The Clinton News Record, 1914-10-01, Page 5Clinton News -Record From Valcattier. We publish herewith, through the kindness of Mr, Dowding of the Mol - sons Bank, a lcttei recently' received by him from Lieut.. G. 11'. Hodgson Com Valcar'tier, (Me. just, prior to s leaving for England and the trout. c Hodgson is a member of Mr. iwdng s staff and was granted ive of absence on full pay for ser - to the king during the continu- 0U the war. l aL. IJi; was ohne of the st: to offer himself to the first Can- . n antum continguent and was at once ced in command .of a company of 33rd 1--1 iron Regiment. muetered Goderich. • Ile has had charge of hat company up to this time which. speaks well for Mr: laodgson's sol- diery manhood. '1'o say the least, we as Plintoniat s are proud that one of our sons, by adoption, should bo chosen as an officer to help instruct and cotufnand a company' of our brabe Canadian soldier boys and par- ticularly those' boys of our grand old county of Huron. Our: well wishes go with Lieut. Hodgson and may' he be sparred 'to' return to is again. His letter to'Mr. Dowding Was in part Seaforth. "S .Mfrs. Ilolmes of Clinton is visiting her sister,. Mrs, J. Archibald. Mrs W. Govenlock and her crawl - son, Master Gray Parker have return- ed front a trip t0' Vancouver. Mr. and Mrs. J. 13roadfoot el 'Van- couver, who have been visiting in Montreal, New York: and other Ani- erlean cities, are spending smile time with the. forner's ' mother is town before leaving for their home in the •Coast City: • ' Mus Patterson has returned from a Visit with hes son at iewierland, North Dakolia, Mr. S. Cudmorc is ,just now busy pressing hap at Tilbury to 1111 ,he or- der received' from the Govern: mint for sixty thousand tons. Miss Mabel Bullard of Winthrop vas' the guest of her aunt, Mrs. Thorn- `` ton, Last week. yrs, we Scott of 73rucefrcld was the :guest of iter brother., Mr, J. Beatty-, last week... 'Mr. L. '1'. DeLaecy, who has not been enjoying good Ineil t foe some little time, has gone td Totonto no- conpanied by MEs. DeLacey, to see if' the change; will benefit; him. C'. W. Atkinson_ has returned from a 'three -month's visit in the west. Mr. and 11irs Adam Dodds, lefts last.' week forMoose Iamv Sask.,haying been called there by thseriou illness of the latter's sister; • MrBish Neclin of Regina i's' home 011 a. visit to' lila-- parents, M. 'nd '"�-i1re. 1 C Vi1011n, Mr. A G::: Ault has returned to town ligan' Owen Sound, where he has been spending the'.,past, few months, Mrs Neil Stew p1. Eltdgetown has 'been visiting friends in town , and in. Egmondvilie, - Mrs. Henrys and her children have, returned do their home at Lluntsville L. aftuc a visit, with the lady's niggler, Mrs. ,Roberts: Miss Margaret Wilson. al o :ntm then' 'MJats; Stewhao(mt, who liar been 1n poor ,health`' fore spine tune ' died 'at her borne" in "T`uckersm,itii,. {south of Egnmondyille, last `Ii'riday morning. The'1'ate Mrs' Stewart was a.daugh-; daugh- ter `of Mr, Anthony Tyndall, ,arid he side;r her' husband she leaves, a family of , 43ve eons and • two daughters. The Soria; are -Milton. and Hairy and the -ere Mrs.' Mrs.' Will Charleswor- th, of th gmbndville, and Beatrice, at lome,• ,Tic • funeral Was held on Sun• sday,•`tnl'4Sment in Maitland'_cenietery, 'iDgar'Mr: 'Dowding :-"You will be glad to hear that I have been chosen to go as a lieutenant with the 1st eon- •tingient. We'expect• to leave here next ;Saturday at the latest, Most' .of the artillery and cavalry haveal- ready left for Quebee. Our Major thanked -me the other day for'the help :I had given him in organising and instructing the company and an- other major and captain have con- gratulated me and said it would not. be long until I had a company of my own. We do not know yell what part•of England we' are going to. The people of Clinton have been most aw- fully kind to me. I have received heaps of letters and presents froln them, I• had no idea I had so Many friends. I hope I shall prove myself worthy of their friendship." Citizens Enthusiastic. (Continued from page :1.)