The Clinton News Record, 1914-04-23, Page 4inumaimitialeititimetwvainitaisoilsocia
Stanley Township
Mrs, Janis Reid of the Front lee ad;
who has been quite ill for a fortnight
or more, is very •much better and the
imama friends or the family are hop-
ing the improvement will heernian-
ext. p
Miss Reta Keys spent her vacation
at her home on the Baby'on Line.
News, Recotci Means News -Leader.
Stance Township
Mr. John McKinley is at present on
the• siek list,' hitt; we hope for his,
speedy recovery.
3 e re le,
1 a tis,iC to' o.>,
1 note, that Miss
Mayne Lamont, bee been "siteeessfut in
her exams. at the Hamilton Normal
and site now intends teaching -in Zur-
News -Record Meaux News-I'eade
a r
sow= 'esiammilutamenee
Advertising means directing the at-
tention of others to that for which Vi 1Cll attt'n-
tion is desired. If you have a stock ock of,
Which you are proud, .or service
p a v,11le1r
yon believe 40 be superior,
direct atten-
tion to the fact every week in the col-
umns of the News -Record.
Stretch oht the band of good -will, wear the smile of
welcome, and command !be Nosiness of the buyers of
this community. Do these things and your business
will expand and the profits from your business will
be greatly increased.
Do you not feel a certain reluctance about going into
shops that have not invited you to enter their• doors ?
eSt the shop which advertises -which invites your ens,
tom )-ou know that you are welcome.
SliopAltere Yon Are Invited to Shop.
National Portland Gement !
hire have just received a carlond'of the same old brand
of Portland Cement which bas always given you such com-
plete satisfaction. It always fills your requirements, You
cannot make a mistake using the National;
Every Price
Bargain Price.
Phone 78
We Advertise
Is So,
& Co.
Rugs,- Curtains; .Oilcloths
and Linoleum. ;
Nearly every conceivable design and color is
here in all sires in Rugs, all De* floral and conven-
ticnal designs in new shades are also on display.
Our Rug dept. has been doubled in size until it.
now; occupies halt the second flour. We, are showing•
one of the largest range of rugs as
g g d Linoleum's in the
Our ' wonderful elisplay of Rugs can only be a
reciateel by a persorial visit.3 P_
Be sure to 'see our display before buying.
Suits $15
We were fortunate to
secure fourteen sample
suits just in time for
Spring trade, as we have
a very large stock of
suits on hand we hark
these very low from 8 to
15 dollars less than re-
gular price, Colors Navy
Tan, Grey and Brown in
the newest styles.
This is your chance to
buy a $22.00 for $15,00,
The Store that shows the new
things .first.
Stanley Township
Mist' Mable MclCinley returned iltis
week to her school in Goclorjeli town-
ship. '
Miss Mame Keys and y iVIiss Myrtle
Keys spent' - a • few days last week
with friends in London,
16Iss Eva ,Stinso �" left n Icf on SattLrdaY
for' Science Hill, near Se, Mary's
where she` has been engaged as teach-
er al a good salary.
Report of S.S. No. 1, Stanley 5th
class, total marks 839, Ross Taylor
485. Sr. lth,-elass total marba 735,
Frank McGregor 475, Kenneth Ste-
wart 114, 5pcnm Jackson 408, Clif-
ford Stewart 370. Jr. tie -total
marks 801, :Agnes Glenn 335, Winne,
ireci Jervis v
n 1'
s 3017
Sr iul-t
of I
marks J
709, F
0 etta ac son 195-509,
Edna AIixlnden 291-1301 Jr. -3rd,-
lotal marks 655, Margaret McGregor
379, Clarence Jackson 323, Clara
Potter 156,509, Annie McFarlane 33-
75. lst;-total marks 170, Marian
Agee: wan 142, ,John McGregor 115.
Winatrcd Jervis, Zetta Jackson,
Clara Potter and Annie MacFarlane
were sick during part of 1 -he examine -
tion and therefore were not able to
write on some subjects. -J. M. 0.
Wylie, Teacher.
