The Clinton New Era, 1914-05-21, Page 5'Thursday, 11ay 21st,1914.' -till CLINTON NBW RJ3. Pao. You will like the rich strength and hill flavor. BIGi I3 11011.) To Beat that School Bell To, get down to breakfast on time. . To get to school on the dot, To avoid being ' kept in" when alt the rest are out playing., To make a hit with the teacher. To own a' good timekeeper and a hands ime clock for your room To choose your favorite way of being wakened - with one steady 5 minute ring or ten short "Re minder" calls last ng 10 minutes To protest your fl •gars with big easy wirulitia k:'. To read the tune a ssi); un ,I k morning, -with Iatge numerals and big,. hold hands to get futi measure and long time service -Big Ben Jail and see him in this store $3 W. 11. IIE I.YAR JEWELER and OPTICIAN EYES TES'T'ED FREE 'TAKING PREPARATIONS. The committee in charge of the 40.O.F. Sunday'service are busy making preparations. The Clinton Kiltne Band will lead in the musi- cal exercises. The members are :asked to remember the date, Sun- day,' June 28th, at Recreation P.ark .at 3 o'clock. Fuller 'particulars later. WOOL WANTED Highest market price will be paid in cash for wool. .Also on hand fur Sale Flower Seeds, Potatoes, Oats Farm Produce taken in Exchange W. G. SMYTH Next door to Hospital -Victoria Street Clinton I OII l'll END FEED STORE To the Farmer Try our Fertilizers - Potash and Acid Phosphate, Nitrate Soda for your root crop. We will mix them for you YOU WILL GIT THE DROP. ' Try our Corn Feed for cattle and hogs Also Seed Corn on hand. All kinds of Flour kept in stock COME AND SEF US. Agent for Ileintsni/an )'taros We are Out for a Sotinre Deal RANK W [VANS • TERMS CASK. PHONE 192 GRAND'TRUN SY EM VICTORIA - HOLIDAY FARES Between all stations in Canada east of ;Port Arthur and. to Detroit and 'Port 'Huron, Mich., Buffalo, Black Rock, Niagara Falls and( Sus- pension Bridge, N.Y.. ` SINGLE FARE. • Good Going and Returndng May 25 FARE AND ONE-THIRD, Good going. May 23, 24,`25 e Return Limits May 26th. 'Minimum Fare 250. (Tickets now on sale at Grand 'I'rinik ticket offices. JoInn&tphe . adTcketAgents,one57 A.O. Pattison, station agent C. E. HORNING, D. P. A., Union Station, Toronto, Ont. f 001 "is • good tea " 4 LAAAAAAAAAALAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA 441 A. 1 10 Local News `is 4 Ir vvvvvvvyvvvvvvvvlvvvvyfvvvvvv„VVVVvvwvnvvVVVYVYVV\► CLINTON MARKETS. 'Hogs $7.75. Butter 20e to 220, Eggs 19e to 20e. Wheat 1.00 Oats 40 Peas 1,00 Barbey 50-52 Bran $06 Shorts i$27-$28 NORTH' HURON. CONSERVATIVES. Amtexecutive meeting of the North Huron Conservatives ia'as held? Saturday afternoon when it was decided to call the annual meet ing and Nominating ' Convention' on May 27,or 28. A.B.'Musgrove, M. P. P. Nqrth Huron. vas present. DIVISION COURT BUSINESS. The Golver•nment repont recently issued covering Division Councs Of the Province show (I lia4 (the guli Division Court of Huron, located in Wingham has done a larger amount of business than, any other court in the County. Bailiff ' Phippen's fees for last year were .$ 35,56 higher than the previous year. DULL, THOUGH STILL GOING. Compared with the same month of last year, May has been fairly dull. Last year at this time there were few if any men out of employ ment. This'month there seems to be quite a number. Last May was a hustling moss tli -with most of the merchants in the 'towrj. This year many of them are go:1n•g along nicely, but are making no records. FORMER RESIDENT DEAD. A Kincardine despatch of Monday last said; `Idr. iP. A. Maicomson, barrister, received word on Satur day of the death of hie ilnother Which occurred that day Eat New Westminster, B.C.," • It,fany old time friends of the deceased lady initClinton, where she resided for many 'years, will hear of !her pass- ing from eartlhl with, Most kindly recollections, and sincere sympathy for the moul•ni'ng ones she has left, DON'T CUT CORNERS: At .this season of'the year it is. decidedly provolr'ng for any property owner who is making every effort to beautify • his • lawn and grounlls to have pedestrians,• because itis convenient for them, cutt:gn through the corner of his lawn and trampling the grass which he has sown to mprove the appearance of his premises. Pub- lic grounds suffer the greatest lin- jury in this regard )hut 't'liere are many instances where in both pri- vate and 'public property the corners of :,lawns have been practi- cally destroyed by these unthought fut. individuals. The younger generlaL oVa are not to blame for this grievance entirely for there are many of the older people who trespass on other people's property in some cases more frequently than the youngsters. The sidewalk 's the proper place for the foottraf- fie and our advice to young' and old is "Don't cult cor•'ntars.' SWAT THE CATERPILLARS. The popular Slogan in many e'ties towns auk) villages at than, time is "Swat :the 'Fly", But at this season of the year 'we would emphasize the urgency of swatting not only the fly but all other !harmful insects. includiaag the destructive tent caterpillars, A summer teveral years ago these insects proved to be a veritable plague and from the abundanlce of nests fromwhich these insects emerge iltatr•e,eslthis spring tit is , apparent that if steps are not taken, at once to prevent 1 it,ithils locality will by the 1.st day of mune be suffering :from such an- other scourge. Anoun'ce of pre- vention is equal to' a pound of cure and now is the ,time to work, the preventi 'n to advantage.' We would call upon all citizens, and especially the owners of orchards and numerous shade trees to des troy every nest in sight during the next two weeks and not wai$ un- til the fmsects are crawligg about in thousands The best method of destroying the (nests 'cs to :burn them, an old broom saturaetd with with coat oM being very effective when the Crests cannot be cut off and placed in a bon -fir, but make sure the heart of the 'nest is des- troyed. . As )House-cleaning Season is: Now on We have purchasedan up-to-date Electric Vacum 'Cleaner which will cleanour Carpets and Ru s Y g throughly. Rent $ f.so for each house, The Cheapest Spot in luronto• Bny all kittds of Furniture r& . .TyCII\ S0i& Furniture Beaters and Funeral lDiroetors-Phone 104 N. Ball 110 RESIDENCE PIIONES - .I. Da Allinson 186 t ADVERTISING -ISMS. It is perfectly obvious to any one who .looks beneath the sui'face.that the great wastes and .losses of ad- vertisan•g come from a fundament- al lack of faith iin advertising: BRIGHTEN UP CLINTON. Do not allow ;rubbish to accu- mulate. Do not 'throw anything on side- walks or streets. Do not .let piles of ashes or trash remain iai•tile back yards. Do not mar or deface sidewalks, fences •'or buildings or public property. Plant grass and flower. seeds. Apply paint to fences, sheds and buildings. And when Clinton :s brightened up keep it so, WILL OBSERVE KING'S BIRTHDAY ON JUNE 22. It is ansaunced that Monday. June 22,has been selected for the official celebration in London. Eng,. of :the King's birthday 'His Majesty's birthday really balls on June 3. He will then be forty- ninP. The selection of June 22 is interesting as being the same date on which ''In 1897, the Diamcind Jubilee of Queen Victoria was cele brated. On June 23 next the Prince of !Wales will celebrate .his birth- day. Be was born) in 1894. se ,that he will be twenty ,years of age. ALEX MARKS DEAD. Alex. Marks, a member of the well-known Marks family of thea- trical companies, was founldidead Monday afterryoon of last week, in his launch ors Christy Lake . Mr Marks left his cottage Monldhy morni(njg to go to the foot of tl]te lake, and when he did not return a search was made by his brother- in-law, Mr, Morley D. White, with the above result, Mr.. Marks was known in.almost every town and city in Ontario, and many New York State towns being advance agent ,for }many years font he Marks prothers' Company -Mr. Marks has paid Clinton many a visit in past years. TO MAKE CANOEING SAFE. The Michigan Union Boat Club, of Ann Arbor, has devised the fol- lowing excelleryt rules for canoe- ists ;- 1,Never stand up in a canoe., 2. Never attempt to change posi tions aiat canoe without first landing on shore. 