The Clinton News Record, 1913-04-17, Page 7if you want Comfort
•-1.7se Comfort Soap.
Select a Responsible
Investment House
and you will have no difficulty.
in Selecting, Desirable Securities
Bonds wisely ,ptirchased comprise
the 'essentials of sound investment.
This house invests in entire issues
_ of Municipal, Railroad, Public Ser-
vice and Indtkstrial Bonds, purchas-
ing only after thorough investigatrOn
and aiming to satisfy its clients as
to Safety, Marketability and Income.
A selected list of bonds will be sent
on application.
News -Record and Melt and Emoire. 01.00
News -Record and Globe ---------------1.60
News -Record end Family Herald and
Stet with Premium 1.75
News -Record end Witness .......••... 1.78
News -Record and Sun'''1.76
News-Reeord and FreePress 1.75
Nows-Reeord and Advertiser 1.75
Noweltecerd' and Toronto Saturday
News-lleaord, and Parmer;s idvooate 2,25
News:Record tg.nd Form (1,nd Dairy... 1.75
News-Reeord and Canadian Farm. t.75
News-Reuord and Youth's Companion 0.25
News.ltecord and Canadian Country.
mao News-Recoid and Fthe ruit Grower
and Fortner. . . . 1.50
Novo -Record nd The Canadian
Sportsman ....... ... 3.00
News -Record and Hall and Empire.. 428
News -Record and Mobs „
News -Record 'and Newsy- ...... 2.30
News -Record and Star .... 2.30
News -Record and World .... 3.25
News-Ileeord and, Morning Isree Press 3.25
Newe•Record and Evening Pree Press 2.75
News -Record mil Advertiser 3.00
News -Record and Poultry Review , 1.25
Nows•R000rd and Lippincott's Nag a.
zlne News•Iteroril and banaiia
..Tinnineg • 1,40
If what YOU Want ts not in this, list let
no know about it, We can supply you at
.leoo thou- it would coat you to send direct.
In remitting please do so by Post-offlee
' Order. Postal Note, Express Order or Reg,
istered letter and addresti
Puolisher News -Record
Campbell's Varnish Stain
The best and most durable finish for
Thereisnothina likeit: 13 colors
Made by Caipenter•Morton Co., Boston,
Present this Calm et dealer's/ton, mad re.
Coke one of the Cstapbaillireem Holders free
-Strength id a flair.
A 'scientist has proved that ',Et
eingle hairwill suspend four ounces
witho tit b reeking, stretching under
the process: and contracting agein.
,But the hair thus weighed 'must be
dark brown, for .blonele' hair breaks
,When a weight of' tiNVO and a half
011.170eS it.61.1$1JUIlded frOM
Forty, yetirs in use, 20 years tile
sthildard, 1)rescribed and recoup,
inentleil by iihysicians. For Wo.
mao's , Ailments, Dr. Martel's
Female Pills, at your druggisl.'
Synopsis of Canadian Northwest
Land Regulations.
Any person who is the sole head
of a family, or any male over 18
years old, may ,homestead a quart-
er section of available Dominion
le,nd in Manitoba, Saskatchewan`or
Alberta. The applicant must ap-
pear in person r..; the Dominion
-Lands Agency or Sub -Agency for
the district,. Entry by proxy
may be made ab apy agency, on cer-
tain conditions bY father, mother,
son, daughter, brother or sister of
intending homesteader.
Duties.-Sbe months residence
upon and cultivation of the land in
each of three years. .A homestead-
er may live within nine miles of
his homestead on a farm of at
least 80 acres solely owned and oc-
cupied by him or by bis father,
mather, son, daughter, brother or
sister. '
In eertain districts a homestead-
er in good standing may pre-empt
a quarter -section alongside his
homestead. Price,. 3.00 per acre.
Duties. --Must reside upon the
homestead or pre-emption mix
months, in each of of years from
date of homestead entry (including
the time required to earn home-
stead patent) and cultiliate fifty
mores extra.
A homesteader ivlio has exhausted
his homestead right and cannot ob-
thin a pre-emption may' enter for
a purchased homestead in certain
districts. Price, $3.00.
_Dubies.-Mast reside six months
in each of three years, cultivate
fifty acres and erect a, house worth
Depitty of the Minister of the
N.13.--1Jnauthorized publicetion
of thie advertisement will not be
paid for.
E0TAD1.10 71179
A sitnple, safe nnttoffeetive treatment for Mon.
chin! troubles, witithtit dosa,g Om sternum, witi,
drugs. Used with Successful. mks.
