The Clinton News Record, 1913-01-02, Page 5Clinton News -Record
Janua,y;2ud 1913
• Mr.'`';J. B I;p`lilf°ofGalt was 'a vis-
itor doting' Christmas week bf his
sister, lys, (,eo, Holland..
iss Mandena Holland, who has r a
oqd pisition withthe Finch Cola -
•3T,Landon, and Miss E. Holland',,
ri} ,
teacher=in-training at the London
Zlorrnal, spent the holiday week with
thein -;parents,`' Mr. and Mrs, Geo.
Mrs. J'. H,Lowery of North , Bay
visited friends here over Christmas.
Rev, Mr. McKelvie preachoi in the
Methodist church twice an Sunday
with; much acceptance:' Mr. McKel-
vie's-charge is at Trowbridge,.where
Pastor McCormick's people live and
as the former's relatives reside al
Stratford this change :hi e of work for
the day was rnutu.11y. satislaotorp.
The annual meeting of the Cheese
Factory Company will be held' short-
T ly and it is expected the report will
he very satisfactory. Indeed, it
altogether likely a substantial (livid -
'end will be declared. The output
ler the year is valued at about $13,-
000. Mr. yd. Williams, the maker,
has done good work and has eine
e;ei gaged.
Goderich Township
Mr; :Geo, Holland lei on Monday
for. the county, of Elgin to buy up .
another carload of cows and young
rattle which he expects to put on
sale in Clinton on'Jan, 13tht,
Mr. and Mrs, Wm, Dunbar, : •who
•for the past live years have been..
respected residents of this townsdip,
Icaue Thursday ` for Winnipeg, near
which city Mr. Dunbar • will have
charge of an Anglican .parish: Dur-
ing in • the inetimbance of his son, the
Rev'. W.H:Dunbar, of the parish in
this township, Mr, D nbar frequently
conducted the servicesin the differ-
ent churches with much acceptance'
and after his departure • he " had,
charge, under a superintendent, of
' •1 time. i
for some little o
is a man of ability and his services
in the west will be appreciated. Mr..
and Mrs. Dunbar have a son in Win .
rem so they will not be so lonely
in making a new home out there..
Their many friends in Goderich town-
ship andhercabquts, while regretting
their departure will follow them
with hearty good wishes for their
future prosperity and happiness. •
Thomas biose, son ofnd
Mr. and
Mrs, James Mose, is spending a
couple of weeks at the homestead
alter which he returns to his posi-
tion in a foundry at Grimsby.
Mrs. John Stewart, and her daugh-
ter Mary spent Christmas week with
relatives in Belgrave.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wilson and
their three children, Misses Lillie
and Helen and Master Harold, of
Stratford, visited during Christmas
week at Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Connell's.
Miss '/.clod 1•iollapd spent New
Year's in London with friends.
Mr, T. Ilawkins of Clinton is in-
stalling a new furnace for bir. 1•'.
H. Powell of the 15th. '
The trustees of No. 11 have Mooted
Albert Issard trustee. They are
putting in new ground glass windows
and doing other repairs during the
Vacation. •
No, 10 has re-elected Me. i3en.
Rathwell trustee.
Ili S. S. No. 9 Mr. John Halstead
has been elected to succeed Mr.
Reuben Grigg who retired aftee sev-
eral years' service.
Reeve McClure was returned by ac-
clamation at the nominations on
Monday. The following - gentle-
men arc offering themselves for the
council : Daniel Glidden, G. Hudie,
G. Laithwaite, J. W. Yeo, W. Ladd
and 5, Lindsay,
bliss Myrtle Beacom is holidaying
under the parental roof,
Miss Bessie Lovell' is spending the
vacation at her home near Wroxeter.
Mr.Thos. Ma'Jt spent a few days
the guest of his brother Dr. Mair of
Inc. John Clifton of Dakota spent
a few dayha the guest of this broth-
er, Mr. Chas. (Tifton.
': Bagfield
Detroit ` is the
Mrs. Stewart of Do t
guest of, her sister, Mrs. Robert`
t wood who' sent • the
Ilartey A t p
past few ,months at Detroit, return-.
ed home last week.
