The Clinton New Era, 1914-09-24, Page 2e•e•eeee•*•e•es•e•••eeeeie e
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' Marr
day, Serp!bemlbert 24(1'1', 1914.
Every Page Has Newsy Items.
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A' trial 'will convinc
that we know o
Remarkable Scenes in
London Sept:18:-King:George'ts'
:eigniature, was td -day{ atitlachedl to
the iholme (rule bill. which thus
,Pant's the( st'a'tutse, nook, am d
Parliament was prorogued ;rote.
•.Ucltober '27 • '
: Scenes toll enthusiasm unmsu'a1 in
the s't'aid Legislative chaurbers of
Westminster lPIaeaee were enacted
todlay, when elle two. Houses of iP,aa•
.';(amen .were prorogued. • While
ging ;George Tw(o)s absent in'spect-
im!g'(che troops his speech' wee read
In the House of Lords by Viscount:
!Haldane, the Lord High Chance -leer
and im eihe House of Common by
.John' ;El. 'Whitley, the Deputy
;When the yameouncementt wae
anlade in the House of Lords that
the tRoylal 'assent hadbeen given
to the. Irish house; rule hind; the
Welsh church ddsestlablishment sus-
pensory bills' on re to a number oil
emergency measures, cheers were
given for !the; passing of the Irish
rand the, 'Welsh bills: Phe home
rule .bill! !does melt become 'awe or
;one yelar.
",Gold' Strove the King."
,' One the amiiounceonentt of the
mlassage. of .the'Irish home rule bill
in,'the House od Commons the
Nlaltion!alis4s .and Liberals broke
Inito loud cheers, 'which were re-
pelattedl again an/dl again.
(Will 'Crooks', 'the Liab'or leader
asked le lit was i!nlorder to sing
-"Gad Slave the King:' r Without
whiting dor permission. he started
the 'first) verse himself, and then
broke clown with esnattloni, The
anitimem' was !taken, up by the spec-
tator& in, the' gallery+ as well as by
the ,mefnbees, and the singing was
heard in the palace yard.
As throe:members"ri1ed(,outc of the
chamber, Mr. Crooks; cried out;
•"Grod Slave Irelaind "
John, 'Redmond the Irish. Nation-
.. -allele ;leader, replied ; "God' Save
Elu,gl en'd."
l Mr. Redmond, who, eves the recip•
ielnit of many warm congratulations'
in the .lobbies of the Rouse tatter
-ad'journmen't, left later'<in the day
British Parliament.
fothre ce ithgeehewgnh,akepart
Act' Noe IWomds•
his speech ;from; the Throne
proroguing learlia'ment,- Bing
George, ls{aid1,—i
"My 'Lords land! Gen•tleaneint; I
mddaess, you in circumstances, that
caul /for action rather than for
speech., After every ciad'eplvosehed
been -Weide by my GGo'VennInemt to
preserver the, peace,' of the world, .I
we compelled,; he the 'assertion eel
treaty obligations deliberately set
att tuaught and !for the{prptectiotn
Of;the public lewv of Europe and the
vitae initereets ose Imy Empire to go
to bvtar.
"My (navy and my army have
with raneeaesiaa(g vrbgiliauce, courage
'arntdl !skill ,sustained, !in. association
with aur .g;alianlb ;and'faithful allies,
al easel aped. rig.h!teous cause. Prom
every part of my Empire tlhere'has
been:ra spomrban,eous lead enthusias-
tic rtally to our common Hag.;
Figlrlt !For Worthy ;Purpose.
"Gentlemen. of Sthe 'House of Coon -
mono; I .thank you fool the liber-
ality with which you have met a
grealt telmergence,. IMy Lords and
Gelnitlemen we ane !fighting for a
worthy purpose hale 'been 'fully 'ach-
"I , rely, math conlfiden(ce upon
the loyal/ all/ amdf um/;tied efforts o'ta11
my subjects and I•pray that AL -
mighty !Gad
L-migltty!Gad may give•us his •bless-
ineg ".
The Holme Rule Bill in Mee.
The Jaid; home rule bill" con'tain's
the :following provisdroWe I,
A Senaite of 40 inembers; a' House
of ((Common's 'of 164 members.
