The Clinton New Era, 1914-06-04, Page 2Patrol eipaDtD4)litOOtl Me?^to 6DOe*e41(®YQt6661 •SUF- Y The Noy Trade { IEIRALS1A"`:', FAIL RFS �o U isHer I� Helped Until SheTr,ed t u. - - I 91 CA'nirnkz,i gxr r,g, ONT., May 5th, 1913. "I cannot speak too 144,103.0f "Fruit- a-tives". For over thirty years, I have suffered from Chronic Neuralgia, and Constipation, experiessciugut}toidagony, The Neuralgia settled in my lungs and. I took bottle after bottle of medicine relief. The doctor'told m without e I would notget better but "Fruit- -t' o a rues" proved that the doctor was wrong, by giving me quick relief and finally and completely curing me, I would not have my presenthealth ,if it was not. for "Fruit -a -tires" arid,I am glad of the opportunity of giving you this letter about such a splendid remedy as "Fruit-a-tives", for the guidance of other women who may be similarly affected" MRS. NATHAN DUNN. "Fruit-a-tives" is the only medicine Riede from fruit juices and is particularly Suited to women because of its mild action and pleasant taste. "Fruit-a-tives" is•sold by all dealers at sic a box, 6 for $2.5o, trial size, 250, or may be obtained from Fruit-a-tives. Limited, Ottawa. The New Era. 47TH YEAR. "IN THE PUBLIC SERVICE." W.,II. KERR ct Sfir@, Props J. Leslie Kerr Ihtsiness Manager ew Era, One Year In advance $1.00 Era, When not paid in ad- ce... $1.50 ray to the United States ante$1.50 r- aces on Application nce op July nee with Asso- e 95 WITHOUT EFFORT Every One Is a Step to 7 Success. i INSTINCT AND EXPERIENCE. ometimes a Noble Failure Serves the World as Faithfully as a Distinguish- ed Success -Lack of Capital and Patronage -Farmers Frequently Fail. He Who Makes No Effort Exempt. He only is exempt from failure who makes no effort. In the lexicon' of youth, which fate. reserves for a bright manhood, there 1s no such word as fail -it comes later in Life. There are so many reasons which can logically and truthfully be ad- vanced as causes contributing to the numerous failures that I will endeavor to analyze only the principal ones -the business failures. Every failure is a step to success; every detection of what Is false di. rects us to what is true; every trial ex- hausts some tempting form of error. Not only so, but scarcely any attempt Is entirely a failure; scarcely any the- ory, the result of steady thought, le altogether false. No tempting form of error 1s without some latent charm derived from truth. Failure is, in a sense, the highway to accomplishment, inasmuch as every discovery of what is false leads us to seek earnestly after what is true, and every fresh experience points out some form of error which we shall afterward carefully avoid. In this article we have not the space to treat of individual eases or their many causes, but will deal altogether with the commercial side of the ques- tion -the business failures. Perhaps the most general and cern- mon cause is lack of capital. Many, men venture into business with just enough money to "swing" the enter- prise for a month, at the end of which e they expect the new business to self supporting. It seldom is, and he concern becomes a financial the inevitable is sure to happen ness instinct Required. e said in passing that cote - he first form of failure others, lack of business iness experience. And frequently augment- ally dangerous in is engaging in a have no knowl- o man can hope of business' cations are most *- allure: In Is that S6 con- ch' or atron- as de - red in 'rrn CLINTON NOW )114A. `. the need h as n or em - e of ows rock port who: the. fails e of e of have and ation It taut nd a of titrate essful bilged mer- edit, eredit, nt