The Clinton New Era, 1914-04-16, Page 2The boxes are of the same type as those made by the Internation- al Mail Equipment' Co., of New York, w.hich supplies the U.S Par= eels' Post syutem, One clausle of the contract . witlh the Dominion Governmeet, (however, provided that the boxes should be made 71n Canada, (and the • Intt.wnationtal Mail Equipment Co., of Canada was Organized. W I. BanifieM, of Ban '0ield le; Sons, machinists, of 122 Adelaide street west, Toronte, is one of the directors of the Cana- dian company, but, it is under- stood that a large block of fire stock is held in the Stades, and that the International Mali Equip- ment Co.,' of Canada is virtually a branch of the International Mail Equipment Co., of New York Accept Highest Tender The first lot of 10,000 boxes which must be delivered by June 15, will be manufactured at the lac tory of Banfield and Sousa The rest will be made int •a new (fac- tory whi:h is,' to be built at 138-140 Adelaide street west, Tor which a permit was granted' on March 12, The new •building is to be a five storey affair and will cost. ,$40,000. Application for the per- mit was made early :n January. Jannary. The contract with the Government was tentatively sign- ed on 'February 28, Seven tenders in ,all were re- ceived for the mail boxes. Though that' of the International' Mail Box Co, was• the highest, their boxes were considered to be so superior in design that the con- tract was ast•arded to tlhem. The patent automatic self -lockers aro an exclusive feature, The profits of the contract will be. very large, especially to the holders of the patent. Fanners 'owning small boxes of the old type will he per-, mitted to exchange t:ho(m for the' ew box on payment of $1,50 to the Post -office Depar'tntlea'b, C iiidfleed O'i/llatipattis a Constipation is one of the most common ailments of childhood and no child suffering from it thrives Well. To banish it no other medi- cine acts so promptly and surely as Baby's Own tablets. They never fail to bring re.lief. Concern- ing them Mrs. Dominique Ferian'd St. Michel, Que , writes ; "3 coil sid- erBaby's Own Tablets amarv.ellous remedy for little onitlt. I gave them to my baby for constipation and they soon made him, well again The tablets aro sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams Ii[edic:me Co Brockville, Ont. Goldsmith's Actor. Lord Nugent was one evening very eloquent to Goldsmith in praise of M. 111 bad actor,. "lint, lay lord." said ,Goldsmith, 'you must allow he treads tile. stage very ill -Ile «addles." "Waddles? said Lord Nugent. "Yes, be waddles like a goose. Why, you know we call hiu, Gime.? Al. 1'411, and then, you know, when he i;udeue. urs to express strung passion he bee lows•" "Bellows?" said Lord Nugent. "To be sure be does bellows like a buil. Why, we call hire lied M. Well, then." continued Goldsmith. pursuing his triumph, "his voice breaks, and he croaks. "Croaks?" said Lord Nugent. "Why, v the fellow croaks like a efrog. We cell trot, 1L" "Rat M, Is a good actor." "Why, yes," said' Goldsmith 'char ring the, goose and the hall and the frit and a few other things 1 could mention, and, not wishing to speak ill of nay neighbors, 1 will allow 51. Is a inial niton"-'• M 11(1 o1..r9 of the, Ea rl of ADDRESSED TO WOMEN f idf THE CLINTON NEW HEX The New Era. ,17T fYEAR, "1N 'FOE I'IIBLIC* SERVICE." ::117. J. HERR 4t SON, Props. 10,00;k Special Mail 'Boxes 'J. Leslie Kerr flusiness eLatita„ er 10l►ts iteaally.D�lle 1n New Era, One Year In advance $b,00 New Era; ;when riot paid In vance. 21.5D New Era.: to. the United States in advance. $1,50 ?Advertising Rates on Application ,Job work plicasaddance on July. 1st, 1913, in accordance with the Huron Co. Press Asso- ciation Hates. ''Off CS Phone 30 . Renee Phone 95' "SPRING I!NPURI1ItS IN Tit BLOOD I Tome Medicine is a Nee essity at This Season Dr, Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People are an all year rqund atonic blood -builder and nerve -restorer. But they aro ,especially valuable in the spring when the system is load ed with impurities as a result of th,e indoor life of the winter months. There is no other 5easion when the blood is so much in need of puri f ing and enriching, anld. revery 1 i os o f.these pills. v �',helps': s'to make .fly naso new, rich, red blood. In the spring one feels weak and tired -Dr. Wil- Iiams' Pink Pil10 g;.ve