The Clinton News Record, 1913-02-27, Page 10.1770 —34th Year
Place your For
Sale, Wanted, ':.•:. c.
ads. on page 5 of The News„: -Re -cord
You'll get good results.
t to Yiellgar the leweler
for a geliabk Watch.
•No one would go on a long •journey-
without a reliable watch. The Hell-
yar watch -will render good service
through the longest of journeys—a life
stai MA•
lewder ana Optician
The Royal Bank
Capital Authorized $25,000,000
Capital Paid-up 11,500,000
Reserve and Undivided Profits 12,500,000
Total Assets 175,000,000
325 Branches. With world wide connection. Intereet allowed
on Debosits. General Banking business transacted.
R, E. MANNING, Manager Clinton Branch.
irhe Molsons Bank
Incorporated 1855 • Established in Olinton 1879
Interest allowed at highest =went rate on stuns of 31 and
onward from date or deposit. Joint accounts allowed.
C. E. Dowding - Manager - Clinton Branch.
• Stock
Sale I.
• Stock taking ii the next thing on
the program here and that means
• that it's again time for our annual
sale. Everybody tllat is acquainted
with this store, knows full well
what that means and appreciates the
fact, when we run a sale it Btands
• for something, We always leduce
stock as low as possible, before in-
ventory. There's no money in car-
rying goods froni one season to the
Every Overcoat Must Go Regardless, of Cost
... .
$10 00 men's overcoats aale price .$ 7 90
12 00 " " 890
15 '00 4' ., ' 11 90--
22 00 4,` , 4 16 90
25 00 " ,, 19 90
2 50 boys' overcoats , 1 90
400 " ,, 290
600 ,, 390
6 75 ,, 490
7 75 youth's overcoats 5 90 '
It will pay any man or boy well to buy
an overcaat at the sale, even if you don't
require one until next season, Come.
eally and get your choice. -
Furnishers "To Men Who Care."
Aar a period of one year over 150
cars of sail, were shipped from Stap-
leton and nearly '70 cers of coa,1 were
received. Thi a would mean, about
eight whole- _ train toads averagirig
twenty, ears to a train.
The pasthr occupied his 'own pul-
pit on Sunday, preaching morning
and evening. At the evening er.-
vice Mr. James Doherty rendered a
solo in excellent voice. • '
The League OD Monday evening a-
1 ailed. themselves of the kind invita-
tion- trona the A. Y. P. A. of St,
Paul's church to hear the lecture on
"Astronomy," given before thera by
the Rev. Mr. Charlton of Mitchell.
Wheat 92e. ,
Pea e 90e to :woo:
Ciats,• 30e to 340, •'
13ay1ey 45e to 50e.
Butter 20e to 216.
Eggs 20e to 210.
Live Hoge 38,55. .•
At the exam$: in connection With
the Longion, Eng., College of Music
held .• in the stedio of W Glenn
, Campbell, Seeiortlr,-. recently, Ftrof.
' A. H. Howell of Montreal being ex-
aminer, thefeel' owing students ol
Mr. Campbell were successiulT Prim-
ary Grade, Miss Dorothy Walley,
(honors); Miss Josephine Murray,
Seaforth. Junior •Grade, Miss Es-
tella Clarke, Constance, (honors), In-
termediate Grade, Miss Lela Lans-
ing, Auburn, (ffonors). Senior Grade ,
Miss Winnie Howson, Auburn, (1st
class honors.e., '
I Mrs. Elijah Martin, for many years
a resitent of Goderich, passed away
on Thursday ' at her home ih that
ttiwn in her ninetieth year. The de-
ceased lady was the only surviving
sister of Mr. Jaanes Stevens oi
town. The family were very early
settlers ' in the township of Col-
borne but Mr. and Mrs. Martin wore
for many- years citizens of Goderich.
'Kr. • • Martin passed away several
years ago. Mrs. Martin was a Meth-
odist, being a member of • North
!street church. A family of three
•burvive : Mrs. W. Webster, J. C.
land Henry Martin, all of Goderich.
There are arse many grandchildren
and six great -grand -children. The fun-
eral took place on Saturday after-
noon to Maitland cemetery. Mr.
• James Stevens is now the only sur-
'viving member of his original fam-
I -
The annual congregational At-lionie
was held on Tuesday evening and was
very well attended. Under the sup-
ervision of the Ladies' Aid an excel-
lent supper was served in the school
room at half past six and when all
had been satisfied the meeting was
called to order by the pastor, Rev.
