The Clinton News Record, 1913-02-27, Page 8► ► • 1- ••► i •► • •C► • � Sare From 25 to 5D percent. WE HAVE Now finished our Stock Taking and in doing sn. have thrown out a lot of Remnant Ends and Broken Lines which must not be carried intoanother business year. These we place ON SALE ON SATURDAY AT ABOUT IBALF PRICE. ALSO WONDERFUL Reductions in all lines of Winter Goods, A few Ladies and Children's Mantles at about HALF PRICE. Men's Ordered Clothing Do you like Fine Clothes Clothes that are different from the ordinary. if so come in and let its slimy you how you may wear TI1GH GRADE TAILORED Clothes 314ADE TO YOUR MEASURE in your own style from thoroughly shrunk Imported TWEEDS and WORSTEDS and at very little more than Ready -Made Clothes Cost. PRICES OF SUITS Prem $15 to $5. Sloan Profits. More Business. SMALInPLUMSTEEL MORE. PROFITS ROS BUSINESS • •• • • • Z • • 41444•••••••••••••••••• NN •••••••••NNNN• ■ Our Selling Out Sale Continues Guard AgainstColds by wearing Warm Footwear We have a large stock of Overshoes and Moccasins from the best makers which we are selling at prices that tempt buyers, and men who work out of doors will appreciate the, good quality of. our Heavy Buckle and Lace Rub- bers. J. Twitchell & Son i News -Record '. SPRING 19(3 tl'.v;iti (1.95 nntll$shvplroINnfP1IILL[ 8,'1W[iNNYMit S1 JNDRDD FASHION BOOK showing Spring Styles Price 20c at the counter 10o extra by mail, You can select any Standard Pattern -FREE with every copy purchas- ed, W. D. FAIR. CO: Often Cheapest - Always -the Best Mr. M. Raraford was in Goderich en Monday. Mr. A. J. Holloway Was in Blenheim for a few days last week, Miss Jessie Dodds is spending a free weeks with Blyth friends. Mr. W. Brydone was in Toronto last week for a few days. Mr. W. Jackson is spending ttn drays or so at Atlantic City. Mr. T. Jackson, Jr., is in Toronto for a couple of days this week. Miss 'Edna Levis, who is teaching in Mullett, was home over the week- end. Mr. Ike Rattenbury attended the Automobile show in Toronto last week. Mrs, Macpherson 01 Goderich is in town, the guest of Mrs. W, W. Ferran. Little Miss Eileen Atkinson is recov- ering from a rather severe attack. of grippe. Miss Mintou Pinning spent the week- end` with her sister, Mrs. Hudson of Mitchell. Mr. Fetes Cantelon was in Goderich' a. couple of days last week audit- inT the county books. Airs, Archibald has returned from a visit to Ottawa and Montreal, be- ing the guest of her son in the latter city. Mr. James Stevens was. in Gebel.h last week attending the funeral of his only sister, the late Mrs. Eli- jah Martin. Rev. Mr. Charlton of Mitchell was 'a Mrs. n C. E. and gu t es of Rev. Jeakins at the rectory while in town on Monday. Mrs. Boles, who has been visiting Toronto friends, for the past cou- ple of months, returned to . her home last week. Mr, Roy Grigg took a prize at a carnvial in Goderich the other ev- ening' as an historical character' dressed as "Mahomet." Jean - ton DaY s s Mabel Cants Misses ment and Mary Chant attended the millinery openings in Toronto last week. , The .latter goes to Thames- ville for the season. Miss Ida Boles, who has spent the CLINTON, -: ONTARIO.. WILL EITHER SELL OR RENT THE STORE, ®aw 1111111311111.1111111.1111.1111113111311311131111.,, Jackson's_ Shoes For 1913 1 as in previous years will excel in values, in qualities and in quantities when you want the best ;that is possible in shoe- making, see FRED. . JACKSON nworassnarimanmmem la!non .-.. . .....--..