The Clinton News Record, 1913-05-22, Page 3News -Record Su plement
Clinton, Ont., May 22nd 1913.
Mr. Newton Wesley's Row- Seaforth.
ell's Work.
Newton Wesley Rowell bas sue-
eeeded in creating a spirit of bitter-.
noes in provincial politics that had
no existence before his entry upon.
the leadership of the Liberal Oppo-
Heralded as a Christiangentleman
of the highest character and attribu-
tes Mr. Rowell has accomplished
more in the course of a year to-
wards creating an intense and bit-
ter partisanship than was done by
any of his predecessors, not one of
whom came to office with a profes-
sion that could hold a candle to
that of Mr, Rowell's.
The able • lawyer and public man
who preceded Mr. Rowell in the
leadership of the Opposition was sub-
jected to pan attack upon his personal
character Sir James Whitney ex-
erted himself to the end that this at-
tack should not he used to the pont-
. lice' burt of his oppouenit. The re-
sult was that Ikon. Alex, McKay was
elector' in North Grey in 1911 with'a
majority of 704 as against a major-
ity of 71 in the preceding eleotion.
What happened to Mr. McKay at
the hands of his party 7 .It is well.
remembered that, rumors being pub-
lished that he was about to resign
'from the leadership of the provincial
Liberals, he went to Toronto and
gave out an emphatic denial. But
the next thing the public knew of
the situation was that Mr, McKay
had resigned and that Mr. Rowell
had gained his place..
How are Sir James and Mr, Hanna
requited to -day for the effort that
they made in protecting an opponent?
Both these public servants are treat-
ed as though they were unworthy. of
the association of decent mien. They
are subiected . to villification within
and without the House. Hugh Mon-
roe, of Glengarry, a Liberal, on the
floor of the House it is true, declared
he did not believe the charge against
Mr. Hanna of trafficking in coal ten-
ors. From whom should that admis-
sion have Dome? Was it not the duty
of the gentlemen whose Christian
profession has been made 'mush of?
He, as the leader of the Opposition,
and a marl desiring above all things
to be Pair toward an opponent,
should have been the first to speak.
But it was Hugh Monroe only who
spoke.—London Free Press.
The; News -Record leads for. Town
and - Township News. Are you a
subscriber )
•l,t the residence. of Mr. and Mrs.
J. Archibald on Wednesday of last
week the marriage took place of Miss
Carrie Souoh to Mr, A. L. Porteous
The ceremony was performed by the
Rev, A. W. Barker. Mr. and Mrs.
Posteous are taking up their resi-
dence in town.
Mr. W. Ryan of Brantford has
been visiting his sister, Mrs. M. Bro-
Mrs. J. C. Greig is visiting her
;aster, Mrs. Horton of fort Hope,
Mrs. T. E. Hays has gone west on
a visit to her sons and daughters.
Mrs. Wm. Sclater and Miss ' Clare
have gone on a trip west to visit fri-
11irs. Robt. Wright. has returned to
town alter a visit with her daugh-
terra in Rochester.
Mr. and Mrs. 'Dugan were called to
Detroit last week owing to an acci-
dent which betel their son Will.
Mrs. Murray and family have' re-
imoved to Flamilton.
Mr: R. Ament, after spending a
week with his family in town, has
rets rned to the west.
Mr. Leslie Watson, who is being
transferred from the Porcupine to
the Vancouver branch of the Bank
of Commerce, spent a fortnight with
his parents in town, before leav-
ing for the Coast City.
Miss Isabel Scott has -.turned
home after spending the winter with
her brother at Amer.
Mrs. ' R. McRae of Vancouver, B.
C., is the guest of her brother, Mr,
John Nash of McKillop.
Mrs. Gray of Brandon bas been the
guest of Mrs. A. Young,
Mr. John Laird, another old resi-
dent of Seaforth, passed away at his
home last week aged seventy-four
The bowling club have installed a
new lightirg'system at their grounds
which proves to be very satisfactory.
The remains of the late Archie
Scott, son of Mr: and Mrs.
James Scott formerly of Seaforth
but lately of Grannie Prairie, Man.,
were brought up from Toronto for in-
terment, the funeral taking place on
Monday week. He was finishing his
final year at the University and in-
tended entering Knox College to pre-
pare for the .Presbyterian ministery.
The engagement is announced of
Anna Sae, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Samuel' Dickson, to the Rev. Ed-
ward Armand Corbett, Watrous,
Saskatchewan, The marrias:e will
takeplace in Seaforth on June 3rd.
The News -Record excels for Town
and Township News.
The Grand Trunk Railway System
is putting on a newtrain from Tor-
onto to Muslioka Wharf, commencing
Saturday, May 17th, leaving, Toronto
10.15 a.m. daily, except Sunday, ar-
riving Muskoka Wharf 1,40 p. m,
making direct connection'wijib steam-
ers for
team-ers'for all points on Muskoka Sakes.
Ai brand new ti+eJin cgneisting ot bag-
aggage car, Veltibule Coaches, and par-
lor -Library -Buffet ear will be operat-
ed and passengers are assured of a
comfortable' ride along the most in-
teresting route to Muskoka Wharf,
which is the original gateway to the
far-famed Muskoka Lakes.
This train runs right to side of
steamer at Muskoka Wharf, thus a-
voiding any inconvenience to pass-
Return connection is made with
train leaving Muskoka Wharf at 10.-
let7 a.;m,. daily, except Sunday, arriv-
ing Toronto 3.10 pm.
Tourist Tickets at reduced rates
are now on sale to Muskoka resorts
good for stop -over at any point and
good to return until November 80th,
Full particulars and tickets from
Grand Trunk Agents.
,John Ransford cC Son up town a-
gents, phone 57; A. 0. Pattison, Sta-
tion Agent, phone 85a,
Mrs. A, Kelly and C. M
Kelly left last week for Swift Cur-
rent, Sask.
Dr. Janes T. Mulvey, son of Mr.
James Mulvey of town, was ,married
recently to Miss Burland of Rapid
Miss RtJby Hart has returned From
a visit at Moncton,
Rev. Father Blair has purchased
the residence of Mr. T. Hall and will
shortly occupy it.
Miss McTaggart of Buffalo has been
visiting her sister, Mrs. W. D
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Hall ot Mea -
ford visited Mr. and T. Hall for a
ifew days recently,
Miss Myrtle Burwash of Paisley
visited recently at the home of Mr.
J. S, Isard,
Mr. and Mrs. A. Ross, who are re-
'moving to the west, were presented
.by the members of the Chosen Fri-
enbs with a handsome mantle clock,
prior to their departure.
R. J, MacDonald is returning
to Wingham, from London and will
'resume the practice of his profes-