3, Never place hands on the ,side of canoe. This is important. 4. Never hurry when er-,terin or stepping out of a canoe. 5. Never '"shoot the rap' while sitting, omthe "Seat of canoe, Kneel .in the bottom 6. Never attempt to leay. oe when Capsized, I:dlui SWIM. Cling to the canoe 7. To be safe always to ion .life preserver in pedally when accorrrpa woman, 8, Never take a wo oe if unable to swim MINOR LOCALS. This is apple blossom time. May 251h is the ,newt har:day. Send in all news that is news, The street sweeper was out on Saturday and did a good job. The pretty white and red tr:dli Tums are now tat ,bloom in the woods,, With the on;,one up and the tet* ace• planted who gives a hang for the high cost of living. Send in your 'items of news, The New Era is always glad to• .r • record everything of interest to its readers. The .lawn mower is :n commiss- ion again. What is more attract ive about the home sum:minding than a well --trimmed lawn? About this season of the year the young man who makes $8, a week begins to write for reservation in some 1$2o a week summer hotel. Al convention of potato bugs and tomato worms is to be called in the back lard shortly. They want to open 'the season simultan ously, The 56th annual meeting of the' Canadian Press Association will be held et the Royal Muskoka Hotel Muskoka( Lakes on the 26•th and 27th of June. Please keep your eye on .the ad- dress label of your New Er•a; it will show when , subscription: expires' you will want to -renew- it of course promptly so that. aro copies 'may be missed The canoe 'will soon he out to help swell the 1914 accident list. The safest way it o handle a canoe- is to put the cushions and paddles in first have it clear of the landing and then don't gc Greyhound Excursion 1914 an outgoing 40 have nearly three days for the Detroit visit, Leave God- erich. 9.30r a m, Friday, June 12th arriving int Detroit ,at !five heave Detroit at one p.m. Monday June 15th arriving in Gaderief at name. In order to accurately ascertain, the extent of the :parcelspost sys- tem through the country tLe Government has instructed all of- fices to keep a record of the num- ber and weight of !parcels Landled for one week A reportwill be. made to the department and froin these will be :ummiarized, the de- tails of the workings of the system. { root cisco•• 0000. 0000 •••ere • FLY CARRIED FIVE Mil.. •. i LION, GERMS. e • • • RECENT experiment with • e A- 414 flies that had not been • • • specially exposed showed • them to be a germ carryall of : • from 1,250,000 to 6,600,000 germs • • each. When a fly "washes its e, e hands" it means that it is just : • shaking off some thousands of : e • germs. ..°A fly no different from • • . its fellows was caught in a e ee sterilized net and immersed, in a • bottle of sterilized water. When '• e' the previously pure water was • Iliexaminedit was found that the • e creature had left more than : • 5,000,000 germs in its bath wa- • • ter. •, • • •••••••••••Ss•.•es• ooee••o GODERICH CAMP DATES SET FOR AUGUST 17-21. Militia orders issued at Ottawa. announce the Goderieh.' camp dates as August 17 to 21. This will be for all arms except artillery. BEE KEEPERS MEET. The Huron County Bee Keepers Association held their arrinual spring !meeting in the, council chamber here on Wednesday, and there' was a good attendance. Mr. Wm. Agar of the O.A,C., addressed the meeting cin "How the Prevent and Cure the ,.Spread of Foul Brood.” So far 'Huron is one of the few counties that is free from this disease. There has never yet been a case of foul brood discov- ered in Huron county, This speaks well for our bee keepers. DEATH OF MRS. PODE. ' After an extended illness, and suffering from blindness, : Mrs.' Elizabeth Pode, aged 91 years passed away on Wednesday of last week, Deceased was mother of Mrs, J. T. Harland, Mrs, Sfimp- son and Miss Pode; ail of Clinton, The funeral was held oto: Friday