-- i•••••••••••••••••••••••••••• N N eN•••N•Ns••••• Neo I j Our dim to Flease , Briugs Custofflers Back store invariably come Furniture Buyers at this y urn are want more and bring= back when they their friends with them, To Use Our Furniture is to prove that it 'is T hole lot, 22 'n a w ' 'sa i itlooks and that is �ae good aesaying - n 0 h u t here Substantial Furniture tore ca be bought secure what now at money saving prices. Why not w J. are so favorable, you need now while.prices pieces Atkinson & Dun�ord• •-i- Furniture D' • cal er s and Funeral coal Directors Phone 104 PHONE 127 -NIGHT AND ST.NDAY CALLS- PHONE 1G ••••o•o••s.N•••oww•►w•e••e•••►r,Aso••N •sN•s••oew•••.r Are you a News -Record subscriber,? Eight Guilted Linery and Black FUR COLLAR AND RIVERS REGULAR February 27th, I:RA ,J47)r�4Aw $r!'r Beaver Coats Black These coats are without doubt the biggest Bar- gains we offered. Our reason for this deep cut is we do not . kwant to carry them over until next seasan. Every coat a loss to us financially. This is an oppor- unity that does not come every . season take advan.- age of it sizes.38 to 42 25 percent, off Brussells and Tapesty Carpets Otie thousands yards Brussel and Tapesty carpets twenty good paterns to choose from- House cleaning time will soon appear and this offer is well worth looking into. Black Silk Waiots $3.75 and $4,00 for $2.98 ' Ladies' fine quality black talfetta and pal - tette waists, the very newest stvles,sizes 34, 30 and 38 only, regular $3.75 and $4,00, Friday and Saturdy $2,:':. Stanfield's'Vesta and Drawers- 98c. Out the balance of Stanfield's vests and drawers in white and cream. We are putting them all in one lot, regular up to $1,75, Friday. and Saturday choice r•• c, Winter Vests and Drawers 25c for 190. Ladies' natural colored vests and drawers, all sizes, good weight; well made and trimmed. regular 25c, Fiiday and Saturday selling at 19c. Natural Wool Vests and Drawers 82c Ladies' natural wool vests and drawers, siz- es -1, 2, 3. 4, 5, guaranteed unshrinkable, while they last Friday and Saturday the price will be 82e. Ladies' anti ehildien's Black Tights 75c for 55c. All sizes in ladies' and children's black tights, elastic and silesian hands, regular 75c, choice Friday and Saturday at 550. Ladies' Astrachan Jackets $3,50 Ladies' black Astrachan fur jackets, Can- adian sable trimmed, size 31 to 40, regular $50, Friday and Saturday $132.50, "Crums" 1913 New Spring Prints now in Stock 12 c. "Andersons" 1913 New Scotch Ginghams now in Stock l2i'c and 15c. SEVEN quilted lined black beaver ladies' coats with black fur collar, sizes 36 to 42, worth $18.00, Saturday $12.50. ..st,tva' es Kp Wedded in New. York. Bayfield 1" fss Leila G,Hoover, r eldest dough - ter au h - ter of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Hoover, was married on Tuesday afternoon in " The -Little -Church -Around -the - Corner," New York City, to Mr. C. If.fIe. Ward. Mr. and Mrs. Ward welt reside in New York, their ix pres- ent address being the Hotel McAli>,i e. 1The bride's Clinton friend's and tItY are many, waft' good wishes for long life, happiness and prosperity: Constance A pretty wedding was solemnised at the home of the bride's parents winter in the balmy climate of the o State of Florida, stopping off to L rM n Wednesday week' when Miss Emma owrie..was united in marriage to, r. William Leiper of .Harlock, She visit London friends on the return journey, is expected- home this week, , Mrs. Geo; Rise, of Toronto, former- ly of Clinton, was called .to Col- borne township Last: week on ac- count of the death ,of her father, Mr. S. Finfield one of the pioneers of that township, and, a man very highly -respected. Mr. Castor of the Hydro -Electric Commission was in town last week calling on the power users with the purpose of ascertaining how much power they wouldsign up