The Clinton News Record, 1914-03-26, Page 7SPRING BLOOD 4 IS WA1ERY, BLOOD II MO,NREV A L_E*01.)ARD!I,T.IIIT: Spent ittr. 516114,y , .... , . '• , • How to GetNew Health and New Strength at This Season • s ir ig ailments' .are not .imagi- • )'-',1?,U" the' niest .roblist: find. • •;',jhe winier 1110i1141..111G4 trying te• ' Ormfirreinent 5•114-110orp. th4ert 'ineverheated and imarly •Ways badJy 'ventilated roonisHo the 11'611.6, takes 'the VitaliWof even" the StrOfigeS,t, , The blood hec.dmes thin and watery and is clogged. With • impurities. .1o,me „people .have ';t6,• headaches and a feeling of langour- . 'Others are low-spirited and her- ' • vous. Still others are troubled , with , disfiguring pimples and skin , eruptions, while ,some get: up in the • ...morning feeling joSt aa tired as when they went{ bed. These are. . ;ITill aping •symptoxits. that the blood 'se out of ordi and that a medicine is needed. Many people take poi', gative .medicines in the .spring. This 'seri:ours Mistake. You' cannot ' cure, yourself with a medicine, that gallops throligh Sgrar system. 'ancl leaves you weaker still. This is all !that a purgative does. What yOU need 'to ',give ;von health and Mwengthin 'the 'spring is tonib Inedielne that 'will enrich the blood andedothe the jangled nerves. And . . --the ono alwafs reliable tonic and ' blood builder is 1)r. Williains' Pink Pills. These Pills not Only banish -Weolpicas; lint; guard. Yon . . • •-• ,T, - against the more. serious ailments' thtsb follow, such as anaemia, nerL Vous debility, "indige.stion, rheuma- • tism, and other'di7se,as'es-c1uo to. ba.d ••-• Mrsi. Freeman Leslie, Greenwich, writes: "We have found Dr. Pink Pills the very best - family medicine there is. I wits eonipletay run -clown :and could net sleep or do any 'work. I was very nervous 'and the ;least sound ,start- led. me. I began using Dr. Pink Pills and they soon 'brought me back to the -best :of Tgood health., hey ,also . cured my hue- banct;when ho was suffering. from a geVe'rttieek. Of' rheilinalisiii.!, 'If you are ailing this spring you comet afford, in your own interest, to overlook 'so valuable a medieine as Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Sold by all medicine dealers or by•mail at 50 eeints a box or .six boxes for 2.5O from The Dr. Williams' Medi- cine Co., Brockville, Ont. UtRI; G S WITH BIG NA.NES. Modern Science Recalls Language , ,of. Shakespeare. , • Strange remedies used by modern medicine,' when read in 'a .preserip-. tion, pall: to mind the„time of Witch craft -when mysterious creatures mixed strange liquids with which • they worked scenes of horror among • the people. ' • Only .; recently a pharmacist was. required to compound a. pre,serip- tion in 'which one article was'dried moles. ;To:prepare this needed sub- stance the animals .are placed in a container and "roasted. over a fire!' Later; When .powdered, the ash is • used as 'an epileptic remedy. ' Reutter, a. German amidst, m6 - tions : a prescription of „this yeatir's • date; which calls Inc .Ibwe ounces of • human fat, one entice Of 'natural • anuMmy,' a particle of -ne'iv skin and ' . • One ounce of Stag's fat. '•• Indeed semeModarir seienee calla to anind the weird language of Shakespeare, w5umn he mentiOns dragon's blood, wool. of 'hat, and mummy's skin: IE people sew a list of the drugs- used by the ehernist of to -day many would cease to be siek. But while dragon's blood is one of 0 Peculiarlynanied drugs,- it does me • from, any dragon. Other 'et‘ ' not na.mes, p c names Inc bedeficial remedies. If we read some cringing, hair-raising name in a prescription handed to us by our doctor, let tts not worry.' -Prescriptions are .couched in wed- drous and !confusing language For No Benefit. uoiy „Cat Ca,telfes Pi'ey By 11 D No form of food,-exeept, perhaps, T EN LISS, J. GO IN USE D'ODD'S -RIDNEY PILLS. Irealthy Boys and'BIris Always littinry Fold for a quick, easily pt`epared lunch, a generous dish of • • aiid Cream - Can't Be Beat! ,iatitritiOttspart o± - • „ ctr."