The Clinton New Era, 1913-05-01, Page 11 a.m.:. 3tiovv-u-x- , 1 the demand for the graduates is Dispensing Chemist, ; far in excess of the supply, Col- t lege open all year. Enter now. alloolosslimassi Write for a catalogue. f,,s!Art, 't,oxims!w „ , 1111111F 110/111/4/111"::',:',11, EStablished 186 Vol:. 4 No 4 7) • 'ONTARR NAY 191,4' ' , Ice& &ison", TPublishers ' here are a nomber of New Era' Subscribers still in arrears 'for their Papier. and we 'and' Attend to Sarne. THE c0000timotteeseggeseasseeeett Royal BCA2 OkeLAS. (oeseeeemeseemoesseedoesseto " Met and Events. tch of the Beath of Mr. 'Fred gumboil Personality of Wm OF CANADA Head Office, Montreai Capital Authorized . .... .....$25,000,000 Capital 11,500,000 Reserve and hadivided • profits , 12,50,0,000 TOTAL •ASSETS 175,000,000 325 BRANCHES :With world wide connectionS ,Interest tallowed on Deposita General (Banking .busilness tin - acted. R. E. MANNING, Mgr. CLINTON BRANCH immamit.ormscrumravozwasmentscalmasameamsem. formaldehyde Prevents Smut on Grain We guarantee our Formaldehyde to be of standard strength 50c lb. I MR, 'WILLIAM PROUDFOOT, Mein bey for Centre Huron, who pram. red the charges against Pre- mier Whitney and Pir oYin Ma Secretary Hanna: rope ur. Poor. trf.ra.a Rene Pitts X., who has been near deaths door in Rome was born illoseph Sarto aft !Riese, near Von- Jmie 24335, • He vas the child Qe pool' peasants. Ile how- ever, to pa:al:700 Which llons or people cm:under the Most exalted lathe World. 'relent dis- displayed at an early age and dee vet oped to an extramidinary de= goes, deep piey, broad human sympathy and :tireless energy' brought abode his marvellous ad- loancement, Ile has always' • held the love of his fellowmen,- He is the "Pope of the Booms* His granelfathee was a soldier in the penal army 'under 'Gm -10V XVL His father Nvorked in the fields and as communal carriee, struggling to maintain •tvith his meagre Income the large family of two sons and six daughters. A small cottage was the birthplace of the pope. .Eta attended the parish school at Riese. His apti- tude induced the ftamily to s,,,nal him to sehool Casiteleframco, seven miles from home. To meet tl le expens-e, his ...father labered even more hours 'daily than hacl sive trade, Later he. had thelate Pubiic Scheel, and from private fr been his lot. The boy noldsedthe Jolul -Deane as his partner, and teachers. Aft Osgoode h's ot long ratite to school, Ire WaS aisle /VD'. James McIllath, eftet frienc.1 desiants dATIvo bath not loist a toSencl,• s PriplififtiOt P.Pr . . There is no union here: of heaets, Which hath not here an encl." 1 We .are called upon; this. week to *cord the sleuth 'of Mr, Frederic:1s Iltimbal ,one of Clinton's oldest, , kind eertainly one or its most highly es teeneed residents, whidh occurred on Saturday leSt S ; Has Argured Many. Cases in Court of Appeal at 0sgoode Hall, • - (TORONTO DAILY STAR), The man who has taken his 'poli- tical life in his hands by launehing one grave eltarges.against Minlaters of torte age, he eXperieneed (teoious the 'Crown, isa cautious, dry, law - 11 inese, and partially recovered yer body, of Scotch-hie/II stock. If therefrom, but his conclitio such that little or no hopes were' tent eiltained of his oltimate recov- tony, end' his death was not un - booked for. The late Rumbell, seas born In Gederie,h township, on the • 'Huron Road, on May 11th, 1834 and all the age of 17 came to Clinton arid learn ed the carriage and wagon build- ing from the late Edward Dinsley, the age of 21 he started resines e invesktgation about to be don- clueted iota the 'actions of the Premier tend the:Provincial Se- cretary fens to discover wrongful conc:let; Prcmdfoot, member for Centre Huron, 'Will he. compelled to resign his seat in the House, and retire in disgrace infte private lire. BLit the michiteaged, sandy mastaehed, mat teressf-fact looking man does not show any signs of worry. Hehas the legal • mind, and appears to be sure of his goound, Wfee hen If il Lam Proudfoot was 011.a or of 1501,011 COCUlt ' Three !lough Cup Games an Saturflay 'WoodstoCk Goliege, Clinton I , and Listawd High School are • WinnerS, • --- 01inton 0,1. 