The Clinton News Record, 1913-03-20, Page 1—aaa'areaaaa—ae-aa—e—e'ree No 17'73 -34th Year CLINTON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MARCH 20th, 1913 THE HOME PAPE CLINTON SPRING FAIR is the BEST Live Stock Show in Western Ontario. On Thursday, April 3rd. Easter Jewelery at Hellyar's We have a good selection of Bracelets, • Crosses, Pendants, Brooches, and Rings. • We have also a beautiful selection of watch bracelets, all of good quality. You will find our prices compare favor- • ably with what you will pay anywhere for goods of this quality. ' to. jeweler ana Optician Clinton The Roya 1 Bank OF CANADA. • Capital Authorized $25,000,000 Capital Paid-up 11,500,000 • Reserve and Undivided Profits 12,500,000 Total Assets 175,000,000 325 Branches. With world wide connection. Interest allowed on Debosits. General Banking business transacted.. R, E. MANNING, Manager - Clinton Branch. 1 1 Molsons Bank Incorporated 1855 Established in Clinton 1879 HEAD °MOE MONTREAL SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT Interest allowed. at highest current rate on sums of $1 and upward from date of deposit. joint accounts allowed. BEAM:DOS AND *METE ALL OVER CANADA AND ACiENTS ALL OVER TDE WORLD, A - GENERAL - BANKING - BUSINESS - TRANSACTED. C. E. Dowding Manager -, Clinton Branch. 1 ."'"'",91111111111111 2.[11•1111••••11 EASTER We've made great preparations for your Easter Outfitting we've the lest of everything. Uhe rule that e?,erybody must appear in something nefh) on Easter Sunday is be- coming more firmly established each year. If you want to appear in a New duit for Easter get your order in early. OUR TAILORING 7;!EPARTMENT is in full swing Suits Made to Your Measure $22 to $28 Trousers Made to Your Measure $5 to $7.50 HATS AND HABERDASHERY A new Easter 21e and jut every man and boy must have I We've all the new and correct spring blocks tn siiff and soft .Hats. $1.00—$1.50—$2.50—$3.50 EXCLUSIVE NECKWEAR 25c -35c -50c -75c 7.47,00 2HE BES9 GLOVES IN NEW SHADES CHOICE MAIMS AND HOSIERY', EVC, Tig bargains in alen's and T3oys overcoats, It will pay— youllvit to buy one for next winter. THE MOIIRISH CLITHING CO. • CLINTON, ONTARIO Furnishers "To Men Who Care." WILLIS CHURCH. Easter wall be observed on Sunday morning next by special sermon music, eM. In he evening the pas- tor, Rev. D. K. Grant, will make special reference to Livingstone's life and work. MAY RE -ORGANIZE. T1316 LOCAL IdA,RKET. Wheat 92c, , Peas 90c to $1.00. ' Oats 30c to 31c. • Barley 45e to 50c. Butter 22e to 23c. • Eggs 19c to 20c. • Live Hoge $9.25. A meeting of the creditors of the national Land, Fruit and Packing Company wae held at Toronto on Friday last, in the absence of • the president the liquidator pro -tem be- ing in charge, The report present- ed showed liabilities of about $160,- 000, After considerable discussion it was decided to re-otganize and eon- tinue business but action eras deferr- ed until the return of the president and vice-president • from England where they have been for some weeks. It is understood that the president has -succeeded in getting considerable additional capital and that there are good prospeets of the N. L.F. and P. Company continuing in business. With most of the pre- liminary Work done, equipmeet bought, and two lean years past it ought in future with economical management to be able to declare a dividend. LITTLE LOCALS. Murphy Lodge is steadily adding to its membership. The value of Clinton's good roads is daily being demonstrated. The small ads, on page five are -a feature of The News -Record and bring good results. Mr. Wm. Cook, who has been liv- ing on Vietoria street south of the track, has rented Mr. James Cocia's cottaee on Orange street. Mr. J. W. Elliott has rented the Hill livery barn from the owner, Mr. D.. 13, Kennedy and will carry, on the business at both places. The services in tho S, A. hall next Sunday will be conducted by the loc- al officers, Captain Gibb and Lieut. Ainsworth going to their respective homes for the holidays, Captain Gibb to Toeonto, Lieut Ainsworth to Hes- peter. A MODERN MILL. - After being in the hands of the mill-wriehts for four months the Clinton Flour Mill is again running. It was overhauled from top to bottafe, the old machinery thrown out and replaced by ;the most mod- ern equipment that could be obtain- ed. The process cost several thous- and dollars but it has .eonvertede-the mill into one of the most up-to- date in the province. The proarie• tor, Mr. John Shoenhals, who is an experienced and successful miller, will bepersonally in charge, with aali lialtizhauer, Harry Glazier and Pat Reynolds assistants, The lat- ter trio are well and favorably keown by the patrons of the mill. Mr. 