting
to the death, and attempting to tear
the bodies of his assailants to shreds,
a big mountain lion was. shot at Half.
Moone Bay, 50 mites up the coaet
from Vancouver, B. C., by Thos. Hare,
who subeequently collected the bounty
on same. Hare, his brother and the
lattsr'snlew ere passing through the
woods, when the lion made .his ap-
pearance and pluliged towards them.
Though wounded several times he still
came on. Ammunition was running
low, but, taking his last 01111, Thomas
Hall 50015 ,i shot through the brute's
head as be wean/eking his final spring,
and it rolled over in the snow, dead,
When measured it was Towle to be
Seven feet from tip to tip.
Bermucia'S Garai Houses
Bermuda, is, the original home of
the "White House." The 'simplest
bungalow is built of, the same ma-
terial as the most pretentious villa,
In almost precisely the same way.
White coral blockcut from, the
backbone of th e islands are used for
all building purposes. Many of the
welitoslo negroes live in lovely little
HAivei.Y 14-cvv,N BARD
who reorganized th school system of
the Philippine Islands with such
success that the government of
Peru asked hmi to undertake the
same worthat k acountry. He is
a native of Indiana.
Non -Productive Areas
Professor C. A. Zavitz, Guelph, in
the course of an address, said that
Canadiaa agriculture was showing
More and more the effeets of the work
ef a well educated and highlji intellec-
,teal people. Turning to the high cost
of 11ving he said th1 was due ill no
Small measure to the prevailing prac-
tice of few men operating farms of
largo area. The Increase in the num-
ber of people engaging in non-produc-
tive occupations must necessarily be
accompanied by a higher market price
for products of the farm, It would
be much better for the people them-
selves, the city and the country 11
many at present living in Canadian
case.% werr ' - ,on the farina.
sTI,SW.."4.V.*seaaeo--' '
r111.117.11$11AY it;3Y, ,, 1‘1 3,
.11ON, A. G. MACKAY, has resigne0
as member 10 p 1110 14 01':11 lelding
of Grey C'oun'ty. Thctse is 10 eug
gestion• at present when tIs
writ will he issued, but it is Hite-
ly that the matter will remain 1.,
Jab eyan ce un 311 a 13 erns an 1. it ap-
pointment is male to th e,Provin-
Oa I tr e as ur ars hip.
ePs 44"
44. • EDITORIAL 4,t.
Next Monday evening a large
gathering or Ontario Liberals is to
Iso held in the Arena, Mutual St.,
Toronto. Addresses 3105 expected
from Sir Wilfrid Laurier, iRon. Geo.
P, Graham and Ds'. Michael Clark,
from the West. Among the topics
to be discuseed will be the Naval
Bill and the ST, festive. 11 15 expect -
that reduced rates will be granted
on the nalways. The Central Ex-
ecutive\ v:II welcome those attend-
ing from outside points. It is ex -
peeled there will he a large at-
tendance to hear the able speakers.
Po you ever feel like having a
chat or writingn letter to yourrid-
ing representative in the Legisla-
ture ree Commons concerning the
puhile issues or questions of local
interest being d alt with.? Such a
Course might have a very hes ith-
ful effect as 11 would show your hes
ter e ; indicate to said. member
What some people's opinions were ;
and possibly help him in arriving
at wise conclusions. The electors
are par Li y letenie 115 neglecting
to post their parliamentary repre-
aentative and keep him in the tra-
It/co/Ube . Constituency. Alberta;
r el ected R.F. Puffer, the other
day, for the third term. Some
Men :te "puffers' without possess-
ing that as the 30011131 name and
are never so happy as when kite,
flying or making balloon ascents.
Asia rule their WO' cis and works
lave so much hot air and little -more.
Poop le iike men who will Do things
that demand moral backbone and
are for the public good. Don't he
a puffer, a bluffer or a duilfer but
tend a hand to eVeryone who may
be called upon to suffer.
One of the rC al sciences today is
to control your temper. To "fly
Off the handle at every triviah an-
noyance is both sensel :55 and child
ish say nothing of the, trouble
that hot 'w o Lids and indefensible
deeds are sure to cause. To hint
you cannot help these explosions of
passion is to place them upon the
throne as King while you play the
part of t he me lila I s la vo. Every
W eel; Blest -eat ions may be read of
the ,dire consequences following an
uncontrolled temper, To keep cool
and sweet should be one of Our
Characteristics. The trouble with
many is that they don't attempt to
curb t nisei ve8 but app ear to t111011
that their neighbors and friends
have to take what they belch out.
A bigger mistake. was never made
and the greatest loser is the hulk
vidnals 'who, often wit hout good
cauee make a show of themse I V es.
C2ount :WO the next time you feel
yorte "mad" is getting up before
Confidence is the
Eompanion of
. •
When you go shopping you
are always eure to, be suc-
cessful 13 you buy- at depend-
able s to lea,.
The 11101'01)00,10 0'.110 1V011't s
your confidence is the er 011-
a at who et ei v es, ' to fie e p .it.
