The Clinton News Record, 1913-09-04, Page 6NERVOUS CANADA'S•NEWBANKSTATUTE
re Osten .in the. Early Stages'
Of St: Vitus Dance
-They Need a Tenth"to'Strengthen
the Weak 'Nerves' and: Restore
• Them to Natural Health
Many a dhild has been called
awkward, has been ;aunished-in
school for not keeping still, or for;
dropping,. things, when thee,ohild'is
not really at fault, atS the trouble'
is really St. Vitus dance in its
`earlier stages. So common is this:
nervous disease in childhood that
in some schools' one-fifth of all the
pupils have been found •suffering
from it in, one form or another. Be-
fore the presence of the disease is
betrayed 'there is usually a disturb-.
ante of the general health. The
child shows lietleeen•ese and in-
attention. Then it becomes reet-
less,' and twitching of the mns&les
and jerking of the limbo and body
follow: .A remedy that cures St.
Vitus dance .andcures it so thor-
oughly that no trace of the disease
'remains is Dr. Williams' Pink Pills,
which make the new blood neces-
sary to feed the starving n erves
and gives them the nourishment
they demand. •
Mrs. Hiram Barnhart, Scotia
Junction, Ont., says : "About two
yeare, ago my oldest daughter, Ma-
bel, then ten yewre of age, was,
stricken with St. Vitus chance, She
could not keep stilt' for half a min-
ute, no matter how hard she tried.
Her limbs would jerk and twitch
and• every little thing would start
her crying. I gave lies several bob-
t]ee of medicine' said to be good for
the nerves, but instead of helping
her she Wee steadily growing worse.
Her voice would change so that we
couldhardly understand-hor, and
her face became twitched until she
aid not look like the same child. I
had used Dr. Williams' Pink Pills
:myself when -run down, and finally
decided to give her these. When
she had taken two boxes I could
notice an improvement, and by the
time 511e had used five boxes she
was fully cured. However, I was
determined to Make the cure per-
manent if possible, and I gave her
two boxes more; and -I can truth-
fully say that she has never had a
symptom of the trouble since, and
is now as bright, and active as any
child of her age, I heartily recom-
mend Dr. Williams' Pink Pills to
all mothers as the result of what
they ,have done for my child and
Sold by all medicine dealers or
by mail at 60 cents e. box or six
boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Wil-
liams' Medicine Co., Brockville,
Rules Anent Loans to Farmers and
Upon Products of Field,
Forest' and Lake:
Mr. D. R. Wilkie, president of
the Imperial Bank and of:. the Oan-
adian,• Bankera' Association, has
prepared the following statement of
the important,featiarea of the' new
Oanadian bank'' ant:
Additional safeguards have been
introduced in 'connection with the
incorporation and organization 'of
banks to insure the bona; fides of
original subscriptions .for stock,
and to facilitate the recovery of
unpaid liability thereon, while
statements of disbursements' for
preliminary expenses, will require
to be submitted to the treasury
board for approval' before a certi-
ficate to commence business is is-
Changes have been made in the
internal regulations in providing
for shareholders being kept advised
of the by-laws of the bank in force
from time to time by being furnish-
ed \with copies of the current by-
laws every five years, commencing
with Dec. 31, 1913, and by limiting.
the qualification shares of direct -
ore to those of which they are abso-
lute and sole owners in their indi-
vidual rights.
Collection of Stock.
Facilities for .speedier collection
of original unsubscribed or new
capital stock allotted to sharehold-
ers are given by shortening, in tite
directors' discretion, the period
within which aepeptanee of allot-
ments must be made.
Proposals have been introduced
making the keeping of shares and
transfer re•gistere in each province
in which shareholders are resident
compulsory, but it is hoped these
provisions, which have many objec-
tionable features, may be amended.
