The Clinton New Era, 1914-06-04, Page 4THE CLINTON Nam B 'Thursday, 3urle 4tii, 7.04. "Iteady to•Wtar: Garments.' it Phone Fs e -ll rnade ijIi11iticry '; and Dress -Making • 'f r Women ai�n�er�ts fo 4 Cost Small Sums At This. Store' The coolest,`pr'ettiest kind'' if' wash frocks bear very attractive' prices in our ready-to-wear sec- tion, and such excellent garments theyare. just as carefully made as cloth clothing. Made of em- broideries, ratines, voiles, linens, ginghanis and prints. Even to the most minute detail they will pass critical inspection. Women seeking Sumpter Attire will find our styles for ahead of , the average •Ready-to•wear tuodels. Come and look around Wash Skirts We are showing a large:range of Wash Skirts including piques, reps, Indian head, rata a ,and,•Bedford cords. These are the latest styles. Prices range from 1,1010 3.00 We also passed into stock this. week several Cloth Skirts in the. tunic and pegtop styes, all sizes and all colors. Prices range from 3.50 to 9.00 Ladles Suits Half Price Just nine Ladies Suits left, all new styies, satin Lined, colors navy, brown, tan and grey, We do not h e over tonet want to carry t es o e season. Your choice of the nine halt price. • Or. Macklin tr' p (•. iltC. `or drive candidate Conservatives of Centre Huron Name their Man. Seaforth, May 28th. -Before a gathering of 300 Cenitre Huron Con servatives Hon W. J. Hanna this afternoon delivered the ,esti of a number of addresses lie is to give at Western Ontario conventions. 'He enumerated some pledges made by Sir Jarboe Whitney when in op- position, and pointed oult how they had been fulfilled. The proverecial secretary dealt at some length with the benefits of the Hydro -Electric project, as worked out by lion. Adam Beck, the other members of the commission and their staff and referred to the 'Hydro -Radial developement as a fittftttg, sister to r- tkothe first great enterprise. The ,placed itn the field Dr. A1H, Macklin, of Goderich to oppose bl;Tn, Proudfoot.'M. P. P, nominfated bythe Liberals here on Tuesday'. DriMaeklin is a success- ful physician of the county town who has in recenz"j years taken an active Part ft civic affairs. There were also nominated ; Rev Joseph Elliott, Goferich ley H. J. A. McEwan and Robert Elliott ; Mr. James Conolly Goderich, by War. Patterson and A Robinson ; Mr. 1) 'Qantelon, Clinton. -by Wm: Jackson and W.J. Muller, 31r.C.W Thompson Clinton, by A. Neil and J. T. Shop - ' hard. The names of Warden Anything fee n o ce at Sarna Rev. Dr. Rutledge left to -day for Sarnia to attend the London Con- ference Canteton Dr, Thompson and Dr. Macklin were voted on the lest named win'n'ing by a, good margin. Over The Teacups Itrusscls „ ; l Inaba ,. 1 `jn na�t•,and,' •Bert -Ryle tZvhoEaVadarrested. on" One ,of tridst pram in y , best lnnovvn wren a thus .secttien't in' a serilous t charge r came Before -'His the persoin of Mir'Thomas,'Strachan. Worship :Police' hgristrate•Mort- - assed: away'at his home en Grey one T'huraday mo •nieg fat l0 oclock' R 'and 3 . , Towntshilp at an early (hour Wednes and 'wae,xeleased on $i,000•,bail;t ill day `'after,, atnillinees+ --ofeiev',erala Monday l B V M:Sttone ; acted; e : fol months: He 'bvaktnli s"'84thlyeai the' cletegseii and D. Holmes', ,,,;for" Mr Strachan filled the reeve's'cha:ir -the tyro�v,n, „After hearinlg ijile'eve ti , ' . is h i r,r to err l dense of Police Office' Phi )P'p e ,tncney s Tt31vrD shlt� r y l r 1. �. terms and took: a great interest ,in to whom the ,prisoner had;made a municipal and church work. i13e I confessipn the case `was adjourned. was an elder in " Brussels ,Presby- terian Church. He'wassurvirved by his Wife and large grown-up family, , The large steel tank to supply water for street�vatering•purposes was placed in posiltion ,on,.Thursday G. T, R.Agent iStmith was remq'- ed to Sniffle's Falls this week and 'and his' pIaeethere hasbeenmlttaken, by Mr: Taylor.' • ' Hensalh The council is advertising 'for tenders for"the erectloau of anew, town hall. Mr. 