The Clinton New Era, 1914-06-11, Page 3"see ;xati :'2"t.;i,R,:le.lieeeierteeeeelegieeiededeefellX, reeky, June 14t , 1914. Ontario Elections Children Cry for Fietcher's Tho Diner You Have Always Bought, and which has been in use for over 30 years, has borne the signature of and has been made tinder his per- son l supervision since its' infancy. a . )allow no one to deceive you in this. ' All Counterfeits, Imitations and 66..ttust-as-good" aro but Experiments that trifle with and endangerthe health of :infants and Children -Experience i.gainst. Experiment. hat is CASTO eastoria is a brrnnicss substitute for Castor Oil, Pare* „uric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee.. 3t destroys `Worms and allays Feverishness. For lucre than thirty years it bas been in constant use for the relief -of (Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic, all Tecthisig Troubles and ]Diarrhoea. It regulates the Stomach and Bowels, assimilates the Food, giving healthy and natural, sleepy The Children's Panacea -The Mother's Friend. • !GENUINE CA ORM ALI, A dl S 'Bears the Signature of -a§mcmcelma rrOW The Kind You ave . sways Bought In Use For Over 30 Years e ry da rise:',e'eti• `"N_:: ryey Monda; Page a ne 29th Midinettes of Paris Celebrate Newest Notes of Science COMPILED FOR TEE NEW ERA READERS. Friction of small steel balls pol- ishes silverware in a new machine. French dairymen 'are experiment- ing with cocoa shells as fodder for their cattle. A recently patented screw has a slot along its length to prevent ; t !working) loose in wood. Peat forms about one-third of the fuel in the central industrial dis- Itri'cts; of Russia The United States .s now produc- ing about 60 per cent. of the worlds supply of crude petroleum. A German paper manufacturing plant to utilize rice, straw is being ,erected. in Chime by Japam;ese. Sweet spirits of nitre. wiped off .with cotton when cit turns white,, ;will remove in !saints from wood. So ,.itch ie Ar'g'entine tobacco en ,necotene that much of it is used in the manufacture of insecticides. Although the eggs of different species of birds vary greatly in shape, the yolks always are spheri- cal. A windmill in Enlgland furnishes electric light for a church and rec- tory and power to blow a church .organ. To, intensify the sound there has been invented a small celluloid disk to be attached to a phonograph needle. A 1pisto kso small that iit can be held inthe mouth and discharged :with the teeth is the invention of a Berlin artist, There are no producing tni,ckel ravines in the United States, the do- mestie production being lby-pro ducts of copper refineries, In Singapore motion picture thea ter seats are provided for the poor er native classes behind the screens at reduced prices. Great In Little Things. George Washington's surveying done 150 years ago with the comparatively simple instruments or the day has been checked up by government sur- veyors of today and found perfect. Experts in other lines might check up other works and qualities of his -his patriotism: his common sense. Ms fore- sight, his persistence -and find pretty nearly the same degree or excellence. Washington was only nineteen years old wben tie ran his Ifbes through the forests and over the hills of Lord Fair. fax's estate in Virginin. But the youth was father to the man.