The Clinton News Record, 1913-12-11, Page 4as DAYS. dquar- T's. .cks full of rrived and Dome with arters. )epart- n9S uitable for e to secure price you a, G-erin:an' e all repre- ;at variety. Clinton News -Record December Ilth,. 19 1.3 Stanley Township Mr; Alex. Persona. moved' the house which he.Purchabed from Mr, Albert Robinson on Thursday last. Alex have a comfortable 'house to live in, this winter..^McEwen; Bros. had the contract: - Mr. Henry McClinchey and. his bro- ther Janies were in Zurich on Fri- day last. Mr. Wellington Elliott went to Toronto' for over the week -end and to attend 'the fat stock show where he • exhibited a 12 mon'.hs calf. Mr. WinBoyce and Master Wilber Johnstone; our popular fur men, are busy with their traps. Mr. Wm. Reid, Stanley's popular bean king, purchased two car loads last week and shipped them Lion Brucefield station, He paid a' good figure. Mr. ,Jaynes Keys was in Zurich on Friday last. No doubt on special business. . The municipal pot in Stanley is be- ginning to simmer and no doubt will have conic to a coil by nomination day, Mr. Ernest Pollock is taking ,charge of his uncle's farm and stock while lie is away en„oyin3 a reel. Mr. Archibald Galbraith has moved '. into Hayfield into the house he pur-• chased a short time ago, from Mrs. (Dr.) Stanbury. Mrs. Letitia Keys las left fog Chicago where she will visit for a few months with her sister, Mrs. Thompson. Sla was accompanied by her grandson, Mr.' Clifford IT: Keys, who will remain in the city for a week or 'ten days. We are pleased to note that Mr. Wilmer Peck is improving greatly in health and expects to • bc.,home in the near' future. Rev. Mr. ,Snowden ezaaehert in Goshen church last -;Sunday morning and in the, a 1ernoon he changed pul- pits u'kii the Presbyterian min'ster �a Kippen, Mr. Snowden taking ser- vice at Hillsgrecn. The following is the report of S. •5.' No. . '1 North Stanley for the month of November, names in order of merit, based on regularity, punc- tuality and general proficiency : Sr. 4th,—Bessie Tough, Hazel Sparks. Jr, 4th,—Susie Westlake, Clifford Scotchmer, John Watson, Walter Westlake. Sr. 3rd,—Edna Scotchmer, Alice Stinson, Mabel Foster. Jr. 3rd,—Elva Dewar, Mag- gie a;gie Tough, Harold Scotchmer, Rus- sel Spark:;. Sr. 2nd,—Roy 'Scotch - mer, Sam Mcllwa'n, Rosie Foster. Jr. 2nd,—Annie Dewar, Bessie Wat- son. Jr. 1st. Charlie Scotchmer. —M. S. MacDougall, Teacher. Report of S. S. No. 3, Stanley for the month of November, names being in order of merit: Sr. 4th,—Ruby Taylor 71 percent, 'Nin'ian Heard til. Jr. 3rd, (a)— Caroline Lawrason, Garnet Taylor. Jr, 3rd,—(b) Gertrude McGee, Wil- mer Reid, Willie McGee. Sr. 2nd,— Fred Fless, Fern Taylor, Willie Par- ker. Sr. Pt. 2nd,—Clifford Clarke, Arthur Peck, Peter McGee, Jr. Pt. 2nd,— Hubert Hess, Wilfred Chuter, Primer (a1 -Harold Taylor Primer (.h)—Alma Rathwell. John McGee. Average attendance 16. GoderichTownship Mrs. It, A. Roberton of the Hay- field Road and Miss Lily Cantelon of Clinton spent' Tuesday afternoon as guests of Mrs. Adam Scott of near that town. In the evening they were joined by Mr. Roberton and after tea a few hours were very pleasantly spent in social chat and in listening to a:ilections on Mr. Scott's fine gramophone. Particularly.:- en•oyable were Ham, I:auder's effusions. Mr. W. J. Currie arrived on ,Sat- urday last frons IVinnifred, Alberta, and is 'now at the parental home, Mr. and Mrs: Wm. Currie's of , the ninth con. He has been in the west for seven years, a very short time to ' look backward, and while he had a share of prairie pioneering he has on the whole done well and now owns 320 acres with buildings and stock. That he has prospered is a source of pleasure to the numerous old friends who have welcomed him back with a cordiality„ that has made r the home -coming even more joyous. Mr. Currie notes 'many chap. ges, most markedly among the young people, but most of his . old associate:; are still residehts of good old Goderich town9hip. Mr. ' Edward H. Wise is enjoying himself at Toronto Show. Brucefield. Mrs. Robert _ Clutf, has returned hone after spending