The Clinton News Record, 1913-12-04, Page 7' lktrUcefleld •3th ,J, II. O'Neil, who hive been in • • • • , the west, for the' past couple,of years, - • has aeturned to .13xiicefie1d and will • ' , • pimliably • spene n er. ere, 1 th • wat ' . is looking avell and as ' if a.' • ,• ,the vesthad been ,gotad't,oliini, • His -!•*; ' old.,friends are pleaped to see • him , . • and hope he anay , decide. to reinam. • , The , sad ',nova reached hem Monday, •"••='• of the. death 'of Miss- Nellie • 1VIeDain- • „•.. aid who •diefi Suaday labia:ring at the • taa ,.,' home"' ef htr sipter Mrs NeU Yela. lewlees •ardf"nBovamaniville,. ' The, I. -era aliroughtn4O• , her home' , •1e BrUeete11 bhe funeral . taking ' .• , ' 'place'`WeclnesdaY •aftethoon. laairdfs, Mr Peub'n 'Grahame Of Clinton shipped ,a large quantity of • fowl from tlils station ThesclaY • of ;last •'• • Week -to Toronto He • paid .seventeen - ,•", emits per pound for turkeys alive. ,!-•••„ There,aseems to' h'e bijprort .in •rais- . • ' Mr. and Mrs; John Silider!8", 'home ' Ws been -brightened by the arrival el ' • a baby toy last' Friday. Mr. • and Mrs'. Albert Canieten , and •. daugaters, Ruth andMarga,ret,, ',from Snowflake, -Man.;' are visating at the • a ' - home, of Mr: and Mrs.. "Ohas. ' Was- mann, They look as if ' the west • ' agrees with them, • • Miss. Mabel Turner attended the , • ,,, "aanagoigo dance in Seaforth on Monday •night last. • , Ma-- anti 'Mrs. Junes Allen, ' who ' were on a trip west have returned Miss Jessie Grainger, trained nurse, - is in Simcoe engaged professionally. The weather continues fine- which -• gives ounnarrners time to ,fircish • up their plowing. - • • Anniversary services will be held • in the Presbyterian church next Sun- day when the Rev. Mr. Martin of Stratford will ,preach both rimming .•"and evening. There will be special inusic •by the •choir and other local talent will take part. The annual fowl supper .will he held the follow- • ing Tuesday night. ' The Kelly Mission Band held a . very successful sale of plain and • lancy sewing. The nroceeds .amounted to $90. The kensall Home Mission • gave the play, "Jane Wilkie" which ,• was very much appreciated by the large audience. . „. Miss MeClymont of Kippen visited • last week at the home of Mrs, Dan., Ross. • 1 the west on a visit. • Mrs. ,Tatnes Buchahan was in. Ton.. onto for ,a few days. last. week. '"Mrs.- Walter Sharman has returned 'from a visit with her alaughter, Mrs, (Dr.) Duggan. of Detroit. Miss Mary Lacey or 'Goderich towo- sliip, while driving home from Ahurch on •Sunday; weal: with her father and mother, was kicked by ne horse -and sustained a fracture . of •the • Miss Jessie 'Bell has. return3d, to Detroit after a vita with her mother in town, Mrs. James Bell, . , Mr. S. S. Long returned to his . borne in Guelph last week alter a fortnight's visit with Mr. Alex. Rob - Miss, Margaret McDougall 'of Hena sail 'visited •fatenda in town' last' , , Dr. A, ,I-1, Macklin has returned -af- ter a three months' sojourn in the best hospitals or London, Berlin apd, Vienna. ' , -Rev. I. B. Fotheringham had the •atisfortune to have a rusty nail run ' his foot one day last week and • as a consequence was quite lame for •'aorne, days, •• Mr. Wm. 