The results m the promotions in S.
S. No. 13, Stanley, in Ole recent ex•-
antinations were as follows : ,Sr, 4th
-required to pass, 435,-Elymore
Keys 510, Florence Hayter 447. Jr.
4th, revuired to pass', 435,-Ruosell
Errata 516, Sr. 2nd; -requited to
pass 339;--Mtelvm Clarke 424, Thelma
Dowson 855,Ruby Erratt on trial.
Sr. Pt. 2nd, -Acquired to pass 210, -
Rey Dowsor) 225, Gordan Hayter 213,
Niimber on roil 11, average 9. -(Mrs.)
V. Kerr, Teaches .
A Quiet Wedding in Stanley
Wednesday Evening.
A quiet wedding too'r place on the,
Goshen Lina, Stant'ey, on Wednesday
evening' of this week when Dorothy,
daughter of'MM. and Mrs..Jas. Boyce
became the bride. of Mr.' William
"rhe ceremony was performed by
Rev. Mr- Snowden of Varna in the
presence of only the immediate rola-
Lives of the contracting parties.
In the evenings Mr. and Mrs. Rohner
drove to the Bronson Line where they
its reside. •
Their very many) friends' ,join • ''art-
ily in wishing them a big measure or
happiness and prosperity.
Varna -
Mrs.. 1. Copeland of Bayfield spent
last, Saturday at the manse,
Mrs, Scaxlett of Ilaniillon was •an
Baster visitor at the parsonage.
Miss .Myrtle Horner of London vis-
ited during the holiday time with her
sister, Mrs. Ings.
Mr, James Wanless was fn Toronto
for the Eastertide.
IL can be taken as a sere signor
Spring that all the ladles were in new
spring attire for :piaster Sunday.
Mr: E. Epps ]las invested in a new
pleasure ear; eihlch he has brought
home and has huh trying out the
past' few days. It is rumoured that
a number of cars will ma''eo their ap-
pearanoe in the Tillage this sunitner
but this is the firstone to arrive,
Mr, Epps and family will no doubt.
enjoy many a spin daring the long
summer evenings.
Miss le. Johns end her mother anent
Sunday at the home of Mrs. J. 0.
Reid. .
Mists Pearl and Master leek' Reid
spent Easter -week with Mise Violet
Ratbwell on the 2nd 0015, neat Bruce -
Married in St. Thomas,"on•
• Tuesday.
7'he marriage took place on Tues-
day , in the Holy Angela
church of Onah, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. J, Kindree, 33 Morton street,
and 110. J, Callaghan, manager ` of
clothing department of Dowler Bros.
local store. The ceremony was 'per-
formed by Rev. Father West.
The bride looked charming in her
tan plaid suit with deeSden trim-
mings and lace bat with pink plumes,
while Miss Ada Kindree made a
very pretty bridesmaid : in her
checked suit of Kelly green,with
yellow hat and corsage 8odnct of
cream roses. The bride wore .a beau-
tiful corsage of white •roses.
The groom was assisted by his
brother, Mr. J. Callaghan,
The wedding 'match wasp 1,eautilttlly.
rendered by Mrs. J. Butler, while the
bride was given away by hot father.
The grocgng s gift to the bridesmaid
was a beautiful cameo ring . and to
the groomsman a handsome signet
Among those present were Mr:.
and Mrs. Kilbride'and Miss Irene Col-
lins, Clinton ; and ' Mr. and Misses
Callaghan, 5tratli oy.
Following an extended trip to 1)et-
troit and Chicago, Mr. and Mrs.
Callaghan will reside in the city. -St.
Thomas Journal.
Hullett Township
Report of promotion examination of
S No. 4, Hullett ' Jr. 411, to
Sr, 4th, -Lillie Connell 73 percent:,
Florence 'Cartwright 71, Sr. 3rd to
Jr.4th,-Arthur Ogbouree:83 Jr. 3rd
to Sr.3rd,-Milton,Brown 76, Lilian
Cartwright 73, Cecil Cartwright 68,
Mary Cartwright G7, Ralph Joseelyn
88, Violet. Addison 81, George Addi-
son GO, Jr.. 2nd be 50, Spill --Olive
Joseelyn 72, t,eslitt Rada. fie, Jr.
