The Clinton News Record, 1913-02-27, Page 5'reside
Mow many patents and those in
, elitism i e if t ' home co-operaie vit
"Idle school teacher in his or ' her
-daily rounds of duties and Edsponi-
sties ' Many children depend sole -
le upon the teacher; not only for
their intellectual, awakening but for
the cultivation •and developing of
their moral well being , mid . the in.
stilling of the principles of right and
-wrong of truth, honor and propriety,.
The teacher who 'is obliged to stand
.befere -thicty or forty' pupils daily
. fine realize her rceponsieility le well
"Mali discouraged., espedially if, she
has, to „work _against home condi-
tions. Perhaps you do .- not under4
stand but if T give a concrete cese
it May explain itself ; and - thie col-
-umn is incited by the ordinery
things I see and hear about . me.,
Ise mother and .father were discues-
ing the relative merits Of a teacher
before their offspring, which in the
' first place they had no business to
Sgfee incident of school life in
which a pupil had boldly defied this
-teacher and "sauced" her had been
'eelated by one of ethe, ,yeurre
tuis, while ' the parents laughed and
:apparently thought it 'smart'. ',hey
later on commented upon the teacher
as a 'nervous creature with a bad
"teepee of her own Which she unlit
to control before she attempted to-
teack others,' Phv went on to dis-
cus a broken love affair of the poor
eqachee, in a most hoartleas and un-
fair way 'ending by. saying 'Well,
. poor thing she is on- the shelf and
•cannot help her nervousness.'
Let me tell you here dud now par-
ents who read that that teacher is
thoroughly capable, and keenly alive
to her responsibility which she ser-
iously tries to shoulder. Her in-
nuence will 'extend so far as elm
instils respect 1 rem her pupils hut
how long will that respect lest
when • these pupils go home to hear
such remarks as I have ilrustrated
I guarantee the teacher often times
kuows her pupils better than their
• parents. She studies them their
characteristics, their abilities, and
tries in every way to encourage tal-
ents through which they may dove-
, lop and awaken nobler and 'higher et -
tributes. Do you study your child
'and deal with that child aqcording
toyour observations ? Do you Iolz
-low his development at home and
at schoed or do you simply judge by
'his Standing in the paper at the end
cd the term, satisfied with that
.alone ?
When a little child etarts to echciol
an apcomplishes something -with the
teacher's guidance -he is very proud
.and he runs honse to tell mother, but
, mother ire husy getting dinner and
pushes _nim aside ,.with an., impatient •
'Don't bother nee' not realizing that
it is a small tragedy to which she
est...pas given her hand. This happens sev-
eral times and the child becames sen-
sitive and. learns to keep his little
ambitions hidden. Then frequently
they wither away and die. Think of
of it parents ! The child begins to
look upon Mother as one who gets
the ineals and Sew& buttons en
while father gives an occasional cop-
per bat espetially orders one around
when it comes .4) shovelling snow or
, splitting kindling.
• There is a lack of understanding
betweeii patents and children, end
lack of' ao-operation between parents
end school teacher. The teacher . 1
• am sure would. welcome any parent
-and gladly discuss the children who
are the precious charges whose rib-
ponsibility must be shouldered by
both parents and teacher if a well
balanced life and character ie to te
the result and great is the need of
ellell 'characters in the world to -day.
The little taste of soli* witiii 'its
bright. sun and mellow air, with
which we were favored a fesie
ago, malice us hungry for more. One
can almost feel the 'blooddancea
little 'faster through the veins, and
with it comes an irresistable desire
to shout and ren. We, with the
-rest of nature, experience that senee
of freedom which, spring brings and
there comes hazy pictures of sum-
mer with its holidays, the hig, out -
(More, thewoods, • streamsand• flow --
sire, so we hasten on to our bench
or desk, knowing the good things In
store ofwhich Spring is the. intim-
:otiose .
Clinton Nem -Record
• London Road.