IS atelr bilged oases' Id it er unity who e by by d Irons must °the vest - with If a pew haat arty", until II1111311 t fn llijn Itltll Intl (n hell �n ;nw;;'P' pi�ms i III( I / ��'I ��� IIIY/ �/ � III � /I! (I i lllli� I/I����� I (,�,illlll,, �I�� II „. /� /� u Ilu� nfllllnulf �lllllllllllll I Ldr. 14,101 f hg6wlll wulUllllll Illulfu i III ii OLD P�CiE "COMFORT Oan in no way be so.ilefinitely' and safely provided toz' as through a pulley of ]foe insurance. e The Instahnelit Privileges • in a Life Rate En- dowmentPolicyg uarautee all, income' for ife either the bene6ciary or the insured and Uhe Guaranteed IiistltlmeYltB are Subject to Inc Aease • from profits, A consideration worth some present sacrifice, is it not ? Issued only by the Insurance esuThe� Loudon LiteLite;Insurance��lll p y LONDON ` CANADA. Geo. ID. Itoberton, General Agent. , iii �lD,:iulnntil 1lIp II IV�r'-1 roh11 IIII�II!II% n, l1 I- I .alIIi /1/ Ifl ll ul d }, 9IxIIIII.11G11�� ��/ .II/ 4,111,111./,,i1I11�I l ull11,l 11 VI,VIII IIIIIIIIIIlpillIIIIllIw�llIlIIIlIul Newest Notes of Science COMPILED POR THE• NEW ERA READERS.. Quickly stops- coughs; 'cured colds, and lanai , I the throat sod lungs. :; ;r 25 conte , A solution' of soft soap ens1ead of water was used en making a water- proof concrete iai(bufilding the foundationts of a grain( elevator on a river bank in Budapest. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S Several advantages are claimed for a new ,mouhiting for automobile head-lijghts that) enables them to be,oarried onthe ,back of, the dri- vers seat sv5thilni easy reach. Choir's Cotton Root Compound. d safe, reliable i•mYrnutatin° medicine. Sold in three de• grecs of strength -No. 1, $1; No. 2, 33: No. 3. $5 per box. Sold by all druggists, or sent prepaid on receipt of 'price.' Free pamphlet. Address: THE COOK,MEDICINE CO„ 3030810, 085. (Formerly W;sdior,) i The harbor of Hamburg has been. equipped with floating drydocks ofl two types which permet them to raise from the water vessels longer than the docks themselves. An Iowa engine budilding corn -1 pansy uses' they power developed ill testing ij$s products, which ordin'• arily would he wasted to genearate I electricy for .(numerous purposes. I Japan by law prohibits the em- ployment of alnfy personless than 12 years of lige at any time and of I women an'd ,chnildren less than 151 years old more .than 12 hours a day. AelpIrta \vonian ds the in!- ventor tof ::lay mr cards on'w1Lch; instead' of the usual. des`y n'e„ are portraits of women of niotrtblet ach- ievenir-.nts throughout' the world. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTARIA Spectacles with white spots in the centers of black disks dn.the lenses , have been irlventet} !by'an, English doctor to cure in•somma byinduc- that prac- small,' local nger- ould ested here tains. Michigan iri(ventor has +patent- ed an ahvin41g supported by jai curv- ed frame so as ito+cover only . the center half of a wiin,dow, permit - Ling air to circulatle freely above and below' Where high power transmission lines cross highways in Norway networks of wire are erected to pro tent persons using tile roads :n case the heavily charged ;tv:a'es break and fall. For advertising 'purposes there has been invented' `a clock in which a single hand rises ;along a scale on one side of ai vertical columin and descends along 'another on the oth- er ,Gide. For military purposes an English man is buiidintg an aeroplane, with 240 horsepower motors,, 100 horse- power more than net, now in use and that will carry ague, w!weless equipment anid fours or fine meal, For carrying barrels there has been invented 'afour deck wagon