1; Stratford C. I. 0 Following are the views of the two Stratrord papers on the Plough Cup game played in that eity last Saturday between Clintoe and the, Straaord Collegiates ;- -HERALD- . The first. game in the Hough Cup series was played on the Collegiate Plats Saturday afternoon before a small crowd of spectators, but what was lacking in numbers was made np in. enthusiasm. Referee MeClutcheon lined the boys up promptly at 3 p.m. 10 a heavy sl • st y faun t85 ii. se and had quite an extene got his schooling alt the and.erieh tl ram. Right feom the hie) ef _:-o ....sricrannarzorawastoostaseormenommomumnewars..vaassaamMmle he hall waskep't cionstant motion s osamsamtatto...............ionauswatna2VAItt.tamile17 the Somethin Worth oirlg Bnyina a .KODAK and taking. and making p'etures of eveso, thing that will be tiource oss pleasure to yeti and gem, rrientle now and in after years. We can supply' you with EASTIIIN KODAKS from $2.00 u•p THE REXALL sToRk Holnics Faithful student and Isy w' ' • but •the changing condi- „.. ending was high, though not traanclinary. He was called 7:;;I:1 laurels justified tl famil in I i • te wisdom of th bar in 1884, and set t • 10 Y ma s• rig sacrifices to meth:a:cheat ly to build up a law pram - I 01 W 01 : further ids education . Precious facture, affected the btisin,essi -5n,st hard work won hint a conspienons Owing to the High Standard 1 documents !Ant priistroted h4tilitlis os it has all over soo prooioce. sinecess, and he has DOW the repu- tice in his native COUllty. Sorci t ilLiintaiued in the Popular sistersali'lls'eeinienecnecre iricifithees 8 entirt. Mr. .Rumball was a man of steel- tatoiir of being, one of the soundest, range of studies, They were es- ing integrity, whase word was as flashiest lawyersy in Ontario. th gh not bany means the p emla I I y proud of his proficiency in good as his bond, and although he eemerary of 0',, 1--.. -----------ens gave his supp.ort to whatever himself in the study of theology. seita.w rem In politics he teas a in 1858, when 23 years of age, he . wag 'ordained a priest Liberal tions of the country and 01 010110- ELLIOTT TORONTO, ORT. The Molsons Bank Incorporated 1855 Established in Clinton 1879 HEAD OFFICE, MONTREAL SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT Interest allowed at highest current rate, on stuns of 81 and upwards from date of deposit J0101 .Aceounts Allowed ACRES ANI) AGENTS ALL OVER CANADA AND AtkE NTS ALLOVER THE WORLD A GENERAL BANRITta BUSYNESS TRANSACTIID. E. DOWDING. Manager (nnton Branch. 54••••••••4••••• .4.4.4***•••• 404444044 400 444 004 +40****** i” °"('g.11111" 05 '1Ica Nge 10 (" "1)6 Latin. Joseph 'won a scholarship . , , which enabled him to mite., ti s net el entered municipal life, al- At Osgoode Hall. Mis;Proudfoot is well known at Osgoode Hall, the home ()tithe On- tario Supreme Coert He has • • gue many an appeal and his re- , put ation is that of a gentleman de - From thie- first his greatest eon- . N learned in the law. Liked cern was. for the poor among his caHriel• se•talsrienitiilitil only c.,falthful, _and 4icljeecilsi;es.its,agues in too profession, parishioners. He Weedy a nowt d '. e er of k eeley Metho- his relatnans with the Bend -ear& of himeelf necessary food, and even dist church, but in E2 lien days the most harmonioUS character. Sold his horse, that the proceeds when this was known as Batten- that heis i even tempered, A 'rhe ordinary lay person would say might he used to relieve, the eon- bury street cnuren, he was tone Of fellow -barrister might speak of d'itions of the unfortunate. On • that of Padua. He clisting'uiehed contributed to the welfase of his one occasion he gave away his own .dinness A poor man came to say hued:ens of what was then a strug- that his wife was ill, the doctor gling cause, his temper I tl • • a man in the night afford to its officials, and lielned to carry the his "judicial mind.'S It is said that hall .said she • must have broths and he had not the means to provide it. Meat was boiling in a pot for Father Sart:0's dinner, and, -without IlOSit- tation, he gale it to the mats Re- proved by his sister he -enswered that the matins need was great and there was imithing to do but give him the food. Then he -smiled 'Ia- nignly