The annual statement to be sub-
mitted to shareholders has been
somewhat enlarged, so as to make
it •more in keeping with the month-
ly return to the government. Many
new headings have been added,
which makes for 'a clearer and more
detailed statement of affairs. The.
monthly govelnmeentinreturn
aalso been imp'
An important departure has been
made in the introduction of an an -
anal audit by qualified auditors ap-
pointed by the shareholders from
a panel selected by the general
managers of the banks and approv-
ed by the •minister of finance. It
will be the duty of theee auditors,
who are given the widest powers of
access to the books, accounts and
securities of the banks, to check
the cash and verify the securities,
and make a report annually to the
Had Stomach Rumblings
Distress Before Meals
Was Seldom ' Free From That
Weary, Droopy, Half -
Dead Feeling.
Cured, and GivesGood Advice
to Others With Dyspeptic
If you have any stomach distress at all
you ,will certainly be interested in: the
following. experience whichis told by Mr.
Edward Dww1dne l
"When I wasworking around the: farm
last. winter. I' had an attach, of tnaamama-
tion," writes Mr, E. P. Dawkins, - of ' Pori
Riohmond, "I tsar weak for •,a long time,
but well enoughto workuntil spring. But
something went wrong With my bowels
for l had to 'use salts or physic ,e,11 tho
time. My stomach kept sour. and always
after eating, there was pain and fulness,
and all the symptoms of intestinal indi-
gestion. Nothing helped me until bused
Dr. Hamilton's Pills. Instead of hurting,
like other : pills, they acted very mildly,
and seemed to heal the bowels. I did not
require large doses to get results with
Dr. Hamilton's Pills,: and feel so glad that
I Lave found a mild yet certain.remedy
Today I am well -no pain, no soar atom.
noir, a good appetite, able to digest any-
thing. This is a whole lot of good. 5 r
one medicine to do, and I can saY
Hamilton's Pills are the best pine. and
my letter, I am snro, proves it."
Refuse a substitute for Dr. Hamilton's
Pills of Mandrake and Butternut. 26o•
per box or five for $1.00. at all druggists
and storekeepers, or poet paid from the
Catarrhozone Co., Buffalo, N.Y., and
Kingston. Canada,
"Berrie," said his mother, "what
would yori'ike to give your Cousin
Willie for his birthday?" "I know
what I'd like to give him," answer-
ed Bertie, who had been bullied by
the older boy, "-but.I ain't quite
big enough."
B. L. Philips Finds Penton . 01
Quartz Slays Vermin.
King of the rat,patchera and
Champion Blackbeetle Destroyer is,
the title conferred upon himself by
a certain London, England, busi-
ness man, - Otheirwiae 1 ec ie B, L.
Philips of Messrs B' L. & N. Phil
ips, Limited. This is his ietory of
how' he undertook an odd business
and came into his unique title.
"Years ago in America I went
prospecting for gold," he said. "I.
did not find gold, but isomething al
moat as precious. At that time we
were 'infested 'by cockroaches. But
they always avoided the erumblings
of the quartz.
"I thought there must ben 'speci-
fic reason foe this shyness on their
part, for tbey,are not shy as a rule.
So'I'called in an analytioa1 chem-
ist, and together we iV a estigatocl
"We had just finished - our inves-
tigations when the news came that
all the kitchens of Chicago • were
overrun by cockroaches. I' went to
the chef of the largest kitchen in
Chicago and said: "Let me clear
your kitchen.'
;'He was in despair, and said,
`Impossible 1'
"'Geod,' I replied, 'this is where.
I arrive,' and I drove the code
roaches out of Chicago.
"Then somebody complained of
rats, so I killed the rats. I went on
doing this sorb of thing throughout
America, and then I mot a man
who told ms that although there
were no snakes: left in Ireland there
were :still plenty of cockroaches and
rats in Great Britain. I came here
on the, next boat, and now I hafe
contracts with .nearly every great
hotel in the country and every line
of steamships and most of the big
country houses.
"And i•. ,v, young man, one word
of advice. I advise you to start a
new profession. I have clone that,
and fonnd it very profitable."
The Finest Leather Is used
Building Boots For
There are only half a dozen - or so
men in `London who can make a
pair of boots fit for a king to wear.