strength.. Inn the .!spring the appetit'le is often poor -Dr. Williams' Pink Pulls de- velope the appetite, tone the sto- mach and aid weak digestion. It is in the spring that poison;( in. the blood 'find an outlet in disfiguring pimples, eruptions and boil:{ -Dr. -Williams' Pink Pills speedily clear the skin because they go to the roof of the trouble in the blood. In the spring anaemia, rheum,atism, indi- gestion, neuralgia, erysipelas and many other troubles are'most per- sistent because of poor, weak blood and itis at this time all ,nature takes o:nnetw life that the blood. most seriously nee& attention. Some people dose themselves with purgatives at this season but:,thes,e only further weaken themselves. A , purgative merely gallops through the system, emptying the bowels, but it does iaot cure anytthing. On the other hand Dr. Williams' Pink Pills actually make irew • blood which, reaches ,every•nerve and or- gan insthe body, bringing ,new strength,, new health and vigor to weak, easily tired men, women and children. Try Dr Williams' Pink Pills this spring -they will not dis- appoint you. Sold by all medicine dealers or sent by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for Il 2.•50 by the. Dr Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont " n Altered the Case. "'Henry, what is this underworld there is so much talk about?" "The underworld is a general term that is applied to the class which is made up of people who trade on vice and live by criminal practices." "Dear mel Why is such a class permitted to exist: "Oh, it serves its pur- pose, "In what way, I should like to know?" "For one thing, 1f there were no such class•I'm afraid I'd have to go out of the law business business right away, and I don't know of anything else that I could make a Iiving at." "Well, of course, that being the case, I suppose we ought to look at it sensibly, but I almost wish you had studied to be a doctor." 'Will be Combined Letter and Parcel Receptacles for the, Rural Mail Delivery. The, manufacture of '100,000 spec.= ial conbined letter and'pareel,bok es for rural mail cllelivery will he commenced ini Toronto immed- lately. The Dominion •Governanernt has awarded the contract for the supply of these boxes to the In- ternational Mail Equipment of Canada, and by June., 15, the first 10,000 boxes must be deliver- ed/. At present the company has no factory, and no ,special staff of workmen, but within; a week, it its erected that operations will commence. The new boxes are, similar In de- sign to the rural mail boxes• now in use, and are equipPed with self- locking signal devices of the same type. The diffeeence is t in. size The new boxes will bre more than twice the dimensions of the old ones. Their rprice will be :$:4 25 apiece, as compared with $3.00 The original tender priee was $4.50, but the company, considering the size of the order, cut 25 cents off this figure. Like U S Boxes How. Frozen Insects Revive. • Experiments In reviving frozen in- sects by a naturalist show some sur- prising results. A large ceeropia moth, frozen 3n the centre of a snow- ball until it was perfectly brittle, re- vived in twenty seconds when held near a stove. Several newly hatched io moths revived in a similar manner after being frozen stiff and then thawed out. Similar experiments with ants, butterflies and houseflies gave the same results. But the natur- alist noticed that recently hatched in- sects resist cold better than older ones. An Unpleasant Encounter. "I was told youngc Staylate, had quite an encounter` with Maude Brown's father?" "Yes, he did; He'met the old man tacking home from the clubu j st as he was leaving the house and in try- ing to avoid one another they both fell down the terrace and broke a seven -dollar garden vase:. And now the old man says he was assaulted by two burly ruffians, and Staylate doesn't dare to go near the house for fear he'll be recognized as both of Ff3T"'" rr.rrait. 1 :I ,1, the Expectant Period Before the coming of the little one=vt.omen need to be,pos- sessed of all their natural strength. Instead of being harassed by forebddings and weakened by nausea, sleeplessness, or nervousness—if you will bring to your aid re " 'ere r' �. � Favorite Orescription .