The Clinton News Record, 1914-05-28, Page 44ximiimummoimmow
Goderich Township,
Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Hanna arrived
at the 'home of the lady's parents,
Mr. and Mies. 'James' (inhale), on
Pride), -Iron, Moundsville,
Hamra 12a$ nob beet well for some
inmate al°e Monday l she amdc:we
11 S operation - I the (11Rt0u sc oUt
f W its
Ilea ria At time n z t tr..
Itatlent was doing as well as could
Abe exported anct the many friends of
the tartly hep° that she will' soon
!be completely restored,
Stanley Township
'hfr, wan. hlornee has the )misfortune
to lose a valuable brood mate nn
Saturday last which he bad :use pur-
chased recently at high figure.
ell's, John Reid Sr., moved oe Wcld-
eesday last to the village of Bayfiohl
into the house she purehave d from
Mrs. Stanhury,
Miss Alice Peek or Toronto and
Miss Maggie or St. Joseph spent the
24th -under the parental root:
Mr, \retentive Wilds and wife spent
Thursday in Zurich 'obser'ving Ascent"
Mon Day.
Mr. I,auncelnt Beatty and the head
agent, Mr. -McMurray ot (-Minton, were
aground the township last week.
liauneclot is 0 very busy man this
WOO or the year.
Miss Mabel Clark and ,Miss Stella
:Kathwell of Louden 'spent the 24th'
ender tits parental roof.
Mrs, Kerr spent Sunday week at
-the home o1 Mrs. Edward Robinson,
Mrs Nelson Keys wIes this wee); at -
lending the Mtssionaryi convention in.
MVTr. Will Robinsion has been spend.
Mg his vacation at his bona:
• St. Helens
Mr. Ell ood and Miss Mary Bar-
bour spent a few deiye• visiting at
Glammais laaet • week.
Quite a large crowd h0m around
here .attended the funeral 'of the late
R. J. Reid, near Auburn last Sunday.
A few of the ladies around here air
tended at picnic at Purvis,' lalie oil
A tweeter from St1 Helen's motor-
ed up to Kincardine last week to at-
tend a missionary! meeting Betel there.
Miss ('prissy Miller of Wirighante
spent) Iv6 S unday at her home here:
The RI11
e Club were practicing on
Monday afternoon.
Teras Frani: told is, we are sorry
10 state, under a doctor's.; care prat
we hope she will be soon r@stored to
bee ordir•tzry health again.
Mrs. Robe. McGuire is visiting her
sister, Mrs,l 1). Gillies. We lope - she;
will soon he able to he well again.
Miss Gladys .Jefferson of Donny-
brook 4s spending a few days with her
aunt, Mr. Macdonald,
Mr, Shoebottoni of ITolyrood• was its
the village o e Monday on business.
Messrs. Drummond, Dcycll and
Adair of Winghatn spend Sundae with
'Needs around St. Ilelre's,
A number from bete attenled . a
lecture in Luelcnow. by Env, J 03 r Mc.
Nair of Toronto.'`
Mr. Feed Treleaven of Toronto has
been visiting his parents here.
Mt James Rose and Miss s Taviie
�ivie dRi11p* teioads last week,.
Mr, J. 10, M l u h f Toronto to w� s
,reit o l o a
in the village for; a row - days last
Mr. Melvin .Anderson ' has rctaru.ti
to Sarnia atter a couple , of weeks
with friends hereabouts.
Mr. and Mrs, J. R- McNab and OM -
Were In l..ueknow recently visiting
Mt:, Medford Elliott of h'cst Wae-
enosh was very ill for a few ,:days
last week, so much so that his fri-
ends 18818 very anxious contemning
him, 1)11 he is UQw recovering,
Rev: R. A, Robins( n, who , has
been rector of 51;. Paul's ghurcl'I here
for the past year; bas accepted an
appointment under the Bishop 01 Tor -
01)1)0 -and twpects, to leave for that
city very shortly.
Van. ,archdeacon J. 11. Riehardscn
of London was in also village one
day last work on husiness with the
congregations of die Dungannon and
Port Albert Anglican elju:ohes,'l`hose
meatieg' the .representative of the
Bishop or Huron report This visit to
be very satisfactory.
