The Clinton News Record, 1913-06-26, Page 1o. 1787 —34th Year he Old Boys an id: CLINTON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JUNE 26th, 19 eejeeite".ilete "et: ee, iris, too, invite you, to their,Re-union at Holmesville on Dorninion o UR STORE WILL __SOL cJYIany A -Wedding Oft 92'e' When you are purchasing a pre; ent it i3. a matter of money and Ivhat you 7bant, nothing -else. ghen this is your store,l'for .tvhat you -want is here and at the lowest possible price. . A good variety ofarticles selected from the largest stocks, consisting of Silverware, Cut Glass, Pane, C'hina, Clocks and etc. , • Mese are nevi, beautiful and modern in design and . of a superior quality, Headquarters for Watches. We make a specialty of handling High Grade Watches. Kinds of Repairining .Done and Guaranteed. w ,414i .1/7t W •• t O e gar jeweler ana Optician, - Clinton The Royal•Bank OF CANADA. Capital Authorized $25,000,000 Capital Paid-up 11,500,000 Reserve and Undivided Profits 12,500,000 Total Assets 175,000,000 325 Branches. With world wide connection. Interest allowed on Debosits. General Banking business transacted. . R, E. MANNING, Manager - Clinton Branch. 1 ifie Molsons Ban Incorporated 1855 Established in Clinton 1879 t HEAD OrricE BIONTEE&L SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT ° Jeterest eltowed at highest derrent rate on sums of .$1 and upward from elate of deposit, Joint - amounts alloeved. 1,3n Noenee Arm AoHNTS ALL oVHE CANAZA. AND AOEETs ALT, OVER THE WoltLE, ' A - GENERAL - BANKING - BiTSINESV - TRANSACTED. C. E. Dowding - Manager - Clinton Branch. 1 iimiENNEmornmoli • i) tueourommimmulii OBEEEED 01.011ingta ' (yArruttno ; • IT vvill pay got', tes make your pun., chases 0 f Hats, Ties, Shirts, Et.c. at our 'Store. Up-to-date Coeds Fair Prices IPrompt service. ' 'J7,1 OR111511 CtOTHJ CLINTON, 1; ONTARIO Motto: "A Square Deal or gvery Man." CHANGTT,IN: TIME TABLE, ' • Theeinoraing :train, on the L.", H. eh, .recist leaves Clinton at '810 inseead of 7.50 as lieretotiene and the " , , , . tram.' from Louden reaches here at 10;25 that is twenty-five 'ininuitee earlier than before. 13ut this teein will be held here urttil the' arrival of the • eleven° o'eloek Toronto train Whichwill enable the Passengees come up ,town e, and look around, it they feel, so disposed. , , AN ACCIDENT, ' Douglas Toter'the nine:hear-old son of Mr, and Mrs. W J Tozer, net with an unfortunate accident on Monday evening. While iiieyeting down tient street he -tell all Inc wheel in front of 'Mr. Lcrck Crhe's warerooms and, as hick would have it, right under the heels of Mr. Cree's horse. Naturally enough' this startled the equine which jumped. about . some but no damage was done. Wee Douglas though did, not escape so ea:sily, hile face and. forehead , he - lig gashed and the surgeOns placed a plaster of paris bandage nn his -nose fearing it might be broken. Accidents will happen ; older boys than Douglas have taken a header but few have made less fuss , about their injeries than this pluc1 ? little. chat/. A OLOSE SHAVE. , . While returning from, the counery late last Saturday -night Mr. Richard Baker Met with an experience which 0he will not forget for sowe time. Somewhere about the. boun- dary of the town he tell out of his rig, but his foot cateblig in eon e way he was 'dragged as the• home meandered, along. This continued up to the postoffice square where Ser- geant Welsh noticed the predicament and stopping the horse released Richard who he found in bad shape. He web bruised about the forehead, one eve *as closed and the.'skin had been tubbed' off one side of his face. , gin, say the speetators, among whour, The clothing, too, had been Wore unfortunately for the resident, was a police officer who had been instrueted to have both eyes open' for possible violations of the local option taw. Then one things leade to another. JUI3ILEE FRECEPTORY. The W. M. of L, 0. L. 7110 has ex-. terided• „ao.. eflititation to the . • 'Sir Knights .of Jubilee :Pieeeptery No. 161 to attend divine %seeviee With them on July, Oth at 7 p. in. in St. Paul's ehUrch. S. A. IWEETINGS, Publie meetings of the, Salvation Aroxy are held as bolbows litaohoSlui3f4rdelkYi."