The Clinton News Record, 1913-03-20, Page 7THE NEWS-RECORO'S CL1113- BING LIST FOR 1912-13 WEEKLIES: NeWsdleeotel and Mall .and 15rantre. $1.50 News,-Iteceml and •Olobe 1.60 ,NeWs-Itecora and Family' Herald Isee ' Star v1th eznhim 135 ‘' NeWs4Rueord arid .Witnesa.,.....;••••••'. ....,NeWirRecoid and, San • 1.75 ,ieWe,Iteec.rd • and Free, Press • 1.75 ,Newalleeord and Advertiser 1.76 Nevis -Record, and,,,Tbronto 'Saturday 06ighf 3,05 Newedieeord and- 'Farmer's: idvbettie 2.06. NeWs-Record and 'Fan n and. Dairy... 1.18 News-Rdeord, and 'Canadian Farm.. 6.76: News -Record and Youtli'e CoMpanloil 9.25; mIin News -Record and, Canadian ConntrY• kiews-Aeoord ifuit drowey 1.50 11,we-neo.q.51d The Canadian NewS-Record and Mail and Emnire.. 4..20 News -Record and Globe .. 4.25 NeWs-Record and 19 eWs ...... 2.30 News -Record and Star.•......... 2.50 News -Record. and World .............0.20 ,t7ews-Record and .3torning Free Press 3,25 ..,•oewo-Record and Evening Free Press 2.75 riews•Reeord anl Advertiser 3.00 moronity. • , News -Record and Poultry Review ... • 1.25 News -Record and Lippincott's Maga- Nestalter;ord and Canada Monthly, If what 'You want. is not in Shia list let na know about it. Wo can supply you at lees than it would cost you to send direct. Ik remitting pleaee do so by Post -office Ormir, Postal Note, Express Order or Reg- istered tester and address, W. J. MITCHELL, . PtiCIISher News -Record CLINTON, ONTARIO Synopsis of Canadian Northwest Land Regulations. .Any person who is the sole head Of a family, or anymale over 18 years old, may homestead a quart- er section of available Dominion land in Manitoba, Saskatchewan or Alberta. The applicant must ap- pear in person tho Dominion Lands Agency or Sub -Agency for the district:. Enfry by proxy may be made at any agency, on cer- tain conditions by father, mother, on, daughter, brother or sister of intending homesteader. • Duties. -Six months residence upon and cultivation of the land in wh. of three years. .A. homestead- er may live within nine miles of his homestead on a farm of at least 80 acree solely owned and oc- cupied by him or by his father, mother, son, daughter, brother or sister. In certain districts a homestead- er in good standing may pre-empt a quarter -section alongside his homestead., Price, 3,00 per acre. Duties. -Must reside upon the homestead or pre-emption six sloonths in each of six years from date of homestead entry (including the time required to earn home. stead patent) and cultivate fifty aeres extra. A homesteader who has exhausted his homestead right and cannot ob- tain a, pre-emption may enter for • a pureh asecI I romestead in certain districts. Price, $3.00. buties.-Must reside six months in ,eathof three years, eultivate fifty acres and erect a house worth 5300. CO. W. W. CORY, Deputy of the Minister of the In. terior. N.B.-Unauthorized publication of thie advertisement will not be paid for. MACHINE SHOPS BURNED, Disastrous Fire at SI. John's, New- foundland, A despatch from North Sydney, C.. B., says: A cable from St. John's, Nflel„ states that the Reid - Newfoundland Company'e machine shope were, destroyed by fire on Friday. NO details have been re- ceived, -but the loss, it is believed, WI)] reach several hundred thousand Asthma Catarrh WHOOPING.COUGHS SPASMODIC CROUP BRONCHITIS COUGHS COLDS ESTAIIII.0011112 1010 /1 simple, safe and effective treatment for bron. ehinl troubles, without dosing the stomach avIth clings. Used 50(1)1 success for thirty years. The air corrying We antiseptic vapor, inspired with every breath. maims breathing easy, soothes the sore throat, and stops the Conan, assuringremsw hrs. Cres01011e IS i0503110b10 10 mothers With • ung chilaron and a BOON to sufferers from Asthma. 80033 01 postal for descriptive booldet. MfillOGisTer. •,rer cRESOLENE ANTISEPTIC 25 ROAT TA BI.BTSIor the irritated throat. They uru shnpie, effeeliVe and antiseptic. 