The Clinton News Record, 1913-12-11, Page 10Blood Humors Commonly cense pimples,. bolls, hives, eczema or salt rheum, or , some other form of eruption; but sometimes they exist In the system, indicated 'by feel - Inge of weakness, languor, loss of ap- petite, or , general debility, without causing any breaking Out. ' They are expelled and the whole my's- ' ternin renovated, strengthened and toned by Hood's Sarsaparilla 'Cit it today. Sold by all druggists everywhere. 100 Doses One Dollar. il:PIM•1••••••••••311.• NEVIIS-RECORD'S NEW CLUB- BING RATES FOR 1913-14 WEEKLIES. News-ILecord and Mail & Empire $1.60 News -Record and Globe • Newt -Record and Family lteraiit and Weekly Star News -Record and Weekly Sun ...•• •• 1,85 News -Record and Farmer's Advocate2.36 Nenve-Record and Perm & Dairy 1.85 Newe-Record and Canadian Farm 1.85 Newe-flecord and Weekly Witness 1.85 News -Record and Northern Messenger 1.60 News -Record and Free Press 1.85 Now -Record and Advertiser . ........ 1,85 News -Record and Saturday Nig:lit 3.25 News -Record and Youth's Companion 3.25 News -Record and Fruit Grower and Farmer • . 1.75 MONTZLIES. News -Record and. Canadian Sports- man..... .. '.... - . ' $3.25 • tt News -Record and LippioOtt's Maga- zine ....... . .... ....... .... 3.26 DAILIES. NewaRecord and World $3.36 I•news-Iteeord and Globe 4.50 News•Record and Mail & Empire „. 4.50 Newe-Ree,ord and Advertiser. ..,2.85 News -Record and Morning Free Frees. 3.35 News -Record and Evening Free Press. 2.85 Now -Record and Toronto Star 2,35 News -Record and Toronto News . 2.35 If what you want le not in this list lot us know about it.. We can supply you at lees than it would cost you to send direct In remitting please do so by Post -office Order Portal Note, Express Order or Reg, istered letter and eddress, AN UNUSUAL OCCURRENCE. ,Man Resigns Pesitlon Because He ' Rad Not Enough Work. A despatch from Vancouver, B. 0., says: Probably the first in- stance on record of a public official resigning because his duties were too light occurred on Wednesday in the municipality of South Vancou- ver, when W. Clement, municipal engineer, tendered his resignation for that reason. Mr. Clement re- ceived a salary of $3,000 per year, and was formerly engineer of the city of Vanoouver. "At whom are you looking'?" de- manded the young lady of the young Man Who Obstructed her path. "Atchoo!" repliedthehay fever victim; and hurried away. W. J. MITCHELL, Publisher Nesse-Rest:lord CLINTON, ONTARIO Every Woman is interested and ehould know about the wonderful Marvel Whirling Spray "." Douche Ask your dreggist for it. If he cannot supply the IdANYEL, accept no other, but send stamp for Illus- trated book -sealed, It gives full :AttiVINVVIA =Log lnvslusblO t General Atreute tor Canada. The United Rubber Mfg. and Re- clainikg Co. will locate at Brant- ford and employ 100 men. Rubbers and Over -Stockings in One. Easy to put on awl Unmet, lit well -Loolovoll-Wear Well. Ati sins tor women and children. Buy thorn and protect yourself ate easel/ from wager Mc 2 °anodise Consolidstod fateeres. Limited, Monks I., For Loss of Hair We will pay for what you use if Rexall .