Re 30 building his Inminess by
lalo 31e151111g, by giving you
quality goods, and fulfilling
030173 preemie e Of hie advertis-
inents. He cannot LID:0rd to
ti ins/ ppoi nit ' 3011.
Every time you hay anything
item the sitoTes that advertise
io 'elle New Elia you -will be
More than setistiod, for they
merit your coneidenee in every
detail of their business.
To, get to 'know all the Se
good s tor es and their s'plondid
'01k:rings rend the advertise-
ments every Week 'in The
For the money invested YALL PIPER improves your
home more than any other furnishings. Bring along the sizes
of your rooms and we will surprise you at what it will cost
you "TO FIX UP."
All Paper Trimmed Free
you speak or strike and note th
effect. YDLI Will probably he th
victor and inaeter 03 3115 situtitiot
Let us set a g,eod exampls by hold
ing the, reins on whal we 'say\ en
We venture 313' affirm that W.
Bryan, the' right handman of Pres
dent Wilso, 03 1115 United Slate
will isat lose oast by declaring the
Adam's ale will take the place o
liquors at public functions be ma
hiave todo svith at Washington
Sense folk are afraid to be singula
but evidently Mr. :Rayon has back
bone enough to Stand hy his con
victiions. His example will lee
sourcce of great strength to thous
e ago. All had a delightful trip.
a in the list of successful students
in the final yeae at Queens Univee-
' sity we notice the name of Miss
- Hellen D. Mord. We understand she
d also obtained her epeciaLst stand-
ing in Moderns and kiSstory and
English, Miss Fiord is a daughter of
Rev. ,T.E.Mord of Wesley church.
Mr. DeLany of Seaforth, was in
town on Wednesday.
I Mrs, W. S. Downs will visit hit
g, the home 03 1105 brother, Rev. R. B.
Stevenson. Tavietoek, and olso at
Listowel during the next week or
f two,
,Y 111./'. and Mrs. IC. • Erskine, of
, Knowlton,''rQuebec are enewing
, old acquaintances in town. They
• are welcome visitors.
- Mrs. P. W. Mitten, of Detroit, was
- here attending the funeral of her
a father, the late Owen Greens.
"The Better Foaming Special
over the Ce P.R. linee will. take 0
another .litinery starting at Wind
sae,. Ont., on May 23. Exhibits wi
be carried in the earn illustrativ
•of the svork outlined and Profess-
ors from the Ontario Agricultural
College will deriver addresses and
densoinstuaite. Theee wili be a cer
of live stock whieb wiil inelnd
horPes, mileh cows. beef cattle
poultry etc., Second efts will hay(
seed and prodnets of the soil, hoe,
keeping department and ptobahly
fruit. It is the intention to 13old
the public meetings in halls whcre
this can be arranged, oderich ap-
pears to be the only 10 11'12 in Huron
Co. to be visited, possibly owing to
it being the terminus of the C.P.13„
- Walter G. son of R.
Holmes, formerly of Clinton, in ad -
Onion to holding an important
POsition on an Edmonton paper, is
" • also the salaried Secreftary of the
Edmonton Typographical Union,
_ Mrs.. Harry Rartliff and baby are
at Brussels. Mrs. Bareliff's father
.c‘, t90
11 in good health foe
Mrs. Albert Efodge and Mr. Ede
ward Greens, of Syracuse. N. 1%,
were called home to attend the
loner -al la their fattier, the late
Owen tsreahs.
Mist' Willa Mord, daughter of
Rol'. J. E. Mord wili teach for the
next two months at Ayr.
has just finished her year at the
Queen's UniVersity.
Mr. and ms's. a.m. Yato at-
tended the funeral of the latter"e
nephew, Master Tommy Ruden, 113
Berlin on Sunday. ,an acconnt of
the Little fellow ,e death may be
read 111 another -Column, - •
Messrs, W, S. Downs and Wm.
Butt left on Wednesday ler Owen
Somed where they will! he engaged
foe the next few weeks 00 the
.carved ornament in connection
with the furnishing of one of tue
nee, pritetiui 0. 0, 8.eretete.
Sensible is the advice of Sit'
Osler, vix "F.,) -get the past and,
the future and live in the present."
He thinks Europeans accomplish
just as much as Americans without
that everlasting rush of the West-
ern hemisphere. W.orry kills moi'
people thian work hence with good
health, Ireduatry, cheerfulness, op-
timism and a regurd for the best
Possessions of Ilfe there 15 1110 rea-
son Why people should not he con-
tented ,and happy. Don't cross
bridges bef'o:'e you come to them,
think good: thoughts and believe
implicity in an overruling Provi-
Personal Notes 4c-
4. 15 those having relatives or friends if.
visiting in town or going away ace
notify lle et the feet each week, we
• Would announce 15 111 the New ERA.
+ 4.444444444+44441
Mrs. Kenn,eth Cho'wen is visiting
with Miss Moore. of Winghtese,
Niorman Fitzsimons has se-
cured a position in Sit, Catharines,
Mr, Gillis RtuneaY and Misses
Jean and Agnes Ramsay of Plats -
v I le,' were week -end vi si tore at the
home of their grandmother, Mrs.