J. E. Ford, who explained the main
object of the gathering to be that
the members of tlie congregation
might become the better acquainted
and also that they might discuss to-
gether' the aeairs pertaining to the
weltare of the church, Mr. J. A. Ir-
win spoke for the general congrega-
tion in a characteristic manner. Mr.
R. E. Manning, recording steward
and treasurer, gave a report of the
chureh finances, which proved to be
a most encouraging one. A small
'debt of three hundred dollars on the
church shed only remaius to be paid
and this, the treasurer felt sure,
would be easily wiped off by a vol-
untary contribution at the anniver-
sary services to be held in the course
of a fortnight, A water motor was
-.recently installed in connection with
the pipe organ at A cost of a couple
.of hundred dollars. But aside from
these two items the church property
is entirely free of debt. All the
church schemes have been well sup-
ported during the year, the envelope
system adopted a ec,uple of years
ago- having .been found to work most
• satilffactorily. The chianch work in
;all "departments has prospered under
the pastorate of Rev. Mr. Ford and
'pastor arid people are to be congrat-
ulated on the, at state of
Mr. Herb. Castle of London has
Tented . for a term • ot years the
Rober-elfarstrall farm on the Hayfield
Road and Iva' fake possession very
shortly. Mr. Castle is' a formetere i-
dent of Clinton and a broill' •. of
Mr. S. G. Castle of the north ..e d
meat mart and his wife is a daughter
of Mrs. Livermore Sr. of totvh. The
News -Record gladly Welcomes Mr.
and Mrs. .Castle back and wishes
them success. .
The Wiggington farm adjoining that
rented by Mr. Castle was leased •a
few mouths ago by Mr. Frank Welsh,
also of. London, who is now prepar-
ing to enter into posscesion. Mr.'
Welsh is a shopmate of Mr. Castle's
in MeClary's establishment.
Mrs. Fred. Match, while engaged in
the domestic duty of -banging out
the weekly wash on Tuesday ltist
slipped on the ice and falling dislo-
cated her left wrist, at the same'
time. fracturing it just above the
joint. It was a most unfortunate ac-
cident, especially to the mother of a
fainhiy of littic'1 , aiul. . .
hoped that her recovery will be rapid
and complete.
Mr, FL W. Watt, 'tale walking
down Main street on Tuesday slipped
and in falling cut his face so • badly
that the aid of a surgain was re-
quired in closing the wound, It • is
the better svay while the walks are
as slippery as they have been during
the past week to put one's pride in
°WS pocket and take to the neidile
of the street, always remembering to
turn to the proper' side when mei t-
ang or being overtaken by a rig, lest
a worse accident befall.
On Tuesday evening the' Clinton
Club held a little_ social gathering,
the occasion being a farewell to Mr.
J. 13. Hoover, one of the most pop-
ular of its men bers and m highlyes
teemed citizen of town, who is this
week leaving to take up his abode
elsewhere, The chair was occupied
by the president, Mr. Jong Rensford,
who discharged the duties of his pos-
ition with his usual grace and abil-
ity, explaintng in language both LX-
1Pressive and eloquent the regretted
'occasion of the gathering Lied
calling on severalmembers of
the Club, who also voiced the
general regret at the depar-
ture of so good a citizen. Mr, Hoov-
er was also asked to accept east as
O little token of esteem, for Mrs.
HooVer a beautiful brown berry sett
and for himself a handsome sett of
bowls. 'Mr. Hoover replied in his us-
ual graceful manner, thanking his
friends on behalf of himself and Mrs.
Hoover for the handsome gifts, which
he assured them would net be needed
to remind them of their Clinton
friends, with whom they had spent
many happy years which would never
be forgotten. The evening slipped by,
with speech and smig and story, and
the enjoyment of the ex.eellent lunch
Provided by Caterer Bartliff, (nate it
was well along to the "wee salsa'
'Dors" before the , gathering hnally
broke up.