A first-class boot clicker is as valu-
able an h,seet to a shoemaker as a
first-class cutter to a tailor. A
boot clicker is -the •trade term for,
the man who cuts out the shape of,
the leather to be stitolted together;
just as a tailor's cutter cubs out
the material for a coat or a pair of
The man who actually stitches
the; leather tis called a "closer." A
"clicker", is, of course, a more ex-
perienced and better elates of work-
man than the "closet'," for he is
the designer, while the "closer"
merely follows instructions, though
the latter has to boa very smart
man to sow the leather properly.
The leather used to- make a, first-
class boot is made from the skin of
a calf nearest the backbone and on•
the rump. The skin ever the actual
backbone of the animal is not used,
•because it is not only thin/lea, but
actual experience proves that it is
not so good ars the rest of the hide.
Out of Eyery Dozen Skins
Mrs. Ernest Hart Has Process to
-Protect Paper from. Dampness.
Mrs. Ernest Hart, of London,
England, who is• the discoverer of a
process by w.hieh it is said that any
kind of fabric, including paper, can
be waterproofed, does not like to
be called an inventor.-
"It'is a, word very loosely used,"
•she said the other clay. "Why, I
suppose, apart from discoverers,
actual inventors can almost he RUM -
bored on one's fingers, and even
the ,great and true inventors prob-
ably owe something to those who
have gone before them or to those
who have worked side by side With
"My work has been essentially
that of improving. Ever since my
early days, when I studied medi-
cine in Lo•tidon and Paris, I have
been attracted to the practical side
of Laboratory work. I am fond of
taking up forlorn hopes.
"In this spirit I set myself the.
task of overcoming the difficulties
of weaving ramie fibre. After many
experiments I succeeded in woav-
ing every kind of fabric in pure
ramie on power loons.
(°Then I found that nobody could
waterproof the material for ine.
After patient experimental work I
arrived ab patentable processes.
froon tirrsue paper to coarse canvas.
"Wall paper can, be so treated
that the cheapest kinds want only a
sponge and soap to restore them to
their original freshness."
Another discovery of Mrs. Herb's
is a material for cinematograph
screens which, it is said, may mean
a saving of about 30 per cent• in
the amount of electricity required.
She has also devised a meaua of
making nitrocellulose — the best-
known form of which is guncotton—
without' the 1155 of cotton. It is
thought that this will largely do
away with the dangers now existing
in its manufaotuhe.
Minard's Liniment' Relieves Neuralgia.
"May I have thie hat sent home
for further inspection, and return
it to:morrow if `I decide 1' do not
like it?" `By no means, madam.
By to -morrow, the styles may have
changed I" •
Try Murine Eye Remedy
If you have Red, Weak, Watery Eyes
or Granulated Eyelids. , Doesn't Smart
—Soothes Eye Pain. Druggists Sell
Murine Eye Remedy, Liquid, 25c, 500.
Murine Eye Salve in Aseptic Tubes,
25o, 50c. Eye Books Free by Mail.
An Eye Tonle flood for All Eyes that Mood Cue.
Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago
Happy is the .wife lvho believes
that her husband tells her all he
Minard's. Liniment for sale everywhere.
"What's theargument. in there 7"
"There isn't any argument, Mother
'and sister are just Proving to dad
that he's wrong again."
Successfully and Speedily With
For Special Reports.
It is placed in the power of the
minister of finance to call upon the
auditor of a bank, or any other au-
ditor whom he may select, to make
a special report at any time ripen
the affairs or buginess of a bank.