+93" Hair Tonic does not promote the growth of your hair. In all our experience with hair tonics the one that has done most to gain our confidence is Resell "93" /lair Tonic. We have such well- founded faith in it that we want you to try it at our risk. Jilt does not satisfy you in every particular, we will pay for what you use to the extent of a 30 day treatment. If Resat' "93" Hair Tonle does not remove dandruff,. relieve scalp Irritation, stop the haw from falling and promote a new growth of hair. come back to us and ask us to return the money you paid for it, and we will promptly hand it back to you. You don't sign anything, promise any- thing, bring anything back, or in any way obligate yourself. Isn't that fair? Doesn't it stand to reason that we would not make such a liberal offer if we did not truly believe that Ratan "93" Hair Tonic will do all we claim for it - that it will do all and more than any other .remedy? We have everything there is a •fie- toand for, and are able to judge the merits of the thins we sell. Cus- tomers tell us of thew success. There are more satisfied users of Rexall "93" Hair Tonic than any similar preparation we sell. Start a treatment of Resell "93" Hair Tonic today. If you do, we believe you will thank us for this advise. Two size bottles, 50e and $1. You can buy Resell "93" Hair Tonic In this commundy only at our store: Your Guarantee of Good tess The name "SALADA" on the sealed lead pack- ages is your strongest guarantee of all that is best and most fragrant m tea it IS THE CHOICEST TEA GROWN ON THE ISLAND OF CEYLON --clean, whole leaves -with the delightful flavor of the fresh leaves brought to your table by the sealed lead packages. BLACK. GREEN OR MIXED 059 A MILK STRIKE. Mayor Euler of Berlin Advises citizens to Abstain From It. A despatch from Berlin, Ont., says: Acting on instructions of the Council Mayor Euler on Thursday launched a milk strike. In a state- ment to the Citizens he advises them to abstain from using.trailk Un- til such time as the dealers reduce the price to seven cents a quart. Evaporated cream is recommended as a substitute. The investigating committee is conferring with the so- licitors with a view of breaking up the alleged milk dealers' combine. The best many a girl gets out of it -who marries for a henna is a chance to cook for boarders. TnE WEATHER. "No Winter This Season," Say the Dakota Indians. A despatch from Pierre, S.D., says,: The Indians of this vicinity are predicting there will be "no winter this season." Freak • De- cember weather. prevails all over the Dakotas, with warm rains and the thermometers well above freez- ing. Forty years in use, 20 years the standard, prescribed and reeom• Mended by physicians. For We, man's Ailments, Dr. Ilartel'i Female Pills, at your druggist. CANADA'S RECORD EXHIBIT PRICES OF FARM PRODUCTS The Dominion Building at Panama Fair Will Have 65,000 Feet of Space A despatch from Ottawa says: The Canadian exhibit at the Pan- ama Pacific Exposition is now on its way from Ghent, Belgium, part of .it going around the Horn and the rest across the Isthmus by the Tehuantepec Railway to its desti- nation at San Francisco. Exhibi- tion Commissioner Hutchinson, who is here conferring with the Minister of Agriculture, will leave shortly for San Francisco to super- intend the construction of the Can- adian building. It will cover an area of 65,000 square feet, and will REPORTS PROM TI4lt LEADINO CENTRES OP AMERICA. Prices at Cattle, Crain, Cheese and Othst f reduce at Home und Aiiroad, Breadstufls. Toronto. Deo. 9. -Manitoba iv e - oorts, new wheat, November ehipment, No. 1 northern, 93e; No. 2. 91 1.40; feed wheat, 50c to 700, according to sample. Ontorm wheat -No. 2 new. 82o, to 03e, outstde, its to 5'70, tratsic, Toronto. i.0.6,1,Loan.itoba oate-No. 2 white, Km to 34e, cutouts, and 37e to 37 1.20, on track, To- (Jorrl-Amerssan, new, Na. 3 yellow, ail rail. Chicago, Decemb.n. ',him -neat, To- iy•oelnitoow,f17ligi.t, lhuialys 1.