The Clinton News Record, 1914-03-26, Page 2G, D. IlleT'AGGAIT.` L ;I) M•eT11(IGAR7?" :cTaggart.: Br..osa R'lAItE). $ GENERAL BANKINd BUSI NESSTIiANSAOTED. ; NOTES DISCOUNTED, DRAFTS ISSUED. INTEREST ALLOWED' ON, DE- POSITS. SALE NOTES '• PUR• CHA SED. II. T. RANCE, — NOTARY PUBLIC, CONVEY= AN,C1 R, FINANCIAL, REAL ESTATE AND FIRE INSUR- ANCE AGENT. REPRESENT- ING 14 FIRE, INSURANCE 'COMPANIES. ' DIVISION COUNT OFFICE, CLINTON. .W. Ill3YDONE, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY 'PUBLIC; hT,Q.; Office- Sloasp 15.�„`ci:-CLINTON CHARLES E; HALE, • Conveyancer; Notary Public, Commissioner, Eta. ILEAL ESTATE and INSURANCE Issuer of Marriage 'Licenses HURON STREET, CLINTON DRS. GUNN & GANDIEM Dr. W. Gunn, L.R.C.P., L.R. C.S., Edin. Dr. J. C. Gaudier, ,E.A,, M.B. Office—Ontario St., Clinton. Night calls at residence, Rattenbury-St., or at Hospital. DR. J. W. SHAW - OFFICE — RATTENBURY ST. EAST, -CLINTON DR. C. W. THOMPSON PHSYICIAN, SURGEON, ETC. Special attention given to dis. cases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Eyes,. carefully examined and, suit,- ' uit' able glasses prescribed. Office and residence: 2 doors west of the Commercial Hotel, Huron St.. DR. F. A. AXON DENTIST — .Specialist in Crown and• Bridge Work. 'Graduate of 'C.C,D.S., Chicago, and R.C,D.S., To. ronto. Bayfield on Mondays from May to December. r R'A LWrAt; • TIRE TABLE — Trains will arrive at and depart from Clinton Station as follows: BUFFALO AND GODERICH DIV: Going East, 7.35 a.' m. f,. t, 3.07 p. na " ft 5.15 p. 111. Going, West, 11.07 a. m. a, at 1.25 p. m. 8.90 p. m, 11.28. p. m. LONDON, HURON & BRUCE DIV :. Going South, 7.50 a. m. <a 4.23 p. m. Going North, 11.00 a. m. "• tc, 6.35 p. m. OVER 00 YEARS' EXPERIENCE •TRADE MARKT{ 'COPYRIGHTS , 'COPYRIGHTS rite. Anyone Sonata/1i strata and dedo,4 tion may (,daily) ascertain our opinion free Whiether an Inveatian Is probable nat@lnabt2 pea -maiden. liens stOotlsaonadonttal. 11NOl1cOK on Patents sent' free. (Oldest ageneY fa etaurrnji atonte.' Z. -gotta tekcn 0Fn'ou5B12 .Alun & apo. peoetre •un'I0 nonce; afthadt ohargo, In the tlen1ifisr ibmerkeaoo. A handsomely illustrated•eeeldy. ',Argent nir• "1,15110" r..aay eotanturn Jeutnal, lenux Yor 011nsda, pale a:yenr, poetage prep5td. cold by 011 now,deglera. MANN & Ca.36j8rn"way' New York BrnnettOAtce. (1241 F Bt. Wliebinaton. II. O. • IP -PIN .OTT. MONTHLY MAGAZINE A FAMILY LIBRARY Th nest In Current Literature. ..12. ,ColuPLarc:NOVELS YEARLY ' ( MANY SHORT STORIES AND PAPCRS ON TIMELY TOPICS•' $2.60 PEn YEAR; 25 OTn.:A COPY/ NO' CONTI'M JED, STORIES EYEJJY NUMI5I COMPLETE tN ITSELF' u In No.11ul-ey, W1)i1.e—,Now that your•.', son has aiaduallecl, has the de<idet v1ios'e lie's going to work? • (preen --Where" Its h en't es•en decided, when. • ' an, , or and. Flour rron>:, the , Ilest 1fLlls ,ti't t11'0I':1010,0 posstllle pri4e WE PAY THE' PTIG EST 15 for OATS, EEAS and BAR` LEY; also HAY for Baling. Ford & McLeod .GEO11GE ELLIOTT Licensed Anepioneer for the "County • of Huron. Correspondence promptly answered. •Immediate arrangements can bo made for Sales Date at The News -Record, Clinton, or by calling Phone 13 on 157. Charges moderate and satisfaction guaranteed,' ALL KINDS OF -COAL, WOOD, TILE BRICK TO ORDER. All kinds of Coal on and: CHESTNUT SOFT COAL STOVE CANNEL COAL FURNACE COKE BLACKSMITHS . WOOD 2% in., 3 in. and .4 in. Tile of the Best Quality. ARTHUR FARCES Opposite the G. T. R. Station. Phone 52. The