• Mr. George J.,awrason and sore, Mr,
Robert Lawrason,,.,wife and family;
are spending a week' with friends at
Mr. ani Mrs.:Frank Warts of•
Lethbridge, Alta., are the guests of
his brother-in-law, Mr. George Cope-
Miss Alice Tippet of 'reroute spent
the holiday with her parents,. Mr;
and Mrs. John Tippet.'
Ole. William Wamsley • and wife of
Orson Sound were the guests of
mother ' during • the holiday.
Mr. William J. Elliott, wife and
family. spent the past, week with
friends at Detroit.
Miss Ada and James Roeatt of
London spent their holidays under
the parental roof.
Mr. John Parsons and wife of Win-
nipeg are visiting the former's moth-
er, , Mrs Parsons.
Mr. Percy Biggart and wife of Tor-
onto spent the holiday with his par-
ents, itIr. and Mrs John Biggart.
Laurie Fowlie of London spent the
holiday week under the parental roof.
Messrs. David Leitch. of Swift
Current and George Leitch of Saska-
toon arrived home last week to spend
the winter with their parents, ,Mr.
and Mrs. • D. Leitch, .
Wilber Erwin of Berlin spent his
holidays under the parental roof.
Mrs. Lorre and two children of
Nanton, Alta., are the guests of her
mother, Mrs. W. Stirling.
Mr. and Mrs. Wigle of Niagara
Falls are the guests of the latter's
parents, Mr. and blrs. James Stur-
Mr. A. Catlin, who has been at
Port Stanley the past few months,
returned last week.
Mr. and .Mrs. 'Herbert; Johnston
and family of Talmage, Sask,, are
visiting the former's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. James Johnston.
Dr. Smith spent the holiday with
bis parents at Milton.
The nominations on Monday result-
ed in the return byacclamation of
Reeve George, Lindsay and Trustees
H.' Drehivann _Villiam Herd and
Robert Brown. For Councillors tho
following are candidates Charles
Parker, Samuel Moore, T,i rd Mer -
net, 'Thomas Elliott, Samuel Blair,
James 'Thompson and George West-
A meeting in the interests of Loc-
al Option will be held in the town
Hall at throe o's lock on Sunday - af-
ternoon, when ar, address will be de-
livered by D. A. TMeDermot, Toma-
to. The public are cordially invited
lo attend.
Me,''and Mrs.' Robinson, and family
01B1 th were- nests of Mr Drr.
y 1., s ( )
Young on New Year's day.
Mr. and' Mrs. J. Phillips spent the
Christmas holidays with .relatives in
Mrs T. Ilarris spent Cliristnias at
Mr. J. Shobbrook's.
Miss Josie 'plsle}'. is visiting
friends in Leamington.
Miss Myrtle Phillips attended the
Cox -Sinclair wedding in Stanley last
Misses Elva and Keziali Brown are
spending the holidays at home,
Stanley Township
, A very pretty wedding took place
on Christmas Day at Evergreen Farm
the home of Mr. • and Mrs. .Ralph
Stephenson of the :Parr Line, Stan-
ley when their g third daughter, u
et Aline,
became the bride of Mr, David A.
Johnstone, a prosperous farmer of
the Babylon Line.
While the Bridal Chorus March was
being pla}ed by Miss Anna Mao
Armstrong rile bride entered the
parlor leaning on the arm of her
father who gave her away,
Miss Agnes Johnstone sister of the
groom acted as bridesmaid while
Mr. William R. Stephenson, a broth-
er of the bride -ably supported the
grooms. The bride looked charming
in a gown of white esilda trimmed
with satin and bugle beaded fringe
carrying a boquet of white chrysan-
themums, she also wore. the conven-
tional veil and orange blossoms. The •
bridesmaid looked quite dainty in a
dress of net trimmed with lace and
she wore a blue satin- bandeau and
sash. The bridal party stood be-
neath an arch of evergreens from
which hung a floral bell. The cere-
mony was performed by Rev. T. J.