• The gathering was brought to a close by the hearty singing of the national anthem. This concert did not cane to such a sitcctsslul conclusion in any haphas- ard way, it meant a good deal of work by the• members of the Board of Trade and' those who took pact in the program, and to those the town is indebted for its success. The proceeds auiounting to $107.40, were handed over to a committee appointed by the town council. The chairman of the meeting at the commencement said that it was the wish of the B. of 'T to work completely in harmony with the council 'so 'that this fund should be handled to the very= best advan- tage. And as the printing, advertis- ing, the hall and almost everything connected w ith the mita tainmen1 were donated, the expense connected was very'. small. Professor Bristow and Miss , Mae. Bentley acted as accompanists during the evening, ' The platform was draped with In- ion jacks, also the piano and table in the centre and the thought was suggested that Canadians: might make more use of the Erepire's flag and of our National flag. Whyt should it lie kept hidden in the attic so many days in the year 1 It's nothing to be ashamed of. Hallett Township ivressrt:.James Mead and Thos, Adams have returned home after a few weeks trip . through the western proyinle5,- _ Mr, and Mrs. Andrew Flynn . and their little son left last Friday for St. Anne'swhere- they intcltd to speed a. fewdays at the Shrine. Mr, Thos Flynn of Stratford was house over Sunday. I am a British subject and puur ose spending my life under the British flag. 7 o The Editor of The News -Record : Sur_:-'r'he fact that I am of Ger; nl In descent , seems to have arouaeil in the minds of some triidatip excit- able persons unfounded suspicious as Ito my loyalty, and . these suspicions have developed into rumors which .l rind are being widely circulated. Most of these rumors arc 00 ahstirb' 'that nobody could be expected- :to helieve therm, brit others are of such a dam- aging character that I feel. It is only lust' to myself and nip rriencis that 1 should publish this statement. It is a painful 'thing to hate one's loyalty called in -question and to be compel- led ' l t C 1 1 o rb t l c nein ' f d r: it, but I am P Y forced, C m u ttc circumstances, to do so. I ams a British subject and I in- tend to continue to he a British sub- jeet Cor the rest of my life, my per- conta6t, rs�;G4rman but it is probably enough to say that my' father, sought refuge 111 this ,130111511 Colony a refu- gee front the hated military service imptesecl by the Prussiate Government. Surely I have little reason to de anything but 1ov11 and praise the flag that has given protection to my peo- ple,. and to myself and children the Moana of advancement/ in. life such as we could scarcely have enjoyed under any other flag. Asa German I should be unnatural if I did not admire the Gerinan people as ail Crcratan (Jana- dians do, but I ant a Canadian above all and my flag is the Ruttish flag and ono other., The rumors circulated about me' W'lticlt in anyway impeach iffy, loyalty arc false, Yours Truly, JOHN SCIIC);1 N IAT.S; IIhINRO LI.. Mr. and Mrs. R. niggles ' spent a few days with lexeter friends recently. Mrs. Manns, who .ha,s been ill for norm, time, is not, improving and is at present being nursed by.Mr's Rou- lr, John,Eider has yeturmied from tI•W$,-ItmcORD-NEWS '" r ' WS-iEADER. a trip to the west. Coderich Township Mrs. L. O. Laslihr'ook of Mitchell is spending a couple of weeks at 7her home here, :that of Ah, and Mrs: Ezra T icicartl. Miss Ruby Manning Sunday,'od with Miss