The Irltish Parliament .cannot leg -
i'sroltel (ow' peace or war, inuvy, army
or .any nlaval tor 'military force, 0ose-
eign •a'e1alti,oYes, tirade outside of
Irellan,d) except certain defined
.t'axa'tion coinage or legal tender.
et Cann ort! mmake{ any 'la'w, either
directly, or ilndireedy, ,to! ,establiLsh
or endow( tamty! religions or prohibit
the !free exercise therepf, or give
.preference, privilege! or a.dvan+-
tagd om neeountt of religious( belief
or 'religious' or ecclesiactioal status
or (;make many religious belief or
religious + ceremony bi con(diltiom, of
the validity of any marriage,
Temporary resltricttiore are plac-
ed onlegisl'atio!n ten land purchas-
eats{ 'old age pensimnla, •national; in-
surance, labor exchanges, .tR'oyai
Irisees Constabulary, P'oslx303ice and
other savings banks and !friendly'
Iehel exeen ivte reanlafns vested' in
ttheiiv'Sovereign, pr belies tepresenttar
Forty Itevol Wremberal stilt will be
seat fawn Ire'l'+alntd, to the 'House of
The Judicial' Cclmmilteee.of !the
Privy Council lta, give tithe !finial dee
sion,;Is 'tot Ise I:constitutional valid.-
iltyt of Samy lace passed by the', Irish
• Th I Irish 'Exchequer) to defriay
the cost of,tlle Irish Adminde,taiaF-
ton, .excep`t If or reserved services
Memltio(ned! albove.
The Imperial Exehe.grier to pay
on ,an nue.' !sum to the Irish ;Ext,
chequer, Starting alt 42;500000 a'nd
evenitually, a'ftter•. ilex years, become
leg 'a permaseent payment Of $1,000,
000 !annually.
Me (Recent History.,
The 'hi's'tory 03'thee bill during
the 'team, 'of office of the present
Government is os !follows
1912—Feb. '12, Iholme rude bill In-
troduced by Mr.r Asquith,
1913—Jan. 16, passed; there read-
ing in pause of Commons,` Jam.. 30,
bill uejected by House of Lords,
June 9, !bill reintroduced by Mx.
Asquith an new session, at entrea-
tment. duly 7, bill ptalssed its third
reading in !louse of ;Commons.
July 15, :Rouse of ,Lords rejected
bill. t
1914 --Bill i'nitroducea tar ;third
time by Mr. Asciuiortlei May 25th,
bill .passed its,thmrd reading in;
'Rouse of !Commune by 351 to 274,
!Maly 25, bill read a {first time in
Rouse ,of Lords, Sept, 15, ;notion
{'for second reading in ethe Lords,
.adjourned ley vote of 93 29, Sept,,
18, home rule bill becomes, lame
under 'pro vioau:om'al of tithe, Plarira-
anenit tact, as Lords had not. dealt
with it when, eesst'on •ended by
prorogation', The King signs the
bi1•L, •-
Cured by the Use of Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills for
Pale People.
There e!ra(twwo ways usually ad-
opted i'n,ttrying t'oteure sndigt�s-
tient oretomilm_la trouble—one the
wrong way by usia4g purgatives
and !the other drugs which oar
alt 'locally lend 'which in the, long
eon causes More distress by ;week
endinrjg'the whole system(,, Thettoth
er evalyianx3 (the rig ht. lway is the Dr.
Williams' manner off • creatiment—
that is,toen,ourislr antit build up
the semoneteh by supplying plenty of
new rich, reed, .--blood. ;Ghee
the Isto'mtach this much neededfsup
ply of new blood' aneielle(tress will
cii{sappeIar- ,and Stay 'ba'nish'ed tioa•-
ever, The new!blood strengthens
the nerve r elf the stomach gives
itlthe necessary power to digest
';clod, Thousaii'ls bear evitn'ess to
(time (value of the ler. 'Wittiasas treat
anent ;through the blood. Among
'them' is the; Rev. P. D. N,olwlaumo,f
Summerville, N. S., whlofitays ; ' 'I
ceritainly have great; reason to
recommend Dr.:Wilitalms' Pink Pills
,es(tlmey were the means of saving
nlry'li'fe. 'Till I re'ach'ed (tore age of 10
Iuever knew wlmalepain. or sickness
m,eenet (but(after that my stomach
!failed Ime end 'food og, and y kind
caused unibo'Ld. distress I became
constipated' e.n:lwas n'nreed tor use
in:jer4tlone daily& This 'went; on
Tor about: '3w'o(years; I grew weak
er tandtweake'r my eveighlt deli off;
efronr 185Ite125 pounds; Ihed. a
cough 'e
d a'n1eared
be gonngibta"declieAl t.
tepee I;was'being tweeted' by, the
beset; of doctors) but, without the,
lean' benefit Night after night I
.could! getnmo'aleep` the pain and
agony ;tvasect(severel On consulta
tient tlhetdootors decided Itwas sun
,ering Ifrommancer of the stomach
.and ,advised am -.operation, as ' a
;means cleaving, my like. This I
;refused to. undergo, aeedtbegan! to
hook ?forward ward tolani early (3eath.Just
then laeer'ien(d'advised ,me tb'try De.