afternoon, and services were con- ducted by'Rev. Mr. Potts, assisted by 'Rev. Dr. Rutledge. The pall- bearers were Jas. Twitchell, Wm. Cantelon, I. Dodds, C. Holland, J. VanEgmonid and R, Marshall. • PLACE FOR YOUR SIGN. Merchants eland manufacturers can read this message with equal advantage. When you advertise you want to reach the public. What do they, the people, read every clay? What do you yourself' read eve.y day ? Any way von look at this question the answer is always the same -THE NEWS- PAPERS. And the modern) news- paper, with its definite concen- trated circulation is the best me- dium in the world to -day for get ting news of goods or service be- fore the buying public. Nothing takes its place -as many have al- ready proven for themselves. 0 0.0 Prevent the FIy—NOW. PREVENT the fly and you won't• have to swat him later. The time to fight him is before he becomes a fly. It is a problem of the elimina- tion of filth where flies play, eat and breed. Do away with the breeding places and there will be no flies. Especial atten- tion should be paid to stable and kitchen wastes. Clean up thor- oughly around the stables and 'der the stable floors with the -al use of chloride of lime. 000000000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0000000.0 AT WINGHAM. ss report` from Wingham ' a pollee court case. The entleniiin was selling "best '.e. 'On Saturday last an -swering to the name of called upon a number of „est homes in Wimgham sell - goods, representing it';to be the best linen goods, which after he deft and were examined, were found to be cotton, with the re- sult that the police force have communicated ar-ith hirli, and this, morning he appeared before J.A. Morton, mace magistrate, and was discharged for lack of evidence, He was again, summoned on a charge of taieddling .'without a license, and was fined $1.0 and costs. ,STEAMER GREYHOUND - ANNUAL EXCURSION Goderich to Detroit and 'Return GOING F JUNE 12 RETURN o°.dm JUNE 15 ROUND TRIP $1.50 BALL GAMES, 13th and 14th NEW YORK & BOSTON. 1a. Detroit. Special Train) June 12 Leave Clinton 7.35 ado. Rtound rJ'rip to Detroit $1.95 D CRESCENT CLUB OFSTRATFORD SPECIAL TRAIN TO THE aoust ICH BAND MOONLIGHT EXCURSION JUNE Lilo WHITE STAR LINE`i'oAA 4 When Print Blur.$ When print blura,3lr., Iritable temper pled general diecomrorf, result. I Wo posit condition cure thia 'glasses. 'will• fs<laaaea. . - IILd; l iLe.11.111Nle • ti A. ,i. Griag Jeweler and Optieian-. Issuer of Marriage Licenses 00060@•0000.00000••••••••x• • WAR ON FLIES HELPED TO BUILD PANAMA CANAL. ANE thing which 'has render- ed possible the building of the Panama canal more than anything else has been the sanitary and preventive meas- ures taken to keep down the deadly yellow fever and perni- cious malaris. This has been done by waging war against all insect life believed to carry dis- ease, particularly files. There is an .old saying that every rail put down for the Panama rail- road cost a life. • 0 • • COLLECTING. A colored lady was in town on Thursday on the usual collecting stunt. CEMENT FLOOR. Mr. W. J. Elliott is having a ce- ment floor put in lis- livery barn where he stores his auto truck and carriages. IN THE TENNIS UNION. Mr. G. D. McTaggart represent- ed Clinton at a meeting held in St. Thomas last week ;when the Western. Ontario Lawn Tennis League was formed. Mr. McTag- gart was elected to the executive!. The following clubs were arrang- ed 5n groupsl- No. 1 -Clinton, lGoderiieh, Sea - forth, Stratford. No. 2 -Galt, Guelph; )Waterloo, Preston, Berlin, Paris. No. 3 -Sarnia, London, Sorest, Walkerville, Windsor. No. 4 -London, St. Thomas, In- gersoll: Woodstock. No. 5 -Brantford; Simcoe, Delhi Til lsonburg, LIVED 'HERE 'YEARS AGO. Wednesday's Mail and Empire gives the following ,account of the death at St. Catharines of a res- ident who resided here many years ago, when he was a blacksmith of W. S. R. Holmes' grandfather -Pat- rick J. Donnelly died in this city last evening. His passing away recall to old timers 'the terrible Biddulph tragedy when