The Clinton News Record, 1913-09-04, Page 5=Clifitot ewa-Decca d' Goderich; , n ' Ma°s,Ut'Hotlgeni and daughter re .ne ur , t d Monday F> on'i': holi- `• laying iu 'Musleoka sen er slleante'r, City of• De- rl}e pas. L at, ;phi' tin s . as boon ca , g ttoit; tivhncli•.h ,. ortf' Burin;' the summer "'Months, mnlceS last call to-morxovV• I The, ` het FIuro'n has already fnaide-herr. Met, trip: is D:'," Hunter ,, is••.spond}ng' helm:Hine. with Port Stanley n s Wi ;,N._'Welsh• ''of WeShjngton, Mr, in, • D,"C.,:is visiting in town' the -guest, of Mr, and Mrs C A;'We11s , `s,• CT' . G.: Younnf' l pronto •sre Mt g. ,centiy visited old friends ln-town'lor a few days, , Maida . d ".Aileen _Amhour Misses. Mai... an have returned homeafter to Clinton Imegding the summer with, their grandmother,. Mrs. Walton.` Miss Atkinson has return,d from a trip to the Old Land and is visiting Tier sister,. Mrs, Drysdale: ;Miss' Jean''Sugdon, ; who has been the guest of; <Miss Blac6stock during the ''summer, left last week for her home, in England. . Miss Blackstock aecgnnipanied her to Toronto. Col. Hugh and Mrs. Clark of Kin- cardine were the guests,' of Mr„ and Mrs. E. N. Lewis' for a few days re- .contly, Miss Augusta McLeod .leas' accepted a position on the staff of the Niagara Collegiate ' Institute, Mises Hazel''B. "Clark has returned to her home 'in Detroit after spend- ing a month with half aunt, Mrs. Jas. McOlaeherty" of town, and with. Clinton friends, Miss Jean Cantelon of Vancouver, who `has been visiting ' friends • in Goderich and vicinity for the past few weeks, . having just returned from a trip to Europe, left last week on her journey to her home in the Sunset Province. Miss Helen D. Ford has gone to take up her duties as principal of the High School at Ancaster, and Miss Kate Ford to assume her dut- ies as a member of the C', I. staff, 'Clinton. Mr: Clarence Smiley, Mrs. W. J. Smiley and daughter, Port Arthur, and Mrs. W. Wheaten and two cllil- elren of Harbor Beach, Miolt., have been visiting at the old home, that .of Mr. and Mrs, Thos. Smiley, Wat- erloo street. Dir. Macklin left Friday last for a three months' special course in the hospitals ; of Europe. . The marriage took place hi North street church on Monday of last week of Miss Margaret Ethel Suther- land to Mr. Clifton W. Wamsi'ey,, both well known and highly esteem- • ed young people of town. Rev. 14 Ir. Hagar performed the ceremony in the presence ofonly immediate PERSONALS. Miss Minlue' innin' ,Spent 'Labor Day Miss' Pintail; 'with -her Statet in Mitchell. r'. Y;, :Ashley of Kingston, who fil-, teenears a e resided lot>'Va time ' y g in Clinton;was "in'town yesterday, LITTLE. r.,ocAf,S. - Mr. W'Day , Ohas , sshippedover 1200'bushel's" of plums from : Clinton to the HigSgh ale canning factory the Ra„ t wer L., s' l, a lectionstat Clinton `'i'he cllStom , for Ube' five' months ending August 31st 'were . i;1:0,083.21, an increase ov- er the' v-er;the corresponding period• last year 14 $$830,111. • - SUCCESSFUL STUDENTS. MY Tip lady Eve, n TL lady 'was success- ful in passing her exam. ala.--oonuner, tial specialist, being, one -of the six students taking both parts. Miss Tiplady-is 'a diligent student; and has not •as vet missed a single exam. Miss Hazel Elcoat of Tuckersmith, also .a htudent of the C. C. I was;. successful` in obtaining the first part of the same exam. BAPTIST:OHIIRCI3. Rev. Eugene Harris, B.A., B. Ph., of Kincardine will occupy the pulpit of the Baptist church iiext Sunday morning and 'evening; - Character - Building':' and t'Isaiah's Great Imi tion" are the topics,. Mr. Harris was formerly pastor here and will: be pleased to meet his former friends and acquaintances. Special music will be rendered, atthe services. ONT. ST.- CHURCH. On Sunday morning last the , pas- tor preached a "Labor Day" sermon from the words, "For one is your Master and all' ye are brethren."