'Shoenhals' chief aim is to cetera° the local , manket and with his equipment, experienced skill, and lassistants there is no good reason 1 why the great bulk cif the local de- inand for flour should not be filled from the Clinton Mill instead of froin outside mills, big and little. The loyalty to home institutione which is characteristic of the people of this district, will no doubt be shown by , patronizing the up-to-date Clinton Flour Mill, ST. PAUL'S CHURCH. Services have been held this week each evening at eight o'clock. The rector gave a series of , addresses on •the "Seven la,st Words frorn the Cross." There will be services on Good Friday at 1030 a.m. and 8 p.m.• , On Sunday the services will be as follows : Holy Communion at half past eight, morning prayer and Holy Comaninion at eleven, children's ser- vice at -three o'clock, evening pray- er at seven. At the . children's ser- vice the Lenten offering for missione given by the Sunday school will be presented. Special 'Music will be rendered by the choir at all the ser- vices and the chuech will be taste- fully decorated with plants and flow- ers. The order of service in the morn- ing and evening will be : lVfornfrig -prayer and Holy Commun- ion : 11 a.m. Processional -Hymn 171 ''Welcorne Happy Morning" Easter Chant, Humphries.. Te Deum, Dykes. Jubilate, Goodson. Hymn 157, "Jesus Christ is Risen , the Today" The Holy Communion. Kyorie, Mendelsshon. Gloria in Excolsis, Blackburn. Hymn 16e, "The Strife is O'er, Battle Done " • Sermon by the Rector, Offertory Anthem, "Songs of Vice tory" II. J. Lacey. Recessional Hymn 368, ''At the Lanth's, High 'Feast We Sing," e Eventrie Prayer 7 each -JO, ' Processional laymn 164, 'Christ the. Lend is Risen Today." Maertificat Bunnetts Nune Dimittis, etarnby, Anthem, "Songs of Victory" 11 J, Lacey. Hymn 189, "AllelulM, Hearts to Feeven end Voices Raise." Sermon, "Life and 'mortality" 2 Tim. 1-10,, Offertory Anthem, "Halleluiah Cbor- us." Recessional Hymn 27, "The Day Thou Ciavest." ENC,AGEMENT ANNOUNCED. . . The following item, which appeared in the Toronto' papers on lelondaY• will he 'of interest to News -Record teaiders referring, as it does to a for- mer popular , Clintordan Mi and Mrs. 'Alexander Annetrong (formerly of Chilton). announce the engagement of their daughter, May Alexandra, to Mr. John M. Beswiek, of Toronto, • the marriage to , take place in April.'' BAPTIST CHURCH, The pastor, Rene W. W. Wylie, con- ducted the services eon Sunday last, preaching in the 'morning on, "Christ 'Crucified,'and in the evening from the woeds, "His name than endure forever." The service this (Thugs day)evening will take the place of O Livingstone centenary e,elebration, when the pastor will give a lecture on the great' traveller ant' mission- ary. Toe subjects for Sunday Itext will be, morning : The Ono Empty Tomb," evening : "A Great Monster Slain." DEATH OF THOMAS LIT'PLE The death took place on March llth at Mono Road of Mr. Thos. Little, an old resident of Peel Coun- ty. Mr. Little was well known and had a large family connection. The funeral on Monday was one of the largest in theta parts for years, nearly one hundred rigs following the remains to St. James' church, Cal- edon East and to the cemetery, showing the respect in which he was held. The large churele was packed to the doors by his numerous fri- ends and relatives, the services being in charge of Rev. F. Herman, for- merly of -Clinton. Mr. Little, who was in his 79th year, was a relative of Mrs, Whitehead of town and was acquaiated with a =Aber in this neighborhood. WESLEY CHURCH. Rev, Harold Willaus of Nile preached ,morning and evening on Sun- day, the pastor being in Goderich conducting anniversary services in North street chefeh. Mr. Willane also addressed the Sunday school in the afternoon. The League held their weekly meet- ing immediately after the evening preaching service on Sunday, the pro- gram being in keeping with the Liv- ingstone: centenary. Mr. W. H. Hell- yar will address the League next Monday, evening. Mrs, T. 11 East presided at ' the oegan on Sunday in the absence of Mr, Koller. A meeting of the temperance work- ers of the. county is being held in this church today. Special Easter services mall be held cn Sunday next. WORDS OF APPRECIATION. "Please find enclosed iny renewal of subscription to The News -Record which I