�. you will find that most of the i;uffet- ing will not make its appearance. Dr. Pier'ce's Favorite Prescription is the result of a life studyy of ailments is and is just the tonic for women. Its'continued sup- remacy in its particular Sold for more than forty years is your assur- ance of the: benefit to be derived from its. use. Neither narcotics nor alcohol will be found .in -this vegetable prescrip- tion In liquid or tablet form. Sold by druggiatslor a trial box will be sent you by mail on receipt of 50 one -cent stample Address Dr. Pierce's Invalids )Hotel, Buffalo, H, Y. 5r. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets regulate liver and bowel$ 010 0000o04ioneo 9etwommovooseasa he Home Trade FARMERS SEND MONEY TO CITY Catalogue Houses Drain Cash of Small Towns. SOWING SEED . OF DISCORD. Dollar Spent With Home Merchant ,• :Upbuilds Community In Which. You Live -In the End It's More Satis- factory to Buy of Local Tradesman. Cash Versus Credit. Men are seldom more innocently em. ployed than when they are honestly making money. The value of a dollar is to buy just things. A. dollar goes on increasing in value with all the genius and all the virtue of the world. A dollar in a university is worth more than a dollar in a jail; in some industry in a tem- perate, law abiding community than in some distant mine, oil well or prob- lematical frtiit farm in distant terri- tory. The lack of money has brought many a community to a state of oblivion, and the community's pauperism is in- variably the result of, unpatriotic resit,. dents sending their money away to the large cities for supplies. Catalogue Houses Sow Discord. The retail mail order houses, as leeches in the side of rural commer- cialism, work day and night, in fair weather and in foul. They gnaw at a community's substance with invisi- ble teeth. They bind industry with their film as 'a fly is bound with a spider's web. They sow a crop of discord, and the harvesters reap thistles instead of dol- lars. Mall order buying builds up the large cities at the expense of the smaller cities and towns. Every dollar used in this way by the residents of a com- munity takes a dollar out of circula- tion at home and puts it into circula- tion many miles away. es Result of Violated Contracts. The dollar spent with the home. grocer, dry goods dealer, hardware merchant, druggist or other business man upbuilds the community in which you live, These merchants pay taxes to sup- port your town, repair your streets, maintain your schools •and build up and sustain your churches and main- tain your markets. If the people must have inferior goods, such as many mail order houses carry, the local merchant no doubt can arrange his stock to correspond with their wants, both in quality and prices. In some instances the lower prices quoted by the mail order !louses are the result of violated' contracts sand chicanery, which have no place in an honest merchant's business. Adepts In the Art. The mail order houses are adepts in the art and science of preparing inter- esting and readable catalogues. If read critically the skill with which plausible sentences are put together and words made to say what tbey reai- ly do not is apparent. When a purchaser goes to his re- tailer he can examine what he wishes to buy. Ile can look it over carefully, test it and if he wishes receive a guar- antee from the merchant that the ar- ticle is satisfactory. The guarantee Is good because the retailer intends to remain in business among his friends and he cannot afford to deceive. Substitute Goods as Original. The catalogue houses, however, may; offer to replace unsatisfactory goods, but there is the annoyance of ,writing claim letters, packing the goods found not satisfactory and shipping them back and waiting, for the new ship- ment • And there is the chance that the sub- stitute goods will prove to be no more satisfactory than the original, and all the trouble will have to be experienced again. When the consumer learns that it is not only easier, but much more satis- factory, to buy of the home merchant than of the catalogue house then the latter will have a much more stow' y a to travel vel the n today, and it is be- coming more rough with the passing of each day because the consumer, is becoming educated to its ways and methods of business. Cash Versus Credit Business. All that has been said is predicated on the theory that the farmer wants 00 do a cash business He can do no other kind of business with the mail order houses. Any man who accepts common