for. It is understood that the vis- it was quite encourageing. Mr. and Miss. J. T. Clark and teras: ter Arthur of Toronto were . week- end n Mrs. T. end guests of Mr. and MY ds Jackson, Jr., and other friends in e town. Mr. Clark, returned to the city Monday morning, Mrs. Clark and little son remaining for a few days longer. nd and o Mr. and Mrs. W. O. McAmmond have r Marjorie, u Ma little dahie g J , who been spending the past couple of months visiting the lady's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Ile -Farquhar, left on Wednesday last for Ottawa 'to visit Mr. McAmmond'u people be- fore ,returning to, their home in the ceremony vras perforated by the Rev. W, D. Turner of Blyth, The many friends of the young couple join in congratulations and; good wishes. � Mr. and Mrs. James Tucker, who have been residents=of Clinton for some .time, left on Tuesday morn- ing for Saskatoon, Sask., where Mr. Tucker spent the past summer making where they intend ma ing their home in future. Mr. and Mrs. Tucker are good citizens; whom - Clinton is sorry to lose but one and all ,theirmany friends wish them unbounded success in their new home. Mr.Richard ch rd A. Brown of Edmonton, Alta., attended the convention0f the United Brotherhood of Locomo- tive Engineers and 'leirotnen held at Ottawa, he being sent as a delegate by the Railway Company at Ed- monton. Ile extended tbo journey to Clinton and visited at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robb. Brown of Hallett. He left for De- troit on Wednesday .and will visit hisbrother and sister in that city before returning to the West. C. C.I. Weekly Report . 3. 'Wylie 04. M. Smillie 81 O. Moir 80, E. Sanderson 80, GeometryIT. 7, L. Churchill 7.4, A. Nedigar 70, G. Wallis 68, E. McAllister 66, D. Ship- ley 60, O. Whitmore 62, M. Lansing 60, H. Stewart 58, I. Sinclair 56, Cantelon Kilty76 P.Cunuinghame 74 A.Pet- rie Slteeley 50, W. Crich 54, 0. 54, E. Carter 52, F. Copp 52,3. Forrest' 52, F. Reynolds 52, L Miller 48, Z. Churchill 48. C. 48, A. Glazier azier 48, J. Grainger 40, F, Pennebake 44, 0. Phillips 42, H. Cantelon 40, G. Beatty 40, L. Hanley 38, E. Kaizer 38, W. Appleby 24, C. Thompson 22, L. McConnell 12, N. Sparks 12, A. Shana- han 8. Arithmetic : - J. Middleton $2, M. Wise Potter • 73 E. P. Pott A1eTa art 80 gg'70,311. Caldwell .. Calc 76, P. Moffat 72, W Daviason 68, 8, Smillie 68, A. Hoare' 68, G, McDougall 61. C. Hoare 64, V. Carbort 02, W. Nelson 60, J. Smith 60, A. Dewar 58, M. Cook58, V. Ev- ans 58, A. Matheson, 56, C. McCool 52, V. Hearn 52, 0: McGill 52, E. Man- ninges 48 Kamer50, H. lotto , 52, C S. Smillie 48, J. Morris 46, M. Elliott 40, K. McNaughton 46, E. •Jamieson 46, C. May 42, P. Wheatley 42, H. Rodaway 42, J Smillie 42, F. Brisson 42, O. Cole 42, I `Ratbwell 40, I. Rob- erton 40 L. Kennedy 40, R. Chowen 38, S. Henry 36, D. Cantelon 86, F. Tho son 30, tai Wessman 34, ' te. TIudie 84,- 34 C. Ford 32, "' Harland Bf Milne 34 C Mr. Ken.. &Ioorcitouse. of Lxrndon is spending a taw weeks' in the village. c Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Rowntree, Mr. and Mrs. C 13. Chapman and Dr. Partridge of, London were to Bayfield on Thursday last looking over Lake Side park where they have secured x cot- tages. build•hereono lots w Dr. Smith spent' Monday and Tues- day in Toronto. Mr. Willie Jolmston, who spent the winter at hih homem o in the village, g , left on Tuesday for Milestone Sask. Rev, A. Macfarlane attended the. meeting of the Presbytery at Clod- •erich the forepart of the week, and the conference of the Dominion Al- liance in Toronto rltursday day of this week. ° • The banquet and concert under the auspices of the