The Clinton News Record, 1914-05-28, Page 8Clinton News -Record
?lay 28th 19x41'
THERE'S No Place
Like HOt1E if is
COSY and Comfort-
Yours' can be if you will take :.
advantage of our Furniture
It's bargains galore we are offering just now
in everything in the store. If you want a Side-
board, Buffet, China Closet; • Table, Chairs,
Springs or Mattress„ now is the time to purch-
ase. Our store is the cheapest spot in Huron
County to buy all kinds of furniture:
Bali Sc Atkinson.
Night and Sunday Calls.
N. BALL Phone 110. J. A, ATKINSON, Phone 18(1
Exoolielit WOfflOIIS Shoos 1
The Woman, who wants better shoes—distinctive shoes
can find in our spring lines exactly what she is looking
for !
We have handsome fcotwear, in high and low cut ;models,
from makers who have a world wide reputation for making
good shoes.
Beautiful bright and dull finish leathers. Cravenette and
Cloth tops.
The new colonials and pumps are beauties, Cuban, Spanish,
Louis and Kidney heels. Receding toes of the new Eng-
lish models, eta
$2.50 $3.00 $4.00 to $4.50
Our eager ienced shoe service in fitting is of the greatest
value to a woman who wants a shoe that is "Just right in
Every, W ay."
Good Shoes for Everybody.
of Improved and llpTo
3easoaij1e Goods
Lawn mowers Sherwin -William paints
Screed doorsand windows Japalac and varnishes
Perfection oil ecoves Campbell's varnish stain
Washing machines Climax wall paper cleaner
P. W. ringers Ronux English floor paint.
Step ladders 5 kinds metal polish '
Paintbrushes Silvo, the celebrated silver polish
White wash brushes 10 different kinds stove polish
Brooms and whisks Jellstone Moresco
Spades and shovels it -Cedar mops
Rakes and hoes Hempel and liquid veneer
Poultry netting Brass. curtain poles
Garden hose
See our assortment of ever ready electric flash lights and the Cele-
brated National electric smoothing iron, new J-totory corn planter.
V.+ Special Free Parcel Post to all parties living within 20 miles of
Clinton. Our phone is No. 7,or drop o card and we will send by the
next delivery, free of charge,. Il pounds is the weight limit.
New Spring itugs
at Special Prices.
\CVs havetjust received our:first shipment of New Rugs and while
ti ey are wonderful values still we are going to offer some Extra Spec-
ial Prices during the next"two weeks in order to induce early buying,
We have Tapestry Rugs, Velvets and Wilton Rugs and all spec-
iallylpriiced fur the next two weeke,
Also a1
A sona s e big values in Linoleums and Lace Curtains.
Spring time'." means Shoe timelin most familiesland "We are here
with the goods" to supply those wants and at a bigsaving in price to you
g P
L)on't miss seeing .our stock when looking for your
next pair. "ft will pay you well":
Plumsteel Bios.:
Small" Profits
More Business
Smart Raglan
is only one of the splendid
new styles you can see in
the Standard Fashion Sheet
for April. Be sure to call for
a Free copy at our Standard
- Pattern Department.
Often the cheapest -•Always 'the beat.
c �rfliiis m' ramnuugo.ianyJ
es ale lit.
MMlrs. Bean visited Blyth friends last
Air. John Runrball was up from Tor-
onto for the week -end and holiday.
Miss Rena Pickett of tlti posto0•ice
staff was in Toronto tor the holt-
Mr. Geo. Davis and Mies Bertha spent
from Saturday until Tuesday in. De-
Mr. Ogle Miller was up fru:n Paris
spending the holiday at his paren-
tal home.
Mr. Arthur Bean of the Toronto Fac-
ulty of Medicine is home for the
long vacation.
Mr. Arthur Cameron was in Port
Hope on Monday fitting' up some
mill machinery
Misses Carrie Steep and Maida Coop-
er and Master Earl Steep spent
Sunday in Goderich,
M. David H. Fulton spent a fe*
days the past week in Detroit and
from there he motored to Cleveland.
