The Clinton News Record, 1913-05-22, Page 8_ 31,E OfetICIAL TO RETIRE. eia's Foreign Under SeeretarY Reaches Age Lenin. Sir Arthur Nicolson, who asTel- manent Ureter Secretary of Fereign Affairs since 1e10 haft practically maned the foreign aeletions of the Britteli Empire, reaches 1,he re- tiring age this year and May be -ex- pecteel to pass out of the service to which be has devoted his life, In England, wheee in latter years the foreign policy does not change ma- terially with a cbange of ,Goveen- ment, the permanent staff ef edvis- ere to the ' Foreign Secretary are largely responeible for all diploma- tic negotiations, and there are few Foreign Ministers who would pare to depart from -the aclvietegiVen by Sir Arehur entered the Foreign Office as long ago as 1870, and he has served at as, widely separated posts ,as Berlin, Pekin, Conststntb nople, Athens, Teheran, Budapest; Bulgaria and Moroeco as •Secretary of Embassy and Ministet, and in Madrid and St a Petersburg as Am- bassador. • It was ,from the latter post that he came back to the Fore- ign Office as its permanent head. 'Lord Hardinge, then Sir Charles, • who had• been Ambassador in St. Petersburg during the Ituseo-Japan- ese War and later laid the founda- ' fiou for the Anglo-Russimi entente, was Permanent Under Secretary, and he and Sir Arthur Nicolson worked for a better understanding between the two great empires that for years had been the bitterest en- emies, They .had the assiitanee of the French Government,' which de- , sired her ally, Russia, and her friend, England, to settle their quail:els, which really arose more Dat of a misunderstanding of each other thee_ any tangible differences, and they were , supported by Sir Edward Grey. The agreements which now exist and which prevent the former squabblings were the re, The. great majority of the Brit- ish publie are ready to applaud Sir Arther, for this consummation, for to hint fell the lion's share of the Work, but there is still a little co- terie of anti -Russians who can see no good an any of the Anglo -Russian agreements, who are glad to see him go, and who -express the hope, as• itoieed by one. of their papers, that ^'the Russophile policy whith he did so natich to develop is com- ing to an end with his departure." WHEN BABY CRIES.' When the baby cries continually do nob put it down for pure ugli- aess—that is not the baby's eater() —it is to be *happy and laughing. Every baby should erft on an aver- age of fifteen or twenty minutes a day—that is how he strengthens ' his langs. Bat mothers if your baby gives eharsi piereieg cries or loev " sobbing wails, he is in pain and neede attention. Nothing -will re- lieve the little one° so quickly as Baby's Own Tablets. They regu- • late the stomach and bowels, expel worms, break tip cold, and will make baby healthy and happy. The Tablets are .sold by medicine deal- ers cm by mail at 25 gents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co,, Brockville, Ont. Little Dave Was detected by his • father in the act of, stealing" Areal' one of his little playmates. The father, not believing in corporal punishment, concluded to try e lecture. After pointing eut the • wrong of such an act, he said: "Al- ways bear in mind, my boy, that these temptations 48.11 be resisted if you turn a deaf •ear to them." Dave's lip trembled as he replied : "But, father, what can I dol 1 ein't got a dea,f ear." amerces Liniment Cures Olsternflor. Hard on the. Etna. First Woman—'I hate for people to bealways whispering." Second Ditto—''Yes, it is Much harder to unde.estan,d what they are saying "-o eseh. other •' DANDRUFF AND .1ALUNCr HAIR - Prevented by lt? ()( Treatment with • SOA P AndCutieura Oihtrnent. Directions: , Make a parting and rub gently with Cuticura Ointment. Continue until whole scalp has been gone over. 1 Next morning shatnpoo with Ceti - cunt Soap. ShamPeos alone may be used as often as agfeeable, but (RICO or twice