Ladies -Aid of the Methodist church tonight promises to be a very successful affair. Supper will be served in the basement of the. church at six o''clook, the program to be given in the town hall at eight. A Bunch of Birthdays. Two''good citizens, Mr, J. W. Stev- enson, and i ht Electric L .he Ll , of t g e nson r Mr. C. E. Dowding, local manager of the Molsons Bank, have each pas- sed' another milestone during the past week, the former on Sat urday and the latter on Tuesday. forties, hit now int e both They are though not very lar along, and 'rho News -Record wishes tlieni ,many more such anniversaries. On Saturday, also, Mr, John Shaw. fif- teen three score'and his out d rounded teen years.An active and genial personality, ono who has many an interesting reminiscence of earlier yearn to recall, he carries Ids years lightly. Good health and many more years of it are e wishes of Mr. Shaw's many friends, and Fri- the hearty good Died in Manitoba. -Wesley E. Theobald died at Rus- sel Man., on Friday last- .after a short illness of pneumonia. I -Ie was ' a traveller for the Ashdown Hard Londesboro. ware Company and it was while on of Huron. one of hes trips' that -lie \vas taken When the town constable placed , held on Thursday The deceai;ed was horn in 'rceswat the ballot boxes in a cell, and lock- Institute ock• T st'tute men be � t eats d th d , tb t ted The Dr. Beat the Co. When the rural telephone lino was Clinton south s ended o t ointo h from h n f Brucefield and ace teld Va rna - the Bell dis- continued its service over that'route. The Company did not drop it at that, but brought a test suit against Dr. Rodgers of Brucefteid: e for breach of contract. The con- tract, which had, been for three years, had expired a few days be- fore the .13e11 gave way to .the rur- al, hence the action. If the ease had, gone againbt Dr. Rodgers all doubt would no the other patrons w have been sinilliarly proceeded a- gainst. The Chief Justice Orders a Scrutiny. Toronto, Feb. 21, -According to the temperance people, a 'radical change Was ' effected .in the.. Clinton local ea - tion • vote between the returning of- ficer's announcement and the time the scrutiny of the ballots comnten- te s ted. before the junior county judge o i , 1 I meetingf the Women's 11 The regular ra t c e oor a resultwas stater afternoon next at half past two. er, Bruce county, thirty we Y e follows Mrs. J. Manning will have charge of ago and when but a youngster the For 332, the program, the darning contest lamely moved to Clinton, to engage t; 214. Against, t having been postponed foe the time . in the hotel business in what was Agains being: then known as the Swartz stand When t.he ballots were submitted - The annual meeting of the Syndi- sheaf where the Graham House now to the judge the figures were ; to nate Threshing Co. was held on stands. Over -twenty years ago t] For 316. Tuesday, when each shareholder. re ' family moved to Mt. Forest whetro Against, 227. i rete l' this not e •i 'ct o g ..4.00. h stbe P amountte the e � Jcross ived the with a ce� Besides two ballets, t\tt Mr. Bert Nott tpent a few days manhood, g both for and against. this week in Stratford. i A few years ago he went evert and William Proudfoot, K. C., and -441 Mr. and Mrs; Thos. Seett were afterliving for a time 'at Dauphin, E Raney K. C., to day asked Chef' with , - Position n \v Mrs. M. Mair on .