(,iorggd, 80c; No. 2 Peas -No 2, 980 to $t12, our Mbs, cit - side, nominal. Ryo-No. 2, 66e 'to 680. Rolled oat -Fr bag of 90 pounds, $2.12 1-2; $2.22 1-2 in smaller lots; per bar 'tel, $4 70, wholesale, Windsoe to Montreul, 550 to 67e. oluiBitsnapilE1:07$2--5:ods26m. alting barley. outside, $2,1 to MA in bags; shorts, $23; mid - route; shorts. $33 to $23.60; Ontario been. ' Buckwheat Ms. 2, 66o to 680 in ear lots, hfiliteed-Manitoba bran. $11, track, To - Manitoba flour -First patents, $5.30 in jute bags; strong bakers', $4,60 in jute bags; in cotton bags ten cents more per barrel. Ontario flour -Winter wheat flour. 90 per $3.45, seaboard newis'loilite3r11 to $$33,4400to . Toronto. Country Produce. Eggs-New-184de, 47e' to 530; stenago, no' lectei, 36o to 37or country selects, go to 40c; storage, 34o to 35e. Cheese -New large, 14 3.40; twine. 16 1-2o to 16 3-4e. Bukter-Oreameryprinte, fresh made, 30c to 31c; do., solids. fresh made, 280 to 29c: do., prints, storage. 270 to 220; do.. solids, storage, 265 to 27o; farmers' eepa- rater prints, 2.40 to 260; dairy printa. 200 to 04e: bakers', 200 to 2M. KolleY--Buckwheat, 7 1-20 a • pound Sn tine and k in barrels; strained clover honey. llo to 11 1-2.0 a pound in 6Q.pound tins; 12e in 10 -pound tine; 121-50 in 5 - pound tine; comb honey. No. 1, $3 per dozen.; extra, $3:26 per dozen; No. 2, $2.40 por dozen. Boans-Primes. bushel, $2 to $2720; hand- picked, $2.10 to $2.30. Toulbry--Dreseed fowl, 10o to 140 per pound; alive, 10o to 11.3; dressed ;spring chickens. 16o to 18o; alive, Po to 140; geese, dressed, 110 to 130; alive. 10o to 120; turkeys, No. 1 dreseed, 180 to 210; aliVe, lk to 150. Potatoes -Canadian, $1.05 to $1.10 per bag, out of store; 95e in oar lots, Provisions. Pork -Short cut, $28.50 to $29 per barrel. Smoked and Dry Salted Meats -Bolls - Smoked, 15 1-20 'to 16e; hams, medium. 183.00 to 290; heavy. 195 to. 191-20; break- fast bacon. 190 to 20c; long clear bacon, tone and oases, its; backs (plain), 230; backs (special), 240. Green meat -Out of pickle. Sc less than smoked, - Larct-Tierces, 13 3-40; tubs, 14c; pails, 14 1-4o. Winnipeg Grain. Winnipeg, Dee. 9.-Caelt:-Wheat-No. 1 northern, 53e; No. 2 northern. 81e; No. 3 northern, 78 1-4c.; No. 1 rejeeted seeds, 76 3-4e; No. 2 reaected seeds. 74 3-4e; No. 1 smutty, 76 3-4e; No. a smutty, 74 3-40; No. 1 red winter, 82 3-4o; No. 2 red -winter, 79 3-40; No. 3 red winter, 78 1-4c. Oats -No. 2 C.W4 33 3-40; No, 3 0.W., 31 3-4c; No. 1 feed, 32,0; Ne. 2 feed, 2,8 1 -Io. Barley -No. 3, 42 3-4o; No.. 4, 40 1-50; rejected, 37 1-2o; 2fe.ecely17..0.81P,151.ax-No. 1 N.W.O., $1.17 1-2; No, house the most extensive exhibit ever made by Canada at a world's fair. The primary object of course is to stimulate immigration to Can- ada by advertising particularly its wheat fields and other resources. The exhibit will comprise grain, lumber, minerals, fish, fruit and agricultural produce. It will be wholly under Dominion supervision, the provinces not making separate displays, as has been done in some instances. Particular attention will be paid to transportation, and the railways will be assigned much space in the Canadian building. MMAIMMC-01ZVAIMM IST S C c•I• E SSES Cook EAUTIFULLY printed in two colors, large readable type expressly made for it, 7 inches wide by 10 inches deep, the FIVE ROSES cook book contains 144 pages of tried and true recipes. In- expensive recipes calling for nothing that cannot be obtained at the town or village store. Every recipe tested by the FIVE ROSES expert so that there is no possible waste of material or dis- appointment. No cook book was ever printed with' such a sturdy binding, such an attractive cover. No cook book will wear as well as the N THIS newest of cook books you will find all the latest and most successful recipes of the finest cooks in Canada, the very cream of over 20,000 contributions. Recipes for the making of Buns, Biscuits, all kinds of Bread, Cake, Candy, Cookies, 