01 roor druggist or front up, le, In stamps. Vapo cresolene Co. 62 Cordon& St. N.Y. L.ming Miles ittilding Montreal, Can. 4 tattert • MONTREAL r 7rtim STANOARO,,,qs the National Weekly ,Newspaper 'of the Dominion 'of Canada. 11 la national in all its It uses the Most bxpensive engrav- ings, procuring the photographs fr.= all over the world. • `XL articles are ca.tefif1135 selected and its ' editorial policy is thoroughly indePondent. -JL subscription to', Th d Standard 'costs S2.00 per your to any address in Caeada, Or Great Britain. , TRY, IT FOR 1,912/ Montreal Standard Publishiug Csfq Limited, Publishers. BRITISH NAVAL ESTIMATES Five Battleships, Eight Cruisers, Sixteen Destroy- ers and Submarines to Be Built 'A despatch, f iloin London says: The British naval estimates for 1913-14, which Weise trenouneed on J. nurEday, total $231,546,500, ao compared • with 1j5225,377,000 last year. The oew building programme provides fbr' five 'hattleshilise eight light cruisers, sixteen torpedo-boat destroyers and a nuinber of- eub'- The personnel of the navy is to be ineremeed to 140,00 officers end men. There will be under construc- tion on April 1 eleven battleships,. three battleship cruisers, thirteen light cruisers, thirtysfive torpedo-, heat deetroyens and twenty-one submarines. During the year now elesin•g four battleships three bat- tleship cruisers, five lishis cruisers,. fifteen destroyers, and three sub- marines were completed. • The general opinion prevails in the House of Commons, that the Firet Lord of the Admiralty has cut the estimates rather fine, although it is conceded that they will Meet the needs of the Government. Both the "bigger navy" and the "little navy" politicians are disappointed. The former declare that the in- creese ought to be at least 515,- 000,000 greater, part of this for new ehipbuilding. The latter eon/plain that the immense is out of all pro- portion to the needs of the situation and ignores the /secant deeleration of the German Minister of the, Navy, Admiral Von Tirpitz, in which he agreed to Mr. Winston' Ohurchill'is rule, enunciated March, 1912, that Great Britain must build warships in the relation of sixteen to ten constraeted by Germany. They also 'urge that the projection of so largo a programme of new shipbuilding means a continuance of Gen/ion rivalry. It is also point- ed out that at the present moment the shipbuilding resources 'of the country are so taxed that they do not ,permit ef a larger construction- al programme. GREAT GERMAN WAR TAXES To Be On Capital,.Not Income, For the Provision • of National Fund for Armaments - Despafehes from Berlin give de, - tails of the German Eniperor's pro- posals to tax 'private fortunes for the provision of a great fund to be used for the increase in German ar- maments. The salient figures of the semi-official statement ssued 01 the subject are as follows:- . Fortunes up to $50,000, $1.25 in every $500. Fortunes of $50,000 te $125,000, $1.60 in every $500. Fortunes of 5126,000 to $250,59, $2.50 111 every $500. Fortunes of 5250,000 to 52,500,- 000, 55 in every 8500. Fortunes of 52,503,000 to $3,000,- 000, 57.50 le every 5500. Fortunee of 53,000:003 to 512,- 500,000, 510 in every 5500. Fortunes of 512,500,000 to 520,- 000,000, $12.50 in every 5500. ° Fortunes of 520,000,000 to 525,- 000,000, 515 in every 5500. Fortunes of more than $25,000,- 000, $20 in every $500. • To site a concrete example, Ber- tha Krupp 'Ven Bohlen, head of the gyeat Krupp works, will have to pay $1,800,000 as her share of the war tax. ' When it is remembered this is not a tax on income, Ina on capital, and that it strikes every bank ac- count of more than $5,000 in the German Empire, it is nob -shard to see what a vitdd blow has been struck et German trado expansion. And all Europe will be dragged down with Germane,: Every caner try of Europe will be forced th fol- low the example a Germany in ar- mament expansion, with a conse- quent increase of the burden of taxation.' The withdrawal of so laege an amount of capital from commercial paths means a corresponding re- striction of trade activity and of the power of