The Clinton News Record, 1913-02-27, Page 7THE NEW3-RECORD'S CLUD- BING., UST FO I 1211-13 WEEXT,IES. News -Record and Mall and Emigre, $1.5r Newe-Itecord and Globe 1,61 Newts -Record and ',tunny tierala And Star With 3remi.4nt 1.7 Nows-Itecord and Witness • 1.7 News -Record and Sun .... 1.7. Newe-Record and Free Press .,,. ,.. 13, News -Record and A dvertiser. . , 1.70 News -Record and, Toronto Satu'rdev News -Record nd 'Fornyar.., ,..rscrttP Newe-Record and Nitre and Dairy., 1.75 News.ltecord and Canadian Farm. . 1.75 News.Record and Youth's Companicnt 11,25 News.Record and Oa nnd10» Count.manrY. l025 0ev64teeord and' Ile iruit Grower News.ltecord .lia Tti'e Canadian Sportsman ... 3.7 27.6727773131,. NeWaltheord. and Mail sad Empire,. 4 2. News -Record and Globe , •News-Reoord and News ..., zee News•Record a nil' Star ..... •• 2.37 News-Reeord and World."• . 3.25 News...Record and Morning Free Press 272' News -Record and Fvenin )7'r Pre s 2.77 ews-Record an 1 Advertiser • 3,00 MONTHLY. . News -Record and Poultry Review News -Record and Liliieppincott's Maga- ' News-Reoord. and ..datittda Monthly, It what Yon want is not in thts list 101 as know about it. IVe can salmis- You at loss than it would cost you th send direct ,1111 In remitting please do so by Postoffire Order: Postal Note, 0.123723ee3 Order or Reg. istered letter and address, • - W. J MITCHELL, PtaDlIsher News -Record CLINTON, ONTARIO • Synopsis of Canadian Northwest - Land Regulations. Any person who is the sole head of a family, or any male over 18 nen old, May homestead a, quart- er section of available Dominion land in Manitoba, Saskatchewan or Alberta. The applicant must ap- pear in person r the Donainion Lands Agency or Sub -Agency for the district. Entry by proxy may be made at any agency, on cer- tain conditions by father, mother, aon, daughter, brother or aister of intending homesteader. Duties. -Six months residence 'upon and cultivation of the land in each of three years. A homestead- er may live within nine miles of his homestead on a'farm of at least 80 acres solely owned and oc- cupied. by him or by his father, mother, son,. daughter, brother or deter. • In' certain districts a homestead- . • er in good ettending.may pre-empt a quaater-section alongside his homestead. Price, 3.00 per &ere, e Duties. -Must reside upon the homestead or pre-enaption six months in each of six years from &se date of homestead 'entry (including the time required to earn home- stead patent) and cultivate fifty aeres extra, A homesteader who has exhausted his homestead right and cannot olio tain a pre-emption may enter for a, purchased homestead in certain districts. Price, $3.00. Duties. -Must reside six months in each of three years, cultivate fifty acme and erect a house worth $300.CO. , W. W. CORY, Deputy of the Minister of the In- terior. N.B.-Unauthorized ptiblication of this advertisement will not be paid for. BILL WAS DEFEATED. WOnian's Right to Vole Itejeeled it 'L B. Legitflature. A despatch from Fredericton., N. B., •says: In the 'Legislattire on . Friday the resolution of Donald Munro, M.P.P., of Carleton Coun- ty. for permission to introduce a bill amending the New Brunswick Election Act, so as to give women the same right to vote at provin- cial eleetions they now enjoy in inunicipal elections, was defeated 21 to 10. Sfilitiatt. MONTREAL THE STANDARD is the Natidna/ MreehlY Newspaper of the •Dominion • iof Canada• is national in all Ite It usea the most expensive engrav- Shows an Increase of 34 Per Cent. ih Figures for Ten Months. A despatch 'frOin • Ottawa says: fho 10 months from the be- ginning of the fiscal year to the end of Jrarinary the custome revenue of Canada ankunted to $94,329 836 • ming the corresponding per 1911-12 the customs revenue $70,268,252, the inereaee :$24,061,584. This works out increase of ever. 34 per can over one-third, The total trade of Canad January, 1913, •was 870,.871,00 •againist $62,680,0007 an increa iver ;$12,000,000, or ne,arly 2 cent. For the 10 months' e anuary 31 last tile wall tram 1884,322,000 as against $711,19 in the oorresponding period in the last fiscal year, an increase of $173,133,000, or nearly one-quarter, The imports in January Milt were $52,7152,000, as against $38 682 000 a iod in year ago an increase of $14,000,000, Wan or not far short of 40 per cent.; for being the 10 months' period the imports at an were 1540,44.5,00Q, am increase of t., '5128,000,000 Over the $421,111,000 of the IQ _months' period of 1911-12. a in The exports january, 1913, 0, ae yere $19,310,000, as againet $19, - se of, ,27,000 in January, 1912. In the 10 0 per months' period just conOacled the Wing domestic exports were 8298,022,000, as against $246,442„000 :in the same 9,000 period a year ago. THE EEWS M A PARAGRAPH 1/APPENINGS FROM ALL OVER ME GLOBE 11.1 A NUTSHELL. cantida, the Empire and the World In General Before You, Eyes. • Canada, Montreal has more than fiventhou- sand, casee of measles. The Senate rejeoted a bill by Senator 01,01.141 to forbid re-rnar- riage of the guilty party in di - Name. Over 5,000 persons are expeeted to attend a. re -union of the Shantz ' of Waterloo county, in June. Sergeant-Major John Martin, one of the few surviving veterans of the Crimean War, died at Lindsay on Thureday. Peter, -the eight-year-old eon .of Gustav Skendel, accidentally shot his four-year-old sister, at Morden, Man. Pontine is the name eelected for the new city th be "built around the 'U.S. Steel Corporation's plant near Sandwich. Downtown London merchants have refused to deliver goods to the newly annexed suburbs, and the wonien of those districts have insti- tuted a boycott. Before Judge Malemin, in the Quebec Superior Court, et. jury *ren- dered a verdict for $15,000 for Con- ductor Frechette againet the C.P.R. on account of the loss of a, leg and other injuries. Great liritain. The Howie ,of Lords rejected the Scottish besnperamee bill. Major McCalmont, Unionist, wee elected unopposed, th ouceeed the late Col. McOalement. ae member for East Antrim in Ulster. Viscount Haldane, by permission of the Xing, will attend the Ameri- can Bar Assotiation meeting in Montreal on September 1. The llome Office decided to prose- eute Mrs, Panichurat for conspiracy in connection with the blowing up of Mr. Lloyd George'e house. Capt. Oameron, while fishing in Ireland, was pulled into the water and drowned. He managed to shake hands and say good-bye with a gamekeeper who tried to Save him. United States. The New Jetsey Senate favors votes for women. It now goes to She House. The U. S. Senate has ratified am extension of the arbitration treaty with France. . The U. S. Government decided to intervene to secure a; fair trial foe ex -President Madere. The graft charges against the v lateen Detroit aldermen will be tri -ed in Detroit, end not in Mt. Clemeas, the Snpresne Court re - fuzing a, change Of venue, Isadore Stein testified that Robt, Rubin, a Nee, 'York fire iffeuramee adjuster, had hired him te set fires. Members of Rubino family denied that Stein had often, visited his hoecre, as Stein alle,ged., Gstnera I. Win Inge, procuring the photographs from Franc an over the world, ePoll articles are carefully selected and Tie. editorial .1Mlicy theroughly P1781 le fridependent. , fall of • .A, salbscription to The Standard The costs $2.00 per Yea,' to any addresS in by a. In Canada or Great Britain. , TRY IT FOR 19121, IMotitroal Standard Publishing Lhnitod, Publishers. - try weather pre rails in e and apothem Italy. owing a sharp fall in temper - it snowed heavily in Sicily hronghout South Italy the w days, thele being a heavy several inches. German Reichstag adopted, . . alarItY made up of clericals, Socialists and three Radicals 11 (31 measure repealing the anti -Jesuit law. 11 is improbable that the Bundersrath will concur. Asthina Catarrh miooporacoucts muncete CROUP DRONC/11113 • COMM COMM ' INYAIIS.11111all tirn; A slime., Sal* Radeffeotivo t232323131933 foO Sm. I dr't eh.terbirs'itr:::::sedielighlrler;r4'41.wiut I . ei7e7rotlas the aatledotte 315po13 gclozg-Nbatar4,117:31?.1:.% rim,!14.1 lOrpself$Irni 23* bothora with 23ee00 11406 *6" attNerers from asthma. ,S005-000 Postai fordeterletive booklet. ALt.r,-elearitaes. casset.,SNS ANTI. EPTIO TskoAT 23,001, TA BLETS for the irrIto.ted Tbay an/ Mmpta, effeCtIva and hatoeptle, 01 your 5ru$13t 1232302 00,3(23.30etamrs, Vripa Cresolenc Co. '53 Cortirealt St., a.almit Menerma, Geo. 4 ME SCOTT FUND. Premiers,Fisher of Australia 61111 •'Contribute. ' A kit:Mourne despatch to the London Sbandarel states that Pre- mier Fisher, in conjunction with ution to the fund for othees, has agreed to make an ade- quate conVrib1 those dependent on the South Polar, edieaeter victhn8, The delhateh says i that since the oaeadian Parliament! ProPbsee to Make a grant the whole I otex•seas dominions, which are p2323- ticularl3r indebted tO the courage and heroism of the explorers, should co-operate in making a substantial gift. .ting George on Wednesday donated $1,000 10 'the Linde being raised for a memerial to Captain Robert P. Sett and his four cern- nanions who died on the expedition to the South Pele. The anialga- xnated total subscribed now amounts to 8100,000. "IX THE INDIANA SENATE. Sensetlini -When Chaphiin Watt - Ordered to Stop Prayer. A despatch *front Indianapolis, Ind., stays: Lieutenant-Ckvernor eau -sed a sensation in the Senate on Thursday when he stoPa ped the Rev, E. It Henry of the Emmanuel Baptist Church of this eit3e who was making the opening prayer, and said :-"Stop making a politioal epeech." The minister had prayed for the imparation •of the rum traffic from the Sta.te and for the day, when Indiana. would re- fuse to sell to men the right to make other men drunkards, mur- derers, filling prisons and benevo- lent institutions. The Lieute-nant- Governor, whe had been showing signs of impatience, vigorously banged the marble slieb with his gavel and.comenanded the minister to atop. He ordered the journal to be read, and Rev. Mr. Henry im- mediately left ti e chamber. STAMPEDE TO ATLIN, B. C. Where Gold Has Been Discovered and Proved. A -despatch from Vibtoria, B. 0., says: Rich placer ., diggings in Swan, Silver and, creeks flowing-1h- Testin Lake at it. eauth-eastern end are reported to -have been re- cently discovered and proved. The reports come from official Govern- ment sources. On receipt of the news Hon. Dr. Young, Provincial Secretary and member for AVM in the Legislature made arrange- mente to proceed' to the field of the new find, At Atlin he will go over- land by dog team and sled to the lower eed Testin Lake. The dig- gings are reported to he !rem three to six feet deep, and the gold taken out is said th be coarse and to greatly resemble the gold peculiar to the Atlin country, Stampedes froin Atlin are now ()enuring, and it is reported that some four hun- dred clahne have been taken up on Testin Creek. MORMONS ARE PROSPEROUS. Will Erect a Large Temple in Alberta. A despateh from dardaton, Alta., says: An official later from Presi- dent Joseph Smith, Salt Lake Oity, Utah, ecclesiastical head of the Mormon Church, th President E. J. Wood, Alberta State of Zion., an- nourioes that a 8100,000 temple for Canada will be erected here, build- ing operations to be started this summer. NO EQUA17—FRATV—CHISE D. C. Premier McBride Refused It on - Behalf of Government. A despatch from Victdriaesays Sir Richard McBride made 'tile an- nouncement in the Legislatiiip on Wednesday night that as a inatter of Government policy it was impos- sible to grant to women equal Iran - his e with men, a condition asked for last week by a, large deputation of women representing all suctions of British Columbia, Ready Cooked Meals are rapidly growing in popu- lar favor. Post Toasties eerved either with cream or good milk, or preserved fruit, make a moet appkizing dish kr-breakfast, dianer, or sup- ' Theee • delicioue toaated flaky bets of white corn have a delicate. taate that is very pleasing at this time of year. Bost Toasties are cool:ion:d- eal, make less work for the busy housewife and please everyone at the table. 'The Mernorj, Lingers' Sold by Definers everyisiterc also Poatnm Cereal fle.. Ltd: Windsor, Ontario.. --•, Years of Suffering A Desperate Case of Catarrh in the "My father had, catarrh in the head for a long time.' It was such a desper- ate ogee that he didn't know what to • -do, but one of his friends recomMended liood'a Sarsaparilla. He got a bottle Immediately, and as soon as he com- menced taking It he felt relief and after the use of two other betties he wan completely curea. He was' so well pleased he has ever since recom- mended Hood's Sarsaparilla." Dello Aline Begin, Levis, F. Q. Get. Rood's f3arsaparilla today. Sold by all druggists ,everiwtiere. ' TO BE READY Ftle WAR. President Poineare France Ad- • vocateiLlnerease"in the Army. A dinipatch from Paris says: Raymond Poincare, 'the new Presi- dent of the French Republk, in hie first message, read, to the two Houses of Parliament on Thursday, made some pointed referencee the necessity of increasing France's military. forces. He referred .to the responsibilities of the present time, and quoted the adage that ,"Peace is not decreed by the will of one power." He said it was impossible for any nation to be effectively pa,oific unless it Was alvva,ys ready for war. A France with diminished power and exposed by her own fault to &fiances or humiliations would, he said, be France no more. It would, he continued, be erirne against civilization to allow the na- tion tee deereaee its forces while other nations developed theirs without cessation. MILITANTS BURN CHALET. One of the Prisoners Throws Book at the Magistrate. A despatch from London says: Pursuing their course of violent at- tacks on property, suffragettes, ItA 3.15 on Thursday morning, burned the tea pavilion in Kew Gardens. Two young' women, Joyce Looke and Lilian Lenton, were arrested when hurrying away from the fire, carrying bags of inflammable stuff, saturated with oil, a hand saw and an electric lamp. Dater in the day they w.ere taken before the Bench Justices at Richmond and eharged with maliciously setting fire to the building. One of them hurled a heavy law book at the head of the preaiding Magistrate. The evidence not being consplet,F,, the caae was remanded, bail being refused. FATAL SHOOTING AFFRAY. Five-year-oid Boy Killed During ,tin Altercation. A despatch from North Bay says: A row in the Italian colOny on Wed- nesday night resulted in the fatal shooting of the five-year-old son of James Demarco, a contractor. The shooting took place in the house of Liberto ()mate, who had an alterca- tion with Antonio Deed° ovex money and took down his rifle as he saYs, to frighten Deecio off the premisee. Seyeral men present tried to take the weapon away from, Conte and in the melee the trigger was pulled: The little boy wah standing near and received the bul- let in his•breaet, living only .a few hours, Cont and Deecio were both arrested and looked up pendieg an inquest. LUMBER, FOR SETTElERS. Manitoba Farmers Purchase Limits for Future Ilse. A despatch from Winnipeg says: A transaction which promises far- reaching effects • was consummated a few days ago, whereby the Grain Growers' Grain Oonapany purchas- ed timber limits near Fort George, B.C., .comprising about 300,000,000 feet of lumber at apriee of about 81.50 per 1,000 feet, It is said th be the intentton of the grain-geow- ore to hold this as a reeerve supply, with the idea of establishing lum- ber -yards at cliffereut points M the Province for the pustiose of supply- ing farmers and , settlers with I tt- ber at reasonable prices, 14200 Wore Burned to Death on a Veen! Near Galt. A. despatch from .Galt says: 'On Friday afternoonthe large chicken house, 105 by e5 feet, two etoreys kendriek • a mile fro G CHICKENS WERE ROASTED. 3' 1. on the farm of Dr. H. F. Mac- ----- ----- LEFT NEARLY 8800,000. Will, of the Late President o the Grand Trunk Railway. A, despatch from Toronto says As the late C. HaYe, President of the Grand Trunk Railway, who - wen t down with the Titanic, had part of his estate in Ontario, his will ',Nes entered for probate here on Thursday. The total estate is worth $762,298, and is left to the widow, with the exception of be- quests of $10 each to four g tars, Marjorie, Orian, Louise arid Clara In a codicil the deceased expreseed the wish that a life 2361(3131 polioy,for $25,000 should be payable -in equal amounts to his sister aeld a, brother, David M. Hays, A SAD CASE. Woman Who Killed Seven Children Now Dwane. A despatch feom Charlottetown, says: Mr, Patrick Magee, slayer of her seven ohildren, sen- tenced to a life term in the Dor- chester penitentiary, was brought bank here on Fridity, a raving lun- atic. Sino& the wensan'a incarcera- tion in the Dorchester penitentiary she has beeri giving a great deal of trouble, and it was finally decided by the Justice Department to re- move her to an insane asylum. Sentenced to Immediate Death It,hamien. every time you trerat a corn with "Putnam'e"-Gorn dies -never re. turns. Nothing so certain and painless as Putnam's Corn Extractor -try it Fifty Years' 67168305 guarantees its naerit. 25o, bottlee at all dealers. CARRYING EXPLOSIVES. Regulatione for the Government of - Harbors. A despatch from Ottawa, says : An order-in-Couneil has been passed amending the regulations for the government of public harbors in Canada, giving the harbormasters the right to decide where vosaels carrying exploaives or inflammable or dangerous goods shallr moor o load or unload. A fine of $160 may ,he imposed for violation of the regulation, 777111 810 more for each twelve hours of continued viola- tio.n. Forty years in use, 20 years the standard, prescribed and recom- mended by physicians. For Wo, man's Aliments, Dr. Marters Female Pills, at your druggist. FATALITY IN MINE. Two Men Drowned at Siwash Creek, British Columbia. A despatch from Vancouver, B. 0., says: Ttvo men were killed on Thursday by being washed into the inine tunnel at Siwasla Creek near Yale. What Folionii a M. A Magistrate's Wonderful Expert. ease With Zara-Buk, Mr..7, 13. Arsenault, a Justice of the Peace, and station master at Welling ton, on the :ilrince Edward Island Ry., has had a wonderful proof of the heal- ing power of Zam-Buk. He says: "Four years ago I had an accident. I slipped in the station and fell on a freight traok, sustaining a had eut on the front of my leg. 1 thought this would heal,. but instead of doing so it devekped into a bad ulcer and later into a feria of eczema which spread very rapidly and also started on the other leg. Both legs became so swollen and sore that I could only go about my work by having theM., bandaged. My doctor said I must stop 'Work and lay up, "After six months of this trouble I consulted another doctor, but with no better result, 7 tried all the salves, nainiente and lotions 1 heard at, but instead of getting better I got worse, "Thie was my condition when I got my first box of Zan:I-Buie Greatly to my delight that first box gave me re- lief. I continued to apply It to the sores, and day by day they set better. I could'see that at last I had got hold of something which would cure ms, and in the end it did. It is now over it year since Sam. Bak worked a eure in my case, and there has been no return of the eczema or any trace of It." Such is the nature of the great cares which Zanseuk is daily effecting. Purely herbal in composition this oc& 00 e great halm hi a sure eure eor 'all skin wost.side ef the Grand River, wits , diseases, cold ernes, chapped handle t ' frost bite, ulcers, blood -poisoning Vari- cose sores, piles, scalp sores, ring - Wenn, inflamed patches, outs, burns, and bruises. All drugglets stores sell et 50c, box or post free from Zara- 1,1311eekCo,, Toronto,, upon receipt of 1 y es ioyeci by fire 23014 1,200 !fowls burned to death. The blaze I was, caueed by a spark froze the ebove in the feed house, and the whole building was blazing within a few in • es Will .Spend $00ooto Conipiete Work of Last Season and Begin New Sections. A despateh fro*m Montreal says : Guelph Junctiob en the Lend oo The Canadian Pacific Railway vein subdivision will be eloubk-tracked spend $16,000,000 on its eaetorn kr a dista)rea of thirtYsnileo, and Rees during the comitig season, ie expected the work will'be ished by Noveinber. H'ia proposed This expericliture, which ia approv- to eioubieetaaea aaewee• Raeoloree ad of by Six Thomas Shaughnessy, whbeh is the junction between the President of tha company, will not main line. and the 'roortto-Sndbury he wholly for new work, as at least branch and Port Arthur covering ten millions of the amount; is to a distance of 138 aniles, complete work commenced last 11 is intended to eventually summer, including a portion of the double -track the entire Toronto - new 1,alte Shore line, and the ex- Sudbury line a -beta) 41857232700 of 563 .., tension farm 'St, John's to Fern- miles, in o;der' to handle graib ham Junetion, and the Forsythe albor the close of navigation on tie) street branch ih Montreal. The 'iakets. majority ef the new works will be Anothee • important work to be double -tracking various parte of commenced this yew, is the' dortble- eaetern lines, which will cost in the breaking of ti small tretch of fif- The main line from Islington to N,orth Toronto. • vicinity of six million dollars. teen miles between Agincourt midi 1 111 JJW The Easy Way of Doing a Hard Day's Wash— "W I tll Comfort • Soap. POSITIVELY THE LARGEST SALE 1t4 CANADA PRICES OF FARM PRODUCTS PEPORTa Pliant THU t•aanints TRAny naternas OF assents*. Prissy of Cams, cram, mums ane Ono Produce at Homo and Abroad. ffreadetUils. Toront,o, 7e1, 26.---77011355018 Wheat-Lako ports, No. 1 northern, 961.2o; No. S, 440; No, 3, 92o; foed wheat, 66 1-2o, Ontario Wheat-Noto , 2, 95o 96.3 for oar lots outside, ranging down to 790 for poor grades. Ontario Oats -No. 2 white. 33e to 34e at &Wintry pointe, 57e to 30o on tradh, To- ronto. Manitoba Oats -No, 2 0. 'W. oats, 41o, track, bay ports; No. 3 O. W., 391.70' No. 1 feed, 391.20, for prompt shipment. Corn -American, No. 3, all Toron- to, 301-30, Peae-No, 0, 81.20 to $1,26, oar IOW out- side. ' Duekwheat--No. 2, 52o th 53c. Rye-lio 2. 63e to 65o, nominal. Rolled Oats -Per bag of 90 pounds, 82, 121-2; per barrel, $4.70, wholesale, Wind- sor to Montreal. Barleys -Good malting barleY, ontSido, 56e to 60e. Mill.feed-Manitobs, bran, $19 to820, in bags, track, Toronto; eltorts, $21,50; On.- tarn) bran, 5119 th $20 in bags; shorts, 821,50. Manitoba Flour -First patents, 86.30 In Jet° base; second patents, $4.80 in Jute bags; strong bakers', $4.66 in into bugs - In cotton bags, ten cents more per bar- rel. Oratorio Flour -Winter vrheat dour, 90 per cont. patents, (3.95 to 84.05. --- - Country Produce-Whotesate. r$ga-Cold storage eggs 180 to 20e in ease lots; freeh eggs are selling at 22e to 120; strictly new-htid at 29c to 31.o. GLieese-Twins, new, 743-48 to Me, and large, new, at 14 1-201 old cheese, twins, lie to 16 1-2e; large, 15e. • Butler -0'.55730r23 prints, 31 to 32,e; de., solids, 29 to 30e; dairy prints, 25 to 27o; inferior (bakers% 22 10 220. Honey -Buckwheat, 9e pound in tins and 681n barrels; strolned clover honey 121.2o a pound hi 60.pound tins, 123-20 in 10- 1100514 tine; 13o in 5 -pound tins; comb honey, No. 1, 82.60 per dozen; extra, $3 per dozen: No. 2, $2.40 per dozen. Poultry -Live per chiekens, wholesale, 12e to 130 pound; fowl, 10c to 14e; cluoks, 100 to 140; live 'turkeys, 16e to 17o; geese, 90 to itie, Dressed poultry, 2c th lo above live quototthns, excePting dressed turkeYe. ai 20o to 21. Benne-Primes, 02.50, and $2,50 for hand- picked, Potatoes-Ontarlo pot:item:, 80o per bag; car lots, 70o; New Brunswicks, 90e to 96e per bag out of store; 80o in oar lots. Spanieh Onions -Per cast:, $2.36 to 02.40. Provisions. Smoked said Dry Salted Meakr-Rolle- Smoked, 142-4c to 168; hams, medium, 17, to 17 heavy, 181-23 to 16; breakfast bacon, 18 1.2o to 191; long Weer bacon, tons Find eases, 141-70 to 243-4e; hooka (plain), 211;2c; backs (pearneal),, 220. Green Meats -Ont of pielde, lc thee than smoked. Pork -Short out, $26 to 828 per barrel; mega pork, $21,50 to $22.00. Lard-Tieroes, 13 3.4o; tube, 141.40; pails, 141-20. saw Ray and Straw, Baled Hay -No. 1, $12 to 31200; No. 2, $9 to 810; No, 3, 08 to 89, Baled straw, $9 th $9,30, {Unfree/ Markets. Corn-Anterkan No. 2 yellow, 61.1-20. Oats -Canadian western, No. 2, 415-20 to 420; do., No. 3, 401-70 to 41e; do., extra No. 1 feed, 42e to 417.70; do,, No. 2 looal white, 380; do., No. 3, 37c; do., No. 4, 36o. BarleY -7e7onifoba, feed, 52c to 6413; dm o., alting. 73o to 76c, Buokwheat-No, 2, 55e to 57c. Flour -Manitoba spring wheat pratents, firsts, 05.40; do., seconds, $4,90; do., strong bakers', $4.70; do., winter patents, choice, 86.26; do. straight rollers, 84.85 to $4.95; bag,;. $2.05 to $2.30. Rolled eats - Barrels, 44.60; do., bags, 90 lbs., $2.12 1-2. Bron -420.00, Shorts -022.00, Middlings - WA. Noui01ie-830.00 to 830.00, Hay -No, 2, per to;, car lots, $13.60 to $14.02. Meese -Finest weeterns, 130; de., eastern% 116.40 to 322-4*, Butter -Choicest ereatnery, 201-70 to 29e; do., seconds, 24e to 26e, Eggs --Fresh, 28e to 30c; de., selected, 23o 5,0 250; do., No. 1 stook, 120 to 20o: do„ No. etock, 15e to 16c, Potatoes --per hag, oar lots, 60c to 75o. United States Markets, Minneapolis, Feb. 25.-Cloes - Wheat, May, 672.4*,; July, 89178o; September, 893.4e; Cash, No. 1 hard, 801-90; No, 1 northern, 86 3.4o to 671.4*; No. 2 northern, 843-4c to 833'4e, No, 3 yellow corn, 4.49 to 1-20; No. 3 white oate, 301.20 10 310. 268. 2 rye, 55 1.25 to 671-60, Bran, 918.20 $18.30. Elver prioee unchanged, Duluth, Feb. 25. -Wheat, 1 hard, 871.40; No. 1 northern, 863'4c; No. 2 north- ern, 023-4e to 043.4*; July, 031390 .to 097.4* asked; May, 801.40 to 093'90; September, 8911.23, "The Brew that Grew" 'Labatt's London Lager Selling fast becaese Ina le right Diu Tan FLAVOR -Atm Pun, TRY IT I LABATT'S INDIA PALE ALE XXX STOUT' Made and matured hi the old way nit IDEAL 13SVERAGEs JOHN LABATT Linage LONDON, CANADA 30 Live Stock Markets. montreai, Pel. 2.5.-Choiee steers 'mid ite 86.60 to 96.75, while stock of fair (716231137g old readily at 86 to 86.25, and the more oornurou onee at 04.60 to $6.50 per 100 pounds. Choice butchers', $6 to 516.25, and the lower grades $3,50 per 100 pounds. Bulls sold from $3.50 to 86.60 nor 100 2301111,13 as to qUaltty. Lattlb13, 97.60 to $7,75. SliceP, 84.60 to 86.25. Calves, 86 to 811 each, am to size and quality. $eleoted /ote of bon sold from $9.90 to 810,10 per 100 pounds weighed off cars. Toronto, Feb. 35.-0a553e-Cho330 butcher, 86.60 to $6.75; good medium, 05.50 to 45.76; common, $5 to 86,25; cows, $4,75 to 166.50a bulls, 83 to 86.25; enarnere, 02 to 82.50; out - tors, $3.25 to $3.75. Calvee--Clood veal, $3 to $9.25; common, 83 to 83,25. Stookors and feeders -Steers, 700 to 900 lbs., 85 to 86.601 feeding bulls, 900 to 1,000 lbs., 02.76 to $4, 25; yearlings, 03.10 to 85.60. Milkers and springers-Vrotu $50 to 872. Sheep and lambe-Light owes, 36.25 to 86; hearY ewes, $4 to $4.75; laitibe, $8 to $9.60; bindle, $4.20 to 06. flogs -89.0D fed and watered. and 90.65 f.o.b. CHERISHED RUSSIAN RELIC. Catheila.al of the Holy Trin- Ply Burned. A despatch froin St, Petersburg Gaye: On the eve of the tereenten- ary of the Reinanoff dynasty, Ras- sia haa lost a c,herished relic of the greatest of that line of monarchs. In the early hot;;* of Thursday moaning the eathedral of the Holy Trinity WaS destroyed by fire through defective heating of ite stoves. It was one of the meet notable hietorical buildinge in the Ruestan capital, and was the first church built on the marsh soil of the Neva, beaks in 1808, by Peter the Great, who himself often wor- shipped and sang before the altar. NORHEUMATISM LASTWINTER Montreal Nlan Conquered his Old Enemy by using GIN PILLS Mr. A. Beauclry of 597 Pend Street, Montreal, time expresses his great satisfaction with GIN PILLS. - "It affords nie great pleasure to inform you that 7 have used GIN PILLS for about six mouths, and that they have done ine a great deal of good, i have had Rheumatism for couple of years, and last winter 1 saved myself from it by using GIN PILLS." e pc, a box, 6 for $2.50. Sample free if you write National Drug and Chemical Co. of Canada, Limited, Tosouto, 133 To Our Friends and Neighbors You know us. You know we would not - that we could not afford to-- go back on our word. Nor can you afford to Ignora this money-back.itoot•satisfied offer on this splendid laxative. We honestly believe we have the should have been dispelled remain best bowel remedy ever made- the to poison the system, most pleasant-to-take,most per - =anent& beneficial laxative for relief Heatiochee, biliousness, 116231'01i23. nem and other tormenting and Bors- , from the miseries and dangers arising °US ips aro common when the bowels froin constipation, tall to act daily as nature intended. .All this may be avoided, if you will atmept our advice. We wouldn't say this if we didn't believe it to be true. We wouldn't risk our reputation by making aleh etStOrnetttS did we not feel sure you would find them true. Our faith is built both on the knowledge of what Revell Orderlieti are made of and on observation of very many severe cases in which they have proven their merit. , • Try them at Our RISIC If they do not abuddantly prove • their merit -With tou 011011you • are n9t entirely 0277/3030! them will refund ,vour money mut WO Will do that on your mere so)y-eo. We don't ask you to risk a noney. Isn't that fair? ' Just let the bowels fail in preperly • doing their work --just let their act0ou bo dolayedand incomplete Rexall Orderlies come in vest - and the entim system and every pocket tin boxers. 12 tablets, 10e; other organ suffers. 'Wastes that 36 tablets, 250; 90 tablets, 500. 0A13TION: Please bear in mind that Resell Orderlids are not ssold by a drug. este. Yea can buy Pozen Orderlies only at the Resell Stores. You ean buy Rozall Orderlies in Miis aoramttnity only at our storet WMaeaalami-224014 taste just like minds. They are soothing and easy in action. They do not cause griping, nausea, pure - Mg or excessive looseness. They tend to 50250 31201 strengthen intestinal nerves 4734 7333(00369. They promptly relieve constipation, and help to pet, =neatly ovomouie it. &mall Orderlies promute better spirits and bettor health. In all of these things they are vastly superior to old-inshioned, harsh Salts and other purgatives, which aro not only unpleasant to take but which usually leave the bowels in worse condition than before, 'We particularly recom- mend Resell Orderlies for ohildren, aged and delleate persons, . S. R. HOL ES Clinton 2740 Arx.,„.„..., Sgore Ontario " nom Is a Pozen Store in nearly every town and city hi the United States, Canada and Greet Britain. There a different 15,1031 350,9647 for neorir °MY Ordina,Y la.hraBn each emeciallY designed 707 (531 particular infer which '.5 33 recommended The Rexeli Stores 66230 America's Oreatest Drug Stems -