Williams' Pink Pills. 1 had aa�t
eolith ineery medicine entreat/irk
refused 'but mlylfriendµ'wals. so persis
tent {that tfin(ally I gave in and' pur-
purchasedi 'half aldlozone bexede By
the tense these were/gone I 'felt'
>muchstronger,' iutr>the distress was
Holt n'o setvere., T cdnetimudd their
•use and each; succeeldi(ng box
wa'toughlt osnari.ed• improvement 3m
tnly {co•niditionl t6➢;irby tthe'time h
'taken/ la 'dozers boxes every pain
taln'dllache 'hadileft one; my a!tlretneth
increased; I tiny 'weight'. Twee back
where et was before I viae di•1 ; I
hoed' algooad appelteite anld(was com
1pietely .cure; Ins Itheyears that
have {el'aisped Mace e Used the Pills,
;holt ra ,hwvingte Of trouble hats are-.
turned rr'o mue(Er. Welliami's' Pink
]?dLlis lalre:lthe greatest medicine -on;
earth and line:ver.lose' an oppertu.n
Sty tint reoommenedinggl itheps'ta, other
sufferers ;for Iifeel Itlmaftl wven•�e' dt
tl ,
intpny ,grove 'long ;agree
W,halt (Dr, Wi'liams' (Pdnllc Pellslclidt
;foes Rem Mr. :Nowian they: ave.
do'n'e lee thouslantls of ,others 'and
will, do' fort you!,if{aldin,g'.c They smith
,,tinily: cure. Caine oif !stomach trouble
but • ahenmaltism, pantie' paralysis
heart palpitation, St, 'Vitus da'nfce•
mn.i all oiler troatblesl that hit e
*their torigeni im;a bad condition of
'the blood and nerves. The Pins
'etre sold by hiedteitneolelalems os by',
nn lir alt 50 cents'a box or six boxes
fax ,$2.50 iroiml The De. Williams'
e teen lo'. r ,
met !foe.
heir usma ]iwv'ould: h wee ll eem
I ,a b
• le d' ' C 1 V•ll On$" •
Mrs, Elliott and daughter, Miss
Alma attended the marriage of Miss
Reid of Stanley to Mr, Elliott,
Mrs Stark of Seafortb visited last
week at the home of her mother, Mrs,
A goodly number from the neighbor
hood attended the London fair last
week. They report a good fair.
Mrs. Murray of Egmondville is the
guest of Mrs. John elibson, Stanley.
Rev. Mr, Silcox of the Temperance
Alliance spoke in the Presbyterian
church on Sabbath moaning. He told
many truths that were sad to listen to
There was a good attendance to hear
On Sabbath morning next the Sala school Rally -Day will be held in
the Presbyterian church, it is hoped -
that every child in the congregation
will be present, A special service is
being prepared.
Miss Little entertained a number of
her friends on Monday evening.
On Wednesday of last week two
popular young people were united iu
marriage at the Methodist parsonage
Seaforth, Miss M. E. Hulot to Thos.
Col will, both of Tuckeramith, The
hearty good wishes of their friends
follow them to their home.
W. Foster is in the hospital in Clin-
ton fur treatment: We hope for a
speedy recovery.
Last Wednesday afternoon a pleas-
ing event took place at the home of
the bride's parents on the Front Road
when Mary daughter, of Mr• and Mrs.
JamesReidbecame the bride of Mr,
David Elliott of Clinton. Rev. Mr.
Brown of the Varna Methodist church
preformed the ceremony,The event
was,preforned on the lawn, the bridal
couple taking their plate under a wed
ding bell suspended from an arch just
outside the front door, The bride was
very charmingly gowned in cream silk
with lace trimmings and the couple
were unattended. After hearty eon.
gratulations a sumptuous wedding
dinner was served and the evening
was spent .in music and social chat.
Mr. and Mrs. Elliott drove to their
Mane in:Clinton in the evening and
are now getting settled.: A large
circle of friends join in wishing them
happiness and prosperity.
Goderich Township'
Mies 13. Oriels of Clinton was visit-
ing 5Iiss Flossie Cole the end of last
Mr. Johh Middleton bought 30 head
of cattle in and aronnd Wingham and
brought them home on Saturday.