? a..m. 'holiness meeting'," topic, "The heavenly vision" ; 3 p. m., free and easy 'fleeting, topic, ',"hime" ; 7.30 p. m., Salvation meeting, topic, "Faith." Thursday evening, satire - tion meeting; ,,Saturday, free and- eaSy, ' • MEET :1'011 AT IIOLMESVILLE. The 'Old Boys' Re -union at „ Ilol- nesville on July lst promises to be the big- event eie the season. For that the promoters have been energetically working, sparing neithee, time nor energy. The Old Boys and the Old Girls, too, , will be there from far and 7V:here will be games galore and music without stint. 11 eviehin hail you stay away you will afterwards wish you hadn't. Say 111 meet you at Holmesville on Deniirilon Ddy. , .111 -IAT it PALL WAS TIIERE. One of our residents had 'an oxpar- ience late 'the ' other eveningwhich ealne about wholly unexpectedly and which, he will take every provision against on future occasions. He was return* from, let's say Godetich, and after putting up the horse at the livery barn he slung his' cost over his shoulder and started off for his domicile. But , as he did so a bottle tumbled out of the pocket, fell upon the floor and went into maw pieces. The' aibma of its' contents reset -Meted away at the sheelder aril the skin rubbed off, Indeed, so bad. did Dick look that the surgeon was siimmon,e es,' 'and when he had primed bandages; where they were required' Dick's head' Wag nearlY 'out of sight in their folds. However, he is getting along pretty well and expects to be out again in a few clays, but he will, not• run any charees in going to" slehp in ADDRESS AND PRESENTATION. A pleasing eyelet took' place an Fri- day evening east et tbh home • of Mrs. B. J. Gilibings when Miss Felt - lee Allin, ,danehter of Rev', S. J. Al - his rig' again. lin was niade 'the recipient' . .an •, , • . address and a handsome' piece et mit ONT„ -ST. 01-11.1RCH., . . • . a • glass from' the Ontazio . street their. , • 'The Flowee Sunday services in On- The addrees was read by Mr. Fred, taxio street church were largely ' at: T. .•Jackeent and the , presentation tended both a. m.: and evening, , the made by, Miss Hattie Cfourtiee. pastor preaching on both .oeeesions: , Miss Aliin has been leading soloist ih the afternoon the S. S. held a intthis choir singe the family located rally in the auditoirium, the ,centre -here and her services,..at all times' pews being occupied by the neembe;rs eenfiered gladly and freely, have been Of the school-. • • • .- greatly appreciated, hy belch 'choir Superintendent Wiltse presided and and coxigragation„ In the service ef with kiln on t•he platform . were ; song in Ontario Otrect church Miss Messre, D. Tiplady; G. Bradshaw and Attire indeed, be greatly missed, The A. Hooper. address was as follows : _ Mr, A-. T. Cooper made a telling' Miss F. 'Alija, The Parsonage little, address on Flowers and also Dear Mies Allin,—The object „in (legit with Vie Cigarette habit. which /t:ringing 3,ou here tnis evening is1, to he deneuneed as strongly as the oc- afford the menibers 01, the °Mae rio colon permitted. . street Metheiclistelairch choir ail op - A solo was rendeted' by Mrs. Miller portunity to in a -bey give. of Iedian Heed, and a duet b Misses some, slight token ol out ape/eclat jeraeghaw and Grace . Welker, • while tion ol yourself .andeyour see:Vices to several selections were rendered by the choir during the. year you • :have. an Oreliestra composed Of ' Fred. been in our midst. While we regret Meta, ,eornet ; Frank Andrews, see- the lots yotir approaching marriage ond cornet ; Mise Qbant, „vtolmn e Will entail upon ae, we recognize -that Will, Moffatt, • trombone ; George you are about to enter. ..that -.1mppy . . Cooper, least, and Mrs, Trelealen, or- state of life that aU aspire to. We • ganist. extend our congratulations and , In the evening the pastor preached for yeu'a UM of happiriess, and 'use - oh the. "Abundant calling at- fulness ,wheaever"Your , la be tuition to the way in which ,nettere cast, as a token' al