'Priest,eassi,sted, by Mr:.Will«ams, is making good head, way ,with' the large ive11 for fire`, priolt4jritio,ns and street ;watering purposes. , • Mr. Thomas Welsh is busily en- F. H. Giro ,manager of the en- gaged in preparing foundations Y, g new houses on the west side of the Brussels branch of the Metropolitan track on Main street(: ^ Bank, took alt wilth iappendreitre Dr. A. Mciillister, 'of .George - while v:eiting at his home mnMoanti town, aeeompaini,ed t y he wife, Forest during the holiday. He is spent a few; days recently with' still confirmed there.' his brothers, Charles and John‘ and A peculiar accident happonied; `to his sister, Mrs. P. Meir, and, ' other John Currie' this week, While clr•iv ing, lie struck at lh:is horse with 'a Whip, and the mottled lash snapped' off and hitt ',him in the eye. The sight. of his ey is injured, blit it is believed that the effect will not be permanent. Mr. George McKenzie.; son of Mr. and Mrs, Thos. McKenzie, who has been in the Bank 'at Bayfield. re- ceived leas marching orders to Dun- gannon, to the Bank there. Mrs. Noutch arrived There from the Old Country on Saturday night coming over on the new Allin. boat "Alastian," Th.is boat picked up 'many survivors at Iiimouski and also some of those who were drowned. Among the many visitors in town on Monday were Police Mag- istrate Andrews, Mr, Daniel Eck.- mier, and M:r. John Wasmann of Clinton. They are all old fr!enids of the Adeovate; and ,a pleasant half hour was spent in their com- pany.—Mitchell Advocate. Mrs. J. Leslie Kerr 'is visiting her patents at Toronto. Miss Myrtle Spencei• of Kingston is making a visit with her aunt.. Mrs. R. Marshall, Battenbury ,St. Mr. E. Munroe, the well known barber, had to quit ;work a day, and a Half this week owisig to .art attack of lumbago. He does not feel any too spry yet. Mr, and Mrs, Lack Kennedy and family of W,ngharn,, autoed through :town on Sunday. Rev. J e 'Greene is attenditag Cori - you want done in ROOling Eavetrol ;Ding Plumbino or Furnace; Work' t` Call and see us before pacing your ot'der. Births, Marriages It Deaths et" "n who ' � wa ` oat }q�tll+'a sttceeesful teacher- .lH.eart Trouble. but ; Iso gtiliµilder of charaae$,er.., 'Died at Vandouver on Sunday from be +smrc1 .fpr the man relatives im Homan and vicinity, The trustees of. tiles Method;tat' church are remodelling ;thte pulpit and choir platforms, and expect to have everything completed and in good shape ,for the coming Sab- bath. Mr. and Mrs. G. Beech are be- ing visited by one of their sons Varna from the State of Missouri, who inttends spending the summer months here. Mrs. Wins Dougall and Mrs. R. McLaren returned a few days ago from LeMars, Iowa, where they had been for a number of 'weeks, visiting their sister, Mrs. G. Mut ray, who was seriously ill. Mr. T'. T. McAsh spent Friday, Miss Mclwen of London, who the guest of Mrs. T. ,T. Richardson was recently home visitinh' her brother, Hugh, returned to the city a few days, ago, accompanied by her cousins, Miss Lily McSwein. The large onion crdp an this sec- tion is .looking every promising, and will as in past years, prove a good asset to many' families., Mr. and Mrs. Rowln'iree of Lon- don, accompanied by members of their family, were there mecently . Mr. and Mrs. Tom Crowley have Mr. and Mrs. G. Todd and Milos gone to Stratford to reside. McGregor. Mrs. J. Johns and daughter 'Ethel Rev, Mr. Armstrong, secretary of spent a few days irs,Exeter with miss ens, conducted services in her son, Thomas. ( Carmel Church on Sabbath. The Grand Trunik will cement