The Clinton New Era, 1914-05-28, Page 1A'
Established 1865, 48, No. 48
If you have what
(-1LINTON ONTARIO THURSDAY. MAY 28 1914' W.'H. Kerr & Son, Editors and "Publisher •
ou want not, and want what you have not, TryNew Era Want Ads. -
Mormitiverimaimsaimummulaum ,
THE, '-
orner Stone of,.Brussels J.. G. . Wm. firaudfriot is, Again
R(coyal , . L9Cai 1`,01,e4 EPITORIAL
OP CANADA Charch • Huron candidate Named 'for Centre,.
' •
flead Office, Montreal ' Dr. McDonald, of Toronto
P for th C non
Capital Authorized . . ... ........$26,000,000
Capital Paid-up 11.500,000
Reserve and 'undivided
weft* „ 12,500,000
TOTAL ASSETS . 195,000,000
'With World wide connection.
Interest allowed on Deposits
General Planking business **m-
Last Saturday Mr. W, 0, Ellatt
and Mr. Lai. Paisley drove to Sea -
forth; tcylook over some horses,
- • The 'wheel broke and the two gen-
tlemen were thrown out, and Mr.
Elliott received some scratches.
The horse did not get away.
Let n Prepare You
for a buSinesS career. Attend
where you will get correct instruction
and assisti
ance n obtaining employ.
ment when competent. College open
all summer. Enter any time. Cate,
logue free.
Bruseels, May. 25 -Thee laying of
the corner stone of thd, irew Mel-
' ville 'Presbyterian ,church to -day
proved to be one of the biggest
events in the village for some time,
Rev, A. J, Mann, who, as minister of
the ,church toecupled the chain
opened proceediings , by giving an
interestfing though r lengthy ac-
count Of Presbyterienniern in Brus-
Dr. 3. A. Macdonald, of Toronl 0,
-with a silver trowel suitably en-
graved, placed the corner stone in
position( ,and declared' it to be well
and truly ;laid. On the pretty
grounds pf Mr. Fox, across Mae
street, where the crowd went after
the ceremony, Dr. McDonald gave
an, interesting.- talk of some 45
nairinte& duration. Among those
who followed the visitor from
Toronto', with brief speeches were ;
Wm, Prouclf oo t,` M. P. P., A. Z. Mus-
grove,. ay.?. P.', James Bowman M.
P., A. Elston, ex -M. P. P., Rev.
Perry, Wingham; Rev. Lundy, of
'Walton ; Rev, Wren and Rev. Mr.
Page, of Brussels; Rev. J. Bell, of
Reeve Leckie =nod a vote of
thanks to the speakers, Mr. Fox
and.' the audience. A collection of
$500 was received. Supper was
was served in the town hall at the
end of the proceedings.
The Molsons Bank
Incorporated MS
Capital and Reserve $8,7000,000 ,
Interest allowed at highest current rate.
C E., DOWDING. Manager Clinton Branch
SIK44400•••••• .40000******•• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••
[ Ordered
4 YOU will En'® the Pleasure
Straw Hat
Time -
of Buying a Hat Here
I, ' Boys' Bats
The assortments are so complete in
Panamas, Sennettas, Splits, aud-Soft Mlllaiis
that you, Will surely find just what you want,
10e to S1,00
— Men's Bats—. .. . ...... ...... .. ........ 50e to T.50.
We will fit your face as well as yotir head
Eive dozen Men's Stiff Hats, in ,black
and colored, regular $2 and $2.5% to
clear on Saturday '
99 cents.
Was Gerr'ynlandered Out of South
Bruce, Made Fighting Speech
Wing•ham, May 22. The annual
m.eetin,g of the North Huron Lib-
eral .Assoeiation was held here this
afternoonnwith the President, Mr,
Robert Shan ,Easte,Waavanosh, in
the chair. There Was 'a large re-
presentation, delegates being pre-.
sent from every maxamtennality. The
first business talon up was the
selection , (of a earicy:date for the
coming •Provinnial election. The
names of six genitlethen were placed
in nomination as follows ; J. G,
Anderson, 57.?.1P., .from South
Bruce, who was gerrymandered out
et his riding ; Currie, ex -
Warden of Huron .nottnrty;, J. D.