A.. happy social gathering took place
at the home of Mr, Thos. . Towns -
heed Nof Tuckersmith one evening 0-
0011dy when , number of the ,young
people of the neighborhood presented
themselvesthe object being to
"shower'' Mrs, Frank Colemhn, fora -
wetly Miss Flossie ,.Towashend, and
when the Company had g.atheeed the
young people literally ''showered''
the lady in questioe, with 'a miscel-
laneous variety of articles suitable
for househeelcibg. Aapleasent sec=
ial eveising was ,afterwards ' spent ib
games, music, etc. Mr. and -Mre.
Coleman intend shortly taking up
housekeeping, en the farm, recently
Purchased just °melte Turner's
-church. Their nany friends join
heartily its wishing them Ione ide
and happiness. r
Mr Andrew Gihsofi of Pilot Mound,
Man., visited his mother' • town
recently. •
Three old and respected resideets
cif town passed away during the past
week, that is, 1VIrs. Elijah Martin,
who was iu her ninetieth year, Mrs.
W. C. Potter aged seventy-nine, ard
Joins Phillips who had passed the
age or seventy.
Mrs. Evangelia Hawley on Thurs-
day last passed her ninety-first
birthday. She is, in the full posses-
sion of all aer faculties. and thor-
oughly enjoyed the visits of many
friends who called upon her on her
Mrs. C. N. Griffin met with a bad
accident the other day when she fell
breaking her thigh.
Messrs. Richardson & Rae have'sold
theit hardware businees to Mt. J.
D. Rae of $t. Marys, who will
shortly assume control. The Wing -
ham firm have purchased a hard-
ware :business in Ingersoll.
• Mr. Bert Elliott has returned to
the west after spending several
weeks with friends and, relatives
here, Mr. E. Elliott aecompanied
him and will remain for some
Hon. A. B. McKenzie, District At-
torney of Martinez, Cal., visited
parents, Mr, and Mrs. Geo. McKen-
zie, • He was accompanied by his
niece, Miss Nora McKende.
Messrs. 'Alvin Hart of Winnipeg
and 3,4erton Hart of Toronto visited
their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ezra
Hart of town, during the past week.
Mr. and Mrs. K. Rae have remov-
ed to Ingersoll, wnere Mr. Rae has
gone into business, -
One enterprising creature with the
nice dothestic name of Matty, sug-
gests the 'Wonsan Suffrage' question
as a topic for these columns, Patty
has opinions of her own, nind you,
but would like to hear from others
before launching hers on' the public.
Write your views and send them; in.
How does Clinton view this gees-
4"-Selbe ?
Mr, NV. Pollock has returned lionse
e tee a visit with friends and relativ-
es in Petoskey,' lVfich.
'A quiet wedding took place at the
manse here on Feb, 12th, when
Miss Annie_,Almyra Patterson of
• East MawanoSli-eveas-united
nage to Mr. Nathaniel Sundercocic
town., Mr. and a Mrs. Sundercock
have 4 taken up theirreriidence on
Hensley street.
Mr.. and Mrs, ,John Plewis of
Brockville have been visiting the
latter's sister, Mrs., 1 11. Chellew.
Mr. and Mre. Rbbt, Anderson of
Winnipeg visited Mr, and Mrs. John
Colclough last week.
Mrs.' 'A, W. Sloan, who has been
very ill for some -time, is now vis-
iting her daughter, Mrs. Wesley Wa.i4.
ker of Clinton.
Mrs. Currie of Moosejdw, Sask., is
'visiting friends and relatives • here-
abouts. •
Mrs. Paulin of Regina, Sask,,, has
been the guest of her mother, Mrs.
Rennie of Zurich, and other Wends
in the .vicinity.
Mes. (Dr.) Sellery has been very
ill suffering from internal hemorr-
hage, but is new progressing favor-_
ably and it is hoped she will soon
be fully recovered.
Mr. Hugh McMartin passed away
lest week at the age of eighty-three
INIrs. W. Hasson- and 'daughter vis-
ited in London recently.