sidewalk runsaing from Main St, to the waiting room. A large cement shed is being. built Bowlers, are now enjoying their by the Methodist: church for the fine green and seem to be more accomodation of farmers' teams enthusiastic than ever ' over(the during service. This work was game., started last year in view of the fact Villagers were sorry to learn bf that 'the hotel stables might be the death of Mr. Wm. Henry of St. closed atter the Scott Act would Marys, who was some years ago become a law, married to Miss J. Lammie of this Failure ; of the other municipal- village. Mr. 'Henry had been; very ities to'join in, unit d 'action for seriously 311 for some time, but ab the deepening of the Sauble River the time of his death; seemed very and . the dilgg.nlg of ditches to much improved and was ' bas:.ly surface water, made engaged .itn paintinghis house u carryoff the ut ce it ncessary dor Hay Towlnfshiipto tog within acouplhours of his go to work on its own, account;, death. He was a brother of Mrs. The engineer has received instruc- Moore and Mrs. Humestom of this tions front the, counicit i,o go ahead village. with the staking tout of the premi- a Mrs. Traquair was :tn Detroit visiting her soul Roy, and other relatives there. Mrs. Burgess of Toronto spent a few weeks th'e guest of Mts. Corme. Mrs. C. Weekes spent ,the ,week end with Seaforth friends. Mr. and Mrs. ,Ester spent Satur- day 'with Blake friends. Mrs. 11. Clarice, who has been very ill, is now very much im .proved. Mr. CharlesjStelk„ who has been here for the ;past year', has • re- turned to his home ,n, Edmonton. Mrs. T. Morrison spent Tuesday in Seaforth. She was ;accompanied by her daughter Tillie. Zurich It't.would bye' vell`ntwh mposarble Ito eat. At~ Cite ., far scat. Mg in Til.,.; f' N i t e+ �,. ,s ,, the6 � r the ht t • ntd c to _._ r ,• ar, n,certliiiy anaea which.�.stpnd pxe +filNenge:'pf` Mx. J.,o,u�h sit�te ¢h,ng 'eminent as:. a¢rte ''o, , ileus and '':for tas-Pr-ne,tpal df th'rr heel n and • ° • ,School- he trai : di others With such, makers. of Clinton and sneer En the : t`t e i naduates of Clin- ton history of Clinton " (was the name Success'oel S g of W. R. Lough, . ' for twenty sir' 'ton Model School vve'e eagerly years, principal of the: Model sought,after' by, school boards. A School. great many- of the successful teach- The news of his, sudden deathin .ers in the 7.Prov!ace to -day' re- Vancouver, on Sumaitay came ass ,reeived ,athe.r .first 'professional training from 'M W. R. Lough. As a citizen of the town lie was 'Very 'highly 'esteemed. He lyse for many years:entthe�lirra¢iktg ng 'board many cliu"rcix and on many occasions occupied 'the pulpitts of that id.hel other churches. Of TJ.JE Loyal:lat crescent William .,!'Romaine Dough;waa ,born 'near Van kleelt Hill, sn Glengarry County, siwty-eight years ago. He taught forsolihetime dal Kinburn 'before. coming to Clinton' After twenty- six years of almost unparalled suc- cess here, he retired' and, with his wife went to Vancouver that they rnig,I't be with their only child, Mrs. W. J. Baird, About four years ago they returned to Clinton for a short _visit and had planned a- nother trip east two years ago but this Mrs. Lough's failing health forbade. A year ago last May, Mrs Lough was called Home. Mr. Lough continued to live lin( Vansouvei until Sunday last he succumbed blow to many a heart in Clinton. to an attack of heart Failure. The and not alone, in, Clinton—in every funeral took (place on Tuesday city, town or Tillage of Canada 'afternoon, his body being' placed where one of Mr. Lough's beside that of lias wife m Mountain ex -pupils reside Ebhere will View Cemetery, Vancouver. 73IRTHS' YOUNGBLUT.