Mr. Hoover has been a citizen of
Clinton for twenty years, coming
here from St. Mary's. Previous to
that he had reeded for a short time
in Guelph, to which city ,he is now
returning, having gone into businesa,
Mr. Hoover has always been a
most public-spirited and _progressive
citizen. He served on the town, corm -
oil for several years and for three
years, 1904, '05 and '08, be occupied
the mayor's cham., He also served
as water commissioner and has al-
ways taken a keen' interest in all
that pertained to the tvelfa,re of the
town. . . ' -
Mr. Hoover ilk also a,lawn bowler
and as se& is well known throughout
western Ontario. During the past
few years Clinton rinks skipped by
Mr. Hover have won prizes at many
of the tournaments in surrounding
. towns and cities and Amongst his
possessions are many a the prizes se
won. In addition to this Mr, Hoov-
er's rink succeeded in carrying eft the
Tecumseh Trophy at the W.0.13. toer-
nament in London leaf' July an4 later
the Ontario Cup at Toronto. His re-
moval from Clinton will he a decided
loss to the 13owliag Club, the mem-
bers of which will continue to fol-
low 'with interest his victories in the
future, as he assures his friends that
he hes no, intention of giving up the
Mrs..Hoover nd their gifted
daughters have also been most pde-
ular . and aetive in church and social
circles and the departure of the tam
fly from town is regretted pa all
Fair View Farm, the home of Mr,
and Mrs. C. 14-, Flatland, was the
seene 01 17. very interesting event et
high noon on Wednesday of this week
W11011 their third daughter, Zama
Victoria Cecile, became the bride of
Edward J. Welsh, eldest son of
Sergeant R. Welsh and Mrs, Welsh
of town, Only the immediate rela-
• tives and friends were present,
The girlish bride, who was charm-
ingly gowned ie a handsome dress
of silk, vacate with pearl trimming,
• web car-rying a lovely boquet of
lily of • ;the valley and -ferns and
wearing the conventional veil and
wreath. She entered the drawing room
on the arm of her father to the
• strains of the wedding march played
• by Jaer sister, 1VIrs. J. Percy Cole.
The bridal couple, who were unat-
tended, took their places before a
bank of flowers and ferias. The
e.ereanony was perfornied by Rev. S.
J, Alen, pastor of both bride • and
groom. '
After the ceremony had been Pre-
formed and congratulations offerlid
the bride lead the way to the din-
ing -room which was tastefully de-
corated with roses and ferns and
where a terePting wedding feast a-
waited the guests,
The presents were numerous • aud
beautiful .showing the high esteeln in
which both bride and groom are hold.
The' grocins's gift to the bride was a
sunburst of pearls.
The happy couple left amid a show-
er of good wishes, on the afternoon
train for Toronto.
The bride travelled in a suit of
brown cloth and tan sitk beaver hat
with large e plume. firma their re -
,tern they will take tte touseeceepigag
oar the gr./am-els • Isire on ..ttje Base
Line where' they will be at home ,to
their friendsafter March t5th
. • ,
l'he News-Recordextends congrat-
ulations, mad goeit wishes on basalt
of e host, Of friends..
The, Rev, D. IC, Grant will on
Sunday next exchange pulpits with
Rev, F. Larlein of Sealer th.• ;
The' Girth' Club held an interestine
meeting on Tuesday evening.
A unigste and interesting ceremony
wee performed at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Win.' Connell of the 13ase
Line on Monday last whealthe live
children of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Con-
nell of ,eashateliewan, wlica have
been visiting the formet's brotheks
and other friends hereabouts for sey-
eral weeks, were all baptised, the
Rev. S. J. ABM, pastor of Ontario
street church, performing the rite,
It was the first time in Mr,
Allin's experience that he had ever
baPtiaed so many members oi t'•e
same family at the same time,
Mr. Hiram Hill bas disposed of his
livery business to Mr. `Worthington:
of Guelph. I
Mr. Hunniford of London has
bought the corner grocery, to take'
possession next week.
The young 'people's Five' Hundred ,
Club met at the home a Miss Grace
Cluff on Monday evening. -
The Pastime Club will give one of
their informal dances fu their Club
rooms on Pride), evening of this
week.thtirMurray Mcl
cottage on Mary street from
jewmi has bought
Mr. C. L. Glow and will be given
immediate possession.
Mr. N. Ball is moving this week
into his new home, the residence re-
cently purchased from Mr. .J. 11.
Hoover on Rattenbury street.
Mr. Fred C. Efford, for a few
months past manager of the Can-
adian Incubator Cm, Toronto has
been appointed Dominion Poultry
Husbandman, with headquarters at
Ottawa. The offer came to him
from the Minister of Agrieulture,
tirely unsolicited and places. Mr. El -
lord at the head of the Poultry De
pertinent far the Dominion. He will
have charge of all ,the experimental
branches, and his duties take him
Iran coast to coast. "Fred's" man)/
friends in Huron and elsewhere will
be gratified to see thae his abilities
as a poultry expert have been thus
appreciated, and are satisfied that
he will diseharge the duties at Ills
new post to the_ ettire satisfaction of
the Minister oi Agriculture. Ile • as-
sumes his new office on March 1st.