trade to expand. • PRICES OF FARM PROTICTS REPORTS FROM THE LEADINC TRADE CENTRES OF AMERICA. Prim of Cattle, Brain, Cheese and Other ' Produce at Home and Abroad. Breadstuff's. Toronto, March 18. ---Manitoba Wheat - Lake ports, No. 1 northern, 97 1-2e; No, 2, 96e; No, 3, 92 1-2e; feed wheat, 65 1.244. Ontario Wheat -No. 930 to 930 for ear lots outside, ranging down to 700 for poor grades. Ontario Oats -No. 2 white, 03e to 34e at country points; 37c to 38o on track, To- ronto. Manitoba, Oats -No. 2, 0.W. este, 41e, track, bay ports; No. 3, C.W., 39 1-2c; No. 1 feed, 291.00 for prompt shipment. Corn -American No. 2 yellow, all rail, 58 1-4c; No. •3, 66 3-4c. Peas -NO. 2, $1,00 to $1.05, ear lots, out- side. Buckwheat -14o. 2, 62c to 53c. Rye -No. 2, 60e to 62c, nomimd. )3ar1ey-Good malting barley, outside, 54e. to 56e. Rolled Oate-Per bag of 90 pounds, .52.- 151 per barrel, 94.55, wholesale, Windsor to Montreal. Millfeed-Manitoba bran, $19.50 to 920, in bags, track. Toronto; ehorts, $21 to $21,60; Ontario bran, $19 to 920 in bags: :Marie, 121,60. . Manitoba Flour -First patents, $5.30 in jute bags; second patents, $4.00 in jute bags; strong bakers', $4.60 in jute bags. In cotton bags, ten cents More per bar - Ontario Flour -Winter wheat floor 90 per cent. patents, $3.90 to 53.95, seaboard. • Country Produce. Egge-Cold-etorage, 16e to 18e in ease lots; fresh eggs are selling at 22e; strict- ly new -laid at 230 to 26e. Cheese -Twine, now, 143.40 to 15c, and large, now, at 14 1.2e; old cheese, twins, 15e to /5 1 -le; large, 15e. 1311tler-Oreameri Prints, 31 to 32,e; do., solids, 29 to 30s; dairy oriels, 26 to 27e; infetior (bakers% 22 to 23e, Honey -Buckwheat, 94.1 pound in tin& and 80 in barrels; }drained clover honey, 125-00 a pound in 60 -pound tins. 523.40 in 10-poun4 tins; 13e in 6-nOttlid tins; comb lione,y, No. 1, $2.60 per dozen; extra, $3 Per dozen; No. 2, $2.40 per dozen. Poultry -Fresh killed ehieltene, I.7c to 20c per pound; fowl, 14e to 17e; live thick- ens, 15e Sc, 180; live fowl, 14o to 17e; dressed turkeys, 200 to 23e. Beane -Primes, 82.50 and $2.60 for band. Potatoes -Ontario potatoes, 75c per hag; car iota 7013; New Bminswick, 85e to 90e per bag, out of store; 80c in ear lots. Spanish Onions -Per case, 82.26 to 92,10. Provisions. Smelted and , Dry Salted Meats -Rolls - Smoked, 15e; hone, medium, 18e. tp 18 1-4e; heavY, 16e to 151-2o; breakfast bacon, /9c to 191-00; long clear bacon, tone and cases, 141 -Oe to 143-400 bauks (plain), 22c; backe (peameal),' 221-00. 4 Green ldeats-Out of pieltle; to leea than 00305(3(1. Pork -Short cut, $26 to 928 per barrel; mess pork, 921 to $22. Lard -Tierces, 14 1.-4e; tubs, 14 1.2e; pails, .24 3-4c. balsa Hay and Straw. Quotations, traek, Toronto -Baled hay, No. 1, Sig to $12.50; No, 2, $9 to $10; No. 3, $8 to 99; Baled straw, $9 to 99.00. • Montreal Markets.. 7,fontreal, Mareh 18.-Oate-Canadtan western, No. 2, 42e; do., Canadian western No. 3, 401-20; do., extra, No. feed, 41e: do., No. 2 lomd. white, 380; do., No. 3, Meal, white, 300; do., No. 4 local white, 36e. Bar- ley -Manitoba feed, lite to 63c; do., unlit - lug, 73e. to 700. Bueltwheat-No. 2, 560 to' He. Flour -Manitoba spring wheat pat eats, Meths, $5.40; do., Seconds, $4.90; do., strong bakers'. $4.70; do., winter patents, choice, $5,25; ao., straight rollers, 614.85 to. 04.00; .do•, straight rollers, bags, 92.20 to 92.35. Rolled oats-Earre133, $4.55 ; do., bugs, 50 lbs., $2.05. Bran -$20; shorts,' $52; iniddlinge, 926; mouillio, $30 to $35. Hey -No.• 2, per ton, ear Iota. $11.50 to 922.60. Cheese -Finest westerns. 13e; do., •ftnest easterns, 12 1-4c to 533.40, Butter-0ho/0. est ereatnery, 291-00 to 30o; do neconds, 24o to 26e; do., free% 28e to 30e; do selected Bic to 220; do., No. 1 etoeic, /60 to 1.80; do" No. 2 stook, 14e to 15c . Potatoes -Per bag oar Toter 600 to 700, thotati staths Markets. Mionesoolis, March, 18.