The Clinton News Record, 1913-02-27, Page 4Clinton News -Record February 20th 1913. Codterich Township Ar nd ," i 9 and Mt C4• eCl e.a Airs: OshUriio- of Merlin spent Sim- day the piesis% of Mr. and Mo. lames. A Miller :of the 13avtiold Linc: The Nat's -Record leads for Town and Township -News. Varna. Mr. and : Mrs W. D. McAsh, • who 0 have been • visiting friends in .De tI1t have now returned to Varna for a short, time. before heaving for: their 0ow.home in .the west; MissFoster visited I-lensali. frieeds recently. t Bagfield.. 'Pho Guild of the Presbyteris i church held a :social in. thio basement' 011 the evening of Tuesday last. The pastor,Ro • A. Macfarlane at the commencement of the program, gave a ;hearty welcome to. the young peo- ple of the village 10110 attended and alterlvards a musical. content; rev eral' guessing contests, games of van:• ious kinds and the eMoynlent of dainty refieshntertts served' to fill 0 ver} happy evening. It is .the. 1)1 rtentioit to Bold another shell social in March, win an interesting lce- berc will be a feature of ,the reo-. gram. The annual Trish social will.. take place as usual this year. Roby. Laws of Marthaville was the guest 'of Mr, anti Mts. 10. A, Ed- wards a few days the' past week. NE OELI.GHTS OF ONINS R PLAYER PIANO are now easily ac2essible to 'piano ow tier. VISIT OUR P TAY ED DEPARTMENT every See how we would ruche your present _silaltt piano a player, regardless of size, make or scale. Cost for Upright Player $250. Special price for Grand Players, ' W. DOHERTY PIANO & ORCAN CO LIMITED Head Oflico " and Factories CLINTON, = CANADA. Varma-. At the recent annual meeting • of the Presbyterian ,cgngregation the reports presented were of a very. sat-. isfactoty nature and the balande'now on hand amounts to $1.09.08. ' The people are so well pleased with their worthy pastor, Rev, Mr. Jahnston. that they is sed the stipend to one thousand dollars and the amount ask- ed for missions by the Million Dol- lar Budget .was also raised. Me. John Sparrow has purchased a three-year-old standard bred stallion from the celebrated W.lks farm at Galt. The sire had a mark of 2.11.3 and the` dam • 2.13, The colt is a 'very promising one and fell into good hands when bought by Mr, Sparrow ,who -is a great lover of a good Bone. _ Miss Al Keys has been visiting friends in Lucknow. Miss Beatrice Pilgrim has gone on a trip to the \est. . 1 Miss Mille Ester of Minneapolis is visiting her parents, Mr. ' and Mrs. F0, Esher. • Miss Palmer of 0 oderich visited Mrs, W. Kevs recently. Me. J. E. Uarnwell has been ex- ceedingly busy getting ready to go west, which he expects to do about the middle of March. He hob pur- chased" some horses and cattle, and also a 'house, the one on the Per- due farm in Goderich township, which he has had taken down and in- tends taking along and having set up on liis farm in Sackatche":an. Mi. liarnwell's homestead is now a- bout sixty miles from a railway but a new line now being laid is coming within ten miles, so that before he le 1; will he n has grain to market he a' ht to do so without touch trouble, Porters Hill Mr, and Mrs. Wesley Vanderbiii b And little01n-Albert spent Seedily at 111). Joseph Proctor's, llolinesvitle, Mr. Torrance returned borne aftee. spending a month with friends at Pitts- burgh. A quiet wedding fook place at the bane of Mr. and Mrs.'Wut, Johnston hast Wednesday, evening when' their' daughter Mrs. Sadie Marshall became Iho bride of Mr. Lorne 74abor of Swer- bergh. Oa ly the intimate friends' of hot h part res :Vere present. Rey. My. McCeuufek of 1Iolmesville was the officiating Willi: ter. The bride Wore a, beautifully white silk gown., Mee. Moore and three children 'tale returnedhorse after spegding a few ditys ab 1101'parental home, Mrs.. W Johnson's. Miss 'J.`ahoi' and her two brothers of Swerberg'attended the .