The Clinton News Record, 1914-05-28, Page 6HELD BACK BY DEADLY •ANAEMIA Thousands of Growing GirIS Yearly Pall Into a Hope- less Decline,. Armeania--the doctor's name for bloodlessne,s; holdsback many girls from the path - to bright, healthy womanhood. At thak.a.11- important tirhe . wheal their veins staordcl be full of rich, red blood, anaemia, creeping on them stealth- ily, robs them of sparkling eyes and a clear skin. They' become languid and exhausted at, the least exer- tion, their hacks aeh, their hearts palpitate violently, appetite fails, and their coanpleimon changes to pasty yellow, or they become deathly white. NQ medicine ever offered the Public has bestowed such important benefits upon anae- mic girls as Dr. Wtom,s' Pink - Pills. They build up the ;body anew _ by making' the rich red ;blood at gaves splendid health th; bright eyes, a clear complexion and womanly brightness. Here is an; ins'tance out of many' ree,,ordett.thousanda - Miss' Delina .Assenault, (Jrbeinviale, P. &I.' 'seas; "I suffered from ain at- tackof ,ausemia ;which my friends feared 4 one time would prove fa- tal. I 'grew thinner every day, had dark ciroles around my eyes, Gould beep well, at night aincl got up U1 file ,triorning feeling tired and depressed. I ,suffered severely from :headaches :and pains in the ;back and limbs. I had to ,leave „school, •and was unable to do any work around the house, I had 'no appe- and frequently vomited what • did eat. I was under a, doctor', s care for eight months, but was &rowing worse and worse, and was almost in deepair, when a friend acivie.ed ane to give Dr. Williams' Pink Pilia e trial. Anxious to get well, I 'decided. to do so. ,Aftex- • taking a few boxers I found a good improvement,' and I continued tak- ing the Pills until 1 had used nine • boxes, when I. was evil' enjoying • perfeet •health, and I found o.n ..weighing myself that 1 had gained seventeen pounds. I have since, en- joyed perfect health, for which I have to thank DP. William:Cs' Pink Villa, and. strougly advise all Oilhalr ailing girl's to gave this needieitie fair Every woman affiioted "with anae- mia, every woman who .safers from leackaohee and sideaches, and the other miseries that afflict her sex own• secure new healtli and strength through a fair use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pilis. Sold by all medici,ne dealers Oh by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The De. Williams' Medicine Co., Brookville, Ont. IN A SiNOwStaDE. Climbing One of the•Loftiest Peaks of Siberia. The man who wishes to sleep in tents every night when he is Climb- ing some lofty mountain is nob anaxle of hard enough stuff to get to • its aumanit, ;declares 41t. Samuel Turner in his -account of "My Climbing Adventures in Four Con- tinents," That he Beast he hardy enough to encounter many flyingers and privations, Mr. Turnellas proved by his own experiences. In climbing Beluka, one ef thelofdest peaks of Siberia, in rnielwinberehe VGA cern•pelled to leave everything except food behind :him, in -attempt- ing the .sueronit. Having traveled far, and taken the 'risks, of. beexe, wolves,and the intense cold, he 're- solved aot to be stopped, and press - Everywhere there was fresh SnOW bait there ,did not seem to be much 'clanger of an 'aValanche. I walked oarefulay 1or a few Yards, and be - gen to believe that I had alone the right thing.; hat a .seoond alter making (this decieien, the snow be- gan to move, anal with it, I'iteer- , , ed myself . with any ice axe for a red or two when I lost all thought Of . everything; .except that I Was be- ing carried to de.struotion: I turn- ed heed downward, and .stopped, and the anew closed over me; but 1 was able to knock the MOW away from any head., and I found I oould hreathe, I had lacikily retained my grip on my ice axe, and this Toastie FlavoitAr A Winner Eery day many are find- ing Out that Post Toasties are different ' from other "ready to eat" foods. We in the