which we beg 01 at this seasonrespencis to the' .ide you 'th , accept thee' accerapanying :hence of the sun :and ram pro-. gift," • La., 0 clueing a fuller, richer life Willa ' is -- , , HEM I' a sYmbol of the abounding lite of. ' TNARGUMENT. — thesoulChrist, At the close . of, The closing.hours of the Synod- of tlie service Mirs. Miller tang. a rtlrY Huron in London last week were so - appropriate sole in at pleasing; man- livened by .the resolution, inteodueed eere, •. . by Mr, JOhn Bansfeid, 'bp.give \Vern- e :1/1, IC. .13iike oI Dundas, a Tore en a voice and vote in „testties. In met .president or Lone •Cn Conference, speaking to his ineitiOn Mr. Ransford wife pre.aolOn ,C)nt,'SteT, church fleet, is 'said to have made the best -act,- Sundai, m611:fling. ' ' drees- ot his, Whole. career. It Was The social depeetinent of the .Lee-. apt, 'these, logical and heightened his gue pebyided an :unusually good p1 0: teptitation as one of etheeytted"if er- gratnnie tot- Mondayt,. evening last. eters.' He Said Readings wera given:by, Mise Kilt,' "tehavs. hued no good:argument as Miss Della Taytor and blies Stewart.' yet agairet wortlaii voting in the vesh Me, Boucle gave an excelient 'address tries, thoughthere is an opposItione 'and music was . furnished ley Mrs, that is -not tangible but Vague and D J Gibbings, Mrs. Miller and. _the .which can give no reasons, Others MiPses, -Cole and Hicks. Dtersithing, declare that the,y are 'opposed on gen-. Was firefeelass. Boxes containing all eral principles whatever that means. meaner 'of good thiaes to eat •weie The argument is all on our side. The supplied by :the young women and all question of a vote in v,estrMs, does were disposed of. • not necessarily impn, ,a seaton the ' The Trustee Beard pn..1Vfonclay. eve' floor of the ,Synod ant a vote in Par - ening unanimously adopted ,the liarnentary eleations. It was 'sineply lowing resolution, 'a copy. bf hbeh confined to the ,Q11.11.10Siti,04.The was directed to be inscribed upon. the petition which was - =deleted-. wa,P, official records : • , signed by 2,e60 women-. who - desired To leliSe. Iternlee 'Alliri , to have a Voice in the vestries.. 'Re- . Dear Friend,—Wei the members of presenting the best womanhood in the •Trustee, Boaed of the Ont. , St, t,be _church their views should bere- cherthe feel that ..we .Weeld be reiniss epeethd. In the early hiStety, et the, in Our duty if we allowed you to Church women' were. on ,an) ' equallty take leave of .us wthout1 in some . withenieri in the administration , of way, I acknowledging . the splendid set- ohureh,affairs and art- the 'present time vice giiesti in the choir, during out the women: have a- voice in the yes- etay among .1.1a%. 'Zola cheerful the tries cii; England end .in the:SYnecla. sponseto, the .many . demands Inatie . of Niagara; :Ontario, •end 'Montteal, unfelt you. has won, our , hearts, and. There has in coaseteueneee •beeit no 'we Isisb to, extend,. to yotea,Opt only, :etelestastical. 'eartliglialca.... or , social tor , the 131eardtut for the cengrega-' upheaval. ". The ewoinen ot our ..church time, our hearty arid th eX- seventy -dive percent. of the.:: work; Tress , *het hone that bl1 may' often And,"*Iiile :.riatty (bii.the drudgery : we visit, us., coed itirethe:'eengange df the .6-Ai:ate:permit teleni.;td.vote..• My 'poet- .”ReviNie'.aS again.'" (hie' beet' •resolutlen . may tenete-Vsseab_thia , wishes will go with you th your meeting' of the SYnocleleeek' e.deeee.„. time .futute. honm, Mel We.",trtiet yon may is surely coming,- -1/theneye:yme.„-Wil in the -fare Irma, .emetrigue• to. use 'your ' haye, to pass e,. , , etalent. to the Gime', af god' • . After a,. epiti10.1.t'diecilssionseielilr.' 'Signedepn, behalfof „Beard: "illt Rantifeird's. reaotifiCiifiltVaagehdefeated by 'eatma e a „-- • • j1411,:94 Wlt6at, .9t il6:'• , i• Oats 356 to elle. Batley 600 to 65. ":"..Butter 10e to 21.6. ,e Eggs 20c 4o 2ic., ,..- Live. Hogs $900. ' • ' ST, PA,w,S, enuR,011., '• • Thp ,coitteact for 'ithe-exterision to . Ste. Pati's •ehurch has been let to Messrs: Robert Steveii§ 'WJ. 