Mr. Wm. Marshall, who has been vary
ill' for same time, is now at the
home of his sister, Mrs JryS, Liver-
Mr, Samuel McConnell of Stratford
was tit; guest over the week -end. of
Mr. and. Mrs. David Steep of Stap-
Mr. aril Mrs, G. D. McTaggart were
guests, over the week -end of Princi-
pal Gtmdry and Mrs. Gundyy,
S trathro
.Mrs, Susan Crawford of Lowlesboro
was the guest of her daughter, Mrs.
Ed. Johnson of town, for a couple
of (lays this week.
Mr. Herbert Bean aind little son c'
Toledo, Oltio, are the guests this
week of the former's. mother, Mrs.
John Bean of town.
Mrs. Archibald is spending a fort-
night with friends in Goderich, af-
ter which site. will visit in Hamilton
with her Son in. Montreal.
Mr. and Mrs. Janes Finch and Mrs.
J. J. Macdonald' kat Saturday mor-
ning last to spend a week or more
with relatives at Flint, Mich.
Rev. Dr. J. A. Maodonald of '
was the guest from. Saturday until
Monday of Dr. and Mrs. J. C.
Gandior, goiu on to Brussels Mon-
day, where he -officiated at the lay-
ing of the corner stone of the new
Mr. and Mrs 'George G o ge T lows n
o who
have been spending a fortnight or
so with the former's, mother: in
town, left yesterday, to visit fri-
ends at Peterboro. Mr. Howson
will leave from there for lois hoine
at Medicine Rat. but Mrs. Howson
will return later for a visit before
returning west,
Dr;. Smith, George Greenslade and
seventeen other citizens of. Bayfield
carne over on Friday evening last
to witness the football match Clin-
ton vs. Brussels, TIM balmy vil-
i1lage has always been waren, on foot-
ball, and when there's a good game
at all witlr'n reaching distaneo a
contingent of the sports may
be found among the spectators.
Mrs. S Crich returned on Thursday
evening least from Los Angeles, Cal-
if. to which place skis went in Aug-
ust, 1913, while Mrs. Crich had
very pleasant time in the south
and also 'at Detroit, where she
spent a few weeks on her • return
trip with ,her Idstcr, Mo. Moire,
she is glad to be back in the old
home town again. The numerous
friend of this, lady are very much
pleased to have ' liar in the midst
Mr. David. H. Fulton. -has resigned
11is position with the Doherty Piano
Company to accept the manager-
ship of the Ballet Son Company of.
St. George. ' Mr. Fulton came to
Clinton as systematizer and manag-
er of the Clinton Knitting Company
and prior to that was in the "ser-
vice of the, Standard Oil Oomt}lfamy,
New: York, and holds'higia rocord5
in his tine of work. The ninny
friends ,hc had inade in Clinton .by
his genial, cheerful manner will be
sorry to hear of Ins departure but
will very cordiall}a wish Ilym siuc-
00S5 iii iris new positioIi.
Friday, Saturday and all next week we put on sale 1,000 Yards. -NEW' ENG-
LISH'every t
PRINTS fiull width and Weight,color 'fast, white grounds'an hack,
blue, brown, red and pink spots and flowers, blue ground ` with all the new designs,
black ground in all the designs, also red and pink grounds ---While they last itc..
New Ginghams--With the above we put on sale 500 yards of New Spring
Ginghams, in .oh ecks and stripes in all the leading colorings, full width. plain
weave andcord.°stripe, regular_15c values, sale price roc.
New Goods This Week
New ,Cotton- Hosiery all colors, new Summer Underwear, New Frillings,
New Cotton Dresses, Hole Proof Hosiery, New Corsets:
House Furnishings for House Cleaning Season
We are showing a splendid range of Tapestry and Brussels and Wilton Rugs
in the very latest colorings and designs, in all sizes. A visit to this department
will conyin,ce you that you will save by doing your shopping here.
300 yards of Brussels Carpet in small and large patterns, in greens, fawns
and brown grounds. Regular price $1.25, sale price 89c.
NEW STRAW HATS --We are showing a complete range of all the up to -date shapes in Straw Hats,
The season is fast coming on for these goods. Be wise and pick out yours early before the lots -are broken. The
prices run from f1 up to $5,
BOYS COTTON JERSEYS -We have now in stock a complete assortment of boys and girls long and
short sleeve cotton jerseys in all sizes and combinations of colors, at 25e.