making. Toasties - are carefully cooked bits of choicest In- dime,corn toasted to an appetizing, golden - brown crifspnesS. • • Care and time in toaStIng and the delicate flanoring Make this crisp core -food delightful. •' Post Toasties—ready to eat difect from the sealed package, With cream and sugar to taste. —Sold by Grocers. Canadian Poetnin Cereal Co., Ltd. Windsor, Ontario. :stopped me from gliding farther toward a preeipice. Pulling on the ice hke, I managed ,to gob on'to my knees, and' free 'Myself from ;snow; found myself a few, yards from a sheer drop ,of ,hundreds of feet and illst On 'the edge of, a ste4 slope that would have hurried me over the precipice•A lucky piece ; of rock had ,stopped my progrese. While trying to make a frail grip with, my ice axe, f began to slip'. I now remembered My knife,. go I got it out, and opened the ehorit tin-o-perier ;blade. That was a great help, and with its aid and that of the axe I managed to regain the ridge. It seemed to take a second to slide down and about two hours .to crawl beak; 'the distance was about +sixty tea. The wind began to blow 'front" the mirth, intensely cold, and this made toe hurry off the ridge as fast as I could Re. My clothes stiffened upon me, and at one eitne I fell; that I was going to lose the ,ase of my hande. • I Tabbed them with snow, end began the de- scent; but the wind had glazed the rock with ice, and I was a very long time in climbing down; even so, I had to exereise the- greateeb dart den. • ' I• could not -give uei, because • I ehould never have been' found. It required all the will power and pa- tience I (multi oommend. At times I was so utterly exhausted, and my legs bechane so ,atettieed and .sete with 'slipping down 'between the boulders, that I felt I could not stir another yard. Atter s brief rest, I plodded on again. -I was de- lighted to eee my little tent on the moraine. Ituatlan - Cereals'. The region tributary to the Black Seaporbs, from .which England gets so mude of its annual suppliee of wheat flour, berley;' .osts, and maize, akin lacks a welleorganized system of transport. Much of the country produce does. nob !reach the seaports until • winter has set in, with the result that much of it has deteriorated, and tet.eitee only a fraction of the price it should fetch. The Rameian government has new begun to 'bead elevators and stores in agriealtural areas both in Europe and. in Asia. five years there should he dep.ores enough etch do away with all the toilsome cleaning, fanning, and classifying ef the -grain that is new necessary. Odessa no longer ex- ports the 'Most grain; Ni.e.olaey and Rostov eaoh had more trade last year. More tbarley is -shipped from the Black Sea ports than any 'other ee,real, but great quantities of wheaib, +oats; corn ancl rye are also exported. THE ONLY MEDICINE FOR TEETHING BABIES • Mrs. Aleide Charlatal, Ste, So- phie de Levratd, Que., mites: "I em ascii emetisfied with Baby's Own Ta,blete which 1 used for any little one during the teething period. I know of no other medicine to equal them." Mrs. Charland's testimony is that of thousands of other mo,th- ers. Once the tablets are used a in.other will give no other medicine to her little ones. The tablets are guaranteed to be ttbsoileitely safe, and are not only good during the teething period, but cure coneeipa- tion,. coiie, oltits and simple fevers —in fact they mire all the minor ille of little ones. They are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 oents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Out. IRELAND 3,000 YEA.RS OLD. Recent Published Book Gives Some Interesting Facts. Slowly and imperfectly (the seat - tared links of evicle,nce as to the oiviiization of the Bronze Age in Europe are being fibted together, anel in "The Bronze Age in Ire- land," Mr. George Coffee brings into' tomes ell the serchaeologioal data, of the "Bronze Age finds," whioh ye to show that "Irish civi- lization, the art of egricelbure, and