barrels being'hoisted by an; eleva- tor Rothe top ,one and roiling from one to another unitlfY they .reach the bottom where they are unload- ed. CASTOR l A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of , ",Neromnr,c. "Why did the great pitluist refuse to play?" "Temperament. Ile got mad because his name was printed in smaller type on the pr'ogr'am than the name of the piano on which lie was to perform." - Chicago itecur0-11eraId. Exasperating. "'l'he Very sound or some people's mires is exasperating." "Quite trite, 3Speoia1ly whim they say Atone oar or Tay ups" -Birmingham Age -17 era Id, ing drdws;liess in a wearer. Assume in adversity a coiintennnce Statistics gathered fromt colleges of prosperity mud In prosperity moder- throughout the country. show' that ate thy temper.--Livy. residents of the United States, both men and women are growing" taller § [� �y morerobust armytofficers11are expert- J lifg tvEA LliGs 0 me,ntitt with rubber foot pontoons to enable soldiers 'to walk ,water carrying heavy loads and , us!ng their rifles freely attlhe same Ilio.. DR. DeVAN'S FRENCH PILLS iret: gulating Pill for women. $5 a box or three for 51.0. Sold at all Drug Stores. or mailed to any address on receipt of price. THE Sc000Lo. Daus Co., St. Catharines, Ontario. PHOSPHONOL. FOR MEN. Vinntnnd, Vitality; for Nerve and Brain; increases "grey matter"; a Tonic -will build you up. $3 a box, or two for $5, at drug stores, or by mall on receipt of trice;' -Tits Scon1LI Drum Co., St. Catharines, Ontario. 'I'IiI, 'WESTERN FAIR Loudon, ,Ontario 'The Western iFaia nianbgement have commenced operalionl • ' d - resdy 'aQnee ts 1ai1 ysepaxa- tion for theigreat;Exhibition which will be ell Rhos Yeaz, Sept.lit,P.to 10th. The building's that • Svere lnxrriledly' bti lit last) lyear aitlar the are being madie permaµzisnit; An- other horse barn wilt be ,bu'dt ,Cemenit floors ,wi4l be nut rs the Machinery H13a11 afnd Stove 'Building, and everything done ho snake tihe buildings comfortable for exhibit- ors and 'visitors. The track was re-elayed last fall and will be otala• of the best in Ontario for • this Com ing Exhibition Full information regardlrsg ,the Exhibition') 'will be given on application to the Secret- ary, A, M. Hunit, Lonlden. Ontario. fA The toll of tuberculosis is claiming more than 350 victims every day in the United States yet few realize their grave condition until the critical period arrives. Overwork, iiorry,•weakuess after sick- ness, catarrh, bronchitis, tender throats - all exert the weakening influence that invites consumption. To guard against consumption, thou- sands of,peoplc take Scott' S.Liiiulsion after meals because its rich medicinal nourish- ment strengthens the lungs, puts vigor in the blood, and npbuilds strength to resist tuberculosis. Scott! s Emulsion is nature's strength -builder. Refuse substitutes. ' This Store Recommends JAPALAC because it gives a "finish" quits su= perior to that of ordinary varnishes. JAP-A-LAC - the Content -Producer DINGY, discolored and unsightly floors are not con- ducive to contentment. Why not bring about their complete transformation by means of the JAP-A-LAC "Model Floor" process? This process consists in applying two coats of JAP- A-LAC ground color, a coat of JAP-A-LAC graining color (which is grained with, the JAP-A-LAC graining tool), and then two coats of natural JAP-A-LAC-pro- ducing a bright, hard, durable finish like polished oak. JAP-A-LAC is made in 21 colors for furniture, woodwork. and floor.. Always put up in Green Tins bearing lite name "GLIDDEN.'' Call TO -DAY at your local hardware .tore for a JAP A -LAC' color card, and a copy of the little book, "A Thousand and One Uses of JAP-A-LAC." fi,Irr,. 