'Crackers, Croquettes, Crullers, Doughnuts, Dumplings, Fritters, Gems, Ginger -bread, Griddle Cakes, Icings, Muffins, Pantakes, Pastry, Patties, Pies, Puddings, Puffs, Rolls, Rusks, Sandwiches, Sauces, Scones, Snaps, Tarts, etc., etc. From the making of Bread to Charlotte Russe, you have a choice of many recipes -all selected, all tested -alternate recipes with and without eggs. There is ona kind of Bread described that can be made in 2 hours -think of it I The FIVE ROSES cook book cost the publishers almost $20,000, and - over 1 year's time to prepare, but YOU can have it for ten cents (stamps or silver), as long as the supply lasts, Send us the coupon below duly filled, enclose the 10 eents for postage, and the FIVE ROSES cook book is yours. Address your envelope, Publicity Director Lake of the Woods Milling Co., Limited Room 399W, Lake of the Woods Building, Montreal, Canada CUT OUT THIS COUPON AND MAIL TO -DAY. COUPON FOR THE FIVE ROSES COOK BOOK Being a satisfied user of FIVE ROSES FLOUR for Bread )and Pastry, I enclose 10 cents Wt. /the 1.11'11 ROSES cook book. Name ........ , ...... • IName of Dealer 1414.1.4,, ^ • ...° 220W • , • 4 laR);',1 A WALL OF SOAP. One year's sales of Comfort Soap means enough soap to build a wall 15 feet high AND go MILES LONG. Think of iti Enough to completely surround the City , of Toronto, - 1/0 INVESTMENT I. eli5 Ptah Mass sofear Bonds that aro Profit -Sharing. Sorlos-S100. $500. $1000 ixvssmultXT may be withdrawn any time atter one year, on 80 clays' arnica Misfiless at baok of these Beads estate listed 28 years, lend tor spacial folder and OsIl particulars. NATIONAL SECURITIES CORPORATION, LIMITED CONFEDERATION LIFE BUILDING - . TORONTO. CANADA For His Xmas give him a COMBINATION BIND FOLD. CARD and OAR TICKET CASE with mane on in gold lettere. This most acceptable gift, made of Seal Grain Lea. User, will be sent postpaid for $1,50, with name en- grayed firerajegIlfencriri'gtl?ehaorgee ?or- s ceived, Money back if nob. 1 as represented. A. D. WILLIAMS, 54 Wellington St. West, Toronto. Montreal Markets. Montreal, Dec, 9.--Corn-Ameri0an No. 2 yellow, 83o to 84e. Oats'Canadian West- ern, No, 2, 40 1-20 to 410; extra No. 1 feed, 40c. Barley, Manitoba feed, 460 to 60e; do. malting. 65o to 670. Iluckheat, No, 2, 660 to 670. Flour, Manitoba spring wheat pat- ents, firsts. $6.40; do., seconds, $4.90: strong bakers', $4,70; winter patents, choice. $4.75 to $6: straight rollers, $4.60 to $4.60; straight rollers, in bags, $2 to $2.10. Rolled oat% barrels. $4.40 to $4 50; do., baste of Silts,. $2.10 to $2.12 11. Bran, $20 to $21; shorts, CM to $23; middlings. PM to e26; mouillie, $27 to 831. May, No. 2. per ton oar lots , $14 to $16. Cheese, finest 'westerns, 13 1.2e to 16 541o; fittest eatiterne, 130 to 13 1-40. Butter, chokeet creamery, 28o to 28 190; do., seconds, 171-20 to 27 3-4.e. Sega, fresh, 55o to 60c; do:, selected, 35s; No. 1 stock, 3; No, 2 stock. 26e. Potatoes, per bag, car lots, 760 to 900, THE NEWS IN A PARAGRAPH United States Markets. Duluth, Dec. 9.-Olote--Wheat-N0. 1 hard, 06i-8; No. 1 northern, 85 1-80; No. O northern, 83 1-80 to 83 5-130; Montana, No. 2 hard, 84 5.8o; December, 525-50; May, 075.00. Minneapolis, Dee. 9.