assure you is a welcome visitor every week,"—Mrs, E, Hall, Prince Albert, Sask. Mr. J. MeClay of Alameda, Sask., writes : "I talie very great pleasure in renewingmy, subscription to The News -Record for it brings us a big budget of news every week from ,the old home town." Mr 0, S. Lowery of. Medicine Hat, Alta,, in renewing his sub, to the end of 1914 writes : "There is no paper we read with as much pleas- ure as The News -Record, which keeps us so closely in touch with passing events in the old hoine district." Mr. W. J. Emmerson of VanscoY• Sask,, writes : We appreciate The News -Record so much that it is a pleasure to renew. Really go I read ft every week I seem to know al- most as well whit's happening in the old neighborlitiod as it I still lived there. Continued success to The People's Paper." THE CADET CONCERT. The entertainment put on iis the town hall on Monday by the stud- ents of the Conegiate Inetitute brought out a good crowd and prov- ed to be very interesting. Dr. Shaw presided. The program, which was put on entirely by the students, consiseed of a coups ple-e "Nicholas Niekleby" and The New Cook", drill's, marches and vocal and instrumental music, the students ac- reuittingt1 themselves very creditably. The plays proved to be very funny, the parts Meg taken vety suecesa, fully by the students. The drills giv- en by the girls were very pretty. The cadets march and coenter- marched under the eommand of Lieut., Towne and gave the Swedish physical Ozonise under the direction of Principal Tre- leaven, Miss Lulu Howe sang 'Killarney" charmittely and Miss Rennie rendered a solo very incely Mr. Clifford Whitmore contributed a piano selection and was compelled to respohd to aft encore, the rfroceeds, which amounted to a nice little sum, will be toed to pro - Mae uniforms for the cadets, of which a °caps has been formed, 'I his was tare lergest 'affair ever attetnpted by the students and they are to he congratelated Amon the .ettecees of theft efforts WOMEN'S INSTITUTE. The Women's Institute will meet at the home of Mrs. Sadie Jahnstoue, Rattenbury etreet, on Thursday af- ternoon next at three o'clock, The topic will be- "Building a Career," All membere are requested to be pan - sent as important businese will be brought before the meeting. Visit- ors welcome.. ONT. ST, CHURCH, On Sunday eventing last the pastor, Rev. S. J. Allin, preached the third sermon in the series of discoursee on the "Temptation Of Christ." In ad- dition to an excellent anthem by the choir the congregation had the priv- ilege of hearing Messrs, W. Harland and L• Weir sing a duet, ' Next Sunday the choir will ren- der Easter -music at both services. The pastor WM preach on themes appropriate to the day. . The League held its meeting on Tuesday evening when the pastor gave a very interesting address on "The Life of St. Patrick." PERTINENT guEsTioNs. Who will be Mayor ou the resigna- tion of Mayor .Gibbinge ? What is the councii doing with the hydro -electric , debentures ? Wouldn't it he • a goect idea to get them upon the market ? • Will the town be ready to take over the electric light plant in May 1 -What about seeding down the mar- ket square this tiering ? Wouldn't such a green ,spot in the centre of the town add a goad deal to its appearance. Has the Horticultural Society made any plans for town beautification during the coming seasen ? ' Has the Hydro -Electric contract been signed yet ?. if not, then why not ? If Mr. H. 13. Chant is appointed superintendent of the Hydro -electric end waterworks plants will not the whole town have perfect confidence in the management ? ATHLETIC ASSOCIATIONS. On Tuesday and WedneSday of this week there were organieed in convection 'WW1 the Clinton Model . school two Athletic As- sociations for the purpose of foster- ing sports. 4 is hoped that these organizations will become permanent and it is proposed to draw up is set of bylaws governing the same. The girls have oeganieed for basaethall with the following executive officers for the year Hou. President, Miss May Rance. President, Miss M, Ker, Vice, Kathleen Dowzer. Secretary, Mary Chidley. Treasurer, Helen _Forrester. Executive Committee, Eleanor Mac- kenzie, Mildred Cook, Maida Arm- our, Alice Peekitt, Bessie Har- land, Edna, McCaughey, Evelyn CVO, Beryl Cooper, The boys will go in for baseball and the following are the officers : Hon. President, T. Jackson, Jr. President, 0. D,llouck Vice, Oliver Johnson, Secretary, Mervyn Elliott, Treasurer, 18. 