The Clinton News Record, 1914-08-13, Page 81 Clinton News -Record August I3th, Pour Ellice Blrglo Leis for Saturday and all next week 5c; 10c, 15c and 25c all useful •and needful articles displayed in our Big Window. Special cut prices on the following. to clear 2 only, lawn mowers regular $5.50 for $4.3S 1 If ,. . 5.00 for. 3.08 1, only hammock 3.00 for 2 35 2.75 for 2.00 1, 225 for 1,75 1 only enameled lined refrigerator " 17.00 for 14 00 1 only galvanized " 12.00 for 0,75 Ice cream freezers 10 percent. discount. 1 r, HARLAND BROS. STOVES, HARDWARE AND NOVELTIES VIATCH our Windows for Bargains during July. and August Mid=Sunil=_ mer Sale. Ball &Atkinson FURNITURE DEALERS and UNDERTAKERS Night and Sunday Calls. ' N. BALL phone 1t0. J. A. ATKINSON, Phone 180 1.1101111166, Month of Cut Priees.. Commencing Saturday, July 25113; we place on sale hundreds of dollars worth of good, new, seasonable goods that roust be cleared out to make room for our new fall stock which the manufacturers start to. ship early in August. Cut prices on Dry Goods, Cut prices on Mien's and Boys' Clothing. Cut prices on Boots and Shoes, . Cut prices on fiats, Caps and Shirts, Extra Special. We have shout.50 Boys' Suits too many -which means 50 suits at manufacturer's prates for the; first 50' boys. Don't miss this chance to save money on your boys' new fall suits. They will likely need them when school starts. Sizes 24 to 36. • Also extra low prices on our 1'urups and Oxfords, White Canvas Shoes, Sandals, etc. lumsteel Bros. Small Profits More Business 1 a;- THIS beautiful Summer 'Dresswith the long one. 'piece .tunic and waist, with ricont yokes.,mone,,- as well as•other smart styles, will be shown in the Standard Fashion Sheet for August. A Free' Copy for Yon' at our' Pattern Counter W. D. FAIR CO Often the cheapest: -Always the best. Gu1YQ..111Rni1{I5Wnannm, 1111311111, M r. Wm. Jlrockett of Winthrop was in toren on Tuesday. ' M' iss NI. .Carter was in Stratford a couple of daps last week,` Mrs. J. R. House and children visit- ed Stratford friends last week. Mr. and :Mrs,.' 1: Rowland. were in Toronto the latter part of last week M rw. Cahn Shaw of Springfield, Mass. has been visiting his brother, Dr. Shaw. Mrs. John Foster has returned from a fortnight's visit with (Ioderich friends. Miss Doll} Shaw of Winnipeg is a guest at the home of her brother, Dr, Shaw. Miss .Jennie Brown spent Sundap and Monday in Detroit visiting her bro- ther and sister there. Misses Anna and Millie klolmes of St. Catherines are the guests of Ureic sister, Mrs. H. B. Chant. Mts. I1. 13. Combe and. Misses Agnes and llarrie were, in , Stratford last week, it being Old Ilomc week, MA'S. Sara'UR. Downs of Iona Station is spending a month in. town as the guest of her son, Mr. W. 5. Downs. Mliss Margaret Manually returner]' Sat- urday after a fortnight's vacation spent at St. Marys, illitchell and Starfa. Mrs. '1'. I1: hardy and Mss Etta re- turned from a visit among friends M at Iiclt,rave and Dunganuan the forepart of the week, Miss Gertrude Chant left yesterday to spend a',holiday visiting her bro- ther, Mr. Fred Chant of Pittsfield, Mass, and her sister, Mary, ; at Au- burn, N.Y,, Mrs. Gray returned last week to her home in Hamilton after a visit with her aunt, Mrs, Win. Graham, The latter accompanied her to Ham- ilton for a visit. Miss Frances Hawkins of Hamilton spent over the week -end with her brother, Mr. '1'. Ilawkins. Miss Hawkins, purposes taking up Deacon- ess' work .in Toronto shortly. Dr. Shaw, who underwent an opera- tion for appendicitis a few weeks ago, is making good progress to- ward recovery and it is hoped that in a fete weeks he will be able to resume ifs practice again. Miss Electa Coull•is of Toronto, who has been spending a, vacation with C-loderich friends, spent Sunday .in- town as the :guest of Ire' uncle and aunt,,,Mr, and Mrs. A.. (ook. She, was. accompanied by Miss "iola .Johnston of Goderieh, Mrs,; C_ Par - , and' Mr. 