In addition to retaining the pre-
sent emergency period, extending
from Sept. 1 in any year to the last
day of February in the ensuing
year, provision for a much-requir=
ed increase ofcirculation has been
made against the deposit of current
gold and Dominion notes, or either,
in what is termed the "Central Gold
These central gold reserves will
be under the control of trustees ap-
pointed by the Oanadian Bankers'
Association and minister of finance,
and Will be subject to frequent in-
spection'and audit by the depart-
ment of fin'ance, f the trustees
It will be the duty of
and re -
to esiceive and, -when proper
. spired, return the gold, and notes
deposited with them by the banks,
which will be entitled to issue in-
creased circulation to the extent -of
the amount from time to time on de-
posit. In thie wary not only is ad
tlitional circulation , assured, bait,.
also the, anxiety ofover-circulation
when nearing the present limits can,
be avoided.
Cured Stomach Gas,
Stopped Hiccoughs
Palns in the Sto,uach That -Yield
to Nothing Else, Pass Away
Quickly If Nerviline
Is Usml. -
"A few weeks ago I ate some green
vegetables and some fruit that was not
quite ripo. It Grist -brought on a fit of
indigestion, but unfortunately it develop-
ed into hiccoughs, n000mpaniod by nau-
sea and cramps. I was dreadfully ill for
twodays--myhead ached and throbbed;
I belched gas continually, and I was un-
able to sleep at night. A neighbor hap-
pened in to sec me and urged mo to try
Nerviline. Well, I wouldn't have believed
that any preparation could help so quick.
ly. I took half a teaspoonful of Nervi -
line in hot sweetened water. and my stom-
ach felt better at once. I used. Nerviline
several times, .and was completely ro-
The above is from a letter written by
G. E. Braun, a well.known stockman and
farmer near Lethbridge, Alta, Mr.Braun'e
favorable opinion of the high merit of
Norvilizio is _shared by thousands of Can-
adians who have proved. Nerviline ie sim-
ply a marvel for mumps, diarrhoea, Rat.
uloneo, nausea, and stomach. disorders.
Safe to use, guaranteed to auto -you can
make nomistake in keeping Nerviline for
you family remedy.
Largo family size bottles 60o., trial size
25o. All dealers, or the Cutarrhozone
Co., Buffalo. N.Y., and ICtngston, Canada.
Thoughtful Farmer Learns About
Tea and Coffee.
Many people exist in a more or
less hazy condition and it often
takes years before they realize that
tea and coffee are often the cause
of the cloudiness, and, that there, is
a simple way to let the light break
only one or two of the very finest
are chosen for Royal wear.
A man marred Duffield made,
Pumps and slippers for Royalty',
fifty years. He was one of the very
few who knew how to put a. heel
properly on a slipper. This may
appear quite a simple thing to do-,
but as a matter of fact not one
shoemaker in 10,000 can do it to
He made hundreds of slippers for
wealthy customers, •and a pair
made by him have been worn for
over ten years. Nob a 'stitch has
given, •and the soles and heels show
very little sign of wear. Any slap-
per of which that can be said at the
end of ten years is a pretty good
Most of the wealthy classes wear
a very thin-soled boot, but thin as
this'sole is it will outlast any thick
soled pair of ready-made boots
The secret of this is not only in the
quality of 'the leather,- but also in
the way this sole is prepared.
The leather that is used for the
sole is half an inch thick to begin
with. Before 'being fixed on to the
boob this sole is beaten for 'mare
than an hour by the "closer" with
his hammer. This -hammering re-
duces the sole to half its original
thickness, and at the same :time
makes it as (hard as steel. So hard
is this beaten -Bele that, though leas
than is quarter of an inch thick,
' To Disinfect Notes.
Regulations providing for the dis-
infection and 'sterilization of. bank
notes may be made by the treasury
board. -.
Additional returns will in future:
be made to the government annual-
ly of the fair market value.of real
estate held 'by the banks for their
use and' occupation, and 'quarterly
of the rates of interest and discount
charged, upon loans and discounted
paper. -
Additional powers have been giv-
en to banes in the interests of those'
concerned to lend to receivers and
liquidators appointed under the
wmnding-up act upon the propertyy,
and assets under their charge, and
also to lend farmers upon the se-
curity of thrashed grain grown up-
on their farms, awhile definitions
have been provided of "products
of agriculture," "products .of the
lets of,
" :and "products P
lake and rivers," , which. will . ma-
terially assist in removing, doubts
that previously existed regarding
the power to lend on certain classes
of goods now comprehended there-
.. UR�.SOA
And Cuticura Ointment, at
a l lo' COSI 1S learned
A worthy farmer had,sueh en ex-
perience and tells about it in a let-
ter. Ho says:
'Tor about foray years I have
had indigestion and stomach trou-
ble in various forms. During the.
last 25 years I would' not more than
get over one spell of bilious, colic
until another would; be upon me.