- • . cookeit,', ',:011e0 „ bropn. .""••';" ••.: • , .1104 • the' ' iShing nnd CI611010u* ' , seem, .t9, get enough• Of • les, and hey vi7,gitt•;hcc.tittSe".....Otis :food iS''ldg who1eqm4 i± 1±1 appetizing: : Canadian Pestinn .Cereal Oo, 11d.' ' Willahnlghtntici,„; ' the -dog; is•ro apeeptable to the leo- pard in the Pingles:of , Ceylon._ as the large, grey „Wancleroo.monleey., and the• :artistic Methods ef...eatiture .ein- playedibytheio theeesSitote2 no trCe writeS au explorer in .an Wheneverhmonkeyca,toh Ota,leinitird klinking.lindeithe'OCCS1' Chatter together. -As soonrcsi the leopard hears :aria ho lies down Un- der a bush and begins te clioh his teeth -together. • • ' • • This ,noise .seenw tomake the .morikeys beside themselves with ter- ror and exciteinent; they huddle together in the treetop above the leopard's head, jumping pp and •clowa on the„ branches, .shrielting and Chattering. Below, the leopard waits .ntotiOnlesS, elicking its teeth, Until Suddenly one of the mo.nkeys misses its footing and comes to the ground with a thudand then tho. leopard is on it in a botinci, one day saw the first ame of the tragedy.1 was travelling in thick jungle, and my, bulle*.chats haying gone on in the early afternoon, was follewMg later in the eyening down the same sandy track. •I ne- tice.d that a large leopard had been follewing behind the bulls and that he'had'rmddenly aside ClaWn s.m' all game track: At the same .moinent 1 becameaware of a tire- tnendous Chatteringiof Monkeys in 4S - the tend°, I had p;Cingalese with, me, and We. crept through the 'thick jungle to- ward tho noise. After crawling about. 150 yards 1 saw about 15 or 20 monkeys jumping on the top 'of'ci: snail tree. • They seemed to be looking clown at something on the other side of a large. bath which was in front of me; and when they .SaW tiS, they teept on -turning their'headsfoat to us and thento this something, leap- ing up .an'd down axid shrieking per- pcimally-and, :as 1± appeared to am, ge'stieulating and beckoning to' us Tivith their long, thin grey arms. The same thought. cadre 'to' the Chr ;galese, for he whispered to me, 'They .are, beckoning to you lo shoot." I layetili Inc a. moinent thinking Which side of the bush it eVelS• hest to crawl rouncl, and then I distinct- ly heard the click, click, cliek of the leopard's teeth 'behincrit,. I chose theWrong side, for as I came round, all I saw was the leopard disappear in a great' -curving bound into the thick ,jungle beyond . A GOOD MEDICINE FOR LITTLE ONES . — Bs aby'Own Tablets are anx ecel- lent remedy for little Ones. They are a gentle laxativ'e which sweet- en them stomach, regulate the bow- els, • banish constipation, worms, eolds .and eimple, fevers, and make the child happy, healthy and strong. Concerning- thein MIs. Pierre Ton- eignont, Ste. Sophie de Levrard, Que.., writes : "I have fOund Baby's Own Tablets an excellent remedy for My Ride ones and would not be without them." 'The Tablets. ore Sold by inedkine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Wil - liable Medicine Co., Brockville, • 4 0114 , 1,1a-MN(1. CARE OE' :FOOD.' , Germs Get Into Eatables by Errors of Housekeeper.A famous physician said not long ago: "Many .0. 008050 who thinks herself a fine housekeeper, who.is Perhaps 'amexcellent cook and everything in the 'pink is criminal' ens. neatness,' T. in the care of "I ineaO," he 'Continued, "that lack of knOwle,dge about the care of fend puts the me.mbc es of the house. bold in grave danger, ,And heed- lessness in this respect is so easy. The •average woman does not stop to think that milk and butter axe the most delicate, of absorbents and ,will quiekiy icoeiue aaIyn that comes along, and not only receive; but become the breeding place of 10;000 other germs. 