--Whsat MaY, 84 743e to 86e.; ;July, 87 1-4e; September, 07 7-80; No. 1 hard, 05 1-2e; No. 1. northern; 561-55 to Ho; No. 2 northern, 81.1-4,3 to 82 3.4e, Ootm--No, 3 Yellow, 45 1,2c to 46e, Oats --NO, 3 White, 292.4,, to 292-4o. Rye, No, 2, 53o to 560, Bram $17 to $17.60, Flour uneh a n god • • 4 Duluth, March 16. -Wheat' --No, 1 hard, 84.7.80 to 091 -Bo; No. 2 northern, 79 7-13c to 927.01; May, 797.00 to 860 asked; luly, 071.50 to 876.00 asked: September, 87 Me bid LIve Stook Markets. Montreal, March 18.-32,e top priee res. Used for good eteers was $7,,but the bulk of eaten were Inutin nt,88.50 to $6.75, and the lower grades Bold front that down. Butchers' cows ranged from $3,50 to 96 and bulle brought from $3.60 Go 55.60 per 100 pounds Sheep, $4.26 to 54.50 and lambs, 94.25 to 98 per 100 pountig. Calves ranged from $4.50 to $10 each, as to size and qua. My. Selected lots of bogs sold from $10.30 to 910.40 per 100 pounde, weighed off cars. Torouto, March 18. -Cattle - Choice butcher, $6.50 to $7.25; good medium, 95.. 50 to .45.75; commons, $5 to $5.25; cowe, 94,75 to $5•50; bulls, $3 to 95.25; canners, $2 to, $2 50; cutters. $3.26 to $3.75. Calves - Good veal, $8 to $9.25; common, $3 to 93.4 26. Stockers and 3eeders-Steers-700 to 900 lbs., $5 to $6.60; feeding bulls, 650 to 900 lbs., $5 to 96.60; feeding hullo, 900 to 1,100 lbs., $2.75 t $4.25;yearlings, $3.10 to $3.50. Milkers and Springers -From $50 to $72. Sheep and Lambs -Light ewes. 96 to $7.25; heavy. $5 to $6; lambs, 88.25 to $10; backs, 8459 to $6. Ttogs-$9.50 to $9.65, fed and watered, $9.15 to 159.25 f.o.b. 1410 ntelitraLs"LettranCtIoudig: eaondmuCcohldts4 1 TOWN VVI11.-'ED OUT. Provencal, Louisiana, Suffers From ' a Cyelone. A despatch from Alexandria. Louisiana, says: The town of Pro- veneal, La., 52 miles west of here, was practically wiped out by a cy- clene, which .struck there on Thurs- day morning. A negro boy was killed and fifteen persons weies in- jured. Two churches, a number of mercantile houses and twenty-five buildings were demolished. The stem ewept everything before it in a Path between three hundred and five hundred yards wide. A report reached here late Thursday that the town of Many, Lae has also suffer- ed from the storm, but owing to terrepted, wire 'communications no details -were ebtainable. 04 DEATH ROLL OF FOUR. Iligh Wind in Australia Causes G rent D am a ge. A despatch from Sydney, says :A 60 -mile gale swept this city on Tuesday, causing several fatali- ties and doing great dernage ashore and afloat. Sixty street ears were derailed by the wind, a,nd several yathts were Wrecked, and ellimneys were toppled over throughout the city. • A deluge accompanied the gale. One man was electrocuted and ten lierses 'killed by a fallen wire, and three men were drowned in the harbor. Sameto tree IT yOu write Hattenat Orlin Chemical Co. et Canada, Limited, Toronto. • Pains Have Vanished Negraigla Completely Cured. 'The cure of Mrs. 25, L. '• Barrett, glithrie, P. (1,, In another victory by Hood's Sarsaparilla. This great medi- cine has succeeded In many eases where others have utterly failed. Mrs. Barrett says: ' "I • suffered intensely from neuralgia In the rietut face and shoulders. I had used Various !mat- ch -mg wtthout relief. I heard of Hood's Sal.saparilla end decided to try it, and I bless the day I did. I took It several months and now feel well. 411- 1237 pains haYe varlet:ed." .Get Hood's Sarsapu,rniu today. Sold by all druggists everywhere. WONDERFUL PEAT. The- Great Stearnship Olympic Ilas - Been Made Unsinkable.. ' A Belfast deepatch to the Lon- don Evening New e says: "One of the most wonderful shin -building feat* over known has been rmorlY finished On the White Star liner Olympic. The nature of the work thus far has been kept secret, but no* we are able to say that Har. ]and & 'Wolff are consteueting an enonneus eteet shell inside her hull. It, extends riearly the full length of the ship, from No. 3 bulkhead for- ward to the rear of the turbine, room aft. If she collided -with ice- bergs as her sister ship Titanic did and her hull were ripped off by a slanting blow she would not sink. The inner