two weeks at her old home in Windsor. Reeve GIen, of Stanley has improv- ed his farm on the Bayfield Road by putting up a new wire fence, and taking away the old • one, which Will be a benefit to the road in winter time, If sonic di the rest of our progressive farmers would do the same, the result would be less 'blocked roads, Mr. Arthur Holmes •of Vancouver, B. C'., son of Mr. J. S. Ilolmes of the Huron Road, is visiting 'at the homestead. Mr., Michael Flick of the Huron Road . has returned from a ' week's stay at Orien, Mich„ where he Went to attend the funeral of his brother- in-law, the late Mr. Baker. The regular meeting of the -A. 1•'. P. A. of St. James' church was held on Friday evening, the subject for discussion being : '`Tennyson, His Life and Works. The roll call was answered by quotations from the works of the poet. An interesting paper was read by Rev, C. J. Lang- ford ; Miss Edna Wise gave as a reading, "The Revenge", and Misses 0. Ellwood and N. Hicks sang very sweetly. "Sweet and 1.,ow." The next meeting will he a social evening, Tuesday evening next, a change from the 17th. At the first. meeting in the new year the A. Y. P, A. will have the pleasure of hav- ing with them Dr. H. W, Hill, D. P. H., director of the Department of Public Health, London, Dr. Hill is one of the most interesting and pleasing lecturers in the province, he knows his subject well and has the fapulty of presenting it without that "dryness” which is a drawback to so many lecturers. All are cordial- ly invited to attend Dr. Hill's lec- ture. The following .is the report of S. S. No. 11. for November; names in order of merit : Sr. 4th Vera 'Trick, Perpy Currie, EIvira Churchill, Myrtle Powell, Ma- bel Cassel Sr, 3rd,—Ruby Chur- chill, Verna Elliott, Pearl Churchill. Sr. 2nd, Richard Welch. Francis Powell. Jr. 2nd,—Frank Welch. Sr. Pt: 2nd,—Clifford Cassel, Elmer, Le Beau. Sr Pt, 1st,—Teddy Welch. Jr. Pt. 1st —Allred Le Beau. —E. Diehl, Teacher. Tlie News -Record a News Leader, Mrsr Somers of Blyth is vi9.ting her sister, Mrs. Granger. Miss Horton of Lumley is the guest of Miss Maud Glen. Miss, Jessie Dallas of Ilgmondville is visiting her brother, Mr, James Dallas. , Miss Ruby Wise of .Clinton and. Miss Holman of h:gmondville are the guests of Miss Mabel Turner. Mr. and Mrs. i-lugh Cameron of Saskatoon, Sask., who have come back to Ontario to reside, at• least for a time, have got comfortably settled in Miss Munro's house. We are glad to welcome them t1agk, Mr. acid Mrs. Peter McKenzie have returned frons, their honeymoon trip and have taken up housekeeping on their fin:: farm east of the village, Mr. W. R. Smillie spent the week- end in Toronto taking in the big stock show. , Mr. and Mrs. John Workman enter- tertaircd a few of their friends on Tuesday evening. The hours were pleasantly :agent do music,, games, etc., and the, guests voted Mr. and Mrs. Workman royal entertainees. The Kelly Mission Band held their monthly meeting in the Presbyterian church when they made Mrs Win. McMillan a life number, . 'rite funeral of the late Miss Ellen McDonald took place on Wedneisday to Baird's cemetery. ` The deceased had- been ill a long time at the home of her. sister, Mrs. Yellowless - of Bowrnanville; where her death occurr- ed. Site was a daughter ' of the late Duncan McDonald. and; had re- sided here nearly all her life.• One, brother, Duncan McDonald of London, and three sisters, Mrs. Andrew Scott of Brucefield ; Mrsr Neil Yellowless, Bowmanville, and Mrs. Smith of Chicago; survive. ' Anniversary services were conduct - ,ed in the Union Presbyterian 'chur,ch 61 this place - on. Sabbath last. The preacher of the day was ; Rev. Robt. Martin B. D., of Knox chitrch; Strat- ford, who delivered two' most •inter- esting and impressive sermons.' His sermon at .the evening service, based upon the. bubject, "Sowing and Reaping," was ;'one addressed in particular to the''youhg• people of the congregation and -was one of hlrcep- tional value. It is a pleasure tot the people of. this locality ,to note, that among. those who have been successful in the matter of • capturing