'Coates ol Toronto, Miss Broder of Prescott,,', sister of Mrs. 0: 1). and Mrs: M D c 1a - 6art,was'in To11inc: witha towing 6 party doing the continent.:wheu Germany declaird war, but the fan ily have not yet been able to ascer- tain whether or. }rot• sire has been able to leieb England.. Mr,- ,John (,ibbings returned on Frr day last from Lapeer, Mich.,where he spent a couple of weeks as the guest of his daughter,' Mrs: • (Dr,) Kap, 'Mr. Gibhings says that the sentiment' oC tine• citizens .of Lapeer regarding the present tear is un7401- nn ousiy; in'favor: of. Britain, T' Mr. Ben 'Webb, a native 'of 'Clinton acid who, it will ' be ,horn° in n'iind was given' a municipal reception , on his return, 'from ' the South •African war, has 'vritter. o.Miajor Combe' from Detroit, where lie has been 11V- • ing of recent years, exprossingi his desire fto serve with :his' old Regiment the Hurons if it should he called upon for service abroad. Rev. 11. 13. and Mrs. Stevenson and Master Harold of Sbolborne• m.otor- edto r Clinton last week via Clif- ford bringing Mrs. J. R. Scott and Mlfrbs Ethelrvyn from the latter town. All were guests for several days at the home of Mr., and Mrs, W. S. Downs. Later : is the week they visited Stratford, "• Tavistock and St Mary's for a couple of days, re- turning to Clinton on Satuttday., They all retarded' home Monday with the 'e;eeptlon of Miss t Etllel- w,yn Scott, 'silo is spending a few weeks with her aunt, Mrs. Downs, ' besid`es-=# .1 ,PRO'WN'$ tai of eco_ olothes you get; y'our • money s• wortllj, to , Honest .wear and solid ,colilf4tMei ilored' ,clothes giveyou an air of ciistineti'dn which inflt: el'lees others and smoothes the pathway of business and social success, p .•,... WE CAN MASE YOU „A SIIIT WHICH WILL JTJST SUIT Y'O'UR ONALITY DROP IN AND LET US Our Stock of fall Woollens llaTe Arrived Men's Furnishings of All Binds Any Straw Hat in stick at Greatly Rex diieed Prices. Ordered a Mens' Clothing nnowNS Furnishings About ®r, People You Know Miss Ruby Wise has been holidaying at the ramp at Burt's by the lake- side. Mr. and Mrs. James Smyth were in Woodstock last week attending the funereal of the la,tter's sister. Mr. and Mrs.. James Noble of Mar- nock, visited relatives in town and the vicinity over the week -end, Rev. and Mrs, Drank Hovey and chil- dren of Burlington are visiting the former's father and brother in town. Mrs. .3. Rands and Mrs. Fanny Oliv- er were in Stratford attending the funeral of the infant son of Mr. and MIrs. Charles Oliver. Rev, Frank Merman and Mrs. IIer- man and fa111 1p returned to C'aledon East on Tuesday after a three - weeks vacation with Mr. Herman's people here, Mr. Harry hunt, Galt, spent a few dais in Clinton the past week. No matter where he may be located t.hh1 will be always the old home town for Mr. •111107. Miss L. Gibbiegs, Toronto, who spent a werlc of her holidays with her sister' Mrs. (Dr.) Kay of La- peer, Mich.,is this week visiting her father, Mr. John Gibbrnts of town. Mr. and Mrs. John F. Reynolos; rvho have been residents of 0ocleriell fort three years or: So, have gone t0 Detroit where 'two Members of their family reside and of which city they were residents for many years. Mr. Chas., Trowhill of the 13e11 'fele Ph FfStratford, was. in one std ton on Friday and Sat rday last renewing "frindships in his native ;town. From