Murdock, and R. D. Cameroe, of
Lucknow; John A. McLean, of
Winghani; and Charles Stewart, De
piny Reeve of Ashfield.
Mr. Anderson Accepts Nomination.
All the 'candidates [leen/iced the
nomination, with the exception cif
Mr .Anderson, and on inoltipn his
nemination was made 'unanimous.
Word was immediately sent to Mr,
Anderson at Lucknow, and he came
tq Wingham ,inan auto. and in, ' a
rousing speech accepted the nomi-
His first ord was of ap-
preciationof the courtesy ' of
the Liberals of ;North, Huron in
tenderIng him 'the .nornlination in
face of the fact that( anumber of
good men were in the riding, and
he felt the electors of this riding
wbuld elect hina . as a protest to
the Government in forcing him
out of South Bruce.
"Bold and Hen,est Government!"
The speaker said the "bold and
honest" ,Government had 26 per
cent, of -the representation in the
Province, Sn face of the fact that
the Liberals (had pulled 45 per
cent of the votes in the last election
In the face of this the Government,
had gerrymandered Bruce counity
in such a makner that dt hoped to I
have two Tory members. The only
reason for the gerryinallider was
the fact that Bruce County had
elected Phree Liberals, Mr. And-
erson said that in the House be had I
almost received an iniiitation
from Mr. Musgrove to come over,
into North Huron, and now he was
the Liberal standard-bearer,
Good Work by Opposition.
The speaker -fully explained the
good work being done by the Lb -
eras at Toronto, such as forcing
+ • the ,Government to enact the Work
* men's .,eceneensation act,' The
4. reckless expenditure of public
money was 'condemned, 'especibtly
in reference to 'Government House
and the revision of the stet/Ines.
Ho paid a high tribute to the lead-
en, Mr. N. W. Rowell,K, C., and • in
closin,g urged all the Liberals to
rally to his support and send a
1 supporter no Mr. Rowell to Toron-
to. Excellent addresses 'were also
• delivered by John T. Currie, J. G.
IMurdoch and Chas. Stewart
1 • Officers Elected,
• • The officers e,leeted were; -Pies
• 'dent, Robert Sheill, East Wawa-
: nosh; let yice-president, Arch.
• Anderson. West Wawanosh; Ind
vice-president, 'Sheldon Bricker,
Howlett; 3rd Vhce-lpresident, Abner
Cosens, Wingham; treasurer, J. A.
Morton, 'Whigham; Seoretsry 71. B.
Elliott, Wingharn ; The 'usual le -
solutions e?cpressing 'continued.
cOnfidealco ba the leadership of Mr.
* • Ni W. Rowell and Sir Wilfrid, Lan-
A) I
en s Stir a s
he Morrish Clothing cgo.
'rier, Were passed, and the meeti•ng
,closed With usual cheering.
Wise Selection Made. , • •
. The; I.A.11,eals of ' el:Dinah :Heron
hive made an mistake. &nil -161r' eel-
ettiOnnOtesa cthdJdate IsFf Ander.;
has had al,Snecesefill career as
nti'obe.4;for Smith Bruce:fen three'
sessions. Ile.,:han'ibeen forced, .ont
• oflii0 ownenclingNetid the Liberate
• •'ef,Nenthi Huro'n feal Ithitt isa hini
iti").4Y4, have a candidate who will he
able tto defeat 'Mr. Musgrove, one
• of the imen who voted in the House
* te; force the South Bruce member
: • Out Ot his riding. Mr. Anderson is
• as lunch a Huron, ,,aralit as . he is of
-Brame... Hd neonnborn and brought
up in the toWnehin of Ashfield and
his .homo town of Lucknow is as
much in Huron osit is5n Brifee,
A Squaire.Deal for 'Veil', Mali
uronPractical ;work Sisbeing done by
ENG A GENE T ANNOUNCED. Motor Leagues throughout the
Enthusiastic Gathering IndOrseS
the Rowell andr Laurier POliCieS
Seafonth, May , 26.nAt the most
enthusiasfic , Liheral convention
ever :held in this riding William
Proudfoot, K. C. P. Pe was
acclaimed 'again ,asthe standard-
bearer of the • 'Liberal party for
Centre Huron, Strong resolotions.
were .adopted iindorsir4 the Fed-
eral, 'and Proviannal party . leaders.