prizes at the Toronto Fat Stock Show, that the names of Mecsrs. Hugh MacGregor and A. Elcoat, ate also visible. Quite a number from Kippers and vicinity were in attendance at the annivejrsary 'service's last Sabbath. Cook Bros. of FTensall made a ship- ment of, bean; from our station last Saturday.. • Messrs: Hugh McGregor Appelton Elcoat ; ;Hugh Gilmour and Robert Smillie are in Toronto this weak, . For Hump County hots "read ' The News -Record, •<- Tuckersmith Township,, See Historical 'Sketch of Tucker- smith Township on page 10 ' Aftera short illness Mr Robert. Charters, one, of the best known farmers in the township, died at his home on the Mill Road on Saturday.:' I -le was seventy -litre years of age and is survived by a family of two sons and two daughters. He's All Right. P. W , Scott, Ret. -Officer. St. Helen's Mr. and Mrs. Joe Anderson and family have returned from New On- tario where they Have spent the past year. We welcome them •back to our midst agars. Mr'. John Joynt left for New York on Monday. A Christmas Tree entertainment will he held on Christmas Eve Ev- erybody come as a good time is ex- pected. Coulter Bros. have, been cutting wood and , grinding gran in this neighborhood lately. Mrs. Jas. Ramage received' the sad intelligence on'Friday that a grand- son' had been Trilled by a horse that day. He , was an of Mrs. Neil' McArthur., ofSarnia. Mrs. Edward Purvis attended the funeral. Messrs. Archie Acheson and , John Cameron have returned from, the west. Mrs. I -I. Rutherford and daughter Mrs. J. Bennett went down to Clin- ton on. Friday to see Miss Lizzie Rutherfortlwho is progressing favor- ably at the hospital after her oper- ation. Miss Luella, Shaw spent Sunday at the home of Mr. R. J. Woods. Mrs. J. Stalker of Ingersoll is vis- iting old friends around here at pre- sent. Mic Lott spend a few days with her sister, Mrs. 0. Farrier. Seaforth Mr. David 'Tyerman of Toronto at- tended ' the funeral of his brother, the late Andrew 'iyerman, on Mon- day of last week. Mr. Frank Smith has gone to Port Colborne to tales a position. Mr. A. W. Stehle is able to re- sume his duties as weigh master at the market after his severe illness, Britannia Lodge, A.F. & A.M. el- ected the following officers at a re- cent meeting : Iii, M., A. A. McLen- nan ; S. II'., S. 'r. Holmes ; J. W., Dr. H. H. Ross ; ' Chaplain, W. Ball- antyne allantyne ; Secretary, L. 0. Jackson ; Treasurer, Join Rankin ; S. D., Ger- ald Case ; J. D., J. C. Stiles ; I. G. L. T. DeLacey ; Janitor, H. Jeffrey. Mr. P. W. Scott of Beigrave, who will be returning -officer in the Scott Act election, was in town Thursday last. I -Is is already getting busy for the contest for as it will cover the whole county there will 'be a mul- titude of details. The appointment of Mr. Scott • meets with entire ap- proval ofboth Sides in what is lik- ely to be a somewhat strenuous fight. • .Seaforth Mr. and 'Mrs, Wm. Murdock of Eg- mondvillevisited friends in St. Thom- as and Detroit last week, Seaforth News' Mrs. WWiltse visited' her father in Clinton and her daughter in. Wing - hales recently. Mr. Robert • Gemmill of; Tucker - smith has returned home after spend- ing the slimmer 'in the west, The bachelors and •.benediets intend giving a dance during the Christmas vacation. East Wawanosh, The following is the report of S. S. No, 10, East Wawanosh, for the month of November : Sr. lith,—Ruth McGowan, Orville McGowan. Jr. 4th,—Violet Parker, Hilliard McGowan, Cora Fear, Geo. Wilson, Ernest Toll, Martha Wil- son. Sr. 3rd,—Ira Toll, Ella Fear. Jr. 3rd,—Edna McGowan, Luella'Wil- son, John Parker, Walter Patterson, Jr. 2nd,—Ella 'toll. Et. 2nd,—Clara McGowan, Finlay McGowan,May Parker. Pr. -Ida McGowan, Ruby Toll, —E. M. Phillips, 'reacher. McKillop Township. Mrs. McPherson and children have returned front the west on a visit. Mr. and Nfr:2. (lardiner of Walton, who have been in Alberta all Run - mer, have retained home. John Dennison, Who lived on the old Dennison homestead, has •gone to Milverton. John got into fin- ancial difficulties. James Bell ,sr, of Mitchell was vis- iting relatives here laRut