and assured her that the Lord would provide for them, ho trakal he waii employed eve country curate. In 1507 lie was appointed parish priest of Sa 'sane. There he worked faithfully for eight years and wen ;the atten- tion of those higher in antherity, by the- tact and devotion with which he discharged his parish duties, He was made 0 Ca11911 of the cathedral, elettesiiier of 1 to; dio cow arid spiritual directer of the _"'•••"Seres dean erne chapter, served in • ea ege. here -after he beeame • 99c• • • • • • I Solortag, April 261h • was appointed suffragian. In 186'2 he passed to the ilioess • of 'Mantua, where for. two years hp. was reetor of the eentinary. h, at- + traCtecl the attention of Leo • who in 1851 Marie him Lieliot * that city. The diocese was at that • time i n a condition of ferment, 4 There had been continued clash- ing between 'the episcopal end 4. government 'authority. and there 4. was in the field a sitisong • + force opposed o the church. The • tact, patSenee and kincily manner of • the bishop harmonize(' these con- : flieting interests. 4 On June 12,1803, he Was erect led • a cardinal and three clays tater patriarch of Venice. When the patriarch left Venice to attend the Conclave called to elect a successor of Pope Leo the people hailed him as 11)0 11001) I. He tentomniSafted with there, say - that such an event WaS beyond the r,ange of possibilities. In the Con- clave he was urged forthe high Of- fice, but he put aside those who prorerred their support 0111! beg- ged that they find another 0011- clidiate. When the ballots began to turn strongly his way he became • immil°24a2meleallatzmaimimmt167422•••••asulamK*1' 4 $ • . • • •• s We are going to make Saturday April 26th • : 4 • * • • • Hat Day at our store. It will be a day of • • '1 4 • big Hat selling,. for we lre going to 'sell • • : hats for men and boys that should send them • • • • • • • • out by the dozen. 1 OWI) 111051) strenuous opponent.' •• • He took the floor to entreat the • • • members of the Saerecleonege to •• • ., desist fro m (the Rica of electins• • • ; : and sttose Ito show 'wherein * We have gathered together 125 Ha.ts in , ,i, he 'lacked Hie requisit e necteltsitry • • to equip him to occupy the papal • broken lines and sizes, both in colored and • • none, Ent his words had a eon- * black, • ioary effect. In the dignity, the • learning disclosed in these dis- • humility and the great breadth of • • courses the patriarch stood before • • his colleagues as the one 01 an to be : The regular prices of these hats are from• ..4 ; WiaS elected on the sixth 'ballot. ? placed on the papal throne. He 0 . $t.2 5 to $3,5o, but in order to clear them out you can take your choice of the entire :• lot for 99c. • • • • • 4 (Se.e. Window Display.) • • : First Shipment of Boys Shirts • • 40 • • * • 1 A Square Deal for Every Man •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • Received this Week. The Morrish Clothing • •• * • * • • • 4 • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • 4 it • , ‘ . 0 HIS Wile, a Miss Moore, Presn se lose it. Whether this idea has 'a' ceased him by about 30 years, The ,, 3 11 the wrong cannot afford to as a popular jeweller of town, was late John 11,1iumbell, wen known purely conjectural, but kis a fact bac ever occurred to Mr. Proudloot is Mg his Only son. Fioe daughters are that there is nothing irritable, 01) boisterous, or hysterical about Wile the other members 01 1115 family, ram Poondfoot, K.O. He islogical These are. Mrs. Arthur Tem:dal loof ; and determined, without being slip to witi, (who has ministered to lti m ; un tin I y se I ha ssertive or on n leas- bat faithfully during his illness); Airs; ' antly aggressive. Robert. Callender, Delewares Ohio ; I Tw OM 011a encl of the field t her, and the hopes, of the; 8 ford boys ran high. After the first 10 ininuteS the local team began to assert them- • selves aud had the visitors guess- ing most of the time, however luck did not come their way but rather layover/ the Clinton contingent. Fifteen minutes ream the start a ball breach of the handling rule by McMillan gave Clinton a penalty kick which was taken and convert- ed by Kaiser, Poem this point till half thee the play