here lie .went to 1Cnn- car.dine, to,)isit'iris ' "sister, Mrs, John h Inglis. Mr. and Mrs iohn Moon of Toronto, who spent the week rt the 01d Boys' Re -union •. at Stratford, were, in town,Satuttiay and ;called upon old friends here They are spending the second week of their holiday at' Mr. (ivlbon'stparental itonjp in Hullett and in Coderieh. Prof: and Mrs. Bristow° left on Mon- day to spend a fele days. at, Niaga- i'a S+ails and •Buffalo.' They , had given' up the idea of taking a frons - home vacation, but anxiety regard- ing near relatives in the war to- gether o.gethor. with the fact that she has not been enjoying very good health of late, made it advisable that Mrs; I3ristow° go away for a few 'rhe Captain of the Essex, the Brit- ish man of .• war, which has been cruising oil the east coast of the United States., is a cousin of kris- towe's. Her brother, Col. '1'. Wat Son, is in command of a British' Regiment at Durban, India,, and she has four 'nephews doing duty in the Home Regiments and two who are ollicers in the army of Hol- land. Mr. 13ristowe has also four nephews in the British service so that the famil)r may well • be said to be doing its share in upholding the prestige of tine motherland. Mr, Sidney \\'utt was in Stratford last week, Miss Lucy Grant has returned from Lapeer, Mi011. Mrs. A, 0. Pattison has returned from a visit in liridgchurg. Miss Ilubo 'Irwin is at present the guest of Landon friends. Mrs. Spindler of London is ii,ilit b her sister, Mrs. Macdonald. Miss Mlililrod Evans is a guest at the Runout summer home at Naftel's. Mrs. Leslie of Georgetown is visiting ler sister, Mfrs. Howson of Albert street. .Mrs. Fortune of Detroit spent last week with her sister, Mrs. P. 0. Reynolds. Mr Richard Batlerton of Woodstock VAS the guest of Mr. W. C. Brown of. The Two Stores on Monday. Mrs. H. E. Saville and her little nie- ce, Mrs. Mar)) Webster, visited fri- ends in Londesboro over the week- end. Mrs. harry Marsh and Master Nor- man of Detroit are guests • at the lady's parental home, that of Mr: and M Mrs. (ice Levis. Miss Beatrice Orme and Miss Mar- ion Thompson- are expected .home this evening from visiting Toronto and ISanlilton friends. Mlr,s. E. P Maloney and children of Sault Ste, Marie. are guests for a Few weeks at tine home. of. their mo- ther, Mrs,- R. McLennan. • Mr. harbor, wile has been a guest at 1,110' 5001001' camp of Mr. and Mrs. C. 13. hale at Naftalis; has return- ed to his home in'Toronto MIr Clarence ICilty is another'Clin- ton student tithe was successful in 1,116 1iaculty, Entrance examinations winning -Part' 1 and,also Part :II: kiss Olive Brooks returned. to hr hoinl0' in Mitchell yesterday after a months visit with her grandpar- ents; Mt„ and Mrs Wn.Cantelon. M1ss;•Ma'raory Beaton was the guest for a few days dining, 'the .'past week 'of . Miss • :Gor:cude Wallis, w)iosSfamily .is camping at Burks. Rev, A. E., and Mrs. Ncilly and Miss Maigtc,tta 01 Ham ilt in: spei't a, few dayr.; (luring the past we1c as the guests, of •Mir, ,and ,Mrs, J. 13. Lind-. say. Mr:s. French, who was a' resident of Clinton for a - couple of years;, broke up house -keeping a couple of. weeks ago and has `now taken charge of the household of her son, ,• Mr. Victor C. French „ of Wctaskiwfu; Alberta,whose wife was ' taken • from Trim 0n:der such sad • circumstances a :few weeks ago. Mr. and Mrs. tarry Cook and little' son of •Trenton have been the guests during the past week of Mr, and Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Coble oI town, having come up in •their motor. eat; On their return to Trenton yestcr- da)7 Miss Mildred Cook accompanied them and will also accompany