'Stoners, •while leading • his horse about the yard the other day had the misrortaine 'to fall and aracture his ,leg. . • Five unidentified bodies, victims o the • recent storm on Lake •I4mon, •Were buried in Maitland cemetery on Thursday afternoon last. The town • aebuncil attended the funeral in a • body. The services were conducted • lby -Rev, G. E. Ross, assisted by " Rev. • JE.Ford and Rev. W. • K. • Hager. . , The Misses. Naien have returned ' laem a, visit with friends in; Detroit, • 'Windsor and Walkerville. On Wednesday or last week Miss Edythe C., daughter of , Mr, • and Mrs. Wellington Dinsmore, was married in St. George's church to Mr. Sidney R. Jermyn of Granton. • Or( On same day Miss -Margaret 1VicIver was united in martiage to Mr. John Vrooman, the oalciatirig .clergyman aeirg Rev. Geo.. Ibi. Ross. After a honeymoon trip to Detroit, Cleveland and other points, Mr.- and Mrs. Vrooman Will take up their re- sidence in town, • A graduation class of three nurses will receive their diplomas , at a pub- lic gatheriag to he held in Oddiel- • lows' Hall on Friday evering of ,next week. . The bylaw to guarantee the bonds ,of the American Road Machine Com, pany for' $50,000 was "carried • on Saturday by a vote of 830 to 05. The company purposes building a •'much larger and better plant •and ,exiandimg their business greatly,' • Goderich .Walter Taylot has gone' "I' "ta, • Pasadena, Cal., for the winter. Mr, Edgar Batten left last week to • jein• his brether at Stockton, Cal.. Mayor Reid and Reeve Kennings, •- aim Mr. J. A. McEwan,. went to a Toronto last vveek to hear the evi- dence of Mr. Noyes before •the Rail- " way Board. Not much' satisfaction has come out or the investigation so far, however. • • • Dr. Harold Taylor is home from 'Wingham Mr; J, W, Hardie left on Thursday lot lis, home an California, after vis- iting stia sister, Mrs. Peter Wilson of .tolart, •' Mr's. J. B.f./Cummings hag returned to her home „la...Preston after a visit with Wingharn friends, • Mr. and Mrs. James Dennis attend - :ed the diamond wedding anniversary' -of Mr, Jahn lammis o1..0ourtright • last ,week, ' Clixton News-Itecozd 'lett Township IVIesard. Jahn HeSaelwooll and Wm, Haggett' each have peen Serrating -from' aa attack of blood poisoning in•• the hand, btit aro. both recoveanrg,"pretapt atteutioa having been given, , Williara- Medd' ot ITrogilieidge.; Visited his ' sister, MrS, Lyon; , last Mrs, David Hoggart ,haa returned' honie -After having ,undergone .B1 -ser4 Mue-operation•• in ! the Clinton hos- pital. ,-She Is wan, able to attend to her, household Claes ,and it is hoped alie.„ Will speedily bm reatored.t� ,per - fact •health. •' •' " ' •• • Constance ThenMethodiat Sunray school ted having having their Chriatmas earttata and tree' on the evening -of Dec. 22nd when a good, time may be looked for. Miss Mina. Roberton; ,teacher of our sphool, spent the week -end visiting Auburn friends. Quite a number frons around here attended the funeral of the late Mrs. Andrew Tyerman of Seaforth on Mon - Mrs, Seinuel Donald keeps very poorly. • ' Miss W. Carter" spent 'a- few. 