The air 0001405 the antiseptin antior, inspired
with every Meath, makes breathing easy, soothes
the sore throat, and stops tho Cough. assuring...Hui
nights, Cresolene Is lawny:Mlo to ninthem svIth
young children and A BOON to suffeters from
Asthma. Send uspostat for desodialvdeoundet.
144053 1011400L1)13001 n
TATHRAT 7 e, zlear
BLETSfor the irritaOted a
., re simple, l
off00 c;thi 1;n7LItrT'tl.i41triton
Vapo•Cresolene Co..,
- 62 ConloodtSt., N.Y.
Lecedcg.2 lies Blinding
Montreal, Can.
A Son of the liaise]. 'to illarry the
- Czar's Daughter:
A despateli from Berlin says The
report is revived that Prince Adel -
bort, 'the third son of the -Kaiser,
and the Grand Duehess Olga, the
eldest daughter of the Czar, are
about t,,o be betrothed. •
The Franehise for Women D of eated- An
E hal ish le 11 ltant Suffragette -The ;Labor
Member fo the House --Land Prices.
Local , suffragettes ,are frankly disall-
notated at the'results of their efforts to
obtain concessions Yvon' . the 'PrOYillOiai
LOirlfaatUre art this session, They had
honed 110 least that tue- franchise notv
granted in municipal affairs -Would be ex-
tended to a wider sithere of polities, and
00 more thanone occasion, whop there
WM 11 possibility cf 11 isCussion on the
edbjeet, in the Legislature, they. have at-
tended the :house M. I:1111 ioree, filling the
public galleries and, overflowing into the
nvarnthepou.ivate naffs ot, the Legislative
Most of the 1011110140 of the Canadian
suarage movement profess to be in ,ab-
€iotilitteauFjtYllileatioYs iwnithlthIgkiehmit", 'elylin01whttn'
they go to the length of bomb throwing
and_ other serious deetrUction Of twoporty.
Almost unanimously, however, Canadian
suffragettes deolare that militant methods,
are not, reenored. in Canada. Breseed as
to where the diatinction coulee in between
Oanauia au& Britain, they are, not alwaseu
clear in their all0W0A54 Tile supreme eblr•
tention of Mrs. Pankhuret an11 theeobleer
euffraae leaders i$ that ithe vote ie a right
of citizenship lOS a woinan as much as it
is tOr a man. On this Ailment the oaf-
ragathe are content t04'. base their plea
for what they describe, .as lust -lute.' And
the fact is that Canadian women are just
as much witlfoutthe tranchise as are
women 10 Britain, .
Canadian WomenHave Advantages.
There, are, hoWeyer, 'reasonu whY wilTh
tent raethode have not •been inerodueed
into Canada. Canadian 'awe are in sev-
eral instancee mueb. more favorable. to 010-
10e01 than are the lawd of Great Britain.
reafiariaTpwi°0'...ionn thar4e. meant t 6requoatl dfioltrienei
with Men, that' is, a reason welch will
entitle a man to a divorce' ia-euffloient for
a woman.' !Phis is not the ease ift Eng-
land.. Furthermore, certain Uwe with 00:
goad to,property are in Canada more fay.
°rabic to WOMell than in England.
But yet the feet is thee ehe suffrage Ic
denied to Canadian. 'winner! ea resolutely
US le is to English women,- And the situ-,
Mien seenie th be that the Canadian ant-
hem° leaders have an antipathy to 'ult-
licity and going to jail, which their rig-
lish eistere have overeotne.
Canada's Militant -Buffrafiette.
Toronto has one Teal militant entree.
gette in the person of Mies Olivia Smith.
She is an English woman, who, until quite
recently. was foremost in all the ..agita-
tion there. She haa anent three terms in
jail, once for swathing window, once for
taking hold of thereins of a.policeman's
base to ,erevent him riding down women,
and thus interfering with. an 'officer of the
law on. date. ,and the third time for .ohaite
ine Itereelf to the railing in front of Pre.
mier Aseultli's oilice. .
Miss Smith is a anillainconered laaY, of
about 45 or, 60 years of age, . She is grill,
haired and not at' all Amazonian ht type;
profeasion she is a trained nurse. Since
living in Toronto *she has been aselsting
in one of the local tea WOMB..
Canadian Men Less Brutal.
She has been active in the local suffrage
organezatione. -As one reason why mili-
tant meehods have not been introduced in-
to Canadn she glace a very curious „Blue.
tration. She says that Canadian mon are
much lees *brutal to their •wives and Sla-
ters and daughters than are Englieh men,
Phi is a somewhat radical etatentent.
which iff sureto create controversy, at
least wherever it is put up to an English
Rumors in Legislature.