Master Bert Cooper underwent an,
operation for appendicitis and is im-
proving we are pleased to bear.
Mr, Bert Pick, of. Stanley. motored
to cbe home of Mr. P. Cole on Sunday,
Mr.. Robt, Oluif is remodelling his
stable and „putting in cement floors,
He also built a silo this summer.
Mr. ,Percy Cole is remodelling' his
stachie and petting in cement floors.
Mi•. Wm, Perdue has built a silo this
Mr, perdue is laid'off for a
few Clove being` mixed up in a small
(-,}3ean pulling is the nyder of the day
in Goderich township and getting
them in in good shape. Itis estimated
Met they will average '20 bushels to•
the acre,
Mr, Lsdwin Wise lost a valuable
horse recently. He went out to the
barn and found the animal dead. 'Im-
flamattlon is supposed to be the cause.
Mr. "Lewis Anderson has engaged
the services of Mr. Fred Emmerson.
Mr, Robert Cole has bought a fine
2 year old colt from the Emmerson
Bros, to take the •place of the one be
sold a short time ago.
Bayfield Fair will be the attraction
next Wednesday.
Mr, W. F. Egg of Montreal is the
guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. Holmes.
Next Sunday, Sept. 27th will be
Rally Day in the Sunday schools, The
Sunday school of the Methodist church
will hold their service Sunday morn-
ing at ten o'clock. A special program
of music and speaking is being pre-
pared. A collection in aid of the Sun-
day schcoi' fund will be taken. Every
body welcome.
Mrs. J. McVittie has returned home
Meer a 3 month's visit with friends in
Waterloo, Drumbo and Lopdon.
S. Appleby has engaged with Thos.
Adams for a few months.
Mr. and Mrs. George Stephenson,
Edwin and Wm, Britton, attended the
funeral of their cousin. Mr. Wm,
Stephenson near Ethel.
Mr. Thos. McMillan has started to
cut his 40 acre field of corn,
Miss Annie McDonald 00 Staffs is
visiting her uncle and aunt, Mr. and
Mrs. Wm. McIntosh.
Mix, Dulmage and Mrs. Thos. Pol-
lard attended the funeral of the latter's
brother-in-law, Mr. Wm. Stephenson
near Ethel last week.
Quite a nrrmher around here attend-
ed the London Fair, among thein were
Mr. and Mrs, Earnest Adams and hahv
Mr. Howard Armstrong and Miss E.
Mr. James Mann and Mr, 'Adam
Nicholson have both putin cement
sidewalks. Mr. Ben. Riley did the
Miss Sttella Clark and Maggie and
Fein Love visited friends at Walton
on Sunday.
Miss Ruby Potter of Porter's Hill is
the nurse that . is attending to Mr.
'Wm. McIntosh.
Mr, Nathaniel Caswell son of Rev.
James Caswell, former pastor of Lon-
desboro and Constance, spoke on the
Temperonce Question for the Domin-
ion Alliance.
Mr, and Mrs. Wm Shephard of Har -
lock " spent Tuesday with Goderich
Frank Lansing bad the misfortune
to lose three of his best rows by over-
eating clover last week.
Wm. Longm .. n
n bad his barn and
drive shed struck by lightning on
Tuesday with crop and implements
Reuben Gibbs had the misfortune to
fall while -framing ,a barn near Clinton
and injured bis leg, He is under the
doctors care fora while,
Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Sundercnok
and daughter of Winthrop spent Sun-
day at the home of John Sundercock.
Marshal Braithwaite and grand- I
daughter, Gentle Quinnie, spent last
week with the letters father A Quin-
nie of Hyde Park.
Mr. W. Marquis brought in, a car
load of cocas and calves this creek and '
hes already disposed :of quite a few.
tie has still some on hand and is sell
ing privately.
45 to 55 TESTIFY
To the Merit of Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vegetable Com-
pound during Change
of Life.
Westbrook, Me. — "I was passing
through the Change of Life 'End had
pains in my back
and side and was so
weak I could hardly
do my housework:
I have taken Lydia
E. Pinkham's Vege-
table Compound and
it has done me a lot
of good. I will re-
commend your med-
icine to my friends
and give you permis-
sion to publish Thy
testimonial." — Mrs. LAWRENCE Mart -
SIN, 12 King St., Westbrook, Maine.