-In Hullett on May`,28,th, -to Mr, and Mrs. Robert Youngblut, a daughter. MARRIAGES •'H1;SK BAR e1JR';—At the Ontario '' street church, {Clinton,' on MaY 27th by Rev. S. J. Allin, Wm, .Resk to Miss Kate Barber, of Phoenix City, Arizona, formerly of-Londes boro. DEATHS. HANNA=In Clinton on Saturday. May 30th, Emma Frances Graham, wife of Mr. John ,Itanr$':Y, of Vane guard, Sask. aged 37 years, 10 months and 8 days, HESSIAN,—In Clinton on Sunday May 31st, Thos James Hessian, aged 74 years. LOUGH.—In Vancotiver, B. C., on Sunday, May 31st., William Romaine Lough, formerly of Clinton, Byamn & Sutter -s Sat itary Plmnbers, Phone 7. VVVVVVVOA/ ses so that work may begin at once The territory to be treated l'es be- tween the #town, (line of IIay and Stanley andthd Bauble River, Work is. to be done,, by band and a' l Otenntance large number of mew; will be em- ployed. As this . dra'in will help re- claim ithe big swamp, the Canada Company will be expected to bear some of the expense, Stailleywn ship Els still working or_the ditches from the toted :line between it and Hay township to the Bayfield river the water being carried intro that stream. A powerful steam dredge has been employed on Ithis work and the 'expense to The townIh'. will bereat. years. g • 1llondnv of last week Wm. Cole sr„ who is S5 years of age and nearly blind, and who makes 'his home at 5, S. Dole's, Ethel, while attempting to open the door his hand eliored oft the handle and he fell an a mat on the floor resulting tr, broken hip. We are sorry to hear of the accident as it means ,ouch to an old gentleman of his advanced ago. He was a, former resident of Constance, Hallett town- ship where he spent a good many • es Foolish e A penny saved is not always a. penny earned. , m i ' 5o ettmes t itis two pennies .lost. The merchant who spends nothing on ad- vertising loses much more than he 'saves. The money spent for platy glass windows is not looked on as loss; nor is the money spent on better interior. lighting. Anything that increases favor, that adds to sales, that "multiplies customers is very properly regarded as a good investment. Advertising is a good investment just as plate giass windows are. Advertising sells morezoods to more persons than shop, windows do. A WORD TO THE PUBLIC' Do ou resent havinga merchant address Y his message to you in the form of an ad- vertisement in our columns? On the con- trary, is not your impulse to respond to his friendly overtures ? shop where You are loviled to Shop The . Reasonable 'are of W.alC•h-, ! ! Brucetield rl'Ir. Mitchell, Editor of the Goderich Star, look charge of the service in the Pre.shvterian church on Sabbath morn iitg Ne.spgke on behalf of the Budget Missiouary fund, ,lames Genineellt has bought the 50, acre farm from Henry (Inter, Tucker - smith for 83500, 11 adjoins his own farm of 130 acres Mr. Darter has not deeidedwben he will locate, he thinks he may. go.,West, • The following men have been elected to the eldei•shtp in the Presbyterian church Messrs lames' Moodie, B. R. Higgins. Hugh Aikenhead, James McDer mid. •16 is not vet know wheth er they will accept the office. Thomas Boyce and wife visited last week at the horse of their son James Boyce. Mrs. Johns of Clinton is the guest of her sister Mrs, McQueen. Colborne Mr. A. 'S. Gledhill and family of Goderich were guests et the home of Mr. W B. Forster on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Bailie of Clinton Sun- daved with friends on the Maitland, Mr Wm. Pennington is spending a few clays friends' in the County town, Orchardists are well pleased with the outlook for fruit this year, and are looking forward to a good crop. Mr' Chas. Breckow expecte to have his barn raised next week. Mr. Levi Snider is erecting a commo dicers driving shed which will no doubt he t,rent convenience to him. Th6 June Bug is again very much in evidence. The timely rains of last week have done notch to help, along the wheat crops which promise to be fair in this neighborhood. the person of Mrs. John Hanna, eldest daughter. of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Graham of Goderich Tp. Mrs. Hanna had been ailing•for some time and came to Orin ton accompanied by ,her husband, and. 