TWO! hundred, delegates came by
train, 'automobile „.and carriage
from all parts of the district( and
as an, evidence of -the harmony that -
prevails !n the party ranks the
usuat ,precaution of (demanding
credentials was dispensed with. It
wan known that the choice of Mr,
Proudfoot 'would • Inninaninhous,
his clean fighting record having im
pregsed his .nonatituents as .beihe
all that could be desired.
Ten •antomobiles carried the God e -
rich delegates, but Mr. Proudfoot
did, amt come by this route, and
arrived some Minutes after the
convention -had started.. 'His ap-
pearance was marked by a remark-
able ,demonstration, every dele-
gate rising to his feet ' and cheer-
ing as he entered the hall, carrying
one !arm in da sling as a result of
his recent acciderik With his good
arm the waved back an acknlowledg
xnent of the kin'dly reception.
Reiterates Charges.
He was greeted pith another
splendid ovation when he rose to
speak following unonimous
nominathon, and repeated the
charges made in the Legislature a-
gainst Hon. W. J. Hanna, Premier
de facto.
He created a grOat deal of laugh-
ter and applause by telling the
delegates 'what ,they might ex -
expect to hear in the way of an
apology from the Provincial Sec-
retary when he appears in this
town next Thursday.
Mr, .Proudfoot name out positive
ly on the temperance 'question
and to remind 'all who would hear
that he had moved some resolu-
tions in the House on the question
himself. Ileseverely criticised the
present admhnestration Son ex-
travagance aod loose nrinciples.
His remarks were frequently in-
terrupted by applause.
Addresses were also delivere,d by
Thomas McMillan df Hullett, W.H.
Kerr of Brussels, and Dr. Shaw of
C tinto(a.
Endorse Rowell Policy,
The following resolutions were
carried amidst enthusiasm, -
Moved by James Smith, Clinton,
seconded by C. A. Nairn, Gorier:eh,
"that we, delegates assembled-
attthis neenventioni desire to ex-
press our entire approval of the
:policy and conduct of our leader
N. W, Rowell, and the Liberal party
in ,the Legislature, 'and •we further
approve of ,the able support given
by ,our member, Mr. Proudfoot, be-
lieving, as we do, that if this policy
were adopted it would ensure very
greatly to the progress and pros-
perity rot the province, and we
pleclgei ourselves to do our 'utmost
to return Mr. Proudfoot, who will
.suppoet this policy,"
Approval Tor Sir 'Wilfrid,
Moved by Dr. J. Shawl, Clinton
seconded by II, H. Hill, Bennillen
'that representing the Liberal
party ofCentre Tfuron conven-
tion 'assembled, we desire to ex-
' pressnnot only our approval of,
the policy of Sir Wilfrid Laurier
and the Liberal' party Ori.the Dom-
inion parliament, but also ' our ad-
miration fertile splendid figh•nbe-
,in,g nut. tn- Parliament. by ' that
party. .againiit- the' retrograde and
reactionary, legislation; whieh -the
Gpvernmente tried tenforce 'upon
..thec cotintrynfors the' benefit- .of the
Blg'hnterests."'.- - • -nen. 'nee
arranged for an organization -,,
Mithell flight
Machine Fails to Make Necessary
Altitude and Crashes Into
Board Fence.
Mitchell, May 25, --Aviator Mc-
Cauley, an ,Amerileatn birdman, ad-
yertisecl Ito make a flight at the
faingrounds as a feature of • Mit-
chell's Vi&.01.:10, Day celebration,
met with a.serlous accident and
(Meetinentn(0.9w413:' 'O;ineenter 1111#3er the' ouggeoclis . care, l., Tlio
„eralSnlinfileniilte*e nian:nn esarn .altitucleetinctinte,. clean,' :the
-'61"ri' :00:0 k,Oi.p.#alg14,1', failed. to aionce. thentreCes-
15tp:Iilt6oience lan4thet. °ir5sa
• • three ribs and one ,•
lire. John ,Pickett announces the Province inthe raking .off of stones
engagement of her daughter, Orpha from (the highways. Whfile the ,
Emily to Mr. Robert Percival •
;.11FieL charg,ed, with elfiishness in, adding.