--Wheat-December, 027 -So to 83c; May. 87 1-8e; cash, No. 1 hard, 86 3.80 to 86 5•110; No. 1 northern, 84 3.8o to 86c; No 2 northern, 82 3-01 to 83 7.8o; No. 3 white, 80 3-86 to 81 7-80. Corn -No. 3 yellow, 63 1.20 to 66o. Oats --No. 3 white, 37c to 37 1-40. Flour and bran -4.1n - changed. Use Stock Markets. Toronto, Dec. 9. -Cattle -Choice butchers, $8 to $8.60; good medium, $6-50 to $725;- 6460 to tof judgment and negligence as con - HAPP 4,1IN G S FROM ALL OVER THE GLOBE IN A NUTSHELL. Canada, the Empire and the World In General Before Your Eyes. Canada. Kingston Retail Merchants' As- sociation will ask the eity to abol- ish market tolls. Berlin is to have a Juvenire Court, E. P. Clement, K. C., con- senting to act as commissioner. Nelson, B. 0. police cocmission- era have decided -to close all cigar stores, on Sunday afternoons. . Oxford County Council has en- dorsed the union prisen farm scheme, and will name a commis- sion. Boys. arrested in Berlin confessed to robberies, to which they said they were led by reading five -cent novels. Seines Pierce, arrested for beg- defending themselves from the ging from farmers around Guelph, Francophile populace. tee completed its plans for the cele- bration of the peace centenary. A high New York police official will be indicted next week, it -it ex- pected, by District Attorney Whit- man, as the result of the stories of witnesses in his investigation of al- leged wire -tapping and fortune tel- ling graft by the police: The growth of cities in Aineri-a is causing the inhabitants to lit to like ants, declared George E. Hooker, civic secretary of the Chi- cago City Club, at the third annual session of the National Conference on Housing at Cincinnati. He ad- vocated the garden city movement. General. Federal refugees from Chilaut- hu.kcity in flight toward the United + States, are reported to be in a des- perate state. By a crushing majority the Gar- man Parliament passed a vote of, lack of confidence in the Imperial Chancellor over the Alsatian affair. The German Imperial Chancellor Dr. -von Bethmann-Hollweg, and the Minister of War, Gen. von Fal- kenhayn; told the Reiehstag that the Government upholds the action of the German troops in Alsace in was found to have $900 in his clothes. A gruelling thirty -two-mile race was run by two horses from Mont- real to Terrebonne and return. The drivers were arrested. Galvin Robinson, engineer on the Reid tug Diver, 'went insane while the beat was towing an oil barge up the River St. Clair. A new transcontinental railway project is that of the All -Red Line Railway, backed by British capital- ists, to be built from Cape St. Charles.to Dean's Ohannal. The Dominion Wreck Commis- sioner censures Captain Padding- ton of the Turret Chief, for error $6.25; common cows, $3.60 to $4; butchers' bulls, $3.76 to $6.60; canners and cutter.% $3.50 to $3.86. Calves -Good veal, $8.75 to $10; common, $4.75 to $510. StOelters and feeders -Steers, 910 to 1,060 lbs , $6 to 8675; good quality, 500 lbs., $6 to !6.25; light Eastern, 400 to 650 lbs.. 64,30 to 515; light, $3,50 to $4. Sheep and lambs- ight ewes, $4.60 to $5.60; heavy, $3 to 63,50; bucks, $3 to $3,60; spring lambs, $800 to $8.70, but •with 75e ;,or head deducted for all the buck lambs. ffOffa-$8 40 to $8.45 fed and watered, $8.70 off oars, $8.10 Loh. BETTER POSITION. And Increased Salary as a Result of Eating Right Food. There is not only comfort in eat- ing food that nourishes brain and body but sometimes it helps a lot in increasing one's salary; A Western school teacher tells an interesting experience. She says "About two years ago I vra,s ex- treinely miserable from a nervous- ness that had been coming on for some time. Any sudden noise was actually painful to me and my nights were made miserable by hor- rible nightmare. "I was losing flesh all the time, and at last was obliged to give up the school I was teaching and go home. "Mother put ms to bed and sent for the doctor. I was so nervous the cotton sheets gave me a chill, and they put me in wooll•ans. The medicine I took did me no apparent good. Finally, a neighbor suggest- ed that Grape -Nuts might be goad for one to eat. I had never heard