'children with the hope of regaining' her health, she 'underwent an -opera tion in. the Ulintdu hospital on Mon day May 25th, but the disease was too deeply seated for human skill to re- move, and she passed peacefully away on Saturday May 30th at S a.m . She was quite reconciled to die and died with the hope of meeting her loved ones in that Heavenly dome where parting will be no. more. She is sur vived by her bereaved husband and five small children. her father and mo Cher, two brothers Henry W, and Harold S. one sister. Mrs. George H Elliott Goderich Tp. The deceased NUS born in this township 37 years ago 13 years ago she was married to he ' now bereaved husband. For soul time they lived in Usborne Tp. Seven years ago they moved to Saskatche wan, where they- have since resided Mrs. Hanna was a life long Methodis being at one time a member of th Holmesville Methodist church, she wa a loving wife and mother; and the va• cant place in the home will not be easily. filled. The funeral on Monday was very largely attended by many sympathizing friends. Those from a distance were,—Mr. Geo. Graham and Miss Emma Keys, of Yale. Mich„ Dir. and Mrs. G. R,' Keys, London, Mr. and Mre. T, Bell, Exeter, Mr. and Mrs. Wm Hanna, IVinthrop and Mrs. J. T. Williams of Toronto. The services were conducted by Rev, S. J. AIIin of Clinton assisted by Rev. Mr: Me0or. mick of Hotinesville, and Rev. Snow- den of Varna. The pall hearers were, Messrs, Andrew Uourtic?, Gilbert Mair H. W. Elliott, George Cook, William Jervis and John 5', Shepperd, alit old neighbors of deceased. '0 Wi'1 In,your watcb'sg`ood,`'t rq,gngingts days of usefulness. Il a z v.: r,r ,•,•,o t aanl++t,, a+.w L z Wht1t is reasonable cars l An occasional visit to a 'ewe er J ? Stanley. Mr, Win. Taylor attende•1 the laying of the cornet' stone of the Presbyterian church et Brussels lastweek ;Led listen ed to a splendid address from Dr. J. A MacDonald, Editor of the Toronto Globe. Mr. 'Taylor also visitedwith ix, nds at Walton. ldiss Lizzie Taylor who spent the last tivo weeks at her sister's Mrs. J. S Somerville ce' St, Marys has returned home ac:ourpanied by Me. and Mrs. Somerville whe paid a short visit. Reeve Glen is attending County Council this week. Mr. Thos. Baird and wife were visit. log re',atives and acquaintances in Ash field Inst week. Mrs. Hugh McDiarmid of Seaforth. was visiting at the borne of Mr. Thos. Pa rd last week, Mr. Wit Craig and his brother John of Morsnj:ew district, but now of Hen- sel' were visiting old aegn•iintanees on the line last week, they purpose taking it trip to Britain in a few days, Miss D. Ot+pp visited at the home of Mr Hugh McGregor last week. Miss B. McKay returned to her home in Hamilton on Monday after spending scene tune croon relatives here. Inspector Toni visited S, S. •No. 1 Stanley on Friday of last week Goderich Township Report of S, S. No. 10 Hullett and Goderich. Sr.4rh.— Irene Ward, 80 per cent, Edgar. Morro, 73 Jr. 4th. -Stella. Morris. 72, Chester Morris 63. Sr. 2, Agnes Ward 70, Gorden Ball 67, Mary Mair 66, Jr. 1. -Evelyn Johnston 74, Bertha Eno QJ, P. (a) Edna Govier P (b) HowardJohnston, 7l. _ Best spellers for the month are.— Sr. 4,, I'•ene Ward. Jr. 4, —Stella Morris. rris. Sr, 2. -Agnes Ward. Jr, 1. -Bertha Eno. II Stella Copp. teacher The following is the report of U. 8 8 No. 12, Goderich•.; and.liullett, for the Month of May, names 'are(in order of iriexit. Sr. 4th, -Ma bre Iiarvey, Jean Lind. Jr, 4th, -Cora Jervis, Mervynfharqu bar. Sr, , $rd,—John Townshend, Bessie Lindsay, Mary Wril+,ht. • Jr. 3rd' -Aug . MCBrien, May Mc-', Brien, :Willie Beacom, Hilda Forbes. Sr,2.