The Clinton New Era, 1914-10-22, Page 1Established 1865, Vol. 49, No. 1
OCTOBER 22'1914
W. H. Kerr & Son, Editors and Publisher
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SouthHuron liberals�:
Effect Organization
Nominating Convention Here on
Wednesday, Nov, f lth:
A meeting of the Liberals, of
South Huron, the riding; newly
Iformed for Dominion election per
poses, was held at Brucefielcl°, on
Tuesday, the object being to or-
ganize an Association,. There was
a good attendance.
Mr. Henry` Smith of Hay, who
has been ,president for many years
of the old South Huron Associa-
tion, was elected president; Me. A,
Mustard of Brueefield, Secretary;
and Dr. Mayer of Hensall, tress- he vice-presidents are, Dr,
View of C1rrr't%tpn Mr. Finland of
ullett; and M. ittu.,;die of McKil-
loI .ui+as decided to call a coivenn
tion for the selection of a candi-
date, at Clinton, on Wednesday,
November 11th,
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Rev. Mr. Algin occupied the puipit
last Sunday morning and the pastor
took as his evening subject "The
timely lessons from the Great War."
Mr. A. T. Ccoper addressed the
Senior League on Monday night,
The Junior League on Friday even-
ing will be iu charge of, the Good
Citizenship Committee.
The student§ of the Commercial Ool
lege and also of the Model, School
were entertained by the young people
of Ontario St. Church on ,Tuesday
evening. At the close of an informal
program the young ladies of the
church served ice cream and cake to
the large number present. Miss Ward
and Miss Stone accompanied the
students of their college.
The pastor will preach on Sunday
morning next. At 3.15 the Sunday
School will unite with the school of
Wesley church in a mass meeting to
be addressed by Rev. Mr. Crossley.
At '7 p. m. the Evangelist Crossley
will preach and the congregation of
Wesly church will unitwith that of
Ontario St. Church. Music by the
united choirs.
Union `services will be held in this
church during the week each evening
at '7.45 when Rev. Mr. Crossley will
preach and sing. The choirs of the
two churches wilt unite in the service
of song each evening.
The pastor occupied the pulpit
both morning and eveiiing. The
choir was assisted by Mr. R. Fair-
ful, of Leamington, brother of the
Next Sunday evening the pastor
will preach on "Scraps of paper"
The pastor and superintendent
were both pleased at the large
attendance at Sunday school and
hope it may continue. Hour of
meeting 10 a.m.
Dont forget the prayer meeting
tonight at 8 o'clock. We would
like to see every member of the
church present.
"5 C
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Photo by American. Press Association.
% War Summary•
Germans in full retreat from
Allies reported to have taken
the city of Roulers.
Ostend is being shelled •by the
British fleet,
It has been unofficially report-
ed that Lille has been recaptured
6,000 Samurai soldiers have con-
creted their lives to the capture
of the German fortress T'sing-Tau
They will make the attempt on
Oct, 30th, the Mikado's birthday.
General Alderson inspected the
Canadian troops at Salisbury plain
Remnants of Belgian army drive
enemy back five miles.
The Jape disposes of two Ger-
man warships,
King Albert is at Turnes with
his army.
Maritz's revolt in South Africa is
virtually over.
All Germans and Austrians are
ordered to leave Brighton, Eng-
Hundreds of Germans are annibi
lated by great French land mine
on their right wing.
Desperate fighting in Northern
pert of Francs.
Germans are hastily repairing the
Antwerp forts.
The Russians are advancing from
the Vistula.
Enmy sinks new British subma-'
' Continued on Page 5
Over The Teacups
Judge Doyle was in town today,
Mr. Tom Cooper of Helena, Mont
was in town on Monday calling
on his aunts Mrs. Morrish and Miss
Minnie Cooper, and his grand-
mother, Mrs. Chidley.
Mrs. R. J. Neal is visiting her
daughter Mrs: Ramsay in Ayr.
Mr, Frank Folk, who has been
connected with the Clinton Knitt-
ing Co, for the past' year, left this
week for London where he joins
the staff of the London Knitting
Co. We are sorry to see him leave
town, but expect to see hire back
Mr. Stewart- Jackson and his
grandmother Mrs. Greig, left on
Wednesday for Toronto. Mrs,
The Methodists Churches of Clinton
will unite in a series of,Special Evange•
listic set•vicies in which the pastors will
have the assistance of.