ITollillop Mutual Fina Insurance Company Farm and Isolated Town Property only Insured = OFFICERS - J. B. McLean, President, Seaforth P.O.; Jas. Connolly, Vice -Presi- dent, Goderieh P.O. ; T. E. Hays, Secretary -Treasurer, Seaforth P.O, - Directors — D, F. McGregor. Seaforth; John Grieve, Winthrop; William Rinn, Constance; John Watt, Harlock; John Benuewies, Brodhagen ; James Evans, Beechwood ; M. McEven, Clinton P:O. - Agents — Robert Smith, Harlock; E. Hindi: ley, Seaforth; William Chesney, Egmondville; 3. W. Yeo, Holmes- villo. Any money to be paid in may be paid to Morrish Clothing'Co., Clin• ton; or at Cutt's Grocery, Godericb Parties desirous to effect insur- ance or transact other business will bo promptly attended to on ap• plication to any of the above officers addressed to their respective post - offices. Losses inspected by the director who lives nearest the scene, Clinton News -Record CLINTON, -- ONTARIO Terries of subscription—$1 per year, in advance; $1.50 may bo charged if not so paid. No paper (liscon-. tinued until all arrears aro paid, unless at the option of the pub. lishbr. The date to which every subscription is paid is denoted on the label. Advertising Rates. — Transient ad. vertisemcnts, 10 cents per non. pareil line for first insertion -and 4 cents per line for each subse- quent insertion. Small advertise. Dents not to exceed .one inch, such as "Lost," -"Strayed," or "Stolen," etc., inserted :once for 35 -'cents, and each subsequent in. sertion 10 cents. Communications intended for pub• lication must, as a guarantee of good faith, be accompanied by the name of the writer. W. J. MITCHELL, Editor and: Proprietor, D•. t HOMESEEKERS EX CURSIO.NS MANITOBA, ALBERTA SASKATCHEWAN Each Tuesday March 3 to October 2 71i ucl naive, Winnipeg and Return 335 00 Edmonton and Return, - ; 43.00 From Toronto, and .Stations West+and• North of Toronto: Proportionate fares front Stations' East of '1'orop to. Return Limittwo u,ouths. REDUCED SETTLERS' FARES (ONS -WAY SECOND`CLASS)..: EACH TUESDAY, MARCII'AIVD APRIL Sattlers tcavcllfag • w,t11,11yd 'ltno1'a ii-. effects Should take SP I'Tt ERS' SPE,CIAI. TRAIN which leaves West; Toronto each rueSday during : MARCH and APRIL. alter arrival regular 10..20 Pap. ttaiu from Toronto U ,an _Station, . ,e 'Settte,s and f;tmilies Without live stock should use REGULAR TRAINS, leaving ,', Toronto • 10.20' p.m, DAILY Through Colonist and Tourist Sleepers. 1 ' • Through trains; Toronto to. Winnipeg ant Vet:''COLONIST CARS ON ALL TRAINS N'o charge for Berths. Particulars from Canadian Pacific Agents • o write M, G. Mnrphi D.P.A., Toronto... Mlikes Them I'4115r. Ready, the Yeag-:list! Brta:rnlan, leis helper'--•Null2 J3:ed,tly It we tales mla)11 move o' dis'loot we'll -:;bare t,reub1e dodging de it Colne tax -collector.: Forty years in use, 20 years the standard, . prescribed and recom- mended -b'v physicians. • k'or Wonutn's • AH1110110, Dr. 11Iartel's' Female. Pills, at -your druggist; Cold T WILL BREAK A COLD IN ORE NICHT 25 CENTS Your money back if.thoy don't, at THE REXALL STORE W. S. R. HOLMES, Phm.B. ORDERS for Coal may be left at It. Itowland's Hardware Siete,. or at my office in 'II. Wilise's Grocery Store. HOUSE PHONE 12 .