Manston, Wis. — "At the Change of
Life I suffered with pains in my back
and loins until I could not stand. I also
had night -sweats so that the sheets
would be wet. I tried other medicine
but got no relief. After taking one bot-
tle of Lydia E. Pihkham's Vegetable
Compound I began to improve, and I
continued its use for six months. The
pains left me, the night -sweats and hot
flashes grew less, and in one year I was
a different woman. I know I have to
thank you for my continued good health
ever since." Mrs. M. J. BROWNELL,
Manston, Wis.
The success of Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound, made from roots
and herbs, is unparalleled in such canes.
It you want special advice write to
Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co. (coni.
dential) Lynn, Mass. Your letter will
be opened, road and answered by a
Woman, and held in strict confidence.
place in Toronto onl Tuedsay, Sept,
15, whelp NIr•, T. Orville Sowthcott
son! of Mrs. C. S'ouitlmcot(t 00 Exeter
and MSS !Laura, :daughter of Rev.
Riclrlard Robbs of 'Toronto, foemer-
ly elf Exeter, !were m'a'rried the
ceremony being performed by the
bride's l'a'ther. • The' bridesmaid
Was Mis'sl ,Delight!, Robbs, sister of
the (bride, ,a!p!dt ;the groomsman, Mr.
Herbert Southcott of Toronto''
,, There passed away at his lmome
do !the( 14th concession off: Stephen
en Friday Morning Mr. ;Archie Mor
risen,, 'alt the( mage of 38 years,,' 'The
d'ece'ased had been in. delicate
health 'Lor ;several ;years.
After len illness of over a year
Wiliialm Messner. of Dashwood son
of Mr. lend Mns. Paul Messner, pass
ed away toll Saturday last at the
,age ,of t20 years, 6lmiadtlms and 1
day. The !deceased bare up - till
about two Menthe 'sago where he
wies ceimpelled;to Bake, Isis bed sed
gaaeflually sinking d'ea'th' "•claimed
MA. Saturday.
Mr. W, M. Bil 4tclmfor(d of ,Torone
Ito ha soli his residence SntExetter
to 63(obeire Miaiwvhinesey ,of 'Stephen,
he (having sold his 'farm on the
Goshen; Line to Willilem! 'Neaman,
• .G(arnelf Steinbach► agedt thirty-
ane, employed im, • be',house !furnish
slogs ,department of 'Smyth Bros,
stare in! Ber1tn suffered' oparaiy-
tic sitrodee. While hertgeng curtaims
laic Ith!e home Of Mr. A. • Kaufman,
Wlaltexlon, last Wednesday, and 'Merl
three hours halter. • lie lead! been
ill fax lel 'Les days, but eefs'uened
work lilt moon oa'.W'edne(sd ee. !He
lis !survived byi ,e young •wife, h.av-
i!ng 'been married (about ten months
Ge.lwv(as d native o!fBeetbor.
Mrs. Alvin!a Wagner widow of the
Mee, CotnrraJ 'Wagnso', ,diet' at• the
home .of hoe daughter,. Mee. David
McLinchey, G sihen Line, Stanley,
oln ear•idlay Melt alt-tlme age of 76
y(eeams Drell' eleven. months. • The
deceased ;vas well lenlown,
blaming 'lived ;Slots• nnasty years' at
wh(alt is known, oe Wagner's cor-
ner. ,
lJoth{n( IClaisho']mr, of •Leebu,rn, Mee
liseavet 30 ,acres ,of ,fa'll wheat, Mr.
Chisholinl 'hies' amtabidiing, 'fa:itth in
fell !wheat.
t Mrs. ;Charles Brill, Who 'has been
suffering deem Cantor for the
peke Stour years died atelier home
in Enrich' alt the age of 77 years
8 Imo engine add 7i dlays,i
11..G. Tucker, K. C,, 0f Owen
Sound, will conduce the (Crown
busim!ees aft ether F!ali Assizes, which
willeopeei iota God'ertich elhoetly.
C. •,L. Coultis, Plea. B., ePformer
Goderich. boy, ,yeho teals been man
aging la ;drug store in foro.dte
Tor poems yea re has taken' ovei'rthe
drug;;bueeness of 4R'. J. Bultlanld and
wilt' conclude ie tfuture.
The told' hotel'latt,Jalnee,towln is
tieing tdis nfamtleidc by ted. Barnard
cynid tthle
in mgt d• a(te)rinoue! 'will be'iutilizeid
.reek Warwick and sloine °thiee
Brussels ;lads whale joins a pnushroom
'mint ulo-undt kL mmemao'th puff ball
tblah{eeeighedi 15 pounds and ,meas—
ured 141-2 incheet 'ii(nnircuml,erencet
INE'. Elmer Mimeos, sole: of eVIr.
amid Mrs. ,John ivens, Morris,'who
bale ibe!ers bookkeeper' in; the C. P,
R. Office raft' Mooee'jaw, Sask., has
been; pro/molted 'to •tthel pesitio,n 'or
C:h'ferf (Clerk, t
Bev. Dennis3,,.•Downtey of Wind
sox,has been rappoi'n(ced 'tjo succeed
the{ oohs' Mgr, Nieumder, land, named
Dema of Wisedsor 'District.. Rev..