material ociatfort, bad reached a fairly high level." Perhaps re- marks the London Exprese, it is certainly eurious that the people of the Bronze Age could find time to fahricaite weapons end oamenneets of each fine 'artistic skill, and +this gees tat show that though Irish so- caety was ruled by the strong hand 3,000 years ago, theprivileged class did meat of the fighting, whil.e !Ithe litieb.an.dene,n and artisans went quietly about their business,' It is interesting to learn that bronze romers probably came into use about, 200 B.C., and the socio- logist who studies the development of human sensibility should experi- ment with this bronze instrument before forming any theoretic con- climioe. A good instance of (the un- certaiaty of arriving at final conctu- sions •as to the relative influence of centres a 'adrvenced European oivi- lieation on outlying regiona es to bo found in Chapter XII., where Mr. Coffey summarizes M. 1. Deche- lette's brjlliant inteemeetatio.n of the 'seri/eines" on the. •great +tumuli at. Neev Grange. Mr. Gaffey and other autho•ritlea hold that these rook "soribings" Were derived from the Aegean pieribizatiocii, end that they travelled te Ireland via Sean- clinevia ansi VILE;RMI.CieT route. But M. Dechelebte sece in the markings wit New Grange "a degenerate onnY of the female idols of nechlithic times," and ;comperes them with many similar rieolithie carvin.ges alt over the European oontinent. The one theory petsthe other out a court. It may be noted that the archeeologiebs are still in doubts as te whether early Irish +culture °wee its chief 'debt. to !th.a Scandinavian trade route or Was in" more by ee.cie1 relartimas Waldi Brittany a.nd Sp Mon find it herd to say With bebies, however, it's, about the fleet word they learn. New Brunswick • Woman's Message TELLS BIER S UFFE111N th SI S- TIll/S 'IV FIND. 11E1,1E1' IN e Do DP 'S Kti)NEY PI Lbs. Its. James 11. 'Roy was Ill for 146 'Yearn and the Doctor Could not llelp Rer llew She Found a Cure. 'Tremblay Settnement, Gloucester Co., NB, May 5 (S'veciad) —Mrs' Samoe B. Roy, an estimable ladt+ well known here,- has made the fol- lowing sbatement tOT publication : 'For two yeate 1 suffered from an extreme weakness and an avvfue pain in the book. Sometimes ellY back woe 20 w.eale I could hardly walk. I was alwayeenereote, I had no appetite and 1 wae feeling very feet. I took medicines from a doc- tor, but oontinued to grow woes°. •"Then I eterted ito utse Dodd's Kidney Pills. and 'soon .ieeKan improve. By the time I Med finishee the third box 'I was eteilPiletaY cured 1 know I .otve nay ' oure to D.o.cld's Kidney Pille, and 1 ' Want other eufferers to khow that they also may be•cueed." Mrs, Roy' r+ syraptem.s showed that she had Kidney trouble. That's tally she fouled •speedy relief -and complete eure in Dedd's Kidney Pills. They are g, Kidney remedy, pare and eiunple. The 'reason 'they ewe eo meaty suffering wotnen is that nine-tenthe of women's -trou- bles oonste from .sick ICidneyse APLIJCKYINAflVL Y Drove Three Lions Awcif From Rita Herd of Clettle. A .' Four lio•tes .attacke a herd of oat - on a farm at Ramsey, South Africa, says a news item in the Rho- desia Herald.. The herdboy was standing on 8,n ant heap. examin- ing a pair of hoots he lead got the day previous,when he heard a low growl near him. • On looldng up, he saw that three 'lions had got hold of three cows, while (another Rea stood looking on. The 'boy pulled off his boots end threw them at the nearest lion, and then made a rush foe them with a stick, shouting st the same time at the top of his voice to another herdboy to bring a gun. In the mematim.e two lioes heed got their cows down, but; nothing decanted, the Kafir made a riunh for them, and the lions moved away from their prey. 