SUNDAY, (Del'. 25th
11 a.m.—Public. services in both churches,
the evangelist' to speak iu' Wesley.,
315 pone-Unien'uservice of the two Sunday Seneols in Wesley Church
T,00 p.m. -Union service of the two congregations in Ontario Street
Chinch, Rev. Mr. Crossley to preach,
Service each evening at 7.45; except Saturday, during first week in
Ontario St. Church, to which everyone itrnrdiaily invited..
Greig will remain there some time
Greig wilt remain ' there soma
:weeks with her daughter M.s.
Clark but Stewart will go on to
New York the latter part of the
Mrs. Percy Couch arrived home
on Sunday after her operation at
the Clinton Hospital. Her many
friends are glad to hear of her
rapid recovery.
Mr. Charles A. Megaw, formerly
eastern manager at Toronto, of the
Western Canada Flour Mills, died at
the residence of his father, Mr. S. A.
Megaw, Winnipeg, on Monday. He
was a recognized business reran, just
3O years old, and was a cousin of Mr.
W.5, R. Holmes, druggist.
Rev. Mr. Mc'Nillan. of Toronto, was
a visitor in town for few hours on
Saturday. While- on his way to
Exeter where he occupied the pulpit
of the Presbyterian church on Sun-
The. A. Stringhanr, of Woodstock,
is visiting with her parents, Chief and
Mrs, Wheatley.
Air. Fred Owen, of New York, is
spending a few days iu town.
The St Marys Argus of last week.
makes the following reference to a
former pastor Of the Middleton.
fi elm esville churches :—The Rev. O. S.
Langford. B. A., who was to have .f-
ficia.tecl in St. James' chureb last Sun-
day was taken suddenly ill just before
church time.
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Lawson and
babe, of Windsor, returned home on
Saturday after a weeks visit with the
latter's parents. -
Mrs. W. H. Kerr, of Brussels, is
spending a clay or so with her son,
J. Leslie Kerr. '
Mrs W. C. Searle arrived bonne af-
ter a visit of nearly a year and a half
at Indian 'Head. Mrs. Searle had
been called West owing to the illness
of her mother, and hoth mother and
father passed away before two months
had elapsed. Mrs, Searle also visited
with relatives at Winnipeg and Lon-
don euroute home.
Dr. and Mrs. Rutledge spent a few
hours in Brussels on Wednesday.
Mrs, Brodie and Misses Annie and
Jean Brodie and Mrs. Holman, of Sea -
forth, spenta few hours in Clinton on
Tuesday with Mrs. J. Leslie Kerr.
Mrs. Thos. Hawkins and children -
are visiting in Hauiflton.
Mr. Brandon, of Belgrave, made a
business trip to Clinton on Fiiday.
Mr, Henry Bateman, of Brussels,'
was a visitor in town on, Friday last.
Rev, E. G. Powell, who is secretary.
of the' London. Methodist Conference,
will attend the special committee
m 'eting in London on Wednesday of
next week.
Mi'. and Mrs: John Knox, Goderich
announce the engagementof their
slaughter, Anna Jeanette (Nan) to Mr.
Ernest Jay_ Howson, of 'reroute Ont.
the marriage to take place quietly
early in November,
Mrs. Player, of Detroit, is spending
ing a couple of weeks with her father
Mr. H. Fremlin.
Mrs. Morrison, of Toronto, was
called to Clinton on account of the
death of her mother, the late Mrs.
Mrs. Howard Humphrys will assist
the St. , Joseph choir next Sunday
'Mrs. (Rev.) Patterson and youngest
son, of Sarnia, is the • guest of her
sister, Mrs. W. D.,Piuir.
Airs. Case and Miss Jessie, of Sea -
forth attended the concert given by
Mrs. Humphrys on Monday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. John Wiseman, at-
tended the 'funeral: of Mrs, Farrow in
Goderich on Sunday.
Mrs. Humphrys heaves for Buffalo,
New York and Washington on bion
vine by the first.ot December,
ii in a rr
the chair. The National Anthem
day next and expects to e'in'Jackson
The meetings of the Centre Hu-
ron Sunday school convention
opened in North street Methodist
church, Goderich, on Tuesday
morning of last week. Rev. J. E.