111 -Clinton --rJ•aap.a..l�ae is Sold byy�,. Se -]C os. Made by The Glidden Varnish Co. limited, Toronto Simple Prescription Has Become World .famous For Headache, 'Neuralgia, Neuri- tis, Sciatica, Rheumatism ;and slim far 'complaints, something bas tdl betaken to give 6mmedi'ate reiie'f from severe pain. Most headache' powders and pain killers are .very hard on the heart bu(t,' Tdept oldoli ittlakessurelyalthouand quickly,vesy, (absolthe utely harmless. For this reason Kephal- dol KCepihaldol is heartily endorsed by the medical profession in a11) countries, Since Dr. Stohr, the greati Aus- trian nerve specialist, firs, used Kephaldol it has 'steadily increased in flavor-tom:day Ilt is conceded to be the one Ibestt cure for all neervle pains. A large tube wall be sent di- rect by the manufacturers Upon re- ceipt of 50c. Kephaldol 'Limited., 31 Latour Street, Montreal. Right In His Face. A. group of grieving depositors stood on the sidewalk before:the closed doors of a recently defunct bank. It wasn't a merry scene. One man who had lost his all was trying to brace up a colored grandpa whose white wool bobbed up and down into the folds of a bandanna. "Don't cry, uncle," he said. "Banks burst every 'day, you know." "Yes, sir; 1 know it, but -huh hub, bub -lis bank -huh, huh -done bus' right in mat Pace."-Harper's Weekly. A COLD Developed Into BRONO ITIS. However slight a cold you have, you should never neglect it. In all pos- sibility, if you do not treat it in time it will develop into bronchitis, pneumonia, or some other serious throat or lung trouble. Dr• Wood's Norway Pine Syrup is particularly adapted for all colds, coughs, bronchitis, pneumonia, asthma, whoop- ing cough and all troubles of the throat and lungs. Three points in favour of Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup are; 1. Its action is prompt. 2. It invigorates as well as heals, and soothes the throat and lungs. 3. It is pleasant, harmless and agreeable in taste. Mrs, Albert Veit, Brockville, Ont., writes "Just a line to let you know about Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. Our oldest little girl is now SIX years old. When she was four months old she got a cold which developed into Bronchitis, and we tried everything we could think of and had two doctors attending her, but it was no good. One day I read in your almanac about Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup, so I tried it, and before she had finished one bottle of it, the dry' hacking cough had nearly all gone, There is nothing equal to it, and we are never without it in the house." See that you get "Dr. Wood's" when you ask for it, as there are numerous imitations on the market. The genuine is manufactured by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. Price, 25c,; family size, 50c. Mortgage Sale Under and by virtue of the powers contained in a certain mortgage, which will be produced at the time of sale, there will he offered for sale by public nuc - tion by D, N. Watson, auctioneer, at Graham's Hotel, ;in the town of Clinton, on Saturday, the 20th day of June, 1914, at the hour of 2 o'clock In the afternoon, the fol- lowing property, Lot Number thir- teen in Hagyard's Survey, in the village of Londesboro, contain- ing one quarter of an acre 'of land more or .lees. On the property is erected a dwelling house. For terms and conditions of sale ap- ply to W BRYDONE, Solicitor for the Vendor Dated his 22nd day of May, 1914. GRAND TRUNK SYS EM UPPER LAKES NAVIGAATION. Sailings from Sarnia Wharf ' on Mondays, Wedi1(esdays and Satur- days, for Sault