their on a trip ..through New 'York State and foc a few days stay in New York City next wersk. The News From Londesboro Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Miley returned Monday alter spending a new days with their daughter, Mrs. 12, Walters of London. ML:: and Mrs. •Jos Stalker of inger- soll spent a few days at; the halo of llr. D. Geddes. Rev., C. Cl. Keine attended a funer- al on one of 111s fernier circuits near Tilsonburg on Friday of last week, Mrs. R. Spindler of Lucknow is visiting at the home of, NSr, '(hos. Sampson. The following refers to a nephew of Mrs. ML Mains, Londesboro, and Mr. li. C'rawl'ord of the 8th con. On July .20th, et the home of Rev. MIan- son and Mrs. - Doyle, 377 Lipton street, Winnipeg, a pretty wedding was solemnized, the contracting par- ties being 'MIs, Arthur Benson Craw- ford, youngest sell 'of Mrs. W. Si Crawford of, the Hullett distil ot, near Killarney, Mau,, and Miss El - line Agnes Kinarson or Kingsley, Man. 'The ceremony was performed by the Rev, 1300. F. McCulley, Pas- for of Wesley church and a , former pastor of -the groom, Aller the cer- emony and congratldations the party enjoyed a daintily pra)aced wedding breakfast served by Mrs. Doyle, af- ter: which Mr, and MIrs. C'rawiord left ,on the morning train for Killar- ney, where they .1017 mance, their bulge. Mr. MI ins:spent a 0007110 of .• .days in London this ..week. MIrs. Ed. Saville of Clinton spin,: the week -end with her parents, PL. and Mrs. Jas. Webster. Mrs, Button and daughter of Sca• forth spent a few days at of Mr: S. Woodman. Mrs. J. 0. Lounsbers' and li :.c daughter left Monday to spend few' weeks with her parents at De'.Fi. Mr, 1'I. IT, hill purchased a new, Ford car from Mr. I, Brown of [31)111 Miss Oaks of Sealerlh isa guest this week or her aunt, Mts. 1', C'. Baine. Newvs-Record MIeans News -Leader. Hullett Township Mrs. Frank Mlousetau and chiicl::e. of Hensall are visiting relatives and friends here for a few clays. Miss Irene. Corbett of Seaforth le visiting with her cousins in thii. vicinity. Mi Edward L. Blake of Detr+i came home Saturday and is spendr0 the week at the parental home, timdi of Mr. and MIrs. Richard 131ake. Mliss Louise Haley of London is • visiting her sister, Mics. Wm. Ste- 0I50n. Miss Nora McGaughey of Illyta spent file 'forepart of the o•eek at Mr. John ' Shanahan's, ' News -Record Means News -Leader. 1 Mid -Summer Shoe Sale FiNAL CLEAN=UP the most successful Soni - h end oi' this, The next ten days will see the An Iual Clearance Sales we have yet held. To make a .final' clean -op ", this season we will otter yon still better values than before: The last day of this stile will be Saturday; August 15th. Women's Pumps and Oxfords New goods, pal est and' gun metal reg,' $3,50,. sale price $;1.08 Wouren's pumps and oxfords, regular $2.50, sale pried , $1.45 Children's Slippers 30 pails only, regular price $1 00 to $1,25, sale. price ,40' Men's Calf Blue. New toes, reg. price $4,00, sale price $2,08 Men's Work Shoes All sizes, regular :32.00, sale price $1.01) Men's Patent Blue. A few' pairs left, regu- lar price $5,00, sale price $1, 08 S CHAPMAv' P1aoNI ANIIM1111111111140 .-i iere's-a Do'llat" Sh'oe'Sale without any Doi(al,` " . , , : 'Shoes t ,Strange but true i.t': ere'.sa mnglhty' g'ooa chance to get solve :, lxlighty, good shoes ata mighty low .:piece Its theclad-pf the -'wiser. sale,.'ot bioker& 1i11es and odtl;,,llai•:ys.,ot shoes a r.oppor. r' .tu4 ity y'ou ••shonldn't" rrllsr;; ' W fve,mnii lines oi'•sh(ies;ihatwe•ar,e not going tocontirtse We've many styles of'shoes where, we've„one pr.two, padre, of a kind We've placed all these shoes On 'tii;l'illls Ijg'themselves, and while they last, you may;take your cholce,gP,the lot for just one dollar per pair; There are shoes•'for men, wench incl clxt_fdreu ! 