The Legislature is pursuing tbe even
tenor of its way to the end of a scesion
whioh hae not been particularly event.
NI, While there have been plenty of de -
hetet] OU various limb:Wets closely affecting
the lives of the people, there have been
few oecasions when the parties have Teal-
ly come to grips in any speetacular man-
ner which would conunand the attention
of the' country. •
.Jut before the close of the session there
were minion of sensatione ciroulatiug on
both sides. Liberals heard a report that
the Government had something to conceal
In the Public Accounte Committee or
elseeghere. and that they were therefore
bout to attempt to clone up the session
irt a hurry. Government eupporters, on
the other hand, heard that, the' Liberals
were concoetine some deep plot for the
purpose of prolonging tbe eeeeion beyond
wbat seemed to be reationable.
Once again' Allan Studholme, 'the labor
member, or third paety, as lie likes to eat
himself. has taken mote than his share
Of thb tirne of the House. He presents it
unique figure. Talking with Wm comes
easy. Re has had a long training in the
labor movement andboaapparently ate
quired the habit of Oinking aloud, which
enables him to deliver a slum% of several
hours with a minimum of preparation.
When, Studholme Speaks.
To drop inth th,e'llouse on an afternoon
when Me, Studhohno is on the floor reveals
an unusual aid interesting eight, Per.
haps one-third elf the Tambov; will, be in
their eeate.' Those' who are will' be read.
log newspapers and writing letters for the
/met part, Here and there a member will
be doing nothing but listening . 10- 14110
sneaker, but apt doing that very atten-
tively. Thiel imiparmit inattention does not
bother. Mr. Studholme in the leaeb. lie
movee the abates Itt the immediate vicin-
ity of ltis desk out of the way and then
`Moceedeeto walk Me and down the space
Provided, talking as lie maybe. Some of
the members of the Cabinet, anxious eo
get along with bueinette. used to' show im-
patience at M. Stutlholme's loquacity, but
now they know whet to expect, and at; in
any case it ie useless to try be head hint
off they have to lot Item have his ;my with
as good grace as possible. .
Studhohne's specialties are, ef
manse, labor sublects, and on many of
these he him views to which, in theerY,
little exception can lie taken,
. 05,020 To Buy Flee Feet Square.
• Anothee high figure has boon recorded
for dowiatowe real .estate. The Canadian
Benleof Commerce has purchased the pro.
petty on which the McConkey restaurant,
long a Thud mark on Ring 51,10 situ,
Med. The priee paid ivas 811,010 a foot
frontage, While thie is the second high-
cet mete ever paid foe , property in To-
ronto, as 'far as ,frontage ds concerued,
there has really' been enveral tranefere
where the price per equare foot Wile high-
er. The WISConkeY propurty runs clear
through from King tO Melinda, St. and ham,
therefore, a cleat)} above, the avenues).
The record for high figutea in Toronto
is held by the Michie promote, at 5 Xing
;Arcot west, wbieh was sold to the Do.
=Mien Bank el the teemendous Priea of.
$205 per 0410000 101514,
malre Darts of Ontario a hundred aeie
term may be bought for 55,000, In the
viainity of the corner of Xing and Yonge
streets et ‘Would buy a plot of Land five
feet Actuante '
The price of $205'er square loot: le about
$1.50 per square inch. And it can be eas-
ily seen that thejob Of surveyors who
(have to verifylot measurements is to be
done with the nicety of a draftsman.
The Wall Street of .0 -anode, ,
Other higth prices which 'have ;been re.
corded include the northewest corner, of
King and Yonge, which was recently cold
to the Dominion Bond Co. at a rate (60
4240511 per square foot. The north-east
corner of King , and. Yonge; which was re
eenlly sold to interests supposed to be
affiliated with the Rival Bank, brought, a
figure of $126.70 pqr square foot. On 0
square foot basis the recent purchase by
the Bank of Commerce ' figures out at
The removal 'of such landmarks as, Me.
Conkey's restaurant and Michie's grocery
store from King street marks the death
knell Of this section of that thoroughfare
as a retail, cliatoict, in othich capaufity it
formerly excelled. Here are now emigre -
gating banks and other financial 'institu.
Mons, and Toronto likes to have it deserib-
ed as LIM'Wall Street of Canada.
'Accident ' Between Schreiber and
Chaplean on C. P. R
A despatch from Port Arileur
says : Conductor' Linston of the
-Canadiam,Pacific 'Railway was seri-
ously injured between Schreiber
and Chaplea,u' on Wednesday, and
died on the way to a Port Aethur
hospital. He belonged to Chaplean
and the body was sent there for
burial., - •
Minatala Linittioni Cures Distemper.