Pt, 2nd to Si Pt. 2nd Elgin J 8
celyn I iezie I aver:nee Jr .1st: to
Si 1st, -Edwin Cartwright. -Rhoda
Mapl(enzic, Teacher,
The C'raigfamily, who recently at -
rived here from Moose Jaw, are mak-
ing preparations to visit Ireland, Mrs
Craig, though 80 years of ascii is the
most enthusiastic of the -party.
Clinton Nevi's -Record
April 23rd, ;19I4
Mi. J. Ladd has far recovered from
the eli'ecte- of his, operation that he
contemplates lettirning tothetech
to 055010 15 0000patiori of painting.
Mrs. Annis of Port Lnion and her
Sisters of ('110521 called a d en Mr. 'asci
Mrs, A, J. = C;ourtice this week.
Rev, J, : Greene of f Cli to
n n occupied�
the pulpitof the Methodist church r
on Sunday morning,. in the absence of:
the pastor." Mr. Lyndon:net of God
ericli -preached in the etrening. Botts
addresses Were excellent and list'ened
to with pleasure and profit,
Farmers' are now busyput1fng in
heir seed:
n Tuesday a •
p o s a after the;
Paster vacation.
a at
An interesting tan
, meeting n F
O the Wo-
men's Institute was field at the home.
of, Mrs. Mulholland oh Thursday at-
tereoon last a good 'attendance of
memh0)s_being present. Miss I). A.
Holmes road a paper on, "What we
Owe the World and What the World
Owes Ls." The Paper was loth in-
teresting and instructive A- demon-
stration in vacua) cleaning was also
given, the women having invested in
a combination cleaner and sweeper
which is being rented out to the mem-
bers and others during the liouSeelean-
ins season. This branch of the Ins-
titute, is in -a-healthy state and many
useful ideas are exchanged at the
regular meetings
Rev. Dr. Rumball Always
Active in Promoting the
Good of the Community.
. (3Sfinnipeg Free Press.)
Itev. M. C. Rumball, 13.Ae of Mor-
den, on whom the degree of D.D. was
conferred last evening by Manitoba
Coiloge, was born in Goderich town-
ship, Huron county, Ont.' Mr. Rum -
ball spent the early part of his, life
onthe farm' and_xeceived his early
edueat'on at the ilolmcsvitle ' public
school, and, at Jone9 and Sere Cont
mercial college, London, the Clinton
higil school, Cohourg Collegiate In-
stitute. Victoria college, C'obotirg,
where he took the honor . course in
natural scionee wine'ng the gold
medal and obtaining his B.A. degtce
in the spring of. 1886. He took the
Suit theoloaigal course in Knox- col-
ollege, graduating in 1889. During his
theologigaf course: he worked„ in the,
mission fields of Swinton Park and
Tilllitiry Centre, Ontario, and substi-
tuted one 0011011er for Rev. 11., Me-
Kellat at High Bluff and Prospect,
Man. On Oct, 6, 1880, Mr. Rumball
was ordained and inducted into the
pastoral charge of High Bluff and
Prospect, in the Presbytery of B1ran-
dee. •-'In the fall of 1892 he received
a unanimous call from ICnox Church,
Morden, which he accepted, The in-
dection.took place Dec, 27 of the, same
year, During the 21 years of Mr.
Rtinlball's. pastorate at Morden he
has taken an active part in the work
of 'tile church in Manitoba and has
the proud distinction or nob missing
a meet n,; or the synod or 'or being
late at a single sederunt. Be had
held the highest office in the girt of
the synod, its moderator, and is
now the. syn'od's convenor ofthe
home mission committee. Ili addition
to the large amount of work done for
the church Mr. Heelball has actively
identified himself with everything
that was for tite good of the com-
Goderich Township
unity (`lute met at the home of Mrs.
Robt. Thompson on 'Wednesday after -
neon of last week with a large at-
tendance including a number of vis.
