The Clinton News Record, 1913-09-04, Page 8News -Record Bargains in Furniture Dining• Room Sets Buffet with long Bevel Mirror, lined drawers' display shelfabove, diners ---0 small 1 arm, large. extension table round of square j: cut oak finish, regular $51.00 for $45.00. Combination Sideboard and China Cabinet, a beautiful piece for the dining room, 4 styles $20.00, $,24.00, $27,00.'" White Brass Beds Sanitary, Beautiful and Comfortable at $3.00 to 515.00 each. - Dresser and Stand Princess dressers, large Bevel Mirror, Swell front drawers, Mahogany Vaneored with stand to match. regular ,$A 00 for $20.00 Window Shades, Picture Frames and Room Moulding at low prices. Phone 7 and8, Free Auto Delivery. J. H. CIIELLEW Estate Furniture Blyth Undertaking A Good Time. To paint buildings, roof and put on new roofs to be prepared for fall. We have a good supply of Sherwin-Williams paints. The popular Brantford roofing, good enough for any. mansion, also the cheaper grades suitable for sheds, chicken houses, and hog pens. We have a spec- ial carbon roof paint for old roofs. We have a fall stock of -brass and iron steam fittings, rubber and ,as- bestos packing, Peerless polarine and ' cylinder oils, leather belting and belt laces. A good supply of window glass and putty, coiled spring, barbed wire and Daisy post hole augers. Harland Bros. STOVES, • HARDWARE AND NOVELTIES. illalabilliallM1011111111 talar' YE AR S„ OF ADHERING STRICTLY TO THE POLICY "The Best At Every Price Always" Has established for us a reputation for good shoes that is second to none. Spend a half hour in our Shop looking over the new fall Styles and we will prove to you that buying of us means adistinct advantage to you and a positive assurance of being cor- rtruly distinctive and occlusive. ectly fitted with shoes: that makes them FRED. JACKSON ' -- i ♦♦1♦MM*••••♦•♦♦♦! •♦♦•♦•N♦♦♦N♦1.MNN0 BIG SAV1NG.JT On All Summer Goods • : SUMMER DRY DR GOODS—SUMMER GLOTIIING AND SUMMER i SHOESALL PRICED FOR QUICK SELLING,. ♦ • • 3 very special lines for Saturday -Children's Wash Suits at 85c. !♦ -We tape shoot two dozen of these suits: left some made in Nor- folksr, coat a dbloomer n pa pants and others with blouse -and bloomer pants and all regular $1.00 and $1,25 lines. Saturday choice for die. ♦ • WOMEN'S PUMPS and OXFORDS $L29 S Patent colt shoes—Odd lines and broken sizes oElinee that sold ♦ , at $1,75 to $2.25. Saturday choice $1,20. MEN'S SUMMER COATS 98c. • ♦ • Why buy a smock when you can buy a nice dressy coat at this ♦ wonderfully low yrice-Regular price $1.25, Saturday 89e. 2 ALSO SOME WONDERFUL. BARGAINS IN RUGS, LACE CUR- • TAINS, LADIES WAIST AND WHITE UNDERWEAR. f , 'SMALL MORE _ PLU'MSTEEL PROFITS BUSINESS B ROS. US NESS , NNN♦♦�NN♦NN�♦♦♦♦♦N�N '0•611 ..■+� N♦�I�N�Ni♦♦NNN.4490.0.0 NN 011H MO 0.O4♦4ON JDUNF.ORD & MAY_ ur 1 DealersF n Lure i and FuneralZ Directors s Phone 104. 4, PiroNE 127 NIGHT AND SeeNDAY CALLS— PrI)ONE 194 •JAMES DUNFORD JOHN MAY ♦N• •4$ •••••4,$•N•Nl4,••4, 44 4, ••4•sS ♦H•aN* 71 -IE ,DESTGNYE V.r•t R,: (! tlfTt. .fR elf 111 SEPTEMBER Is The Housewives' Number Full of articles on things every home -loving woman delights in reading about. Single copy, 10 cents at the Pattern Counter Ask about our liberal subscription offers. W. O. FAIR CO. Often Cheapest _ Always the Best September 4th, 19137 vimmigimausims FIRST SHOwI)G OF THE )Ew FALL COAT'S 35 . Smart, Attractive Models for Ladies' Wear.' We have just passed into stock thirty-five exclusive ladies' coats collected from several of the largest manufacturers. These coats are the very latest Amer- ican styles, made from soft pure' wool tweed, three-quarter cut -away, trimmed with large buttons and frogs to match, shipped to us for early buying, and no two styles alike. Come in and see, this beautiful range. We will be pleased' to show you through as a buyer or not, -- Wise Gilchrist is in Toronto this week.. Mr. 