shell would keep her affoat almost as if nothing had hap- pened. Harland & Vi'olff, the na- val architects, believe they have solved the problera of the unsink- able ship."' 11. SHOT wrrito UT TRIAL. Albanians Captured by Servian Teoops. ' A despatch /from Fra,nkfort-on- the-Maih, Germany, says: Three hundred Albanian inhabitants of the district of Litnna, in the Turkish Province of Kossovo were on Thurs- day shot `Without trial by Servian troops, accOrdieg to a . despatch from Uskup to The Frankfurt Ga- zette. The inhabitants of the dis- trict totalled 400. They were sm- armed peasants and did not follow the example of the rest of the Al- banians in fleeing to the mountains. All were capturecrby a column of Servian troops, svho after shooting 300 of Ahem brought the surviving 100 as prisoners to Prisrend, the .capital of the province. ZA EB UK 11 OES CUR E PILES. Mrs. 0. Hanson, wife of the pro- prietor of the Commercial Hotel, Poplar, 13.0., suffered from piles for years. Went to doctor after doctor in vain. Finally, went to Spokane and had an operation. Twelve months afterwards she was as bad again. She says, "Oee day I read about Zam-Buk and thought I would try it. The first one 03 two boxes gave me more ease than anything else I had tried, so I went on with the treatment, In a short time I began to feel altogether dif- ferent and better, and I saw „that Zam-Buk was going th cure me. Well, I Went on using it, anel by the time I had used six boxes I was delighted to find myself entirely cured." 50c. all druggists and stores; TITANIC VICTIMS' PROPERTY. Large Atriourit Shit claimed at Halifax. A despatch from Halifax says: Attached to the report of the Pro- vincial . Secretary, which was brought clown in the .Legislature on Thursday night, Was a long memor- andum giving details of the proper- ty found on the bodies of the Ti- tanic victims 'brought to Halifax. The•property has been claimed in many instances, but that belongieg to about 30 victims of the tragedy still remains in the vaults. 41' SMALLPDX AT 'EARIsTON, Authorities Have the Epidemic Well in Hand. A despatch from Cobalt says Twenty eases of smallpox, have de- veloped in the little Town of Earl - ton' on the '1. and N. 0. Railway, d antwo general .stores, two pool rooms, a, restaurant, and several dwelling -houses have been quaran- tined. In all eleven families have been confined to their dwellings by Dr. George, Provincial Medical Of- ficer, who is in charge of the sitea- lion. The case originated in the Public school with a child foie a faini' in the country. A IFII!ENIAN'S PERIL Row Zsin-Ilsk Delivered Rio, ------ .dt 215 Fraser Ave., lives W. P. Malty, a former member of the local fire brigade, who has won- derful cause to be thankful for the curative powers of Zana -805t, lie says: "A serious skin disease broke out on my face, and spread until I was in a terrible stafe. The spOts and little ulcers were frightfully irritating, and yet when scratched or rubbed they bled and smarted. Shaving caused me agony, and sometimes I would have to go two weeks without a shave. I tried' homentade,reineclies, herb salves, and various other preparations, but the sores got no better. When' Zsen-Bols was „mentioned I had little faith that it would be able to do me any good. My case mined such an obstinate one. I gave it a'fair trial, however, arad the firet box made such a wonderful change' 'for the better that it gave me en, couragentent to coutinue. I -did so, and to cut a long etory short, Zan -Buie 'M the end, quite cured me. MY face la now lear of all traceS of the ter- rible disease, which troubled nee for eti long.",e • , • T,housands of Sufferers from eczema, hioostl, poison, 020259, ehrore, cuts ri1;Sero0 pne; traria and ieirtn injuries, have been re. ileved and cured, as was Mrs Malty, by Zarrelault, As a balm for all skiu ire Juriee arid diseases 1168 Without equal," All druggiSts and stores at 500(box, or post free from ZsraBuir Go,, eoronto, for price, Refuse harmful substitutes. , nom ALE