'days in Sealorta with. the, late Mrs, Tyer- rna,n recently. - Mr. Howard Armstrong and Miss 5. Clarke visited the former's , sis- ter, Mra. -T. Price of Winthrop, on - Sunday. Mrs. Adam Glazier of. Clinton: and Mrs. T, Pollard of the village" vis- ited their father! Mr. • Wm. Cole of Ethel, who *as recently slhot in the face but who is now improving nice -- Mr. Jos, Riley had a wood bee an Thursday and a party hi the evening. The amount. of wood put through during the day was wonderful and everybody, enjoyed thd festivities of the, evening. . . Bluth Mr. Schenk of Rostock was the guest or his sister, Mrs. Alex. Hamm, last week. Mr. F. Nixon has. teturned from a visit of several weeka in the west. Mr. Ja B. Tierney received A fine deer shot by his eon, who is Sta- tion agent at, Oriwatin Jet, ' St. Andrew's Bible Class has • -been meargarlized with the followian of- ficers : President, Mr. A. ,Elder ; vice Miss 0, Dodds ;, secretary, Miss • D. Leith-; organist,- Miss J. Steinhoff ; assistant, Miss E. Leith ; teacher; Rev.. W. D. Turner, assistant, Ir. R. Somers. . Chicken thieves have been -at work in our town during the past fort- nigICt or so. The. Blyth branch of the Canada Bible Society contributed sixty-five dollars to the fund this, year at its 'recent meeting. ' Mr. John Mains fell from a pile or lumber in the C. P. R. • yards one day recently and %stile no bones were broken he got a rather bad shaking up. Mrs. Geo. Brogden and Mrs. W. H. LyOn of Loadesboro were iv' town last week visiting Mrs. J. H. R. El- liott, Mr, W. 13,' Came of Toronto has taken a position as harness1 maker with 114r. R; H. Robinson. • Mr. Archie McQuarrie, who is homesteading in the west, is expect- ed home for the ' Christmas vaca- tioa. Miss Clara Stoltz Or Auburn visited Blyth friends• fer a few clays ',last Mr. Wm. Campbell of. Toronto was in- town last week on business. in Conifeation ,with , the' estate Of the late Alexandee laatterson, for which he is one of the execatorn He also vis- ited his sisters at Bayfield'. Mr. and Mas. Rohn. Young visited Mrs. Myles -Young last week while on their way froth New York to their home at Long Beach, Cal. . Mr. James Dodds, who has been engaged with the , Gordon, McKay Co., Toronto, for the past seven years, has feased the store new oc- cupied by Mr. R. IT. Robinson and at the beginning of the year will -put in a complete rine of boots, shoes and groceries. Mr. Dodds will be a welcome addition fp the circle .o.f busikess men in his old home' town. The following are the list or qr.: ficers for the Odd.iellows for the en- suing year : , N. G., ' W. .Phillips ; V. (4'.,J. Weymoutli ; R.S., A. W. -Robin- son ; RS., L. G. McTaggart ;. Treas- urer, R. H. Robinson ; physician, Ina C1iaele0Worth ; trustees, J. Stoners, S. MOVittie, P., Gardiner. The led- ge expects to move into new qual= tees over Chambers! store about the first of the year. • Auburn " Anniversary services will he held n the Baptist church 00 Sunday, when Rev. W. D. McGee of Spring- field:. a former pastor of the Clinton and Auburn Baptist churches arid who Is held in high esteem; by the mem- bers and friends, will preach, The I,oba' Quartette will furnish the music at these servicee,iendering several of their highly appreciated selections, There will be tAvo services, at two o'clock in the afternoon and at seven in the evening. ' Mr. and Mrs, 'John Lawson, having bought a house in the vill•a,ge, are moving here from Londeshoro. Auburn citizens bid them welcerne and trust that their ;sojourn hem may be both happy and prosperous. , Mrs, Fred Prost of Milver ton has been visiting