"The beet,doctors I ,could get
and e13 the "medicines I could buy
only gave 'me temporary relief.
"Olsengo of 'climate was tried
:witheut 'results. I could not sleep
nights, had rheumatism and my
heart would palpitate at times so'
that, it seemed it would jump out of
my 1b>dy,
"1 cams to the ,conclusion that
there was no relief for me and that
I was about wound up, when 1 saw
a Post= advertisement. 1 had al-
ways been a,ceffee di inizer, and got
an idea from the ad. that maybe
coffee was the cause of my trou-
ble." Tea is just as harmful, be=
cause it .contains caffeine; the saane.
drug found in coffee.
I began to use Postern instead
of coffee, and in -less than three
Weeks I felt like a new -man. The
iheuinatism 'left me, .and I have
never had a spell of bilious colic
"My appetite is good, my diges-
tion never was better, and I can do
more work than before for A0
Got to Pay.
A Dutchman was going to cross a
bridge; he was riding in a little,
cart drawn. by a goat. The toll
man came out and said—"'Here,
you've gob to pay'toll before you
-can pass this' bridge." "What, to
pay toll?" "Yes, five cents to
cross' this bridge." After an argu-
ment the Dutchman paid the five
tents and went on, In the after:
noon he came hack again, only this
time he had the goat sitting on the
seat, and he was dragging the cart
himself, Out came the toll man and
said—"Here, you know you've got
to pay five cents." The Dutchman
shook his head, and. . pointing to the
goat, said—"Don't talk to me—ask
the 'driver."
Name given by Canadian Postum
Co , 4Vindspr, Ont. Writs for copy
—'1 - eft the little book, "Tho Road to
ii7,• Nest.. Wellvalle."I
111114 .,i '•` , °u - Postum comes in two forms :
' a -as Sunda. afternoon, and Ma- Regular Post,lui—ennst be web
freta the special ,dire directions' It y
beP. l's little sister; ;Huth, <agecl four,, boiled.
Which a'ccom1) 11111 these -as •Fe tied beside Mabel: on rho Tustanl 1°ester is a soluble liotl�
emollients. ecl of N[abel s finance. A �lv in a cup of
th art Mr Rumpel 2 .tho addition of t1 ea.m and
pure sweet and .gentle sofa Presently the little girl ask- tier. A ica9,pnonful li solvss.quiik
pure, ren'! I ' bat hates and' with
your sweetheart, ar
Ci,rleera 5 Iib it , ,,monE are aoln El:eoU-rad "Well,". answered Mi'..Bumpea.; malses'a. delicious boverage dnstaat-
tne world. A too n1 0 wlo , f, V/ MI U 'In,w t 1%Ltibcl ,
600}701 on 1110 en o An tEaunifenn° creational,;ri
th fond glancefirmt rottur
- r 0,1,,' 1101 ., 26 r a An , Av . A. lJruH d., 1.,71",n. -
CorU.,poDt. l6D,Loston, r7. 9. A. f Ull�1'0 the next, tlhing to 11''' "7.`1)el'{'5 a rf5a5011" for P'0S!ttlln:•.
h bath with BABY'S OWN SOAP the
After the b
skin is smooth, comfortable, and exhales the
aroma of freshly cut flowers.
Breed= from skin troubles, explains in some measure
the refreshing sleep which "Baby's Own Soap" babies
enjoy. Especially for nursery use insist on"Baby's Own".