• The thirteenth annual At -Hone of
the Huron 01/113oyte Associatioa was
Fell. in the Temple Building, Toronto,
last week • and was a most brilliant
Staccess. One of tile interesting featur-
es oe the evening was the preeentation
by President Clucas of art address to
the first knight of Huron Counte,
Sig, John Willison, Amongst
the guests, who nuntbered nearly
five hundred„ were : Mrs. Holmes, in
brown, satin and lace ;• Mrs, Floody
in blue and black silk ; bliss- O'Neil,
pink satin and lace ; Miss .Jessie O'-
Neil, old rase ; Mrs. Belden, black
brocade • with red roses ; Miss l'ain•
Egmend in blue and crystal ;_ the
Misses liolines' in white satin
and lace ; Mrs, Lester Scott in black;
Major Beek ; Mr. Robert Haines ;
Kr. W. Floody ; Dr, Belden ; Mr. S.
L. Scott ; 1410, W. Tamblyn ; Mr. It.
E. Shepherd and others. Those who
took , part in the 'program were :
bliss Pugsley, • Mr. Ruthven Macdon-
ald and Mr. Bennett. Later dancing
was indulged in and the At -Herne of
1913 was eonsidereel to be one of .he
most enjoyable ceer held/
Rev: T. J. Charlton of Mitchell
addressed the A. Y, P. A, at their
regular meeting on Monday evening
on the subject of "Astronomy."
The rector occupied the chair and af-
ter extending hearty greetings to the,
members of the Epworth League of
Wesley church, who had been invited '
over to hear the lecture, he read
with much expression and sympathy
O couple of Drummond's pecans. Mr.
T. Dunbar also rendered a solo vety
nicely. Rev, Mr. Jeakins, ip intro-
ducing the lecturer, explained that he
was a Fellow of the Royal Astron-
°Weal Society of England, probably
the greatest society of its kind in the
world arid was, therefore, well quire-
ihed to speak on the subject, is
claim which was- amply justified.
Such a comprehensive subject could
not, of course, be dealt with then
°uglily in so short a space of time,
but Mr, Charlton, taking the less In-
tricate and most simple phases of it.
so. explaned them that all could read-
ily grasp Ins meaning, The address
was such as to stimulate thougert
and study, along these lines, arid was
listenedto with much iaterest. Mr,
Bouele in a net speech, moved a vote
of thanks to the lecturer which Was
heartily seconded by Major Combe,.
wbo is himself an amateur astrorn-
emer or no mean' order. When ihe
president and thde Rev. Mr; Greene
had, in behalf of therWesleY Lea -
gale, expressed their appreciation of
the fraternal spirit of the .A. Y. P.
A., Amen in tile ,kind levitation .,ex -
'tended to them, and also of the
lecture, the meeting Wril bronzed to
a close he the singine of "
, 'The regular monthly tea of the
, Guild will bi) bell lm the sehool ,rozane
on .lientlay afte0e00A. '
, Mr..'ancl Mrs. Robert Ordclotigh of
Roderich township armour/Me the en.
gagernent of their daughter„ PiIl
May to Mr Ft'auk CIPLOiriciln'i;0,
i11hs0 3,10101
Marriage to take plaee on March 130.
ee.te),e couele will reside at Dim -
Mr. J; rie Harland was in Hamil-
ton last week attending a meeting
of hardware men and while there'
toter the opportunity of calling upon
an old Clinton boy, ritntely Mr.
Robt. King, only son of 1Y1r. mad .1V1re.
Waiter Ring .of town, who, in cora-
Pony with another young man, is
conducting a business college in.
that city. Mr. Harland was pleased
to hind this young man at the ho -ad
of an important educational instaitte
lion,- having a well equipped school,
arid about one hundred and twenty-
five pupils. Clinton boys bave a
habit of "making good" and thus
bringing credit to the old town.
The Good Citizereihip department
of the League provided a capital Pre
tertainmeht for the large • 'gathering
on Monday evening. Mr.' C. E. Dow-
ding of the Molsoes Bank gave • an
excellent variety of ViCW4.3 with the
aidof a Mirroscope, representing a
trip' around the world. Mr, J. Tay-
lor assisted Mr. Dowding in the
work. During am. intermission Miss!