` The message of the evening was es- pecially for young people, the text being, `'My, times are in thy hands." Stanley :Townahtp Messri Adapt Stewart :and .john, Macfarlane were at'tthe•'rot0nto •••Fair lastNeek:• Mr; l+aawick,Stewvart was among',those who Went]- down this week. Geo4 Mr, Sherlock Keys . and Johnston are spending • a week -n Toronto'and' other 'points. `- .eoril 'to any :' address The Ne.ivs Re oto the end •of 1913 tot. 25 cents. Blyth Mr. Thos. White of Bruce Mines, who thirty years`, ago was resident of Blyth, was renewing aoghaintallees in town, last week. Mr', and Mrs,. M. Nesbitt have Ter turned, to their -Nome in Detroit after visiting . friends hereabouts for a few weeks. Mr. and Mrs. McKenzie and child- ren of Guelph have raturned home af- ter a visit with the former's broth-, or. The Misses I{.inFr have gone to their _ home in Sasl at0 n after a visit here with their grandparents, Mr,'. and Mrs. Geo, King., 1 MMaySpafford of London visit- eds her mother over Sunday, • Miss. Edythe Gridley, is visiting 'her sister in. Aylmer.` • Mr. Caeser, C.P.R. agent, at Marl: dale, who has been visiting his dau- ghter, Mrs. H. A. Thomas, has gone on a visit to his son in Vancouver. Mrs. (Dr.) Charlesworth is spend- ing a couple of weeks with Stratford friends. Miss McLaughlin of Plattsville is the gueat of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Sims. Mrs. Noble and children left last week for their home at High River, Alta. They were accompanicdi by the lady's father, Mr. Joseph Grasby. Dr. Annie Ross, who ifas been at- tending the World's S. S. Convention at Zurich, Switzerland, has returned home. .During the service a tribute of re- NOTICE TO C 117DLTOiiS ZN T,l'IE • Matter rof the estate of: John ovens• 1lliott, deceased,-,NQ'tiee is. hereby giyen pursuant to Sec, 55 ' of `:the Trustee • AoU.iihat all persons hav- ing claims against the estate `, of the said deceased, who' died on " or 1, 3 t n la.' May, 9 1 8 f the e a I t Y. N out P r b F are required• to send by post ;pre- paid;to the• undersigned executors' • or ,W. 73rydetie solieiter on or bp - fore the 27th day of September; • 1913, their names " and addresdes. with Pull particulars in writing of their claims, -and statenient of their accounts and the nature of ,the" se- curities (if any) .held by -them, duly verified hy statutory declara- tioni: 7,nd take notice' that after the said 27th'' day ' of September, 1913,'. the olid executors will 'pro• iced to distribute the, assets of the spect was paid the character of the • Port Albert late Miss Carrie Shipley. Mr. Mur- ray Jackson sang a solo at this ser- vice. • Next Sunday morning Rev. Dr. Rutledge will preach' in this church, Rev. Mr. Barker of Seaforth in Wes- ley church, and Rev. Mr. Alain in the Methodist' church, Seaforth. Mr. J'as. Fowler of Goderich will assist the 'choir at the evening service next Sunday. ABOUT THE S. A. Another of the efforts for which the Salvation 'Army is widely noted has been arranged for in the shape of friends. On ;their return from a 'the harvest febtival effort. Prepara- honeymoon trip they will take up frons are on foot to make the occa- residence in town. Sion :one of great puceess in this containing six A series of appropriate meet- The Attrill property, col n g town, 'hundred acres .of land and which has been used as a site for the drill came, has been sold to Windsor 'people. Mrs. A. Carrick, a lady who has lived in Goderich for a quarter of a century following as long a residence in - the township of Ahhfield, on 'Thursday celebrated her ninety- fourth bjrthday. She is of Scottish birth- and is still hale and hearty. Mus's Garrow of Toronto is the guest of her brother, Mr. Charles '0 arrow. Mist Lillian Whitely has returned from a pleasant sojourn with Sarnia, 'Buffalo and Cleveland friends. Mrs. W. Tweedie and children have returned, to their home in Toronto after visiting ,friends and relatives here. , Mr. Thos. 