Johnstone assisted by Rev. D. John-
stone of Varna. After the usual
The old council were all re-elected
on Monday.
Mr.• Joseph Chamberlain of fort
Colborne visited fri ibis in the vil-
lage over Sunday.
Mrs. (Dr.) lMasCalltun of Kingston
and Mrs. Constantine of 'Zurich were
guests of ,Mrs. 11. Adams on Monday
of this week.
bh. Dorrance of Seaforth spent a
dew days at the home of Mr, and
Mrs. R. Adams this week.
Mrs. A. Watson mut Mrs, Geo. Den-
nie of London spent Christmas at the
home of their lather, Mr. F. Brown.
Mrs. Chapman add Miss Geraldine
of Loudon were guests at the parson-
age this week.
The Christmas Tree entertainment
entertains ei.1 held Christmas night:
le the. Me.thedist church was a very and holly and before a large
successful affair and was well atten- ' hanlr of ferns and flowers in
ded. 'The program, which was very , the drawing -room and the house was
appropriate and was given by mens- prettily decorated for the interesting.
hers of the 5, S., consisted of dia-
logues, drills, recitations, choruses,
Mrs. J. 0. Lounsbery is visiting
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cryslcr of
Miss Lawday spent the Christmas.
holiday time at her home here,
Mr. A, Braithwaite of Detroit
spent Christmas with his .parents
Mrs. Geo.' Longman spent Christ-
mas with her non, Mr. Harvey Long-
man of London.
Mrs. W. G. Coombs and Misses
Sylvia and Hazel spent a few days
with the former's . daughter, Mrs.
W. L. Merritt of London.
At the annual meeting held on ,Fit -
day evening last the C.O.F. elected
the following officers .`
Chief Ranger, Ih Brunsdon.
Vico, N. Hill.
Chaplain, W. Mountain.
Rec.-Secretary, J. C. Adapts.
Fin. -Secretary, F. H., Johnston,
Treasurer, John Brunsdon.
S.W., R. Yungblet. •
J.W., J, i'ungblut.
• Sr. .Beadle, M,, Brown.
Jr. Beadle, Jas. Elsie}':
Con.uctor, W. H. Lyon.
r' steel M Brown,C. Weymouth,
F. Gibbs.
Court Physician, Dr. Allison.
Auditor, E. Adams.
During the evening two ,now' mem-
bers were initiated into the myster-
ies of the order. After the business
of the evening lunch was served and
a program of music was enjoyed,
Mr, M. Brown ,giving several selec-
tions on his gramophone and other
rnembers. contributing mouth Organ
selections. It was decided to have ' a
social evening the last, meeting in
the Month during the winter.
Mr, T. Miller distributed two car-
loads of coal last week and expects
another in a few days. He is selling
at •a reasonable price.
Miss Barr entertained a tunbei: , of
her friends to a very jovial and de-
lightful New Year's party this week.
Among the guests present were Miss
141. Chidley of Clinton, Miss M.' Cow-
an- of Illytii and Messrs. p. A.
Blatchford of C'enbee,lig,_ G, W. I3eat-
.on of -iCailiele, Seek., and IL -:0,
congratulations the bride- led the way
to the dining- rooni which • was
tastefully decorated and where a
most sumptuous repast was served
to the fifty guests. The remainder of
the evening was spent in phonograph
music and violin selections after
which the bride and groom drove to
their new home on Babylon Line ac-
companied by a few of their friends.
The groom's gift to the. brirle was
a handsome fur -lined coat, to the
bridesmaid a pearl brooch, to the or
ganist a pearl brooch and to the best
mare gold cull links, ,
Many beautiful acid costly gifts
were received, some coming from a
long distance which shows the high
esteem in which the young 'souple
are held.
The guests from a distance were:
Misses Agnes and Orval Stephenson,
Marlette, Mich., and Mr, A. ,John-
stone of llensall.