'Elliott., the farthel. taking tlie car - centering and Mr. Elliott :the :cement, arid brialc work.. •17.-'.." The annual. .gerden party will be held this evening and from all in- dications there will be a. record crowd: ' IF -TINDER SIXTEEN, • . .The. law now .xeatis that' no child undersixteen shall loiter in any- nab - lie place after 9 o'clock in the even- ing or be tbete unless accompanied by a parent or a guardian. A par- ent who permits his child to :violate this law is liable to a penalty and a publid place means a street, high- way, or lane or any place to which the -public are ,perinftted to hate re- sort.I1 SCOL SCHOLARSSPORTS. The annual Sport's .in connection withthe lethdel sahool will t6.ke place- tomorrow afternoon, commenc- ire; at 1,30 with the ,marenefroni the school grounds to the park. Every youngster in town of seheol age is expected to be in dine and the Citi- zens band and thc Fife and Dram band will enliven the walk, The auto people, too, will all join in aed an afternoon a genuine enjoyment is ex- teeerteed for both old and young. Be BUSY AT THE MOTOR WORKS - Means. W. G. Moffat and H. Bruce ifecemen, the Toronto representatives of the ("baton Motor Car' Company, were in town TtiesrlAY, accompanied by Mr. Chas. Gad, the big Italian 11019 merchant, Thos. A,. Davidson, expert, and II. A. Johnston. ch e,r. Mr. Ciro' bad.. bought a Cliaton TO - ton treck conditional on ft etanchng up under expert's test. 'Needless to say he completed the Elefal, lvtr. Da.vidsoe pronouncing It 0. k. and he set off for home in the p. th aboard his put:chase, • Mesars btot7ur. Mc- Queen and Davirlsou made the run to the city in a Clinton touting car end another ear is to he, ;cut the agents the latter part of' the: week, One Clinton .selis another, . WESIefilY CH,URCH. On Sanday 'next Bev.. Mr. Ford evill preach his farewell and the fol- lowing week leave lor his hew chatge at .Ooderich. By his devoted labors during the past ;three yeare his congregation has become greatly attacheel to him and among the citi- zens at large he is held in very high esteem. • ' The feature of the meeting of the League Moaday evening was the ade these on the "Inimig'ration Quese tion" by Mr, H. 8'. Chapman. .He dealt with his big eubject' in , a broad way' and: showed very' elearly the. duty oi Cananictes in regard ette the eneorning host from Soullimn Europe. They must be taught that social .conditions of their native must not be planted inthis nee, country and that, heie offservaece •of law and, order M the first requisite of greed el4i7.e05hipt We ' inest . bring these neev.cdreees up to the Canadian standard With eur national view-. point or tall to their level. • Mr, Chapman's. edelress was so in- teresting that the Leaguers hope to have hien tagaiir 'assist in, their 'peo- el, ARICSON—STEEP NUPTIALS. A pretty' weelcheive took: Place at hio noun oe. Tuesday, et) the resi- dence of Mr, 'and. 'Mrs. efWmaie-eg. Stepp: North street, 'whew 1910e daughter; etlaergatet A., became the bride of Arthur 'C. Clarkson. ' The eererrieny, 'Avid& was-'pafortnecl by 1116 Rev. Di K, Orant, pastor of Willis .chineb,took place. before . a tidal/ of'floMreps over which there.evas suspended e lioreeshee ci margeet- The bridal pair we% unattended. 1:he wedding mareirivas played by Miss '•Gledye" ,Clar„ksoe, sister of , the - groom.. ' The bride looked very .pretty dress: - ed in. cream 8ilif poplin, trimmed with old Irish lace, ,evith corsage lecique-t of lily of the valley. After a dalety Mechem had been served, the 'dining reom being beauti- fully decorated in pink and white, Me. and Mrs. Olarkson lett by , tele, afternoon train timid 'showas of con- fetti foe a honeymoon trip th Brant- ford, St. Thomas and other . places and on their rethen, will take Alp haueekeeping on Albeit street. The bride's going -away costume was of btown Bedford .cod, ' „ There wore many • valuable - and useful gifts, ehow.lag the genuine re- gard entetteinedefoe .theebride•eviep Is one , Of the inoSt' peppier of: • Clitteen girls. t, Amang thee gueate eemn • ea bi town* Were :, Mr: ennet Mrs, Edward Steep, and jiiiHr' little:. daughter, .119,r- othh; Petiolie ; -Mr,set.d. f3ie•chei1e and Caratine, Flitit, kieses Gladys andEthel Clarkson o1 13rante ferd ; ItIr Waton Finch and ,bir ansi. 