'Graham • of Niagara Falls N.Y. has been visiting his mother and sister in town. Mist A: Edwards of Sherbrooke, Que., and Miss Belle . N'ioholson of Kincardine -were the guests last week of Mrs. L. Donaldson. • legs is being organized by 'he local corps, which promises to he of spec- ial interest and attraction. We shall he able to give more detailed infor- mation with respect to the program. later, The good work, which this or- ganization has carried. through and the success which has attended their dealings with the more outcast and forlorn, commands the appreciation of all who sympathize with the spir- itual and moral needs of the people. No doubt many of those will avail themselves of . this opportunity to show their confidence in such praise- worthy efforts, There is a meeting for boyd and girls at the S. A. hall every Mon- day evening at seven o'clock. All 1invited. tnoY s a girls rt s are Seaforth. • Miss A. M. Bowers of Brantford, formerly of the Seaforth C; I', Abaft, spent a few days last week as the, guest of Miss Anna Woods. Mr. Arthur Deem 'of Stratford vis- ited in town a couple of days last week, Miss Cora Dodds returned, last week from, a holiday visit to Detroit and Flint, Mich. Mrs. Adam Hays and daughters have" returned from Detroit. Mrs. A. I. ICtnden: has returned from a vacation spent with her par- ents at 'Morbid. -are ' W. R. Plant Mr.and Mrs V fortnight sn Muskoka. spending a Arthur Re ..:told5 and Mt and Mts ashh Sask are two children of L urn visiting. the •:lady's parents; Mr. and Mrs;' Cr. A Sills. Mr, and Mrs. Jas, Beattie announce the engagement of their` daughter; st Merrill, t' r. J.rant; ' mie o MttM Smith of Peteboro. The marriage will take placethis month., Mips Mayine, Murray of Hamilton was the guest la31t .week' of Miss Hanel Reid. Carl Stoddart of:. Regina is spend- ing a vacation with his parents in Egmondville.' Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Shea and babe of :Detroit have been visiting Mr., and Mrs. W. Dugan. , Miss Ella Webb ha0 returned to her' positioq t Reading, Midi:., after a vacation spent with her mother 'in A RETURNS.' MANY HAPPY R Mr. Joshua Cole ,of Orillia,. who has been visiting among 'the Cole, Cook and Glazier families for the past fortnight, Was on Thursday ev- ening last, on the seventy-eighth an- niversary of his birthday, at the home. of Mrs. W. H. Cook, made the recipient of a handsome watch chain accompanied by the following ad- dress : "Dear Uncle, -We are presen- ting you with this little gift as a small token of the deep love and respect we have for you and we trust you may be spared many long years to wear 4t, We all join in wishing you many happy returns of the day and hopethe coming years of your fide will be the happiestyou have ever spent. Signed on behalf • .of those present." Mr. Cole was horn in the Township of 'l'eronto and, first saw Clinton and district fifty-six years ago. He spent ,two years.' here, re hut. bas come back on a vi it intervals and. hass thus kept in touch with -the district.. He enjoys. reinarkably good healtn for his advanced )ears and •looks good„for; manymore, • birthday " an- niversaries. Mr. and Mrs. T. H. FIawkins, God- erich, Sundayed with friends in the village. Will. B. Hawkins attended a meet- ing of the Board of Health at Dun- gannon on Saturday last. The union services held at the lake- side ended 'on Sunday evening. ,They were held during the month of Aug. and were largely attended. Jahn Pearson left for St. Cather- iines last week:- Miss eek:Miss Tena Hawkins left for her school at St. Thomas on. Mori:lay. Mr. and Mrs. Fred, Cardio, who have been spending it few weeks with the Misses Cardio ot town;; left lath 'week for. their 'home at Guernsey, Sash:'• • Mr. R. FT. Archibald has accepted •;rin :a position as nlathematical. naster the Dunnville Collegiateisto I nstiYute and left hor:end of last week i'for tlia't' town: ;, Mt C.: H I3roadfoot of Mooed Taw is in Uoan. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Koch 'returned - :Jost, week • to•.their home in Dekroit' after le:siting, the lady's sister, Kars.. said; estate among the parties en- titled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which lie shall then have notice and the said ex ecutors will not be -liable for said assets or any part thereof, to .any person or, persons of whose claim notice shall not have been received by .them; or their said solicitorat the time of such 'distribution. Dat- ed Sept. 2nd, 1913.-F. H. Powell and Robert Triok, Executors ; W. Brydone, Clinton, Executors' Sol- icitor. -97-3. LIVE FOWL WANTED. -I AM NOW ready to handle fat hens, young chickens and ducks at highest prices Poultry taken not later than 1'hufrs- day of each week. Other fowl hand- ed ' later on. -W. Marquis, Base Line, Phone 14 on 166. -91 Marriages FAIR-O'NEIL-In Clinton on Sept. 1st, Belle, second daughter of Mr. and Met. Frank O'Neil, to Leon- ard Fair of Listowel. VODDp N-J.ENKINS - In Goderich township, on Sept. 3rd, Frances Mary, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Jenkins, to William .1. Vod,• den of Youngston, Alta. GAN DILR-CHRISTTAN-In Toron- to, on Sept. 3rd, Constance Hel- en Christian of Toronto, to Jos. C, Gunther, M.D., of Clinton. ICEMPTHORNE DOHERTY -. in Clinton, on Sept. 3rd, Helen Irene, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. Doherty, to Samuel T. Ketnpthorne of Sabkatoon, Sask. HARRISON-EVANS - In Goderich on August, 22nd, by Rev. J. E. Ford, John A. Harrison, to, Daisy T:}t'ans, both of Goderich. BOWLING TOURNAMENT. The. localIabor 'Day tournament,amen; , an annual event, took place Monday under ideal conditions, weather 'and., green being octan perfect. The con- tests lasted the day long and from the preliminary to the.: finals in the consolation were keenly contested. Those taking, part and the . results were as follows` - The prizes Consisted of : Trophy, 1st, berry spoons ; 2nd, meat forks. Association, let, umbrellas;, 2nd,. silver candlesticks. Consolation, 1st, perfumes ; 2nd, silver trays. Trophy. Fred Jackson . A. J. Grigg H. Wil ee • W. J. 'Tozer Rev. CE. Jealiiiis J. Watt J. E. klovey '15 .1. Nediger Births tl1 s FOR SALE, REO, RUNABOUT IN first-class order. Tires good. Will demonstrate if desired at- any time for anyone meaning business. A snap for quick sale. -Thos. Watts,UO Shoe Store, Clinton. SEED WIEA'C FOR SALE THE undersigned .•offers for sale, three varieties of, fall wheat ler deed -r: Dawson's Goldeni, Chaff. Democrat, gYpl' and , 1:' ' 'ian Amber -It is all splendid ''w -heat and clean, ; Price 51,00; per bushel, -L. Tyn:lall. '1 HOUSE TO RENT ON HURON street, '6. rooms, : hard and soft water in 'woodshed, -1 acre of land; bearing . fruit trees,=John Snyder., -90. WINDSTORM INSURANCE. THE Canada- Insurance Co. will insure all buildings against damage done by windstorms, Moderate rates, no premum note:-Oharles B. Hale, District Agent. Clinton. -74. BELLEVIPW FARM DAIRY. From our stock of first-class cows we are prepared to supply you twice daily with the best of milk and cream. We solicit a share of your patronage. -Richard Fisher, E. B. Hill, Phone 125. -80 NOTICE -On account of the heavy loss sustained in the recent fire, I would like all out -standing ac- counts settled at once. In the meantime the coal office will lie found next door to McTaggart's. Banlr, where business will be car- ried on with• a full supply of every- thing as before, A. Forbes. -95 D,ODSWORTH-In Seaforth on Aug. • 31st, to Mr. and Mrs. John Dodsworth, a son. DEWART-At Niagara Falls, on Aug. 23rd, to E. R. Dewart, formerly manager of Royal Bank, Clinton, and Mrs. Dewart, a daughter. HOCKEY -In. Exeter on August 26th to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hockey, a daughter. WALLER-In Wingham on August 21st, to Mr; and Mrs. . Harry Waller, a daughter. GRAI'NGER:In Seaforth on August 20th, "to Mr. and Mrs. John Grainger, a 'son. Deaths Mrs, O, M. ,Chesney has- returned from a pleasant stay. at the saintlier' cottage ofher, son, Dr. Atkinson of Detroit,- at breecsti• little Bayfield. ; Much regret was felt, in : .Seaforth On, there ei t of the, :.news' of ;the c p 12 Rev, D. K. Grant W. .Jackson" J. Ranstord Bert Bovey r Dr.Axon Cl.D. Robe tan.of D A. Forrester 8 P. Towne 2 T. ,Jackson Jr. J. T. Flatland. D L.Maepherson W. Grant" Dr. Shaw, , J E.. Cantelon.: N. Bali 111 E.