Irene Millar, • n The , > enibei s of I,.O L. No, 189 in- Mad having a fowl supper, in their lodge room on Nov. 511r, the' proceeds to be given to aid the Patriotic F'iuu1. The uo gran i 7n0 I will ' 6 be given in Sharon Methodist church:" b v • Mr. John Ward has exchanged his farm on the Maitland for the Walker House; Walkerton, of wbicli hi gets possession the first of Notenibe>'. We have no doubt bet that Mi''• Weed will make a suceessfsl landlord for he is exceedingly good natured; has an ever-present desire to oblige and has business ability. Mr's. Ward has Jlal considerable experience in large hotels so that both'-'enne.of the bus- iness will be in capable, hands, The folloWcing is tlfe report -01 S.S. No. 11 for .Septembernines. in or- der of merit Sr. 4t11, -Myrtle 7'owell Maliel 11as- tie, Jr, 4t1,-31sie Ferguson, Pearl dunghill:, Ruby' Churchill, Verna Ell lour. Sr. .13t1,-Zranois •Powell; Richard Welsh, Jr. 3rd, -Froward Currie .hank Welch, - Glenn ,Ferguson Sr. 2nd, : C1Ulord: Castle; Ebner Le- Beau. c13eau. Jr. 2nd, -Arthur LeBeau, Ted- dy Welch. ' P,rimer=Alfred:''LeBeau, Laura Currie Eliner Trick, Oliver Ferguson, Melvin itlliott 1J: Diehl, Teacher:. Tuckersmith Township Mr. and Mrs. ,J, .C,. Smith and two daughters and Mr. Jolu. Jervis, the latterhaving been spending some months in Canada, leave shortly, and will sail on the 10th for Liverpool, having been 'bo'oked through by G. T. R. steamship agent Pattison 'of Clin- ton. Bluth fl Mr. D. Snell of : Westfield visited his brother in town last • week. Mr, and Mrs. Win. Moore and fam- ily were Kirkton visitors recently. The Methodist church held their an- niversary services on Sunday last. As a result there was no service in St. Andrew's church in. the evening, Miss Outt was the guest of Goder- ich friends lasji•week fora few days. Mrs, W. Snell of town and her niece, Mrs. Gordon Cook, of New On- tario, spent a few days with the for- nmer's daughter at Paris recently, A'ir. aiid Mrs. Joseph Carter were at Attwood foe a few days last: week, the former noting in the capacity of judge or light horses at the Atwood fall fair: Goderich Mrs. Scott and her daugltier, Mrs. Flom, leave this week for their IMOne in Windsor after visiting Goderich for some time. ("apt. D. IJ, l retbeway has return- ed from a business trip to Port Ar - flier and the minmg district west. Mrs, Bourne and child of Seattle are visiting the lady's, parental home, that of Judge and Mrs. Doyle. Mr, and Mrs G. II. Lauder deft last week on a trip to Eastern Cana- da, They will be absent several weeks. Mr. Holley of Sarnia is 50- lievingat the G;T.II. station during lir, Laudee's absence, • Mrs, ri. W. Ball . was in London last week, ,• Mr. Ja'111e8 Carrie spent a few' days visiting I,endon and, Paris friends, Mr, and Mrs, letanlc : C. Wetmore Arid little daughter of Liul.a10 are spending a fortnight id town as the. guests of Mr. J. C Martin, Friends of Cyril R. Carrie, a former Goderich boy, who graduated al, Tor- onto last year, and who was well known as an official .of the. A JIDhC',.A., have 500011ed an interesting continua ioation feon Oxford, where Mr. 4:ir- rio. is now engaged in post degree work, He states that. stactonts alt the historic university are 'engaged in ntilitaay training, and that he along with the `others is 'becoming prone - Mtn in the use of the rifle. Mr. Carrie is a former Goderieh boy. H'ensall Mr's, Neelands is le London for a ew weeks undergoing treatment at Id s handf of an a eye specialist. Mrs, J Elliott and her little daughter who were visiting Mrs: Neelahcls, have re- turned to their 1mome: in London - Marriages MoKOWN B.C'zZo--In Clinton, on Sept, 251/11, by Rev, Dr. Rutledge, Myrtle, daughter :of Mr. Isaac BC..