111; she, did She would be more careful about leav- ing milk uncovered and the butter dish on the kitchen' table while she is e,00king or cleaning How often we see o cake. or pie or maybe a Pitdcling%prit out of the Window to cool,' exposed to wil the A.O.st that bloWs about and pessiblY also to flies.- This is badien•doglit !it thaeotintry. But in the ci1y, ,where, owing to• tbc density .01,:the Popula- tion, the air ,is more contaminated, it is a positive menace to. health, It ,does, not OCCUr to 11104 11011SO-, keepdrs :that breed • or 'cake when taken out, f t.la.e oven..and set to cool, Should be lightly covered with a thin eleth or Pieee of tissue paper peevent prank' germs -and 'dust from falling upon them, but &Auld out' have 41, '114lielt 0101111 girOWII over ,thein or they will become damp and Soggy. Of eourse, when cake is ii.Ced it, is impassible te do this nail the'frasting, has hardened. An iced &kit May he. :place d in a,phi Oa Closet With glees &erste keep .6ff. the (lost Until it is ready- to'be 'stored...in the cake box, ieser pnt anYthing but drY. tOed, /Ike cakb C4"i: 'break awaY ift;, And Her :Kidney Disease and Fe,: • nude I'Ve'itleness DiSappeared-She IS Noir a Strolig,b1ealtliv• Voutait: • - 11/iti'1»nette Gloucester Co., March tis. "I, have: .been suffering 'flew. the;:Kiddess, 'ever 11000 1..11',63KW-91.1110i."Say,Silliss Of 1 grew to womanhood 1 was told. I was •sufferiog from female weak- , *floss, Co I tried 'several kinds of medicine, .spending a, good many dollars for nothing. 'Last winter I bee'atute eo weak I was on the point of giving up my work. I 'could not sleep at night and could hardly get up the stairs without having palpitation of :the heart and feeling quite exhausted. • 'Reading of :sympteins .of Kidney Disease in Decld's Almanac, I soon, found out any case was similar, so I sent at onee„ for four boxes of Docld's Kidney Pills. I began to feel a, ehange at the very beginning, for 1 slept well the very first night. Those four boxes didme more good than all the' me.dicine I had taken before, and 1 have remained strong ever since. I ama now as well as can be.'' • All women .whosuffer ehould look to the Kidneys. They are the main- spring of health. Keep..tbe Kidneys Strong by using Dodd's Kidney Pills and they take care of 'the:rest of the. body. Enamelled 'calea or 'br.eati Ito:see:are all right. But to openes eon of fruit •or vegetables,, use'. parib ni ±lg94:)11- tents' and let...the .rernoindeif .sta-y in the ban may mean' ptomaine:lei:7 king,•Orfet;lier,s,i,e)61e8,P, 130aced•al:, ple's ok-Opple"pie ' it cotiked•ita finer dVOilglidist&warie. SI on, I never 3m 1L1loYect-tio:,00018111 the pan. When- ever posSible apple.s: or any acid or vegetable 'sheml:d be eabke'cl • 10, 'earthen, ware;- -.for abid hoS, SD) hilinity an.d shrOctimeS gen, • 6mice 11 Poi:set:loos anbStarnee. • ` Mother -Now, Willy, you told me o falsehood. Do you know 7 what happens to little boys who tell falsehoods? Willy- (theepishly)- No, 'ma'am. Mother -Why, a big black man with only one eye in :the eenbre of his forehead collies along and flies with him up to the moon and makes him pick sticks for the balance' of hislife, Now, you will novel; tell a falsehood again, will you? Ibis awitilly wicked! . ANCIENT PARIS CHURCH. nisi:01v" of St.. 'Julien Le Pauvre Goes Back 1300 Years. A city im,provement, -scheme in Paris is in ‘process of realization which will give a freer sight of the Old church of St. Julien le Pauvre, one of the most picturesque churches in Porta, both architeetur- ally -and . by reason of its history. Situated on the banks of the Seine; quite 'Close to, the river and Notre Dame, it has been surrounded hith- erto with a somewhat disreputable frame of houses which is how to be removed, not merely to improve the approaches to the elvirch„ but to make way Inc the construction, ,of new school of decorative art.. Ac- cording to ,the plans upon which the work will be begun shortly, the fronting upon the, Seine will be left open -to ehe river and