1 very shoe'is wo or thiieo times our asking price.>; ' r, •iworth .t Never before have you been offereii such shoes for one dolly 'Lnd yon mayneyer again have such a chance:" ' This will be the first last:and only dial that you will ever have to at- tend..this great•dollar.sale which will be -of every short duration for the•shoes will sell immediately. , • FRED. JACKS. ''The Hone of Good Shoes.,:, Pour Ellice Blrglo Leis for Saturday and all next week 5c; 10c, 15c and 25c all useful •and needful articles displayed in our Big Window. Special cut prices on the following. to clear 2 only, lawn mowers regular $5.50 for $4.3S 1 If ,. . 5.00 for. 3.08 1, only hammock 3.00 for 2 35 2.75 for 2.00 1, 225 for 1,75 1 only enameled lined refrigerator " 17.00 for 14 00 1 only galvanized " 12.00 for 0,75 Ice cream freezers 10 percent. discount. 1 r, HARLAND BROS. STOVES, HARDWARE AND NOVELTIES VIATCH our Windows for Bargains during July. and August Mid=Sunil=_ mer Sale. Ball &Atkinson FURNITURE DEALERS and UNDERTAKERS Night and Sunday Calls. ' N. BALL phone 1t0. J. A. ATKINSON, Phone 180 1.1101111166, Month of Cut Priees.. Commencing Saturday, July 25113; we place on sale hundreds of dollars worth of good, new, seasonable goods that roust be cleared out to make room for our new fall stock which the manufacturers start to. ship early in August. Cut prices on Dry Goods, Cut prices on Mien's and Boys' Clothing. Cut prices on Boots and Shoes, . Cut prices on fiats, Caps and Shirts, Extra Special. We have shout.50 Boys' Suits too many -which means 50 suits at manufacturer's prates for the; first 50' boys. Don't miss this chance to save money on your boys' new fall suits. They will likely need them when school starts. Sizes 24 to 36. • Also extra low prices on our 1'urups and Oxfords, White Canvas Shoes, Sandals, etc. lumsteel Bros. Small Profits More Business 1 a;- THIS beautiful Summer 'Dresswith the long one. 'piece .tunic and waist, with ricont yokes.,mone,,- as well as•other smart styles, will be shown in the Standard Fashion Sheet for August. A Free' Copy for Yon' at our' Pattern Counter W. D. FAIR CO Often the cheapest: -Always the best. Gu1YQ..111Rni1{I5Wnannm, 1111311111, M r. Wm. Jlrockett of Winthrop was in toren on Tuesday. ' M' iss NI. .Carter was in Stratford a couple of daps last week,` Mrs. J. R. House and children visit- ed Stratford friends last week. Mr. and :Mrs,.' 1: Rowland. were in Toronto the latter part of last week M rw. Cahn Shaw of Springfield, Mass. has been visiting his brother, Dr. Shaw. Mrs. John Foster has returned from a fortnight's visit with (Ioderich friends. Miss Doll} Shaw of Winnipeg is a guest at the home of her brother, Dr, Shaw. Miss .Jennie Brown spent Sundap and Monday in Detroit visiting her bro- ther and sister there. Misses Anna and Millie klolmes of St. Catherines are the guests of Ureic sister, Mrs. H. B. Chant. Mts. I1. 13. Combe and. Misses Agnes and llarrie were, in , Stratford last week, it being Old Ilomc week, MA'S. Sara'UR. Downs of Iona Station is spending a month in. town as the guest of her son, Mr. W. 5. Downs. Mliss Margaret Manually returner]' Sat- urday after a fortnight's vacation spent at St. Marys, illitchell and Starfa. Mrs. '1'. I1: hardy and Mss Etta re- turned from a visit among friends M at Iiclt,rave and Dunganuan the forepart of the week, Miss Gertrude Chant left yesterday to spend a',holiday visiting her bro- ther, Mr. Fred Chant of Pittsfield, Mass, and her sister, Mary, ; at