de- cency as a standard will tell him that he has no right to send' his cash to the big cities and ask for credit at the small local store. Tbat is not business. While such a practice is not forbidden' by statute law, it is nevertheless immoral, unjust, mean. . No fair , minded man would have the consummate impudence tout - tempt a defense of such conduct. Entitled to Cash Business. If the local dealer is good enough to deserve the credit trade of his com- munity he is entitled to tpe cash busi- ness as well, If be, is not honest enough to entitle. him to the patronage of the cash customer he will take ad- vantage of the credit customer. But if you deal honestly and fairly with him by giving him: botb your cash and credit trade ,the chances are that be will deal fairly by you. ,Yes! Caught with the goods—a box of Kellogg's Corn Flakes. But it would be a shame to 'scoldthem when they like it'z so well, and it's so good for them. Get the original. iflc a pac CAUGHT BY A POSTAL TRAP. The "Twopenny Detective" Is Often Employed In England. Detectives,` lawyers' clerks and oth- ars often experience great diflienity in obtaining an undoubted specimen of a certain .Person's signature. In one ratio recourse had to be had to a mar- riage register. In another the only signature procurable was on the fly leaf of a book which the suspect had presented to u relative, and only two or three years ago a testimonial to a sen captain was brought into court. because among the signatures to it was one for which the police had long hunted in vain. One of the most common expedients resorted to for overcoming this diffi- culty is employing the "twopenny de- tective" -that is, sending a registered letter to the person whose signature is wanted. And this is frequently successful. Thinking the postal packet contains money or valuables, the ad- dressee unsuspectingly signs the re- ceipt only to discover that Inside the envelope there is nothing but a "fak- ed" letter. This trap once caught an anonymous letter writer -a woman -who, on he - lug interrogated shortly before, had declared that she could not write, and whose friends believed her to be 11 - literate. It was, in fact, mares in- strumental iu getting her six months' imerisonweut. The receipt for a regislered letter, It should he carefully noted, Is nut riven up to anybody, but can be 01) - Milted ouly in rert:1is cases to further the ends of justice.-Londou Tit -Kits. Granted the Request. The Irishman in Iteanee had been challenged to a duel. "Shure, he crier], "we'll eight wid shillalalis!" "That won't do," said his second, "As the challenged party you hays the right to eitoose the arms, but chivalry demands that you should decide upon a weapon with which Frenchmen are familiar. "Is that so, indado?" returned the generous Irishman. "Then we'll foight it out wid guillotines." Pulled Out His Own !i'eeth. An inmate of the lunatic asylum at Chalons, France, had the obsession that his breath smelled so bad that no girl would accept him as a hus- band. Brooding over this totally im- aginary defect, he decided that his teeth must bo the cause of it. I3e abstracted a forceps from: the sur- goon''s'case and, when he found him- self alone, carefully pulled out all the teeth. The wounds healed rapidly, and the poor maniac confessed that the operation bud been very painf`l. rak give thirty-six -inches for a yard. The prisoner who called a Texas police judge a complicated hyphen ated idiot wasn't vend to jail, but he will be ie het lit'iela to get out of the .hospital. Except for the fools, the wise guys would starve. Even agold-handled umbrella has its ups and, downs•, A man's love for a wousan's money is the seed of muck evil. Nothing disgusts, al 'fault finder like bumping into pesiilectj,on. Nature constructed a silly 'wo- man That she anight ,puncture the wisdom of a wise man, 'Business is al cloak that covers a multitude of queer transactions. Knowledge{ often consists of a lot of miscellany that is notworth knowing. Why doesn't some highbrow get busy and, bring ancient history up todate? t Somebody ought to devote a few minutes co •ieenng sorry for a married man who can't think of a good excuse at the right tunic, HAD INNEES 'ION rOveir Ten Years. Weakening the body will never remove dyspepsia or indigestion, on the con- trary, all efforts shcuict be to maintain and increase the strength, Burdock I31ood F t rs v.111 do this, and at the •,cute time c tnhie you tb partake of all the uhnl,'s:sue food re• quircd, without fear of any unpleasant after results. Mr, henry P. White, t4trrretteville, N.B. writes: -"I have :teen troubled with Indigestion for more th.:,, ten years; tried several doctors and different medicines, but al! without success. Having heard of 11.. many cures effected by Burdock Blood netters, I decided to give it a trial. I have taken nue bottle, and I feel that I an: cured at last, I can now du the sante hard work I could before I was taken siek." Burdock Blood 13itters is manufac- tured only by The 1'. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. Calves tor Sale The 'undersigned has made ar- rangements to handle calves from well bred stock. These being ship pledt by express insures them be- ing delivered in good condition' W, MARQUIS, L. WEIR Phone 14-166 Wanted A bright boy with fairly good +. education, to'learn the Printing. �1 Vi Clinton ATHE NEW ERA a4 Pert and I e mpert. its If a man is truly great he lives to forget about it, • It's investment', if you win and ttionn P S eculat if you lose, , Marriage is responsible for the ioes 00 'many a vacation, .' Better be up and doing , belfore the other chap beats us to it. People can enjoy .living close to nature if, they' don't have tp. An ambitious woman seldom looks her age --unless she is a surffraget. She is al wise wife who can de- lude her husband into beliielvin.g, that she is boss. Some women are born beauti'fu1 and some 'acquire their bejeuty at a drug store. A household necessity is one that no 'family can afford, to be with- ouit--unless it has one. The man Who kicks, when he re- ceives short weight dolesln't airways Ont, Wagon for Sale Al rev( Wagon for sale, cheap, only used about two months. A bargain, for anyone in need of a one-horse wagon, original n al cosE $80.00, also a buggy. Apply to EDWARD 'HALL LOGS WANTED Highest cash price paid for all kinds of timber, Soft Elm in lengths of 14 feet, other kinds usual lengths. Heading Wanted Basswood, Soft Maple, 41) inches. long, $4.00 per cord. STAPLTONSAW. 1 a ale ..tt Iia,,Drs-Co laxatives. are different iu that they, do not gripe, purge nee; i) cause nausea, nor does Viay,1" continued use lessen their f4,1 effectiveness. You'can til. always depend ou them. 250 ' ., � l box at your D1'17b. 1St'S. 1.79 National : Drug. and. Chemical Co. : el. Canada, Runlled. U. S. Govdtnuent Stan,dand 13elow i, an extract from U,S. GTov, ad, afor tenders - Fricke coal tutet.he equal tobhet. mined and prepared by Philadel ph la & headil g Coal lE Iron On We handle nothing bat l,he first grade Philadelphia caC xieadiug, . ,1oil o ?sity. House lahone .12. Office phone 40 wertzweezememeenesemaimeetummis Barred Rock Egs. Pringle and .Millard Strains. Eggs $100 per 15. Eggs from high class exhibition stock, $3 00 and 3;5;00 per 15. G,od hatch guaranteed. H. A. HOVEY. Clinton Farm Iii Sale The Exc'ctilors: of, the ,Southcombe Estat e offers for •s de 50 acres, east half idiot 28, con..6, Bullett. A first glass farm, ell watered and improved and with amid Ibuildiuge. A good or. chard. aorl'7.acres of hush. Apply to R. 3. Southcomhe on the premises, or Clinton Postoflice, For Sale Driving mare for sale. Will be sold cheap for cash or part cash and part feed. Apply. to JOE RATTENBURY. Farm for Sala Being lot 24 and 25, 4011 Con. of Stanley, 70 acres all cleared, having clever failing spring creek. well fenced, frame house, and barn, 36350 lean to 14X36 stable under whole building, the stables nee cement being pet to one year ago. Small orchard. Tele- phone and rural mail. 7 acres of alpalfa gond catch. Possession and terms to suit purchaser. Apply on premises or to W. POTTER 11.11, No. 5, Clinton Drs. Geo. & M. E. Whitley Heileman!' • Osteopathic Phy. Specialiste in Women's and Children's Diseases Acute, Chronic, and Nervous Disorders Eye, Ear, Nose, end Throat, CONSULTATION FREE. Office-Rattenbury Hotel. Tuesday and Friday, 7 to 11 p.m. Farm lir Salt; The undersigned offers' for sale improved farm of 160 acres, Lots 13 and 11, Con. 17, Township of Goderich, situated 'on the Base Line four milts north of Clinton, CiHARLES CLIFTON. Summerhill, Hat Vie VI' Dairy Para' From our stock of first-class cows 'n•e are prepared to supply you twice daily with best of milk and cream, and solicit a share of your