a month is generally sufficient for this special treat- ment for women's hair. Cutleura Flow and Ointment cm sold threngtome the world, A Uheral cumnlo of tack, with 32..0050 pool,let on the ears nud ticatincht of tini cldn and temente Post-free. Address rotor lloat Corp. 5)050, 255), llostun, V. S. A, fi:NENGIliFOR WEAKSTOMACH •Can Only Be Had Through 'Rich Red Blodd. When the bloccl is poor and thin and the stomach in consequence is imperfectly supplied with oxidized bleed and nerve force, the .ligee- tive prosessabecoines slow and ler- rnentations of the focid goes on, with the formation of gas and certain acids: The pressure of the gas causes pain in the stomach; some- tintes it affects the heart, When the gae is belched out through the mouth the patient , is tempeearily relieved, the sour‚ tisinge in the throat, and. the beeming sensatione in the throat and • stomach are caused by the acid fermentations. There. are plenty of things to neu- tralize these acids, or to 'sweeten the stomach," as it is called, but they do not cure the trouble. Pere, rich' blood Which will tone -up the stomach and enable it to do the week nature intended it to do, is the only road to' a cure. Dr. .Wil - Baum' Pink neje, make new, rieh, red •blood-ethat is why :they Cure even the most obstinate cases of in- digeetion, The, following is a hit of proof. Mise Minnie Greene, of Haire Bridge, Ont., says:""About a yeer ago I was greatly 'troubled with my stomach. Everything I ate eaused me pain and distress. I would feel as though I was starved, but wlien meal time came the sight of food caused a feeling of loathing. There were days when I emild not even hold milk on my stomach, and my head wouhl ache so.that'I could hardly keep from screaming. Only those who have suffered from sto- mach trouble know the torture. I suffered. I tried almost every xe- rnedy recommended, but found not the least benefit eat' I began tak- ing Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. These I used ter a ceuple of months and they worked a perfect cure and I am enjoying good health and able to eat freely'all kinds of food." • you are suffering from. indiges- tion or any other trouble due to poor watery blood, begin to eure yourself to -day by the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Bold by all medicine 'dealers or by mail eat 50 cents a box Or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams'. Medicine Oo Brockville, Ont. SPEED AT mum' YOU WALK. A Piece of String,. at Weight, and Some Knots Will Tell. . Therais a very simple way of telling at what epeed One walks. Take a piece of thin string, say 80 to 100 yards, hong. To one end'tie a weight:ea piece Of lead or 'other eanevee stone.. At a point 44 feet from the weight, put a, knot Or loop. Then pot a eecond knot or loop 44 feet from the first, and SO on the entire length of the string put a series of knots or loopa 44 feet trona eaoh ether. Take in one hand a wateh with a second hand. Now deep the weight on the ground, and walk along at an ordinary pace, lefties' the weight remain where it fell, and allowieg the knets or loops to slip through one hand. The numbei`of knots or loops to slip theough the hand in half a minute are the same as the number of mike'. walked in an hour. It is always well to know the rea- son far what we do, eve the Chil- dren's Magazine. It is not diougth to knew‚ that the number of times we twalk 44 feet in half is minute is the same as th,e number of miles we walk in an . hoor. We sought to know why it•is so. The reason is that 44 feet is the one thusideed and twentiseh part of a Mile, beCause a mile contains 5,280 feet, or • 1,760 yards, and is half a, minute is the ono hundred and itwentietth part of anhour. Therefere, we are able too walk one hunched enel twentieth of mi anile just ate many tirose.s in one hundred and twentieth of ten es we ean walk a Mile in an hour. • ARMY'S 11.EIVY 'EXPENSE. Vara' German