ranged from end to end of the field. After the change of ends Strat- ford, with the wind behind them, etanted and sustained an aggress- ive tuot•ernent -which did not abate until the final whistle blew, Only three times did 'Clinton get to Stratford goal aelert in the last halt gel y due to the splendid play - of W.Reynolds, the local left in who was by far the best 11110' 01)1 the field. Nething• gOt Rey- ex-eited and even with the eery state of the ground and 1 he never made a mietake, lee he 30011 is an 111(10 pen cl 1: rush 0r,, Oall'ill Callender. Parkershorg, EMeted to esegisie Lure. West • -Vilest/1'a; Mrs. Andrew I His active political career has Porter, (ioderieh; and Mrs. Nye. I not been a long one. He wsts re- hall Moorehead, Minnesota. It might I turned for Centre :Huron at the 'N. be reread:eel, parent In Lien 1 I y, that general ci ection of 1S08 :al s al th through the opposing forwards end 0 further scoring teras recorded, 011g11 in last five Mill 11 S Clinton mistodicon had a eceilly ions thh0, the ball hitting CrOSS and upright in rapid success- th ere 'was thhiling doing the home team. spite the 11)1 1)51)0001)1 a splon- game wnspresen tea to the silve- rs ancl the Tir. F. A. schedule not produce any 111010 £.3.:13i't;,- '01111 the game Saturday lif- eon, tIrea ter support should iveu theinatoli s of this series, es such esi turdey at worthy llg crowd, Mr. MeCutelieon the teams's-soli in hand ac all -ISE'ACON- a ragged aria. somewhat (11 - ell game or football, the local giate Institute c,1 even went 1 to defeat 00 Saturday before Clinton Collegiate in the first erne and home 500105 in the Misery nomscl of the Hough ut able, All clay 11) 1111(1 been ltr ts best to nain, and' suceeede aboult fifteen minutes before' lay was scheduled to com- e. It eositinued with more or rigor througthout the entire Messrs. Robert ani2, Calvin Cit nap- I held the seat 'CV er sines,: Ilia 111,0 the der sustained sest ills losSi's by• the ' in the IliouSe has been like. his view recent floods in their respective atthe bar:quiet but certain. His 'an X Stat, thorough grasp of legal a.nei linen- bap That 'Mr, numb:ill had a very ' cial matters has nmcie him '(Inc of ion, wide circle of friends goes .without the chiefs 02 1)110 Opposition, In for staying, and that he will be greatty the next Liberal Cabinet he,will for ('1)1' half a century he wits. an General. His speeches are master- did misssil in t he emmounitv of whieh almost eeetainlY be Attorney- ; honored MV1/1 13P", is equally true, pieces of dry so asoning, The oely 4 , 7. , tris death makes a breach in the thing human also nt them. Is all 00- `.;`,.% ) nanks of the old eesidents. the oasional flash of sarcasm, which olu numher of whieh. 50 10" a) men 11 rc‘ sic-ht.:in misses its 111.13'k. 111011 CO 0001`13ed , is becoming very 1%110' funerzl washeld on Tuesday A PLEASANT EVENING_ leo g tent afternoon from his late residence, 1 Last Thmsday evening Mrs. D. Gain H11/"0 II' Si: rl‘et, The services \vele K. Grant mite rtailled the inem- of a 1 conducted by' 'Rev. J. F., Fo-rt, pas- bers of Willis C'hut`ch. choir at the east ter of tho deceased, assisted 1.-.y lqaase, provtous to the departure. ,S, Revs. J. Greene and COE. Jeakins, or illiss Ha.zel O'Neil who left on "ra 0 The pallbearers Wi1'4, old friends of Friday lei -become a :nurse in teeth - the deceased ;-D. Meenrvie, W, ing'at Toronto General Hospita 1. Ittu'land. J. Stevens, IL Wittse, C. Charades were the order 6f J. Wallis, and If. 11. (Thant. Among the evening and ,t1,10 In those from a distance to attend the clever taeting of some of called joint funeral were :SD'. and Mrs. I'. C. Ce I- forth much applause. During t li e ooi 10 lender, re)! Parkersburg, West Vir- i evening Mr. Giant on behalf of ginia ; alis Robert Callender and , the choir nreserst • cl Miss Altzt7 clowi win. A delberta. of Deleware, Ohio ; with a beautiful bouquet of carna- the 5, ;k13' and Mies Andrew Porteo. of tions and fern, in a newt speech of Goderich ; Mr. F. Rumball, London ; expressing the choir'le appreciation ' Mr. John ' Rumtball, of Gocierich ; of iser faithful arid efficient servi- Preth and Mee Fred RI:mils:Ill, Of London. , Ces and their hope that