Mrs. George Dawsor,. The 0. •.0. la. have purchased the temperance hall and intend repairing and fitting it np. Ma S. Mitchell has taken a pos- ition with HouSon & LawSon for the winter and has moved from Benmill- er into Mr. J, hl. Naylor'e house in the village. - • Mr. William: Be/afield, a respected resident of West V,fawanosh• and' •an okioiai. in the Aubuyir ' Anglican, church, passed haway. Oin the nine. !Inman, ,,A family", or :three daugh- ters AIM four soha suryive. ) , London, Read Mr. Oscar Switzer, who hasbeen in the Wept, for the Most part in tbe vicinity of Moundaille, Sask., -during the- sutemer, returned ; home Sa.tae- Mr., and Mrs; James :Killer of Olin- torn‘visited friends on The Boad• -on Tuesday. •• • The Epvvorth League had 'a special social Thanksgiving eVeiling at the home ,of Mr. and Tars. A. ,Wiltset 01 Tuesday evening when a very' pleasant time was spent socially "after a• good program. • The • League intend haning- their annual oyster supper • at ;the home of Mr.' Will Foster on the leth inst. • , Bean threshingale finished „up on The Road and lan•CMY is, reallY sor- ry, though the saniple is ,pretty good and the price not' to .1ie 'sneered at, though setae farmers are holding theirs far a still further advance. The Beef Ring has wound up- its operations for the season- and' 'will hold its annual meeting on" ' Fridar everting of this week. The business part or the meeting will be followed by an oyster supper, as is the usual custom, and a pleasant evening is ,an- ticipated. Blake Mr.. R. N. Dcmglas is- Wilding a driving shed, upon the ground where the old store stood, for 'the purp,ose of acannanodating his customers' • hors- es. • Mr. G, S. Howard; who has taught in U.. S. S. NO. 9, Stanley for fifteen consecutive years, has re- sianed to resume the pyincipalsbip of Zurich soliool. - Mr. and Mrs. Zapre, who were cal- led to Michigan, to, attend the funeral of Mrs. Zapie's brother were unex- peetedly reealled-Owing to the illness oh their son,' Abraham, who is threatened with appendicitis, • Mr. 0. Sehrag is erecting a dairy and cheese -factory where on small scale lie intends thus to use up • the milk of his own cows. The following 10 1110 report of U. S, S. No. 9, Stanley for November : 4th, -A, Finlay, M, °mat, W. lVfan- son. Sr. bird, -J, Moyer, R. Zirk, L. Meyers. Jr, 3rd, -A. 1Vinyers, S. Erb, L. Oesch. Sr.. 2n0 -Harvey Moy- er, Herbie Moyer, J. Oesch, Jr. 2nd -5 Beehlar, E. Meyers, A. P. Doug - Part, -E. Zapfe; a Doug- las, G. &Mag. Jr. Pt, 2nd, -E. Howard, E. Gingerieh, M. Meyers. Sr. Part lst,-5, Zirk, Gelinas, R. Meriam. Jr. Park Ist,-R. Mer - am, 111...Boyle. • -G, S. Howard, Teacher, Kippen • Mr, and Mrs, Wm. Palmer of God- erieh visited in the home of Mr. •Ja• B. Dinsdale this week. We are sorry to have to report this week that Mrs. John Cochrane of the townliae le very ill, so ill that her friends despair of her recovery, Her sister Mrs. Geo. Kennaird ac- companied by her husband arrived this week from Vancouver, • Beans have been a fair crop this • year. One •of the best, of these is that of Mr, W. D. Harvey, "wile threshed about 500 bushels from 38 aeres. . • Zurich • Mr. Abraham Lehman of Caledonia, Mich., a former resident Of this town- ship, died at his hoineafter a short 111- nes, Iiis,siaten Mrs. E. -Zapf°, and her husband