-13altlmore Sun. COULD NOTEAT- FAILING FAST Captain On Great Lakes Restored To Health By "Fruit-a-tives" For thirty years, Captain Swan fol- lowed the Great hakes. He has now retired and lives at Port Burwell, where he is well known and highly esteemed. Celebration of the festival of "Every girl over 25 years of age is Sainte Cather -me, an occasion of presented with a "special cap" by great rejoicing especially in the great millinery estabiishnren41-• their friends. Identify Body of Capt. Emma Hayes Quebec, June 4,-A chance remark by a. Salvation Army nurse from Winnipeg led to the identification. Ito -night: of the body of Staff Cap- tain Emma Hayes of 104 Ann Street Toronto, commanding off_eer of the Temple Corps for three years, and one of the best-known women mem bers of the Army lathe Dolmdniion Since Sunday the body had reposed in the temporary morgue, unreeog nizedl by Army officers who knew ber. Late this afternoon, however aparty of twelve men, gathered from British Columbia and the oth- er 'western Provinces, conducted by Staff Captain White of Vancouver, r T' .w*7;1 . . * . •• ,M * CLINTON SCHOOL REPORT arrived to serrch for the) bodies of w.rieea, end eh:,linen With Chem' was Nurse Stroud of Grace !Hos-.i pihal, "I have seen that woman some where) exclaimed the nurse, as she gazed upon the body, For some minutes she racked her memory. when it suddenly dawned upon her that the resemblance was that of Staff Captain 'Mayes. At the same moment Mr, James Balfour of Re- gina, a brother -en -law of the Staff Captain, was mlak:ng a search for. her, and her 'identify was Wally established with certainty by the aid of a scar lett from an opera- tion. CLUBBING BATES New Era and Daily Globe $44,50 New Era and Daily Mail and Empire 4.50 yew Era and Daily World 3,35 New Era and Daily News • 2.35 Sew Era and Daily Star 2.35 New Era and Fam.ly Herald and Weekly Star ...-- L85 New Era and Weekly Witness 1.85 1 New Era and Northern Mes- senger 1.60 New Era and Canadian Farm 1.85 New Era and Farmer's Sun_. 1.85 New Era and iDaily Free Preec, morning 3.35 N.zAv Era and Daily Free Press, evening 2.85 New Era and Weekly Free Press ... 1.85 New Fra and Daily Advertiser 2.85 Tow Era and Weekly Adver- tiser dvertiser ?.,60 lew Era and Palm and Dairy 1.85 few Era and Farmer's Advo- cate 2.35 • . .. Honour Roll For May. Div., I1 Ernest Livermore 88 Harry, Rance 88 Ethel Wasman 80 Jessie Jackson 79 Fred Wallis 78 Lyda; Livermore 77 Leslie) Huller 76 George Middleton 75 Harry Lawrence 73 Alec Ea„ legion 72 • Edna McCaughey 70 Ernest :hall 70 Sadie Draper 70 Edna, West' 69 Dladelon Shaw 68 Ruth Argent 66 (Marion Andr,ews 65 Mary Taylor 64 allulalie 'Hill 61 Wilson Rath 60 . IM, E. Chidley Dim., III Beryl Cooper 98 Willis Cooper 98 Agnes Walker 96 Dora Schoenhals 94 Alma .McCorvie 91 Helen Ross 91 Annie Lawre'- a 90 Archie McKenzie 89 Wiltmde Nelson( 83 Charlie Collie 80 Ambrose McGuire 79 Francis Yesbee 78 May Milker ,75 Flora • Milner 74 Hattie Livermore 72 Lawrence West 72 Marcus Tierney 69 Stewart Mcl3rien 66 Bent Slomon 65 George Walker 84. Pearl Gould 84 • Geotge Shipley 63 phamee Gree 63 Charlie Bell 82 Evelyn) Cluff 61 Div. Iv Sr., 115. - Amy Hellyai 90 Fergus Reynolds 86 Harry Ball 85 Kenneth Carter 80 Gordon' Hall 80 Marjorie Beaten 76 Etta Hardy 75 Bessie! Morrish 75 Jabez Rands 75 Willie Kutch 75 Dorothy Rorke 74 Lottiei Judd 73 Agnes ols Bessie Mu phy7 272 Frank Caruso 70 Coral Miller 65 Katie, Ladd 64 Fred Elliott 64 Jr. 9.1;1 Ivy Piewes 91 Daisy Nediger 90 Eleanor McTaggart 89 Gertrude Fowler 89 Harold Lawson 86 Nellie Rutledge 86 Audrey Collyer 83 Helen Greigg 82 Nisbett Cook 82 Wilbur Bezzo 78 Jean Miller 77 Helen Robert 71 Gladys Holland 72 . Margaret Cree 70 Kathleen :Hickey 65 J Wilson FI. SWAN. Esq. PORT Bnaws L, Our., May 8th. 1913. f A man has a poor chance of living and enjoying life when he cannot eat. That was what was wrong with me. Loss of appetite and indigestion was brought on by Constipation. I have had trouble with these diseases for years. I lost a great deal of flesh and suffered constantly. For the last couple of years, I have taken "Fruit -a -tines" and have been so pleased with the results that I have recommended them on many occa- sions to friends and acquaintances: I am sure that "Fruit-a-tives"have helped me greatly. Ily following the diet rules and taking "Fruit -a -fives" according to