the v:gi- lents of that township wiped out of existence almost the entire Don- nelly family. He claimed to know the names of the murderers, and it is said to be a remarkable fact that everyone of them came to a viplent en& "Not one of them will ever die in his bed,' was the predibt:ion made manly years ago by Mr. Donnely, and it is a fact that the prophecy actually came to pass. CLINTON 'HYDRO STATION NOW READY FOR BUSINESSS. The power house which now in- cludes both the waterworks' and lydro under the same roof. is man- aged by the public Utilities corn - mission, under the capable super- intendency of rff, B. Chant. The hydra 'equipment consists of two high 'tension three place 13,000 volt circuits, which. are connected with the line from Stratford. They are fed in by choke coils through a 45,000 volt automatic oil switch, the function of which is to pro- tect the station from-shol't'circuits on the 13;000 volt little. There are also lightning arresters of 26;900 volt capacity, which protects the station from lightiing discharge from the urain.a>r olt line. From the v automatic volt switch the line goes through three 150 kw: transform- ers, which reduce the voltage from 13,000 to: 2,300 volts on the 'switch board, from 'which power, incan- descent and street 1fighting lis taken. The switch• board is fitted up 'with an automatic oil switch, to protect the equipment 50 case of short circuits on local ,lines. Also with recording inlstruments;'which records the total number of watts used in the station, and it is from this record that the cost of the power is estimated. Diisitriet News Seatorth The death occurred of John Mc- Kinnon of the 11th concession of Tuckersmitth, at the (age of +57 years. Mr. McKinnon had mot been Say good health for a year past, but he was prostrated by. an attack of ppsteumonila, and his weakened condition was not able to 'withstand the strain of the dis- ease. He was the second son of the date Donald McKinnon, and Was born on the farm on which he died, and where he WI Jived all his life. ` He is survived by four brothers and ' four sisters, one brother and one sister having resided on the homestead with him He 'was never married. The fun-.' eral. was largely attended. Goderich Brophy Brothers, ,undertakers, of Goderich, have received a letter • from the Lake Carrier's Association instruct rag them to take charge of any bodies Haat might come ashore between Grand Bend and Amberley. They have supplied them with a descriptive NEW SPR[NG RUG. AT SPECIAL PRICES. We have just received our first shipment of new. Rugs, and while they are wonderful values, still we are going to offer 2oine t.xtra special prices during the next • two weeks in order to ill iiice early buying, , We have Tapestry Rugs, 13russels Rugs, Velvet and Wilton Rugs and all specially priced for the next two weeks, See our Special $10,00 Rug. Also big Values in Lnoleums and Lace Curtains Bigger : Values in Better Shoeb Spring time means Shoe time in most fatnili.ts and "We are Here With the Goods" to supply those wants, and at a big saving in price to you. Don't miss us when looking for your next pair. "It will pay you well." Plumsteel Bros. SMALL rltorlTs MORE BUSINESS list of sailors who were lost last No- vember, there being 102 bodies unac- counted for. Three men, named Farr, Freeman and Bond on information supplied by the chief of police, appeared before Magistrate Kelly, and were fined for furnishing liquors to Indian linters. Farr was mulcted ten dollars and costa Freeman a like sum and Bond was fined twenty five dollar's and costs for buying the liquor fol Freeman. The saw and planing mill of J. E. Baechler was destroyed here Saturday morning by fire, entailing a loss of $5,000 There is $3,000 insurance on the plaut, The fire originated from an unknown source about 4 o'clock and the mill was practically demolished before the firemen arrived. In conse- quence about fifteen men will he thrown out of employment for a few days, but Mr Baechler will rebuild immediately. lllippen Miss Etta