will give the happiest effect to the old montunent and its -attendant buildingss, , The history of ithe 'church is ex- tremely curious. It dates from the sixth ermtury and was originally a hospice WhOTO Saint Gregory of Tours Stayed, The ehureh was de- stroyed by the Norreausin 286, and subseqdently reconstructed.Re- stored in the 12th century, it be- came the scat of the university bodieS until the treation of the reg- ular seheols on Mount Sainte Gene- vieve. Its:-varions .viciseitUdes in- cluded 'that :cif becoming fOrage stores during the Resolution. It was afterwards restored to the Ho- tel Dieu 'or City Flospitahwhich fortherlY stood Close te the, ehureit to -whielr it had figilowa ititoh :9,11111:-.71-rarious notable persons were buried there. MOT :Some years it hae belonged te the Greek reli- gion. • . • In 'the picturesque 3ittle court in front of this curious church ere two wells. One was actually .within the church when it -was used as istaren; the other, 'which .was also in the apse, was .said. to provide a sover- eign cure tor ajl ills. • Cold, Damp Winds Full of Catarrh ..H0,NLF THE VICTIMS OF CATARRH, BRONCH ITIS, AND THROAT IRRITATION, CONTRACT THE DISEASE THIS • onty, One PreViintive knowne - illfeiterin ' tress , Mr; W T• .Oldrieve Chief .arehin tdet .of the.,,GoverninenV.Offfee of' Works in;' fileotAnd, who, twe years agb,.. dmect,Yered,aft P4P' 'foundation: :the.: earlits01 'Christian *Clittrit,hes,. hay ,entioutiCed that he ihas retireadti. in Edinburgh Cahtio. � the :iancient fertre0'S.r- •"„1dwe1;,.. -He iiatii::al,SO4ofind,..tlitti,well. • Which tattnilled the",eastlatid garri- son With, Watef. •; Excavations reirealed ntoelt 'of King Da-vid?e,-TOwerstill. standing, its •walls,- eightrfat,;thick,' xis - 1115 to 0,-.1Might,Of nearlynifty le,et above the original .roak auffaa.e. On one side the: structure had evidently 'euffere,c1 b lioniblirdmenif; and this supposition has heti] proved by the recovery from the interior of the toner of many article's, including cannon balls. Tbe disappearance of the tower is explained by the fact ,that the 'Half MOon Botteryi' fea- . ture, of Edinburgh (Jostle, which hits existed for nearly 350 years, corers it up entirely. Stalagmites rising from the ground, some extending to seveu feet' six inches long, and the Size of the stalactites from the roofs show- thot the 'vaults of the tower have not•diegn'clislatibect for a very long, tiniee , • This kli66YerY- led s the finding of the, linoimit•well, which Mr. Old - nee regal:cis as one of t.he most in- teresting: in Brit,ain. Water was found in it to a depth of sixty feet. The well was pumped drY; cleaned out, and thoroughly surveyed. " lova; Scotia Case 'of fnterest to 411 W4111t11 The' germs of these diseases that have. . accmoulated during recent months are -warmed into life by. tho. sun, taken up in the strong 'winds and spread breadcast throughout the land.' It IS ,impossible to avoid 'the inhala- tion orthese 'germs, -and Woe. 'head°. the periton whose bronchial tubes •or passages in the head and. lungs are in a week.; inikaned ConditiOn at thls seaSell, !' , There is but one known method of' destroying these .disease gerita .after they. have entered the air passages-- lIic inhalation of Oatarrlioz�ne. • • Cateriliozone, alone, Of all the thou- sand and one remedies can 'be carried, in the air we breathe to the minutest cells of the respiratory orgOnS, where it destroys tim germs, nerds alt the lirritated sur1'aces,,:.on4 egeeDi 11 p130 - 10011811t, lastiog core. ' ..eMy nos trilnyttle s,o sitiffed op, With fIttimitilt that' 018 head tiered •an day; Al; night 1 cotilkadireely.' Sleep, iiecatise of the aivfill dronniage 'from my nose. einl-threat-Which kept my Stomach ,o :eonetant state of disorder. Hut 1144711900 .cilred toe -:-..strengthened -MY threat and :gave Me protection 'against:rebeet6d c�ttbh± and colds, Urge:all kinfeerers,te use•Catarrhozone." D. Andre (Salesman), Ilanifitom 01)10. • datarriviSone is .guaranteed titre for"eyerk,forin or throat Iirqic- ehiti, :Asthina.,•Oatarrh. It has cured Others, WhY not foul TWo months' treatment price 51.00. All dealera, oi tbe".ChitarylioZoire'eaq:Duhale;NX,, end: ithigeten, 0nt.