The bride's travelling suit was
navy blue with hat to match,
On Friday evening about eighty of
the friends gathered at the, bride's
home and gave her a siisacllaneotts
slower, -
The marriage took place on
Christmas Day. at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Wm. Sinclair of the 2nd
con., of their daughter, Cottle E1-
llson, to Mr. J Lisle`' C'ox, Por-
ter's Hill. The ceremony was per-
formed by the Rev. D K, Grant,
pastor of Willis church, Clinton, in
the. presence of 'a large number of
invited guest. The bride, who wae.
unattended, was handsomely gowned
in ivory satin with pearl trim-
mings and carried a sheaf bo;uca cf
bridal roses and fern. The couple
stood under an arch of evergreen
As usual the Christmas vacation
has brought its quota of visitors
who- are enjoying the holiday season
with, their friends, "rho following
teachers may be mentioned. Mr. Wil-
liam ,Smillie of Burford, Mr. Len.
Smillie. of Bruce county, the Misses
Petrie of Sault Ste Marie, Miss N.,
McGregor of Perth. county, and Miss
Mellis of Vienna. Tho following,
students are here also..1Gordon and
Harvey Gould and Albert and Mary
Johnston of Toronto besidesmany
otheb who are attending ,, school in
Clinton, ;Seaforth or Exeter. Other
visitors are. Misses Ida and Anna
Dinsdale of . Toronto and .Mosses.
Hugh Cameron from Saskatoon" • and
Peter from Kindersley, Saslr. " , They
re ort good times there and our old
friend; in Mr.. Alfred Furry's and
Mr. Hugh. Connell's families doing
well and prospering on ,their . home-
steads and also Mr, David Cameron,
who has taken to himself a wife and
is living S
who g in sk oa at on,
On Thursday the 26th inst., Miss
Ida Dinsdafe left for Santa, arbara,
Cal., to resume her work as
gro her there. I-Ir many friends
wish her abundant success,
Mr. Detweiler, who is in Clinton
hospital and Miss Mary Hay, who
is ab home are ill with typhoid fev-
er. The former is rapidly improving
in health and the latter hasn't
reached the crisis yet. All hope for
their ,speedy recovery.
The C.hristiigas Tree entertainments
in the Methodist and Presbyterian
churches were quite successful.
On Christmas Day Mr, Ilugh Me
Murtrie and ' Miss Polly' Cochrane
were united in marriage by the Rev,
J. Richardson. They left on the
evening train for a week's trip among
friends. The happy young couple
have the best .wishes of a large
circle of friends and acquaintances,
.'ugh of '1 creme '°T?nrversdty.
event of a Christmas wedding.
Miss Elsie Lehb played the
wedding music. At the con-
clusion of the ceremony and
when the bride aril groom had re-
ceived the congratulations of those
present, all partook of a sumptuous
feast. A very large number of
beautiful gifts to some extent prov-
ed the popularity of both bride and
groom. The groom's gift to the
bride was a gold watch and
chain, and to the pianist` a pearl
crescent; Mr. and Mrs. Cox left on
the afternoon brain frrymi'Clinton for
a honeymoon trip and on their is -
turn will reside at Porter's 10111,
The bride's going away costume was
a tailored suit of brown whipcord,
with which she wore a large black
hat. Congratulations and good wish-
es are extended.'
The following is the report of 5
5. No, 13, Stanley for the term
ending. Dec. 20th. The report is
based on general proficiency, regul-
arity of attendance, punctuality, and
4th, Roy Keys 70 percent.
3rd class,-.1lyinore Keys 80, Flex
once Hayter 68.
2nd class,—Russel Erratt 82, Wil-
bur Keys 66, Esther Hayter 59.
1st class,—Ruby Errata 85.
Jr; 1st,—Thelma Dowson 90, Mel-
vin Clarke 87, Gordon.-i-Iayter 64,
Roy Dowson 67.
—W. 0. Robinson!, Teacher
The following is the December
monthly report of S. S. No, . 14,
Stanley names in order of merit :
8th,—James ,Jarrott, Grace Ross,
Allan Fiedler.
Sr. 4th, -?Anna Flood, Lawrence
Wasman and Alex. McMurtric equal,
Nelson Hood.