Fred McMahon; manager & the
Chateau Laurier, has been a,ppoint-
ed aseistant to Hayter Reed, with
jurisdiction over all the C.P.R. ho-
tels west of Winnipeg.
Because He Takes GIN PILLS
A prominent Consulting Engineer of
New York ,City, thus heartily endorses
29 Broadway, New York.
"I bought some of yonr GIN PILLS
at Victoria, 13.C., last September. Your
remedy I find, at Go years of age, to give
perfect relief front the Kidney and
Bladder Troubles incident to one of my
age. I urgently recommend GIN PILLS
to frienthras being the one thing that
does me good." ,g, G. WOODFORD.
By the tittle a man , or woman is eo,
' the Kidneys and Bladder need a little
help to keep in good working order,
GIN PILLS are what they need. GIN
PH.,LS keep'ehe urine neutral, prevent
colde .settling on the kidneys orbladder -
and ward off Rheumatic attacks.
Remember, eyery box of GI.N PILLS
is sold with a positive guarantee to give
perfect satisfaction or your money
promptly refunded. • ,
5010. 01 hox,6 for $2.50. Semple free if
you write National Drug and Chemical.
Co. of Canada, Limited, Toronto, ss3
A ttractive, Form of Investmeut.
A folder which fully describes an
attractive 7 per cent. investment,
carrying a profit-sharing feature as
well, may be obtained by writing to
The National Securities Corpora-
tion, Limited, Confederation Life
Building, Toronto, Ont.
The investment described is -in thh,
form of profit-sharing boeds, which
are .amply secured. In this in-
stance, the National Securities
CorPeration, Ltd. acts as a hold-
ing company for two manufacturing
companies whose...combined capital-
ization is -$1,300,000. Both of these
companies have been particularly
successful ever since their forma-
tion, and for the last few years have
operated under the handicap of only
being able to take care of about 60
per cent. of the business available,
although working at full capacity.
The present bond issue ie for the
purpose of enlarging these plants so
Shat they may handle all orders, and
to enable 'them to acquire timber
limits now' under option,and which
will doubtless largely ncreaee in
value in the next few years. ,
Must Undergo Operation td Prevent
„. Further Illness.
.A. despatch from London says
An official announcement issued ou
Wednesday "hight from Clarence
House, the London residence of the
Duke of Connaught, Governor
General of Canada, states that, in
order to prevent a recurrence of the
attacks of acute abdominal illness
from which she suffered when in
Canada recently, the Duchess has
been advised .to undergo an opera-
Duchess Operated Upon.
The Duchess of Connaught was
operated on On Thursday 'morning
tut Clarence House by William Ar-
buthnot Lane, Surgeon to Guy's
Hosvitel. According to a bulletin
issued afterward, the operation was
a severe one, but was borne veell by
her Royal Highness, who, it was
mid; was doing as well as could be
No Alimony -Just a Separation
Peaceful, quiet separation/ no dareaffe
done, everybody beppy again -that's the
situation wheli you divorce your ' corns
with Putnam% Corn Extractor. Acts like
magio--don't use alrY' but 'Putnam's"-
it's the best. Ole, at all dealers.
, •
illotker and Danghter 'Lost Their
Lives in a Fire.
A ,despatch from Atianac, Sask.,
says : In attempting to rescue he)
mother from their burning home, on
Thursday, Miss Henderson, daugh-
ter of John Henderson'a farmer
kcated near here, lost her life.
Mrs. Henderson also was bueoed
to death. When the fire first broke
tout Miss Henderson rushecl to the
barn to want her father and bro-
ther, and, retatrning, -was unable to
find her mother. •ConcIuding, her
mother was ,still in the burning
building„ the girl entered the house
agp,in and pe4shecl wit].) jler par-
ent, l'ite family came West a...few
years ago from London 'Ont.,'"ancl
are well known in i'
e West. Miss
Henderson, who was formerly a
Toronto schooL teaeher, had been
visiting ,her pelvic for a few
months. •
Reed This Lady's lExperiento.-
Just at this season many people find
themselves suEeting from aches and
pains of rheumatism, sciatica, etc. For
theme, ZaLL-13u1( i$ a sure cure.
Mrs. Mary Harman, Wheatley, Ont„
writes: "I had rheumatism very badly.
It affected my right arm and leg and
was :‘,o had that 1 couid not put my
hand to my head or behind me. I was
Quite helpless, .cOuld not do my work,
and could not even dress myself, but
bee to be attended to like a child. The
rheumatism in my leg was so bad
that at times I could hardly walk.