patronage. E. B. HILL. Girls Waisted Experienced, and girls tc learn Knitting azul Looping. Will pay $5.00 per week while learning. Steady employment. Pleasant position. Apply at once CLINTON KNITTINtx CO.. Clinton, Ontario. FORD (St McLEOD - We're new selling Timothy Seed (Government Standaru,). We also have on hand, Alfalfa, Alsike, and Red Clover, We always have on hand -Goose Wheat, Peas, Barley and Feed Corn --o,r• Highest Market Prices paid for Hay and all Grains. FORD & 'eLEOD AAAAAAAAAAAaaAAAAAAAAaAAAA 4 4 0' 4 4 3 1 4 4 4 S 4' 3 4 0 4 4 q ' Pianos See and here our finest New Stylish y sh designs of Doherty Pianos and Organs, .0' 0' ► E special values in Art P• Cases 41 41 m : Pianos and organs rent ► ed, choice new Edison, t phonographs, \crtisk & varlet 1 ,01;,', l I 'Thursday, April' 9th, 1914. W. BitYluONYr.' BARRISTER SOLICITOR' NOTARY' PUBLIC, ETO CLINTON ( 111L12LH B. 11161,13 Oonneyance, Notary". Public, Commissioner, etc.. EAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE Issuer of Marriage Licensers, Huron;,Se, Clinton, H. T. RANC€�4_ Notary Public, Conveyancer, Financial and Real Estate. INGURANOE:AonwT-Representing Itrire;1'n, 7..aurenoe Oomp5nies,- CiDlvis1011 Court Office,: Medit.ai. DR. 8. W.' THOMPSO Physician, Surgeon, Bite menial attention given to diseases of nee Eye, Sar. Throat, and Nose, Eyes carefully examined, and suitable glasses prescribed. Office and Residence, Two doors west or the Commercial (tat+aa Huron St. DRS. GUNN and GANflEit Dr. W. Gunn, L. It, 0, r., L. It, d• rl., Edfn; Dr. J. E. Dandier. R.A. ALR, Office—Ontario Street,Clinton, Night oath. at residence, RattonbsriiSt,. or at hospital DR. J. W. SHAW. POYSIOIAN, SURGEON. rranonenr,etc., office and residence on teabnry St., opposite W. Parran's residence, DR. F. A. }IRON DENTIST WeOrown turd Bridge 'Work a Specially.; Graduate of 0.0.0,5.., Chicago, and 11.0,0,9 Toronto. Rayfield en'Mondava. May 1st 00 Dccente DE.. H. FOWLER, /DENTIST. Offices over O'NEIL'E store. Speoial care taken to make dental trent. mane as painless se possible. THOMAS GUNDRV Live stock and general Auction rev GODERICH ONT /ram stem ealea a apeman!. Oidets a•. at Ntew ERA oMoe, Clinton, prc.m..t.y abtgnaad to. Terme reasonable. Partners' este cote discounted! G. D.yMoTaggart M. D. MoTaggar MeTaggart Bros. BANKERS ALBERT STA, CLINTON General Banking Bual®(tam transacted NOTES DISCOUNTED Drafts issued. Interest allowed at deposits The McKillop utta,,°:6 Fire insurance eo, Farm and Isolated Town Props arty Only Insured. OFFICERS. J, B. McLean, President, S'eafoath, T3 Connolly, Vice -Pres., Goderlc@s, ,E, Bays, Sec,-Treas., Seafodth. DIRECTORS, Jas, •Connelly, Hclmesville, John Watt, Oarlock; G. Dale, Clinton; 1N„ F. McGregor, Seaforth, J. Evans, Beechwood , J G, Grieve, 'Wistthrols. J Benneweis, Brodhagen; :1I, Mew 1'iwan, Clinton. Each Director is Iuspccter e losses in lima own district. AGENTS. Robt Snaith, Harlock ; I•]d, Mach - ley, Seaforth; Wm. Chesney, lig, mondville; , . W, Yeo, Hotmeavllie, Payments may be ,made at -The. Mocrieb Clothing Co., Clinton, ar R. H. Cult, Goderich. • JACOB TAYLOR CUNT0i Fire, Life and Accident Insurance Real Gestate bought and Gold Money to loan Office Isaac Street, next• door to New, Era Grand Trunk]ltaolwuy System Railway Time Table London, Huron and Bruce.' North Passenger London, depart 8,80 a m 4.50 p ria Centralia g,40 5.43 Exeter9.53 5,54 Hensen 10.08 3.08 Kippen 10.16 6.11: BI•ucefield 10.80 6.18 Clinton 11. llo 6.35 Londesboro u.la Blyth6.52 Belgrave 11.27 7.12 B g 11.40 .7,13 Wingham, arrive11.50 7.35 South Pasaengee Wingham, g depart6.43 a m 3.33 p erg Belgrave 6.54 3.44 Blyth 7 3, La desboro .163.56 4.04 Clinton 7.50 4.23 Brucefleld 8,12 4.59 Kippen 8.23 4.47 Hensall! 8,82 4.52 Exeter 8.48 5.05 Centralia'' 9.00 5,15 London, arrive 10.00 6.10 t Bufit to and tlode,: Wen` Passenget am pmpmStratford 10.00 12.20 5.5 10.20) Seaforth 10.45 1:1.10 6. 8 11,5 Clinton 11.07 1.25 6.44 •11,25 HolFT) eavrl1e 11.16 1.33 6.46:I1,38: Q'odericli..,11-35 1.50 7.05 11.55 Fast 1 oseenger am pm ptu: . 7.10 2,40 4,15 Ilu!aaesvulle,. ...... 7.26 2.57 5.00 'lin; on .7.35 3;07 5.115 ieator h 7;52 3.211 5.T,2 14litchell...:...... ,3:10 8,48 555 Steele ru • 3,40 415 6;20 etleCsibeeietetteeeenieteenleeGeeleeelfl Small Adv1S, Always rays Goo60®®i®L4t1 **: 1►111 it' hAtiNeriHui ► 4 1► ► ► eteeetelneerwestrewevWWWW9 00e®00000160068