all success Cu}) Many beautiful floral wreaths were might attend her 111 her chesto To sent by old friends of the deceased. peoression. falser • - —nose until ing theP Proudfoot Charge is Quoted in full game, The grounds, as a result, series. The score was 1 to 0. e weather teas anything b YcI- (TORONTO D SI `S , This 13 1)1111 exact mending 01 1110 charge nae lathe LegifilaIttOe by Mr. William Peouctfoot, M.P.P.: IN nisi I I iani Pr:m.14f oot, a Marabar of the Legis,lature for the electoral district of Centre Huron, in the Province of Ontario, Dominion or Canada, declare that lam credibly inftormed, and I believe that lean establish by satisfactory evidence: That Taylor, Scoftt and Company enteral Intola contract with the eve YoueneweIf•Hen.iWilliam J. Hanna, the Pro- yineial Secretary of the Province of Ontario, for and on behalf of the said Province, on the 20111 day pf Ju/y, A. D. 1905, for the term of five yetars from tlae 1st day of Septem- ber, 1906, tothe 1st day of Sep- tember, 1910, wher'eby said: cent - pan y was to manufacture wash si an other ait Lel es as there- in set Smith, at the Central Prison, Seelonging• 1 to the said Province, The said Province to maintain and provide the wood -working shop then installed in said prison, and to, supply a minimum of eighty men. and, if more inequired, up toa total of one-third or the total prdsoner0. The said Taylor, Scott and Company to pay thereof ac- ortroccied so that it protects itt ing tothe schedule set forth in t e sta., agreement, am also in L STAR). • wet e ina very poor condition, mak ing anything like good playing out of the ctucstion. However, the lads did very we I I. Although Clinton won out by one goal, Satui,d ay's play cannot be taken as an indication of their real strength. The same is quite (300- 02 ,thle locals, as those who witness- ed their pertiotrmance Olin& opee tv Leiaaue fixture can read As sitttaft`Ye.c1 efore tile game was one, and the mejovity of the few enthusTaste who brayed the elements were more concerned about keeping themselves dry than wa telling the game. While it di cl not fill the requirements for which it was Mitten:tied, the game furnish ecl many anensing incidents. There Seemed an unexplainable, desire on the part of the foot which was not being used, to 'kick the ball, to got into the air also. Aided hp the niete, watery soaked grounds, the odds were certain y against the playters. It has not been oeckoned up just bow much of the flats were (tarried away on the clothing. of the Clinfbon team, but they have promised to have it shipped to Stratford on their return to their town habitation. The play started shortly after 3 toieloelc, with Mr. McCufteheon in charge, The locals forced the play from the, oulteet, and had not seen e posited a drayload of hard trout of the Clinton goal,. surely have scored miserable shots, but owing ball being wet, and the e sttliitPepi:ry, they wene unab Clinton's -goal dame in the initial A goelat many of 001' readers have been looking at ltkeii, LABEL on The N'ew Era and have renewed during the past month, Now for May let us hear from those 'in Manitoba, Al- berta, Saskatchewan and British Columbia, The label tens a tale. It should relad. 31 Dee. 1913, 'Take a look. at a 11(090 and let 08 hear Nom yeti The law re garding newspapers has been the publisher more than: form- on agreement which 'was subee_ ells/. Anyone taking a paper , quently come' to between the said, from the poatoffice Wheth,ert. rt,`, res. they have ordered it or riot, be- itn the yeat:s 1907 and 1906 certain (103/108 liable for payment for dicfputes arose Ipetwte,en the said same, unless it is marked "Speei- parties which the 6aid Taylor, men dopy." Anothes` amend- Scott and Company claimed that ment is fthat no subscriber to a the Priovince was not fulfilldng', newsplaPei,; can stioP same ors's- and had not ' its said fuse attaft the postoffice unless they have paid up all that is ag''ac"menti whereby they claimed ,owing 013 it, tiO ,enftitlecl to darnag`es, The said dispute, and others which arose from time to time, con- tinued down to the 18th day of Neveinher, 1911, when sense wer z eferrecl to on e L. E, orn for adjudication. In the year 3908 the said Ta.)