Rocs. The afternoon was 'very pleas-
antly spent eoncIuding with a lovely
'Lunch furnished by tthe hostess. 1'he
Club meats next Wednesday afternoon
at Mrs, Bert Murphy's. This being
tate social gathering the gentlemen
will' be permitted to attend:
The following is the report for. the
month of March and' t'wo weeks i
April for 5.8, No. 10, Goderich. The
results of the Easter examination al-
so given : Sr. 4th, -Lula Elliott,
Lilliais Hutchins and Fred Hanley. The five-year-old son of er .lames
Jr, 3rd, -Brown Stewart (passed) Weir of front of llan,. fell over while
Jacl` Pugh'(passod) Eddie 'Hutchings playi'ng'
fte n oitnand a. Mw
minutes later (passed) John E11'wood (passed) Ray-
mond Whitmore. Sr. 2nd, -Viola. Hut- died in hfs father's arms. Mr._ Weir
things (honours) Fred Ellwood (pass-
the little fellow had hist aeturn-
ed) Willie North (passed). Jr. 2nd, ed from a alk and the boy went out
-Harley Pugh, Stewart Middleton. to play. Suddenly Mr: Weir saw him,-Mary Stewart, Carl Pugh and fall. and once rushed to pick hint
Bert •North. .Primer, -Shirley Bea- up, He noticed he was breathing
00m, -M. J. Keys, Teacher, heavily and before a doctor could bee
secured the child died: Heart failure
er a length of sixty Feet the
large 11010 in the roadway inSTurn-
bury township, which was filled last
it fall, has opeied up again, and .some
t- twenty feet of. water. has appeared in
it. The township council has order-
s ed the road closed untf l'the mallet is
t. taken up with the Government). Two
thousand" dollars , was expended last
e fall in filling up the 11015, and Mem-
- bers of the council•hero decided that
it .is unwise to attempt to 811 tip the
t depression again. • The road runs
through a swamp, and it is doubtful
• iC a suitable roadbed could be found
s through it. As a result Turtihury
township farmers en route to market
ab Winghain haco to delve .1 miles
r out of their way. Rural Mail Carrier'
- Tyndall 'feels 'the hardship most. of all
e as in bite week he has to drive some
"'fourteen miles out or 1M wap,
- John Kelly received a telegram Sun-
day from Swift Current stating. that
1119 brother Peter had died alter an
illness of only a couple of days with
scarlet fever. With Its parents young
Kelly, who was 20 .years old, event
west last fall. Besides his parents,
elr. and Mrs, Alexander Kelly, he
leaves four brothers and one sister. 11
A11 are in the west e:ecript, John, of ,
Witeee iani,
Moving Home After Enjoy-
ably Spent
Los Angeles Cat., AIar:30t1r.
To the Editor of The News-R000ril
Dear Sir, -Wo :have been receiving
7' Ire N ws Record r,2gul011y sine
conning "liege and have appreciated
reciated it
very- much, as it us
;,m,uclt more
news than we could 1015111)' get
through ;letters, -so please accept
thane's for sending paper to us while
We have been in California forc
three rnonlhs o er
'`and have travelled over
the sout1etn portion .01 11 by auto
and street car. The Pacific Electric
have e
p s 9 r
covering '
Y Deco
great t
s toi,
o tt in
1 towns e ns andcities tris and
all other Ler pltces of interest at which
there am many'. This is a wonderful
climate :with: the, exception of two or
three days rain there i: -as been bean-
tiful sus hiny weather ever since
we 0)121)0. We have net seen any sign
of frost. All Waif's of Mall grow
in abundance, Oran i s and lemons
are as common as apples are back
east. The roads are the Lest we eve
er saw. ' One can drive lift}, or a
hundred miles on cement or astehalt
without a break ;just as smooth as
your good sidewalks 10;Clintcn. We
too'c an auto drive of 55 miles last
week.. We were at Lone Beach and a
friend drot'c us_ up to Ontario, 'a city
of dome 12,000 people, tate majority
of whom are Canadians, hence the
;fame Ontario: While them we nest
several; families whom we knew out
_east. A Mr. Arrestrong,'whose wife
is a sister- of,your esteemed towns-
man, Mr. A. '., Cooper. Me. Arm -
stone has an extensive nursery of
over 300 acres and employs over six-
ty men, besides five or six in the of -
Mee. Cnn of his helpers is a Mr:
Stewart of the Beni -Miler nurseries.