• Halifax Sends Out a Message of Help, to Many People.; Halifax, N.S-.;,-Hec. 15. -When inter- viewed at her home. at 194 Argyle St., Mrs. Haverstock was quite willing to talk of her peculiarly unfortunate ease. "I was always 'blue' and depressed, reit weak, languid and utterly' unfit for any work. ,My stomach was so disordered that ,I had 'no appo'ito. What I did eat 'disagreed. I suffered greatly from dizziness and sick head- ache and feared a nervous breakdown. Upon my druggist's recommendation I used Dr, Hamilton's Pills... "I felt better at onee., Eyery 'day I improved. In six weeks I'was a well woman, curedcompletely after differ- ent phygicians had failed to help me. It is for this' readon that- I: strongly' urge suffexers,with Stomach, or diges- tive troubles to nie Dr. Hamilton's Pills." - , Dr. Hamilton's P1l1 strengthen. the stomach, improve digestion,' strength- en the nerves and restore- debilitated systems to 'health. rBy cleansing the blood .of long-standing impurities,' by bringing the system ,to a highpoint of vigor, they effectually chase away weariness, depression., and., disease: Good for yonag oro14.1o,tIneti,' for women,' for children.. ,-Aittil"aler's Dr. Hamilton's Pills Of 'Almidralte and Butternut. • Judge -How did you come to en- ter the premises? Prisones-Well, your Honor, it was 2 in the morn- ing, kitchen window wide open, no Cops about-blowed if you wouldn't a-,climbecl in yourself , Marion *Bridge, C.D., May 30, '02. _ '1 have Bandied AITNARD'S LINT- .MENT during the pest year. It hi al- ways the iirst Liniment asked for here. and unquestionably the best seller of all the different kinds c.,..1; e"--" 1018881 FnuousoN. 'CR -lolly -And was my present a surprise to your sister? Willie - :Tim bet ! Sis said she never thought you'd send her anything so cheap; Try Murine Eye Remedy - If you have Red, Weak, Watery Eyes or Granulated Eyelids.- DoeSn't Smart -Soothes nye 'Pain. Druggists Sell Murine Eye Remedy, Liquid, 25c, 50c, Murine Eye Salve in Aseptic Tubes, 25e, 50c. Eye Books Free by Mail. An Eye Teas Need tor All Even that Need Care Murine Eye Remedy Co.. Chicago Must Make:Good. FrecldieAtte, you the trained nurse mamma, said , was. coming.? T,Irrse-Yes,-'deor, I'm the trained hihrie::. 'Fe eiddie=-Let' s 110 Seine of your Moe ,s, ten, Ilinard's Liniment Citron Dandruff, POWER FROM SUNLIGHT. :pies; Ose4: Cutipura Stitt:1)16d Ointineph, Noit NeTtohbleAtAll: 43 ,japo814 l'oro4o,'Orilt:--,""I eec geitting brittle. , !alit' later deeding tMdltehing sealp., I wan afraid a &deb My hair as it can% Out.tly i handfuls arid the itching waS" I %..80 severe 1, was milsorohle;', ' The troithle kept ino; S1014)1115: My' .saalls .wcie• - doVered wilh email pimples-, •'. which seemed to run lettfoita •• anotherancl fornia Beath.' The, 'WV dandruff was So bad I IVILS \ • \ 1 afraid to comb my hair as ft looked very bndlY. I was tillisidaG bdv- Ing it show so plainly. It L Yr 4:laocingmslitatveodi tried' and several other remedies but they did not curo it. After some months I picked up a iiaiIor witli the CillIcina Seep and ointment advertisement and sent right away for a sample of Oedema Soap and -Ointment on. using just the sample my trouble was bolter. T used.six or eIglat boxes of Sim Caticum Ointment also the Cuticura Soap and my scalp healed, the Wiring stopped and My ...hair came in quite thick and now I. have no trotible at all." (Signed) Mrs..11. Binger, " May 27, 1013. It costa nothing to learn how pure, sweet; effective and satisfying Cutioura Soap and Ointment are in the treatment 08 1)001' com- plexions, red, rough' hands, Itching Scalps; dandruff, dry, thin and falling bah., becallso You nano