'Wilfrid Dickeitsoli of Brantford was a holiday visitor in town, Misses Hattie and Elva Levis left for Toronto Friday morning last. Miss Maida Cooper spent the week- end and holiday with Brantford friends. Mr. Reeler, Toronto, book-keeper for the Gunn; Langlois Co., visited the local plant on Tuesday. Mr, John Guest returned Thursday, evening after spending a month or so with his son on the ' homestead. in London township, Mr. Ed, Johnson and. his eon, Geo, H., Stanley, were in troth Swan: - day and the latter went 10 Toron- to to attend the Pair. Mrs. Parkins, Mrs. Beamer and Miss Ina Beamer of Sanilae county vis- ited over the holiday period with. Mr. and Mrs. H. Plunrstee], Misses Nettie and Edna Wasman were in Brussels yesterday attend- ing the funeral of their grandmoth- er, the late Mese' George Pollard. Miss Irene Cook, who has been spen- ding tee past few weeks with her aunt, Mrs. John Guest, returned this week to het home at Streets - villa. Mrs. Ogle 'Cooper and three daugh- ters left on Friday mamma for their home in Collin,- . , id after a visit of several weeks with friends inn; town. Mr. Andrew Weatherwax of (]rillia Spent the week -end with his wife and babe, who axe the guests 'of the lady's parents, Mr. and. Mrs. D. Cantelon. Miss R. M. Woods, after a pleasant .holiday period et Seaforth, . Clin- ton and Hayfield, hale returned to Rutherglen to again . take ap her duties as teacher, Miss Hannah Harrison, who has peen living in London the ,past year, returned to the city Y es{er- day after a week's visit at the old home in Goderich township and Clinton friends. d withIs. is Miss Hattie Trick lei tY esterda af- ternoon Y ternoon to resume her teaching at Cedar Grove. She was a couple of days late in taking up her ' work, having waited over for the Vod- den—Jenkigs wedding yesterday. Mr. Nixon Welsh returned last week from - taking a twenty-one days' course at the Schoolo f Miryk tr e Ottawa, and on Saturday left for Toronto to enter upon his duties as a member of the city's Public school teaching staff, Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Mustard and Tamil who spent the holidayper- iodY, at balmy Bayfield, were guests of the lady's ` parents, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Macdonald o2,er the week -end and on Monday returned to their home` in Toronto.' Miss Edna Turnetr,eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Turner., who 'recently secured her Normal cer- tificate, bee accepted a school --.at Caledonia and left It pnday to as- sume liar new duties. Her initial salary will be fix hundred dollars a year. Mr. and Mrs. John ;Snider returned Saturday night from Preston where they had been attending the wed- ding of the former's neice, ' Miss Laura Hagey, to Mx. Abraham Sauders. There were many guests at the happy event for the families have a very wide connexion. Mr. Wm. Lewes, Mr. Geo. Lucas and Dr. and Mrs. Campbell motored ov- er from Markdale and spent the week -end With the former's son-in- law and "daughter., Mr. aria Mrs. J. E. Hovey. On their return Tues- day morning they were accompanied by Mrs. Hovey and Master Billie, Mr: and Mrs. Fred. , Seotehrner of Tueska, Sask., have been visiting the former's. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Scotchmer of town and relati lesin the adjoining townships. The lat- ter part of last week Mr. Sec trim- mer was in Toronto,attending a convention of druggists. This we, If there will be a re -union of the Scotchmer family and connexion at i Bayfield, ii11111 LVff ILN�((1� .inna .— . SWEATER COATS FOR TIEN, - WOM- EN, CHILDREN The new sweat- er coats for ear- ly fall wear are now in stock comprising t h e very newest col- or combinations, in styles right up to the minute as in former =years. We are showing nothing but the products of the b est manufac- turers and every garment guaran- teed. Prices run from $1 to $5. ilizze4) BOYS' CLOTHING MADE IN CLINTON This season we are showing a' large range of boys clothing made by • the Jackson Manufactur- ing Co. which alone guar- antees good .v a.l u e and workmanship. Every suit passed into our stock has passed through an experts hands and thoroughly guaranteed.. Cloths and styles this season are ex- ceptional, a call will con- vince you of the fact. Pric- es run from $4 up. Personals. Mr. and