mehael the marriage will take Owners of ,automobiles may be
EMPIRE, DAY. ' 7 , tolthe life of rubber tires many a
TIM' various rooms -p1 the Pub- diver of a horse, and the equine
lie School held a, patriotic pro- could it speak, wfill Offer a, hearty
griar Chl Friday (afternoon last, Vote of (Planks for the kindnese
and afterwarde marched51
to t.." done to th e t3;avell.t4g,
town (hall to hear the 'Bell Ringers
Surely the day will Soon, go by
DANCE ,AT BAYFIELD, whe,r4 the aast remnant, of loading
The "We Six', held a successful up the roa'd ;with boulders • wils
danee at Bayfield On(Mondayev- designated as' Statute ..labor 'and
ening . ling: A good crowd was at-
tend= ce. supposed tp be improving the
hthway when lariybody can tell
ADVEItTISING-1SMS. you that it is n delkiment Some
The advertisement of A. great Pathmasters follow 'the same usages
store is simply the news of • the as to road making that were in
store. When? it becomes anything
more, it becomes a fraud upon the vogue 50 years ago. It is Cane fei•
store,,and (a delusion to its mist- a change of ' either the method or
tamers. the Pathmaster.. There are ,a.num-
. , . .
There is to be a meeting of - all
interestedpi getting up a cele-
bration ornthe 1st of July and fit
will be held in the Council Chant
ber on Friday event:gigot this week
at eight to'clock. Everybody in-
vited to attend.
The 'Girls Club of Willis church
wilt told a loom party, arid Bazaar
at the 'home of Dr. Gunn on' Satur-
day, June 6th, commeneing at 2p.
m. The sale will consist of home
made Baking, candy and fancy
work. Refreshments will be served
during the afternoon.
The Ocldfellows are going to hold
a, "Decoration Day" about the
16th of June, and it would be &net°
see the 'cemetery property looking
well kept and tidy for the .ocea-
slop. The sympathy of the gen-
eral public es solicited. The Clin-
ton Kline -Band will be in attend-
At the regular meeting of the
I.O.O.F. Lodge on Tuesday night
the following officers Were elect-
ed .for the next term, -
N. G., Bro. Half •
V. G.. Bro, • Mulholland
Rec. Sec., Bro. Alexander
Tint Sec., 33ro. Wiseman
Treas., Bro. Chant.
Representatives to the Distriat
Meeting, Bros. Moore and Wise-
:Representative to Grand Lodge,
13ro. !Webher.
14 ,t;he first game. played at
Wroxeter on the 25th of May, in
the "Western Football Assoc/m(21in
between Clinton and Wroxeternthe-
home team won by a score of 1 to
0, The game was fast a.ed clean in
every respect.
W. Caldwell ; backs
Beacom, and Mustard"; halfbacks,.
Weir, Smillie and Innes; forwards,
McDougall, Wright Draper, Dale,
and •Dae,
Wroxeter -eCroal „Ballan tyro ;
backs, Lowry, MeEwan; halfbacks,
McKercher. Hastie, Bank; ter-
-wards, McLennan Jacklin, Carter
Rolston and Nash. Referee -And-
erson of Brussels.
A4 fan old "Has Heen or 'Never
was"in Base Ball, I challenge you
on behalf of the eitizen4 and
base ball players of sit. James
Ward, against the other iilinne
Wards, to u series of three
gamesnof base ball, of best 2 out of
3, f or a prize not exceeding $500.
Yon to „produce a team of boys
that you have helped into thee
world (which are many) they must
be boys. Also to a tug-of-war be
tween 'girls of the North and'South
for a purse to be agreed upon later
I also beg to appoint Win Shep-
herd as official. referee to settle,
all clispntes. If you accept this
challenge. please meet me at Dick
Tains any time • after 7 in the
morningl for arrangement of dates
'etc.:\ etc.