directions, any person with dyspepsia will get benefit", A. SWAN "Fruit a-tives" are sold by all dealers at 50e a box, 6 for 52.50, or trial size 25c, or sent on receipt of price by Fruit -s- kives Limited, Ottawa. Ruth Evans 82 Switzer Grealfs 82 Maelon McIntyre 80 Gordon Lawson 7 8 Winnie McMath 7 8 .Gladys McCuire 75 Malcolm McTaggart 75 Barrie Combe 75 Charlie Cook 75 Joe Yesbec 74 Mary Argent 73. Clarlie Fulford 68 Pearl Gould 65 Anita; Hill 63 Percy Livermorre 63 'Juniors- Merjorie Bateman 96 Leo Reynolds 86 Mergie McLeod 94 Kenneth Rorke 83 Percy Proctor 82 Mervin Deeves 811 Robert Middleton 80 Douglad Tozer 77 Willie Miller 74 Lillian Judd 74 " Cedli Cook 71 1 •' H. Courtice' Div, vi Senior Class Total Mark 300 Audrey Mel:ntrye 262 Roland Walker 25 7 Jack Wi,ggfington 251 Harry Cochrane 240 Agnes Combe 139 Douglas Ball 231 Jean Ford 231 Violet) 'Huller 228 George Mennel 224 Helen Ladd 221 Mary :01-'ee,eg,vi 213 14lattiel Blacker 218 Sadie Gibbs 205 George E'llijottt 1 98 Nelli'el Cooper 195 Luella McCltnchey 194 `Jessie' MaGufa•e 187 Joe Allison 194 Junior Class Total Mark 300- Ruth Hale 279 eMrion, Mooris 275 Isabel J'ohnaton 273 Katie) Beaton 288 Charlie hilplSey 265 . Eleanor Plumsteel 249 Myrtle Bell 240 Wilfred Grant 239 Wilbur Nelson 236 Colenso Salter 235 )Myrtle Sweet 233 'John Nediger 233 Charitle Mennet 220 Wallas eWheatley 197 .Ferguson Carter 189 Ernest Ford 186 L,Stevene,l DiF*. v S'enlclfr-.' Frank Scutton 88 Lucy Levy 87 Frank Match 87 Marguerite VanRohl 84 Hilton, Butts 84 Leona Taylor 84 Donne Mullholle.nld 83 Amy Gould 83 p� 5 2 Egypt (The Rival Enchantresses) India Lord Kitchener's d:femma• as seen by the artist of the London Graph:e A rumor is abroad that Kfit'ohener is -to succeed Viscountlhb ardims as Viceroy of India. The gallant Kitch ' enere will fend- it trying ordeal to choose between taco) fields, .n both of which he leas made separate and splendid reputations, The theory is that tike Briitish Governmenit feels the need of Kitch9ners strong pres- ence in India, during this time when the Bindoos are restive tender the expulsion of ,their fellow-coun 'y- ' men from Calnlada end South Af- rica. Das. v11 David( Miller Senior Class, Total Marks 300- Eddie Howard O. Cooper Was Badly Run Down. Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills Built Her Up. Mrs. Prank Brough, Sarnia, Ont., writes: -"I embrace the opportunity to write you saying that I have used Mil - burn's Heart and Nerve Pills, and found them very helpful to me. I was very badly run down, and was taking doctor's medicine. My son, out West, wrote me saying, ' Motherl you use the Mil - burn's Heart and Nerve Pills, they will be better for you than doctor's medicine.' This I did with good results. I often recommend them to other people. My doctor did not know .1 was using them, he used to say ' Wby! I never saw any one's heart gain up like yours has. You do not need any more medicine,"' Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills are 50c. per box, 3 boxes for 31.25, at all dealers, or mailed direct on receipt of price by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. ll 1'4 Norma Trelevan 221 Olive Schoendrals 217 Florence Johnston 213 Willie Argent 2210 Phyllis Tozer 207 Russel i'eckett 195 Kennett( tRobert{oan122 Jean Simpson 192 Katleen Taylor 191 Myrtle Carrick 184 Olive Lawrence 183 i• Clifford Cooper 177 Ehmer Miller 177 Hildegard Anderson 168 Lily Foubister 168 • Margaret Ball 163 Cecil Ashton 162 Vera Coak 160 Bent Mars -hall 160 John Livermore 156 Vera Gould 156 Junibr Class Total Meeks 300- Robin Hunter 239 Charlotte Von Rohl 236 Clarence .Glazier 22 8 Donn .XCochrata0 225 . (E'ialeen Atiikinsobri224 Oliver; Rands 219 w Frank Latter 214 Helen Cook 214 .Madelon Hawkins 213 Beryl Salter 212 Edith Hell 20 8 Bay Carter 202 Carol Evans 128 Burton Bolton 197 Junior Class