-G.',f'eurtice• i 2nd Round Hovey. 16':, Coertiae 1L Final. Hovels ,, 15 ` Towne 9 AranoCia'ioe.' Ball 17; Forrester 9 Courisiee 1G,; FNedigerinal 14 kleahlle of Mr Cl.- F Coling, a form a. et' member -of the Collegiate si aff. ' I'orrester- ii.OoasolatioNediger 4 CA.N'FELON-In Goderich township, 7th con,, on Sept, , drug, William Cantelon, aged 30 sears, DORRANC i -In Chicago on August HaY.s. - ' 2'314 Nancy widow of 'the he late Samuel. llorra ce ScaT oith , aged 79 years and 4 months. HAYWOOD-=In Exeter ' on August 25th, John Haywood, ,aged •85, years. COLLING-Tta Toronto, on Augudt'. 25th, George, Featherstone Col - ling, formerly , of Seaforth. ' ,. 0 ISL'l+p'I:-Tn Seaforth ,on August 21st, Margaret Gleason, widow of •the late Michael 'O'Keefe,`aged .18 years. BELL -In Goderich township on Aug. 28th, Willis Bell, aged 56 years) and 8 months. i,GLEDFJLI-At Benmiller on Aug. 24th, Sarah J, Vanstone, •w,ife of Jesse Gledhill, in her 78th year. OR SALE. -ABOUT 80 YOUNG chickens cheap •-Apply to Frank Hutchings at the .G.T.R. Station. -98 SEWING MACHINES REPAIRED and ropairs kept on hand, also ag- ency for new machines,, -A. Hoop- er, Albert street;' ,-95 FARM FOR SALE -THE UNDER- signed offers for sale his fine farm of about 130 acres adjoining the town of Clinton. ' The farm is in a good state of cultivation and. has good buildings -brick house, bank barn, driving house, pig pen, etc -all comparatively new. A first glass young orchard containing all kinds of fruit, also small fruits. The farm is well fenced and well drained and is a very desirable home. For further particulars apply on premises or address John Torrance, Clinton P. 0. -63 FOR SALE. -ONE SECOND-HAND furnace in first-class shape, also one second hand R a di a n t Home heaterwithout oven -Apply to Thos. Hawkins at Roivland's hardware store. 7IIOOPING• COUGH -ALL CHILD- ren having whooping cough will not be allowed to attend school or leave their own premises for a period of six weeks after its commencement. By order -J. W. Shaw, M.H.O. -96- WANTED, 'A LIMITED NUMBER 'of boarders. -Apply to Mrs. Foster, Albert street. -94 FOR SALE-NI!WLY CALVED COW -Paul. CadeaUx, London Road, R. R. No. 5. -97 TEN ILL 1 DOLLARS REWARD W R be paid to any person giving in- formation that will . lead to the conviction of anyone shooting Hom- er Pigeons, -Clinton I-Ioming Soc- iety. -94-4. WANTED-' TSOS'ITION AS HOUSE - keeper to widower or elderly. couple. Apply at, News -Record Of- fice • -96 EXECUTORS SALE OF VALU- able Farm by auction. -The execu- tors of the estate of the late Elias Ball will sell by public auction at the Auburn Hotel in the village of Auburn on Saturday, Sept. 6th, at 3 p.m. the farm belonging - to the said estate consisting of 165 acres of land, snore or less, being part of Lot 30 and Lots 40 and 41, Concession 11, Hullett. 'On the premises, which is all in one block, there is a good brick house in splendid repair, has slate roof, good "cellryr, surnace, and moreconven- iences than usually found in a lam - house. The ' barn is 1115x50 on stone stabling, with a straw shed 25:x 35, also on art. stone wall. Al- so n so a large drive sed about 85 x ] en and of het ' cic pig p i i 60 a good bss bout-buildisy6s There is' about two of orchard -cherries, - plums o and apples. The farm is in a good. state of cultivation. Fences are good and the place is exceptional- ly well watered. There is an which house e ho at tl ar- tesian well i also supplies the barn. There is 'also a never -failing spring which waters the pasture folds: Tereus of Sale -Ten percent. of purchase money to be paid' or arranged for at the Mime of sale, balance with- in thirty days, or an, amount equal to half the purchase money, may re- main on mortgage to suit 'purcilas-. er -H. H. Hill and Geo. H. Ball, Executors. Thos,,` Gundry, Auct. .