Mr: Joseph Gelians, Jr., has pur-
ehased the farm of Mr. W. C. Wag-
ner, possession to be given the lat-
ter end of March. Mr. _Wagner in-
tends moving into Zurich.
• Mr. A. Morrison of the 14th con.
of Stephen died on Monday of last
week. Me was in his ninetieth:Year.
His house was burned a few days
previous to his death, he having
been removed just before .it collap-
Miss Bdll' MeNab left last 'week for
Oil City,' penn,, where she expeets
to remain for some months.
Miss Chesney while walking on the
road coming in from Egmondrille the
other day was tun, lute by a deliv-
ery wagon and rather seriously in-
' Mrs, Wm R. Hargan, sister of
Messrs. >Joseph and James Dorrance
of McKillop, died at her home in
Ingersoll last week. 1VIrs. Joseph
Dorrance attended the funeral,
Rev. James Argo was inducted in-
to the pastorate of legniondville
Presbyterian church, Ids term start -
Mg under the most favorable' auhpi-
1VIr. Thos. Dick, an old and esteem-
ed resident of Huron county, died
.at his home at Egmondville on Wed-
nesday week. Ile was one or the
early settlers in Hay township, ni ar
Kippen, where lie iivoa until a cou-
ple of years ago. , I -le was eighty
years of age and 'leaves a widow
and several of a family.
A ' rink of curlers consisting of
Messrs. J. Beattie, G. E. Hendee -
:Son, T. Johnstone and A . Pe. Fro -
bes, went to Guelph last week.
Mrs. Alex. Wilson visited Rev. atd
Mrs. CeilM ,Fletcher at Thames Toad
manse last week.
Mrs, Bausla,sigh of Winnipeg, a for-
-feeichei_if of town, has beelr the
guest , of MrS"7-e-Gi. E. Henderson of
'town during the paerTWeelr.
Three rinks of 'Brussels 'earlere
came over on Tuesday week and had
a friendly game with the locals.
Messrs. D. • and J. Ross and 'Man-
ners were the visiting ships, those
for Seaforth being : R. 5. Hays, W.
D, Bright and W. McDougall in the
afternoen and 13. F. Rogers,. A.
son and E. Bright in the evening.
Seafforth won, with 18 up.
Mr, Arch. Scott has returned from
an extended stay in "the west.
London- Road.
Mr. and . Mrs. Hanna, *wee have
been . visiting the lattor's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Sivitzer, and other fri-
ends , in the vicinity for several
vveees, left .on Friday for their
home in the west Mr. and Mrs.
'Foster accomii,aeieci them and may
decide to locate tint°.
Mr. Fred Nott had a sitccesSful
wood bee en' Tuesday and get quite
a nice lot of wood cut. ,
Mrs. Feed Vealdron, entettained • on
Friday ,evenine last and all present
report ir very plesant •tiine.
111. Welton Layton has bought the
Charles I-loggert farm on the_ 2,0d
cote of Teckersmith paying ,. therefor
$4,550. it .consists of seventy-five
acres with good buildings. Nrr... Hog -
gat has,. bought: the Chifs...•Rogerson
farna in Mullett. . '•
The lei: .harvesters are busy eon- a
crop of good ice, '
Miss I-Iazel Elcoat has returned ,to,
Toronto to resume her sticlie.s after
an illness of three' weeks or se,
Mr. Jas, Robinsim of London vis-
' ten friends' on the Road this veeek.
Miss Addle :Sperling of Cranhrook
's visiting her aunt, Mrs. A.13. Step-'
'The Essex & Kent Printers' A SNOC-
ation has notified all municipalities
of a raise_ in the price of muss-
cipal printing. Prices are al-
so raised • to Fair Associations.