'Phe boy then rounded up his oattle (he had 108 head), and while he was doing so had to chase the lions away several' times; when he was at one side, the lions would try to oretcb the oatble on !the other. However, Ise brought all hie eattle safely ,horne. ;Since then one of the °eves has died, (the claw of a lion hieing penetrated her lung. For cool 'daring, ib weuld be hard to beat the chaseng of four lions single-handed, and with no weAPon except a pair of .boots ands etick. A. Family Trait. "Pat," eaida manager to one of his workmen, "you must bei an early risme I always find you at work the, fast thing in the morn- ing," "Indeed, arid I am, sir. It's a family trait, I'm thinkin'." "Then,yetir bather was an early riser, ,too ?" "Me father, is it 1 He rises that early that ed he went to bed a libtle later he'd meet ihienteelf getting up in the morning." Women Need Gin P,11.1s Fee Weak Baas ea. Ifenitleekesl e Mee Ethel Balcombe, of Port Ender - 151, N.S., writes: "I was troubled with Itidney disease for several Years.My back was weak. I had terribiO head- aches and Was SO vestleto, that 0 ootdd not sleep at night, At 'Mgt a friend told me about GIN PILLS. I at once got a box and after taking thorn, I felt better—after taking thrhe boxes I was cured," 60c. a. Box, 6 for 12.50. Sample free if *you write Notional Drug & Cherninal co. or Canada, Limited, Toronto. I Stand by Rim. ' 'glow is ie," mquercd a young bride of an older married friend, "that you always manage to have ducal delicious beef 1" "It's,verysimple " .eaitd the older women, "I first sele.ot a good, hon- est leacher, and then I stand by him.'' "You mean that you give him all of your •trad.e ?" , 'No; 1 ineen that I stand by him while Isia outting the meat." • INF ORMATI ONeF OR 'INVENTORS' Messrs. Pigeon,, Pigeon & the pat.ent solicatore +of 71A Sb. J erne s Street Montreai, rep oet that 115 Canadian patents were issued for the week ending May 5th 1914, 80 of Which were granted to Americana, 16 to Canadians, 12 to residents of, fqreign c.oantries and 7 to resideate lekdretteBritain aund Ooloni-es. Of the Canadiaes 7 were of the Provin.oe of Ontario, 3 of British 'Colurebie, El of Manitoba:, '2 of Sas- katchewere. 1 of Nova Scotia and 1 of Qualm°. He ,Started at Once. Mr. Bentley (in the beet of pae- &ion) : "There's not a, one& hoar in the day when our home is per. featly !happy!' 1VIes. Bentley :• "Oh, yes there is, clear I" Mr. Bentfey "I'd like to know when it ooneesin, then 1" Mrs. Bentley: "It .alwaye comes irt just after you have, gone out." Needlese to Bey the happy hour started at once, Soap Mineral, Tdniment In the hones. PO 11(11.1 N S III PS NO W. • Cheaper, Cleaner, More Permanent Than Steel; , L i.n 5r of poecciecein drivenby petr.ol may' one aay °tree the steam driven ship ,01 steel and wood. The poec•clein „ship is the 'plan of Ida )l'. liale•s Turner,. of Gravesond, England , a cano es. ma ste r p caber - 1.1,13 ,schesne is t1s,t eojart rronlthe frlides wed fram.ework, Altip ehould be bulge of plate p:OrCleialn. Altec f,orty yeare. labor a.n.cl. aue. expeacie tare of Wheut $500,900, 1.1: 4a,s beeet cliecloy erect otalinfac'bufe plate. 'peroelain at $35 tou in any size 'hp to 15 feet by 10 feet. Mr. Turner points out the canoe- tages .of the n.ewerna.b.egrialas regeeds eheapneise, eleantinges, and pernipe. genc.e. la is cheaper thee eny of its rivets, it harbor& no vermi•ne it cae ho cleaned by 'weaning; ale ea. coratien •Cetel b.e sienplied at the gime .of mainufeebere, and Wdll never rea.c1 renewing, end, it. will newer need PaillIrbingt , Snell iship could be '`eweelied up'.' like a china oap. P+oecelain a is prctioally eveeleet. ing. ' Tiles at Nankie 4,000 years eld nee no 'geed AS new, If a ship's li.a.c1 to be 'scrapped.; the poraa- isain lee taken o.eit and u.sed for another vessel. . icaldibien, fire rieke w.o.uld be reclueed to. minimum mad fatedirsura.nee p.rerni- tuns redateed. , "It wield require a $300,000 fee - tory manufaetare plate poree- lain am etanclaxdized lines for ship's use," -Mid MT. Turn.e.r, as 'ehe olima.te on the Thames. ta.vorehle, also the cost of yaw materials, why not DIDOD more build our ocean linens th.ere Death Nearly Clamed Now Brunswick Lady - Was Restored to Her Anxious Fam- Hy When Hope .Had Gone. St. John, N.B., Deo. 15th.