of this food, but the name sounded good so I decided to try it. "I began to eat Grape -Nuts and soon found my reserve energy growing, so that in a short time I waS filling a better position and drawing a larger salary than I had ever done before. "As I see little children playing around me and enter into their games I wonder if I am the same teacher of whom, two years ago, the children spoke as 'ugly old thing.' "Grape -Nuts food with cream has become a regular part of my diet, and I have not been sick a day in the past two years." Name given by Canadian Posture Co. Windsor, Ont. Read, "The lloaci to Well- ville," in pkgs. "There's a, Ilea Ever read the above letter? A new one appears from time to time. They are genuine, true, and, full of human Lutereet. tributing to the wreck of theTur- ret Chief in the big storm. A Quebec dentist wee awarded $10 damages against the 0.N.R. be- cause he was put off a train when he refused to give up his first-class ticket until pro-vided with a seat. The judge upheld his refusal. At the suggestion of the Superin- tendent of water powers, the Min- ister of the Interior has placed tin- der reservation all vacant Domin- ion land in the West that may, be valuable for the development of water power, The C. P. R. have taken out the biggest insurance policy, the amonnt being for upwards of $100,- 000,000. Five big insurance syndi- cates, among them the largest com- pany of the kind in the British Pal - pine, are interested in the deal. A 4,000 mile walk, which was be- gun in August last, was completed at the City Hall, Winnipeg, when W. C. Browne, of the King's Own Scottish Borderers, arrived from Providence, It. I. Browne aver- aged 42 miles a day since starting and wins a wager of $3,000, made in England. The Agricultural Council of Can- ada, which consists of the Grange of Ontario, the Grain Growers' As- sociation of Manitoba and Sas- katchewan, and the United Farm- ers of Alberta, will send a delega- tion to Ottawa on December 16 to s.slt Premier Borden to remove the duty on wheat and agricultural im- plements, and to increase the Brit - preference. Great Britain. Mrs, Emmeline Pankloirst was arrested off Plymouth harbor and later placed in prison at Exeter. Suffragettea made an attempt to drain off the canal between Fail- sorwrth, ,Lancashire, and Marple, Cheshire, by cutting a channel from the canal to the River Goyt at Horn -lay. "We -will make the cabinet min- isters shake in their shoes until they are afraid for their very lives," said Sylvia Pankhurst at a suffragette meeting in Cannington. All that is required is courage. United States. The United States Peace Commit- Immigration officials of the 'Unit- ed States are trying to frustrate the plans of a secret organization with headquarters at Manila to Rood the Pacific coast states with Hindu lab- orers, according to Anthony Ca- minetti, commissioner -general of immigration. OVIIMOINION•rea...•••••••• Idle ney pERsoNs having. Idle funds on e band for temporary or longer periods, or awaiting permanent levestment, con obtain POUR PER CENT. interest, compounded guar- terin. IV opening on account In Ohs SAvINLS DEPARTMENT of this Company. These Meths ere with- drawable by cheque and bear Inter- est from dote received until date withdrawn. We solicit ,,ut of town ace ountsorliich may be opened by mail. Writer for Booklet TrTle Union Trust Company, Limited -Temple Building. Toronto CAPITAL (paid up) - $1,000,000 RESERVe - - $850,000 FOR THE HAIR Restoxes_the color, strength, beauty and softness to Gray Hair and is not a dye. At all DruggOsts. 1500. a not. Style -Fit- Durability e reasons of the popularity- of "Perrin" Gloves. ' leaditair &elders, everywttere.