➢'Ir, end Mrs, John ITey were. in Ex-
eter one day last week,
Mr, and Mrs. J. W. Ortwein and
Me 1'Iark and Miss Ella Drysdale vis-
ited friends in town over Sunday re-
Miss Rattenbury of Br1
Icafie[d 'has
been the guest of tor sister, Mrs. R.
While on her way from rot TlcrvsalL to
b P r
Cie' sC.•ill'Ch arl t
et Drysdale,
e Kra
3 :
s Williams, of Hensel], met with . . an
accident/ as she was Passing the 'resi-
dence of Mr, Andrew' Mittenitoltz, of
this, village, on Sunday morning, Ilor
horse stumbled and Fell, breaking the.
shafts of the buggy an6 trotting her
infant baby from her lap. Tho baby
on belies thrown out too': the lap
robe with it, ,which formed' a sort of
net ire which tete baby was suspended
b en the c1 v'1T 'd
t and the box of the
buggy. Mr, , NiLLent
I z
hearing of
the mishap weans lo hire lady's assist -
ten c at on.e. He took one , of his
own rigs and brought 1.113 lady and
child tic St. Boniface church, where
the infant was baptized,' Mr. Mittel-
holt, being chosen as its godfather.
News -Record Means News -Leader.
Dr. ihlcDonale is now slowly re-
covering after his serious illness,
COUCH & 00.°:-:
Cool, Well -Made G�rmeuts
Cost Small Sums
At This Store.
The Coolest, Prettiest
kinds of Wash Frocks bear. very
Ready-to-wear section and such
excellent garments they are.
Just as cat efully made as cloth
clothing. Made of Embroideries
Ratines, Voiles, Linens, Ging-
hams and Prints. Even to the
most minute detail they will pass
critical inspection. Women seek-
ing Summer Attire will find our
styles far ahead of the average
Ready=to-wear models. LOME
Wash Skirts
We are showing a large range of
Wash Skil ts, including Piques, Reps
Indian Head, Ratines and Bedford
Cord. These are the latest styles,
Prices range from $1.10 to $3.00.
We also passed into stock this
week several cloth skirts in the team-
is and peg top styles, all sizes and
all colors. Prices range from $3,50
to 89.00.
Ladies Suits 1-2 price
Just nine ladies' suits left, all new
styles, satin lined, colors, navy, lace,
brown and grey, We do not want
to carry these over until next season
so your choice of the nine at i price.
Field Day in' the.
Presbytery of Huron,
Next Sabbath', May '31st, was set
apart by the Peesbytery of Huron at
its last electing as, 8 j'Field D y'1
for tlr0purAes° ot e1 l"
tanpol S Presentation of the »tldget
for 1014 The set r
c s 01 SH.T.111k. 11.50
have been sec teeth to ocoupy the . sev-
eral pulpits toe the day as follows
Itev'.. Robere e•t Laird
14I,A., Sect'etalp
01 the Board of Finance, 'Toronto,
Thames Road :11 a.m., 1{irlttor4' 2.$0
p m. and elector. 7 P.M. -
Mr, A. b, McGrear of Lonelon, Cor-
bett 11 mor,, Grand Bead 2,30 p.m.
Rev, A. E. Arnt(Lrong, M.A., Ae-
sietaut Sweeten, of the Foreign Mis-
sion Board, Toronto, Hensall 11,
a.m.,. Blake, 3 area IIensall at 7
Mr, 1'1). D,- C'amcu:en ,or Luckulow,
Kippcn at 11 a,m,, ilillsgl:een at 2.30
p.m. eine Varna at 7 p.letl,
Mr, James Mitchell of (loder:icle
13tuceiield at 1.1 am, and ,Duff's'
church, McKillop, at 7 p.m,
Bev. 11 M. IIaulilton, 13.A., Seeee-
tarly of tlu. La.;r,nen's 111rssiona t hs-'
sociatioll roronto, Elniaadville at
1.1 a'.nt., Winthrop at 2.30 pan. and
Seatoreli at 7 -p.m.