Mr. Dowine•A is pa Huront.'o'bey boy, a
mlaftive.olf'St. Columtbaml,'amld a bro
trimer o'f berm Wmv '.Devereaux, of
McKllltop, and Mrs, James, Neville
rid ..iS'clafositle
Mr, Richard Coulter, a highly
e'steem,ed, me -iciest of Tht'(uberry,,,
p'a'ssed away one {Friday last at
the( home of her, brother, Mr. Wil ,
llenet ,Oto u Iter of ; : Z'efifan!dt The
deceased .was itllhis 7h5t. year.
Mr. ,Andrew, Sloian of 'Blythe has ‘a..
Mae oreharcl forlas,plea :and ;andel•
eliesn.ds, the process of spreyi l;g and;
pease; oppposesocooseememo
District News.
mocioao030 ®0000t9ne000®•0t•ee
mA,,guielt church- wedding took
galaleti;nigi bregelt thel0oest result. Ib
is estimated Le(.wvelll heed, about 900
b(arreSl off'apples from leisl,orchai0Yr.
The Women be Thiahnes eelomd and:
Kirk csnt iPresbyteseam' churches don,
alted,,$251 tie ehe{P1ltriotic Funieetied
the (wofinent of ;Thames Road, Kirk3
ton ,Bethenty, and'Elimwille (donated
152 piltolwwsl,
The;• memma+ins( OIf'the{ date Geo. Ar -
dell prrijvedl int(Giornie 'from, Moose
J(awan,dllthe Ifuejeral wombeke on
Wedntgsd(aee initersne`netl being made
in the Gerrie ,eemetielry. The
C. O:•F. hold charge °titthe service
'and Often -dace intabody(.l
On:Friday !amlterneont of last week
;the ;residence, of NIr. David Brawn
of ;Farquhar t. ewes( compleltely ie-
stroye'd by(Beetle The •fire shorted
from, laspark from chimney • and
dirge. moeacea byn'elghiboursl
IMr. Joseph( Stotlmera 03 Blyth ;re
cervecl wore( on!rhuredtay of, his
appointsuenti'as Clerk on!€he 12th
Devistionl Court im'tsuccession
Mr. Thomas Code who resigned
Mr. Sltoithens :well !commence his
oiffleilad .duties jmmediatnly alter
the Meting of IthelCour•t oteehe 23rd
• The-Me:tine (expe;nlses of Mr. H;
llliber, en/burred! in the election
held i'n Jurnet etch wktte$132.25'+ma'de
upals3)lollows, Auto; andflivery hire
1326150 ineta'ie e(nfdihloa•se .feed 17.50;
hell" relnle e2.20 posttage, 5.25 ; tete
grraple and telephen,e, expenses $6 52
aAv'ertleingr 44 55,
Mr John Spaelemlan .who 'for 57
s'e'ats has been aeresitdle(ne off Exer-
:ter, glassed, away at the' home teems
son Hugh, on Andrew Street ori/Sep
temmber• 7'thtioltowiing ,short 311, -
Mess, The d'ecelaslau was 82 years
of age.
Miss Lillian. Marlow, youngest
daughter of Mr. end Mrs. Sob
eat lvllaelorw, dormer well-kinown" est
dents of Wingham ;wasernarried: at
the homes; of the bride's parents in.
Siwiflt Current Saek, om September
• 8'th,• to, Mr. 'Wiiliralm Jopp B. A,
Mr..Joppp isiarwvell-known lawyer of.
Swift lCurrelnitt
tl. Pelthlicle, of e• Saf•orr:Ii rel.
1fr'one !the roof c f.9VIr. 'T„E. 'Hays
barn!, ir(McKlllop. it appearealr.
Pethiek woe sweeping oif the chart
that t t er -'elft on` the roof of
the hams iOnemlithne(shenee and, in,
some Mesmer, slipped and ;fell 'to
the ground; Ha alighted on his
'feet jarring himself; severely anid
wvn'elnchinlg 'his0aack1.;
I Rev. A.W. Barker, od'Seaforithsre
ceived am'aslty .bi(t)e on- the leg
'frons .mviaiou's dg.