OVED ' TUE GEO 1121 IN A • N Canada, the Empire and the World In General Before Your Elms. Canada. There is, less ice in the great lakes than a, year ago. The hotelmen of Canada will or- ganize a protective association. Petrolea and Wyoming Fruit Growers' Association,s have been krrmed. • New, <lecke planned by the R. & 0. Navigation C.e. at Toronto are likely to coot a million dollars. Frank MeMulkin, Sell., of Inger- soll, was inetantIP killed by atrein as lie walked in front of another, The York Highways Commission plans to build fifty. miles of good roads this coming summer. Revolting conditions in' Peters bore's slaughterhouses were re- vealed in the Sanitary Lespector's reports • Changes are to be made at the Toronto Observatory, 'by which it is probable the weather • will be forecast a week in advance. • -- Supplementtery estimates tabled in the House by the Minister of Fi- nance total 55,392,507, making the, total vote for -the current year 51743018,874. Great Britain. Suffragettes made a raid on the Home Office on Friday. Admiral Sir A. L. Douglas, who was born in Quebec, died in Eng- land. Five suffragists, who attempted to- petition the King, refused to give bond, and went, to jail. The British echerne for the com- memoration of the century of peace with the United States provides for a. permanent memorial to cost a quarter of a million dollars, 'United States. Fierce storms swept over the United States on ,Friday. Many lives were lost. The New York Yacht Club de- clined Sir Therness Liriton's chal- lenge for the America's Cup on the ground that it does not conform with the deed of gift. • General. The widow of Captain Scott sailed frost New Zealand for England en Weclnescla,y. The earth slide on the east bank of Culebra cut, Panama Canal, is again in motion. A German motoe letnls ship, using oil fuel and registering over 8,000 tons, had a successful trial. FOUNDATION STONE LAID. Canberra, the New Capital City of Australia. .A despatch from Sydney, Au- stralia, says : The foundation stone of the future capital., of Australia was laid on Wednesday by Lord Demean, Governor-General of the Commonwealth, Lady Denman christened the new city Canberra, in the presence of great crewels from Melbourne arid Sydney. The Australian Ministers also attend- ed the ceremony of inauguration of what is intended to be is model ca- pital. The city is td be built on a site on which the only buildings now existing are scattered dwellings of farmers. . Forty years in Ilse, 20 years the standard, prescribed and recom- mended by physicians. :For Wo: MAWS Ailments, Dr, Marten/ Female Pills, at your ilnxggist. ' BRITISH NAVY IS EFFICIENT. Sir Percy Scott, on Ris Retirement, Says Gunnery is Good. A despatch _from London says: Speaking at the banquet of the Chamber of Commerce on Wednes- day night, Vice -Admiral Sir Percy Scott said:- "At the end of this week I will be out of the navy. There is no reason for me to remain when I only bleak the path to pro- motion of those my. junior." The 'Admiral added that the British navy was never more efficient than at the present time. In the last two months the Admiralty had made greater strides in gunnery efficiency than in five years previ- ously. QUEBEC TO WINNIPEG. What Chief. Contractor Says About The N. T. It. A despatch frem Ottawa says: According to a. statement Made by Mr. M. J. 0'l3rien, chief contractor for the eo.n.struction of the National Tram scontinental Railway between Quebec and Winnipeg, thie stretch of the road:will be complete -d by the end of, this year if nothing unex- pected happens to%rielay it, Iu the course of an intervieW ''svie.h.' the danathign Press on .ffihnretlay Me. O'Brien %stated that .h,c expects to haye an' .a,eusy of 4000 men 'at Work on the 750 miles yet bit be construct - est, that is, if' he can get that many men. Re anticipates, smite dithenity in, this' rdsphotz, DESTRUC'CIVE ,CYCLONE. • Rally 1.Peopie 10110 or:.Jidureil.,at • . . Buenes Ayres. A clespk,tch 'from Baenlas Ayres, Argentina, says