Soldier Costs at Least $288 to Peasant Family. At a time whon Germany is about to make a big increase hi her army it is Of interest to, note the tecono- rnie effect 01 the preeeeb pea,ce, f,00,t- ing upo,n a typical pennant •farnily. This aspect of Germany's 'niilitarY beaten has been rna,cle the subject of investigation, and from all' re- ports on- nearly 2,000 , peasants' families in Bavaria et is seen thee every eo,lclie,r mists. his family at least, 5238 during the two years of service in elle army. • As the pay of the men des nee suffice for their merle, their par- ents have, to, sand them money and gifte that average teb,aut $36 4 year. sasseclee thie, the peanaut mucit hire a faein lu.borter a,s a subs.ffitete Inc sis ,soin, which means a further ex- .perts,s, of $90. These agates:appear, a..1,1'ehe more serious when it, is re- membered that o,v,er half of the families' i,nelacled in the inveseige- tion furnished, the ,c.minery ,a.l., lea,st fear epic -lime each, whilo the nom - bee went lee high as eight, or eine , in some fasteilies, I A etrilring feature of the ,situation is the airtual ruin .of some small ,feeine by- the remeval ,of 'I.11P yettag leen to do Ode ' teem of eeevice, Such em,see stem by no means. mere. One peasant who supplied five eel - flier's. wrote t "1 elteuld bane beee elan toesend a fewe of ' them, to seised, bee 'I ani spenelen,g. sill my m 'man on i he meaty . ' ',' An ether, °writhe ef three acres ' ,t)1 land and himself a faYm. laberor Inc as pant of his sane, *•tiel :; 'Hy. 'preperty, , malt enoegli alr,etetly, waF ruin ed by military duty." Ile had sent four' 40015 ieto the &ran' • ' ' CLD SI V 11 LIVE S OF BIRD All :to Tirod Scientist Pleads for Restriction of . • , New Guinea Tsaile. Nervous Aroma]] T• he demand for furs endlea' ehers • bo tedd charm, to the eeneen of the • ad i tl • • te the' efforts el Goveinene'nts and scieittists to peeseree the ,birde and animals wheee laves are saertfined to 'supply these adornments. Birds of paradise are, found in •far Africa, but else sale for their feather,* for women's weer So profitable that mettenre,s •for their protection mu ,,jt be adopted by the Panliaments of natimas, • else' they eoon would be ,ex t 01.mi:elate d. ' ' Prof. Schilltings, the German nat- uralise, who ma,cle a reputatioa -for himself by his easamea •Mathes of 'animal life in the wilds of Africa, is toga -1g the Governineat to take energetic seeps to preyeet the ex- termination of bird,s in Ger- ma,n NillV Guinea. He politest to the exam,ple of Bribieh New Galilee, wre hethe Goeternment preee.nes ad, together the expert of tbm e plues, of the bird. In the Gerana,n colony, on the other hand, !the authorities grant permits to shoot it to any man who deers and brings unde,r cultivation 123 kterilS. of original ferer the Gernian New Guinea Company. Sehillings hints that whites, with, hunting rights, compel the natives to assist them in, finding the birds by 'turning their gene upon them in ease of refusal. Sahib lings appeals' to the German Geiv- ernment to imitate the American example and prohibit altogether the imparteaidn of feather& fief lfnery and similar uses. Australia, tree', he etays, prohibits both the im- port and export of plumes of birds threatened with extermination. A law against such' iffsp.onte has been passed by the British House of porde, but the Commone have not yet passed, it', tieing the argument that Geranany and France would derive the chief benefit from such , Professor Sehillings is greatly aonoerned 'also about certain' for- bearing animals. He 'thaws. it is only a question of time when the Polar bear, the musk-ox end the silver fox will be practically exter- m'W inated. hales and seals are yearly krowitg eeereer in the Arc- tic and Antarctic` veaters; in the vast foceste of Russia the sable is rapidly la,pproaching extinetion, and the Same is true' of ehe Chin- chilla in the Andes Mountaine. IfER "BEST