Mrs. Doig were in Hastings, Mich., last week, Mr. and Mrs. A. Lawson visited Seaforth friends Monday. Mr. Wilbur Ford has rejo'ned the dry goods staff of Tozer Se Brown, Mr. Bert Ninunons, New York City,' is the guest of his aunt, Mrs. Rcorn. Miss Jessie Thompson and Mips Mae Forbes were week -end visitors in Toronto • Mr. Wm. Jenkins of the Gunn Lang- lois Co. is :attending' the Toronto Fair this week. - a Mr. Hilton Baines returned to Tor- onto on Monday for further hospi- tal treatment. Miss Sipes of Plattsville was the guest over the holiday of Miss Marion Irwin. Mrs. Win. Grant spent Saturday and Sundayas theguest of airs. a T. Smith, Stratford. t , St a lord. Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Cook and children of Seaforth spent ` Sunday at the i home of Mr. and Mrs. L. Circe, Missur Wilkie La a W 1 n returned to God- erich today to resume her position on Hodgens Bros. millinery staff. Mrs. Wm, Garn'ochan of Seaforth spent a couple of days this week with Miss Johns, Townsend street. Mr. and Mrs. 0. T-Ioare' end Messrs, George and Austin Hoare were in Toronto from Saturday until `arca- day, Miss Ethyle Wasrnan returned on Monday' from Mitchell' where she visited with her cousin for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Gifford Crich and Mrs, Stringer, Hamilton, spent over thek ndMr. wee -c at Onslow Crich's. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Holloway spent. several days the past week with Dr. Holloway of Peterboro' and at the Toronto Fair. Mr. and Mrs. John. Guest , are ,this week visiting friends at, Streets - vele and taking in the Canadian Industrial at Toronto, Little Miss Bertha ; Webster, has re- turned to her home at Londesboro after a visit of several weeks with herunt Mrs. , M s. E.Saville. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Holloway were among the holiday visitors, do the Toronto Fair. They also visited the former's brother at Teterboro. Mr. A. 1s, Bradwin, a former pu:b- lisher of the Blyth Standard, was in town on Tuesday. He expedts at an early date to return to Her- on County journalism: 14ir.1. James Hare of Whitby, former- ly Miss Kate Manning, is the guest this week, of Miss Isabel Gunn, hgv- ing conte up to be present at the Kempthoi+ne—Doherty wedding yes- terday. ' Mr. and Mrs' Will Kemp of Stratford visited with Mr. and Mrs, S. Kemp, Saturday until Tuesday. Mr. W. Kemp has been in very poor health for several months but the old friends here were tench pleased to cue how much improved lie looks of late and hope that he may soon be reseored to bis fernier strength. CLIJYTON Hullett Township The township tax rate will -be higher this year than last as the re- sult of much bridge building, there being no Ices than siX on the pro- gram, thus : At Ed, Jones' side- road 15 and 18, Medd's bridge on same line, another at T. McMillan's, con. 4 and 5, at W. Gray's 13th con, and at John Riley's con. 8 and ' 0. Tire abutment at the Wallace bridge, Summerhill, post, $510 and"the super- structure will entail an expenditure of $1500. The abutment ot the Walk- erhurn bridge cost $100. All the cement work was done by M. M rtison o and a first-class to' b he made of it. When it conies to build- ing bridges and. culverts Mr. Mor- rison• hal no superiors for finished and durable work. The News -Record is the leader for Hullett news, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Ball and Mr. and Mrs, Cleo. M. Farquhar soft bar had a pleasant little in J wet outing o is grove, Bayfield, on Friday last. Mrs. Freeman,, accompanied by her son and daughter, Clifford and Alma, of Seaford), visited among their relatives in the vicinity laut week. Mrs. M. McCauley and Mrs. L. Purcell of Stratford spent part of last week with relatives here. Miss Mildred Barry of St. Colum - ban is visiting Miss Loretto Flynn, Mr. Joseph McIntosh went ent to Tor- onto on Monday and will probably he away for some time. Misses Mary. and Vera Carbert went to Stratford on Tuesday where they will attend the Convent school, a Mr. C., H. Holland is again in in charge of S. S. No, 2 and it