"Naturally I tried various remediefi,
but they seemed to do ine no good, A
friend advised ine to try 'Zara-13111Ln, I
obtained some, and had It rubbed thor-
oughly into the affected muscles. Be-
fore the first box was used I was veil,
much better. -I could move around the
house with ease, and dress myself, and
needed very little personal attention.
I continued with the treetment, rub-
bing Zam-Bult in thoroughly every day,
and in a few 'weeks' tiMo the rheuma-
ban was driven completely Out of my
system. The cure was permanent too,
and since that time I have never been
roubled with rheuniatism."
It is Just as good for skin iniuriee
and diseases, eezenaa, Scalp sores,
eruptions, piles, cuts, burins, brulsee,
scalds, etc. A11 druggists and storm),
de, box, or by -mall from zam.Buk co.
Toronto, for price. ,
Prices of Cattle, Grain, cheese and Other
Produce' at Home and Abroad. .
Breadst uffs. .
Toronto, April 15.-0ntarto' flours, With
90 per 0en14. patents, 9390 to 53,95, Mont,
real or 'Toronto freights, Manteobao-Frse
Patents; in jute bags, 9530; second Pat-
ents, in jute bags. 94.10:. strong bakers',
in jute bugs,. $4.60. ,
Manitoba Wheat -No. 1 Northern, 90 1-20'
on track,- Bay Ports; No. 2 at 95 340; 'No.
3 at 93 12e, Bay tante.
Ontario , Wheat -No. 2 white and red
wheat, 94 te 96e, outside, and sprouted,
Oats -Ontario oats, 33 to 34o, entside, and
at 37e mu track, Toronto. Western Can-
ada oats, 41 1.2e for No, '2 and 39 1-24; for
No, 3, BaY. Ports. '
' P40s-90c to,81,outside.
13arley--Forty-eight-lb. barley of good
ithality. Otto 530, datsice. Seed, 49 to 500.
' i.lorn-No. 3 Ainerictin corn, 611,2 to 62c,
Lull rail'.
itye-Vrices nonoinal. •
Buckwheat -Ne. 2 at 52 to 53e, outside.
Bran -Manitoba bran, $20, in /bags, To-
ronto freight. Shorts, 521,50, Toronto,
Country Produce. '
Butter -Dane, prints, choice, 26 to 270;
do., tuba, 25 to 26o; inferior, 21 to 22e;
creamery. 32 to 350 for rollseand 29 to 300
for, solids.
Bees -Case lots sell at 21d here, and 180
outside.,‘ •
Oheese,14 1-2c for large, and 14 3.40 for
Beans -Hand-picked, $2.35 per bushel;
primee, 52.25, in a jobbing Way.
lionea-tExtraoted, in time, 121-2. to 1.7c per
Ib, for wholesalee. combo. 02.00 to
$3 per dozen for No, 1 and $2,40 for No. 2.
Poultry-Chickene, 17 toelac ner 113; fowl,
13 to 140; ducks, 46 , 18e; per llo; geese,
17,to 180; turkeys, 20140 21e. Lire poultry,
about Se lower than the aboee.
Potaoes--Goodaentario stock, 600 per bag,
on track. and analetwares ht. 70 to 72c per
bag, on track.'
• - Provtsions.
Bacon -Long clear, 15 to 15 1-20 per lb.. in
.ease lots. Pork -Short cut, $26 te 527; do.,
mese, 521,50 to 522. lianas -Medium to light,
18 1-2 to 103.014 heavy, 161.2 to 17e; rolls,
16e; breaktast bacon, 191'2 to 200; bock,
Lard -Tierces' 14e• tubs, 141-50; pails
e Baled Hay and Straw.
Baled Ilay-No. 1 at 512 to 512.25, on
track. Toronto; No. 2, $l050'00 $11. Mixed
hay is quoted at $9.50 to 510.
Baled Straw --$8.50 to $9, on track, To.
Montreal Markets.
Montreal, April 15.-Corn-Amerlean No.
2 yellow, 66 to 67e. Oats -Canadian West-
ern, No. 2, 411-2e; do., No. 3, 501-2 to 39c;
do,, extra No. 1 feed, 40 to 40 1-20. Barley
-Man. feed, 51 to szo; do.. malting, 70 to
701. Buckwheat -No. 2, 56 to 58e. Flour -
Man. Spring wheat pelmets, firsts, $5.40;
do.. seeonde, 54.90; doastrone balteree $4.