Their pricee are as follows :-Finan-
ial Statements and Auditors' Re.
ports, 200 copies at e1.75 a page,
.ach additional 100 copies 15 cents,
over to count as four pages. yot-
rs' List, if an average of 25 nam -
5 or less to page $1.75 for 200 cop.
es ; if more than 25 names to page
the price to be increased proportion-
• Marriages
WELSH--HOLLAND-At the resi-
. deuce of the bride's parents, on
Feb. 26th, by the Rev. S. J. M-
• lin, Zelma V. C., daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. C. IL Holland of God-
trich township, to Edward J.
Welsh iof Clinton.
WA,RD-HOOVER-In 'New York City
• Feb. 25th, Leila G., eldest daugh-
ter of Mr. and Mrs, J. 13. Hoov-
er, to C. II. Fe Ward of New
• York,
LEIPER-LOW,RIE- At the home of
the bride's parents, Constance, on
Feb. 12th, by the Rev, W. 'Pure
ner, Emma Lowrie tee William
Leiper of Ilarlock, '
Myth, on . Feb. 12th by Rev, W.
D. Tuenee, Annie sihnyra Patter-
son of East Wawanosh, to Nath-
aniel Sundereock of Blyth.
on Feb. 15th, by the Rev, W. M.
Martin, Fenny Bowden of Exeter,
• daughter of the late Wm. Haw -
den, to Isaac Salkeld of Gode-
JOWETT-In Hayfield on Feb, 21st,
to Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Jowett,
FROST -In Seafortie on Feb. 131,h,
t Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Froet,
CASEMORE-;In Wingham, Feb. I Ith
' to Mr and Mrs. Andrew Case -
more of Mcirrii,, a daughter,
Wingham, Feb. 160, to
Mr. and Mrs., Ed, Smith, a. son.
TURNER -At Hillsgreen, on Feb.
26th, James Turner, aged 82
THEOBALI)-At Russel, Man., on
Feb.' 22nd, Wesley E, Theobeld,
formerly of Clinton.
DICK -In, Egmondville, on Feb. 12th,
Thos. Dick in his 89th year.
MARTIN -In Goderich, on Feb. anth,.
Sally Hamlin, relict .01 the late
Elijah Martin, in the 90th .year•
of her age. ' ,
Colborne township,
on February ,19th, Samuel Lin-
field, aged 73 years, 5 'need's
and 0 da,ys,
. to Western Canada, each Tuesday
March -4 to October 28 hiatus- _
ive. :
In connection with above the Grand
Trunk Railway System . will -issue
round trip excarsion tickets to poiuts
in Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Al-
berta, each Tuesday, March 4th to
October 28th inclusive, via Chicago
and, St. • Paul. The tetarn fare to
Winnipeg is $1.5.07 and Echnontien
$43.00. ProPortionate hew fates
otter points he Manitolsa, Saskels-
ewan and Alberta. Tickets good Ica
60 days.
The Grand Trunk Pacific Railway
is the shortest and quickest route be-
teicen Winnipeg-.9'ashietoon-Edman-
ten, with emootla roadbed, electric
lighted sleeping cars and superb din:
ing car service, through the nesvest,
most picturesque, and most rapidly
developing, section of Western Can-
ada Through. tickets sold and eeser-
vation i»ade'-lea..all Grand 'truiek
Agents. Costs no more than by
other routes. Trains now in opera-
tion Winnipeg ' to Regina, Yotkton
and Canons, Sask., also to Casnroee,
Minor and' lecke-in, Alta.
The route .via Chicago is an at -
tea! Ave, one, as Many esiege citiee
And towns are passed en route,
svhich breaks the monotony of " the
journey. • I
, Teme Tables, _land Pamphlets
other • daseriptive literature relative
to the Terand Trunk Pacific Railway
may be obtained on application to
nearest Grand Trunk Agett, or write
A. Ie. Duff, District Passenger Agent,
Union Station, Toronto, Ontario. f
John Ransford & Son, town l'assen -
ger and Ticket Agents. Phone 57.;
A. 0. Pattison, Slathers 'Picket
Agent. l'hone 3ea,
rent by let of Aprile for small
..fain.ily,-Address 'Drawee 13, 01 iTI.
ton. P. 0,
new. , Will be sold at a eaarifee as
I am going west: -Ray Geausham.