FRIEND." ' A. Wonsan Thus Speaks of Postunt. vy 01 S t:011F.1 en. e 'tinning amen el We usually. consider our best friends those -who treat us best. Some persons think tea and cof- fee are real friends, but watch them *carefully awhile and ‚observe that they are two of the meanest of all enemies for they stab oneswhile pee- • fessing friendship. Tea and coffee contain a poisn- ous injuree the delicate nervous system and frequently sets up disease in one or more organs' of the body, if its use is ,persisted • "I had- heart palpitation and nervousness for four years and the deeter told me the trouble was caused by coffee. He atdvised me to leave it off, but r thought I could not," writes a Western lady. "On the advice of a cfrielid I tried Postern ancl it so satisfied me I did not care for coffee filter a few days' trial of Postum. . "As weeks went by and I con- tinued to use Postern my weight increased from 98 to 118 pounds, and the heart trouble left me. I have used 18 a year now and am stronger than I ever *a. I can husble up stales without any heart palpitation, and I am free from nervousness, "My children are very fond ef Postern and • it a,grees with them. My sister liked it wlien she drank it at my house; now she has Postern at home and has become very fond of it. You may use my LIEL1116 if you wish asr am not ashamed of prais- ing my best friend—Posturn." Name given . by Canadian Postern Co., Windsor, Ont. Pest= now comes in new concen- trated form called Instant Postern. 18 In regular Postern, so proceesecl at the factorythat only'the soluble portions are retained. •As spoonful of Instant Postern with hot water, and sugar and cream to taste, produce instantly a .cielicious beverage, • • Write Inc the little book, "The Road to Wellville." • .„ "There's a reason" Inc Postern. Whena young man thinks a girl'e piano :practice is music—that is love. " (4inarirs Liniment Cures DIPtitherla. , In innate. • "Is your daeghter rmieical 7" 'Well,'' replied Mr. Ourarda; "she seems ,Se in conversation, but when she 'sings opini.onit.differ." "She disturbed my peace of mind." "How 7" ``By Riving me a piece of hers." 111). 7. 'ISSUE 21—'13. CIN FIN.» A CURTIN, DODD te MONEY PILES. ' 'Madame Perreault Tells Dow She Cured. Iler filiditess With Dotld'e Kidney Pills; and Found Ilealth and C0111CIIIIneht. Verner, Ont., May 19 (Special)— "I am very content. Dodd's Kid- ney Piu1s have made tile well." Thoee are the words of Madame Eugene Perreault, a highly -respect- ed lady of this place and 'methanol a large family. For twenty years she was a sufferer. But, let her tell her own story. "I was always tired and nerv- ous," she states. felt heavy and sleepy after meals,. -My limbs were heavy and I had is dragging sensationacross my loins. My skin itched and burned at night. I had a bitter taste dn my mouth, espeek- ally in the morning. In twenty years I hardly knew what it was to have a well moment, Then 1 COM- rneneed to use Dodel'ellidney Pills. Six boxes cured nie." Madame Pereeault's symptome were those of kidney disease. . They are the symptoms of nine out of tee of the nervous, rundown, pain -racked worrier' of Canada. Madame Perre- ault found a epeedy and complete cure in 'Dodd's Kidney Pills. They simply cured her kidneys. OPIUM MENACE TO FRANCE TILE BALEFUL DRUG IS POI". SONING TIIB NAVY. Revelations 'Which Startle Entire Nation. Concerning the 1!a bit's Growth. A great outcry has arisen throughout France over the revela- tions made by the well-known writer and duellist, Rouzier Dor- dens, concerning the hold that opium smoldifig has obtained on the French navy in southern seapents. M. Doeciores, who went on a spe- cial mission for Le Matin, reveals a .state of things which the nation fur& it difficult to realize•—namely: that "opium is poleoning ear navy." He tea,ys in Toulon alone, the chief naval port, there are no less theft 163 opium dens. In the same town lie hes seen officene the