• - 'OFFICE PHONE 140 A. J. HOLLOWAY BUSINESS AN~ SHORTHAND Subjects taught btythe expert instructors a Y. M. O. A. BLDG.. LONDON, ONT.!: Students assisted to positions: College in session front Sept. .2nd. Catalogue free. Enter any time. J. W. Westervelt J. W. Westervelt, Jr. Principal CnaVerelAcceuutant as - 17 Vtce-Pdrelpgl CANADA'S BEST PRACTICAL TRRAINING SCHOOL. CENTRAL, 2 ':t'Csr:/ t STRATFORD. ONT. TIUREE departin ents---Cont- Jleedal, Shorthand. and •;Telegraphy. Courses are •thorough and practical, ;iar- dividual instruction is given by a strong, experienced staff. Our graduates succeed. Students may enter tit any time. Gel our free catalogue and see What we can do 'fur ;you, D. A. M)LACHI '47 ; Pi anciliall: .' 4e RA.14,4_ �q N iQf1.Q � 'U' f11 :S 1" EftA. Y HOAI1,S7,i fi13.115 ]'1XC'T1',S'ONS. '..I;o Alan ilob a, . 1brota, Saslcatrlic- 7valt. Each Tuesday, March ;ird to. 27: flctoh�rt t �h, inclusive, via Cllr.- cargo, 5t, Paul oi' .Duluth, l\'INNI1'11:0 ,AN1) R•ET GIIN :$35.00. Sia)MONTON ANI) RE.L U:6.N 1.13.00 From Turf ,u1)) 4.171,1 1)1)L1101)$ North at c - . Pro and Vc o' 1l louts ft tit n- 1 F J �. � o u p ate low fa)as horn st,atiuns East of ,, Jo' on 12 turas It c-• mon Tor n t o 0 T N t M 'I''ul 1 particlrlal s at Cal sill J5 unit Ticket Offices or write C. I#.. Morn- ing U P,A,, Paronto, Ont. John Banslord St Son, :Uptown Agent Phone 57. I. O. I?a rtry 1 Sa1:1011 Agent. gc 1'']a.ono 3511, 41 I, \{ t5 ,Isist mull. Taels-J don't believe yoit've it]ro 01171(1 to'pr0pnse, 11/1:11 Way. ro111—Y•0a1're anis) alcen. I've 11)0 sand, but Ihaven't Die dust.. 1110 I. rnlv.rite ALet odistrip, � 4Ln • S- la4acl ltate;lf,101) monist r•a;,7vh'u can fur' 211,8:18 itrcnS lSr r5:' - ' THE SUNDAY SCHOOL.LESSON IN llilltNATIO\AL LESSON,: 11IARCJI 20.• Lesson Xlll. Jesus • tits Great Teacher. Golden `Text, Mie. 6. 8.• Lesson I.—Jesats and the Child- ron —Wahab question slid the dis- ciples at tinges dispute among themselves? Who did Jesus .say shou•1<l "be the greatest in ;Iris king- cio444What lid,{u.5 an Sx-, ample of C'hri'stian hnnlili•%y ? iiow 'did the disciples treat certain mo- t.hers who brought their children to be blessed by' Jesus? What did' Jesus say of these Children? Lesson'II.-!L 4e Mission of the Seventy.—Into what district did Jesus go when he left,Galilee? Whom slid he send before 'him? What were these seventy, men' 'be do? What was to be -their mess- age?. ) 'hat were they given power to do? What were they tgkl eon 'cerning their. reception?`• ' ' Lesson IIL T'lte ftod gamarfian. —What did a certain Inlayer" ask Jesus? How did Josus make him answer 1us octet questions? With what -either question did 'the lawyer seek to justify 'himself? How did Jesus answer this question? 'What is the ostory of the Good Samaritan ? What admission did the lawyer Make at the conclusion of bite par- able'? ar- able? What did Jesus bid him do? Lesson IV. -Serving Jesus.—Who ministered to Jesus as he traveled through Galilee? Who was among the 'women'1 What had Jesus done fair Mary Magdalene? Where -did the sisters; -Mary and Martha, live? What types of service diel they ren- der Jesus'? How aid Jesus show his dissatisfaction w11,1) half-heart- ed service? Lesson V, -- The Unfriendly. Neighbor.—What 'did 'he disciples ask Jesus to 'leach them'l W'11tut model prayer diel the give them? Wheat quality did he 'eay was neces- sary in prayer 1 I'Iow slid he illus- trynte this truth? liVhat is Ole story of the unfriendly Neighbor? A\'ltat did jean( say of God's remit - :150S to give. its What we need? W1uat is Jestte's promise to his follower's 111)01it .aeking 1 essolt VI. --Darkness and Light. W'1tat kind of as demon slid Jesus d rive out from a. elan in Tesco ? Of what slid the 'Pharisees accuse him? Flow <liiLlte answer their ac- mLs:atioti? By what, power did he declare he drove the demons out? Against what did he. warn the halal from Whom the demon had been driven ? Lesson VIIi--C''hrl.yt's Mitred of 5'hunls.