BOYS LION BRAND CLOTHING ----If you want to save money on boys clothing, the kind that gives
good wear, bring your boy to this store and have him fitted out in one of our Lion Brand Suits, no bettery!made,
nobetter style, no better wear, and yon pay the same price. SUITS FROM $2.50 up.
W. C. BROWN, Successor..,
Mr. L. J. Waxman was home from
Broadhagan over the holiday.
Mrs. Dymant of Chicago is , vtsi,ting
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. 1I, W.
Miss Caldwell of Couch's stats was at
her Bonne at Londesboro over the
• holiday, •
Mr. Will. 1lamblyn was a holiday
visitorat his parental tome
Mr, Linder of Toronto spent the
week -end in town as the guest of
his daughter, Mrs. J. Doig.
Mrs. 1)unfard was up from Seaforth
over the week -end., The family will
very shortly again take up residence
in town.
Mrs. James Tait Sr., and little
granddaughter were hero from De-
troit for a few claps visiting with
Mev, Murray.
Mrs. L. Cree accompanied' by her
• daughters, Phemia and Margareit,
and also Miss Olive: Little visited
with Londesboro friends over the
' week -end.
Mrs. Slater of London and her little
daughter spent the week -end and
holiday in town visiting the lady's
sisters, airs, J Foster andi Mrs.
G. West.
Miss Lillian'ec
uird 1of Listowel,
ac .. ,
Mr. Stewart Scott, Brussels, Mr.
Chas, McLean, Wni„ham and Mr.
Alan German, son of Mr. German„
M.P., Welland, were ...guests over
the holiday at the home of Mr. aril
Dirs. D, S,.C.lufi,-
Mr, and Mrs. 1.1 M. Shaeffer of
Stratford were. guests at the Metho-
dist parsonage on Victoria Day.
Mr. P. Epps and family motored to
Bgantfo,d Sufnday, returning Monday
evening.. -
Miss Beatrice Greene of Clin Inc was
the guest for a Mw days fast week of
Miss Effie Snowden
Mr. John McAsh aooi 14L:. Samuel
Stinson are each sporting a handsome,
new buggy. It is evident that some
People stip tu'n'e a good horse is all
Mr, Chas, Stelck left on Monday for
the west. bus friends greatly .0 iss
Mrs; Jahns and Miss Johns were
speriding el few clays with the fornler'5
tom in Exeter,
Rcul in not 1 lips ,"inv.
health as rapidly, as hii> lciends wiiuld,
Wish to see.*
Monday being observed as a public
holiday, the 'good, old 241,11 of Kay,
all places of huetiness were erased,:
Rev. Mr. Snowdenattended the dis
trict'meeting in. Godetic,h last • wee.e.
Mr. Joma of '`Kippeu was the lay del
egaite from this circuit.,
Mrs. V. Deihl was 111 London last
week • representing the W.M.S. of the
Methodist church at the annual Bran-
ch meeting.
Mr. John Joynt i,rlseid his shed
, last week andmtencits= patting. eminent
11 NEWS -RECORD NEWS-LEala'Er', foundation Guider it.
Hullett Township
Gladys Crawford, the eleven -year-
old daughter of Mr. James Crawford
of Colville, Wash., and granddaughter
of ,Mrs. Susan Crawford of tris,tow,n-
ship, recently won second prize in
her district in a spelling contest, ao-
cordiug to a report in a copy of the
•Corvine Statesman -Index, winch also
published a picture of the winners
of the first and second prize and a
congratulatory comment.
Crawford's grandchildren all scene
to be endeavoring to obtain the very
best education passible, • a highip
laudable ambition in which they are
encouraged by their grandmother, who
though nearing her seventy-eigliik
birthday, is as keenly. interested in
passing events as the youngest in ilii
Mr. John and Miss Eulala Flynn
spent the holiday with friends in
Miss Nellie McIntosh of Toronto
is visiting friends and relatives in
the neighborhood .this week,
Mr. and Mrs. Wilt', Johnson and
Miss Lily Leitchh of, Clinton Sua-
dafecI in. the vicinity.
Miss Mary Ellen Blake ep;nt Vic-
toria Day in London,
Air. Prod. Lawson of For,mlo tis1t-
ed. 1,15 parents, . cuts alit and Mrs, W'.,,
Lawson, over the ✓ems,in
Mr. Jas. Phalen cv' Motels visited
at Mt. and Mrs. John ('arbcrt.'s one
day last week.