-.lean Farquhar. J„ 2,-Normau Wright, Eddie John, stop, 1st,—Walter Forbes: Roht ,TohnstoA Mahle Wright. •'Primer—Russell Jervis, Ray Mason. The best spellers in the monthly spelling' matches were — Sr, 4th.—Mable Harvey. Jr, 2nd.- Cora Jervis, Sr. 8rd,-John Townsend.. Jr. 31e1'- Nellie Beacom Sr. 2nd.—Jean Farquhar. fr. 2nd.—Eddie Johnston, -- First.-Robert .Tohnston, W. H. Forest, teacher Death of Mrs. John Hanna.—Death has :again Claimed. another victim tip. who "knows how." 6 An occasional visit means at least a yearly visit., To,put it off longer is to put it ort too long, If you are not weddedtfor all-time totsome,oneiexpert, we would like to put seine. of -our good while. on, 'that watch gt yours. Your watch deserves the best treatment it can get, and it is just that which we offer. W. R Counter Porter's Hill The Presbyterian church will hold a Garden Party on Friday evening June 28th. More. particulars will be given later. Jeweler and Optician I Issuer of Marriage Licenses H. Wiltse of town Will take the topic, Next Saturday night the Stanley boys will play the return match of football with the Varna boys at the latter "village. The, Varna boys play a rough‘ : game, seeing they come from a place where there are so many churches. Stanley and Varna played a football match last Saturday night which re suited in a tie. The driving horse of. Mr. Arthur Wiltse got; badly cut on a barb wire fence last Sunday morning. Mr. Merv. Hanley has heen laid up with an attackof quinsy the last two weeks. , Mr. Arthur 'Stevenson drove to Lon • don last Saturday. Miss L. Plaetzer of Toronto visited .with her aunt, Mrs. Fl. Livermore last Sunday. Mrs Arthur Stevenson who has been visiting her daughter for the past two weeks at London has returned home. Holmesyille Mr. Boucle of Clinton 'took th services at St. John's Church las Sunday. Rev, Mr. Langford being in London On Tuesday et ening Mr. Lasder's house was natitced :to be on fine but prompt and speedy help soon had it extinguished before mucl damage was done. Mr. and Mrs, Lew :Cebbutt attended the wedding, in Tuckersmith, of the latter's sister Miss Minnie Martin and Mr. Hugh McLachlin of Cromarty on Tuesday. June 2nd. Miss Blanch Tehbutt attended the McLachlan -Martin wedding in Tuck- ersmith this week, and during the signing of the registersang "Oh Pion ise lite, Rev. 1b, J. McCort -dick left this week for Sarnia to attend the Methodist conferenno in thatlace, Mrs (Rev.) McCormick -arrived home on Friday horn a months visit Witti relatives in Washington D. U. ' Mr, and Mrs. Win. Blake, ,Goderich visited with their daughter Mrs 0, 1t. Forster one day last week. Rev, H. Crossley ended his two weeks campaign, of Evangelistic work ou Sunday last His meetings were a success and a help to all that attended them, on Sunday morning a reception service was held when 20 united with the church, and during the rest of the afternoon and evening services quite a 'large number manifested their desire to follow Christ Mrs. Claude Fisher and children of Winnipeg, spent a few days with her brother EzraP P ickard last week. Mr. and Mrs. J Howard of Goderich spent Sunday in the village. Mrs. G. Hays : of Clinton spent the week with end her sister Sarah Teb. butt, The many friends of Mrs, Henry Ford wilt be,sorry to know she 15 seri lously'iil,. A:little daughterarrived at the home bf our genial _clerk on Saturday. ibe making of cheese was started on Monday in aur, cheese and butter fax tory, • The League takes esharge of Sunday evening serice here, Mr,'McOprmick being at•Conf•erence,, Lou4on_Itoad Mr. Fred Nott has improved'. the appearance of his house 'with .a coat' of ,pliant, ' ' Mr. George Falconer met with an accident that might : have been serious. 