Ste, Marie, Port Arthur and Fort ;William, coni. mencinge June 8th. Steamship Special (Effective June Sth, 'Westbound Will leave Toronto 11;;15 a.m. on eating dates, making connection at Sarnia Wharf for Sault Ste. Marie„ Port Arthur, Fort William WinlncIpeg„ and ',points in Western. Canac a, Parlor Cafe, Parlor Cars and first-class coaches to Sarnia wharf A special t>.taiin will ran there- verse way -leaving Sarngla Wharf 7.45 am. ,arriviin,g.' Toronto 1.10 p. ami., commencing June 9th, and each Tuesday,, Friday ,and . .Sluitday thereafter. Full particulars and reservations from Cirand Tr umilt agents or -write John .Ransford &Son, city passen- ger and Ticket Agents, phone 57 A, O. Patl'lsrn, station agent Thursday, June 4411,; 191.4, Lehigh V 11eg This ear' we have' ch toe d our brand of coal to the Lehigh Vall'eq, which is mined at, Saran - ton, Penn. 3t is an old, and popular brand, and is still giving satisfaction: - A,..J. H 0110 Way ezetemasurseessiareascomateseretesmesamaracesen Private iiindi!rgaareil I ailitstarting ` a private kindergarten th �r rooms of o little school t lower cus. on Townsend stt•eet, immediately after Easter, and would like a number of pupils between the.ages of four and seven. Phe class will be held in the afternoon 'between the hours of 1.30 and p m. Terme ;l1 a month, Apply HAZEL O'NiII•L, Ontario Street Boar For Service Having purchased from Mr. George Dale of Kinburn, his Tamworth hog 1 will 'keep rte same for service at lot 28, 3rd con, of 13ullett, Terms 41 00 at time of service with privilege of re- turning if necessary, L. TYNDALL Book orders tor Baby chicks Order plow for baby chicks one day old, Rhode Island Rede gold Barred Rocks 15c for day old and 20c for week old; Crosses Ione day old 10c.. The stock is a first- class strain and chicks will beheal- thy, and strong. FRANK W. ANDREWS Clinton. Wanted A bright boy with fairly good education, to learn the Printing. Apply at TAF NEW ERA Clinton - Ont. Rooms to Let The room.: above feed store, opposite the mill, Albert Street. Six nice airy rooms, front entrance, soft water and town water inside. Reasonable terms. Phone 192. F. W. hEVANS W. Bt (1,003 1. BARRISTER SOLICITOR, NOTARY PUBLIC,' ETC OrdNTON e I. B.II sR E ,B7111,E f)onneyance, Notary: Public, Commissioner, etc, 17AL ESTATE AND INSURANCE. Issner> of Marriage Licenses, HuronGSt,, Clinton; H- T, R: A RCaI Notary Public, Conveyancer, Financial and Real Estate,., I' ATSURANCE:AGENT-Bopresenting 14 P0re.1 suranca Companies.. Division' Court ' Prince Mediti.ai. DR r:. W. THOMPSO`YNRN Physician, Surgeon, Eta enscie•1 atten'don elven to diseases of the Eye, Ear. Throat, and Nose, Eyes carefully. aamiaed, and suitable glasses, prescribed. Office and Residence, Two doors west or the 'Coututerelal Moto: .11nrort Bt. DRS. GUJNN and GANIDIIIR Dr. w, Gnat, L. R. 4l, P., L. -li. C. B.. Edam ],r..1. (1. Ilasdler. B..4. 81,11. Caine -Ontario Street, Clinton. Sight calls at. residence, RattenbnryjSt. or at hospital - - DR. J. W. SHAW. PHYSICIAN, SURGEON, rermebenr, ote„office and residence on Webers 6t„ opposite W. Farran's residence, DR. F. A.1 XON DENTIST n adrown and Bridge Work n-Sliecialty.: Graduate of O.O,D.S,.a Chicago, and 1R.0.D.F1 Toronto. nayaeld on•nlondays, May Ist to Deeens0s DIB,. II. FOWLER, DENTIST. Offices over O'NEIL'S store, Special care taken to make dental (zeat- ment as painloee es possible. THOMAS GUNURV Live stock and general Auction tee GODERIOH ONT Bra, m otee8: sales 'a epe015Ii,'. Oe(ets et • as New Erie otliice, Clinton, prt,m, t,y-attended to. Terme reasonable. Farmers. Bale noto discounted? G. D. McTaggart M. D. MoTaggar McTaggart ]gout For