%7 0 to Alfred 1vrelt own. CO LIN - SON L PIL CL+'- ,R At Brussels, on Sept. 23rd John E. Collinson of Hulled; township, to Rose A. Pierce, of Moyrrs township, 8ICN'ATI1--MoNA1ft-At Brinefield, on September-2$nd, William McNair,, of Grey township, to Mrs, Flora McNair, formerly , of Grey town- ship. Births WATSON-In guile Hi, on September. 201.h, to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Watson, a slaughter. L1 T I L 1Y -Tu Blyth, on ' September 22nd, to 11Im:. and Mrs., Peter Utr- i,ley, a daughter. McL17AN--In Seaforth, on Sept. 20th. to Mr. and Mrs, Keith McLean, a.. son, FRENCH -In Cioderlcl township, on Sept. 195th, to Mr. and Mrs, Roy French, a daughter. Deaths Mel N'11 FIJI -7n Clinton on Sept. 29tb,, James ill McIntyre, aged 66 years and'3 months, DOUGLAS -In Stratford, on Septem- ber. 20th, ,ra'ne Reynolds, widow of the late Adam Douglas of Grey, township, in; her 77th year, 5'1'I{AY DOCI,-T13151 2. SPRAY'lil) to the premises of the under- signed '011 Wednesday, , September 23rd," a Coach,: Dog. Will the owner please 1H OtL 0 cily, pal expenses and, take it aiira5 • A; J. C'ourtice, Ilolmesv ilio. f"OTION Sr\141.-ON. SATr1RD Y1', Oct, 3rd alt 0: J. Wallis' stables, Clinton, or , at 1.30 p.m., m., thi, follow- ing choicer stock 39 head of Stockers, -Feeders, Springers. 28 steers froni 5 hundred to 8 hundred ,pounds . 7 heifers from 5 to 7 hun- dred pounds "; 1.heifer rising 3, due in March ; 1 Durham: cots, 6 years, due in Oct ; 1 holstein cow, 7 years, tine in Jan; ; 1= extra fine Jersey, will.. freshen in winter`, h years, milking now ; 1 Holstein' cow, 8 years, due rn Jan. ; 2 far- row cows. Torus Casa 05 approv- ed joint notes 3 months hearing 5 percent: per 'annum, or G months bearing 6 percent, per annum -Geo.. holland, prop ; T. Gundry, Auer: tioneer', -52 1UOTTOiN' SALE' Glc HOUSE AND acre of land on North A ect. Garr, defy fruit trees, etc. 5- roosts, hard and ,softhater, Barn. Sale on the market 'square at 2 o'clock 011 Sat- urday, October 10th. Easy terms. -Wm. McIntyre, -52-2. li0J4 SALE. -6 WELL -BRED LEI- cester ewe lambs. -Apply . to , Ed- ward J. Welsh, Base Line, : R. R. No. 1, Clinton. 52-2 FOWL. WANTED: -- HENS AND ,chickens at present, other 'fowl lat- er on. Highest market price paid, -W. Marquis, Base Lino, Phone 14 on 100. li'DE SALE.-THOROBRED SHORT - born bull two years old. Bred front test mit lking strain. -Ben RathoVell, R. 1{. No. 3, Clinton, or phone 10 on 150. -52.' FARM W<1NTE',D TO BUY. -lob AC - res or less. Good location. Posses- sion 1st of March naxt.-Charles Clifton, R.R, 1, Clinton. -52-1 HOUSE TO RENT OR FOR SALE on Orange street. -0 rooms, water- works anti Cistern. Good garden. Possession 1st of November. -Janes Cook. -52. WANTED. - BRIGHT COLORED Dried Apples, Eggs:, Butter, for. which we pay highest prices.-C'an-. telon • Brost -52 HOUSE FOR SALE ON HURON street. -Formerly occupied by T. Jackson, Sr. Furnace, Reasonable ter ins. 'T, 1aoltson , Sr, -52. F101.7SE TO RENT OR FOR .SALE, furnished. Well situated. POSSE'S - S1011 .I St of October. --James C'arter, Albert street, -51 FOR SALE.-SFJOR'l'HOI)N BULL coming 2 years old. Good individ- uaI,-Ed, .Johnston, Route 3-, Clin- ton, -Phone 8 on 162. -51, SALE RieGISTlf11, -Oa Tuesday Oct.13th, one o'clock p.m., at Lot 24, Con. 0, McKillop, farm stock and implements, -P. 0. Kerr, prop., T. Brown, Auct. On 'Tuesday, Oct, 130, one o'cioclk" p.nm.,. Lot 2, C?on. 7, 'Tucltersmith,' far. stock, without reserve.