70; do., Winter patent, eboece, $5.25; do.,
straight rollers. $4.85 to $4.90; do., etraight
rollers, bags. $2.20 to $2.35. Boiled oats,
bbls., $4.36; do.. bags, 90 lbs., 8205. Bran
-820. Shorte-$22. eliddlinge-$25.- Marm-
ite, $30 to $35. Rase -No.' 2, per ton, cat
Iota, $11.50 to ei2.51). Cheese -Finest Weak
erns. 13e; do., finest Easterne, 121-4 to
12 3.4a. Butter-Ohoiceet creamers', 32 to
33e; do.. eecoinia, 28 to 30e. Eggs-Preele
22 to Mc. Potatoes -Per bag, car lots, 60
to 65a,
winniees Market.
Winnipeg, April 15. -Cash prices -Wheat
-No, 1 Northern, 893'4o; No, 2 doe 87 1-50;
No, 3 do., 041-80; No. 4, 80 7-8e; No. 5, 76e1
No. 6, 701.20; feed, No, 1, 60 tate Releeted
for seeds -No. 1, 83 1.2o; No. 2. Me; No. 3,-
784. Rejebted tough -No. 1, 831-80; No. 2,
82e; No. 3, 77 1-80, Winter wheat -No. 1,
92e; No. 2, 893.8e; No. 3, 86 3.8e; No. 4,
83.1.80. Oats --No. 2 white, 341-01; No. 3
white. 32e; extra No. 1 feed, 33o: No. 1
feed. 32e; No. 2 feed, 291-2e. liarley-No.
3, 401; No. 4, 481-40; rejected. 420; feed, 41e.
Flax -No, 1 N. W. fl„ 51.151-2.
`. United States Markets.
Anril 15. -Wheat - May,
811-8 to 871-4' Jul -v. 6928 to 695-80; Sep-
tember, 901-0 to 90 1-4e. eltieh-Nd. 1 herd,
89 Lae; No. 1 Northern, We; gNo. 2
Northern, 85 to 86 1-20, Corn -No. 3 v, el.
low. 62 to 321-80, Oats -No. 3 white, 31 3.4
to 32c. Eve -No. a 56 to 580. Ilran-$1.5.60
to 816, Flour -Prices unchanged.
Duluth. Apra 15. -Wheat -On track, No.
1 hard. 88 5-8e: NO, 1 Northern, 075-8o; No.
2 Northern, 8408; Montana No, 2 hard,
885-0e; May, 88 5.8tir bid; .7013', 901,-4e naked;
September, 951.4e bid. Linseed -On track,
141,56 1.2 to 51,07; to arrive, $1.271 May, 811-
271.2; ,Tuly. 01.007-8 bid; September, $1.-
31 1-4 bid: October, 141,311-4 asked.
Lloo Stock Markets.
Montreal, Anril 15. -Good, steers, 07 to
$7.25. fair at $650 to 56.75, and the lower
grades from $5.25 to $6.25 ner owt. Choice
butchers' eotve, $6.25 to 56.60, good $5.76 to
$6, and the more common ntook gold from
that down to $4, while bulls ranged from
$4 to $6.60 per cwt. Sheet), 638 pet cwt, and
lambs at $4 to $10 each as to size end
ciatility. Calves ranged from $1.60 to $12
each, es to size and quality. Salmi of
aeleeted lots of bogs at ,4116.55 to $10.60 per
cwt, weighed oft cars.
Toronto. April 15.-Osttle-Ohoice, 85.98
eto $700; choice butcher, $6.60 to $6,85; good
medium. $6 'to $6,50; COTOT0011, 55 to 85.25;
cows. $5.25 to $6; bulls, 85.26 to $6; can-
ners, 02 to $2.50, $3.26 to $3.75. Calves -
Good veal. 616 $7; choice, $8.50 to $9;
common., 83 to $3.25. Stockers and feed -
ere -Steers. 700 to 1,000 pounds, $4.50 to
$6.75a.yearlings, 5010 to $3.50; extra choke
heavy feeders, 900 pounds, 56.85 to, $6.
Milkers and soringere-From $50 to 572,
Sheen and letubs-raght ewes, 56 to $7.26;
heavy, 59 to $6; lambs. 58.25 to 6110; buck%
$4.50 to $6. Hogs -$9.60, fed and watered;
89.25 to $9.30 fo.b., and 59,85 off cave
Lady Scott Returned to London on
Friday Afternoon.
A despatch from London Says:.