attended the funeral last weelc, His aged mother, also • resides here. • - - Mr. Will. Denomy, who recently sold his farm, has been down in Essex county looking over some farm lands. Mr. W. C. Wagner was in London last week takiog special medical treatment. What in•ight nave proved to be a ser- ious fire occurred in Zurieh on Wed- nesday morning or last week, when the store now owned by Mr. Wm, Bender was found to be in flames and was soon reduced to as100. Many of, the surroundina buildings were ceinsiderably daanaged by fire, water and smoke. The cause was an overheated stove. 'he News -Record a News Leader. - Marriages 1VicINTOSH-SCOTT -- At Seaforth, on Nov. 26th, Geoage Stewart McIatosh of McKillop to Aileen, onlydaughter of Mr. and Mrs. William. Scott, NICHOLSON-FRAZER - I Morris township, on Nov, 22111, Robert Nicholson, tn., Margaret Frazet. BEOKER-DROWNING - bit Exeter, NM", 23rd, Oliver Herrnan-13colcer , of New Hamburg, to Hazel Lea - ore 13rowana, daughter of Dr, and Mrs. Browning or Exeter. - Births KUNICLE-aAt Niagara 'Falls, on Nov. Vitha to Mr. -and Mrs. A. S. Kunkle, (formerly Man M. J. Crawford, Londesborci) a daughter. TiORBES-ht Clinton,• on -November 28111, to Mr. ana Mrs, J. R. Forbes, a daughter. • • - SNIDER -At Brucefield, on Nov. 2810, to Mr. 'and Mrs. John Snider, a P.011. , • , BENNIaaPT-In Turnbury, on Nov. 16111, tO Dirt. and Mrs., Ed. 13en- . , nett, a son. . SMITH -In Goderich, on Nov. 23rd, r. to Mancl Mrs. D. R. Smith, a. (laughter. Deaths ,MORRISON-In McKillop, on Nov 22nd, Sebulah May Forbes, wife of William A. Morrison, aged 32 year,s and 7 months. McMARTIN-J•n Seaforth, on Nov. . Rebecca McMinn, wife of Mr. Robert McMartin!, aged 52 TT) fallEla WANTED FOR 5,5. NO. FRESH. CREAM (.1,AN BE HAD AT Bartlift s and 1VIeLearlan's • restaur- ;._- • 1 Stanley. ' Expemenced -teacher: , Duties' to -commence after ' Christ-- , „ „ leas vacation, State: saaaay nnd ' • 'to ' 198, Mo - Ewen, Sec: 11. It, No, 5, Clinton; Ont. •-10•-•3 TEACTIER WAN111E1) FOR U. S. d. , No, 12, Mullett anti Goderich-Sum. merhill school. Appliaaticins receiv- ed tai to• nor. on Wednesday, Dec. •3rd, duties to con -mope', Jail. 5th• , 1914. • State salary and experience.. - P. J. Lindsay, Secretar?, R. R. • No. 1, Clinton. • ' TEACHER. 'WA [Trutt) rbrt s. s. ,No. 5, Stanley.--Applicationa re- ceived until Deceniber IOth. Duties to corhinence January 5th, 1911, State salary and • experience. -Ada dress the Secretary, Robert McOlin- chey, Zurich P. 0,, R.. R. No. 1. -10-2 FOR SALE. -HOUSE AND -LOT (No. 463); on Albert street. Seven rooms, cellar, town vvaterworks, acre garden with stable. For par- ticulars aPply to -A. E. Matheson, Clinton, Ont. , -10 FOR SALE, MILKING COW, GOOD. -James Livermore, next MpKena zie's factory. PERRY PEERLESS PLAYERS - The firemen of Clinton intend bring- ing the Perry Peerless Players' to town for a three night engageinent, Dec. 4, 5 and 6. Don't fail to hear them. They're all right. -08. WANT L/VE FOWL. -1 AM HAND - ling fat ,bens, ebiekens, turkeys, ducks ands -geese and 'paying no highest prices going. -Po-ultrjatek- en every day in the week except Sunday, -W. Marquis, Base Line, Phone 14 out 166. -91. NOTICE. - THE HuLLETT TAX Collector will' attend at the fol - towing places on the respective . dat- es to receive taxes : Loadesboro Nov. 