-1,or Scott and Company, or George C, Taylor, was requested to make a ; contribution to the party funds of "''g the Pnovincial Consedvatiye party ilytles of the staid Province, then being in office, or tothe Provincial Secre- a poor they afloresiald, and in accorc/anee with such request clid contribute and pay iaver 1)0 5110 said Poovincia Secretary ithe sum of $500,00, said payment being illegal, e'orrupt, and subversive of good govern - men t, Claim for $19,403. In the beginning, of the year 1011, the eaicl fires of 'ray lor, Scott and. 0o, made various efforts to pro- cure: a sistitlezent of their elaim without success, Pinta/ ly they a -P - plied to the Bon. the Attorney - General for a fiat to enable them to cammence legal proceedings. The claim then put fori`vni•d urns for the sum of $1%463,02, made up of damages sue erect through Tax.- ious alleged breaches of said agree - Meat. • `The 'application, for the said fiat Was greatly delayed, and tite said George O. Taylor decided thnit it could not he procured through the ordinary and ;propel' channels. Thereupon, and on a number of oc- eaOrons, heinteresiewetl the said Hon. the Provincial Secretary, who took the ground that the saicl com- pany" had no 'valid •or legal. claim. The said Creorge 0, Taylor con- Ciontsnued on Page Two. one te luck in would Jiacl 3no to, the grounds to Vac period on 0 penalty kick, with ess Pure Maple Syrup. From Sap to syruy by Evaporation The syrup is here again, as good as it can possibly be, made by the same people, in the same way, from the same tree. Just the same as It has always been, It is of uniform consistency Has a delicious flavor, and We can say in big letters, " It is Positively Pure?' As we have only a ihnitesi quantity, we advise you to orde early. i" W. T. O'NEIL THE BUB GROCER Phone 48 Coming to the Picture House Cooper Nusicni Comekv, Company, Singers, Dancers, Musicians with illusione and novel. ems trietly respeetable and firsoelass Change of program and 2800 feet or • pictores each night. A of fun for old and yomiss Thursday, Friday and Satuedity of this week. lidtitiesiont itie Children 10c A. Macdonald ........c,..etamoornmassautmerercasartanmarso.star, . which .Allen was -unable to connect. The penalty occurred just after Clinton had been awarded a corner kick. In the scramble wide', al- ways follows. one of the locisfiJ .ed and the visitors were awarded the penalty, Kaiser kielsed it and send 11 lo' shat away to the sidle. During the last half the ;resole tidied hard ±0 01501) Op, but with nts avail, Tire teams weres-- Stratford-Goal, Allen ; backs, Itle. -- Mil tan cl .Reynolds; hal f isa ekes, Fawcett, AleParlance, Moss r Stir, • - weeds, Dempsey, Nelson, Mer,,,nr:. Louels and Gray, Caldwell 1.• backs:. Torrance and Peacom; lin 'Mac tiss Kitty Sparks and ; forwards McCrostite, Moffatt, S. Smilifta, Raiser and Blatchford, Woodstock 2; Get 1. Woodstock, April 25.--Woodstoe3- •00 1 e triumphed over Galt Cele 1 eg ia te LisIt1tut- 00 t he loreati gratin:de Saturday af tern oon. the first of the home -and -house 100, cer games for the Hough Cup tester played. The 80010 was 2 to 1,. The' visitors had a decided dVanitasse , weight, .bult lacked the speed lthe focal students, Tbe mats,. • was played in a. drizzling stein aets the grounds were ITCry slip cwrn J. Omni referredin la very s atb- factory manner. The Seattle's - Galt C. I. -Goal, Herman ; backs, Wallace and Rounds • 2101.1.- backs, Marshall, Bricker and'R erste forwards, St. CIair, Kotler, Evacuee Cornell and Woodstock College-Go•al, Fiel; full-backs, Harris anci Pain •, haIT- backs, Iames. Fryer and Wileon; forwards, Sutherland, Hughes, Miathews and Mills, , Listowel 1; 'Winghant 0. Wingham, April 23. -The FrotoesitS, Cup match between Listowel Hirsh School 5111)1'Witt gham High 80116011 played in Winghana Satuntiass resulted 11to 0 in favor of LjstosreS. The return game is to be playetiTes Liatowel o Saturdity next. Tito. teams '- List Strachen ; backs, Moore 'and Herr; halfbacks, Ye. P, ' a tell ; forwards, Hiles, Ori, McLaughlin, Reilly- 351,a winighignri---ooal, smith; Taylor, Colvin ; .haltbacks ' 'sse Citnekshank, Campbell; Rintoul, Dixon, Elliott, B and Haines. '••