Rev, Pr. Donn of London was in
town this week,
Mrs, G. D. MeTaggart is visiting
in Toronto.
Mr, Murray Draper left on Tues-
day Ser Regina.
Wlessrs. Thos, R. Watts and 0.
Miller left for Edmonton on Tues-
day morning,
3311, Rioland Pin 110.1. of Winnipeg
spent the week -0511d with friends
in, town.
Mrs Fire•d. Rumba] of the Royal
FS•aelc, London, was called home
this week lowing to the death of
his grandtathee, Mr. F. Rum bal
Mr. lioy Grigg of Goderich spent
'a few days this week at home, and
'do n OtheT, MT. Hugh Grigg of
Menteetal, is'spending his vacation
at home.
Mr. Wm, Bat I and, jr., and chil-
dren, left on Mondie.y for their 11.012'
110010 11.1 01.101p11.
Miss l8as3e1 O'Nil left last Tr: -
day floe Tosonto to enter training
in the General laiospital.
Mr. T. ,Itteksan, jr. was in Zurich
on Tuesday.
'Mr. Lou Doherty of Goclorieh evets
in 11000) on W,e,clneaday.
Mrs. .Frank ()Neil and 'MSS Bello
•are in To n is this week.
Miss Annie Mieflovvie, is visiting
in Toronto.
Mr. j, D. McLennan ot Calgary,
formerly teller in the Molsons Sank
1sere, wag renewing °a friendships
in town last week,
Professor Candler, of Toronto,
spent slew days -with his brothee
Dr. (land ler ,or town.
Mr. Donald Rot se a third year
atudient in medicine, and an old
Clinton boy, will assist 21 Doctor at
Swift. Current this summer.
We are plearted to see Master'
Willie • Wacker out atter his oper-
ation for appendic.ftis.
Mr. Jack Leslie is spending a
few- weeks in town. He expects to
leave shortly to take his old job in
Chatham's city 'engineer is making
good use of the splitlog dregs on the
etieets of the city. All of the road in
South Chatham west of Queen street
have been dragged and are In good
shape' Be is now starting on other
roads in South Chatham and expects
in a few days to have the Streets of
the city in splendid condition.
The annual Convention of the Gods. -
rich District Women's Missionary
Society will be held in Ontario St,
chnoth, Clinton, on Wednesday, May
7th, commencing at 1080. Miss Well.
wood, a returned missionary from
China, will be present and take part in
the con.ventatica,
Ku,Lim) 13Y AUTO
Tommy, the seven-year,old son of
Dr and Mrs .A. E: Rumelell, of Berlin
was on Friday last, accidentally killed
by 3, .1, Jammers automobile, driven
by his son, paselng over the latl's neck,
T.te Mi, who was hanging on the rear
03 15 gattotge waggon, jumped oft an
ran towel ds his home just as the auto
was passlug The driver was mush e to
see the boy until he was knocked down
by the front wheel Crown Attorney
Bowlby decided an inquest was
necessary, This was the first fatal auto.
mobile accident in that city. The
young boy was ft nephew of Mrs. G.
M. Yates. The funeral was held on
Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, Yates attended
the funeral,
Don tcut corners," that is, If yen
have to walk on the grass 10 110 so.
There is eo kick -coming against the
pencils who takes a shoot cit across
the road, but there is a decided objec.
non to the person who will walk
across a boulevard to save a few steps.
'13e beauty of many boulevards tri
town is spoiled by persons walking
across them. The sidewalks were Made
to walk on, so stick to them ,Of course
childeen are the wont offenders, but
many grown-ups arejust as careless
in this regard. Keep oft the boulevard
yourseli. and if you have children,
train them up to respect the honk:-
ye/As as well. In this way yen will do
nnsh tewards keeping nil the repress,
tion of "Beni:Ifni Clinton,'
The navy hill will net be up foe
dismission in the commons this week,
Several Board of License eommiseion.
ers met on Saturday to grant licenses,
Dr, Ttoberts, Medical officer, of health
thunilten thinks he and his
ststants have isolated, the germ
using 500110 sore thoati, The
Orden Government is said to oonsid,
ing the establishment of drycloccits
addax. 1g-qui/malt ti.nd Levis,
timately to be naval bases. Mr
maid'Boston, who lost both . feet
ars ago hy frost, has been dismiesed
Otil hie pilat aslightiteeper at tittle
itrent, 111anktoniiti, by the BOrdeil
Johpso a was in London ca
I,eet 010011, 13
Bev. Mr. Snowdon of Vaena eves e'l
in town. on Teme(dety.
The friends in -flown of Dr. and D
Mrs. J, A., 'Reber tson or„ sitrlattord ve
will be:pleased toleaen 11.13,ey. lute, e
returned. ,a0ons their trip to the ot
Mediterna11ebelIsen ter tsrn
nean and Egypt. Dr. Ge
oil • ft
,eci a 530015: