The Clinton News Record, 1913-02-27, Page 6KEEP YOUR glom WELL. AND
The best known and MoSt Tel iable Stock Food on the market.
Partners, Stocknseu and Breeders all use it and praise
It because it gives animals new strength and endurance—
purifies tite blood—improves their appearance—and at the
nate time, SAvea corn and outs, and only costs you
Por sale by Dealers everywhere, and the price will be
refunded if it donU save you money.
Write for copy of our 43,000 Stock Bookn—the most
heipEnt Book ever published for the Farmer and Stockman.
Sent free.
Here Is IFball One SlOrk
• Raiser Says.
0000000000 Qmr.
The letensitionanhoele
rood 00,, Toronto, Ont.
Plano and enclosed postal
notoa 300 10.00,100 amount
or myoucount, 'Iowa found
International Stock Food
oxrallont tor my korona and
canto, and pint 5000.
10 g1,71"TuIrglbttritgi
{:"Irns'ILI vrzi
(Signed) 4. V. SOUTH.
laughs With Joyl
No More Indigestion
Montreal Man So Ill, Thought He
Would, Pie of Stomae
Pound a anlpIo uernede That Has Opt'
Him Weil 'Ever- Since. .
The experience ef Mr. Larcem is
one very common to -day:
"I suffered. from dyspepsia and
indigestion for five year -8. I suf-
fered so much that I could hardly
attend to my week, I was Weak
and lost am courage. I enjoyed no
rest until I decided to fellow your
t.reatenent. To my great surprise
I immediately began to feel better.
I am now using the second, box of
Dr. Hamilton's Pills, and I feel, so
well 'that I *ant to tell yell' that I
owe this great change to your fam-
ous pills. I recommend Dr. Hamil-
ton's Pills to every person—who is
suffering from elyspepsia. Your
grateful seivent, D. R. Laroee, 338
Joliette street, Montreal, P.Q.
All who, have -weak ,stomachs, and
• thoge who suffer with indigestion,
headaches; biliousness, can be per-
fectly cured by 'Dr. Hamiltones
. Pills, 26c. per box, at druggists
and storekeepers, or the Cartarrho-
zone Co., Kingston, Ont., and Buf-
falo, N.Y. '
British War I)epartment to Discaed
. Scarlet 'Punks.
The red coat of the British infan-
tesenen which foe hundrede of
years ha bean one of the most
etriking featuree among the mei-
forms of the zinnias of the world, is
to disappear and eoon the world
.will know 'no mare "the thin red
eine of hereece According to well -
authenticated re.ponts the sr:oratory
• of war Will dereclose; in his army
estimate, as one ef the prinenpal
measures of eeononiy, a peoposal to
the famous scarlet full-
dress uniform of all the infantry of
the line. The khaki 'service dresa
to be the uniform of thhe futu,re.
• That prospect, particularly for the
recruiting sergeant, is not at all
pleasant but as an economic 'de-
parture the scheme has much to ee-
Omni:nand it. If the proposal finally
• comes before Parliament it is sure
to ineet with strenuous opposition
• froni those who regard the height
attractive' tunic as an iniportan.t
stimulus to reeruitieg and aleo
from those Who merely consider the
army as something more ornamen-
tal ;than necessary. A wordy par-
liamentary war between smite:lien-
ealityand utilitarianism is there--
, fore promised.
The sentimental feeling of Eng-
lish people for the historee uniforms
of their aoldiers has only been re-
• cently ,displayed in the opposition
aroueed against discarding the kilts
of the Highland troops. When this
proposition was put forward there
was a general protest, not only
ere= the Highland regiments, but
from the whole courutry. It result-
ed in the kilt being retained, and
it is hardly possible that the red
eeat 'vvill be disoanded Without a
struggle. .
'For the morne,nt, it is not sug-
gested that the' dashing 'Guards-
manahall haive the beauty ef his-ap-
parte ineerfered with, Neither • is
thereany prePesal made eo etrip the
cavalry, Royal; Artillery -or Royal
Regineees of their resplendent
trappings, althongh tbits probably
would'follose as a Mattea- of ceuree.
es re ,
rilnardls LInkment Cures Colds, Eto.
Braggs--fq it-ni still one of those
old-fashioeetl' people • ,who believe
that honesty •pays," Waggs—"So
am E And 1 believe jest as firmly
that.. dishonesty gets paid."
Be II 11
and Health
Of Skin and Hair
'Promoted by
, • .
Concurs Soap and Ointment are S010 threutilabl2
the world, A Mona sample of mob, WIth 324talai
lerandet 00 010 este and ttentment or the shin and
Stolt, sent nolt•trea 'edema Potter Drug& Chem.
Dora. DOM. kip. Boston. LI, ill, A.
Writer States Bulgarians Are Old-
est Nation In Europe.
It, is curious to think. that the
original Bulgarians were probably
closely akin to the Turkg wlic, to-
day ere the bitter foes of Bulgaria.
In all probability they were a Tar-
tar race, part of the great Hun cons
/oderacy, whioh alatoet made an end
of the Roman Empire in the middle
of the fifth earderry. After the
break-up of tile Rennie Empire
they formed part of that of the
Avers, but in 626, after theireslefeat
before Cionstantinople, the power
of the Avers declined and Kurt, the
Khau of'the Bulgarians, became in-
dependent. The Bulgars at that
time lay on the northweet shores of
the Black gears. In 679 Khan Ispil
net] and part of the tribe crossed
the Danube into ancient Moesie,
then waste and desolate except for
a sparse population of Slays.
• They were not, however, very
numerous', and were seeaclily ab-
sorbed by the Slams among whom
they had intruded. After the lapse
of three centuries little of the Tar-
tar remained in the Bulgarian nal
tion. To -clay the Bulgartians are
nearly pure Slays with a certain
admixture of the ancient Thracian
blood. The name is all that is left
of the race whieh canes with Ispineh
across the Danube in 679. For
three centuries Bulgaria remained
an uneasy bed -fellow to the Roman
Empire, (sometimes in a state of vas-
salage, scartetimes independent, of-
ten fiercely hostile.
In 971 Erapeeor Johannes I. eon-.
quered the etest,—the present Bul-
garia proper—a,nd after Et struggle
of thirty years Basil IL, "The Bul-
gar Slayer;" 'subjugated the west,
,and with it all the Slay lands to the
head of the Adriatic. Bulgaria re=
mained a Byzantine province until
1188, when it rose in revolt under
three brothers and after many years
ofe war regained its inde.pendenee,
which was assured by the d'eatrue-
tion of the eastern empire in 1204.
Under Johannes Asen II. (1218-41)
it rose to a great height of power,
once more scovering exert, of the in-
terior of Balkania,'but after this
great Monarch's death the king;dorn
steadily declined.
Good Rumor Returns with Change
to Proper Food.
' "For many years I was a con-
stant sufferer from indigestion and
nervousness, amounting almost to
prostration, writes a Western
"My blood was bnpoverished, the
vision was 'blurred and weak, with
moving epote before my eyes. This
was a. steady' daily condition. I
grew ill-tempered, and eventually
got so nervous I could not keep my
books posted, nor handle accounts
• satisfactorily. I can't describe my
"Nothing .1 ate agreed with me,
till one day I happened to notice
Grape -Nuts in a greenery store,
and bought a package out of curio-
eity to know what it was.
liked the food from the very
first, eating it with cream, and 1101•7
I buy it by the ease and use it
daily. I soon found that Grape -
Nuts food was supplying brain and
nerve force as nothing in the drug
11ine ever had done or could do.
• "It wasn't long before I was re-
stored to health, comfort and hap-
"Through the use of Grape -Nuts
food me digestion has been restor-
ed, my nerves are steady once more,
my eye -eight is good again, my
mental faculties are clear and
acute, and I have become so good-
natured that my friends 'are truly
astonished at the change. I feel
younger and better than I have for
20 years. No amount of money'
would induce M43 to surrender what
have gained through the use of
Grape -Nuts food," Name given
by Canadian Postern Co., Windsor,
Ont. "There's a reasen." Read
the littIe 'book, "The Road to Well-
ville," in pkgs.
Ever read the above letter? A new one
appears from time to time. They are
genuine, true, and full of human. Interest.
Portuguese Territories the Best
Field for Huntsmen.
The eig game ehooting ground:of
British -East Africa have become so
widely. and generally known that
they have blotte,c1 out Of mind the
Zambesi Valley to the south, the
fothets of Gorongoza and Geyer°
and •the courses of a dozen rivers
that break intenthe Indian Ocean
through Pertegeeth territory. To
the' big game hunter wieh a desire
foe trophie,s ,Britieh Ease Africa
presents undoubted advantages
over aner other eounefee in the
world; but to the sportsman who
wishes to test hie pewees of wood-
craft tto th,e full- and en the eupreme
scale, so far as game is concerned,
Portuguese Fast Ahem offers a
field that es nits urpassed
Portuguese Eakt Afriea etill COD-
ttilIE the following big game in
abundance : 13effalos crocodile
ielencl, elephant, giraffe, brineled
;arid white tailed gnu or wilde-
beeste, harebeeste, hippopotamus,
hyena, .koodeo, rhinoceros, roan
antelope table antelope, water-
buck and zebra. There ie a great
variety el smaller games Not e,11 of
the species mentioned men be hunt-
ed incliseriminetely, but eseh may
be hunted finder certain conditions
In certain districts after securing
the neeessery gun permits and
shooting licenses.
Tom—You spend altogether too
much money on that girl. Don't
you know girls always accept ev-
erything a man gives them and then
marry the fellow who saveii his
money JackL,-Sure I do, Thabss
the reason' I'm blowing in mine,
innartrs, Liniment eoures Distemper.
Occurrences in the Land That
Reigns Supreme in the Coni.
• mercial World.
642,970 tons of frozen meat ware
eaten in the United Kingdom last
By command of the King a pre-
sent of linen has been sent to the
Middleeex Hoepital.
Mr. Willie's] Beardsley, a lay
preacher, dropped dead while con-
ducting services at Steborough.
Thos. Thomas, aged 83„who was
barn in the Mumbles Lighthouse,
has died there from old age.
• Mr. Emily Phoebe Wenharn, of
Upper Richmond. Road, Putney,
has jut celebrated her 100th birth-
cley. •,.
A' seriou,s epidemic of zneaslee is
spreading to all parts a Lincoln -
sire, and many schoolhave been.
°lose -el.
The London County Council' an-
nounced that underealcers are ex-
emprb from the half -holiday under
the Shop Act.
The lambing season, which is now
in full swing in Dorset, and Hemp -
shire flocks, has made a sartisfectory
showing. '
A goldfintih belonging to Miss
Olive Mestere, of the Commons Ux-
bridge, Middlesex, has died, aged
eighteen Yea,rs. •' •
Paintings of a black hand on post
cards have preceded many rick -
firing outrages in the distriets of
Flintshire, North Wales.
The lawn situated between Ful-
ham Palace Moat and the Fulham
Palace Road is th be pleated with
an ornamental shrubbery. ,
The Finsbury Borough C,ounicil
has given its sanction to extend the
electric] tram route along Farring-
ton Road to Ludgate Circus.'
Bournemouth ratepa,yees have de-
cided in favor of the running of
tram -ears on Sunday, thus revers-
ing the decision of six years ago.
During 1912, 467,762 British sub-
jects left the United Kingdom, 331,-
137 going to Britisliedominions, and
117,354 to the United States.
The first prize for oit paintings at
an exhibition in Leeds has been
awarded to a deaf and dumb brick-
layer, and the second to a °oilier.
The death has ocourred near Ply-
mouth of Abel Marks, a veteran of
the 'Crimean War and the Indian
Mutiny, a,t th,e age of eighty.
Mr. Joseph Cousin, of little Mil-
ton a has obtained the diploma af
Fellow of the Royal College of Or-
ganists. ' He is the eon of a miner.
Aoce,rding to the report of tee
Birmingham Etlemation Commeetee,
the market is terribly over -stocked
with girl stenographers. 200 to 300
girls apply for on'e office, post.
The feast eity police constable to
be killed by a motor vehiele is COD -
'stable John Smith, vrho was kneck-
ed down and killed by a. steam. 'bus
at Ludgate Circus while directing
Mr. and Mrs. Jasnes Bates, of
Statham (Norfolk) have jut cele-
brated their clia,mon.d wedding.
Mrs. Bales, who is 84 yeare of ego,
has lived in 'her present house for
78 yeare. •
Lumbermen in hundreds will
shortly invade the timber lands me
Devon, Dorset, Somersetea,nd Corn-
wall, and start felling trees and
gettenegeem ready for removal dur-
ing the summer.
• The most powerfal locomotive in
Great aritain has been constructed
by the G. 0. Ry. a.t• Gorton. The
boiler weighs over 20 tons. The
engine and tender in working 'order
total over 122 tons.
One hendre,(1 and forty sheets, .125
ithinte, 41 petticoats, and 18 maks
were among the articles etolenafgasna
the Medway Wrokhouse by ,as
Pearman who was sentenced to
four inorithe at Chatham.
' Lady John Joicey Cecil hes pre-
sented to Armsereng OreMege, New-
castle, the,boat in which Grath Dar-
linga.nd her father went 40 to res-,
cue of the Forfa'rshire on Ilarwin'e
Rock, Farne leland, in 1838.
• '1.
How Berlin, Germany, Keeps Down
Fire Loss.
In Berlin every itTe is Mime.
UNA is the law. And, it is asked,
why 'not? Run down • the • tenth
abeut,any fire, and .sorae one person
will be found whose negligence or
guilt was the cause of it. ,
Somebedy etored ' dangerous
quantities of inflammable or explo-
sive goods' on the premises, or he
built a frame structure next to a
sweatshop He took chances with
human lives --because it was cheatp.
In Berlin it is net cheeps 'The
police • investigate every fire, sayS
one authority, and •the responsible
person pays the cost of putting out
the Bre and daentreck besides. Note
the result. In Chicago, the Ameri-
can city of equal sioa, the" animal
fire loss is $6,000,000; in Berlin,
ISSUE 9—'13
Leren-G. Ladd only found complete
relief after using the • Great
Canadian Kidney Remedy. '
Ladd's Mills, Stanstead Co.,
Que., Feb, 24 (Special).—That the
seeds of disease left in ,the body
after an illness are sure to cause
trouble is the experience of toren
G. Ladd, a well known young M0711
in this community, M. Lacld has
also' learned that thoee, seeds can
be cleared out of the body and per-
fect health restored by Dodd's Kid-
ney Pill's. -
"At tee age of six I had Scarlet
Fever," Mr, Ladd strifes. , "At
twelve I had Typhoid Fever, and at
feurteen I had Itteagles. About a
year later I began to be troubled
by swellings of the face, feet and
hands. The doctor told me I had
Kidney trouble. He gave me me-
dicine but the ssiellings continued
th 00M43 atintervale of -a week to a
month. -
"Two years ago one box of
Dod,d's Kidney Pills stopped the
swellings. Laat 'winter the swel-
lings returned and again I eves
cered by using Dodd's Kidney
Healthy Kidneys strain the seeds
of disease out of the blood. Dodd'a
Kidney Pills make healthy Kidneys.
• a
Revolutionary Nemesis, 1Slare Be-
chadze, Killed by Bomb.
Mary Bachadze, -famous as one of
the most beautiful women in Cau-
Mena, Russia; has met with a.ter-
rible fate. She was married tee a
young- DIBT1 T71110 was once a revolu-
tionary, and Mary Baehadze shared
hi a views.
When reaction, however, gained
the upper hand, the man became
afraid and turned informer. One
day hewed] blown to pieces by a
bomb salaried on his own doorstep.
Mary Bachadze, who loved her
husband seassioiaately, bee,ame, en-
raged agaanst the reisolutionaries,
especially aa she did not believe
that her husband had ae6ed as a
For years she has persecuted the
adherehts of the revolutionary
mum. No 'lees than 850 a them
have been arrested through her in-
eitrumentality, and many have been
She knew bleat ehe had been con-
demned to death, but continued
ruthlesely her plan of revenge. She
took the most vigorous precautions.
She never stirred out unless ac-
eompanied b,y detectives, and lies -
at communicated by means of a
secret passage with the polka bur-
eau. ,
But she, too, was caught in the
end. She reoeive-d a basket of
beautiful cherrie,s from an old flame
of hers, ,and was imprudent enough
to take et int,o her fiat. An awful
explosion °mitered, and the beau-
tiful spy was killed.
Is Fatal Catarrh
- in Your Family?
Rutis Rand in Hand With
Bronchitis, Weak Throat,
Pnemnonia, Consumption.
Doctors state that 96 per cent. of
the Canadian people suffer . from
Catarrh. Few escape it. You can
easily mcmognize it frorn the bed
taste in the mouth and teem lack
of appetite in elle morning. In bad
oases the nmeoue drops from the
throat into the .stomaeh and causes
nausea, The throai fills with
phlegm, .the patient seeezei and
coughs continually; not infrequent-
ly there is desaitude and chilliness
and aching in the limbs.
Doctors reeoraraend Catarrho-
zoee, it is nature's own cure. It
thrives out the germs, heal(' sore
spots, cleans away every' vestige of
Catarrhal taint.
You send the soothing vapors of
the pine weeds, the richest balsams
and heading essences, right to the
cense of your creel by inhaling Ca-
tarrhozone. Little drops of wonder-
derful curative pewee are distri-
buted through the whole breathing
apparatus by the air you breathe.
Like a mirages, that'a how Catarrh-
ozone (lures bronchitis, cataerh,
oolels'and irritable throat You
esimply 'breathe its healing fumes;
and every tram of disease flees as
before fi,re.
So- safe, infants Call use it, so
Safe 40 relieve, doctors preserilse
it, so beneficial in preventing win-
ter ills that no person oam &lord te
do without Catarrheame. Used in
thousands a DI1206 without failure.
Complete outfit $3,00, lasts three
months, and 14 gearanteed to cure;
smaller size 500, all dealees or the
Catarrharkee Go., Buffalo, N.Y.,
and Kingston, Ont.
Is Widows' Suburb.
Charlottenburg, the fashionahle
western, suburb of Berlin,Ger-
TnanY, is known as the "widows'
town." At the last beneue no fewer
than 14,543 widows were registered
SOS residing within its bounderie,s,
Thi e is very nearly half of the total
surplus of women over men that is
to be found in the town -29,240. In
no other town in Germany can geeh
10 proportiop,ate 'eremites of the fe-
male sex be found. The number of
vidowers is eictrivordinary small in
proportion, being only 2,358,
• •„. ,
People who „F`e rolling in wealth
sheuld be able to and a better use
fee 14,
Several 'Important African Roads
Clesed to Atilinae Transport.
How great a menace is the tsetse
fly to the progress of certain re-
gions of Africa is shown in the re-
port, of Sir William H, Manning,
governor of Nyasaland. The peeve -
knee of the fly has made it neces-
sary to, close many important roads
against all 'f-oreas of animal trans-
port. One .ef the highways thns
<,losed to animal -drawn vehicles is
the read between Blantyre, the
chief eornanercial centre of the
country, and Zomba, the adminis-
trative capital, but twenty-three
miles of it, or more than half, has
been macadan-dsed, in order that
motor vehicles ean use it, and work
on the remainder is going on rapid-
ly.- The ordinary roads oe the
country are impassable for ox 'wts-
gons'during the rainy Reason, which
extends froth Noveraber to May.
For this reason a great inerea•th of
macadamized highways is desirable.
Unless it is provided, the newly- ,
developed agricultural settlements ,
of the protecto,rate will suffer
. Now Hates Apple Same.
Frank Rinse, of Rockford,
England, ate a bared of apples
in ten daya. It was a rogue
hution barrel. Hines, &them-
plisheel the felt for a bet, Ilia
wager netted him £10, and he was
17 lbs. heavier when ha had finish-
ed. He has now e, dislike for am.
plea which he ottrinot ex -pros,'" in
words. He figures it will be ninety
years at least before he asks any-
one eo "please pees the apple-
sauce." Rinse wire visiting the
warehouse of a friend when he re-
marked some apples on display
looked so good he believed 'he could
eat a barrel oe them. His frieind
wagered 210 -that Rinse couldn't
ewe a barrelful in ten days. BOOTEE
called at the store daily to Bee how
Rinse was gettimg aloog, and =my
side wagers were made.
For Croupy Children
Keep lerviline' Handy
It Positively Brings Children Out
of Danger and Relieves
at Once.
"Bringing np young children has tts re
sponeibilitioe under the beet of (dream -
Montan," writes Mrs. E. G. Eagan, of
Holmes' Corner, "but ()Ninny colds add
considerable to the worry. My little
of four all went through the
croupy era, but I always bad Berviline oh
hand and never felt nervous. I just fol-
lowed the direetions, and I can tell 3lou
that nothing I know of is 'surer to cure
croupy colds than Nerviline.
"/n our home we use Nerviline frequent.
ly. For cold in the chest, pleurisy, hormo-
nes% otoe it is simply wonderful. MY
husband uses it for rheunintiam, and I
often employ it for rumralgia and eh*
headache. Nerviline has so many uses
that no mother can afford to be without
The largo !orally site bottle, which solle
at 50e., is the moat economical; trialt Bite,
26o. Your .etorokeeper or druggist sells
Norviline, which is prepared by The Cla-
tarrhozone 00., Buffalo, N. Y,
Built to Rohl Thirty-five And to Be
Aboard one of the ships which
sail beeween. London and Batter -
dam there has been recently inetalle
ed a species of lifeboat, whieh is
quite novel. These boats' which do
not weigh more then the ordinary
lifeboat of we'od, are made to hold
thirty-five people and are composed
of several ooncentric layers, The
exterior is of willow,lhen 00Illeg a
layer of another wood, thee an-
other of eenrytes, a aeoond layer of
wood, and a seoond layer of canvas.
The interior of the boat 40 'Of weed.
Experience has demonstrated that
this kind of lifeboat is practically
"unbrea-kable," and it is gauran-
teed .to resie6 the kind of shook
which so easily oaerturns the ordi-
nary lifeboat, It is also expected
that this new lifeboat will keep
afloat indefinitely in the stormiest
weather. '
iffiro7ri Try,Muriee Eye Remedy
linhirting—Feelahloe—Aate 9utekly.
1r 110 YYT°2°V.vilk•iii=t4eli"g
ieon2 Pooling°, 'BURINS 00 00)0
'N � e d tv'g1.At0f0.i0v,orrtnzratet)cg422g.0iV3.,1%,d
Murine Ere Remedy Co., Chleago
The M. D.—For a time ie would
be safer eo feed the child modified
cow's ipilk. The Young Mother—
But I'm quite sure' doctor, that
eur milkman doesn'tkeep a modi-
Look for the signature of E. 'W. 'GROVE,
Cures 0 Cold in One Day.. Cures Grip lo
Two Days. 26o.
Blink (the wholesaler)—"Well,
how many other did you get yester-
day ?'t Gink (the sa1eginat)—"1:
got two orders in one shop' Blink
—"What were they 7" Gink—'`One
was to got out and the other was
to stay out."
Constipation, -
is an enemy within the camp. it will
undermine the strongest constitution
end ruin the most vigorous health.,
It leads to indigestion, biliousness,
hnpure blood, bad complexion, sick
headaches, and is one of the most
frequeet causes of apeendicitis. To .
neglect it is slow suicide. Di. Morse;
Indian Root Pitts• positively cure
Constipation.- They are entirely
vegetable in composition and do not
sicken, weakee or gripe. Preserve
your health by taking
• Dr. lkto rat e's "
Indian Root
eye, epiaaotie, dieternpor and all none, anti
throat dirieneoo clued, anti all °then, no matter how "ex.
posed," kept trona „Iriving any of arm diiniaono with SPODE'S
LIQUID DISTEMPER CURE, Three to ant dee,, often ouro
ease. One bottle guaranteed to do ao. Best think/ for brood
=area. Acta on the blood. Druggioto and harness nhopo.
Dietributore ALL WHOLESALE IlliiirCiGIBTB,
SPORN MEDICAL Oh., Chemists, °batten, Indiana, U.S.A.
Write at once for our
112 -page handsomely Hs
lustrated Catalogue of
Seeds, Plants, Bulbs,
and Poultry Supplies, etc.
Per Quick Sale
is) acre faim, good location, with half
mile frontage on Shuman lake, 31-5 =flee
tram 0. B. R. main line, About 16 mores
eloared, about 6 agree bearing orchard,
some yonng orchard, hone°, barn, sheds,
spline water, fencing,. timber, some fOr-
niter° and implements, good bus,
suitable for fruit or mixed farming, and
Will make a good sub -division.. Price
59,000; half each, balance easy terms, or
will trade for good securities or real es-
tate. Write Owner, Drawer 16, Salmon
Arm, s. 0., or Salmon Arm Realty 00.,
Ltd., Salmon Arm, B. 0.
Bees Form Robber Bands.
The School o/ Lornbroso asserts
thee altnest every variety of human
wrong -doing finele its counterpart
in the crimes committed by aid -
mole, Among the bees there is
much theft In order to save them-
selves the trouble of working, the
robbers attack the masses, kill
them'rob rehe hives and carry off
the booty when they cannot obtain
it by stealth. Sometimes, having
aequired an en:arable taste for
robbery and violence they form reg-
ular colonies • of bandits. It is
possible to reduce thews tiny ene-
mies tolaw and or.der by the eimplo
process of giving working bees a
mixture of honey and brandy eo
Minard'e Liniment 00,, Limited.
Gentlemen,.4-1,ty' daughter, 13 70032 old,
was thrown from a sleigh and injured her
elbow 00 badly it remained stiff and very
painful for 'three years. Four bottles of
ALINARD'S LINIMENT oompletelycured
her and she ilea not been troubled for two
Youth truly,
1. B. Tavnimun..
Bt, Joseph, P. 0., 18610 Aug.:1900,
"Mother, in sending out my
birthday invitations shall I say ;
'Your presence la requested' 3" "Of
course not, my dear; yoy should
say your presents are request-
ed.' "
' —
Low Colt:mist Rates to esteiteecoast
Via Chicago and North Western Railway.
On en3c daily. 'March 15000 to April 11111
inclusive, front 4401 points in Canada to
LOS Angeles, San Franeleeo, Portland,
Salt Laho Oity, Seattle, Victoria, Van-
couver, Neleon, Roseland, and many other
tioinM. Through Toothit sleepers and
free reellnine chair oars from Chicago.
Variable rontes, Liberal Stop event. For
full information RA tO rates, rontee and
literature, write or call on B. IL Bennett,
General Agent, .46 Yenge Streetr. Toronto.
elether--"Why, Lola, aren't you
asleep yet 1" Eitel° .Lola—"Not
Quite, mamma; but one of my feet
Take LAXATIVE DROTI 0 Quinine Tablets.
Druggists refund Money if it Dale to Imre.
E. W. GROVE'S signature Is ou each box.
Many a loafer started. out with
splendid prospecte,
Mlnard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria,
'Trade in llama]] Ilfair;
Teade in human hair is a big in-
duerbry abroad, exports sore:aim 011
reaching a total of $3,000,000 to
$45000,000 a year. Italian mer-
chants lead in the trade, and ob-
tain a. large_ part of their stock
frnin the peasant W0111011 o± Itai,Yi
SWit5e,Siand lancl :Dalmatia.perm.
liar method is in vogue -MI -rang the
women of those-ealiatries in order
to pr root a supply of hair rev:t-
ea:ley and yet' not appear to have
beau Piharn" at all. They cut off
hell of the haie at the .back of the and then twist.the remaining
half over the exposed. • part and
&OBS itin 6110h a manner'tliat .th,e
agents of the humareheir rnorchants
come around. for the semi-annual
crop of hair thus raised.
H. W. DAWSON, Ninety Celberne Street,
with Three Houses; large Bank Barn.
Must be sold Quick. Price Is very low.
•Xsnitoba, Alberta aml Saskatcherian
that can be bought. Worth the money for
quick sale. .
farms in different sections of Ontario
on MY list. If you .want a farm consult
H. W. DAWSON, Torento.
AL London market; soil clay lomat term
house; barn. Would exchange for oity,
town or village property or for larger
farm. The Western Heal Eatate, London,
1.:3 [(wont Foreign Stamina, Catalogue,
Album, only Seven Cents Berke Stamp
Company, Toronto.
Barbera and Dive Men in towns only
-100 population make big money. Bo first'
to write for book, "How to Start a Jul.
nerd neom"—Coet, Ersy Terms, etc. Cata-
logues of tables for Ileme and Club froa.
If you have a table ask for our calmly
catalogue. Brunswielt.liallso•Collencier CHim
pauY, Toronto.
ANCER, rumons, L1711P13, 11110..
'V internal and external, cured with
Mit pain by our hpme treatment. Write
I,, before too late. Dr. Reitman Medical
Co.. Limited, Collinswood. Ont
A.X der Stones, Biliney trouble. Gravel.
lanoline and kindrod ailments nositisell
cored with Die new German Retnedy,
"Sanol," price 81,00. Another new reined?
for Dintiotetrlifellans, sod sure euro, le
"Sanas AntrDiabetes.' Price 80.00 from
drnagiets or direct. The Sanol Manatee.
turitig . Company ot (Moeda. Limited.
Wfnnti,oe' tIsn . a
Just a Minute 7gte.reon:°O':
bleeding piles
can be mired by using nature's own re.
medy—no modloine—no operation. This
remedy does not profess to WMinternal
piles, Mit is a certain tern for protruding
unes, Diseovery was made by sufferer of
20 years' etausling, who is now quite well.
Full inetructions 011 receipt of 51.0e .
WM. IL OXLEY, 294 Berkeley St., Toronto,
0.5 be don, what,. 05050 Sronoh proedas. Try it.
British Firtler10111 Dyeing CO.,
Montreal, 'Toronto, 'Otte wa and QuabeC•
Man's Strong Aerm.
Suburbe—Wonme- enay be great, -
but she's got tO COMO ,to 1314Ell for
one thing.
Ontaways—Mrhat's that?
Suburba—Have him tighten the
tops on the preserve jars.
Minard's Liniment Cures Caeget In cows.
Between Seasons,.
"Tommy, why did you stay sway
from school yesterday 7"
'I wuz sick, mum.''
"'Were you really sick 7"
"Teacher, a feller ain't got no
other reason for itayin' away from
5011001 these clays."
wash. ay
PA -.I.'
, 10 ',
Makes the Clothes as
Whitpas Snow
. ' '-‘17 It 0
Monuttoturod ny
Tim Johnson.Rieliewdoon Cu
"halted, lifontrool, Citn,