Lady Seott arrived here on Friday
afternoon,' travelling overland via
Brindisi. Nobody awaited her re-
turn more, anxiously than her three-
year-old son Peter. All morning,. PIN* _a,bolit the house
in Buclinghain Palace road run-
ning from room to room, peeping
excitedly through the windows. ,He
knew his fathee eoidel not come with
his mother. -Ae few day's ago his
grandmother 4101.11 him "Daddy"
would not enme back this time, but
perhaps would ,einne some other
time. Thn meeting of Lady Scott
and Peter is the greetesb event in
his life up to' now. The mother
reached home ,shortly after 'three
o'clock, Peter stood on the door-
step ready ter meet her. Ju,st 10
single hug and kiss and just to few
expreseions of supreme delight and
Lady Scott and little/ Peter went,
rather -"John, you. know I disau-
preva imry much of your fighting,
but 1 cannot help feeling Very proud
of you for thrashing' such a big boy
as that; 'What did you thrashhim
for 5",:Son (iudianfintly)--eYWliy,
he said 1. looked like 3sotr?"
'rhe fantily remedy' for Coughs and Colds.
"'Shiloh ,costs ep little and does so much!"
wom EN MU ST PAY von LAND.
But Men OturGet 1,00 Acres in. Can-
ada Tor the Asking:
A despatch, frtira 'Lenden, Eng-
land, say e Mio' Bithiie Clark,
epeaking at the IlOyal Colonial In-
stitute; 'etticl any woman who want-
ed 160 acres, in Canada, was com-
pelled to huy h, whereag every man
could have it for thee asking. Cana-
dian women ,had hong appealed for
equal homes,teseling riglite, without
She smallest reeult,
Roots, arks,
Are skilfullycomhined. with other valuable ingredients in I-Tood's, Sarsapa.,
rills, making. it, in our opinion, the stiongest and sgXest, the most succeee-
ful and the most widely usefid medicine Ter the Blood, Stomach, Liver and.
Kidneys. It, &Mains not only Sarsaparilla, but also those great Altera-
tives, Stillingia and"Bluo Flag; those great Anti -Bilious and Liver remedies,
Mandrake and Dandelion; those great Kidney remedies, ITva Ursi, Juniper
Berries and Pipsissetra; these, g rent Stomach Tonics, Geatien Root and
Wild Cherry Bark; and other valuable curative agents,
s Sarsa og g
Is ol' wonderful benefit in cases of Rheumatiand, Sciatica, Cate.rrh, Stomach
Troubles, Kidney and Liver Affections, Scrofula, Eczema, Skin Diseaees,
Bleed Poisons, Boils, 'Ulcers, all Eruptions, General Debility, Lees of Appe-
file, That Tired Feeling, and other Ills arising from impure bleed,
We have prepared a Special Folder dealing with
",A 7% Profit Sharing Bond
in a Well Established Induistry"
We consider these bonds an exceedingly
good investment from the standpoint
of' reliability and- good interest yield'.
Copy Wailed on Raquest
National Securities Corporation
A Splendid 10 cent Household Specialty is I sing Introduced all overeeanada. 1 14 015.
preclated by the Thrifty Housewife who wants adage 0l.741 a little Batten." Saud Pest
Card Simplysitya-
- "Send Package of Household. Specialty
Advertised in my Newspapqr, ."
That's all -Yon will be delfghtedi Pay if Satiefied-We tette the Task. Address P.O.
Box 1240, hfontreaL Can. This Offer expires june let, 18 a Send Smdayl '
Bars 'to Stay -Closed Until 8 0:Clock-Bottle Goods
Must Not Be Sold Over the Bar
A despatch' from Toronto says:
Two hours taken off the time dur-
ing which liquor may be sold in
hotels and the prohibition of the
sale of bottle goods over the basr to
be taken off the premises, are the
principal amendments proposed in
the Government's liquor license
legislation this year. The bill to
amend was introduced by Hon. W.
a. Hanna, Provincial Secretary, in-
to the Legislature cm ;Wednesday
evening. It contains four clauses.
Clause '1 seeks to define what is
meant by "tavern' license," which
it is declared shall mean a license
for selling liquor for consumption
only on the licensed premises in
which the liquor is sold.
Clause 2 amends the section of the
aot respecting shop licenses, Mr.
Hanna pointed out that in Toronto
a tavern license eest $1,600 a year
and a shop license $1,000. The dife
ference between tavern licenses and
shop licenses ie tarried throughin
large cities, but ie smaller places
it was the same for either. This
amendment brings the price of shop
licenses up to tavern 'Menses, and
the Province takes' posseesion of the
increased revenue. •
In clause 3 it is provided that
"any livery stable or other build-
ing to, which the public are in 'the
habit of resorting" is included un-
der section 50 of the at. This
makes it possible to prosecute where
liquor is found on such a place, as
the law now applies to boarding-
houses or other places maintaioed
for the accommodation of She pub -
Clause 4 makes it illegal for bars
to be opened before 8 o'clock in the
morning.' The present law allows
bars to open after 6 o'clock.