—At one lane it was feared that Mrs. 3, Grant, of 3 White St., wiluld succumb to the deadly ravages of advanced kidney. trouble. "My first attacks of back- ache and kidney trouble began years ago. For six years that dull gnawing pain has been present, When I ex- erted myself It WAS terribly intensified. If I caught cold the pain was unen- durable. I used most everything, but nothing gave that certain grateful re- lief thatcone from Dr. Hamilton's Pills et Mandrake and Butternut. In- stead or being bowed down with pain, to -day I am strong, enjoy splendid appetite, sleep soundly. Lost proper. ties have been instilled into my blood —cheeks are rosy with color, and I thank that day that 1 heard of so grand a medicine as Dr, Hamilton's tense' Every woman should use these pills regularly because good health Pays, and it's good, vigorous health that comes to ail who use Dr. Hamilton's Mandrake and Butternut Pills. TILE TURKISH ARMY. ---- • Resents Its 'Introduction to Knives and Forks. Net .since its sapposedly invinen ble battalions were rolled back by the Bulgarian advarn.ce at Lule Bur- gas has the Turkish army experi- en•oed a grearbee shook then the or; der issued by the now Secretary of. War, En yore Bey, that hereafter all. Turkish eoldiers must cat with a knife and. foek. The enlisted men are not only alcoved at the prespeet of heed - ling ehe strange implements, but are hurt by the intimation that faithful hands which have %levees served the primary imams.° of con- veying food, to their mouths, should bc deemed no longer fit for that useful service. The Tuelonsh private is not Rime- ing an apt pupiL. When his su- periers are etheent he squate upon the floor and clevourse his food in Uhe good old-fashioded svay, but at the. approaoh of an officer he scrambles to a 6.04 at the table and falbs; to Wielding his new weep - CMS with all the skill he can care- r/land. . The civilizing process is not to stop with teaching the Turkish soldier rta•ble matinees. The edict has also gone teeth that he mast learn to read and write. Ask for alliuttsTo and take no other, --- • Happy The it ght. Miss Snipp : "Take back your deg, Mr, Sharpe; I love another," Mr. Sharpe: "Pleese 'mention that I have a ting for .sate—the eackern.e got, to ileve one." Try Murine Eye' Remedy If you have Red, Weak, Watery Eyes or Gratulatec1 Eyelids. Doesn't Smart —SoOthes Eye Pain. Druggists Sell Murine Eye Remedy, Liquid, 25c, 50c. Murine Eye Salve in Asepetc Tubes, 25c, 50c. Eye Books Free by Mail. Au Eye Tonle Goncl for Ail Cyan that Nese core Murine Eye.,Rernedy Co.. Chicago The only sane we' when yon lose your temper is to hold your tongue. =nerd's Taniment, used by Physicianc. ;said Tommy, asking his fifty-first, queebion that evening, "is 65 veseet •a boat l" "Well, yes," eaicl pee 'trying to read his ;paper, "you cen call a vessel a boat, .eer- eainly," "Well; what lein.c1 of a boat is a blood vessel?" "A life- boat, ef COnTise. Now tun •off to bed." Dr. Morse's InctiAn Root Pills are just the right medicine for the &Renee When they are constipated --wen,their kidneys are out of order -'--when over -indulgence in some favorite food gives them indigestice —Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills will quickly and surely put them tighf. Purely vegetable, they neither sicken, weaken or gripe, like harsh purgatives. Gnard • your children's health by always keeping a box of Dr, Morse's Indian Root Milani the house, They 61 neap the Children Well ED. 4. ISSUE 22—'14. •,PAINFULANI1 .SCALY PP[ES Like Boils. Worst on Face, Watery When Rubbed, Also Hands Cracked and Smarted. Cuticura 1Zoap and 'Ointment Cured. • Maio St; Eye-Drow, Sask.--"I was bothered with small pimPlas similar to Little bolls for four or flvo years, They v, ere molly ofleo r oct• Sanbelto.wrsootrst hoot; gave me a bad appearance. The plieph;s were both pain- ful and itchy so I scratched he the result and Vim, till quite large sores WoUld \.