28th, Dec. 12th and 15th, Clinton, Monday Dec. 8th, • Con - .Stance, 'Wednesday Dec. 10th,Au- burn, Thursday Dec. 4th, Taxes riot paid by the. ant will be charged Sc on the $ extra'. -W, Moon, Col- lector. • -08-2, PRINCESS THEATRE Open Every Evening, SHOWING GOOD, BRIGHT, HIGH CLICSS MOVING PICTURES. .,adialission 5 cents. Saturdays and, holidays 10 cents. Children 'ac- companied by their par- a ; eats 11 cents. COME nANI) SPEND A VAPPY - HOUR. ROOMS and BOARD. WILT, EVERYONE' THAT WILL ;FURNISH SUPFI ACCOMMO.DA- . , TION •FOR ANY YOUNG ,LADa , TES THAT WE MAY BRING TO 'THE TOWN FOR ADDITIONAL • HELP IN, OUR FACTORY, PLEASE REGISTER THEIR NAMES WITH US AND CON- FER A GREAT FAVOR. Clinton 'Knitting Co. • Fruits FANCY GOOD SWEET • ORANGES • $3.25 A BOX, ANY SIZES...„ • ----- BES'r KIND OF BANANAS 2.0e. A DOZEN. LEMONS 84 AND $5 A BOX. MALAGA GRAPES 20c: 1,13, SWEET ORANGES 25e.,30c.: OM -"• AND 60e. DOZEN. PINEAPPLES AND CHESTNUTS. ALL KINDS OF BISCUITS. EVERYTHING IN :nig 1I55 OF' FRUITS. • ALL KINDS OF NUTS. LEMONS 20c. a AND 30c. DOZEN, 1 CANDIES, TOBACCOS AND ' CIGARS. •PURE IMPORTED OLIVE OI1,. JOS. CARUSO/ NEXT IRIVINA TYNDALL'S STORE, OPPOSITE TOWN HALL. ' 'RAMNKA11-WAYGSYSTEM I ! From stations west im Ontatio Good • Going P.M. ttains December 510, All trains December 61e, 7111 and 8111. • ; ACCOUNT SECOND A aINUAL FA'r STOCK SHOW. All tickets valid to return up to and including December an, 1913, Joan Ransford & Son, uptown ticket Agents, Phone 5,7. - A. 0. Pattison, Depot Agent Phone, 35. • VVARNING.,--W 00 D HAS I3EE5 Stolen Ervin the Rathwell • bush on the Varna 'load. The parties are , known and any repetition of the of -i fence• will assuit in • inirriediate arrest. - ••-=05 • MARE AND COLT FOR SALE, - colt tising 8 mentats,-Fred Watts,, Raglen St, Phorie 149, Box 156. a • , WANTED -DRIED AMPLES, BUT - ter, Eggs, etc. . Highest price paid. -=Cantelon Brod: • -03 • FOWL , WANTED - ALL KINDS, • dressed or liv,p, • Delivered any day in the week, Highest price paid. - T. E. Mason, the Postofficm Store, Summerhill, -02. ROUSE FOR SALE. - NINE roems, la story frame dwelling on Ontario street, in good repair, good stone cella. Lot and a half _with garden and fruit trees-Mts. M.. Ja • Boles. -06. TELEGRAPH SCHOOL.- I HAVE started a night telegraph school and will start a day school as soon as I can sell •my flour and feed store or exchange it for town or farm prop- erty. -A, 5, Matheson. -05 FARM FOR SALE. - A GOOD farm consisting of 88 acres, being Lot, 76, Maitland con., Coderich township. 2 miles north of Hon mesville, convenient to church and school., also cheese and butter fac- tory. Good seven -room house with pantry and back kitchen, ex- cellent cellar, plenty of hard and soft water. Water piped to baro; good bank; barn 45x15, straw shed • 18x36, stabling underneath all. Two orchards .principally spies and, baldwins. Farm tile drained, well fenced, hmall bush, no waste lend, .all seeded ' down except 1i7 acres .which is ploughed. Ruaal tele- phone in house with long distance connection, also on Rural mail de- livery route. Possession given to suit purchaser. - Lewis Tebbutt, Holmesville, Telephone 9 on 143, Goderich Township, -06. TO RENT -28 ACRES vtrty BEST clay land, 4 miles from Goderich, small holtse, good barn, old or- chard, very suitable for market garden, poultry, milk etc. Ponses- skin immediately. -Oliver Johnson, Clinton. • 02. WANTED a -EXPERIENCED GIRLS and girla to learn knitting and looping. Will pay $5.00 per week while rearv:Ing, Steady employ- ment, pleasant position. Apply now. -Clinton Knitting Co. -93 IT WILL PAY YOU.