Yours in behalf of the 'South End
At rather small audience greeted
the above 'talented compantyrwhen
preeenting then ,varied program
at he town hall, on.!FrIden ev-
ening. Those :who were present
enjoyed the various musioal Vora,-
bers, 'or if ithey ,n,ot they 'were
very hard to please. The bells
produced extremely mellow tones,
and the differert selections were
weln.calculated to bring 'out the
fine IteWcilialeties, "Onward, Chris-
tian Soldiers " "Auld Lana Syne"
Modley of National Airs"
were `thb', greatest' favorites and
wero played with fine expressioin
L. Whitaker ,tho.s a bass voice
of rich quality !and great range',
' and was encored' repeatedly. His
tendering of .0Asteep In the Deep"
was a magniffeent effort, and his
•encore number, "Sleep, My Lady,
Sleep," was simply grand. The
chorus slumbers by the coning)*
were well 'sung and drew unstinted
applause: Variety was Igirven to
the program by the readings of
MisS Jean McDonald, who proved
herself a young lady. of eaptiva-
ting stage presence and posseseed
of • rare elocutionary powers. Her
perfent naturalness won her the
instanti sympathy of her audio
ence. All the numbers were gbod
and :she was•generous 'with her
encores, , Mr. J. E. Doherty's enter-
prise' rangeng such a telented
coo:Leann"' to 'ClInten i to, 'be
commended, The "; only ' dra-arback
, was the ,,somewhat tthall nit:teat:le
ande. The COneertweill deserved
4 (packed honge,'.•
ber of Pathroasterh itino are bus tlere
and :you Can ntellwhen, you strike
their "beat." 'What'the" ccitintry
needs ' JB a multiplication • of such
High old times are on the pro-
gram in the Old Land by the mad
freaks of the suffargettes in some
.places.' ' :It looks very much as
if the methods of the past in deal
ing with them have only excited
and incited them to go from, bad
to worse. While Ihoman sym-
pathy, is most desirable there is a
"gush" over violators of the law
that raise an outcry at once•against
severity, and the ,consequence is
sentengee are of ten repealed or
reduced where the full penalty
should have been exacted. There
is little doubt, but that the torch,
minor assaults, etc. are not:going to
s.ati.hty the belligerent suffs, and
itI looks s 1,1 ,the punishinent will
have to be made commensurate
witty the offence, sentiment or no,
Benne:Lean before the violators will
learn that laws are made to be kept.
and those who so f Lagraotly defy
the powers that be, will have to,
suffer the consequences. What 'a
pity some woman of good 'judg-
ment could mot whisper into the
ear of the fanatics the danners of
the, road they are travelling and
stay them in their mad career. It
looks as if murder will be added to
the category before long finless
the firm voice of Justice says Stop
in such a tore as .will give the
transgressors to realize they can
no longer play the unwomanly role
that has brought their cause into
' -
Premier Okuma, of Japan, al-
though small of stature, is big in
common, sense:nit not too plentiful
gift to be blessed with by the hu-
man family. Yoa say how can you
prove the Jap has a level head?
Because Japan has the heavy tail
end of 'the great war debt incurred
when, she gave Russia: the drubb-'
ing a few years ago ,anSi. when the
pugnacious Japanese generals say
.let us increase our military. equip-
ment, 'Count Okoma, intimates such
apolicy will be in order when the
war debt is ,paid off. Some folk
are great hands to run into .debt
but wretchedly , ,slow to get free
from it, The Jap Premier has hold
of t-heightend of the string and
the principle 4s one to be warmly
encouraged and approved, Debt
throttles the efforts of many an
honest man , and entails worries
and discomfiture , that often be-
come unbearable. All governments
are not as wise as Mr. Olturna and
as a result . expenditures pile up,
interest increases as new loans have
to be made (to keep the ship of
State from . the rocks. What a
eplencli(d thing it would be if
the practice .of economy was more
prevalent as , withput 'doubt, it
would; soon help' in the solutiCh Of
"the problem of the high cost of
diving and set financial Wheels in
motion that would' remove mach
of the stringency of the present
day. , "A nenny sayed 18 a penny,
.gialbedmis Ood doctrine and, Yen.
don't befiene" OttrY it for a neare.