nenbuy them until You try tlierm Liberal ample of oath mailed froe, with32-p. boolc. Send post -card to Potter Drug is Chem. Corp., Dept. D, Boston, U, 0. A. • ADOPTING ENGLISH FASHIONS Thc•Intreduction of Knit Wear Has Effected a Change in China. Many Chinese women are adopt- ing Caucasian clothing, modified to suit Chinese taste. "This change, though' limited to a comparatively. small number, is haying, a Marked effect. upon trade," writes Consal- General George E. Anderson of Hongkong. "Hongkong' shop Wm- dows-the more fashionable shops that cater to Chinese trade -are full of modifications of foreign dress for the use of Chinese' women, and manikins displaying 'styles are of a distinctly foreign cast. Formerly warmth in winter in China was .ob- Wined by a Series of garments of various qualities and weights -the number of, undergarments; all sim- ilar to the outer garment, being proportioned -±0 the, teniperature. The introduetion of knit wear, how- ever, hasimado these .several layers of clothing unnecessary, and the change has resulted in a.,diffebenco in the cutofouter 'garments. The ceirt, formerly reaching. jUSC.below the hips, has been lengthened inti what is practically a, skirt, almost covering...the trousers. In the cut of, ;these skirt's; Or long coats, fashioo- able' Chinese Women noW generally .affect:fordign stYleS.." I" , Piles Cared in it to 14 llayn Druggists refund motley PAZO OINTMENT fails to cure Itch.ng, 131180, or Protrudfrig Files. First application gives rel,et, ' 600, TO SPEND LIFE W1T11 LEPERS. Ao :English Churebnian to Iiiiitate Father D alien. The Rev. A. S. Hewlett, cousin :blie novelist, Maurice Hewlett, has resigned the comfortable :UV:Mg of St: Pat1P,s Church, Birkenhead, to devote himself atifether Er. Damien to Missionary work among the lepers at Kurnato, island of Kyushyu. He belongs to. the High Church congregation km:4n as the Cowley Fathers. He iS unmarried and in the prime of life. He sails Lor ' japan in Au„,nist. At the leper colony he• will be attached to the hospital known tt8 the. Resurrection of Hope, which acconnuadates -be- tween fifty and shaby patients. In an interview Inc .gakt 'it is (mite true. I have never liatt experience' of missionary work before, but I.feel 111 15 time 'to make O start before I ge.b too old for work. 'I have therefore decided -to go among the lepers and devote my life to etem, because I feel 11 My duty to .clo so in obedience to any Divine Master's command." San -Power Plata a Success,. Says : ttli; 11X11111'. : . , The result of the operution,of smt-power plant installed noan. Cairo, Egypt,- secni very •eneeitrag- ieg from ,art tixpe.,i't point of view, and thp... hope is expressed that this pionne r' undertaking 111037y -meet with the f011,rnea;stire 01 sijece'Ss that it diserY,es. The, average, sanicanirt. 'of ••slitiana generated ,an hour 'throughout •• Irleits • 'Wait '1 ; 06"Ipittincts. The 'Maxi, - mum amount of 'steam, gefaeratei:L' diiringlii0 One 110118 15819: Obtaind Itettye en. i" :1 0 :±±dAug' amounted to 1.;.1:12., lkit171,Ctlt, While the minimum generated in play ;eine hour WEIS 'obtained between 3-115 and 4101 0,11. 018 Aug. '25, 'nod amounted fa 886 pounds: , MI05113510 collect, ed by that plaat was 10„206 square feeb."21Xe ,average antaaint of 'steam' produced througinrat 0 Dotir-11-018 trial on:Aug. 10 was 00.3 gotbndopar The nioaa Steam pressure -dining the four hours' was: 1 :2'pouilel'. .pei: square inen.berOW I. --- There:Was No Doubt, Oclkins-How can you tell that this is going to be a 'strenuous win- s easy 1 By "the size ref., ealar3'. • e DESERT . CONDITIONS: tattle Livc Well with No .filoi4;re - But Juice of Cactus; ', • • It 'has been -proved by actual' ex..