-Jatnos" Flannery, Prop.,- 'P, :13rou'n, Aucli, On Thursday, Oct. :151:11, at 12.30, p.m., -Lot 21, Con,' 2, McKillop, ex- tensive sale of farms, farm stock and impleiruetts Mm,s. ,Jolianah Mc Quaid, Proprietress, T. Brown, Allot. On Thursday, Oct. 8111, at: one o'clock, p.m., lot 23, Con. 8, Mc- Killop, farm stock and implements, George Henderson, Prop., 7', -Brown, Auct. G , 2 NE V, - , C _ _ , V S RE ORD NlJvt'S LI'rADLR. THE GIRLS' CLUB of Willis Church will hold a sale of home- made cooking and serve afternoon tea a]11_ Conner's Old Stand, Albert Street, on Saturday, October 3rd comineneing a,t 2 o'clock. The Symphony Quartette of Utica, New l'ork� willappear a PA ear in the Ton W Hall, Clinton ]n November. Under the auspices of the Ladies' Md .of the Ontar- io Street Church, Watch for posters ' an - flouncing Cate. FOR SALE. COOKING- RANGE, ;also Art ,Souvenir',1-ieater with 'qv: en. Both he good coiidilriois,-Thos, 1'.. Mackenzie Jr., Townsend St. --50 PROF. FRANK WEAVER, L. Cf. S. M,",". Pmano and Voice Specialist. Thorough instruction given in all branches of voice Culture ;'and, piano, , iJ years practical a1 exper- ience, For terms and other partic- ular's apply to Mrs, J, W. '1'rele,av n e'at residence, _i,2. PRIVATE KINDERGARTEN -1 AM re -commencing (130 Private . Kinder- gart:en on Sept. ist.in the little school from 1.30 p.m. to 1.00. p.m. and would like a li,aited number of pupils p tp between the ages of 4 and 7 years. 'Perms ;$1,00 per month-. in advanee. Ilazel O Nell'.:-, 49-3 CREAM WANTED, - DAIRYMEN having cream to sell write to lis for cans7-We .-supply two cans free,' Pay all express' charges and issue cheques twice, each month, cheques payable' at par. We pay the 'high- est market prices consistent with a,n honest test, . Testing' done by a competent man. Each can careful- ly weighed, 'sampled and tested on arrival .and statement returned. Those in the vicinity, of ICinburn may leave their cream with Mr.. Hall who will deliver it here. Write for cans and give us a trial. -The Seaforth Creamery, Box 486; Seaforth: FARM PO•R SALE BEING LOT 14 Maitland con. Township of Colborne consisting of 00 acres, all cleared, clay loom and first-class wheat land, 4 acres of young bearing or- chard and small fruits, 2 good wells Good frame dwelling' with ,cellar un- derneath and good barn and stables. Driving .shed with cementi stable Pg be underneath The fences aro in good condition I mile from school, 21 from Holmesville and 6 from Clin- ton. Will bet sold on reasonable terms: Apply on the premises or address Thos. Pennington, Slolmes- ville P. 0. -45 FARM FOR SALE.-TFIE EYECU- tor of the Southcomoe estate of- fers for sale 50 acres,being east half or lot 28, con. 6, Mullett. This is a first class fain, well watered and: improved with good buildings and orchard, also seven acres of bush laud. -Apply to R. J. South - combo, Clinton P. 0. -24 CEMENT 11'E HAVE ON HAND A CAR- LOAD OF NATIONAL POIITLAND CEMENT, IF YOU 11AVP NEED OF CEMENT IT WILL PAY YOU 1'O BUY THE PORTLAND FOR THERE IS NO BETTER MADE. IT ALWAYS C1IVT:S SA'T'ISFAC- TION. J. HUTTON, Londesboro. THE CORNER STONE Live and Let Live Appetizing, Gratifying, tt ytng9 Satisfying Meals. Always on top hero in the way of Quali- tyr Fruits, Groceries and Provis,ons : IN FRUITS WE HAVE : 014A1GES, LEMONS, BAN. 1,NAS PEACHES PEARS andd GRAPES: IN VEGETABLES AVE HAVIS, Sweet Potatoes, Cabages, Cauliflow ers, Celery, Onions, Pumpkins and Pota- toes. E. E HU NN FO R D LIVE AND LET LIVE GROCER.. Clinton School of Commerce. me>rce. . LEARN WHILE YOU EARN. The Night School has openf el but you can enrol at 0113r time, Per month 05.00, 3 months' $12,50. • . F. Ward, B.A., M.Accts Principal. 1 I y Opti F$ ALE .