On our trip up to Ontario we 'passed
through great orange belts also
leptons, grape [suit, , walnut !equals,
etc. There are hundreds of acres of
grapes. One orchard or. vinyard con-
tained 5000 acres- of grape vine. They.
have tracks laid. all through the or-
chard and have cars and engines to
draw the fruit to the winery. We
were through the buildings where they
sort and pack oranges. They have'
machines .that grade them a9 to size
withouthaving to handle them only
to pack them.-5'heewliole, country ,M
fragrant with the Smell of orange and
other blossoms:' One peculiar feature
of 'the orange is thatyo0 can see
ripe and green oranges and blossoms
on the trees' ab the same bine. In
going to Pasedena one can pick oran-
ges .off the trees while riding on the
cars as some of the ear lines ,are laid
right through the groves. I might
mention 'that while in Ontario .we
met two families of Bcosieys, . also
conte people from T.ucknow and Wing -
ham, We also met many 'others from
old- I3uron who are living i1) Los
Anae'es and vicinity; The Dailies
from West Wawanosh Clarks front
Auburn, Williams' from E.- Wawaaosli,
Dohs from Clinton, Towlers and
others from Wingiiam and many oth-
ers from other parts of Ontario of
which we will tell . you when eve meet
face lo race, We intend starting for
home on slh'tirslav, April ; 2lyd. w0
will stop over at several pointa,while
on our way.' Expect to get home
ate tt the last or April, sti kindly- ad-
dress our paper to •- Blpth Jtt the
fol ire. 501th best wishes I "remain,
Yours, •
IN 11.1. IIF.AL'1'H.
Oar. A. C. Ball, furniture .dealer,
Bloor St,,. Toronto, has been in very
precarious health for the past seven
weeks suffering from a seriousat ao t k.
of pleuro pneumonia but he is now
on the road to recot'ery. 14Irs Bali
will be better known to Clintonlans
as Miss Edith Rayson, daughter of
the late John Rayson. Miss B. Town-
send of Rullett a cousin of Mrs,
Bali, 5 hei'ping to nurse Mr. Ball
back to health.
Misses Amy •arid Mary McBrie
spent a Mw days with Clinton fr
Mr. Forrest has resumed Ills dude
after spending' the Easter, vacation a
his Monne. ' •
Fir, and Mrs. C:bas. .Johnston wee
guests of Mrs, J. .Jal;nstote on Sun
Mrs. Ncagle of Colborne visited a
Mr. Wm, Lawson's on Tuesday.
The many friends of .Mrs, Sl'm
Lawson are sorry to hear that she.i
on the sick list, but hope for ,her
speedy recovery.
Miss 11. Malt has returned to the
school near Grand Bend after spend
ing the Jeaeber holidays at her lion,
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Ball -have ; re
turned home after a pleasant visit
with Mr. Jas, Ball of Chatham.
Mr. L; Johnston have engaged with
Mr. Smith for the summer,
Miss Hazelwood of Wroxeter has
been, the guest of Mrs. N. Ball during
the holiday week,
i41•r, .n+ McLaug7111n spent the holi-
days with London friends,
Fred Lawson OF Toi'oiiid .Went
a ieW days melee the parental root.
Mr. and Mrs. Thos, Churchill spent
Saturday,, in the .village
Messrs, Berry and McDonnell visit-
ed at Mr, Tyner's on Tuesday.
Nellie watiktn of Clinton was
the guest of her uncle, Mr. R. Wat-
Miss Fiore)),
of 1'oroutq visited It
sister in n for few days s
Moen t
} s last
Miss franc McLean of theIIl.�
school stah1, J,iicknaw, was home last
week, spend',; .the I7astei' vacation.