Au- burn, N.Y,, Mrs. Gray returned last week to her home in Hamilton after a visit with her aunt, Mrs, Win. Graham, The latter accompanied her to Ham- ilton for a visit. Miss Frances Hawkins of Hamilton spent over the week -end with her brother, Mr. '1'. Ilawkins. Miss Hawkins, purposes taking up Deacon- ess' work .in Toronto shortly. Dr. Shaw, who underwent an opera- tion for appendicitis a few weeks ago, is making good progress to- ward recovery and it is hoped that in a fete weeks he will be able to resume ifs practice again. Miss Electa Coull•is of Toronto, who has been spending a, vacation with C-loderich friends, spent Sunday .in- town as the :guest of Ire' uncle and aunt,,,Mr, and Mrs. A.. (ook. She, was. accompanied by Miss "iola .Johnston of Goderieh, Mrs,; C_ Par - , and' Mr. 'Coates ol Toronto, Miss Broder of Prescott,,', sister of Mrs. 0: 1). and Mrs: M D c 1a - 6art,was'in To11inc: witha towing 6 party doing the continent.:wheu Germany declaird war, but the fan ily have not yet been able to ascer- tain whether or. }rot• sire has been able to leieb England.. Mr,- ,John (,ibbings returned on Frr day last from Lapeer, Mich.,where he spent a couple of weeks as the guest of his daughter,' Mrs: • (Dr,) Kap, 'Mr. Gibhings says that the sentiment' oC tine• citizens .of Lapeer regarding the present tear is un7401- nn ousiy; in'favor: of. Britain, T' Mr. Ben 'Webb, a native 'of 'Clinton acid who, it will ' be ,horn° in n'iind was given' a municipal reception , on his return, 'from ' the South •African war, has 'vritter. o.Miajor Combe' from Detroit, where lie has been 11V- • ing of recent years, exprossingi his desire fto serve with :his' old Regiment the Hurons if it should he called upon for service abroad. Rev. 11. 13. and Mrs. Stevenson and Master Harold of Sbolborne• m.otor- edto r Clinton last week via Clif- ford bringing Mrs. J. R. Scott and Mlfrbs Ethelrvyn from the latter town. All were guests for several days at the home of Mr., and Mrs, W. S. Downs. Later : is the week they visited Stratford, "• Tavistock and St Mary's for a couple of days, re- turning to Clinton on Satuttday., They all retarded' home Monday with the 'e;eeptlon of Miss t Etllel- w,yn Scott, 'silo is spending a few weeks with her aunt, Mrs. Downs, ' besid`es-=# .1 ,PRO'WN'$ tai of eco_ olothes you get; y'our • money s• wortllj, to , Honest .wear and solid ,colilf4tMei ilored' ,clothes giveyou an air of ciistineti'dn which inflt: el'lees others and smoothes the pathway of business and social success, p .•,... WE CAN MASE YOU „A SIIIT WHICH WILL JTJST SUIT Y'O'UR ONALITY DROP IN AND LET US Our Stock of fall Woollens llaTe Arrived Men's Furnishings of All Binds Any Straw Hat in stick at Greatly Rex diieed Prices. Ordered a Mens' Clothing nnowNS Furnishings About ®r, People You Know Miss Ruby Wise has been holidaying at the ramp at Burt's by the lake- side. Mr. and Mrs. James Smyth were in Woodstock last week attending the funereal of the la,tter's sister. Mr. and Mrs.. James Noble of Mar- nock, visited relatives in town and the vicinity over the week -end, Rev. and Mrs, Drank Hovey and chil- dren of Burlington are visiting the former's father and brother in town. Mrs. .3. Rands and Mrs. Fanny Oliv- er were in Stratford attending the funeral of the infant son of Mr. and MIrs. Charles Oliver. Rev, Frank Merman and Mrs. IIer- man and fa111 1p returned to C'aledon East on Tuesday after a three - weeks vacation with Mr. Herman's people here, Mr. Harry hunt, Galt, spent a few dais in Clinton the past week. No matter where he may be located t.hh1 will be always the old home town for Mr. •111107. Miss L. Gibbiegs, Toronto, who spent a werlc of