Mr. Henry Strang. of Exeter, Burns'
church, Hallen, at 1,1 amt. and Lon-
deslaoro at 2.30` Pen,
Dr. Callow 'of Goderich at Illy th at
11 a.m.
1V1es. jetties Logan has been visiting
her mother, Mrs, Jos. Hudson, Mr.
Logan is expected from the west
shortly and they now intend locating
in Ordario. -
Mr.. J. Adamtl and son Reg. ot St.
Mary's were in town11 recently visit. -
IN 117r, 1)'.- .A. McConnell.
Messrs, 7. Priest and S. Mitering
hat° already begun to dig the
Mrs. J Stel{reason left last week
For Pilot Mound, Man., et a visit to
friends. She was accompanied hp
her niece; Mrs. Ester of Saskatchew-
an, who has been yisiling in Ontario
for some weeks,
Mr. Towers has promised 10 donate
a large (lag to float from the towel:
of the now town halt,
Feeding Young Chicks.
A„ few suggestions given by the
Poultry Division, Expedite ntat harm,
Do Not Fcerl Too Seem. -Wien the
chick is hatched it has a sufficient
supplyr or nourishment in the yolk or
the egg to last it for several days.
1)Vhai: the chick requires for the first
few' day s is not reed hat warm lir
encs rest
A Little Santl or (1111'1 IIIiS'C.-
When the Others are removed to
their brooding quarters there should
be some coarse sand or fine chicle grit
se altered where they can have free
access to it. They should then be
left tint iI they slimy positive signs of
hunger which would be between the
Bud and 3rd slay alter hatching. They
may then be giv111 10 nn hreacl.
eremite ' 1 het have het '
la en tett sllg fitly
with h realI, fhhs may- 1 he
an( !erect on elven 111(1 or chick
grit. 11' being brooded by a hen she
will see that no food is allowed to
lie around, 1)ui rf In a, brooder that
part of the food that the chicks do
not 1)icic a in a few minutes should.
P s s to l(t
be removed c a ( as nothing in reeding
causes' so march (rouble as leaving
food of that nattf') around u)1111 it is
Feed for the First 10 or 1.2 Days,
The following daily ration of rhe
reeds given about two and half Ilour1
apart' and 1„ontisucd from iiie came
rho chicks are two to three days out
or the shell until 10 or 12 days of
age may be, altered or adapted to
suit COtlditL ns t
First 'feed :-Day bread crumbs
slightly moistened with milk,
Second feed :-Finely cracked nii8ed
grains or commercial chick feed.
Third feed Rolled oats,
Fourth feed :-Dry brer1 crumbs
moistened with milk.
Fifth feed :-5(1500ly cracked mired
In addition to the above give the
chicks daily a little green rood such
as grass, lettuce, sprouted oats, etc,
Do not have the moist( tied bread
Sloppy but in a erutnby state and
during this period let the chicks oeto
fresh soil or grass every day i(pos
Feed Atter 10 'nr 12 Days, -:livor
hire chicks are ten days to two
weeks old coarser foods mays be al-
lowed. The infertile eggs may 'tie
boiled and mixed with the mash food
and the ;bread and milk disoentilleed.
Hoppers in which is put cracked
grains and dlry mash or -rolled 'oats
may be placed Where i.lro 01(101(5' calf
have free access to them. As soon
as they become accustomed to the
hoppers atl Band 108(iing except the
mash malt be (liscontinued. If the
chicks are on range it will be found
that after a ante thoy will get
careless abouts coming when called, at
which time the mash map be stop-
ped and dependance placed entirely on
the hopper feeding.
.•Taco grit and water, also a dish
of sol: riiilk it possible where the
chicks .will have free access,>to thein,
Nothing provides animal' 'food in bete
ter'font than (roes milk,. the chicks
elike it and thrive or it.
;Tire climate of Prince Edward Is-
land Is ,)o invigorating that a, large
portion of the, people live to
a etpel old age. D1vr'erg 'Ufireo
re rs Past morethan half • of triose
who died wco:e above sixty years of
age, and four-fifths of these were
alrove seventy, Mrs, MacMillan of
Alley, Mount Stewart, died last
week at the age Of 108, 'leaving a
son 78 years old and a daughter 66
to aurvkve her, both in One health.