- Toronto 'Markets
'Hogs ,$8.70
Cattle 8,60
Lambs , 9.00
Sheep t 7.00
Cheese , 3.2 1-4'
Batter , 20c to 22e
Eggs 1. 20e
Wheat - 1,05
Oats ...... ..-.. 45
Barley • " 62 to 64
Potatoes, per bag " $1.00
Beams $1,75 to 1,85
Get One Now
•, • ' •
If von have not got a 'Rodak
you are missing a IOt of genuine
pleasure you enjoying,. •
We have in stock a full line of ,
Alto a complete line of Films,
Printing Papers, etc.
Developing, Printing and En-
larging properly and promptly
done at
VV.c.R. Holmes
This will be Pineapples
week. The Largest, Biggest
Most Jucy (Pineapples• are
IROW't ready for canning., •
Spealal prices lin dozen lots
fon canning.
Although sugar is advaneing
wo can 'still supply you with
the best sugar (Recitiathni)
at wholesale price. •
Phone 48
Miss Edna Lyon spent the,haliday
her home here.
Miss Pearl Lee left this week for
Port Colborne.
Miss Elsie Lyon spent the holiday
with Miss McCartney of Gocierich.
Miss J. Mains' of 1,onclon visited ate'
her home here.
Mas. Whitely is spending a few
weeks with Men Cunningham sr., who. ,,#,, •-•
is confined to her bed.
Mr. William Tamhlyn and his friend, •
Mr. Walker of Toronto spentthe week-
lr. Ners. Stalker of Woodstock,
spene'the week end at D. Geddes'.
Mr. and Mrs. Walters. of London,
were holiday visitors at Mr. Reiley's.
Miss Chrysler, of Delhi, visited her
lieut. accpmpanied uy the following .
saidsstderelea,,srsm,si_rsa.te.ii, G, noundsberrY' f°I. a
visited her pareets here over Sunday.
few days.
of Inc Methodist chinch, was held OD
sticcess, A very excellent program
The proceeds including the talent.
tenon of a:beautiful quilttoMrs. Osterhout. Victoria Day evening and was a great •
was given and refreshments served..
rnoney, were nearly 845, One of the ,
items of the program was the presen-
Miss Margaret McOoll. of Toronto,
-We the members of
the W. M. 5, desire to express to you.
our sincere thanks and gratitude for -
the interest yon have taken in us as a,
society during the past four years, We
feel gratelul to you for the faithful
as in which you have filled the office
of presideet in our society and as
Another, one of 's'eaferill's oldest-,
residents has passed away :'4:1 the
person of James ,Weir„proprae,ten,
of ,thH
. Royal 'otel wile died after
a ,lin, ering illness. Mr. Weir .was94 le rsoof 'age. -,t ''',IT ,.', -,,.:,,,
The annual at home of the W.M. S.,
slight token of our appreciation we -
ask you to accept this quilt, and when,
you look at it think of us. We feel.
sad to'have to part with yon, but we, .
pray ithat wherever your lot is cast
God's richest blessing may accompany
you and that yon may still:have enure
dant success in your work for Him. -
Signed on behalf of the W. 50. 5, Mrs,.
Brogden, Mrs Bell,
Hensel! Outshoots
The Clinton Gun Club.
Team, Competition 'VVOil iby11ensalI
Hoveyof Clinton is High Glut..
Hensall„ -May 25.-J. 11, Hovey of:
Clinton. ',was high gun in the indl-
vidual competition here' to-dOe
in ;connection with the slioot
, thegeasall Blenstll
w•on trona ialintliern in. a -fie-un
terinci. ecinipetition: ll'he• score, sin- - •
glese- Shot at i4,.i
J. E. Hovey,. Clinton 150
Fred Kerr, Clinton "nee 150, 121 ..
i).J. E. Cantelon, ,Clinton 150„ .85
J,„ Passmore, Renee)]. 135 ',94.
R. ,Graham, Clinton 1135 . SO
T. Newer, Clinton 135, . 83
R. D. Bell, Henson . 135 •;91
Gr. Dalrymple, Ilensall I130 , -,96
H. Soldau, Hensel! , 115 .; 07: '
Poo Hay, Hensell ' 100
E Bnitnell, Hensel' nen85
3, *414e, Plitaton 60 28
• Lketsbri, Clinton...20 *"."'",
The. teaea iscere- Clinton 48 ; ,
LA: stroink prevented pdott
• .