Jr. 4th,—Louise McClyniont, Anna
Fisher,, Cecil ,Johnston.
Jr:; : 3rd,—Bella Collins, Maggio
Cooper Willie Colllds.
Jr. 2nd Norma hood, I-Iarold
Rathweil, Grace Cooper.
The best spellers in the monthly'
spellers matches were :-
5th, -Grace Ross.
Sen. ilii, -Nelson ,Hood.
,Jun. 4,th,=Cecil ,Jolannton,
Jun,: 3rd,—Bella Colli:rig.
Sen. 21ud,-Harold tathwell.
Part 2nd, -Grape Faiiubaira.
Mr. A. McLaughlin spent Xmas
at his home here:
Master Geo. Reid spent a few •la} s
with Seaforth friends.
1065 & HE&DINB
Miss Mabel Longworth of Lansing,
Mieh,, is spending the holidays
with her mother, Mrs. W. Lon
': g
worth of town,
Mr, and Mrs. S. A. Dickson of
Edmonton are theg uests of the
former's parents, Mr, and Mee. 5,
' Miss Minnie Beattie, wfio has been
iri the iCcast Province and in the
west for ,some time, has returned
Highest prices paid for
all grades of timber.
Better Bread
Could Not Be
Cupid -is a Dapper
Owing -to the prevalence of measles
in town the " Collegate Commence-
ment exercises had to be postponed,:
Rev, John Berry, rector of St.
Thomas church, has been transferred
to Meaford and leaves shortly for
that town.
Cluch live correspon-
dence arrived late and.
has had to be held over.
and handles the reins in smart fash-
ion. It's his delight to board .our
delivery wagon along New Year's
time to distribute our i
to those who buy thein.
Leave an order a.nd wet will have
hint rein up at your deer in an
our to deliver your purchase.
p'. 5. Prices are a shade lower,
Dealers in
1 T ".
A BI('i
Before Stock Taking
Particulars Next -week
Harland Bros.
Stoves, Hardware and. Novelties
It was announced bast week that there was a list being prepared.
some interesting rices of the best selected stock of
Belowwfllbefound. rneintoz sur gp
furniture and house furnishings to be found in the County.
1 3 piece parlor sort.,,.., $21 00
1 3 „ , " 26 50
1 3 " 34 00
1 3 " 45 00
1 3 " 23 00
1 3 " " " 48 50
1 3 ` German Leather 55 00
1 11 32 00
1 5 parlor suit 20 00
1 6 ' " " 4200 •
245 pictures of every kind end description at 25 percent. discount,
1 vouch $ 7 75
1 8 00
1 4 t 8 25
1000 50
1 "
1 0 50
1 „ 10710
1 11 50
1 DovevIcort conch ... , , 21 50
3 folding couch 35 00
1 Oak extension table,
round top 13 50
250 rockers of every quality
and price fi mn $1.50 to 15 00
The Store
of Quality.
Phone 28
p R
W. Walker Phone
I esidence
Furniture Dealer and Undertaker
WE wish td thank our numerous customers
for their liberal patronage during the past
year, and at the same time fnform them that the
barren pl.,ces on our floor, made by the removal of
their purcnaees, are rapidly being filled with bright,
new goods. These new goods will be marked at such
prices as will defy competition.
Chellew, II1th
will he at the
Thurs., Jan. 9
with a large and var-
ied stock of the new-
est Parisian, London
and New York crea-
tions in Hain Goods.
Ladies with thin hair will be
interest in our improved Trans-
formations, The new designs in
Curls are very dainty and at
tractive. We invite your inspec
boli of these goods.
Dorenwend's Sanitary Patent Toupees,
for Men who are hald, are so constructed that only the wearer will
know that itis' not their own hair.' They give the protection necessary
ti physical health, Adjust
themselves as readily as our, -
own hair would. Light,
strong, made in any style
s' Jolt aor shpe.
The onyablrinitary and
° Pshatentedde]T e e p e e
�'4 , frh�,,,,, Manufactured.