-wedding of their hot th00, Mr. -Lorne Tabor, last, Wednesday. We;irre sett)' to hear that Mr. 11,o'vv-' afd .Coit, islnid'elf wit h, the gripp but hope Lib hear.of speedyl'eeovery, Mr, Arthur Prehberne has rented his fltrm 10 Mr., Willis Bell Arthur in-' tends going west in a fele weeks. Mies .Emily Proctor• of-Roluleavil'le visited at Mire, W. Vanderhurgb's Hohnesville. At the regular February meeting of the quarterly board of the Barwick circuit the pastor, the Rev. 0. C. Couzens, formerly pastor of this cir- cuit, was given a unanimous invite - 111.1=.....1.•••••...0.1•111.11E {fon to ,remain for another year. A1 the August meeting the pastor's sal- ary was increased to $000, one hun- dred dollars in advance of any pre- vious yea(. The pabtor recently cen- ducted a three Sunday missionary campaign on his circuit with great success and it is expected that the contributions this year for this cause will be double that of last while in- terest in local church work is in advance of any previous year. Dur - the past year the pastor has intro- duced. and established the weekly en- velope system, the success of which was shown by the returns of the teat quarter which were one fourth in full of the amount required for the year. On going to this rir- edit in July last Rev. Mr, Coie ns and his family were feasted and wel- comed,;,._new rugs etc., were procured, repairs: were made in various ways to the parsonage, which is of brick' and with its spacious lawns. makes a most beautiful: 'home, ' Slade that time the pastor and his fancily have been the recipients of the unceasing kindness of an appreciative people. The spiritual work of the circuit is "pibspering and still greater things are expected. - 1SIADl- tr.LI N 1313 l' bt BEADY 1ND PHONE No, 7S TO AND PRF,SSM15C I \ (; 1VL`1 R I. Couch & Ccs. .PECIAIS SP.EOIALS. S SPEGIALS Satilrdayalp Kitoken Aprons 5 dozen only5.Oc each - Overall Kitchen and . general purpose aprons splen- did quality percale and shaped to fit the figure. Don't judge these before seeing there by the price as they are exceptional value, All good Colorings choice Sat- at-urday 50c. urday Don't let this sale of Shantung Silk slip by you. Saturday Sale of Pail- tette ,Silk 79c of - Seventy_five yards black paillette silk good satin finish 30" wide very special . . 79c ` Saturday Saleof black and white Tail ored Silk Waists 1.98 100 yards Shantung Silk qaulity is of exceptional fine grade even in weave free from roughness 3011, wide special for Saturday note -Linen, color : only 55c We`put on sale Satuiday l5 ladies black and white sills tailored waists all good styles, all sizes, these sold. as high as 4:00 and 5.00 some of them slightly soiled SaturiJay price 1.98 FURS AT 2 PRICE After the largest fur season in the, history of this store we still have about 15 odd pieces/to clear at price, JUST TO HAND' THIS WEEK. New.; Prints_, New Ginghams, New Meshes, .New' Tiressgoods, New Su; tons,,`Iaew Rugs,' New 'Mattings, New Matting' rugs in all sizes. A GOOD SMART BOY 1MILLINERY WANTED i'O LEARN APPRENTICE TIM DRYGOOQS i WANTED. BUSINESS.. 1 Miss Ruby Potter spent last' week the guest of Miss, Fannie Pottiers; 1toliuesa•ille. .IKippen_ St. Helen's Mrs, 1Vrn. Woods hes.fieen visiting her datighter,'A'Irs. James Irwin for the past %VeE'k or so, Mr. John Jahpson .ot Stanley visited friends around SL. Helens turd Luck- rtow last week., Rev. James Wilson of Toronto v;isit-, ed at his Gild born: on the t3Lh con. re- cently: Mris, James Hyde visited friends at Cargill for a few days lotely. Mr. Alex, Agar of Belfast was in this vicinity 04 Tuesday. 1)5, David McC,,n1)eil left for God- er ich' last week (111(1 has tisk-en a posi- Lion in the foundry. McKillop Township Social parties were given at the. hooter of Mrs, Gen Kfstner and; Mr.. leery Itepine quite recently. Ale. Bob Moue has moved Back to he Leadbury .Line once more. Ii -is for•nierplace of abode was God - et ic'hr He is a blacksmith by trade, Mr. -Thomas McKay taken it job it gravelling on the road to McNnu-- 1 MIs. Potter of Zion City, ill., is visit- ing her parents, Mr. and,Mts. Wm, 1 15011 x - llis•' McCowan of Bruoelielrl is visit- ing at the borne of Mrs. Peter Day- lnDlitl. 