Total Marks 300 Alvin 'mouse 1787 Reesor Forester 174 Viola Livermore 174 Margaret Rutledge 180 [Div, V111 Fourth Class 1 Lfnrite ilediger 220 Hubert Reynolds 208 Doris Collyer 198 Bessie Cole 194 Tom Ja•ikson 194 Catharine McTaggart 183 Joseph Caruso 181 Bruce Towzer 155 Arthur Hessian 152 Edgar MaGuire 150 Howard Mulhollnand 146. Beta Elliott 141 Violet i,a,iie 1437 Third 'Claas Freida Sehoenhals 153 Addle Carter 134 Ella Foubister 100 Clyde Wheatley 80 First Class Girls Excellent-; Doris Johns Carrie Peckittt Dorothy Mason ' Olive W atkens Phoebe Bolton Good -1 Margie Hale Kathf o -n Tierney Marion McBrilen Fa.r Sybil Prootor Dorothy Streets Eva Cole. Clara Steep INIabel Carrick Nettie Taylor Edith Glazier First Class Boys Excellent Billy 'Hovey Beverly Butt Elmer Paisley r. Good;-. Edwin McKenzie Harold Livermore Leonard Marshall Jack' Mutch Ross 'McTwan Fair Douglas Kennedy Harold Hotzhauer Cecil Cooper Hugh Ladd , e. IDS. L. Kerrr NERVOUS CIILDREN The Trouble is Often Really St Situs Dance -Do. Not Neg'tect It. Many a child has been called awls ward ,has been punished en; school for not keeping stall or dropping things, when the trouble was really St, Vitus dance. The disease may appear at any age, but is most eon mon between the ages of six and fourteen years, It is caused by thin blood which fells to carry suffi- cient nourishment -to the {nerves, and the child becomes restless and twitching, of the muscles and jerk - Mg of the limbs and body follow In severe cases the child is unable to hold anything or feed ,.,reek, St Vitus dant. is cured by build- ing up the blood. The most suc- cessful treatment is to remove the child from all imental excitement stop school work and give Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills. These Pills renew the blood supply, strengthen the nerves, and restore the child to perfect health. Here is a proof of ,their power to cure Mrs. George A. MacDonald, Earnjtere, N. a., says; My son was a tacked by St Vitus dance; at the outset of his muscles would tniitch and his step was weak and jerky, We called in a doctor who treated him, but not- withstanding he continued to grow worse and at last grew so had that he could not hold a cup in his hand while his head constantly twitched and his speech became rather in- distinct. At this juncture I saw in a paper; the cure of a boy from sign ilar trouble through the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. We at once sent for a supply, and iij la few weeks after he began their use there was considerable improve- ment, and it was not long after this before) he was completely 'cured, and has never had a symptom sof the trouble since. I am convinced that there 1s no medicine like Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for the cure of St. Vitus dance. If your dealer does not keep Dr. W.ill:iams' Pink Pills you can get them by mail at 50e abox or Isiac boxes for, 412,50 by writing the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville,. Ont. Honduras' Silver Coins. fn the republic of Elonduras the sil- ver, currency was for years mtoted from Socorro bullion. This nearly al- ways contains a certain proportion of gold, which used not to be separated before• it went to the Hint, so that Honduras silver coins prior to 1991 generally contain a certain ,proportion 'of gold. Out of His Line. - Mother -Now, Freddie. nt the party when asked if you'll nave something you must say, "Yes, thank you," and if you don't want it you must say- ' ' Freddie -Don't you botber, inc. I don't expect to refuse anything. - Boston T ra nscript, -. Operated by a plunger, a. new an tomobile tire alarm blows a whistle each time that k't wheel carrying deflated time revolves' London scientists are investigat- ing a rare mineral foumli in rocks in Wales that radiates a faint light.:' inlits natural state, • 1 {