-WITEN HAV- ing an auction -sale advertise it in The •News -Record shicIi goes into the great majority" of homes in the • districia, a „a BELLEVIEW F A .5 M DAIRY. From. our "stock of first-class' cows we ate' prepared to supply you twice daily with the best of milk, and cream. We solicit a share of your patiamage.-gf B. Hill, Phone -80. SEWING MACHINES REPAIRED and 'repairs kept en hand, also ag- ency for new maehines.-A. Hoop- er, Albert street. ;-95 JOHN MAY, Agent FOR THE DEERING CO. In A.. J. McMarrey's old stand. yin have on sale cutters, rob- es, harness, halters, whips, washing machines„ wriogers, wheelbarrow's, churns, a few hog troughs at - a barman also a good condition powdelnajor Phone, Office 82, Residence. 194, HAVE YOU Decided TIME FLIES . AND IT IS ONLY FINE WEEKS UNTIL • DECEMBER 2510. Iiave you decided what yo'n will buy for Christmas If it is anything in Jew- elery, W,atches, Silvetware or Chinaware it will pay YOU in look over Grigg's stook and learn his- prices. A. J. GRIGG GRADUATE OPTICIAN AND JEWELER. 'FARM FOR SALE -LOT 40 AND paat of Lot .39, Con, 9,. Godericli township, conaisting, of 107, • acres all 'cleared 'and gbod tillable - land With the exception of five. acres of • baah 'and ten acres raif'orchard • cern tainifig' apples, plums and cherries. • Farm in .good condition heing •of good. `clay a lOama well fenced and • haling " an abundance of, excellent'. water. On -the -premises' are ; .tWo barn, „One, 58x3Q with shed 25x‘0, ail on, stone foundation. , The Oth- er heart is, 5430 with shed 47,a30 • aad also" n ,gravel house. •Situated one mile from school, milefrOm aaglish 0134'0, ..•1' 'from Meth: odist church, .5 Miles from (Hinton, 6 mileh from Bakfield',. Rural Tele- phone capiipeetion.a Also part of 38, Telephone Road, Containing 50 acres adjoining iehool and 4 miles from Clinton, 00 which there • are, no buildings but containing a:spiall swamp .making it an eaceellent „pas - 'tire farm. For. „further -partiOulars apply on the premises, o,r address,- Gea.-A: Cooper Clinton, Ont, Phone 7 on 155. • -71, FARM FOR SALE -THE UNDER. signed offers for sale ais rine farm of about 130 acres adjoining the town of Clinton. The farm is in a good state of cultivation and has good buildings -brick house, bank barn, driving house, pig pen, etc -all comparatively new. A first class young orchard containing all • kinds of fruit, also small fruits. .The farm is well fenced and well drained and is a very desirable borne. `• For further particulars apply on premises or address John Torrance, Clinton P. 0. -63 THE CORNER STORE Live and Let Live What About Your CHRISTMAS CAKE and PLUM PUDDING. . We Bare the mhterial for mak- ing therm • New Raisins, New Currants, Figs, Dates, New Peels, Orange, Lemon aad Citron. Fruit Oranges, Lemons, Bananas, GraPe-fruit, Malaga grapes, Ap- ples, Cranberries.' Fish Salt water herring, Finan-haddie Cod -fish and Smoked hefting. A CALL SOLICITED. E. E. 11UNNIFO1D Livn AND LET LIVE GROCER. • ELECTRIC 'WIRING Electric Bells, Teleeliones, etc. done on short notice.. Write for prices of electric supplies of every description : -Tungsten aad Carbon Lamps- -Flashlight Batteries-- • -Hot point Heating Goods.