- Pdriment .thq shaalliedonts efrid regions ano.able •fe 'fer tWo- or three*years 'on hard seedsand 01,11, aD3; water. In,l''`IsTew• Trails in' Mexico," Mr. Karl Inanholtz says that the animals of the desert hale sneceedect in; making themselves ad- zpost nadependent'df the water sup.'" ws 111 11110 g'odrd that indicate the', Presence ,Of ro- dents .or batigets are -often found in -great numberS wifere'there. is no water nearer than a lonely itinaja, in .a distant mountain, range, of which they 'could:hardly have had ani knowledge. Tho. roving moun- tain' sheep bequire more water,' though Mexicans and Indians in- sist that they drink only when rain Moreover, I have it on thc, au- thority' of -am intelligent and obser- vant American in Sonora, that while the white-tailed deor in eastern So- nora drink regularly, those in it western part never drink unless it rains, which happens rarely. He has -never seen their trackS at the water holes there, 'although he has observed them elsewhere, not very fax from v,,ater. Another American of many yea,ysi residence, who bus shot deer southeast Libertad, confirms this. • ' • It is certain .also that domesti- cated animals in the arid regions are much less dependent on water than those el moister regions. Cat- tle will live well fell anonflis without any other water than the juice of the coatis, which plant ia•al.so their principal means of subsiste,nce Even horses de nob come, id to drink of their own freewill every day during the vkiter: In my travels it was the usual thing for our animals to go without water every second clay; such is the custom of that nwes-, tern desert country, and the ani - ml a osIk.o_ eet: ioesca Ot'iznnusna riporistingly good eon- cliMarch, our horses and mules travelled all day, and had no water for seventy-six hours. It was only the horses that suffered, and this, was more from the quality of the, water they had had than frogi the lack of it. Man's ckscst companion, the dog, how- ever, cannot adopt itself to. desert conditions. Besides suffering from thirst, the hot ,soil makes its feet sore, and it .does not know on which leg to stand. Even the dens of the Indians, when they trove% slay panting in what little .shade they can find under the bushes during the hot part of the day, and only follow their masters in the cool of the evening. Dangerons Throat Trophies Prevented iAT Nerviline IT ,ENDS M/SERY OF COEDS (I:CICELY, Don't wait tin night. Get after your cold now, -this very ,minute, before it grows dangerous you should apply Old-time "Nerviline." • , Rub 'your chest • and throat, rub • them thoroughly with Nerviline. lief will be immediate. • Nerviline will save you from lying awake to -night, coughing, choking and suffering front congestion -in tho'ehest and acute pain in the throat. Herviline will break ttp that doll • neuralgia beadaolie-wfil kill the cold and dint at .1.88, very beglaning-e-will save you, from perhaps a serious „ ,...7401111111, LAIL • ,Highest grade beans kept whole ' 'and Mealy by Perfee't ' retanimg, then. full.strength. • 'BIavored with deliciouS satleeS. .. T.h°Y hftve , '..40fiPt3‘,1"4,7, re• Father -Upon my word, you children ure getting too dainty for anything. Why, when I was your age I was glad to get enough elly bread to .Cat. Robert -You have a much better time living with us, don't you, father Is Your Wife Bad Tempered? Chances aro silo hns 031.11`4 that ;I oho like fury. Buy her a bottle of 1.'11 1- nam's Corn Extractor. It acts pain- lessly; gives blatant relief, and cures every kind' of corn. Insist on getting OnlY rutnam's Extractor, 250, al all dealerS, A Linguist. ,S:he-Did you have any trouble with your Erench when you were in Paris'? He -I didn't, but the Pa-. risians did. mlnard's Liniment Relieves Neuralgia. Many a spoiled boy has develop- ed into a. fresh man. To Cure a 0010 in One Bay Take LAXATIVE BROM) QUININE Tablets. Druggists refund money le it fails to cure. E. W. GROVE'S signa- ture is on each box. 211. - !AIMS FOE 5111:IL 18. W, OAWSOM ninety, Ceiborns TO YOU WANT TO BUY OR SDLL A 1 Fruit, Stook, Grain, or Dairy Farm. write 11. W. Dawson. 