-NOTICE' COURT . OF REVISION is hereby given that 'a Court will be held, pursuant to The, :Ontario 5 Voters' Lists Act, by His Honour the Judge' of the .County Cofyrt of Huron at Londesboro on . the 18th, day of September, 1913, at lP o'clock a. in. to hear and determine complaints of errors and omissions in the .Voters' List of the _Munici polity ,of, the Township of 'Huliletfr for 1913, Dated'the Sid clay of September,. 1913. -James Campbell, Clerk of the Municipality of the Tow*ship' of IHaillot/, •-•d7-2 r�. . NECOKNEO STORE . Live and' Let Live Pickling Seasgn'is here again we are well stocked with all kind of spices nod vinegars. FLOUR AM CLINTON FAMILY 'FLOUR. FIVE ROSES. PURETY' and EXETER. FRUITS ORANGES, LEMONS. BANANAS GRAPE -FRUIT PEACHES PLUMS. WATER MELONS and TOMATOES. A CALL SOLICITED. FARM FOR SALE -CON. 8 WEST half of lot 9, Mullett township, containing 50 acres. There or on the farm a frame house 20x26, kitchen 18x14, and a summer. kit- chen and wood shed 24144, bank barn ' 58x40 with stabling under- neath and cement floors with hen house and pig .house. The land is good clay loam, entirely clear of weeds, is well drained with tile, and in a good state of cultivation. No waste land. There is one acre of good orchard and a never failing well. Terms : $500. of principal paid 'down and the rest can re- main on mortgage. As the pro- prietor intends giving up farming, if not sold the place will he Tent- ed, -Apply on premises or to Jokn Riley, Sr., Constance. P. 0. -86. E. E. HUNNIFORD LIVE AND LET, LIVE GROCER. FARM FOR SALE -LOT 40 AND part of Lot 39, Con. 9, Goderich township, consisting of 107 acres all cleared and good tillable land with the exception of five acres of bush and ten acres of orchard con- taining apples, plums and cherries. Farm in good condition being of good clay loam, well fenced and having an abundance of excellent water. On the premises are two barns, one 58x30 with shed 25x:10, all on stone foundation, The oth- er barn is 50x30 with shed 47x30 and also a gravel house. Situated one mile from school i, mile from English church, 1 mile from Meth- odist church, 5 miles from Clinton, 6 mile's from Bayfield. Rural Tele- phone connection. Also part of lot containing 50. 36, 'Telephone Road,a adjoining school and 4 miles acres alae i g from Clinton, on which there are no buildings but containing a small swamp making it an excellent pas- ture farm. For` further particulars apply on the premises, or address - Geo. A. Cooper Clinton, Ont. Phone 7 on 155. -71. FOR SALE - DRRIVING : HORSE, buggy, only run two seasons, and hatncbs in good repair. Apply ; to -.ioh n May, Clinton. .-95 ••,••o•••••'•••••••••••i ;R • Wer! wish to welcome our '•' • flora customers' flo • many . r ' holidays and. e. • their ho 1 s x -• ..• y • tend greetings to those • • g g • • • • who remained at home. WANTED.-1.2CPERIENCED GIRLS and girls' to learn knitting and looping'.'pay"- $ 5:66,pet W e k wwhile,I'earr.;ng, Steady employ- ment, meet, pleasant position. 'Apply now. -Clinton Knitting Co. -93 SLABS FOR SALE, 14• INCHES long. ` Will sell by load or cord.- A. Forbes, Coal and Wood Dealer. Onlyengine of its bind Will do more work -dc work in more dif- ferent places -give 60 changes of speed. GILSON Delivers 100% service.' Farmer's power house on whools. Carries Its own lino shaft, pulleys, bele "'tlgghtenor end pumptaok.. Ready for any lob. any tvhore, atony time. 1 to ,o b, p. Agents wanted. write for particulars. • GILSON MFG.,CO. Led. • Guelph, Canada HOUSE 'AND LOT ON ORANGE street for sale, now occupied by Mrs. Easom, Six rooms. -A. J. Tyndall. •''} -88 Helping the Farmer To Make Money. . Y 100% Service AGENT AT CLINTON D RANS>(�R M. G. Have Your Eyes Tested For the benefit of our many customers we have se- cured a few: hundred 'bushels of choice Seed Wheat, Gold Coin and Abundance, two varieties that have given the best