ALBERT SOAPS Limited, Manufacturers, - MONTREAL. :-4-rg
WANTED—Moro Workers
tt once to ck ,feria? 6°Irti a Por rra m
WANTED their home with our wondorPnl Okern
teal Process., Supple, mechanical work, rapidly done. All Patti
Positively no ex or sues required Wo furnish the Pr Patti
terns furnished.oe DD ocees a
chemicals and sapply you with pioturee to color. which you ,return to uo. Go
prices paid promptly by the week or month. No eauvasoing or selling -oar tray.
oilers Boll the goods and the aelld is unlimited for our work. If you want clean
pleasant work the year round for_ywhole or spare time, write us and we will een/1
you contract and the prices we pay.
It Is Difficult to Bend It.
For :the first few days of wearing
a pair of new boots the doles feel
like steel under the foot, and it is
not until they have been worn for
some time that they begin to get
elastic and oontfo'tatble.' In the
case of the late King Edward, one
of hi•s suit would wear his shoes to
break them in, though the soles of
the late King's boots were thinner
than usual::
Ninety-nine persons out of every
100 walk on the outside of their
feet. Few persons walk absolutely
straight and : wear their soles out
in the middle. While the average.
white man wears his boots away on
the outside, the majority of black
men wear them away on rho inside.
Two of the most costly pair of
boobs ever made in the ordinary
way were Astrachan -lined long
boots, one pair being shade for the
late Earl, of Lonsdale and the other
for H.R.H. Duo d'Aosta. They cast
$84 a pair.
Husband (at police- station)—
'"Phey°'say yon have caught the fel-
low who robbed. our house night be-
fore last."
Sergeant—"Yes. Do you want to
see him?"
Husband—"Sure 1.. I'd like to talk
to him. I want to know how he got
in without waking'my wife. I've
been trying. to (le that for the last
twenty years."
Milord's Liniment Cures. Dandruff.
He's So Impossible.
"You know, my dear, men .S are
quite impossible. If 1 accept Jack's
proposal, he will expect me to mar-
ry him.; and if I refuse, he will ex-
pect to be allowed to marry some-
one else,"
it 1pi!
,ale]' because' there
t IS:NO 1 w'pentine
zoo to us&, Good for the Shoes
5,000 OUT OF WORK.
Not men, but corns that were put out of
,business last. week • by .Putnam's Corn Ex.
tractor. No corn can live if treated by
Putnant's. It is safe, painless and sure.
Use only Putnam's, 25e. at all dealers.
"Bridget, sloes you mistress as-
ist you in cooking?"'
"Yrs; very much."
"How does she do it V'
i o
f the kitchen."
kaping out n g
St. Isidore,' P.Q., Aug. 18, 1904.
Minard's Liniment Co., Iiimited..
Gentlemen, -1 have frequently used
MINARD'S LINIMENT and also prescribe
1t' for MY patients alwaye with the most.
ratifying results, and I consider it the
best all-round Liniment extant.
Yours truly;
Da see. AUG. SIROIS,
"Pa, what is party
"Hope of a good job:"
oyalty ?"
For Preserving
—buy St. Lawrence' Extra Gra-
nulated by the bag. You get
the choicest, pure cane sugar,
untouched by any hand from
Refinery to your kitchen—and
Bags woo lbs, 551bs. ao lbs.
Cartons 5158., 2 lbs. 3
Best deaUrs can sUDP!yyou.
N. Lawenee Sugar Refineries, United, Moelreal,
X; W. DAWSON, emote Colborne Street,
Pulleys & Shafting
Parma in all sections of Ontario.
Some .snaps.
AO'rORY 91T719, WITH 0n WI'rAOCT
Rahway truckage, in Femora.
rnmpton and other towns and cities.
Brampton and a dozen other towns.
X. W. DAWSON, Colborne St., Toronto
Suitable for Mille, Manufacturing
Plante, Printing Houses, Eta.
2 Wood Split Parleys, 12% x 48 in,
for a 15119 in: shaft.