1 r. and Miss Alden Junes ofLondon, 11 r, rntd MIS. Johns of Elimville, and It,•. BJ, Phillips and sun of Exeter were ci11 present at the fuuer,Ll 1± the late Mrs. Phillips. Miss Kate llacclonald is home on 11 ytsit• bits Beery Ivisite has been iu Lofi clun,the past coup L of weeks nersiul0 her Teasel, 11 r. Itubt Meths, who is U11e Yet j ill. As he ie getting well on in year 5 his recovery is con icer ed rluuhL tel. itlr, 117ellisuud hiss wife, who late- ly passed away, c coupled a large plsce iu the life of this community and his'. friends here art legion, On Friday hest Mee. Phillips relict of the late Joshua Phillips, departed this lite aft( r a r illness of 0 few weeks. She had reached theeilennced age of tighty-five tears, her mind being most active to very last. For thirty-three years s. Phil ipa had been a widow, died in IMO. She havingt herhusband n 1 her In s emit were eery loyal t l eth tenets and Mrs Phillipe was 0 constant attendant at 1 h.' services of the church mall annul, four weeks before her d'atn, The funend on Sunday after• noon est MgarL's mey, thepallwasberuersbeingclog: 11. iyicesonter, 019. D. Harvey, R, Brownlee, W. H. John- ston, R. Misdate and A. Buellanan. The home of Mr. .Jits. .13. McLean is • '•al of r t little b • arri , brightened y the 1 daughter. hter � 'lino oyster supper in the Prel rFter ran church on Monday evening alts 0 splendid success in every way. The nigh 41va0 fine. the roacls gond, the tit- tendancelnrge and the entertainment excellent. '1'be proceeds amounted to about one hundred dollars, The title program of music was presented by the Itippen choir end the male quartette nt Egnlondville, .A9iss Gt'ainger of 13rdceffeld and 151.5. McGuire of Sea:- forth ea=forth while little Miss Thompson of Mitchell was the elocutionist of the ev- ening and acquitted herself with credit and delight to all. St. Helens. Miss' Roselle Schoenale of Clinton spent a few weeks with her girl chums about here and has presided at the or- gan to the Engish church for the past three Sundays Mr, Jacob McGee Sr., is again able to be anent niter his illness. , Mr. John McGee is home from Mich- igan on Jv visit. We=aye been getting is taste areal cold weather since Febronry carne in put., we shouldn't complain, we've had a pretty line winter. Mr. Ed. $gown loot a fat hog the other; day. the annual being overcome with the cold while being driven to market. Mrs James Hayden visited her sister at Duni gam non this week, Asher Grey from the neighborhood of Clinton visited his uncle; Mr, Wm: Grey, during the paet week, and also his sister at Crewe. I1igs Alice Ruddick leaves shortly for Montreal. SEED OATS We have a quantity of choice, white Banner Seed Oats, weighing about 40 pounds per " bushel for quick sale at 60c, per bushel. These Oats are lin exerts fine sample .of bright clean, heavy Oats, We wi1 send samples to any one re- quiring Seed Oats; Dont delay in getting a sample, Write to either of the undereigoed, 1, Jas, ficCoo , • J, L. Awde, 1,oudesbero, Wing -ham A house warming took.place at, the. home of Mr, Alex Gardener one even•- ing last Neel{, A •large number of guests were present and it pleasant time was spent.. The new house is in- deed a tine building, Port Albert 110. Richard Reid from the hest spent a few days lust week the guest ol'ids sister, lire, Thos, Dixon.' Mr in is improving after hen ilinEse. Miss Sara.,Duuhar leaves for the west next week. • ' Mrs. Ben Gray of Goderich visited with his sister, Mrs. Alf. Qultd, during the pitst week, Butter rappers • Hu.11ett Township T. McMichael & Son have sold their prize-winning Young Clydesdale, captain 'l om" to Mi. Chas;Con- nell • of Ses'c. Tlie following is the report for S. S. No. • 5 the names ire order of merit : Sr. 4 t i, -Florence Vodden. Jr. clip, -Mary Jamieson, Ira Rap- son, Si. 8r.d—Fred McCool Marjory Mc- Cool Jr'., sett,—Flossie Ctihbing , Aliec VVTodden, "Annie 'Weymouth (equal), Summerhill. The following is the school report for U.S.S. No. 12, Goderich and Ilullett (luring the past month, the names in order of merit,: 4th—Teenie Marquis, Florence Lawson, Mabel Harvey. Jr. 