re- sults in Huron County this season. Above will be sold on a very close margin. If your field is not in the best of con- dition try a few sacks of Gunn's Special Fall P•heat Fertilizer. A lull line ,ti I•'l.l.n, l eed anti Poultry Food, am 17's on hand. Always' in the market for new}laid eggs and :ive pout, try, • if it had :.not been for, •• • • • them, we would not have • •,' • been here' to welcome to,;, • those who. returned home. • • • • • • GUNN, LANGLOIS CO. The Up-to=date Firm CLINTON. N. W. Trewartha, Wm, Jenkins. • • • • • We T, .O'NEIL. •• • • ll • • • "The Hub Grocery." • • '‘) • ,• ••••••••••••••••••S••• A 6000 CHANCE TWO STORY HOUSE -and- NEW COTTAGE For Sale Located side by side. Properties in exdell'ent condition. Would lease from buyer. • If you are stiffer--ing from Headaches the cause may be eye strain due to -either not wearing glasses or wearing those which do not accommo date :themselves to your eyes. TOascertain thecause of 3 - ol�,l',.trouble have your eyes tested a by graduaie optician, g We make no chal'g.l ;for. testing. g A. J. GRIGG GRRADITA.TE OPTICIAN A,ND. JEWELER. Slabs For Sale. HARDWOOD SLABS, 14 INCHES LONG. IDEAL FOR SUMMER USE. ALSO 12 INCH BODY WOOD. Stapleton Saw Mill. F. J. Hill, .Clinton. Phone 77. BEFORE THE STORM the wise man has the rain pipes put in condidion' to carry off the over- flow. This work can be entrusted to us with the certainty that it will be done right. Our experietre ars TIN'NERS covers all branches of the trade. What we do we do well because we like to, and because we are paid to do -it that way. Let us examine the rain pipes, eav- espipes, etc., and estimate the cost of repairs. THOS. HAWKINS. Phone 53. HEATING AND PLUMBING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. CEMENT. The Strongest of 1 all Firepots P Furnace fire-, The Sunsh frit' U pot is heavily ribbed and in two sections, which allow for contraction and expan- sion. It will never crack. Ashes won't adhere to the straight sides --always a clear and economical firer it al agent will Our hoc g show you this and many other "Sunshine" adv antage's. Send for free, booklet, WE KEEP CONSTANTLY ON A STOCK OF NATIONAL PORTLAND CEMENT PHONE ORDERS OR 'CALL ON. JOHN HUTTON, Londesboro. COLLEGE HOME . Thousands of ambitious young people, ore fast preparing in. their own homes ' I to occupy Incentive positions as stance. repliers, bookkeepers, telegraphers, civil servants in feet every spherehere of Business Activities. You may finish at I college if you so wish, Positrons guar- anteed. lit er college any n, y day. e• Indio idealinstruction. Expert teachers , Thirty years' experience, Largest traineta in Canada.Seven c olic e sS e Ci a i •coufor teachers.' ' 'Affiliated with Commercial Educa- tors' Association or Canada. .,Ctm a1 Schoolatfamous:: Spotton Business College, London, CLINTON BUSINESS COLLEGE GRO. SPorroN B. F, WARD - • President. Principal. pal. s. Mla .• C Sunshine ' urittae 9OLD IN CLINTON BY BYAM & SUTTER Sanitary Plumbers _ Phon• 7. The News -Record to Jan. 14 for 400. shit, GRAND TRUNK SYs EM ONLY LINE REACHING ALL. SUMMER RESORTS IN HIGHLANDS OF' ONTARIO. Including Muskoka Lances, Lake of Bays, Georg- ian Bay, Algonquin Park, Maganeta- wan River, French River, Timagapna, Kawartha Lakes. Full Summer Service now in effect to all, of above resorts. Write ' for full particulars and'. illustrated folders to any Grand Trunk Agent. HOMESEEK ' RS' EXCi!JRSION. Each Tnesday til Oct. 28 inclusive. a Winnipeg and Return $35.00 Edmonton and Return $13.90 ur ' ts. t n her o1Raen Low rates other limit two months. Pullman Tourist Sleepers leave Toronto at, 11.35 p. m. on above dates running through to Winnipeg via Chicago and Saint Paul without change. Tickets are also on sale via Sarnia and the Nor- thern Navigation Company. The Grand Trunk Pacific Railway, is the shortest and quickest route between Winnipeg, Saskat000n and Edmonton. John Ranslord and Son, uptown agents; A. 0. Patteson, station ag- 1