A Large number olfth'e musical peo
ple of Sefaforth dissembled in; the
Public Library Hall, an lee bnlclay
evening 'fro form eiClmoral Society
un!den !directorship' of Mr. N.iNixom;
organise and choir master of the
First Presbyteriaean church.
Jos. Lhlwsonm of Ceedilton has the
eomltrlaob dor builddr{g the(• County
Bridge Set Grand Eend, .price $400.
•,'A rifle essociatdan, ,has been;
d,orm'ed alt Exe!tier comprised' of
30 (members.
Cooper Forreslt another aged pion
eer passed away onEriday last at
hl)s0lomlo dm'Heln,9all lat,the grand
age; Of 85 yeare am d4,manthe. De
ceased had been in poor health for
nearly a,yearewhicli combined with
bee 'gse'ait age 'gradually( -corium
down •'risifin(d 'constitution, Re
aa{mie to'Conadal ltfrom Scoten(ad ,0
bout 60yeara,`'ago,With gds family
and !se'ttl'ed on a bush, .farm ora the
Parr Line, Hay wvhich he adored".
His ;seek ( timer' eieased;h,iina several
years. Deceased has resided in
11 nts(all- dior'ther past 12 years.
lDr. A. 1T. McKinnon, 'ane of Dur-
Jell's' leading ;pbysicmaais, was mar-
ried'lo Miss Matilda Johnston. eld-
est d'a'ughter of •Mr. and, Mrs. B,obt.
Ross Johnstone,old the Dominion
' irhordi(a's, 'the eon of Mr. James
Wylie of S'tephem' unl4oattunately
!fell. la cbisitamtce of 20 Seet out of
le .crab .apple tree on Saturday mild
broke hte right' leg. • •
,W.hlatt, is believedete, be 'the body
of lone fd the ts(adlors lose in ' the
grelaet storm of (November 9, was
sealeh.ed "an'shore south Oft arena
B'e'nd. Septt..l 9, ulna efouncj by Wm.
Clarkson. There was practically ane
clue lto''the idemlti,ty of the body
and it j•s doubtful mf Identity will
ever be esltalblislmed', as it is terra
bly decomposed, pares of ttthe arm
Fire, Life and Accident
Real estate bouiolst and sold
Money to loan
Office Isaac Street, next Boor to New
,are Missing, ;timed is cnoihair ore
the head tied the 'only clothing is
ale un deeslairft.
Auction Sale
36 Me'a'd of choice .hock will be
solid' in Milton on ,Saiturday, Oct.
3rd;. See bills next week Dor full
Thought h She Would o
Her Little Girl
From Severe Attacks, of Summer
Mrs, Wm. Hirst, 194 Palmerston
Avenue, Toronto, Ont., writes us under
date of January 23rd, 1914.
The T. Milburn Cm, Limited,
Toronto, Ont.
Dear Sirs:—" Last summer I had grave
anxiety for my little girl, who was just
one year old in July last, She had con-
stant and, severe attacks of summer
complaint" and it seemed to drag on her
so long' despite the many remedies "I
tried. My neighbors told me she had
grown so weak they thought I would
loose her. One night while nursing her
an old friend of mine happened to come
to see me, and after telling' her about my
baby's lingering illness she asked me to
try Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Straw-
berry. I sent a little girl to our drug
store."and, bought a bottle, and after
i having given the baby one dose I
noticed a remarkable change, and after.
giving her three or four doses she was
well again, and began to walk, which
she had not been able to do prior to her
attack. She is now a fine healthy child,
and I owe her fife to that kindly advice'
of an old friend. I would advise all
mothers to give "De, Fowler's" a prom-
inent place in their medicine chest.''
Yours truly,
(Sgd•) MRS. Wer. HIRST,
When you ask for Dr. Fowler's Ex-
tract 'ofWild Strawberry seethat you
get it,
The price of the original is 35 cents,
and is manufactured only by The T.
Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont.
Private Sale
• ;Mrs, R. owlanld; witlhles to; sell
Iai!few household effects, on Satt-
urdlay, Sep'.. 26+11, at her home on
Ria(Oten'bury Street.
We will Pay you $120
Toa diettribute ,releglous litenal-
tire in Your comimuniity, Sixty
days work. Experience not requir-
ed. Man for wvolmlaln. 'Opportunity
for promoitipn3 Spare ,time may
tb@'' esleeese
Intern(a)tional Bible 'Press,
1 182Spaldinia Ave., Torontto
Barred Rocks for Sale.