housea of accommodating host - es" fieis stacking &simony as eighty or a hundred pipes in is 'single even- . haiie seen," he says, "the de- grading tra,ffie of dealers ih the drug, who infest .our Mecliterna.nean pores, in numberless deals, Combi- nations, and oaleulations, and the loathescsme infineneesof those who, having already poisoned theanselves the colohies, continue the same process in France, and' these are officers' in command, with power to lead other human beinge to rein." • Menace to National Life. All aka:1g the Mediterranean on both-eide, he says, at Marseilles, Ryeres, and the Gulf tef jean, at Nice, and Villafranea, st Maeda. and Algiers,' es well as at Toulon and also at the northern ports, flottrishing opium d.ens atre found trit/i vietima whose numbens are in- ereasing with a rapidity that men- aces the national life.' The police and civic authorities, it is stated, can do nothing. Under the present laws o.nly dealing in opium, is is penal offence. To smoke it, to induoe othere to smoke pri- vat,ely or for money, or ±0 possess a large stock of the drug, is legal. `When one lel-links," eays M. Dor- cieres, "that the Chinese republic, by, a new taw, puts ±0 death any person emoking opium ls3 that eoun- tey, and we Feenekenete whore- gard ourselvee as the, most gene -and best policed nation of the west, tallow eat& f.old.ed arans French brains to be ruined by this drug, one is 'speechless. Sold Under State Guarantee. e "A euetionse official can embroil, any trouee for a bottle of spirits that is undeclared, or Inc a emuggled one - cent box of maeches, but the French code is impotent before the limner- tation of narcotics. Aga,intet opium, ether, morphine, hashish, and co- caine, manufaetured and consumed indoors n.o,thing dm be done.' All the pollee are able to, do is to arrest Some waiter -or in.essenger boy who is caught teelling the ,steff,'' • At Toulon, he ,.say,s, a town which was feamerly,bright.end happy,•so- eial life is rapidly coming to a 'standstill. The whole outward life of the town seems to he dying, M. Dorcieres, points out mk ten extraordinary paradox ' that this terrible scourge is actu,altly once ef the principal elate manufacture& in Franee's greatest e colony, Indo- China, where, it is. ,s,old under a state guarentee as freely as tobacco is in Franco and contributes moya than ene-eixtneof tile entire revenue of the country Not altogether a Calamity. "You crushed that thurnb when you Were a boy, did you 7" 'And that, I suppose, is what made the nail grow out in that thick, shapeless laahion, ' What a misfortune !",., ' ''Not such an awful minforbune, Mister. That thumb nail comet; in mighty, handy sometimee for r screwdriver." RINI) ACTION Covr Inn $2,300 Motorist enlist Pay 'for' Injuritte to Women 111e Assisted.' , . At lest One modern good Samari- tart has eause to regret his kindly action, • Prof, Gaston Daumas was auto- anobiling in the forest of Fontaine- bleau Fleece with two of his pu- pils on one of the few fine days of last Summer. -In the depths of the eyoods he passed another autoinobile which was in distress. Mr, Dau - mac stopped his ear and "inquired if he could be of any, assistance. The other automobiliet, explained • that it would take him some time to repair hie machine, but he would made. Before tete miles were ander, no contract 10 convey tkte the other. ' er and the two ladies were Of such from their seats and badly injured. been in the broken cloWn 'ear back M. Daurnas was inclined to shirk, as his car was only a 12 horse -pow - the lea,st their presence would crowd the car. His good nature, descent.' Vire automobile swerved One of the women later sued M. generoms • proportitnis that to say however; prevailed and a start was banedgrtehaetl_q.tywooblwiggemdenii wtheeresttrharnogwenr cov- ered an aceident happened on a Daumas for $4,000 damages and the M. Daumas pie:tele:I that he was good ,nature. The code was against