11111 Executive ,Committee, Earl Coopm, Ambrose McGuire, Earle Steeee. A schedule of games will be form- ed in each organization' and the win- ners of the series will be given a suitable prize. Holmesville On Sunday last Rev, Mr. eie( or - :nick, pastor of the Tile aridist church, exchanged pulpits with Rev. Mr, Baird of Mitchell, who preaehed missionary sermons at leollnifeville =aide% and 'evening and at -Ebenezer in the afternoon. His sermons were both eloquent and ieteresting and were appreciated Mr. -J. R. Holenes put a telephone In Ids house' last week, The peo- ple who now have not that conven- ience feel that they are behind the times, . Mr, Wm. Rath, who Caine to reside in, Holenesville last fall, has gone back to Clinton; Mr. Rath has not enjoyed the 'best of health since craning to llohnesville. I MuchimpatIty 'is felt for' Mt sy. Stoddart who lost a valuable team of horses in the Maitland River oae day last week, But it was fortunate that no human life was loge. , Mr. George 1 -Tolland is in Elgin county tlas week buying • up a load of caws,e eteers, heifers and calves which he will sell at the home farm on Thursday and Fraley next, Goderich Township Mr, W. II Loeb returned to North ' Perth aide week to bring -down a carload of cows, young cattle a and brood sews evhich he bought last week, They were personally selected by Mr. Lobb and will be disposed of by private sale, at his farm on the lath eon, - Hullett Township A number of intimate friends gath- ered at the home of Miss Jennie Glew one afternoon last week and an old fashioned quilting bee occupied the hours of the afternoon while cards and. gatnes passed away a very pleagaae evening. Personals Mr, A. Wilkin is in London today, Mr. A. A. Alexander, Toxonto, 10 Isa town today. -lea Woods of • Bayfield was in Clin- ton on Friday, Miss Maggie East= has -taken a pos- ition in Devin's store. , Mr. W. J. Tozer .WaS in Toronto for a few days last' week, Mesers. J. W. Elliott and Wm, Flu - kir were at Auburn yesterday, M-rs. Dpshall and Mrs, We French of Kippen •visiled Mre. Chambeee last week.,• •. • Mee Floreitee Ouninglieme was in Loudon .for a couple of days last week, Mr. Harland Campbell of Toronto is the guest of Ms aunt, Mrs. W. 5, Harland.• Rev. Mr: Winans •or Nile was . a guest at Wesley parsonage over the Week -end. The ' names of yhur visitors shOuld appear, in The News -Record's Per- • sonal Ciolumns. Lieut. Woodruff of Seaforth visited the officers in charge of the local S. A. corps yesterday. Mr, John Weir, ledger keeper at the Royal Bank, is spending the Eas- ter vacation in Toronto. Mr. W. H. .Easoni, who has spent the • winter at his home in town, left Monday for aloosejaw, Sask. Mr. A. Seatehmer, who was , very ill for some days, is now out • of danger and improving rapidly. Miss E. Chidley entertained in hon- or of Mrs. Norman' Rankin of Cal- gary on Saturday afternoon last, Miss Mae Forbes, spent Thursday and Friday of last week , the guest of Rev, and Mrs, Larkin of Sealer th. Mc. Macdougall has been a guest at the home of her brother, Mr. J. D. • Atkinson, during the past week. Miss Jessie Thompson will spend the Easter holidays the guest of her cousin, Mrs. (Dr.) Keyes, Toronto. tir.and Mrs. Win. Cantelon Mit to- day to spend the holiday time, the former in Toronto he latter in Mitchell, Miss Altair of Clinton assisted, lite Methodist choir on Sunday evening. She ie a very sweet singer.—Blyth Standard. Mrs. J. aid Miss Nellie Brown re- turned Monday from spending a few weeks with friends at Aylmer and vicinity-. Mr, Gordon •Mc(iregor, accountant in the Royal Bank, will spend the Easter vacation at his home in Owen Sound, Misses Florence •Ross al,0 aeneie Hawkins of Goderich vietted their uncle and aunt, Mr. and 1VIrs. John Emilie:acne /last week. Mr. p, 13. Senn, Brantford, was in town yesterday looklne •after some impoetant business ror his old friend, Mr. I). B. Kennedy. • Mrs. C. la. Jealrins and Master Re- ginald' are expected home tomorrow • after spending a few weeks at the lady's parental home. in Montreal. Mr, Robt, Chaeleswortli, who has been spending- a 'few eiveeks with fri- ends le • town, leff Monday for Port Arthur, where he intends to locate. Mrs. Livermore Sr. returned on Tues- day after spending several weeks with her deugaters in London. She • has been quite ill but is now ' im- proving. , Messrs, F. W. Evans and Harry Cole were: in Toronto on Fri lay ar d Saturday last attending a meeting of the National Lani, Fruit and Paekine Company, Mr. Cole is this week in Kincardine. Mn Alpert aloerell is moving this week to the • farm