Many people, Were lolled or injured by a deetrtietive' eyelone which Struck this city 011 Friday. Great damage was caused Comfort Soap means "Comfort" -not Just "Soap" POSITIVELY THE LARGEST SALE IN CANADA SEED REJECTED. Eighty Per Cent. of Red Clover Thrown Rack on Farmers. Fully 80 per eent. of the red clo- ver seed -offered th local seed mer - clients this winter has been unfit to use. Where one sampleis accepted eight aro rejected. The amount on the halide of fanners 19 heevy, send a good deal of it is uselese. Few farmers wilisplant what they have.; it would be folly. • While the seed was discolored by the damp weather last fall, it has not been rejected for this, but because itis filled with foreign matter, with -weed Seeds of all descriptions and eizes. One local buyer has about one hundred 'samples of bad seeds that propagate along with gress seeds in the average Ontario field. He know the situation a good deal bet- ter than most interested parties, and he estates that this is eine to poor fanning through carelessness or lack of skill. Farmers in- Many cases do not even know that their offerings are poor when they bring them' to the wholeeale men. They are often hurt when it is rejected, and 18 15 only when thee, witness the results, of sifting and cleaning that they recognize. that it is net worth b trying, The preducer should know this while it is yet unthrashed or uncut ; not ftee he has gone th a Mt of expense. Government regulation just here has been strongly urged. As an immediate remedy. an inspec- tor "could be appointed to visit fields and determine what ones are fit for threshing and what not. As a permanent remedy, the fanner and the farmer's son -could be edu- cated. A merchant remarked the other day that the fanner's son has been trained fee the city, not for the farm, in the rural school, and emphasized the value of what is now being done to introduce scien- tific farming into the curriculum of the country school. There is no market for poor 'seeds; there is a streng market foe good 'seeds. A heavy trade is now passing in most varieties, as Pro- vin.cial retail merchants 41.1e pre- paring for epring ne.eds. But prac- tically ell the red clover, as well as much ether seed, has been imported from England and the United States. The Ontario fermer would have this market Method, of the out- sider if his product was up te the mark. -Globe, ISLOM euichiy sums coughs, cures colds, and heals the throat and lungs. a 1: 23 cents. VIRULF,IN T INFLUENZA. An Epidemic is Raging at -Vienna, A ustri a . A despatch froin Vienna, Austria,. says: The worst epidemic of influ- enza on record' is afflicting the Austrian capital. Half a million cases have been reported during the past three months, according to the statistics of the City Health De- partment, and the epidemic is still raging su severely as to tax the capacity of the priva-te doctors, public hospitals and nursing insti- tutions. Whole families appear to be attacked simultaneously, and persons of all ages aro affected. The disease. on this occasion is of a peculiarly virulent type, :with seri- ous after effects, such as inflamma- tion of the lungs, bronchitis, indi- gestion and general debility. The doctors hope the Betting in of mild- er weather will diminish the out- break. BIG CUANGE COMING. Bill Will be Introduced to Reform the House of Lords. • A despatch from London says: During the course of the debate in the House of Cloarirnons on Wednes- day night the Postmaster-Gene.ral, the Rt. Hon. H. L. Samuel, inti- mated 111118 18 was the intention of She Government during the I if e t irne of the present Parliament to intro- duce II bill for the reform of the ,.....,.....aramsnrarausszsairmaceacmcasulest HUSBAND AND WIFE BOTH TROUBLED BIN PILLS Cured Them 'Achille Mills, One, March 3101,1902. "I WaS troubled for many years with Kidney Disease, and a friend told me to take GIN 1'.1.1,1,S. After taking a few boxes, I was greatly relieved, and after finishing the twelfth box, the pain completely left me. '- My wife is now using GIN 3111,I,0 god finds that she has been greatly relieved of the pain over her kidneys, /can safely recommend anyone suffer- ing- front Kidney Trouble to give a lair trial to GIN PILLS." THOMAS STBPII9)NSON. We allow yon to make this trial absolutely free of cost Simply write National Drug and Chemical Co. of Canada, I,itnite'd, Toronto, and they Will eend you a free santple of Ciu Pills. Try thent. They will do you so inuch good that you will gladly get the regular size boxes at your local dealerls. 