--OWING TO INSTAt,- ♦+w+w++^ �►a�1 ling Hydro in the Molise of Refuge "tit a six Horse ower C p Gasoline gngrile, in first-class running order is offer- $z„ pyek sale.elfor For• 1 further �• e artier- . • 1p I. 1 a s �m> 4 QW�� f to '� R apply Y R. ?Mitch, tch. ruann aria dZtefiige, ' -,18 x ----�� 4 lar House of .CORN 7, A carload of corn 1u5t iecciv cd. We, arc selling it whole, cracked and finely ground for poultry. Also a' carload- of bran, sllorts and low grade flour at reasonable Prices.' If you want the -best of flour, we have Purity, Five Roses, 'Eexeter, Clinton; and Milverton, • Yon will make no: Mistake buying' any 'Fri, the above, ;brands. •: All kinds of ra' m•. .Wanted at . market prices • Oat our prices on .poultry deli- vcred at the Elevator„ • ' We are wholesale agents for Gunn's Cured Meats. Asir your dolaer for Gunn's Zasiftrst Shortening'and Break- fast Bacon. Prices moderate. GUNN, LANGLOIS CO. The Up-to-date Firm CLINTON. N. W. Trewartha, Wm, Jenkins Slays for Sale ALSO 12 INCH WOOD. Stapleton Saw Mill. IT WILL PAY YOU TO USE THIS column for For Sale, Wanted, Found, Lost, Ete. advts. All who have tried it sap so, Double Feed. Doors S There is no danger of hit- ting the sides and spilling coal all over the floor with the big Sunshine feed doors. These doors wi 1 admit a large chunk of wood, too. Our local agent will show you this and many other "Sunshine" advantages. Send fo>ti free booklet. McCiatieS Sunshine Furnace BYAM & SUITTER Sanitary, Plumbers Phone I. Ire You Usiiig Glasses. Many people are using glasses but many more should. If they did , it would save them eye strain, causing headaches, and preservethe sight longer. Aroper test p p by an optician will tell. Let .us make the test for you ? .A. J. GRIGG'. Optician Jeweler and' Issuer of Marriage Licenses. News -Record to end of year for 25o. R ED CROSS $i•' R . FIS. B EANS 13eauS 1 I� �j 1 Tit a class by themsolycs. ft Y , Not only the name but the pried will attract you. 3'• cans Red` • Cross. 0 foe 25e. 1.. tBatis .lo •. soarAsinghe,• weprice haveof onlyea, 151,- ited en:antityl at' above price. • • W. T. O'NEIL. • a '"The Huh Oroaery." M WILL ADVANCE. -THE TORONTO Star; and The News will on tin 1st of October, advance from $.1.35 , to .' $1.85. , By, renewing with Tho News -Record before that date you will save 50 cents. -Tho New's-Rea ord., Where the Good PHOTOS T Come From. As I have :opened a Studio at Blyth, my Studio in Clinton will be closed every Tuesday. I am plrepared to go to the country, on my Saxon Car. and do any work you, wish to have done within short notice. Phone 06. Clinton , OTTO FINK Photographer. 00URT OF RI'IVISION-Notice; is hereby given that a court will he hold, pursuant to the Ontario Vot- er's List Act, by His Honor, the County Judge of the County of Hu- ron, in the Town Hall, Clinton, on. the 9th day of October, 19 14, at 2,30 o'clock p.m. -to' hear and deter - Mine complaints of errors and ons issions in the Voters'.List of the municipality of the Township of Goderich for 19141-N. W. Trewa,r- tha, Clerk of the Municipality of the Township of Ctoderlolt.---51-3, FOR SERVICE Pure Bred Aberdeen Angus brill, Pure Bred Jersey lxtll, and Yorkshire boar, Terns cash,. Stapleton Stock Faro, /c 491 -K -v 1 1 M .If 4 WE AIM AT QUALITY 1N INSTA'LLING FURNAC- ES, IN GENERAL PLU1iB- ING AND TINSMIT1JING, THOS. HAVKINS. Phone 53. PLUMBING AND;' HEATING. North End Feed Store., The Best Feed for Fattening all Stock. , Watch the Scientific Feeding. The testimony of the best farmers in Seal -hero and Markham. These men and many others' who lure making a business of dairying find it pays them to feed our fMet ' AND MA.LTOIO corner PEED at least twice a day no matter how good the pasture is. PRICE'S I)AmrtY G :TS A. 0005LOA)) E Y- toaY Two Wairirs. Tun Orr): D:ues'Y. Co, Use THEM ALTOawrrjaa AT Tor i to PAM, parr.Why. ;, uBecause :they pod oee more and,better milk. These feeds wilt do the same for you. Try a ton of each and watch results, There is money in it for yon, Being an intelligent farmer you will appreciate what others say about the value of these feeds, ]: ani handling/and get in line with then in producing the best milk that comes in- to town and at the same time have -te balance on the right side of the ledger. Gall in and get some for your stock. Frank W. Evans Clinton TERMS CASH. Phone 192 NEWS: -RECORD -NEWS -LEADER. 4