reamtly leased in Hallett- Mr. and • Pere. Veer- rell's neighbors sincerely :egret their removal as they have always shown themselvee to be Mildly and neighborly, Mr. •James McRae left on Moneay for Woodstock where be has taken • a position. His family will fol- low as soon as suitable errange- rnents can be made. Their many InCIAS regret their removal from town, Mr. McRae • will • be much missed in the Citizen's Band, of which be was leader, and in rime - Mal circles generally. Bayfield. Boost -Day field, ' Mrs. Kenneth Meorehouse of Lou- don joined 'her husband here on Mon- day, where they are spending a few weeks' vacation. alr,s. A. E. Erwin is spending the Easter holidays with friends in Sea - forth and Toronto. Mr. Rant. Beacom of Porter's Ilill spent "a few days this week in the village with frienis. Mr. A..E, Erwin was ire Clinthe on Tuesday, The Ladies' Aid of 51. Andrew's church held their annual Irish social on Monday evening, St. Patrick's Day, ' which proved to be a success, as it usually is. The peogrem was an excellent one aud coaeisted of several selections by the chofr. Irish solos by Mrs. McGuire of Seaforth and Mr. 18 13ailey, Irish readings by Miss Ida Evanand Dr. Woods, and a guessing contest, "An Irish Rom- ance," the blank spaces In the story being filled in by the name of no Irish melody, the air -of which Mrs. Ferguson played very sweetly and which the audience were supposed to gimes. 'aim program was followed by a dainty lunch consisting of many good things favored by all national- ities, ladies were very well pleased wilth the Proceeds, This Will Agree With You, Superintendent II. B. Chant_ It will be up to the town ' very- shertly to engage a Superintendent of its Waterworks arid Elecerie Lighting and Power Plants, The position is an important one and will require the services ef e.. first-class man, such an OP?, as Mr, 11. 13. Chant, for instance. IMr. Chant's qualifications are A 1. He is an electrician from the drog of the hat. So the duties would be congenial. He is thorough in his work. And trete would be no soldieriag when he is an the job. With II. B. Chant as, Superintend.- ent the Commissioners would have le. einecure. Bagfleld Ala Robert Bailey spent Suaday soi Port Huron. ' The Board of Trade meets of, Thursday evening of this week, Miss 'Gladys L. Condell • has beei. euftering from grippe and tonsilitl, tor the past fertnight but is now im- proving. Rev. H. .1. Caudell has been suf - fering from an attack of inauenze for the past ten days but is now, slowly improving. The Sr. and Jr, Guilds of Trinita church have combined their efforbe and will on Thursday of next week have a soeial, program and sale 0-2 work and home-made candy: Tie: Jr, Guild has a special IDE for the bargain counter and the early buyet gets the best, This event will take plate in the town Hall and the 'ad- mission to concert and supper wilt be only 20e, and 15c. . Mr. John Pollock and son, Clifford, left today Inc Selkirk, Man. 1 Mrs. Green, Who spentatlie winter at Haeriston and Gorrie, returned home this week. • Miss Emily Osmond returned home Tuesday after spending a few weesi, with her sister in Colborne toVvra ship. Mr. James aIeDonald of Godericlz is visiting his son, Mr. Daniel. Mc- Donald, at present. Mt. Oliflord Pollock entertained a number of his friends on Wednesday, evening of last weak. 1 Mr. David Leetch, who spent the winter with his` parents, here return ed to his home at Swift Current, Sask., this week, He May Leave Clinton.. Mayor B. J. Gibbings. The •rumour which has been cur- rent Inc the past fortnight that May- or Gibbings was •contemplating, leaving town, has now been verified and much regret is expressed on all sides with regard to it. Mayor Gib- aings is a native of Clinton, has liv- ed here practically all his life and los always shown a deep interest hi matters. relating to the welfare of tlie toivu, In short he has been an all round good citizen. For sever - an years past he has been a member of the town council and at the be- gineMg of the year started in on his second term as mayor.• Mr. Oibbiags has been leader of Ontario street church choir for a number or years and both lie and Mrs, Gibbing's will be much missed in musical circles. Mr. Gilebings has accepted a posi- tioti in Winnipeg and will leave a- bout the first week in April. • The family will probably remain iria town for a con* of menthe. - While regretting their departure Clinton citizens sincerely wish ,Mr. and Mrs. Gibbings continued prosper— ity in the western city.