500. a box, 6 for $.1.50. 1432 House of Lords. He said that the new Second Chamber ,,y6aulcl con- tain' no vestige of- the hereditary principle; and that tinder no cir- cumstances would its absolute veto be restored'. : • : WHY IS THE BEST FOR YOU. BECAUSE It keeps your "White Clothes" looking Just like New. It does not Spot or Streak the clothes as there is no settling. 211s the "Sandiest Kind" to 'use. It Is Guaranteed to give Perfect Satis- faction or money Cheerfully Refunded, LISTEN! TRY IT, and Prove ir for Yourself. A re cent pack- age lasts abOnt months, as It blues zs Good Sze Washings Manufactured by The Johtme• Illeherdeon Co. Linitted, Cen. "J -R Blue is touch better than any other," Miss Thontson, Behnont, Man, "J -Il Blue is an Excellent Blue, Superior to other 13I0,es." Mrs. Frank J. Mears, Conn, 0a, "J -R Blue is the best Blue I ever used." Alts. W. Switscr, Brandon, Mau. FIRST MORTGAGF SINKING FUND QUAnTEDULT 10 Year 01411 Bonds a 4100,. ;SOS and 95,000, payable 10:‘ cash and 10"./. monthly. FREE BOOK7,E7' Marcil Trust Company Limited Montrsal. (M, 3781). AYE from the X Ranch Corral a wall eyed Pinto Broncho with a Roman nose and lightning heels. We have issued a humorous descriptive circular of this remarkable bronco with illus- trations of his antics. Sent free on application to any reader of thispaper. This Is the most famous circular over printed In the English language. More than half a million copies have already been distributed to advertise our famous Pinto Shell gloves made from tough Bronco hides. For a free, copy send postal to URSON AY RN/TTING 610. Canada's Expert Clove and 01111 Makers, BB MONTREAL. Mellarelearemerlemereemesastmalserrecommale Microbes in Your Scalp Authorities say that a microbe causes baldness. If you are losing hair try our remedy at our risk. Professor Unna, of Germany, and Dr. Sabouraud, the great French Dermatologist, claim that a mi- crobe causee baldness, and their theory has been verified by eminent scientists. This microbe destroys the hair follicles, in time cauaing the - scalp pores to close and the ecalp to become Shiny. Then, it is believed nothing will revivo the growth. H treated before this occurs, baldness may be overcool°. We know of nothing that has given ouch universal satisfaction in treating the scalp and hair as Resall "93" Hair Tome. It hes been de- signed after long study to overcome the cause of falling hair as discovered by Prof. Unna, Dr. Sabouraud and other scalp and hair Specialists, Lind we believo it will do more than any.• elso can to remove dandruff and stop falling hair; and if any Imman agency can promote a new growth of hair it will do that, too. • We want you to make us prove it. We will pay for a month's treatment of Rexall "93" Hair Tonic used dur- ing a trial, if you Will uso it ac- cording to directione, and aro not thoroughly stilisfied. When WO will do this, you surely should not hesitate to at least try it. Start tho treatment today. 'Your more request will get your money 5505 50 you 111115 51. Two sizes, 50e and BIM. • You can buy Rexall "93" Hair Tullio in this community only at our store: W. S. R. 110LMES. Vinton 1110 &ore Ontario There is a Regall Store in needy every town and city in the United States, Canada and Great Britain. Them is a different Resell Remedy for nearly every ordinary human 15 -- tiaoh especially deSigned for the particular ill for which 11 10 recommended. The Rcsall Stores are America'a Greatest • Drug Stores