13ramMon, or 95 celberne at,. Toronto, N, W. DAWSON Colborne St Toronto. WANTED. A'ENV,' Fort NV:NATTIER I1058111- any.elow rates, liberal commission. Apply, The. Canada Weather Insurance Company, Toronto. ' We will pay you $12o.00 to distribute religious literature in your community: Sixty days' Nvorkl Experience not required. . Men or women. Oppor- tunity, for prometion, Snare time may he used. International Bildt. Press CompanY, 161 Spadina, Toronto. NEWSPAPERS FOR SALE. 001) WEEKLY IN LIVE TOWN IN Ulf York County. Stationery and Book Business in connection. Prim) onlY 34,0 0 0. ,Termn liberal. Wilson Publish- ing Company, 71 West Adelaide Street Toronto, - NURSERY STOCK. QITRAWBEIMIEE, RASPBERRIES, FIFTY' Varieties, Free Catalog. McDonnell & Son, Grovesend; Ontario, tatecti.Lennotin. flarCEn. TrISIOns, LUMPS, ETD.: • internal end external, cured with. ont pain by our home treatmeut. write . to before too late. Dr. Delman Medical G o., Limited, Collingwood, Ont. Prie mum Carairraflhr NEIJUMGRAIN Choose which Grain you like best for your white Sugar and buy St. Lawrence Pure Cane Granulatedyvhite, 115 original bags -Fine grain, medium or coarse. Each the choicest sugar. Ask your Grocer. ST. LAWRENCE SUGAR REFINERIES, LIMITED MONTREAL 11-10-13 lIATALT. OF UNHAPPINESS. • • Is Most •Vitfortatiate One to Com . . . tract, Especially in Early Life. Most unhappy people have become SO by gradually .forming i, ba.bib of unhappiness., complaining about the weather, firlding fault with there food, with crowded brains,..and dis- :trot:able reompanions er work. , A habit Of eonnilaining, of criticism, Cif fault-finding, or grumbli4 over trifles, a habit of looking for sha- 'dews, is a most • iinfaitunite" habit 'cord:rad,. eXpecially in early life, Lor after a while the Nic.tim becomes a slaw. All the impulse45, bccorno perYetted, until a tendeney to pes- simism, or cynicism, is chronic. Minard's Liniment Cures Burns, RM. Hail 0 Start. Footsore Frederiek-Parclon me, lady, but 4I0 yer happen to have' 0 pair us 811.0e1 datt Wotild go wid clese strings? To take away -hoarseness,' to break up a gr1PPY cold, to cure a sore throat or bud cold in the chest, you can use nothing so speedy and effective as Nerviline. For forty years it has been the most largely Ufied famDY remEnlY ini tte Donainion. Time has proved,its' liter t, so can you by' keeping handy oft the shelf the large 50c. family size bottle. small trial Bin 25e sold by any dealer anywhere.- , , , , • And. Thai's Flat. J'ittielter-ANTliat is a1htl tecicer -,A Rat 'constsdis of p-JanItor en- ta rely .Surrouncled by cubby-holes. , . , Pl'esSure. •Millard's Liniment tar sale •eeerinviiero, OODMARES In foal or foal at, foot, having Distemper or Influenza, or our other form of Contagious Disease, nmy with absolute ortfetY to Mare and Foal be given SPORN'S LIQUID DISTEMPER CURE It alao Is the very best Remedy to prevent mann; slipping feale, and should be given to ttll Mares, lorn Colts, Staillions ad nall loran0801115, outs, or on 'the tongue. Then you will have very little trouble with etektiess of any kind among your SSONN MEDICAL CO., • Chemists and Gaeta lelogisfs, Goshen, Ind., U. S. A. sdll '1148101 11,10(10 RUGISTEIUM essm To others • A Mother thinks carefully when choos- ing an ointment for herbaby's tender skin.. It must be pure through and through --must contain nothing that can possibly harm. • This is what makes "Vaseline5 .. • such u great biesing to Mothers. kill•-•=the'be.st, and sAfest ointmentfor the skin from earliest infancy. • . .;f ,-"Vaseline" is a great cleanser'. It works into the pores,' • and takes away all dirt and impurities with it. It keeps the skin„fresb, clear and sift, as Nature made it. • ' am several different preparatiom of "Vase,liao,“ put Up in collap5. ible lin tubes which insure untainted pithy: ,• •'bur free "Vuelin;"' Bookie tolk ati about than and many other vi411iihe6tcheld (Centoltdo.:1) hdolotr.,004 CI-IESEBROI.Id1-1 MUG. CO. egy,eeteee