- -Shades and Fixtures- • -Work will be done at a very reasonable price. Distance not considered in contract. W. J. HUDDART: Goderich, Ont. The Strongest cf all Firepots The Sunshine Furnace fire- - pot is heavily ribbed and in two sections, which allow for contraction and expan- sion. It will -never crack. Ashes won't adhere to the straight always a clear and economical lire. Our local agent will show you this and • many othee"Sunshine" advantages. Send for free booklet. McCiaty's Sunshine Furnace SOLD IN. CLINTON BY BYAM & SUITTER Sanitary Plumbers • 3.31ion• 7, APP. a,• Our. many cuatomeis are al- , •• ways looking for ...something I" • new," We are ready for them la • upw with a fall supply of ; Fresh NeNv 'Fruit for r Ch I t • . r s mas, • New select Valencia ',aisles • " 3.1bs for 25c • • New cleaned currants" e , • Fresh nevv figs at 8o per lb • • • "- dates at • 100 " • . • Dromedary • • • 10c per pkg • Aiso new Peels Lemon. On.- • ange and Citron, • New shelled walnuts. • ‘. • • t, aimends. • • We have also a quantity of • • 1012 raisins while they last 4 lbs • ror 25c, • • , •• •. W T O'NEIL " ' "The Hub Grocery." • • • • • oli000•••••••••••• O • OOO • . INNTE• D LIVE POULTRY 2500 CHICKENS, 1000HENS 1090 DUCKS EACH WEEK FROM NOW , UNTIL JANUARY. To finish your own aounrY we have wheat, oats, and back: wheat . sPecially ground for fatteninig Purposes an very rea- sonable prices. - 8000 • dozen Strictly new laid . eggs wanted each week daring the winter, moans. To pro- duce I nese eggs we have a full I line of poultry foods to iceep , your layers in the 'pink of " condition. • ' • " a - A full stock of BRAN, SHORTS, FEEDS FLOUR, 0.ATCHOP, /3AR-, LEYCHOP etc. etc.- always on hand. 'Give us a call. POULTRY ETicICIE4NwEANKY. Ir OF GUNN, LANGLOIS CO. The Up -to -slate Firm CLINTON. N. W. Trewartha, Wm. Jenkins. WHEN YOU LOOK BACK tothe days of your Grandmother and' think of the.heavy wooden tubs, the water she carried and the trou- ble or heating it for Laundry • pur- poses and then contemplate OUR MODERN PLUMBING for the Laundry„ Bath and •Kitehen., . you realize how fortunate the house- .• wives or this generation are. It you have not already installed our Modern Plumbing in your home, 'et our estimates to -day. .. THOS. HAWKINS. Phone 53. ...MATING AND PLUMBING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. Slabs For Sale. HARDWOOD SLABS, 14 INCHES LONG IDEAL FOR SUMMER USE. ALSO 12 • INCH BODY WOOD, Stapleton Saw Mill COLLEGE ' AT 11 0 M E Thousands ofambitions young people me fast preparing in their own homes to occupy lucrotivepositions as stenog, raphers, bookkeepers, telegraphers, civil servants, in fact every sphere of 1111. I Busineas Activities. You may finish at , college if nos so wish. vosiuoss soar• - pil,i anhi4otiet: .yi nesKatisrllt,,:ort,,,epootn1,1, jeegneEcaipcy8,arindtgaety:.tathliin; . • ° sCtlada.u'seveloh:°11°g :8SP:ei as 1 • °!:llcfirtaci'e's' Ai:iaef:rithaom0re; Etea- torsAsseiaticlof dnada, am Sol at famous Spoton B:sines clee.odon oLNToNBusma:sc0La; I ' 'Cil'xo. S";rT°sNldent.• 1', WPrtiD :e eipal. The News -Record • to end of 1911 News -Record ' to end of year iOc. for $1,90.