'Mree, W, lefeCtello.ene Stratford ;. .1W1ss .1.)..f1t'Sh1niller;,..1..onetrin): "Iqee ,Siir4bvi1'rroarey• SealbaitW". , , - ' •, ' " .,„• ' , - OIL 'AWAY AFIEADC. „ ; . , The report of the use of oil on tile ol the lacb.tile yrs t es° w ,vs es yr to?, gratifying tnei. aghtati:eugr • si ttehmat in. kseeapwinaltha i thliceacd'p1 the heceoolld ii0Y,n6die Meatless, • • .LA:).:e:TeldeAntl'siNarGeE:f. rare' Octeur'Ceric- 6- ' down at the Piano factory, but one did „take place on.' Thurs.day last which resulted in IVIr. •William Coch- rane' losing. part of hip little finger of. his left' hand. He has tried to console himself with. the thought that It might have been worse, as indeed it might, ,for even with a vigilance beyond -doubt the man in charge of a bus planer is apt at times 'CO Mitt into the )1117, ,FHE NEW INCIJIVIBENT: Rev. C. Langford, who ,was recent - '1' ordained, has been appointed in- cumbent of the lifiddletortillblziesvillee Summerhill parish and in, that capa- city on Siindaylast occupied those pulpits fcir the, first time, though during his student days he several times Reek charge of . the services. 'The new -incumbent conies" highly reconimended and 'good results are expected from his labors, ,eoially as he is assured of the hearty comp- cteatien lir his parishioners. Mr. taligiOrd will reside in Clinton. COUNTY PUBLISHERS MEET. ' A meeting of limon County pub- lishers held in the town hall on Mon- day was attended by the following, among others : Mr. E. Zeller, Zur- ich Herald ; Mr. W. Southeott, Ex- aer Times ; Mr. Jas. Mitchell, God- erich Star, and Mr. George Spotton, Wingham Times. Mr. John Mutter of the Kincardine Reporter in a very practical address showed that 'while the expenditure in theim-keep of the country publishing houses has increased all alone the line, the prim of advertising end job work remains pretty much the seine as years ago. The result is that the publisher, whose work is oi a most strenuous nature and who has several thousand dollars invested In his business, - is about the worst paid man • in Lite community. In common sense, said Mr. I•Itaiter, there cal onliy be one outiednie; and the fustice of it will be apparent to all—prices must advance and for it clase' of advertising, which some of- fices liaVe heretofore demi ter noth- ing, tnere must he a, charge made. . Mr. Loene Eedy of t.1 St. Mary's `Journal dwelt more ,particularly with the advertising end. Speaking of his ,own town he said that, while both the offIces bad raised the f etes, whet were to go up yet anoilier notch, the advertise had increased in nember and more interest was being manifest- ed in this awe of business -getting than ever before. Even at the enhanc- ed prices the merchants were using more space, reeognizing that leishiese .talks with the purchasing peddle are absolutely essential to saccese in these days of keen chtepetition. TI.."TeNn—ALLIN) The Ont, it, Methedist elaureh was fled with en hrteres red autehinee yesterday when sharp at 12 o'eloek noon the marriage took place of Miss Ferntee Alibi, elder daughter ur Rev, and Mrs,- S'.. CI, Alliu, to Fred- erick; R..'hureer of Regina. - The ceremony, WU performed Ily the brides lather, asetsted by the Rev. Jas. E. Feed'," of Wesley The beideshictid was the bricle'e ter, Miss•Moth.id A Ilin, and the groom was z5tipported by Mr. 0. W, hileIhneltorsili'13 deof \‘,eraranfilgon,a gown ,,) cream satin char:muse with, tulle veil and orange blossoms , Anil carrying a shower baguet of Sily of the valley and• ' ma '0 orchids, euteired the chuYel'herbrother, Mr. A. E Illin'o t. orouto, and was athended Alto i ` . by; her sister, Kiss lelayfrici Mlle. While the bridal pa ty retired the vestry to sign the register; Miss Beabtice White 61 Windsor sang „De'- liovene t 'Oh Promise Mat in her own sweet and charming voiee.