The present oide11bliving resident' of
the Island is William 13. Silikon of
Bedocene;':a vigoiowl old, reran of 101:
Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Koch of Drill-
,,Wood spenti� aha ween1:nd with Kea,
Elmo: Th eii,
Mr, ands Mee. Clifford Levy of Clin-
ton Were guests over Sunda - with
t 0 t
h la tel s ,
atcn 1
is &i
1 d
in Mrs,
firet i gamy of howls was played:
one evening last weer, between a rink
11 �aonttt Preeter's store and a picked
rink resulting in a Victory) for. the
Messrs. '1701ren Schilbe arse Harry
Inose and Misses Nita anal Enema
Selilha1vere visiting friends in Breed
hagan fora few days reicently.
An accident that was difficult to a-
vert occurred to Rev. .leaehor' Rontlbt,
of Se. Peter's church, Drysdale, Sate
nr11ay afternoon, He had taint., pose
sessioly of a new automobile and sear -
tett for a trial tele around this vil-
lage, when at the corner of Mill and
Tess streets, he .was melt by a' team
of horses, In order to prevent a
collision he burned lee machine /quick-
ly to the left, runnflag, against a post
smashing the Irons of the machete
baldly. It was found that the axle
and spring were twisted anti render-
ed unfit for future use. The tenure
and brass teinuninpts _ were hnoke11
and dented.. Dortunately the auto
had been running at a slow rate,- tleis
preventing more serious damage; 1+a-
11Yee Rondat was not badly hurt.
S'onlc 1.froo ago fi•.ivas • found that
there existed in the eastern prO,'tricee
of (',nada, .vis e Prince Edward lee
land, Nova • Scotia, New Brunswick
and Quebec a disease of the potato
tuber known as: Corky or better Poiv-
deny Scab, Which had probably' been
preserve, at least • in some localities,
for a. number of years., but -not dis-
tinguished Iron) the disease known as
Common Seat., - - cab
While this 'disease, under Canadian
conditions, has so far only in One la
stance given indications of being more •
destructive than Common Scab, it is
nevertheless a very undesirable mal-
ady to have permanently established
in potato growing land. As a result
of the discovery of Powdery Scab,
the - 1.'nfted States'. authorities,
through fear of introducing the dis-
ease, have crew tort that potatoes
shall no.t enter the United States ex-
cept under
p a rigorous system of aer-
ti1icz tot
,{ ..which h t , olua°s 'acertific-
C t t
C r'il''C
ale to the effect that the potatoes
were raised 1n an area in which neither
Potato Canker nor Powdery Scab ex-
ists. If the export with the United
States is to be regained in face of
the existing regulations the methods
directed towards the eradication of
the disease must be followed intellig-
ently and in a thorough spirit' of co-
In order lo familiarize the fanners
of Canada with this disease 11Tr. ,J. W.
!Methane chief Assistant Botanist of
the Central bixperimental Farm, pre-
pared a comprehensive circular entit-
led Powdery Scab of Potatoes, which
is 'Farmers' Circular No. 5 of the
Division or Botany and is available
1•0 al 1 who make application for • it
to the Poul it i bone Branch , of the
Department' of Agriculture, Otia v
ntrt rc svnlionrs
and n'ev cn
tot methods are fully outlined and
the following summary of recom-
mendations for control et Powdery
Seal, are given :
1. -Use only "seed" from, a crop
free from the dispose..
1.-rnslnfeet such seed" to destroy
airs stray (Iisrst e germs.
3. -Use land known to be free (Igor
the disease. in most areas this will
have to be lend not previors1y
planters to potatoes.,
'1 -Do not plant potatoes again in.
land -which .las shown the disease.