her holidays with her sister' Mrs. (Dr.) Kay of La- peer, Mich.,is this week visiting her father, Mr. John Gibbrnts of town. Mr. and Mrs. John F. Reynolos; rvho have been residents of 0ocleriell fort three years or: So, have gone t0 Detroit where 'two Members of their family reside and of which city they were residents for many years. Mr. Chas., Trowhill of the 13e11 'fele Ph FfStratford, was. in one std ton on Friday and Sat rday last renewing "frindships in his native ;town. From here lie .went to 1Cnn- car.dine, to,)isit'iris ' "sister, Mrs, John h Inglis. Mr. and Mrs iohn Moon of Toronto, who spent the week rt the 01d Boys' Re -union •. at Stratford, were, in town,Satuttiay and ;called upon old friends here They are spending the second week of their holiday at' Mr. (ivlbon'stparental itonjp in Hullett and in Coderieh. Prof: and Mrs. Bristow° left on Mon- day to spend a fele days. at, Niaga- i'a S+ails and •Buffalo.' They , had given' up the idea of taking a frons - home vacation, but anxiety regard- ing near relatives in the war to- gether o.gethor. with the fact that she has not been enjoying very good health of late, made it advisable that Mrs; I3ristow° go away for a few 'rhe Captain of the Essex, the Brit- ish man of .• war, which has been cruising oil the east coast of the United States., is a cousin of kris- towe's. Her brother, Col. '1'. Wat Son, is in command of a British' Regiment at Durban, India,, and she has four 'nephews doing duty in the Home Regiments and two who are ollicers in the army of Hol- land. Mr. 13ristowe has also four nephews in the British service so that the famil)r may well • be said to be doing its share in upholding the prestige of tine motherland. Mr, Sidney \\'utt was in Stratford last week, Miss Lucy Grant has returned from Lapeer, Mi011. Mrs. A, 0. Pattison has returned from a visit in liridgchurg. Miss Ilubo 'Irwin is at present the guest of Landon friends. Mrs. Spindler of London is ii,ilit b her sister, Mrs. Macdonald. Miss Mlililrod Evans is a guest at the Runout summer home at Naftel's. Mrs. Leslie of Georgetown is visiting ler sister, Mfrs. Howson of Albert street. .Mrs. Fortune of Detroit spent last week with her sister, Mrs. P. 0. Reynolds. Mr Richard Batlerton of Woodstock VAS the guest of Mr. W. C. Brown of. The Two Stores on Monday. Mrs. H. E. Saville and her little nie- ce, Mrs. Mar)) Webster, visited fri- ends in Londesboro over the week- end. Mrs. harry Marsh and Master Nor- man of Detroit are guests • at the lady's parental home, that of Mr: and M Mrs. (ice Levis. Miss Beatrice Orme and Miss Mar- ion Thompson- are expected .home this evening from visiting Toronto and ISanlilton friends. Mlr,s. E. P Maloney and children of Sault Ste, Marie. are guests for a Few weeks at tine home. of. their mo- ther, Mrs,- R. McLennan. • Mr. harbor, wile has been a guest at 1,110' 5001001' camp of Mr. and Mrs. C. 13. hale at Naftalis; has return- ed to his home in'Toronto MIr Clarence ICilty is another'Clin- ton student tithe was successful in 1,116 1iaculty, Entrance examinations winning -Part' 1 and,also Part :II: kiss Olive Brooks returned. to hr hoinl0' in Mitchell yesterday after a months visit with her grandpar- ents; Mt„ and Mrs Wn.Cantelon. M1ss;•Ma'raory Beaton was the guest for a few days dining, 'the .'past week 'of . Miss • :Gor:cude Wallis, w)iosSfamily .is camping at Burks. Rev, A. E., and Mrs. Ncilly and Miss Maigtc,tta 01 Ham ilt in: spei't a, few dayr.; (luring the past we1c as the guests, of •Mir, ,and ,Mrs, J. 13. Lind-. say. Mr:s. French, who was a' resident of Clinton for a - couple of years;, broke up house -keeping a couple of. weeks ago and has `now taken charge of the household of her son, ,• Mr. Victor C. French „ of Wctaskiwfu; Alberta,whose wife was ' taken • from Trim 0n:der such sad • circumstances a :few weeks ago. Mr. and Mrs. tarry Cook and little' son of •Trenton have been the guests during the past week of Mr, and Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Coble oI town, having come up in •their motor. eat; On their return to Trenton yestcr- da)7 Miss Mildred Cook accompanied them and will also accompany their on a trip ..through New 'York State and foc a few days stay in New York City next wersk. The News From Londesboro Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Miley returned Monday alter spending a new days with their daughter, Mrs. 12, Walters of London. ML:: and Mrs. •Jos Stalker of inger- soll spent a few days at; the halo of llr. D. Geddes. Rev., C. Cl. Keine attended a funer- al on one of 111s fernier circuits near Tilsonburg on Friday of last week, Mrs. R. Spindler of Lucknow is visiting at the home of, NSr, '(hos. Sampson. The following refers to a nephew of Mrs. ML Mains, Londesboro, and Mr. li. C'rawl'ord of the 8th con. On July .20th, et the home of Rev. MIan- son and Mrs. - Doyle, 377 Lipton street, Winnipeg, a pretty wedding was solemnized, the contracting par- ties being 'MIs, Arthur Benson Craw- ford, youngest sell 'of Mrs. W. Si Crawford of, the Hullett distil ot, near Killarney, Mau,, and Miss El - line Agnes Kinarson or Kingsley, Man. 'The ceremony was performed by the Rev, 1300. F. McCulley, Pas- for of Wesley church and a , former pastor of -the groom, Aller the cer- emony and congratldations the party enjoyed a daintily pra)aced wedding breakfast served by Mrs. Doyle, af- ter: which Mr, and MIrs. C'rawiord left ,on the morning train for Killar- ney, where they .1017 mance, their bulge. Mr. MI ins:spent a 0007110 of .• .days in London this ..week. MIrs. Ed. Saville of Clinton spin,: the week -end with her parents, PL. and Mrs. Jas. Webster. Mrs, Button and daughter of Sca• forth spent a few days at of Mr: S. Woodman. Mrs. J. 0. Lounsbers' and li :.c daughter left Monday to spend few' weeks with her parents at De'.Fi. Mr, 1'I. IT, hill purchased a new, Ford car from Mr. I, Brown of [31)111 Miss Oaks of Sealerlh isa guest this week or her aunt, Mts. 1', C'. Baine. Newvs-Record MIeans News -Leader. Hullett Township Mrs. Frank Mlousetau and chiicl::e. of Hensall are visiting relatives and friends here for a few clays. Miss Irene. Corbett of Seaforth le visiting with her cousins in thii. vicinity. Mi Edward L. Blake of Detr+i came home Saturday and is spendr0 the week at the parental home, timdi of Mr. and MIrs. Richard 131ake. Mliss Louise Haley of London is • visiting her sister, Mics. Wm. Ste- 0I50n. Miss Nora McGaughey of Illyta spent file 'forepart of the o•eek at Mr. John ' Shanahan's, ' News -Record Means News -Leader. 1 Mid -Summer Shoe Sale FiNAL CLEAN=UP the most successful Soni - h end oi' this, The next ten days will see the An Iual Clearance Sales we have yet held. To make a .final' clean -op ", this season we will otter yon still better values than before: The last day of this stile will be Saturday; August 15th. Women's Pumps and Oxfords New goods, pal est and' gun metal reg,' $3,50,. sale price $;1.08 Wouren's pumps and oxfords, regular $2.50, sale pried , $1.45 Children's Slippers 30 pails only, regular price $1 00 to $1,25, sale. price ,40' Men's Calf Blue. New toes, reg. price $4,00, sale price $2,08 Men's Work Shoes All sizes, regular :32.00, sale price $1.01) Men's Patent Blue. A few' pairs left, regu- lar price $5,00, sale price $1, 08 S CHAPMAv' P1aoNI ANIIM1111111111140 .-i