Manager Jlurrel of the Sterling
Bank eves in Toronto last week.
Mr. and 11rs,,;W, Crawforw:and lit -
tic son ot"I'oronto were 'Rastervis-
itors at the parental lionte of the
lorinet' hers. '
Sucker fishing is the order of'•, the
day, or rather, night, along Dufl's
R an has
engagedt 'with"
L. Goyim:, who eh recently
0 e the teaming bll51nC' ss of the
late Stephen Deetes
Mr. Q. Beadle of Auburn has tented
Mr, Wm. Mole's butcher shop:
Miss Wyatt of Toronto was a vis-
itor in town for a couple of days
last wceh.
Mr. Atlhur I;!l,oft of Calgary! is
,pending a few: w'eelcs at the home of
his parents, 51r. and Mrs: Johiu dill-
Mr. Thos. Elliott, has returnecl
from Toronto, where he had been
employed for some weeks on special•
pa'ntiag ,jobs.
Mr, Lewis Govier, -' Dungannon's
popular liveryman, was, uiarried in
Auburn last week to Miss Ella
Gravestone. Their many friends wish
thein long life and prosperity,
IIIc, M, ,St;aples was i
n Goderich as
relieving, teller in ,the Sterling Bank
fora few days.
Miss hIabel Johnston: of Dungannon
g on
Wil*; married o1iWednesday', of last.
eveejc to Mr, Fiedl'or(1 Elliott of West '
Wawanosh. They have tate i
housekeeping n ul
o eplbg on the, giooutg, farm.'
on (he 2con. ons •-
3, prettyn1 weddingCtoolsttgratulatjoplaen at, the
lionte of • Cher bride's; mother on'Tues.
day of Iest weuc when ISies Sara A;,.
daughter or Mrs, 1 E. Durnin, was
married to Mr. (has. A. Whitely of
Goderich township. They have taken.
pat I
ng 0od F'a•m
Goderich township, c nshii
1 andve
ha teee
11011.5 their C f
n tear man - friends s
y .hap-
piness and prosperity.
Mr, G. A. Miller, principal of Ito
'0.I. was married on April 12th: to
Miss Margaret Benning .of Williants-
towh. Me. and Mrs. Miller have
taken up residence in town.
Mrs." Andrew Patrick; aged eighty-
one, was also garthered to her fathers
011 the same date after avery brief
illness. A short time ago Mr. and .
Mrs, Patrick celebrated their ,golden'
wedding. The strioken husband in-
tends leaving town to return to the
homestead in Ribbert to reside: with
a son. - -
iia most 3100041 0117 80 rain
the bat crops of
Grain, Ray, eta
Dad, ,u2 i�
qua it 11tAifyi
vegetables pry
Potash, NitrateyyiJoda Aoid
Phosphate, Dastt Eft 4141 at
lowest prices.
Let ns show_ Toss how M de
roar own ID
Frank W. Evans
Phone 1,92.
Che erful
The room in whieh,you and the family much time in, make it cheerful
it fr
E' Enough to cover the walls of the aver-
age living room costs so little nowadays
even the best grades that no livingroom
should be neglected. The small epense
is abundantly made up to you over and
over and over in the 'greatly increased
attractiv eness of the room.
Our New Wall Papers. are Selling. Well
Come and See them before.. the best are sold
If so you will want some
New Rugs or Furniture.
We have a big assortrnent,
of both and would like to
supply your wants.
;tJi17yikiii 1) ISXCuIsiOrN.
Greyllouncf sdilision 1914 an, out,
, o.n ..
g to .bile
e nearly three
days for the Detroit visit. Leave
Goderich 9.30 ''a. in, it'riday, 'June
1201, arriving in Detroit at five ;
and for the return trip, leave De-
Droit at one p. -m'. Monday, June
t5tlt, arriving in Goderich at hilt
The'Stor8 IW1
of t
Quality, ,
Phone 28 I_ Fursslislf•1 Dett10f and Undertake,