'He was gangg plowing and was trying -to move the lever wink the team was ,going; and Eras foot slipped and 'Went through the wheel, The Noises stopped when commanded to, otherwise. nt would have been serious for: the clri,ver. He will bo laid up for a few weeks with a sore leg. ' The League 'will, hold their meet ing hexa Tuesday, evening at , the home of Mr. Arthur Stevenson, hIr, Hallett The Ladies Aid of Bu us' church are holding a banana social on June 12 on the Harlock school grounds. Tea Will be serued from 0 to 8 Refresh- ments and bazaar. Auburn band in attendance: Admission luc and 25e. Mrs. John Oole, of near Belgrave, spent Wednesday and Thursday with her friend Mrs. Wm- McCool,. Gilbert McMichael is having a new barn erected in place of the one that was burnt last year. Mr. S. MCViitie sr. is spending a few weeks with her daughter Mrs. Taos. Cole of Waterloo, Miss Fanny Lawson of Auburn spent a week with her sister Mrs, Willis Mountain. Mr, and Airs, Fred She brook and two sons spent Sunday with her molher Mrs. R. Carter. Miss Lula Mann spent Sunday with her friend Miss May Appleby. Successful Picnic.—ou Wednesday in the honer of the Ring's birthday 5. S. No. 2 Hullett held a very success- ful picnic, A large crowd gathered in the afternoon, enjoyed themselves to the full after a short program given by the children with music furnished by Mr. and Mrs. Bayley tae races were participated in, when each child was rewarued with candy Then the ladies furnished a very bountiful supper to which everybody did justice, The boys had a foot ball maser. which was cut short by the rain. Everybody was delighted and hope for another next year. The trustees and rate pay ens made a bee and levelled the tront of the yard and erected a new fence, which adds much to the appearance. Baylield Rev. Dr. Stewart win officiate in 55, Andrews fax a continued time in future in the absence of Rev, Mr, McFarlane who is enrouce for Scotland. Our Reeve is attending the County Council this week at Goderich. The bridge question will be laid ov, r until a temporary bridge is tuilt, Intended for Lasit, Week. W. Johnston; wife and family of London spent the holiday: L p o yc . `si the residence on, the Terrace, Miss Nell:e Maines of Hollyrood• was the guest of her sister, Mrs, H. Drehmann, over ,the holiday. Mr. Clayton Feick of Berlin spent the holiday en the village. Dr. Partridge, c wife and family, g e n anu y, of London,, spent the holiday in their summer cottage En Lakeside Park. Mrs. (Dr.) Metcalf of Detroit ar- rived .last week and has taken pos- session of her saintlier residence, Miss Edna Wooli,dge of Toronko is spending the summer with leer aunt, Mrs. Freci Stanley. Mrs. Lou Cathro and daughters the Misses Helen, Evelyn andLetty Cathro, of .Montreal have arrived in the village and have taken. up their residence Mrs. Fisher and daughter, Miss Ruble, of Berlin; Miss CarrreFish- er of Kincard.n(e; and Mr. George Fisher of Waterloo, were the guests a of Mn. and Mrs. F. T. Ed- wards •over the (holiday. Mr. and'Mrs. J; S. Chapman and family of London spent a few days the past week in their . 'summer cottage in Lakeside Park..; ' Mr. and Mrs.' W. J. Woolidge and sons, Masters Harold and Fred, of Toronto were the .guesfls of : Mr. Mrs, Fred Stanley,' over the holiday Mr, and Mrs, tEugen,e Saucier and Wilbur Irwin' of Berlin mere the guests of the Tatter's parents,Mr. and Mrs, +H, W Irwin ,over . the holiday.r • Miss Edith Falconer of"G.odericli spent S,un;day under .the parental. roof. For'Sa,le Second-hand Coal Furnace ' for sale cheap. Apply to THOMAS HAW.K1NS Plumber and Tinslnith Clinton For Safe Two driving mares and a buggy In -good repair. Apply to • DR.' EVANS, V. S.