1 Wood Split Pu1ii+y, 12% x, 48
for 2 16/19 in.theft.
S Wood" Split Pulley, 12'A x 28 in.
for 3 '7/16 in, e'haft.
1 Wood Split Pulley, 10% x 26 in.
for 3 7/16 in. shalt.
Pulleyls of smaller sizes and
hafting of various lengths and
ptzes to be sold at very low figures.
Box 23,
Wilson Publishing Co., Toronto.
A Certain island in the West In -
,dies ad-
to the o
dies is liableperiodical
vent of earthquakes. One year be-
fore the, sea•sott, of the periodical
- advent of the -terrestrial disturb-
ances Mr. G., who lives in the dan-
ger zone„sent his two sons' to the
home of a •brother. in England to
secure them from the impend'ieg
havoc. Evidently the quiet of -the-
staid English household was dis-
turbed, by ;the eruptions of the two
West Indians, for the returning
:mail steamer carried a message to
Mr. X•, brief, but emphatic-: .'Take
`,back your boys; send me the 'earth
quake 1
U "^ •,ISSUE 36--1N tlIs ee t ,Lisi0 oat Cures 801'ns, Eta.
vestment -Company selling dividend.
paying Seauritics, requires the services
of able mon. : 14xch5sive territory to right
parties. Good profits nun be made in
whole or enure time. This is a solid pro-.
position backed by influential mon who
form the directorate. Write P. 0. 70X
1445, Montreal, for particulars,
ferent Foreign Stamps, Catalogue,
Album, only Seven Cents. Marko Stamp
Company, Toronto.
you quickly, obesely, thoroughly and
furnish tools free. Wo give you actual
shop experience. Write for free cata-
logue. Molar College, 219 Queen St. East.
V internal and external, oared with-
out pain by our .home treatment. Write
us before too hate. Dr. Bollman Medical
Co., Limited,Colliugwood, Out.
�A der Simms, Kidney trouble (travel,
Lumbago and kindred ailments positively
cured .,with the new German remedy,.
"Sano];" price 111.62. Another new remedy
for. Diabotes-Mellituo,and aura cure, is
"Sanol's Ault—Diabetes." Price •$,2.00 from
` i4
tying Cor direct, rest, 2
ho Salmi nufne.
Luring Company of Canada, Limited,
Winnipeg, Man,
Two 'lawyers 'before a probate
judge recently got into a wrangle.'
At last one of the disputants, losing
control over his emotions, exclaim-
ed to his opponent:
"Sir, you are, I think, the biggest
fool that I ever had the m.isfortuee
to set eyes upon 1"
"Order 101'der 1" said the judge,.
gravely. "You seem to forget that
I am in the room:"
The Mystery.
Visitor -e"1 understand that you
had an. amateur .dramatic perform-
ance in the town' hall last night'".
Native—"Yes; the Sock rand Bus" -
kin Club played 'Little Mace, or the
Mountain Mystery,' " •
."Ali t 'And what was the mys-
tery 1"' itlolls
'tAs neer as 1 could make out
starY was how the audience stood
, ,
i` till the last eat was over.>,,,,
Much -reading will nob make a
full man as quickly as much fc:.d-
When buying your Piano
insist on havin9' an
1.®T P9'O i� W G L•
Ptar�o Ao tioT\
HAMPt1/��I^ CA
Board ottoaoa tom 01I U,
The he wit or
out or practically went of bon coven Toq 11wrs
moft0, waort pot 10 and
take e tat to
oaken ft cavy Lo pot In a a lake meEclataea.
No atria anOter has as inrpe e» opxrtnp. ..
u1•o, ol,wr ,GOshur can 52 maul, -arta 0m110
75)1008 sCet,leaa,011,0 l0pl l8.
DO you 1190 M0xwon S "pnVOrla^-iba.
ca000 tlmt malted anality Guitar 1
wrdo as for catalosuee if your 'doal04 aces
011800? 0110"8.. . - . 89
S0 O 59508515 &.$501, ST.1/A21'9, int.