. Tartar variety., A good oat to
yield ' 'and very • stiff in the steaw.
' Price 50 cents per bushel. 'Also
mixed grain. for :feed,- 55- cents, -
John Vodden; Londesboro P. 0.
Phone 5 on 168 McKillop System.
. -70-3
Marintiuriais NO., 21, good bright
seed. 70 cents per bushel.---
NVoon, .CIoderich to wnship; Clinton
P, 0. ' -69.
esville School duties to COADD1CD-
ce after :Easter. Applicatic,na stat-
ing salary . and experience received
up to March 15th. -D,.. Crliddon,
Secretary, Ilohnesville, .
tilizer, best on the market, Large
stock' on hand to be _ sold in large
or small quantities at reasonable
prices. -F. W. Evans, Clinton P. 0.
• Phone 101e, • -69-2.
Kay's Drama in four acts, will be
presented by the Citizens' Band in
the town hall, Clinton, on the ev-
ening of Thursday, March 27th, un-
der the direction of Miss B. May
Rance. The caste will be composed
of souse of the best young people
who have taken part in similar
Plays. The full caste will be pub-
lished later. Every effort will te
put foeth to make this - drama a
succese. Mr. Geo. Phelan has been
selected as musical director and
with his orchestra of eight pieces
will render sonic standard selec-
tions and popular music. -70
One of , the best locations in town
corner Princess and William
streets. noise contains 7 monis
on ground iloor, second floor not
finished, Hard and soft water.
+ acre land, fruit trees, etc. -
For further particulars apply 'to
D. S. Muff. -60.
debted to me on store accounts
will, please settle at once,-Robeet
Clarke, .Constanee, • s -89,
tic Persons- desiring farm
laborers ot domestic eielp should
ttiake applieatiou to me at the earli-
est possiele date as first conic are
first seryed and parties will soon
begin to arrive from the Old
Counery.-A. J. Grigg, Dominion,
finmigration Agent, Clinton. --eel
and repairs kept on hand, also ag-
ency for new machines -A. Hoop-
er, Albere street. -70
corner,' Isrederich and, Dunlop
. streets lately occupied by Kr. Mc-
Murray. Ten, rooms, hard and
• soft water. Acre of land; fruit
trees, good stable. -Apply to It.
G. Thonipson or at News -Record.-
Lot 6, Saublo Line; Stanley town-
ship, the farm .of Wm, Evans, by
McEwan Bros, Hayfield, $3 per
thousand, eastom work.-- ,-68.
two-story brick house on Raglan
street known as "The Maples." El-
ectric light and waterworks, TWQ
acres orchard. Stable. -D. Can-
telon. .-67.
-day Night in Town hall. Instruc-
tion given from 7-9. Hall open to
all_ after nine for dancing. Parties
welcome. Terms upon application.
Under management of Miss M.
Rance. 66
four years old, also buggy good as
new and set double harness, -Harry
Hayes, Clinton. • -67
WOOD WANTED. -200 cords of first
class wood out 14, 16 and 18 inches
- long. -A, Forbes, Coal 'Yards, -.63
1 of Piano, is prepared to take pup-
ils for piano inetructioe at ber
home, corner Isaac and Joseph
streets. Intermediate Standing.
on Watches. -Ladies Gold Watch ;
hunting case ; No. 743011 •; Walton
movement; monogram" A. B. D. en-
graved On outside. Silver openfa-
cod watch ; 'Am Walton movement
No. 4074468, Silver hunting -case ,
watch ; old ; stop wateb ; N., Nar-
den,. Locle (apparently i'nalter's
'mine) engraved on inside. No.