Sale. BANKERS A well built eight roomed cottage in ALBERT ST , CLINTON good repair, real good cellar, new fur n, General Banking Business mace put in last summer, cement cis- transacted tern in cellar for soft water, town water in cellar and up stairs, electric light in seven rooms, good bank barn with five acres of good land adjoining in good condition, and orchard and garden, with a quantity of various kinds of young fruit trees in bearing, W. H. WATTS, William St. North, Clinton 'Farm tot' Sale Tho Executors of the Southcomhe Estate offers for side 50 acres, east half of lot 28, .con. 0, E.ullett. A first clops farm, ,A ell watered and improved and with good buildings. A good or- chard and 7 acres of hush. Apply to R. 1..Solithcop] be on the, premises, -or Clinton Postoiiice, AWS. Geo tt M. E. Whitley Iieilelilailnl Osteopathic Pty. Specialists in Women's and Children's Diseases Acute, Chronic, and Nervous Disorders Eye, Ear, Nose, and Throat. CONSULTATION FREE. Office-Rattenbury Hotel. Tuesday and Friday, 7 to 11 p.m. FORD & McLEOD • We're now selling Timothy Seed (Government Standard.). We also have on hand, Alfalfa, Alsike, and Red Clover. We always have on hand -Goose Wheat, Peas, Barley and Feed Corn 'Bighest Market Prices paid for Hay and all .Grains. FORS & eLEOD AAAAAAAAAAAASSAAAAAAAitiLLAAA 4 4 4 Pianos See and here our finest New Stylish designs of Doherty Pianos and Organs, ,special values iu Art Cases a '4 '41 4 E E E t 4 4 Pianos and organs rent ► ed,choice new Edison i phonographs, Music & variety goods. Music Eniporinin C ilo.re NOTES DISOOUNTED Drafte hunted. Interest allowed a deposits The McKillop Mutat Fire Insurance epee Farm and isolated Tows Provo erty Only Insured. OFFICERS. J. B. McLean, President, Seaforth. T Connolly, Vice -Pres., Goderich. T. E. Hays, Sec.-Treas., Seaforth, DIRECTORS. Jas, Connelly, HcImesville, Jolie, Watt, 'Harlock ; G. Dale, Clinton; D. F. McGregor, Seafortb ; .7. Evans, Beachwood, J G, C:rieve, Wilrtlxrop .5 Bonneweis, Brodliagen ; M. Me Ewan, Clinton. Each Director is Inspector of losses in hie own district. AGENTS. 13obt Smith, Harlock; Ed. Hineh- ley, Seaforth; Wm. Chesney, Eg- momdvifle; W. W. Yeo, Holmesville, Payments may bra ,made at The Morrish Clothing Co., Clinton, or R. H. Cult, Goderich. JACOB TAYLOR eLINTON Fire, Life and Accident Insurance Real estate bougtst anti sold Money to loan Office Iesac Street, next door to New Eric Grand Trunkltailway System Railway Time Table London, Huron and Bruce. North Passenger London, depart 8,80a m 4.40 p tIO Centralia 9.33 5.48 Exeter Hensel! 9,.44 5 3,.0554 955 . Kippen 10.01 6.11 Brucefield 10.09 6.19 Clinton 11.00 6.35 Londeeboro 11.18 Blyth 11.27 Belgrave... ....,, 11.40 Wingham, arrive11.54 6.52 7.00 '7.13 7.35 South Passenge• Wingham, depart 6.35 a m 3.3(t'p tit Belgrave..........., 6.50, 3.x;,4 Blyth 7.01 3.86 Londesboro 7.13 4.04 Clinton 8.10 4.23 Brucefield 8.27 " 4.39` Kippen Hensall!. 8,41 4.52 Exeter,.... 8.54 5.05 Centralia.... . 9,04 5.15 London, arrive 10;00 6.10 Buffalo and Goderich Wee` Paesppengas am mStratford........10.00 122.30, 5,25 10.25 Mitchell 10.22 12.55 5.55 10.40 Seaforth... 10.45 1.20 6.18 11.11 Clinton 11.07 1.35 6.40 11,28 Holmes eille 11.16 1,4,3 6.46 11.38 Goderich 11.35 2.00 7,05 11.55 East Passenger Goderich,,. a m p m ti Mt 7.05 2.35 4.60 Holmesville .... , ..... 7.22 2.62 5..08 Clinton 7.32 '3,03' 5.15 SeaMitchell toth7.51 3.21 5.32 .. 8.16 3,44 555 Stratford... .. 8.40 415 0 211 •4900003to000O06eleo0oee 000 E. ,Small Advts. Always Pays 'u. 52, X1.0 li,ltY ,lrL. 1. 11.., ► Union Sttaltion, Tor„onto, Ont. 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