to one of, the plaintiffs and $300 to other for $00b: It was in vain that ladies and that they were , 'trying to make him pay for an excess of him and the court awarded $2,000 would take the two ladies who had to Fentainebleau, ; Do Your Looks , Quite Satisfy You? If Your Color is Bad, if You Suf- fer From Pimples, Rere is f Good Advice. Fine Results In Two Weeks, Misa Nettie E. Callaghan, a well- known young lady in Middleton., writes as felloves: "I wee affected for two years with a raah, and Ugly 'looking pimples that epread ewer my face, Sly color was latrOT, aed my bleed evid.enthly completely out of order., Certainly it was a most despairing wet of & case, because varegas treatments did but little to help me. A friend of mine in To- ronto, Ont.'advised me to gee Dr. 11,arailton's Pill% so _I eent at once for five boxes. In two weeks .1 felt like eevs—looks improved, vides rose, and I fele I was getting well. I ha,ve used this remedy Inc is long time, and now wouldn't be without If you are in ailing health, have bleed disorders, stomach trouble, or headaehese Dr. Hamilton's Pills will help you quickly. All druggists and storekeepers sell Dr. Hamil- ton's Pills of Mandrake rued But- ternut. 25s. per box, five for $1.00. Sent postpaid by the Caterrhozone Co., Buffalo, N.Y., and ,Kingeten, Canada. Wbat She Wanted. "These are all genuine antiques, madam," said the dealer. "We guarantee that." . "I haven't any doubt of it," said Mrs. Noocash, "but hain't ye got anythin' 'newer'n them? They look like a. lot o' hand-me-downs," PILES CGRE13 IN 6 TO 14 OATS, sour arnegat win raged Money if PASO OINTMENT Mils to cure any ease of Itch. Inc. Blind, Bleeding or Protrhding Piles to t to 14 days. 50o. Ready Answer. - "Be mine, I can not live without you." "Bah I" said the heiress. "You have livedwithoutme for years." "True," retorte,d.the duke, "but the cost of living has gotten to. me at la,st." ' ' vvii•—`707; Try Murine Eye Remedy No'Sniarting-Feelcrine-Acts Quickly. EYe317;r07'Z'iVY111"1„g:tok4,llsgto23°1 in cash Package11110555 la aEn- 31001c100'13,t 08o4 111 Stoc@,01,I1 ` a e'ita°7rT1115:7:ngfii:,sg17e.1; by • Drum:flats at Su:40c per bottle, Muria° eatr......e Eye Salvo it. Aseptic Tubes, 260.00o, Marine Eye ,Remeds Se,. Silicas° , Life is full of humorous incidents, the most common of which is the fifteen dollar a week man telling what a, fool the $10,000 mania. • 14litard's L.Inlm cut Cures Darget In .Cowi. Rome -Rade RespeCtability. • , By 'never Letting their left hands know' whet their right hands , are doing, some men fool themselves in - 10 believing that they are respec- table. CoristipatioIlls is an enemy within tbe camp. It will Undermine the strongest constitution and ruin the meet vtgorotte health. It leads to indigestioa, biliousness, impure blood, bad conifitexion, sick headaches, and_ is one of the most frequent causes of appendicitis. To neglect it is slow suicide, Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills positively' aure -Constipation. They are entirely vegetable inceomposition and do not sicken, weaken or gripe. preserve your health by taking Dr. Morse'9 Indigin Root Pine, Why doesn't sha take NADR1.1-CO” Headache Viiate4'" They stop a headaoh'e proMptiy, yetselo' not eontain any of the tiaegsrous'caugs common' In headache tablet% Ask your Druegist abete them. 25c. a box. 'NATIONAL ()HUG 5010 CHEMICAL CO. OF CANADA. L1M1TEO. 122 soosT voi.m. ,TOWN _ a'Y onc)Artuazuras BRASS 'BAND .. ,i,,,,...„ ... on ibis Subject with printed Instructions for ama- teur bands and a printed form of Constitution and ty-eaws for bands, together With our big catalogue, will be mailed FItElE1 OA • Wi4AIN:ITIOP)3EAG 1 ' It S. ' request. Address be,pt,ret,,, 0 .LIMITED 1, TORONTOo14T A, R i or 1 TU WILLIAMS&SONS 00" ' , , • GUARANTEES RESULTS We gissrantoolhat your butte will thrive better on d quartteof oats with a tablespoonful of Itrransismiosist S.rocit FOOD than O n 5 quarts of oats without it. Also, in addition to saving feed, th at it will keep your hoeses sleek, fat and full of energy and en- durance so that they will do more work. , • We guarantee that INTERNATIONAL • STOCK • FOOD will fatten your H01311 Cattle, and Sliepp 1. 