Ford led the devotional exercises
which were somewhat out of the
ordinary, consisting,, of responsive
readings, dealing with statistics as
gathered by the provincial Sunday
• s
e lm
school organization, as well as -
familiar hymns and portions of
scripture. The balance of the morn
ing session was taken up by a con-
ference led by Rev. E. W. I1alpen-
ny, dealing largely with county
organization. zation The speaker allowed
that it was necessary to organize
to take stock of results, to see
Continued on Page 5 -
Everybody went to market last
Saturday. They went there ,carry-
ing large bundles and carne home
with large bundles too as to an
ordinary market. But at this mark
et no one carried away money, the
proceeds being. all devoted to
the Women's Patriotic -Work, At
the different booths vegetables,
fruit, homemade baking and candy
were sold while right in front of
the stage was a very quaint and
pretty Old Curiosity. Shop where
Mr.s Brydone and her, assistants
sold, at bargain prices, many
and various articles. As one gen-
tleman remarked "There was every
thing from an egg beater to a
Ross Rifle".
Afternoon tea was served at
small tables by the members of
the society.
Aft four o'clock Mrs, Humphreys
delighted the audience with her
solo "Let There Be Peace," In re
sponse to an encore she sang
"Annie Laurie." At five o'clock
she sang "The songs My Mother
Used to Sing" The best tribute
Mrs. Humphries singing was
the perfect stillness tha prevailed
throughout the hall while she sang.
There is no doubt that Clinton
people love to hear Mrs. Humphrys
sing. We all earnestly- hope de-
pite her assertion to the con-
trary, she will soon again re-
turn to Clinton if only a brief visit
The proceeds of the. day amount
ing to about $195 which will greatly
swell the coffers of the Women's
Patriotic Association. The Wo-
men of Clinton have certainly "got
together" and "got busy." Hears
luck to them! They are working
in a great and noble cause.
Flag fling at Clinton Public School
The flag -raising ceremony held ing as with one voice, "We salute
on the Model School grou'h '3s ee 1 thee, Our Flag."
Monday was attended by many Mr. C. D. Bouek then recited in
parents and friends of the chilclr' ^en I stirring tones "It's Only an Old
Immediately after four o'clock • t e ; Bit of Bunting" afterwards de -
pupils assembled in the yard at'+. daring in an impassioned' address
the south of the school where they h1 is ufidence in the ultimate
vie teas, of the Allies.
Then foliglwed the chorus "0
Canda" 1+,, after which Mr. T. Cottle,
Chairman„ of. the Board introduced
Rev. F. C. fI �'T.'�'arper who spoke to the
children of ti.he significance of the
three crosses - forming the Union
Jack. + He urgeaN them to be loyal
to their flag, alwa s remembering
for what it stood.
formed inline, After standing
with bowed, heads while Rev. S. J.
Algin led them in prayer, they sang
with true Canadian fervour our Na
tional anthem "The Maple Leaf
Dr.' Shaw gave a shoot address
choosing as his subject "The Union
Jack." He explained the form of
the flag, told something of its an
tient glories and spoke of how our
Canadian boys bad followed it in
the past and were following it
now. He said that he hoped it
would never be necessary for•those
before him to follow the flag to
battle but, if the need should arise
he hoped that they would live up
to the best traditions of the Brit-
ish race,
Mr. Cottloii address
the program but, judging child
ren to be tired, he made ill, .,,.forth
er speech than to ask all to join in
singing "God Save the King.''"y
Then after three lusty cheers for
for the Union Jack, the flag -raising.
ceremony was over. Such occas -
as this do much to foster patriot-
ism in young minds. We Cana -
Trustee Kemp then raised the ians cannot de too much to honor
flag mast high. and the three hen- to the Union Jack.. the outward
dred children stood with their and 'visible emblem of Freedom and
right hands raised in salute say- Liberty's cause.
as next on
WH e Mate SIaghter Hawses
Toronto, Oct. 8.—The -slaughter
houses of the Province are to be
brought under strictregulation and
inspection. For some time past
the Provincial Board of Health has
been envestigating conditions par
titularly in small centres and rural
districts; from which many com-
plaints have been received and
as a result the board has decided to
bring the slaughter houses to task
in respect to sanitary measures.