--A\r11e1'e was Jesus invited, to cline? What did. his ]lest say when Jesus omitted to trash before eating? Of what dill' Josus then accuse- the Pharisees? What did lie utter agaivat,then12 What ''liter class did he include in his denun- ciation ? Lesson VII:(.—Faith :Destroying Fear.—Of What did Jesus hill his disciples beware What did he call hypocrisy? What did he say- that sinful melt aright well fear 1 How may This .followers be eared from such fear? Lesson IX.—'Tustin;' in Riches and Trusting in Go<l.-Wito inter- :misted Jesus in the midst of one of his discoursee11 What did this than request? What did Testis ;tell 111»1? Of what,did he;bid Isis hearers be- ware? 4 • W'ltat +Lajipened ,to the man ycho trusted 'ori])' to 'itis riches? Where :should Jesus'a followers lay up their "a.eamire? Lesson X. -Watchfide ess;—ll''hat dial 7051rs say should be the sign of; - he beginning of Clods eternal reign.? What do we 1 no771 of the time of this 0t 001,1 What 'then sllnnl(1 be our cuut,siant attitude? W''hat will be tate reward fol faith- fulness? Whet the pttrrisluncnt for dlisobed'ienet 2 •,1,esson'X Tela laticful USe cif the Sal,blsih Wthoalt (hd leans heal Ill 'L Pet'ae.alt synagogue How long had this women been afflicted? WI HI zebu -ked Jesus for this deed til mercy 2 What were the :wormtls of his 111120ko? How ,4.1{.(V a certain Pharisee challenge,Sesu9 s 'altll:tdr.. on the Sabbath question How ,lite ]'u,1•ccen! his ihlilenue.2 1\hais did es•7csuss r10e11te W:as ]a,j�'�ful sial 'thte Sabbath -1 What <1'td lie Ay of the purpose t,f i h $41 4[414,4111 ! ess0al: 'XfI Lessone :by the Way. ---Tei What did ;rebus: ro nsittr ' the kingdom of. 'heats en 9: How is tale 1Civadum 111(1 IIre :Mustard. seed ? How dries it 11senibl0 the 1 c 'rat .Ind one of What i ,� I 1 eanwl? 1 nl l., A\ q 1211 hooters atsk Iasis? AVba! wins s e' - ��1 1 lauxl .f s a Jeal s ,rascet 2 AA t 1 S A 1 ice i he declare. was't visit:Mei 1111'' 1' lex did '11 ,e 1t , leeat C'll.?. - I'r ''}1771 art C11tL )1C. 11 / 1 'Titin Resei'I .111' T ut71 1, 1 t•lie c� te'riutrul :ail'i. 1:110 11- l tignfrcatgiu0.o,P <1'r�an0e will c1e1.1end (711'itlaer there 117111 be 1stnh dished a, reviler . pasSentier x414,1 freigh4; reek. ,ifcebss the Desert of Sahara. .;Ulan=; -ha`vo lively wail Pletod"TOl' the•alic;h of ai flotilla or neoplfintss, to stamp, N' 1)11 Oran, ,'\1- •ge1I1 The final lauding will i.le. Made:at indlttcj+rel, hl tli:c• lit'eldeh M11ilrlan, ,15 dt,i,ataee 10 1!' ,4 00 11) 179. 37121, 1 untc a 111 rte marked' ed it 1!111 pvi'iL- iitls u1"s;tuyies.,' ''Acoss rue l'.ebcam A 74 ]lappene(d Ull 1�A1e19 ru{a 's'd fterhi, writes a7YOutli4r.'1Gompn�nf"ori` 710J'4t1;1k11t047, •, W13$ �;i54' ing ,;:f??y 00U)411) 11 fie was tl r'ee "anon lis Older"to have ;haylrtirnes together. There was; 'a good-p'atuleit riy:tldy laetween :lis, litttin9vel uiry'j lliJtl of •lealoisy about gitaJ cgin1)041.9.07..and rite lgt!