00 days less time and ease qrain-oind that it will make yoor'llfilch.Cows grain from one to four quarts of aulk a day. It purifies the blood, strengthens the entire system, pruyanta many f.rrll• of disease in all kinds alive stock and only costs you 3 feeds for 1 cent. Ws positively guarantee results or your purchase prico will be promptly refunded Foe sale by dealers everywhere or iilvotor dealer canna sapply you, ,514:6 000 dweet. INTERNATIONAL STOCK FOOD CO., LIMITED Toronto, . Ont. fa POISON IN TIFFPOTATO. Beneficent Ptomaines Discovered in AU Tuber. ) "Poison in the potato" is an alarming caption, but eoneuraers 01 the f`murphy,!' may, set tilteir minds at rest. Aecordiug ±0 a writer in 'Phe London Lancet tlie poison in question has more of a beneficial than a maleficent action: Though the poisonous alkaloid and glut:mei& known as solanine is a normal eonstituen.t of the healthy potato, referenees to toxicological „literature fail 'to furnieh any deci- sive evidence that the tuber has rimmed any widespread or ectrious illness, In these days'when alaem- ing eymptonas poisoning may sometimes be traced to food in which, for, some .mysterions resteort, the poisons known as ptomaines have elaborated themselves, it is just as well when eearehieg for the bons et origo mall not to forget the potato, Inc under eertain condi- tions solanine may .be found in, an - usual quantity, and thie alkaloid may set up the usual dieturbences which are characteristic of an irri- tant poison. In the normal potato the aeneon,t eeldora exceeds 0.01 per cent., but this may easily be ex- ceeded in the diseased potato. It ,appears -to, occur in, larger pro- portion in the peel, so that there nusy bo reaftone for anoidieg the "jacket." Though not very soluble in water, it is probable that boiling removes, eome of the alkaloid. As already stated, however, there is little in toxicological reeeeds which amounts to is Isoriotts .inclittnecnit against she potato., a,nd thesnsall deem which occur are stated by smite authorities, to be an excellent sedetive, snore efficacious, in long- standing neuralgia, ‚especially when neuritist is present, than either a.niti- pyrine 0jm antifebvin. The Reglish 'savant adds thab of- tentimes a judicious diet of potatoes would he of greaber befiefie to a good many self-physieking people then tt dose a some antipyretic sub- stance which they eegaed as adapt- ed to relieve all headachee whatso- ever their erigin. Btoker A rrangee Marriages. In Italy ineeriage brokers are a regular institution. They have pocket -books filled with, the names of marriageable maidees in aarione ra,nles el life, end g� about trying to arrange matches. When they 'aro sueceseful they receive a WE, mission and very, likely something extra as is voluntary gift from then easterner. • HOW TO POP CORN., It is done In different ways, 914 the moot approved method is to pop y oar corns with Putnain's Corn Extractor -- corns pop out for fair, and otay out, too, when removed ,by "Putnaan's." Try tIne 7,m1n1ess remedy yourself, ,25e, at alh dealers. --- Good Advice. "My son," said the old hunter, "you are starting out to earn yette living as a guide. Remember that some people evill• -want to erste bear, while alters will want to see bear tracks.'' "Yes' dad." "If they're eatisfied with traek , don't try to ,how 'em bear." TO CURE A 001:0 IN ONE DA If Take LAXATIVE PROMO Outline) Tablete, Druggists refund money if im fade to olire 11 W. GROVE'S eiguature le on each box It platonic lover is usually a quiet chap who saves his money. Minard's Liniment cures Colds, Eta. . Lived 40 Days en Potafeee. Dr. Hincthede, the D,ani,s,11 food ,se'iontist, has just ,publiebed same eam re,selts, of hie experiments, He cites",the case of Frederick Mad, sen, a, gardener, whcs Inc forty days lived exclu,slyely oe potatoes., end contrary to Wbalt, is ,generalla ;sup- peeed, (gate food pecyed ,basily and almost fully digestible, only 3 per cent. 