4th—Neville Forbes, May Seville, Bert Bea C0111, Ft,u4y Lovett. So. 3rd-Jettn Lindsay, Bide. Muir. Sc. 3rd—Dot othy, Marquis, Cora Jer- vis, Mervyn Farquhar,Fred J hnstun Sr. Sud Bes»rc indsay, Amy Mc - Brun, Mary Weight, Johnny Towns- end, Jas Jonnstr n i 1 tr ' Nellie lr...1d 1 1 aBrien to 1 Bea- ) com, Hilda Forbes Geo. heed. Sr Pt. 3 rJ--Jeiu Farquhar, 1'.ddie Johnston, - Sr, 1't. ls.t—Net man 1Vrighe, Jr 1-4. let —I3trl0e t Johnston Walter Forbes. FOR. i POUND. PRINTS, OF THE BEST PARCHMENT PAPER, MAKE YOUR BUTTER .LOOK:1 BETTER AND TIH'US GET YOU - TIiE BEST PRICE: GOING. The maker's name printed on the wrapper is a good ad- vertisement but you can get them without, just as you please. Y011 .00.11 get; what you Want' at the office of. THE NEI/VS-RECORD ANNUAL WINTER. Hallett Township Grace Vodden, Albert Gorbutt. o G. Jr, 2nd, -Rose Gorbutt, Percy Ah hints Helper Snell, Arthur 1Vey 6 1a mouth, 41ydney Lee. Sr, lst,-W. McCool, Mary. Mair... ...Primer., -Dora ; Vodden,, Fanny Lee, gargaret. eBrown The best re: ellerS, a 11t 1 P v Jr, "nth,—M, Jamieson. Sr. 3rd, -F, Me(:ciol. Jr, 3rd;—F Gibbings, Jr. 2ni1,-Ii, Snell. Sr. lst,—W. ,McCool Jr. ,tst-A. Vodde. A BASKET OF ,IRISH COBBLERS ANOTHER CARLOAD of POTATOES. - WILL ARRIVE FOR US NEXT WEEK, Jas. Steep & Company Wingham One of the most exciting tunaways that has taken place in Wingham for some yearsoccurred last Friday t - ing. the team I dc aging to the Wm. Davies Company was going to thee: P. H. rtatron, 00)404 the horses became frightened by the ehiffletries striking there and the made :L sudden rush. In the course of a Mock or two they kick- ed themselves free from the rig which -rushed-flack todau'ds the station, while t he horses in their Arad fright, dashed down William street to Victoria street. Near the salt block one of the horses 5 It red and tell breaking two of its PI 1, leg. The other. horse went east down Victoria to Minna street, and on down to John street where anuaiber of men tried to head him oft. Here the horse fell; but., recovering himself, started on again up John sL set, crossing again street, and disappeared in the distance up the (till to weeds the standpipe, looping fora drink atter a long run. Ahont an hour after the horse that was injured was put out of i i s misery, Repairs have been scatted on the Baptist church, which was recently burned, such as removing the fm'nf-- tore, floors, and other damaged por- tions of the building, preparatory to a complete °vet hauling and renova- tion. Cleaflngs A L E of all Winter Goods consist- ing of Underwear, Rubbers, Fur Coats, Heavy .Beaver Coats -and Shoes. One Ladies' Fur Jacket at a bargain. Special prices on all .other' dry goods,' Discount of frotin 10 to 25 percent. Sale commences on Satur- day; Feb. 8th, MCASH &;SON, Varna. February Barain Days in small wares, stationery, • ehinaware•and wall papers,, Sale starts •- Fch'y 4th SEE 0011 BTLLS. Comer Co CLINTON Logs & Heading Wanted 1 HIGHEST PRICES PAiD FOR ALL GRADES OF TICIBER. THE STAPETON SRW MILL Lister Gasoline? Engines No better on the market and the best fur rase On the farm for purtiping, dropping, .etc. The Lister Lighting Plant will light your house and barn and do it well at small cost. Melotte Cream :Separators have no superior. 'W. H. t,OBB, Agent Clinton P. O. ogs Wanted ! Highest prices paid for Elm, Basswood, Maple. Any wood bought. W. DOHERTY PIANO & ORGAN • CO,, LIMITED CLINTON, ONTARIO. WITHOUT A DOUBT YOU'LL FIND THIS OUT - IN ALL YOUR TJ1.1VELS ROUND A ROUT THE BREAD; THAT'S 'BEST 11'll'T•I ANY MEAL— IS 'JUST EAL-IS'JUST 'HIE ONE AND ONLY ICTAL— MOTHE BREAD Better Bread Could Not Be. Made • —THAT'S WHAT YOU'LL SAY WHEN YOU HAVE TRIED 'THIS CRISPY, CRUSTY, MO'IFIE'R'-S BIIEAD BARTLIFF'S PHONE NO. 1 ANI) HAVE IT DELIVERED TO YOTJR HOME EVERY ' DAY; During the month of February we will place on sale All Lines Furniture at very greatly Reduced Price it will ' pay you to inspect our large stock of up-to-date goods. The Store of Quality,` Phone 28 W. Walker Furniture Dealer and Undertaker Residence Phone 140