11e3, Please Telephone A. White-
side, High Constable of 'Huron,
Young Cattle, Mr, W. 11. Lobb
has instructed 'the undersigned to
sell by public auction ' at 1:30 O'-
clock sharp on .Friday, Feb. 28th,
at Lot 17, Con. 16,Goderieh Tp:
(known,. as the Nesbitt Fartn) the
following: 1 cow with calf. at
foot, 3 cows to calve about time
of sale, 18 cows to calve in
March, 'April and May, 2 'steers
rising 3 years, 6 steers rising 2
years, 3 heifers rising 8 years 1
heifer rising 2 years, ,Theee cows
-were purchased in the township of
Alma, 'one of' the best stoek • and
dairy townships in Western Ontar-
io. They. ' are --Mostly high grade '
Disthangs Of extra quality and were
carefully selected. Terme. : • 6'•
'months crediu on approved joint
notes or 6 -percent. per annum for
cash in lieu of notes. W. H. "Lobb„
Proprietor, T. _Clundry, Auctioneer.
and Implements -Mr. Wesley Mar-
quis has instructed thee undersigned
to sell by public auceien at Lot
29, con. 5, •Hullett, on Wednesday,
-"March12t,h, at 1..30. pan., the fol -
bowing : heavy Clydesdale brood
mare in Joel to Spot.; working
horse 5 years olcl ; Clydesdale 01-
, rising 2 sired by Black • Band ;
Clydesdale ,hlly rising 1, by Black
Hand; Roadster 'gelding rising 3, by
Mieseeri Chief ; fat cow ; mills
cow to freshen in August ; enilir
cow to freshen in April ; 2 Hol-
stein g -rade hollers, supposed 1.0 be
in calf ; 'Shorthorn grade heifer-,
supposed to be in calf ; 3 steers
rising S years ; Shorthorn bull les-
ing 2, registered ; 30- Wyandotte
• hens ; 2 Columbian Wyandotte cock-
ereYJ Maesey-Harris binder, 6 -foot
cut, ,with sheaf ,carrier and truck,
•in , good" repair ; Deering mower ,
Maseey-Idlarris 12 -hoe drill
grass seeder attachment; Mas-
sey -Harris steel rake, 12 feet wide;
IVIassey-Harris cultivator ; Na,tional
gang plow, nearly ,new ; eel; bac-
rows, 4 sections, .nearly neW ; Set
harrows, 3 sections ; . fanning mill ;
roller ; smaller ;. pea harvester ;
pulper ; buggy ; wagon;; Bain wa-
gon 1,30X ; road part ; set double
harness ; set single harness ; set
plow harness ; sugar 'kettle ; grind
stone ; new ladder ; ropes,
• slings, can and pu 11c y,s ;
mckyoke and whifiletreee ; some
hay, cattle chains, etc- 'Ferias
V; and under cash. On osier that
ainalmt 7 inoathe credit will be
given on approved joint 'notes. 3
percent. straight off ear cads, -
Wesley Marquis, proprietor ; Thee.
Gundry, auctioneer.
Fernlee Albin will give vocal les-
sons to a limited number of pup
its. at her home.-aOntario St.
Methodist Parsonage. -01
street, eight rooms, hard and soft
water, 4 acre of land. Web loc-
ated„ -Apply to Mrs. DI Connell.
rising 1, 1 rising 2 and 1 rising
3 years, the latter two being well
matched. -Apply to John Holmes
theme Road. -61-.
-2 grand young bulls from e,ows
that we reserved at our sale af-
ter the fire and- sired by the im-
ported bull Best Boy. Prices rea-
sonable. Come arid see them. --
Wm. Grainger & Son Lorieleshoro.