% seemed to be very watery \\\W \PN after I rubbed them to a sore. My raw was very ecarred during toe time It was soro. 'I was troubled with sore hands most all Winter for two years. They kept cracked till they Would be bleeding, and they smarted and wero so sore I could hardly bear to get them wet. "Upon seeing Cato.= Soap and Oint- ment advertised I thought there would bo no harm in trying them so 3 started with a small sample. purchased atoll -sized cake of Clutleura Soap also a box of Cutictira Ointment and before I had quite finished this I NAT I was lots better so the second cake of °mama Soap hind box of Oakum Ointment was purchased. Sub little was used when I was entirely cured." (Signed) Mrs. Wm, Dickson, May 23, 1013. Per treating poor complexions, rea, rough hands, and dry, thin and falling hair. Cuti- env& Soap and Cut/aura Ointment have been the world's favorites for more than a gee - oration. A single sot Is often sufficient. Said everywhere. Porallberalfreesamploof each; With 32-p. book, send priit-card to Potter Drug&Chem.Corp.,Dept.D.Bostim,II,S.X. SELL WIVES FOE BREAD. Cracow Peasants starving as En. mat of Bait Crops. Amazing steri•es are being printed in 'the German 'newspapere ooncern- leg. the, terrible predicament of Si- lesian peasants in the emighborhood of Cracow. Thousands of Inert, woe men, and ohildren, mostly Poles and Ruthenians, who hese" come over the 1137orele.r from Galicia., axe there begging for food, They belong- to the agriculturel population of that country, and have been totally ruined by bad harvest andgalena distress prevailing in Austria in consequence of the money sperst for mobilization during the two Balkan Men are willing to sell their daughters and W1VeS, even, for at piece of bread. A great mane are ill from etarration ancl exposure, but the Prnesiac polies, have found ae limb a remedy for these poor wretehes. They aiee being driven back like cattle zeroes the border Five 'hundred of them have been so returned. How enemy Relished on the way the officials do nob report. There are no coroners in Prussia. Chest Colds and !harness Quickly Bobbed Away "Nerviline" Gives speedy Relief and Cures Over Night, Got a cold? .15 your voice raspy—is your chest congested or sore? . • „If so, You aro the very person that Metalline will cure In a jiffy. Nerviline is strong and penetrating. It sinks right into the tissuee, takes out inflammation and soreness, de- stroys colds In a truly wonderful way, Rub Norviline over the chest—eub on Jots of itnand watch that tightness disappear. Nerviline won't blister, it sinks in too fast—doesn't simply stay on the surface like a thick, oily lini- ment 'would. If the throat is raspy and sore, rub it well outside with Nerviline, and use' Nerviliee as a gar- gle diluted with warm water. .fust one or two treatments like this and your voice and throat willebe quick normal again. - Just think of it—tor forty years the largest used faintly medicine in this country—Nerviline must be good, must quickly relieve and cure a hun- dred ille that befall every family. Try It for aarache, toothache, coital's, colds, sore chest, hoarseness and mus. cuter pains in every parte of the body. Large family size bottle '50c,; trial size 25c, at all dealers, QUEEN IS JIEST ;WALTZER. King Geoege, Though, Oely Takes , • Part ix' quadrilles. The two stake balls which hire to be given at Buckingham Pala•oe. Will not be :the °tile oocasie.ne this aes- son on which (the Queen will be mon deeming, . says the London Standard. She has already ar- ranged to be present ab two dances in the near future and it is. not improbable thaii •thlis number will be added to. The King has naves been much abbra.cled to claiming, but the Queen is aegerded by teeny good judges .es the best waltzer in London. It is this zoyai p.alteonege which has largely brought about