Canada, the Empire and the Wotla
in General Before Vont
The Previncial ektimates for the
year are nearly $14;000,000.
Kingston plumbers and tinsmiths
will get 25 cents' a day mere:
Galt Hydro, customers are to have
substantial reductions hi rates for
light and power, •
, ,
Harry Kennedy, one of the best-
known farmers of ICingston district,
was killed in an accident ab Out
Knife, S•ask. • •
j. W. Barnes, ex. -Councillor .of
'Steelton, was fatally iujured in the
rail mill of the Lake Superior Cor-
poration at Smilt Ste. Marie.
G. II. TTnwin, assistant professor
In English and lecturer in German
at .the Ontario Agricultural Col-
lege, Will go farming ito Alberta.
Charles, Hotigh, poling
, .
mao, wa,s killed at Copper Cliff by
O leconioLive. fli,s fiancee is ,eros0-
ing the ocean, expecting to marry
him in Sudbury.
The amt. -cities: of Latablion and
Midelle,seX [meet PaY135,•060 clainages
for the death of W. C. 1)i)14.m,
whose auto was clitehZd because the
roadway approeching a culvert was
not of legal width.
The new '0 P31. Austria -Canada
, .
11,9't.eastc, amhshlPrri7m1o*01en
John, N.B., of the steamer Ruth-
enian Dean Trieste, with 700 pas-
senge,rs and 2,000 to -mo of freight,,
Greet Britain.
Miss IT,Inerson, the American mili-
tant, was released from Holloway
Jail on Thursday.,
The suffragettes have received big
ellbeoriptione to their campaign
Kebty-Fletcher, Unionist M.P.,
will reiterate Outside parliament
quidlrly stops coughs, cures colds, trod heals
t10 threat and lunge, as 41 225 conks.
his remarks in Parliament as to
Lloyd George's alleged illegitimate
. United States.
' The International Railway- strike
at Buffalo ha's ended.
A womsn was shot axed a man
stabbed in the strike riots at Buf-
The remains of the late J Pier -
pont Morgan reached New Yolk on
The first, Parliament of the Chi-
nese Republic was emeteeci in Pekin.
North Atlantic steamship lines
have agreed to a still farther south -
oro route to avoid icehergs.
The greet powers are,.anxious to
hasten the conclusion of peace be-
tween Turkey aim] the Balkan
allies. `
Must, You Be Bald?
What have you'closte to stop your
hair from falling? tlave you tried
Resta .93" Hair Tonic ? If not, we
want you to try It at our risk.
If you have dandruff; if your hair
is falling out and ,your scalp is not
glazed and shiny, if you Moe Itexall
"93" Hair Tome according to diree-
Ilene for thirty days, and at the end
Of that time you ore not thoroughly
satisfied with thoeresults and will tell
ae, us 80,400 will immediately hand back
your money. ' won't ask you to
promise anything. 'We won't even
question you.' Wo will take yoer
mere word ael, return your money.
• Doesn't it stolid to 001180/1' that
lemma "93" Hair Tonic must be a
mighty good remedy and have given
great satisfaction to our customers if
we endorse it like thee? We know of
no similar reined!" that is as good. It
isbecause of 40114114 0301146114 "93" Hair •
'Tonic has done JOT °there that we
back it with otir own. money.
Why suffer scalp and hair trouble
or be bald, when ilexall "93" Hair
Tonic will remove dandruff, make
yew` scalp comfortable and healthy,
promote hair growth and toad to
prevent baldnees -.when WO Will
pay for the treatment ehould it fail
to please you? . ' •
We don't obligate you to any-
thing. You eimply buy the treat-
ment; 1180 it, and if not pleased,
coin() back 140us empty-handed- and
400 will hand back what. you paid us.
'fwo sizes, 500 and 91,0041 bottle.
'You Oa0 buyRexall ''93" Hair Tonic.
in 'this community only at our store:
Clinton The ZSteit Stara Ontario
' Thom to n ,Rosall Store in nearly SCOW town
and city in the United States, Canada and
Ot6.t Britnia. nem is a different Rexall
Remedy for nearly eyery ordinary human M-
eech espooially designed for the perticular 06
for which it is recommended.
Tho Rcxell Stores me America's Greatest
Otti Stores