'1 '
piano cased organ, as good as new,
only in use 3 months. Will sell
cheap. Teems to suit purchaser:-
Applw to Wesley Walker. -61
present- Stella Mackay's" four -act
drama, "Hazel Kirke," - in the
town hall, Clinton,. on Thursday,
March 27th, meder the. able direc-
tioe of Mies May Ranee, Lots of
good music, .48.
the matter 'of the estate .of Ro-
bert IVIarshall late of the .Town-
ship' of Goderich,` yeoman, deceas-
ed--4Notice is hereby given pursuant
to Sec. 55 of The Trustee Act
that all persons having claims
against the ,estate oh the said de-
ceased who died on or about the
6th day" of February 1913 are 1 0-
quired to send by post prepaid to
the undersigned .executors or their
solicitor on or berme the 15th day
of March 19.13 their 'mines and ad-
deesees with eel particulars in
writing of their elitism, and state-
ment of their accounts and the
nature of the seeurities (if any)
held by them, duly verified by
statutory declaration. And take
notice that ef ter the said 15th day
of • Mardi 1913 the said executoes
will proceed to 'distribute the as-
• sets or the said estate among the
parties entitled thereto, ha,ving ,re-
gard only to the claims of which
• they shall then bav,e notice , and the
said • executors will not'Aie iiqble
for said assets or any part there:
of to any person or persons of
whose claim notice shall not have
been received by them or their
said solicitor at the Anse of such
distribution. Dated at Clinton,
.13th day or February 1913. -Francis
H. Powell, Williern Glen, executors.
W; Elrydone, Clinton Ont., solicitor
for execttore. -69-3.
FOR , SALE -112 TONS I -TAY, 2713.
busliele oats, 1110re or less, a quan-
tity of good oat straw well saved
• and cuts My farm of 80 acres,
well watered, is offered, for sale.
hood buildings. If not sold will
• be rented for &gaming, I te re-
serve the house and orchard unless,
the tenant desires thein.-Robeet
Deacons, Porter's 1-I111 P. 0, -69-2.
will dispose of by private Tale the ,
following.: elorse 10 years
ed. old, ag-
driving mare, farrow cow,
buggy nearly new, hind'er nearly
new, hay fork, car and 100 feet
rope, set single harness and other
articles. -le. I -I. Powell and W.
Glen, Executors Robert: Marshall
Este le. •-o63
Property. -'re execistore of the
estate of Themes Heacom will of-
fer for sale at- public auction at
- the Commercial hotel,. Clinton, .on
Saturday the 1st day of Match at
2 o'clock pan, lot number 30 in
the Hayfield concession of the town-
ship of Godmich containing 76
acres of land more or less, The
property is well located and would
make a good graeing farm. Perles
of sale 15 per cent. on the date of
sale and the balance 30 days there-
after. For further particulars and
conditions of sale apply to the un-
dersigned. -John T. -Harland and
Elizabeth Beacom, E,xecutors. W.
Elrydone, Solicitor for the Execta
tote. Dated the 5th day of Feb-
ruary 1913. , -67-3
Thomas Beacom, deceased. The
Executors offer for immediate sale
lot 30, Hayfield Concession, God-
eria Township, 76 acres more or
les. -For terms apply to J. T.
Harland or W. 13rydone.
rent. - The sinelersigned offers
for sale or to rent ,his fine
farm of about 146 acres iriGoderich
Towable) on Lake Shore adjoining
the village of Hayfield. The farm
is in a good etate of cultivation.
well fenced and underdrained and has
good buildings. ' Good water in
house and stables with windmill
and tank. 10 acres first class or-
chard with other small fruits, 10
mos fall wheat, about 35 acres
ready for spring crops • .Telephiene
connection and Rural Mail Delivery
for isitther particulars Apply to
-D. C. Galbraith, Hayfield P. 0.
Telephone 4 on 159. -60-2
Mfg. Company -Hand sewees and'
• operators. Steady work, Short
.hours, Well lighted and ventilated
work rooms, Good pay. -.Apply at
office or to J. McLeod, Supt.
FARM FOR SALE -The Executor of
the Southcombe estate offers for
sale ,50 acres, heft east halt of
lot 28, con. 6, Mullett. This is a
firse-class farm, well watered and
improved and with good buildings.