will go without saying that he will as on hisreviengagement p o give the very best of results. Mr. El. J. Tighe left on Tuesday for Sandwich to attend college. Mrs. T. Carhert visited in Stmt. ford over the week -end, Miss Mary 'Lacey of Goderich holidayed last week with her cousin, n, Miss Annie Shanahan, Seaforth was given en exhibition of what ' the township of Hullett can do in the way of raising fine horses, when Thos. McMichael and Sons and Willi mi tirm Shipped several of their horses to the Toronto Exhibi- tion last Monday. There were six - teem in all, among the number being two famous stallions, Glenrae and Lord Ronald, Glenne- had• his two families of one -year-olds' and two- year -olds with him, Mr. Rime went down with life brood, mare, Jeseee Constance, with her one -year-old colt and foal. Mr. Cornish, is show- inore-year-old g his filly from{ Glen- rae. Mr. McMichael is again show- ing his pacing mare, which has been. a successful winner in Toronto for two years, aril which he thinks will be a winner acain this year. Messrs. McMichael and Rinn have every con- fidence in their horses making a good showing, and carrying off . Nene of the prizes at the Exhibition, for they claim there is no township in the whole County of Huron can turn out better horses than the 'Township of bIullett—News. The News From Londesboro Mr. John Granger lost a thorough- bred' Cow recently valued at over two hundred dollars, Mrs. Griffiths and two ciiljdren leave this week for Winnipeg, Miss Rose Lyon loft Monday for Mount Forest. Mr. H. Lear returned Monday from a boat trip to the Soo. Mr. A. Ouimette of ,Ettrick visited at the home of Mr. M. Braithwaite over the week -end, Miss L. Jamieson has returned to her duties inn was - Toronto. She v as ac corn ied ister, pan by her sr ,Miss I']os- sie, who will spend a week in the. city: Mr. Janice and Miss Delia McCool spent the weak -end with their sisters in Toronto. Messrs. Thos. and Geo. Moon spent a few days in Toronto this week. Mr. andk .f' Mrs.Ra a feta0 f London guests g is of Mr, and Mrs,. Thos. Adams, Sr., of the 10th concession recently. Miss B. Brogden. of London sPant. Sunday at her home in the village. Alvany Garrett is visiting -his aunt at Woodville. A very pleasant evening was Spent at the Foresters' meeting last Fri- day evening when after the general business ice cream .and cake were served. Thesocial u• hour was very mach enjoyed by all present. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Webster visited:' from Saturday until -Monday with. Mr. and Mrs. E. Saville of Clinton. Mr. and Mrs, R. Mafcters of Lon- don spent Sunday with friends here. Miss R. Young left recently to re - dame her duties at, Brantford after a months' vacation at her home here. Miss Pearl Lee is taking a course in the Clinton Business College. Miss Edna Lyon Cleft thief week for Marnack where she has taken a school. Mrs. J. L. Awde of. Wingtram spent a few days recently It her home here. Mr. and Mrs. Chas, Redden vid:ted. Tara friends over Sunday, Miss A. Coombs of London spent a few days at her )tome here. Mr. E. Ashley of Kingston was the guest ohthe Misses Milian for sever• - fweek, Clays o „ the past wee , Hullett Township Miss Bridgie Cummins of St, Aug- - ubtine returned home Monday after" spending a few days Wirth, friends bore and in Clinton. Misses "Alice and Irene Carbert• have returned home after a couple of weeks' holidays with relatives on 'tin. 0th con. i School Shoes School days are almost here again and we are prepared to meet the •requirements of the girls and boys in schoolfshoes,-we have the new shapes in all leathers, price to suit any purse and also in that 'most' essential point that school shoes should have, good wearing qualities. Call and see for you't,elves, it will be a pleasure to show you what we have. Repair 'Department On Morday Aug.: 25th, Mr. Wilken will takh over our Repairing Department and will belad to see all his former customers alad friends in our store. Any work entrusted to his care will be neatly and promptly attended to. H. S. CHAPMAN Successor to J. Twitchell & Son