Mrs, JS(l. Agnew of Owen Sound
spent the holiday w'ii;h her ;:int,
Mrs. Wm, .Carter.
,Mr. Win. Flask has p'urrehaded a
nice driver 'from Mr.. W. 11. Lyoys of
Miss Lily Connell Inc returned to
r h
her ome in wen Sound.
0 o d
Miss Rhoda Mackenzie spent the
holidays with her parents at Loch-
Miss IJazel Campbell of .Stratford
Normal spent Saturday ant Monday
at her home here,
Several of our young people spent
the 25th to Milalrell.
Mr. Jas. Forbes bad a successful
bee last week his barn:
Miss M. Clifton. returned ,;to •her;
home after a week's visit With her
brother, Mr. C. Clifton;
Mr. and Mrs. T. I;awsen of Girton
spent the 2lth at Mr. ' Wm. Lawson's.
Mr. an(t' Mrst. 11, J. r Miller ' spent
the 24th wifilifriends here.
Mr. W. J. McBricn hada bee this
week moviris and jacking up his
Mr. and Mrs. N. Ball and .ohildren
visited Tien;hiller friends on Sunday.
112x• H. Lindsay of Luolcnoiv passed
through' St, Helen's the other, clay on
The News From Londesboro
I1Iiss Flossie Brown has returned to
her .school in Stanlep alter spending
a week at her parental home,
Mr.. Geo'. Seales bad the chimney of
his. house blown to bits .by. the storm,
of Wednesday morning.
Mr. and Mrs. R. Watters of Lon-
don anti Mrs. T. Roberton and Miss
Ivy of Clinton spent the holiday at
r e f Mr. WinRiley.lite nom o ..Itr
Mr. Wm. 'rarnhlyn and Air. Harvey
of Toronto were guests. of tib form-.
er's parents, Mr. and Mrs.,, J, W,
Tamblyn, over the. week -end holiday.
Mrs, W. 11. Lyon is spending a few
days with London and Watford friends
this week.
Mr. John Lear visited with hits
mother, Mrs, S. Lear, this week for
a few days.
'bliss AI. McCool of Toronto spent
the week -end at the home. of her
parents, Mr, and Mrs, Wm. McCool,
• Messrs. John Nott and Chas, Craw -
lord are working at Mr, Luxton
Hill's mill at Blyth,
iviihses Jean and Eleanor Mains of
London spent a few days at 15-itt
home here this week,
The W.M.S. of the Methodist church
held their: annual at-Ifome on Monday
evening, a splendid t`ano being
given including an address on system-
atic giving by Mrs. Jas. Southcombe.
Lunch was served by the ladies after
the program and the talent ' money
was paid In, each member telling how
she had earned the money.
Mr. and Mrs. B. Brown of Brant-
ford spent Sunday with the lady's
mother, Mrs. (Dr.) Young.
Mr. J. D. EIsley spent a few days
this week with Woodham friends.
Mr. and Mrs, Reward Lee of Port .
Colborne visited with friends here ov-
er the holiday, ' returning home
Tuesday accompanied p ea
Lee, who has accepted position in.
that town,
Mrs. Henry .Colclough was in Lon-
don attending the meeting of the Lon-
don Conference Branch of the W.M.S„
as a delegate from the auxiliary here..
Mrs. Miller of Clinton visited Mrs.
Cooper on Thursday
Mrs. Berwick and sons of Seafortbs
visited the lady's parents, Mr. and
Mrs,. James Mann, on Sundays.
Mr, Keating of Seafortii has been
busy fixing the chimneys of tit:
Methodist church and ma'ring repairs
to then inside nee plastering.
Mrs 1a r'
Adam Glazier and children of
Clinton visited the former's mother,
Mrs. W. Cole, on Tuesday.
PUMPS and OXFORDS ---Ladies, .you can-
not afford to miss the opportunity
to look at our very
wide range, of New and up-to-date Summer Footwear,
in all leathers --patent, gun metal calf, suede and white
new buck audf canvas,
MEN'S SHOES—Our new styles in men's
shoes for the season make it easy for them to gratify
their individual' tastes. There is .fine custom mod-
eling in ever line and such erfect'
g y p, Lon of fit and finish
as well as durability that it will be a .pleasure to wear
S. C' H A' i- M L >• N