• 'Tha ladies'. oi the (hutch choir ' had decorated the platforml and chair gallery in a most elaboyate and ar- tiStie manner' and the scene was. a matt delfg4tfC1 one,. , The guea,i's repaired to the per-- eonage Where a most sumptuous wed - /Una dineer was served, followed by toaste te .the .brcide which weee pro- posed by ,nbnyd wn etev. VI . ITar.1:Lortd;a.11 tar a short trip th the East in the diet - noon and they. will :retina to Clin- ton tor a day or two before going to their home at Regina, Among those present were : Alder - Man and Mrs. Aehplant and Miss Lain Astiplant, London ; Misses Teth- er, Parktiq; W. II,' 'and Mrs.; Allin, Toronth ; . Dr. tBaker, Stratford ; Miss Wyatt and -MieP Moore Strat- ford ; ciirther Allen mad wife', T02:012 - to ; V, W. ADM, Detroit ; elissa Reece, Cleveland, , Ohio ; Mr, and Mrs. Elgin Turner, Winnipeg mid Mrs. .GOIottb, , . Mr. and Mrs. ICVraotalift, 614 ra$1::3,.V°()% .3)114"etlinevgan Marn.flPIY.IL MON M4PWan., .. at ,a1 Torbnto. E HOME PAPE Programme. Always to. be 'Depended: Qn. y - • . Engineer East. t O Many readets of The News - Record will reeognize in the above photogravure Mr. Wm: East, engineee of the the Clinton Water- works DepartMent, Mr. East ie a Clinton 010-13oy, Le - deed, having been born in 1855 in which year' -his father carried OR a brick yard very close to the..e.pat now occupied by IVIr. C. J. Wallis' residence. '1101r. East Sr. subsequent - O 'ty rented Mr. 'Whitehead's yard aa the Base Line and later moved ,over to the Gravel Read where he con- tinued the business until he died. The subject of this sketch -lived via the homestead until 1878 whea he married and settled, in Clinton, In 1879 he accepted a pokition with Mr. James Fair Sr. and his .first job was driving an ox -team. He was new to that class of work, but old timers have told us that he stuck to it and soon could Who ! How ! Gee 1 witbi as much foroe and fluency' as 'old drivers. In 1881 Mr. East became mill engi- neer and held the position for almost thirty years .or ti til the mill passed In other hands. - • In September 1910 he was eeleeted as Waterworks engineer 'and the re- sults since hare been such as tO jus- tify the choice. The kinks have been pretty well smoothed out, the plaa0 is kept eta good shape and though • tp do it he very often has to stay. ab his post for fourteen hours a day, he al- ways hes an overflo.Ying repel,' of Water, lie reserveir end staMinipe when he closes down. ' Engeneer East is a quiet, unaehno- in,g Man who takes :Orate" in the faithful performance of his ditties and, his fellow citizens telek whll .).F Personals mr. irrect Match -has 'been appended leader of the Citizens band, Mr. Wm. Robb Is away on a fact- • night's visit at St. Joe, mid oth- - er po'nts in Michigan, , read telso 111 Chicago. Mrs.. J G, Medd and bliss Fleretioe O Garrett oi towh and files, J. II. Medd and Aliss Nellie Medd of Elul -- lett leave next week. for Wina'peg and the west.• Has Resigned to Accept. MrllflChant Mr II B Chant has 'resigned the position of Superintendent of the Doherty Plane Company to take over the management of the • municipally, owned eleetric light and waterweds plants. , In August Mr, Chant will have hhen with the Doherty CoMPany for thir- ty-three years, art unusually long pet- iod to have been associated with oue industry. He has seen it rise from a small thing to be the largest man- ufacturing concern in town. Taking over one brahch after another. seven -years ago he was appointed Slaterinteedn,t and it IA the duties per- taiein,g; thereto that be now lays down, to tetra up those which have a still more important beating upon the good and welfare al the individual citizen. We uhderetand the 1)414 cif the council ancl 'waterworks eornieiesion is to give the mew- Superintendent a feee hand in the management, bot!d rneclicialcal and :clerical, aer arrange. meat which wiie hale the hettr$y)- • Personals Page 8, ,support of The ,News -Record. ' The emandene6' in which Mr, Cheek ) Moregitowtt 'by the turattimitn with Whielf als Page 5 is held ,y Ills fellow . citizensIs berverat :mucus Jiettl• over, hie eicpplactinesit will be reeett,ed , , •