The provincial authorities pro-
pose to exercise control not only
over the operation of slaughter,
houses, but their construction as
well. This means that henceforth
before one can be constructed
plans and specifications must be
approved by the Provincial Board
It is recognized that to a large e x -
tent unsanitary conditions in
existing slaughter ihouses are due
not so much to the carelessness
of the owner as to faults in the
construction' and drainage facili-
ties of the buildings.
For those existing comprehen-
sive rules hav been drawn up.
Every establishment will be requi-
ed tol have f,proper lighting and
ventilation, with sufficient c(raine
and proper traps and connections
Ceilings, wall, floors, approaches
and platforms must be kept clean
and if so constructed 'as to allow
the accumulation 'of dirt, must be
rebuilt' at the order of the health
officer or sanitary inspector. The
instruments must be thoroughly
cleaned, every time they are used.
The board (is determined to stop
the handling of meat bydirty em-
ployes, Employers are to be' made
responsible for the cleanliness of
their workers' persons and cloth-
ing, and will be advised to require
frequent washing of the hands. No
workman affected with tuberculo-
sis or other communicable disease
may be employed in any depart-
ment where carcases are dressed
or handled in any way. The in-
spectors will be empowered tore-
' quire
e-'quire the dismissal on medical ex-
amination of any env loye suspect
ed of suffering from a cemmuni
cable disease.
The slaughter house proprietors
will be forced to keep their prem-
ises screened against flies and
vermin. Clean water and ice only
will be allowed in washing car-
cases and mechanical methods will
have to be subsituted for some
work now performed by hand.
The slaughtering of unhealthy
animals or the sale Of meat unfit
for food is to be made an indict-
able offence and the local health
officers and sanitary inspectors are
empowered to enter any slaughter
house for the purpose of inspec-
tion. In the rural districts • the
work will (be largely under the
direction of the district officers
of health.
The regulations will be issued in
the course (of a week.
Clinton,' has already made pre-
paration for these conditions. Fitz
Simons & Son ere ' already ,using
an up-to-date one built by Chas.
Middleton and we understand that
John Scruton will also have one,
erected. Dr. Shaw look the mat-
ter Up with the Council early in
the • Spring.
East HuronTeachers' Convention
The ;41st annual Convention of
the Teachers of East Huron met
in the Town Hall, Brussels, Thurs-
da October 8th at 1b,30 a, m, the
President, T.G Sl 'll' gl w, i
Births, lllarrlages & Dga,a41s`
LAWSON.• In Detroit, on October
17, Elizabeth inn' Mitchell, wife of
William Lawson and sister of Margar-
et Mitchell, Detroit and Mrs, Mary.
Smith of Hamilton.
ASHTON—In Goderich, on Satur-
day, Oct 17th, Mr Tholuas Ashton in
his 83rd year,
BROWN-Iu 01]nton on, Friday'
Oct. MOtli, Margaret MeArO'er, `relict
of the late John ;Brown.
Grbbines-In • Olietoe on, Tuesday
Oct, 20th, Elizabeth Shipley, beloved
wife of Thomas Gibbings, aged 50
years and 4 months.
was sung and devotional exercises
were conducted by Rev. D. Wren
of Brussels.
Minutes of last meeting were
read and on motion of Mr. Poslif 8,
seconded by Mr.'Gleocuson, were
Following Resolution Committee
-wag appointed; -Messrs,' Posliff and
Holland and Misses Bainbridge,
Reynolds- and Rands.
The program of themeeting was
then Proceeded with and A. L. Poe
lx>f`,, ef.Winghwam delivered an
able ade-ess 'bn fi1itary Train-
ing in Public Schools." It would
be a great step, in teaching patri-
otism, obedience and order. Most.
of the exercises can be taken up,
without in convenience. A great
thing in building up citizenship;,
inculcating a respect for discipline
The learning by the pupil of the
military training exercises is a
great benefit ir, building up heal-
thy manhood, closely •.eoetected
with this is physical exercise and
with the book provided every
teacher can take the work success-
fully. Games taught under physi-
cal exercises gives freedom apd
decision of movement, the two,
physical training, and 'unitary
training, ,were inseparable in build
Zug ( up geed, healthy, patriotic citi-
zens. The subject was further dis-
cussed by' Messrs. B. Sebtt, Hog-
ggarth, Holman, the President, Dr..
Field and others. Opinloe as to
military training in schools wasu
i continued -,oat page 3