About 20 good helmvy Barred
Rock Rene:fotr,'siale.; Also cocker -
else Apply to.
, Clinton, Ont,
A Carload of Canada
PO1118114 Cemtnt
Phone us tor prices
It will pay you
John Hutton
• For Sale Cheap
One (Happy Thou int Range with
reservoir; also a Singer Sewing
Machine' bath in eirse-class con-
dition. Apply to l
For Sale
Owing to installing Hydro, a six
horse power gasoline engine, in good
running order, is offered for sale at
.dense of Refuge, Clinton, For par-
ticulars and price apply to
Kindergarten School
0 dm re -commencing my private
Kindergarten en Sept. lst, in the
little school, fa•cm 9 am. to 11.30,
and would dike a limited number
of pupils between the ages of 4
tared, 7 years. Terms 31.00 a month
itt advance.
Farm for Sale
135 acres, Lot 36, Corm 6, Hullett
A first-class ,farm, well watered,
gebd' buildings, well fenced, 6
acres of young orchard. Also his
100 -Acre farm an! the Base Line,
11-2 miles "worth of Cl33nttom.
Apply to
Farm for Sale
The Executors of the Southcombe
Estate offers for sale 50 acres, east
half of Iot28, con. (3, Bullet.. A first
class farm, well watered and improved
and with good buildings. A good or.
chard and 7 acres of bush. Apply to
R. J. Southcombe on the premises, or
Clinton Postoffi.ce,
Drs. Geo. & 111. E. Whitley
Osteopathic Phy.
Specialists in Women's and
Children's Diseases
Acute, Chronic,and
Diem rere
Eye, Ear, Nose, and Throat.
Offiee-Rattenbury Hotel.
Tuesday and Friday, 7 to 11 p.m.
We're now selling Timothy Seed
(Government Standama.).
We also have on hand, Alfalfa,
A.lsike, and Red' Clover.
We always have on hand —Goose
Wheat, Peas, Barley and Feed Corn
Highest Market Prices paid for Hay
and all Grins:
Oonneyance, Notary
Issuer of Marriage
Huron$St.. Olin
H. T. R A
Notary Public, Oonveyta
Financial an
coronet) Compani
Division Court I
DR1 9. W. TAO
Physician. Surgeon,
spools) attention given to
Eye, Ear, Throat, an
Eyes erully > %mined, and
Office and Reside
Two doors west of the Co
Heron St,
EES. 4C1t;19et •oiled
Dr. W. Gunn, L. IL e, r..
Dr..I: 0, Candler. D.A. 11
Office—Ontario Street, O
Night celis at residence•
or at hospital
DR. J. W. B:
cconcheur. ole„ niece and
tenbury 8t., opposite W. Farrar
DR. F. A. A
Crown and Bridge Wor
Graduate of C.O.D.S.. Chien
Dayaeld on Mondays, May
Offices over O'NEI1
Special care taken to m
Drank as painless as cos_
Live, stock and gen
B at m state sales a specs
NEW ERA office, Clinton
to. Terms reasonable,
G. D. McTaggart
McTaag ja
• Geacral Ban
Drafts issued. Into
The McKil10
Fire Insura
Perm and Isolated
erty Only in
J. B. McLean, Presid
J Connolly, Vice -Pr:
P E. Hays, Sec. -Tree
Jae, Connelly, HcI.
Watt, Harlock; G. D
11. McGregor, Seafor
Beechwood , J G. Gri
J Benneweis, Brodh.
Ewan, Clinton.
Each Director is
losses in his own d'
Rabt Smith, Hari.
ley, Seafortb; Wm.
momdville; e. W. Y
Payments may be
Morris111 Clothing Ca
R.H. Cutt, Goderi
Grand Trunk lea
Rail way Ti
London, Euro,
London, depart
Wingham, arrive,
Wingham, depart
Brucefield 8
Kippen 8
Hensall; 8
Centralia, 9.
London, arrive 10
Buffalo and el
Stratford 10.00 1
Mitchell : 10.22 1
Seaforth 10.45 1
Clinton 11.07 I
Elolmeseille 11.I6
Goderich, 11-35
Goderich 7;.
Holmesville „ 7,
Clinton 7,`
Seatorth 7.
Mitebell..........., .. 8.1
Stratford S'.
Cook's Cotton Root
The great Ute)
'-° only safe MI
liegulatoron w
depend. Sold
of strength -N'
10 degrees stro
for spacial ens
Sold by all dr
propaid . on r t
Free pamphlet.,
• GeNtf 1lICtie.;f'iio.,Eafo rr, ONT.. (f,