week, John Robertson, who was in the west all summer, has 'returned home. A new choir did the 'singing at Bethel last Sabbath. It is very hard to keep a choir at Bethel. THE .MASCOT Choice Groceries. and Gonfectionary New Valencia Raisins 3 lbs for 25e New Currants 3 lbs for 25c Choice Rolled Oats S lbs for 25c Best Granulated Sugar 20 lbs for $1.00 New Peels ' OR N GE LEMON AND GET ION full line of tobacco and cigars. Chocolates in fancy bakes from 1Octo$200. See our Christmas Post Cards. -We sell Prairie, Rose. Snowdrift and Five Roses Flour. G. E. Greenslade BAYFEILD. Mrs. J. C. Grigg has been ill Goderich this week owing to the illn^ss of her mother, 141ifs . Acheson: Mr. and Mrs, Edgar Lawson of Auburn visited the lady's parents for a few days last week. Mrs. W. C. T. Morson returned last week after: a lengthy visit with fiends at Cayuga. rtstie Furniture for. Xmas Presents. These Goods are Useful as well as Orna'nfental. Music Cabinets. Hall Mirrors, Pedestials, iardire Stands, Fancy Rockers. Morris Chairs, Desks, Parlor Tablas, Floor Matts,l,Childreu's Chairs and Sleighs„Pictures, Wall Pockets, etc. We carry a 'select line of Musical instruments — Stainer Violins. flutes, Mouth organs, Metrodomes. Music books, bugs, bows and strings All Goods marked at quick s tle price. Phone 7 and 8 Free Auto Delivery, J. H. CHELLEW Estate Furniture ,. Blyth C7ndertakingi gl •% Jeweler 'E carry one ' of Watches, FROM-- Optician. and Jewelery best assorted in the stocks county. V of the Clocks 0 and largest and 10fm s�� ,g pvi� 4 'trr 2'.. eop Watches Ladies' and gent's gold filled cases, stem wind, with a good reliable movement, fully guar- anteed $10 00 Others from r.$12.00 to 40 00 Boys' watches 1 00 Clocks Clocks of all descriptions from 81 00 to $25 0Q Special Values for Xmas Umbrellas with gold, silver and gun metal handles. EBONY GOODS. Gold Rings A ring makes a very accept - able gift for either lady or gen- tleman. Set with diamonds, pearls, rubies, emeralds, opals, saphires. Signet rings ..$1 75 to $10 00 A special line of single pearl, 14k rings $3 011 to $5 00 WEDDING RINGS. Broaches Broaches of all descriptions and prices. We carry a beauti- ful line of pearl 14k gold broaches at $4 00 to $20 00 Lockets Necklets Bracelets Chains Cuff Links Scarf Pins. SILVERWARE Is always popular for presents. It is artistic and useful, We put all articles of jewelery in nice boxes and engrave initials free of charge. Our prices are right and goods are just as we represent thein. W e will he pleosed to have you compare our prices with Jewelery House catalogues. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. (No witnesses required.) a 4441441111,411411•41.44,4141111•••••••••••••••••••••••414•411 • • • • Let as Help You Deride. You may be at a loss to know what to choose as • Christmas Gift for Lather, mother, brother or sister. If so read over this list of useful and acceptable gifts, it may help you to decide, or better still, come in and see our great assortment of the season's newest novel - 2 ties. • Men's and boys' ties nice- ly boxed 25c„35e and 50e Men's braces i n' fancy boxes. .. 35c and 60c Men's . arters :HA arm bands infant) boxes.....25c Handkerchiefs, mufflers, fancy hose, glows, mitts. Ladies' fancy collars some nicely boxed at 25u, Mc, 500 and 75e Handkerchief s in fancy boxes at.:15c, 20c, 25c and 50c Silk scarfs. wool mufflers, furs, gloves, fancy linens, silk waists, sweater coats, etc. Also a 11111 assortment of men's, women's ill children's house shoes and hockey boots. • • SMALL PROFITS and PLU IVISTEEL BROS. MORE BUSINESS • • •2 2 • • • • • • • •2 • • • • • 2 • • •S 2 • • • • • • 2 ,••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••. s••••••••• Our big store, the basement beneath andthe flat over head are all crowded with what is probably the best, stock of furniture ever seen. in Clinton, We invite you to come and see it; You will not be asked to buy unless, you feel that the goods and, prices .are such that it will pay you to purchase. The Store of Quality Phone 28 Furniture Dealer and Undertaker Residence 'Phone '140 r:. 11