-1n, Man. he peg sed the p s _guests of the c thedirect 'c ride to firm. Just' a Faleonb g Vinnie+ rite � S Phe datakeevidence on Y count judgeto '1 Y . h b al d family • os i the T eo Y silo d o 1-I • ' he Miss friend Wore on of 1 The h alleged tampering with the ballot visited friends here on Tuesday. and several, of its titetnbers befog in_ box or boxes, His lordship granted Mrs. Coombs' has rented Thomas 'erred its Clinfion cemetery, the . re the a plication. Scott's house and will. move therein mains of the deceased young ratan Mr. Proudfoot explained that the shortly.. were sent, ; east to be laid beside sec Mr. John John (them. Theyarrived in Clinton on lock guarding the ''will of the say- We nv n gladto sties n aree ereign people'' bad been such that' kion able to be about: again after the noon train on Tuesday and were keyg fn M, r. Proudfoot's possession. being confined to the house for a taken to the. Masonic hall 'from had fitted. few days through illness.' Iavhence the funeral took place under s h Lawson, Who the aus .ices of the .order. Services That's a suspicious circumstance." Mr: and Mrs,Josephep v ip commented Sir Glenholme, and every - t Jeer have been visiting the former's par- were conducted by Rev. C . E. a ants Mr. and Mrs. aw• ` kips asst .John L a• ssisted by Rev, W. A Curry of body smiled. left on Tuesday for 'Clower Sask, Mt Forest, "As a mattet of tarot," Mr; Proud - TI, Johnston 30, S Agnew 30, Maud •'s d was insecure, Mrs. Osbaldeston of Clinton visit- I The Masonic Lodge- at Art . Fort, t foot added, o d the lock \v Cook 28, Rauuie 26, 13 Berland 22, I. Gould 16, K, Govter 10, C. Beacom 16,. E, Powell 16, It. Forrester• 12, Al. Moir^ 3, 1. Collins 2. Latin Composition :-0. Nicholson 85, E. Gray 85, N. Garrett 75, E Lei- tch 71, H. Caotelouco, L. linerd 05, M.. (35,' Revuoldn G. Walker 59, G. Draper 57, A Cooper 55, F. Brown 55, 79. Bea - eon 54, J. Wylie 53, M. McGowan 51, V. L[ibb 49, W. McGregor 41, R. Irlar-: a�cl 43, 18 McAllister 4'2, . K. Reid 30, 13' Forrest 36, D. Barr 35 W. Mc- Naughton 31, 31. Carbert 20, M- Yates 28, W. Walker 25. Trigoutometty :'-- C. Kiley 67, H. Turner 60, L. Torrance.22, 13. Middle- ton 21: - Eng. Composition .-C. Kilty 73, 11. Turner 72 H. Middleton '70, D. Tierney° 66, M. Shipley 52, 14, Dewar 50. ed at the home of Mr, Wut. Lyon of which the deceased had been a W. on Sunday. member, was represented by R. ? Mr. and Miss Kirit of .Dungannon Gardener, T. II. Ellis, W. E. Ellis, were the guests ,of their cousin; Mas- ' A. Filshie Jr,; Rev. Mr, Curry and ter Kirk Lyon, over Sunday, A. J. Corbett. The C.O.F. Court at Miss Wheatley of; Clinton and .Mr. Mt. Forest was represented by B. J. Stringer of Woodstock wereg nests f Lament. Among the relatives P r s - Miss Bell on Sunday last. ent were J. I3. Theohald of Portae Rey, Mr. Smith of Grand Valley la Prairie, - a brother, and George occupied the pulpit of Knox and Coo of Fort William, a brother-in- Berns- churches on Sunday last. Rey. law, Mr. Reid of Alma will conduct the xt e Sunday, services n Mr. Joseph Lyon Miss Maud and sc h P are visiting Woodstock friends titin ^ 1week, • Memorial r 1 morsel notice Mxs. George g e I Ainslie hold over. i5 WANTED -AT TING ALEXANDRA Marine and General hospital, God- erich, three or four pupil nurses. -- Apply to Miss Griffiths, Superin- tendent, Goderich. ' 70-3 and the ballots could be readily, got at,"• The judge` of IIut:on did not think that he could take evidence in thin connection on a scrutiny. Mr., Proud - foot did not agree` with him, lienee - the motion 'before the chief justice. The latter mentioned the Supreme Court judgement in the West 0,0100 CASA. Mr.. Proudfoot remarked that there. had been a variety ' of jucteements fn• the West 7.oree case. However, the present case was not affected: In one suhdivisirn, before the county judge, there were only 60 for 'whereas 78 voters swore by affidavit • that they had supporiesd the by-law.