Richardson, of Woodstock who has been visiting her brother, Mr. .fobn Richardson. for the last two weeks; has returned home. Mr. William Day; of Sault Ste. Marie, Mich„ Is spending a few days with his wife and family here. Mr, Earl Vanegmond, of Egmond- ville, accompanied bg Mr, Archie Scott of Seaforth, rendered some beautiful pieces on the new organ in the Metho- dist Church on Sunday. Mr. Scott installed the organ on trial. Rev. Mr. Smith, of Hensall preached in St. Andrew's Church on Sunday evening and delivered a fine message to the congregation.' Mrs. Daniel Bell, of Hensel), is spend ing a few days with her daughter, Mrs. William Cooper. Mrs. James bieGuan, of the second concession of Tuckersmdth, who has been in poor health for some time, is not improving as fast as her many friends would like to see. For Sale A good baby buggy and cradle for sale. Mrs. Hall, Princess St, Mortgage Sale Under and by virtues of the powers contaiinec4 in a certain mortgage, which will be produced at 'the time of sale, there will be offered for sale by public 'auc- tion by D. N. Watson, auctioneer, at ,Graham's Hotel; In the town of Clinton, on Saturday, the 20th day of June, 1914, at the hour of 2 o'clock in the afternoon, the fol- lowing property, Lot Number thir- teen in Hagyard's Survey, in the village of Londesboro, con4aiin- ing 'one quarter of an acre of land more or less. On the property is erected a dwelling house. For terms and conditions of sale ap- ply to W BRYDONE, Solicitor for the Vendor Dated this 22nd day of May, 1914. r. 1 homes Mellis, the village smithy. who always believes in having things look neat and tidy, has added a nice appearance to his place by refreshing it up with a coat of paint. Births, Marriages Deaths • BIRTHS EARSHALL-In Clinton. on Sundn.y, May I7th, to Mr. and Mrs, William Marshall. a daughter. OUDMORE-In Clinton on Thursday May 14th, to Mr. and Mrs. William Oudmore, a daughter. DEATHS. HAGGAN-In Guelph'on Thursday, May 14th, Mrs. Samuel Haggan of qockwcod, daughter of the late Mr. George Lyon of Clinton, aged 131 years. PODE-In Clinton on Wednesday, May I3th, Mrs. Elizabeth Pode, aged 91 years. Awaken to Enormity Of Crimes Of the 'louse Fly ',0000000000000000000000.0 } IF ten terrible monsters came every spring to this country a n d all summer long devoured the peo- ple, chewing ba. bias as we ea: blackberries b i t- ing off the heads of young mon,' goring the aged to death and stalking about among us as a lion among- the martyrs of the Coliseum, we should be up and doing, militia would march forth to give them battle, colonels would wave swords, guns would belch and no enthusiasm would be lacking. But when the monster is small and playful and common we let him rav- age. He doesn't somehow appeal to our imagination. Yet he does more harm, being 10,- 000,000,000 or so, than any ten mind-` taurs, polyphemuses or dragons that ever posed in the pages of tradition. He is the common housefly. Although much has been said about him and his deadliness, the people are not yet alive to the enormity of his crimes. There are thousands of kitch- ens where flies still swarm and infect the food, thousands of babies over whose faces and upon whose lips flies spread their poison, thousands of res- taurants and lunch counters where flies are busy at the work of thinning out the human race. 4 SUMMER [OOIWEAR ave Men's Shoes Our new styles in Men's Shoes for this season make 'it easy for them to gratify their individual tastes. There is fine custom modeling in every line, and such perfection of fit and finish as well as durability that it will be a pleasure to wear them. Pumps and Oxfords ffords, to o missnnot the opportunity to look at our very wide range of new and up-to-date Sumn1'er Footwear in all leathers—patent, gun metal calf, suede, also white nu -buck leather and canvas. We are satisfied that once you see the stYlei fit and' quality of these lines, you'll be convinced that they're as we represent The Best Values Made for the Money e S. eNlIPM7IN Phone 70 Clinton