If possible seed seteh land down to
5. -Isolate the crap front any field
showing the disease, duct take alt pos-
sible precautions to avoid the, spores
rem this crop being scattered where
they infect other •
6,-.f`ap special attendee to tire.
cleaning, and if • necessary, disini'ec-
fou or implements which may carry.
the disease,
It has been truthfully said that
any dieturbarre of, tete even balance of
].,attar causes serious troub'e• No-
1)pdy conn the too car'tetll to keep this
balance up. When people begin to lose
appetite, or to get tired easily, the
least imprudence beings on sideness,
Weakness, or debility. The system
needs a ionic, cla8e8 it, and sllou'ld
not be denied it; and the best tonic
of wilidl we have have any Knowledge
in hood's Sersapar'il'a., What this
medicine has done en keeping healthy
people healthy, i111 keeping nip the ev-
en balance of health, gives it the
smite distinction. as a preventive that
it enjoys as a cure. Its catty use
has illustraeri the wisdom of the old
saying that a sutura in titre saves
nine, Take Hood's for appetite,
strength, a.isrl endurance.
What if this were your son ?
Au noxious, grief-stricken mother ap-
pealed to us recently. She wrote t
"I. have a sots fifteen years of age who
has tuberculosis in one lung. I have not
the means to give him the ease he should
have.The 400101e say that with proper
care and attention there, is every hope that
he might fully recover. . would be very
thankful if he could he admitted to the
Muskoka Free Hospital if possible."
Suppose that your,son or your daughter
Tema eoneumptive, Suppose that he or
sho were pale and wasted and shaken-. ivy a
hacking, strep th sap
cough. 3h
. 3u -pose that you hadn't,the money to provide
the badly -needed : medicine, nourishment,
and skilled medical treatment. Think
what a blessed relief it would be to you to
know that the Muskoka tree Hospital; for
Consumptives stands ready to help t
Contributions to the Muskoka Free Hos.
pital for Consumptives will he gratefully
acknowledged by W. J. -Gage, Chairman
Executive Committee,84. Spadina Avenue,
er I2,'Dunbar, Secretary - Treasurer, :347
King Street. West Toronto
t .
I wish to return my hearty
troika for the patronage g aver
1 g
the a Seven, yeaes I
r on the furniture One-
ness in Clinton,
I also wish : to say that I
larval placed antaccounts in the
hands of Miss Grace Cltdf who
will be at my residence ole
High street to receive settle-
Wesley Walker
Now is the time to get busy • anti
do your repairing,. Lee us cut to or-
der your •
More periur;Znerte repairing ' can f e
satisfactorily ,and chuaplyr done by us-
ing the hest
How about those empty coal burs ?
This is the cheapest month to replen-
ish then l'or the coming season with
the good
1,'l 111015 VALLEY COAL
All our coal will be screened off the
If yott would have' the bumper
crops this year use the commercial
fertilizers, with the proper ingredients
seien'tilically mixed aul on -the marlret
at the right price
As well' as good fertilizers and good
cultivation, good drainage is essential
To keep the the soil • mellow and
sweet nee out
C.RID['I'C1N 'fits,.
.Also try our Baled Hay 'twill keep
Fort going till the 11ew crop conies.
Phone. 1 on 145
"For God's Go s
Let Me Stay ! "
Ile pleaded with all the intensity his
weakened body and 00111 could toaster.
His voice trembled. 'Tears lurked in his
strained, anxious Dyes. "I have traveled
for two days on the train," he said. "I
have been turned out of my boardinghouse.
1 have been turned out of a hotel in my
own town. The local hospital refused me
admission, Nobody wants me. For God's
sake, doctor, let mo slyly,"
This man had been n railway conductor.
ire had money to pay for his needs; so he
a ppliod to the Muskoka Cottage Sanatorium
for treatment of the disease which held his
life in its grip -consumption. But those
sulfererswithou e monoyancl without friends,
what of them? With their hopeless know-
ledge that people shun them, they believe
i eta seek .
. relief.
If Chairiv
1 es a
bo spared aero
ed the tau
v t st besought
poltat 1 •
and stip
plied with `
1 ant nourishment, P t medicine, o ne and
treatment, to do this costs money. Will
you contribute a trifle to help in this effort
to save lives? Please act quiekly. Winter
has brought keen suffering.
Contributions to the Muskoka ]3','eo Hos-
Pint for Consumptives wail be
acknowledged by W. Gage, Chairman
84 Spading Avenue,
or 1t. Dunbar, Secretary •Treasurer, 347
King Street west, Toronto.