the pre- sent interest in detrains. A few years ago even the most &Airy/table hostesees experienced a great diffi- culty in finding efifficient men to provide pert:eons for all her women guests. Recourse, so it was add., •even had to bp land +in some coaes to • the biting of dancers. This, of course, never °catered at the great ileums of M•agfair. - When dancing was at a lew 20 far as men were coamereede ib wee eutidenly taken up by the music hells After a while came the tan- go, wileieh took London by storm. Then people beget) to learn the &nee, and those w4 cu1d n9t master its gteps eotinhee.refuge in the walf.e—senee sopetsedal by the Boston 14 has • poly iseettcad th e • IsiAlmin tst royal approval go maec (naming now more fashionable than It haa b•eeo for a long 0:111.a. The Dna roe/bard e a.1, the etat e b s umally Maude invo• polkas, two 80(.2 al gaa•clrillee, mai the yetneindee waltzes. The Mae rarely takes part in anything 'but catadrilles, but the resti of his family aree—to tiSe, the expreesioh of a +cleaning mestere_ "teacier for enything," cess Mary is gen exceedingly groocfal dance,, 'tech the Prince of 'tVales is rap lily • be coming • e first Oaks lectr s.lx.3011 us ;brothusi em ' how-, ever, Id w.ouled be &Olean to equal Prinoe Albertg whe likn e,11 ie thorn"(ghly at home on a ballreohn 'leer. Prince.ee lthery Id oe, yet ,mun' hied itet s, herefore, eo can- f,„r he, ibet.iyities in this wi.ty ho few childrerne .ctenc,es given at thc palace- tsr the !house' of an in,timebe" tricud , 1,11;1i t al tat' les. ' Some • suggestive experiments ,barve beee enrecl.e ori Geri -nate war - thins with lighted p-roje.ctites, which it Id thought may !bake the pla1ce of the eleobrie sea•rohlight. Tbe pro- jectile, whioh is filled wi•th ca'ictuen eeetine, isa tired from a cannot', aei.d since it is lighter then water, after eheiking, Id oomee •be blue surfeue. During its immersion, wafter is au- tomatically terlenitte.d, and peoduces acetylene gas, which burns with en illumination equal to. that of 8,000 camel -Les. The placing !of e few of these around a clietan,t enemy would oertainly put him at very &eigolis disadrantage, • Malting Artilielal Teeth. Maohinee for casting ertifecial teeth ef various metals have been open to objection. in thee uniform density could vet be obtained, and clefeebs .developed 'owing to lack ef proper *patrol of pressure. Two Austrian engineers have lately c,on- etracted, a, device ab Prague, which, Id is *Waned, eliminates suoh de- feots. The pressure is buten-notice alwaya uniform,. and is exeoted veto tica/ty, something heretofore re- garded as impossible in casting the emolten metals in such smell molds. Sentenced to Immediate Death It happens ever' time you treat a corn with "Putnarn's"—Corn dies—never re- turns. Nothing so certain and pain- less as Putnam's Corn Extractor—try it. Fifty Years' success guarantees its merits, 25e. bottles at all dealers. "I've comc to ask for your daughter'e, hand," faltered the young man a -matching this off shin evith his nigh foot. "Cen'.t have .it," 'snapped the stern parent. "I ain't in the inetelment 'business.. When you can eupperb the entire girl then you caa have her." minaras Liniment Co., Limited, Yarmouth, MS. Gentlemen,—In January last, Francis Leolare, one of the men employed by me, working in the lumber woods, had a tree fall on him, crushing hlin fear- fully.. Ile was, when found, placed on a sled and taken home, where grave fears Were entertained for his reCoVery, Ina hips being badly bruised and his body turned blacts from his ribs to his feet. Tiro used MINABITS L/NI1vIrliVr on him freely to deaden the pain and with the Use of three bottles he was completely cured and able to return to his work. SAIIVEUR DIJVAL, Elgin Road, L'Islet Co., Quo. Discosered. Leave, student was hael.ed be- fore the dean for= exceeding his L "Weill" aixii.d the prefeseor. "I'm awfully soany," said the undergrademte. "I really couldn't get beck before. 