Also the undersigned -offers tor sale
lot 29, con. 6, Mullett consisting of
100 acres. These farms may be
bought together or separately. -
Apply to R. J. Southcombo, Clin-
ton P. 0.• -89
Line, Ginlerich township mile
From Ilolmesville, 4e, miles from
Clinton, consisting of 80 acres.
The farm is in a good state of eul-
,tivation, well watered by never -
failing spring and well. Good or-
chard. ,Buildiega all first class
and in good Owner destres
to sell owing to ill health. Bar-
gain for quick sale. -W. Pickard,
Holmesville. -65
signed offers for sale his fine farm
of aboat 130 acres adjoining the
town of Clinton. The farm is in
a good State of cultivation and
has good buildings -brick house,
bank barn, drieing home, pig pen,
ete-all comparatively new. A first
class young orchard containing all
kinds of fruit, ,also small fruits.
The farm is well fenced and' well
drained and is a very desirable
home. For further particulars
apply' on premises or address John
Torrance, Clinton P. 0.
must be provide 1 for the mainten-
ance of some plumbing work. Its ori-
ginal condition must have been bad
and it is always in constant need of
repairs. Why not Me.
Our work is of high order and re-
pairs will not be necessary tiedl
the firet cost has been aply re-
paid. Estimates do not, cost much
and they will give you a good in-
sight , into eur iriethocle. Either
phone or call.
- Phone 53.
Good Morning ! dear reader, How
does your sub, to The News -Record '
read ? The label {eels the story.
signed offers for 'sale one hundied
acres of as, good land as there is
in the . County of Huron, being
part of LOts 25 and 26 on the
17th Cefi., Goderieli township, one,.
mile north of Clinton, ler WW1;
from school. On the farm is 'a
frame 'barn 36x60 with. 'good cam-
ent wall, also a stone stable 25a
50 with hay loft above ; comfort- .
able 11 room' frame house, a nev
et -failing well and one acre of or-
chard,. Reason for selling, ill,
health. For particulars apply 00
eliido'6; P°ess
• •
-LENT- :
• •
• . if you were to ask for the
loan of our little hatchet •
we would be compelled •
▪ to tell yOU 'It is Lent.'
• And we have a full as
• sortment ot Fish on hand :
• •
: ▪ W. T. O'NEIL •••
* • •
• "The Hub Grocery." •
• •
-•• 0'
The ways or a watch are past flail-
ing out, Don't try. If your watch
is lazy and wont run, • let us repair
It for you. • Ten to one you neglect-
ed it. -let it get dirty,or it ' stops
from, lack 01 oil. Whatever is the
reason, don't delay ; Delay costs
money and often spoils the watch,
We give thorough examination and .
regelating free, anything more costs
as little as satiefactory work can be
done for. '
You want done in the line of
Plumbing, Heating, Tin—
sty thing or Metallic
Work call and get
• our .prices.
Jobbing. and Repairing
done promptly. Skates
sharpened while you wait
Sanitary Plumbers Phone 74
Ancient Order
of Foresters.
The enly Legal Reserie Fraternal
ociety doing business in 'Canada.
Incorporated by special Act of the
/ominion Parliament.
Full Government Reserve :nain-
ained on every policy.
Fixed rates and definite contract
with special privileges,
Whole Life 10, 15, 20, 25 and 30.
Pay Life Policies and Endowment.
Comparison Invited,
No Raise in Rates.
No Assessment,
For turtle particulars enquire of
any memlsee of Court Prosperity, 00
A. F. Cudmore,
Home Stuay
Thousands of ambitions young pooplo
are being instmeted in their homes by
Iour Homo ptudy Dent. You may finish
at College if you desire. Pay when-
ever You wish. Thirty YO.F11.9' Expor-
' lona°. Largest trainers in Canada.
Enter any day. Positiona guaranteed.
If you wish to save board' and learn
while you earn, write for perticiders.
, ,