Goderich to Detroit
and Return
GOING 'to 7'e JUNE 12
RETURNF'°&°m^°JUNE 15 1
ROUND TRI13 $1.50
BALL LAMES lath and 14th
see In Detroit
Special Train, June 12
Leave Clinton 7.35 a, m.
Round Trip to Detroit
The ,arts Course. truly
1,e taken by eorrespon-
deuce, but students.
desiring to graduate
must attend one
JUL)C ,tad .48TGUAT 99
G. Y. CHOWN, Registrar, Kingston, Ont.
ssuring Your
A policy of advertising is a o'icy of life in-
surance, and the protection thus assured is
well worth its annual cost.
Old costomers die or move away -they must
be replaced,
Old customers are sub•ecs to the influence of
m a,, be induced to divide
their custom -to do, some of their shopping at
a competitor's.
New' com
els to this community will shop
with you -become regular customers -if they
are invited to do so,
Your competitor's advertising is an influence
p g
which must be offset if you are to maintain
your trade,
Not to advertise regularly to the readers ot
The Mews -Record is to leave your business
Ws no sign of weakness to follow the lead of adverlising,
You owe it to yourself to get the most for your money. the
best goods and the best set vice. And if you find that your
clinatron is to shop where you are' invited to shop rather
than to continue to be a customer of the shop which never
solicits your good will, you need have no compunctions of
Shop Where You Are Invited to Shop.
Apply the 20th
CenturyWatchword toYourself
IN shop and store, in government office and Railroad
the inspiration of today lies in theword"Efficiency"
-Efficiency--the th art of getting more results with '
less work, is revolutionizing our industry and finance.
And now the way has been found by which you can
apply its principles to yourself. You can learn to get
the most out of your brain and your body -through the
Institute of Efficiency
K.,. can learn It in your own home -your own time, There
is nothing mysterious About it -0 man can tell you in ten
minutes what it took him ten years to learn, and Harring-
Emerson e nc teach you In six 000 it the principles six onea
y s P p - it
took him fort years to discover. h y s se ver li can acct 010 a saved •
Y e Y si is
those » and, hes a year) by which
the Santa NeJ. S.
'm nion and hal a year) b whl h n
t l n c eachman en the5
department becan a us valuable as 120 men by which scores
men have been trained to make baa moneY.
Those who take the course vary from the bigsucoessful exccu•
tives to ambitious young men andwomen with the ability but
without the knowledge to step into the big men's places,
Look Ahead a Year and Send the
BlankToday a
right now
-dead the
blank for
the whole
story today,
VU'ILL, you be olodding alongblindly, , »
gtnout n roc and hint there -
or wIlou be proceeding confidently and /
fast on the knowledge wecan no8elyyoul
G,m.tlnry.uwol then(0.1,1,0 oidof)oorfn bt,. �1PG ,poi
sum.. r cords or this
Is on coarse of nrmdn 0e .pf,�Jao0
xysteai yr chic, yr tr(8 It I n o ! ni 1 1 tl - p ;Q�
Npk by Which 10 1,1 c t t1 i tat r•," . . 15,'
ftt ort of you aha. Inset effort. 11.11 i yl O ^° c
port of;ourill brains not
t1. m i - '1 '0 L`1
SM90i IR !t 0911 two only I1 5 to .. i 1.'
.00 moss ni.ey, bete lin. r 11 p' 1.
Nie t(0hor nod 0(000 joy us lir0.
Institute of Efficiency i 4'otic4•
,1loberi n, Chose, sac. / oat q 4
30 IrvingPlace�''`vta alo�
New York
National Portland Cement !
We h•Ive just received a Carload of the same old brand
of Portland Gement which has always given you such com-
pletesati-raction, It always fills your requirements, You
cannot stake a mistake using the National.
S. J. ANDREWS, - Clinton.
Stock.Reduieing Sale
Having bought out the Furniture and
Underta king business of Mr. Wesley
Walker,and in older to reduce stock, for
the next fifty days, we put on one ot the
largest sales of Furniture that was ever
held in the county of Huron,
All Goods Bought During Sale Will be Cash.
Night and day calls answered at phone 28.
The News -Record leads for
Town and Township News.