1 Was detained by important business." The dean looked at hien sternly. "Se you wanted two move days of grace, difi you" he asked, "No, sir," answered the young in,a,n, off his guard for a camment, "of Mafjorie." What the 200 ),Yere. A schoolgirl was required to write an eesay f 256 words &bout an automobile. She -submitted the "My male bought an eetornobiles He was riding isa the couotre- when Id busied going up is hill, 1 gweee, this i.e.abolit fiety words. The other 200 .aate what iny uncle said- when he was welkinback to town; but I won't write! them down," negenewe Mnlinett Lumbermaids Prianl TYPEWRITERS At whole - vale, all Elea. Weide Royal, T/nderwood, item., Smith, 011Ver, 535 to it411, with 055- 51.60 paid from-Wilideor. Cat. •alog free. 17.15. Typewriter Co., 53 Piaher BIde. Iloir014. ATENTS OF 11,TVE.N.1'IONS PIGEON, PIGEON' a DAVIS 719, St. James St, Montreal write tor information. All ready baked to p wicety ; whole5 mealy and f1111 flavored. Heating only is necessary. e Pariais FCI14 551.3. w2oN, 1455011, C�i»Dr,,s melee Toronto. ' TIl 0013 WANT TO 13517 Olt SELL A Fruit, Stook,. Grate. or Dairy Farm. Write 11. W. 'Dawson, Ilramoton, or '15 Colborne St., Toront,,. H. W. aqwson, Colborne St„ Toront5, NEWSPAPERS FOR SALE. 141....litthhieilssorkinCouenotin. OOD WEDICLY L1V15 ,rowe 115 U800. Terme liberal. Wilson Publish., eSettillot51°.nerPYrai:ed 13o9n°17%, Ng Company, 18 West Adelaide Street,. Toronto. PIM SALE. 1GTOR SALE. -0N53 HUNDRED LSS. A' Soap for 11; make your own soap; no boiling, no machinery. Particulare free. Harry Dobell, 956 Ossington Ave., Toronto, Canada, elifigeLLANSOlia, CANCEB, TIRADES. 0011.4 internal end external, cured with. GUI, pain by our home treatment. Writs Oe before too late. Dr. Reitman Mei:ilea • Ce.. Liasited, CollIngwood, Ont.. Man • Waritoct who,understands horses In every district wewant _such a Man Will pay Canadian Distributor 08 lArmr.el yanccuyor.8 C HOME STUDY The Arts Course luny he taken bycorrespo dance, Ina students desiring to graduate must attend one session. QUEEN'S UNIVERSITY KINGSTON, ONTARIO ARTS APPLIED SCIENCE EDUCATION Including MEDICINE ENGINEERING SUMMER StHOOL JULY and ATJOLIST 22 G. Y. CHOV/N, Registrar, Kingston, one KENDALL'S Spaita Cure it has been used by horsemen veteri- narians and farm- ers for 35 rem— and it has proved DS worth he hundreds of thonsrmds of cases. DIckerdike, Alta., Jan. 29, 1911 "I have been using Krodan's Sonvit, Cure for c. good many years with good results. id fact, I am never without it." 11 14MunaF. 51 a bottle -6 for 95, at drtiggists--er write for copy or our book "Treatise .ou the Dorm" Inc. Dr. B. J. KENDALL COMPANY Enosburg Fails, Vermont, U.S.A. 79 Newest Post Card A POS1 card with an aotital phono- graph record op at. Will play on any standard ease phonograph.. 15 cents each or two for 25 cents The best ever to use or mall to Your friends, WILSON S P-2.0 ilALTIES %indite ter BuiittIi ng, TORONTO. eraresecrmemwersgrevesemet.... ,s. eyOritte 4,tiz COLT DISTEMPER Can be bandied very easily. The siek arc cured, and all others (11..same stable, no matter how "exposed," kept from having if the dioeate, 'by 'Rsing 5901155V8 LIQUID DISTEMPER Ci/RE. Give on the tongue or in feed. Aeto on the blood and expels gernis of .all format)! distemPer. Best remody ever lroorlf g for mArea 1,, fOal.' Druggists nad hareems dealers. Our free P Booklet . gives everything. Largest selling horse remedy in . extleace- eseaisrg tet eu tornLVirn1AL1,3.pao04.. EislsspoHiEoatcc, ioi,itska:36etrio.in,.. oasnra.:u.t eAnOnATO1139, TZSTS nxake certain the quality of every raw material • prove the easy working quality and enduring wear Experxment and Experience Goth point to Ramsay's Paint aa your lagl�l choice. in purity, wear and beauty of color they ,nrc unsurpassed.'In economy they are unmatched. Courteous service from local agent. Write for interesting paint literature. (4.) . A. RAMSAY Br SON CO. (Eelablished.1442) MONTREAL, Que.