'remained undigeeted against from 6 to 10 per emit, of meat and mil -Ir , In fact, lie was in every way suited by the potato fare end, VMS quite prepa,red to go on living en FARMS FOR SALE. FL- W. DAWSON, Ninety Colborne Street, Toronto, VIttl'IT, STOOK. GRAIN AND DAIRY .Farms in all sections et Ontario. Some snaps. FACT= SITES, WITH OR WITHOUT nallWaY trackage, in Toronto, Smutty/ton and other towns and cities, EVITI:1PRO1EItpES=ffm1.d, hor 153 towns., H. W.- DAWSON, Colgorne St,, Toronte 0 NE HTINDICED ACIIES'IN OXFORD County—Soil, sand and black loamt 2 acres orchard; number buildings. 'Phone In house. Price, four- thousand. The Western Real Estate Exelzanthe, London, Ont, MALE HELP WANTED. AT ONCE—MEN TO LEA.RIT BARBER trade; etPart instruction; constant practice; tools free; always sure employ.. ment for barber. Write for catalogue - Meter College, 221 Queen E., Toronto. STAMPS AND COINS, MP COLLNCTURS—RDNDRSD DU- terent. Foreign Stamps, Catalogue, Album. only Bevan Canis. Starks Stems Clowinnnr. Toronto. • MISCELLANEOUS. CANGER, TUMORS, LUMPS, •Neu-. internal and external, eared with. eat nein by our home trestment. WrIto ns before too tete. Dr. Bethune Medias{ Co.. Limited, Onllinewood, Ont. el ALL STONES, KIDNEY AND [that, - IX der Stonee. Kidney trouble. Gravel. LoUtbago and kindred alimente positively eured with the new German Remedy. "Sancti," price SIM. ',mother new remedy for Dlabotes•Mellitus, and sure euro, le 'linnet; AnteDiabetes." Prim, 8100 from drugalstrer direct. The Banal Matintars forme Company et Canada, Limited. lVln,,00stc‘ Ma n. .1422MeellailIMPM90. GLOVES That Are Guaranteed • - Why take chances in buying a pair of glo ves when you can gel a positive gpasantec backed by Canada's largest glove faetdry in the 11.1E. Pinto Shell Gloves made from speotally tanned horse- hide. Guaranteed wet proof, wind proof, steam and -heat proof. Send for Illustrations. 1111HNSOrd BAY FINITTING CO. Canada's Expert Clove and Mit Strikers, ' MONTREAL. Nice. Willie's Matisma.—"Is James a nice boy for you to play marbles with.7" ' • Willie—"Sure. I ,can beat him every time." liltat's Inconsistency. Alen like to laugh ab' women's dothes—and then'wear those green hats with the bows behind, Itat, . , Minara's Liniment Co. liimitea, . Yasnioutlo, N. EL gentletneu,•-in January last, Francis Leularc, one of the men,oruployed by me, - working in the lumber woods, had 0 tree 'fall on him, crushing him fearfully. Ife was, whey found, placed or; a sled and taken home, where veva fears werr en- tertained .for ilis ronovery,' his bine being badly bruised and hie body turned blnek from. his vibe to his feet. We neod ARA'S LINIMENT on him freely to deaden the pain nail (with the use ef titre° bottion Liewas completely cured and able to re. turn to hie work. . se:unmet env AL. ' .Illgin ROM, L'Isiet Co., Quo. Escaped the Habit. Mrs. 0113rien---Sure, sedhrop now an' thin is a comfort; but aren't ye afraid, Mrs. Hennessy, ye'll git the habit7 lefre, Ileenessy—Niver a bit I Me mild man's been drinkin" at stiddy these for-rty years past, en' he's never got the habit, NO RHEUMATISM LAST ilia Montreal Man Conquered Ins OM Enemy by using GIN, PILLS Mr. A. Beaudry of 597 Panet Street, 'Montreal, thus expresses his glen satisfactionwith GIN PILLS. • •It affordsmegreat pleasure to infortu a you that I have used GIN P/1,1,S for about six olontbS, and that they have done me n great, cleat of good, I have had Rheumatism Toe a couple of years, , and last winter I" saved enyed f limn it by using GIN Prisese• 500. 15 box, 6 ler $2.5o. Sample free if von write National Drug' end Cheneeat Co. of Canada, Iemitod,'notonto, 325