Fernlee Allin sang "The Land of
Home." Mr. Henry Carter acted as
The "Temple of Fame" is to be
giveni under the auspices of the ladies
of the church in the town hall on
the evening of March 60.
Rev. S. J. Allin, ?aster, will
preach the second discourse OR
"Temptation" next Sunday evening,
the topic being, "Setae's Easy Way
to leame, Popularity and Heroism.''
A concert will be given on Good.
Friday evening by the choir of Noah
street church Goderich,
Mr. and Mrs, J. 8, Hoover and fam-
ily left today to take up • their
abode in Guelph. .
Miss Watts of Woodstock is the
gue,st of her brother, Mr. Thomas
Watts of the liuron 'Read.
Alt. Ernie, Graham leaves on Monday.
for R.osthern, Sask., where his
•brother, Melvin, ie located.
Mr. Will. Greig, fur some time with
the Jackson Mfg. Co., Exeter, las
accepted a position in Toronto.
Mr. J, D. Atkinson has been confieed
to the house for a few days this
week owe% to an attack of grippe,
Mrs. Freech leaves this week • for
Toronto where she will spend a
couple of months with •friends.
Mr. John Guest, Who has beenun-
dergoing medical treatment in Tot
onto for sonic weeks past, is • ex-
pected home today.
Messrs. Norman Werritt and Ernie
Graham attended the Seaforth skat-
• ing carnival last Friday menial&
They report a good time.
Messrs. T. Henderscan and D. Col -
vat of Hersciiell, Sask., spent a
few • days recently the guests of
Mr. and Airs. W. 11, Farquhar.
Mrs. East and Miss Greene and Mes-
srs. Moffatt and Best are going to
Bayfield to assist in a program in
the Methodist church this evening.
Councillor W. J. Paisley •WaS 111 Tor-
onto on business last week, and
also visiting his eon Stewart, who
is in the Bank Clearing IIouse for
the city, •
Messrs. •Barry, Twitchell, Carl Drap-
er and Roy 'Graham wentto Strat-
ford en Friday 1115111 to witness the
semi-final hockey match • between,
• Woodstock and Stratford.
Mr. Duncan Stevenson., formerly with
Mr. Ttvitchell, has opened a boot
• and shoe • repair store on 131000
St., Teronto, and appears' to Le
• working up a good trade, •,
Miss ,Edith Jennison of London, who
has been suffering for the past three
, weeks with a broken arm, is holi-
daying, at her home in town, leer
many friends are hoping that she
will soon be recovered. ,
Rev, • 0.13. and Mrs. Jeakins and
Master Reginald leave today for
Montreal where they will be in at-
tendance at the celebration• of the
Golden tVedding anniversary of Mrs.
Jeakins' parents 011 ItIonday next.
Messrs. Charlie and Will, Twitchell
return on Monday next te Edmon-.
ton, Alta„ after spending the win-
ter under the parental roof, The
boys look well and their Clinton
friends wish theen coptinuee suc-
Rev. J. Greene, Alr. A, T. Cooper,
Mr. C. J. Wallis and Mr, J. Miller
are in Toronto this week attending
thd convention of the Dominion Al-
liance, Mrs. ' Wallis aceompanied
her husband to the city for a vis-
it. j
Aff,r. and Mrs. Chas. Connell, who
have been visiting during the Will -
ter with the former's brothers,
Messrs. W., G. and J. Copmell of
Goderich township and other friends
in the vicinity, left yesterday fpr
their home at Tisdale, Sask. •
Mr. Arthur Rogers, manager of the
Kincardine Review was in town on
Tuesday - attending the funeral of
an old friend, Wesley 18. Theobald,
who died at Russel, Man., an Fri-
day last. They knew eech other at
Mt. Poreat where both reSided for
maul Yea"'
, guest of
oafmInzs, D, egrad rvlinite
„ at the tuanse,„,
Kr. John 'Brown of Newarif,'14.J.,
visiting his brothers and sister On
$110 Huron Road. "
Manager Whitmore of the Motor'
Company attended the A ti tomob i le
Show 11 Toronto. -
Miss .ISabel qunn has returned' after
nearly a year spent in study in
0)! a
ietelfd L', has been
guest during the past week Of his
daughter, Mrs. Luke Lawson, -
Mr. a,nd. Mrs. R. A. Killg of Chip-
pewa Lake, Mich., visited at the
home of Mr. Jas. Stevens this
Mr.LoriMackenzie and his little
daughter Bessie .of. Winnipeg are
guests of Mr. and Mrs, II, J. Rib-
Mr. R. li. Andrews of Cleveland,
Ohio, is spending a few /lays this
week With his sister, Mrs. B. J.
G ibbings.
Mk, Fred. Henry, who is spending a
couple of days in London this week,
expects to leave on Saturday for
Mrot Illyth, who has been
very ill for several moeths, is now'
the guest of her daughter, Mks.
Wesley Walker of town.
Mr. F. T. Henry, for many years a
resident, of Hullett, is now alloying
into town and will occupy the Mc -
Brien cottage on Albert street.
Mrs. J.7,Brook a and blaster Harry
of Mitchell were the guests of the
lady's parents, Mr. and Mrs, Wm,
Cantelon, during the past week.
Mr. Wm. Currie, who has beete visit-
ing Clinton and Goderich town-
ship friends ior the past few weeks',
N. expects to leave shortly d'or his
home at Gairdner, North Dakota.
Mrs, Wm. Heard returned to her
home in Hayfield on Sunday after a
fortnight's visit with her sista,
Mrs. Albert Townshend of the Base
Line and her parents, "Air. and eIrs.
Scotchmer of town.
Air. and Mrs. ' George Acheson of
Galeria' township expect to leave
next week to return to Medicine
Hat, Alta., where there is quite
a colony of former Clinton and
next -to -it residents,
Mr. Thompson Chef, eloronto, spent
a few days the past tveek as the
guest ol his sisters, Mrs-. R. Miller
Sr. mad Mrs. T. Beacom, and also
his brother, Mr. D. S. Cluff, mars -
ager of the Piano Company,
Mrs. Whitely, who has been visiting
her another, Mrs. Taylor, Ontario
street, for the past fortnight, leav-
es this week to visit old frienils
at Londesboro before returning to
her home at Gordo,
Mr. Will. Nesbitt arrived from Med-
icine Hat, Alta, cin Friday last
and is this week in Hamiltoe push-
ing through a big deal. Mr. Nes-
bitt is always assured of a most
cordial welcome when he revisits
the old home town and township.
Mr. and Mrs. W. T. O'Neil returned
Monday after six weeks epent in
the milder climate of Bermuda.
The change has had a beneficial ef-
fect upon Mr. O'Neil's health and
he is feeling and looking much mac
like les old self. They spent a
week in Buffalo on the way home:,
Mr. D. B. Kennedy has been bedfast
for the past week or so and many
old friends have paid Min a visit
'A big warm heart has D,13. and
'Vlse71 himself en:oying good health
Ile was especially kind to those
alivPhooniQ 01011ieninbuencli t3of
may grow stronger and befowill wlsh irelaltrio‘nile
be able to mingle among his fel-
lows once more.
Mr, and Mrs. R. J. Howard of God-
'aria- were in town on Saturday re-
turning from a visi . with the formor's brother, •Principal George
Howard, and his father who also
resides in Blake vicinity, Before
they returned to Goderich they al-
so visited Clinton and Goderich
township friends, 'Air. and Mrs.
Joseph Jervis among 1,11e number.
Mr. Howard recently passed through
af siege
Alr. and Mrs. L. Howson and their
little son, Master John, of Rolla,
North Dakota, arrived on Saturday
and are visiting Mr. Howson's
another, Mrs. Taylor, Ontario
street. Mr. liowson first went
west in 1876 when he located in
Ilritish Colembia and twenty years
Later he came cast to Rolla where
he has ever Wane resided and has
prospered. He has engaged' both
in terming and in ceniehercial life
but of late years h's time is prin-
cipally takers up by barecing, being
president of the Farnters and Mer-
chants Bank, IYlr. and Mrs. How-
son PorPose remaining a menth or
Mr. Ben. Churchill, who arrived from
Duncan, B.C., on lerid-.y last is
this week winding up his business
affairs preparatory to returning
again to the Sunset Province where
he has decided to make his home.
Mr. Churchill regrets leaving the
old home township—he's sorrier
,than he las on but then -the mat-
erial side must be taeen into ron•-
sideration. Duncan, where he pur-
poses locating has a population of
eight hundred on alt honest enurn-
eratiou, but it has prospects and
the residents already cell it a city.
TecomMunity expresses regret at Mr.
aththNeesevaiRecstoirinde wishes hloimr taulle
Churchill's intended departure, and
eVertiowing MeaSUrC of prosperity.