}1OJStgitv�rle.1? iyly .oven~, ,. Q•lie afternoon in ,the middle •'of the'1'laying season we were int the (loft of 'tire hig •red been; We had just finished stow ing ,a load that had been hoisted to us :from 'the flay, rack. "Uncle Daveand' the hired. men 'had gone back to the field, Al and 37 stock our pitchforks into :the hay,moped's our .tares; and :1ay': c1Gwn'+to cool off Above Lts sloped the rafters, d'ini and 'draped with d'usty cobwebs. Under them, stretched 'the long, 'horizontal tie - beams. Suddenly Al spoke, "Say, Les;" lie said.,. "I'll stump you to walk across thatbeunl," He pointed at the 'tiebeam directly above no •• - T considered a moment. The beam was agent fifteen feet above the loft, bill the studs were iso arrang ed that we.: could easily climb the wall and of mile' en the' bean): At ih jthel rad :rye emild lump oft .Ill-._ to the haymow. But in.':the middle of the barn there was a drop of thirty, feet'to,thc 'flo'or, and the beam 'Was not over afoot wide. "Go ahead;" I said at loot. "YOU otumped me, and you've gat to go first." .A.1 went to. the edge of the loft, and looked up at the beam, and them down al the hoard :floor of •11140 barn,.coverecl only with scattea;ings of hay. Quite a .fall, Al," I said. To tell 'tile (truth, I hoped to discourage him so -that 'he would withdraw his "Loeb your nerve, already, have yon?" 11e asked, with •a grin. "Watch. your country cousin!". With .that he crossed the loft, sealed the wall, and stood upright on the beam.. 1 matched him as he began to walk, 'carefully placing one Soot before the other, and bal- ancing 'himself with outstretched arms. A few steps would bringhin beyond the edge of the IOFt, aald Put over the open tiptoe. Suddenly he stopped. "1 wish I had on my sneaks!" he called. '.The hay ;has mane the soles of nsy shoes slippery," Then lie took another cautious step, and stopped again. '':ft's 111- low•able to creep on bands and knees over :this (hole," .he said, "All 'right," I agreed, "But you had better .turn bade, and we'll call the stump off." Without answering, he began slowly to bend forward and lower 0110 knee. ,Suddenly his foul ,clipped, he top- pled over, incl the next thing :f knew he. was Changing .to the beam by .his hands, and his body swung 111 mid•ai1. He battered no ('1'37 but his eyes Were big with a bole of rts- 14141111011011l 'rattler Chain fear. 1 be- lieve that .I was more frightened than 117, ;1 could feel the calves +.(f my legs r!uivee as .l watched him try to draw himself up. Ile palled himself alp :to his chin, anti kicked out sidewise an .the attempt to t11rr»v one leg over the bealn..:1 saw tltiit he was wasting his strength, anil called to ;him to stop.' a tried to climb the: wall and reaclithe beam, but I was so excited that 7 tumbled back in 111 the hay. That halve me 111y- idea. Shouting' to Al to "hang en,'' I slits down the ]miler, and started at top speed For the hayfield. 1 will wager that';l covered that guar teran ile. in 11)1011(1 1211119. Irltcle Dave was on top of the load, n- ee }ving and treading :Ole hay 'Olaf• the two hired men pitched rap to ham. He saw 1110 coining, leaned 011 his ferk• and shuu!,etl, \\'bat's the 'matter ? Bear after' ye ?'' "Quick!'' I panted, grasp erg one of the hired :mol b,v the arm. "LiEI 111e 111 $1110 me a 'boost,'' and seralitbilcd on lisp or 47te load, seized the rejigs, and yelled at tlie horses. They started with a jerk, and Uncle Date lost his balance. He slid off the back of the load, and a great nunful of nay went with }lin. Never shall 1 for net thait ride. The horses, excited .by my yelle, bloke l I1tU u gallon, Tb6 rack -swayrd x011 limped 670u' the i 0ugh ,field, 10111 flans of the -load scattered ellarifings 112 7a)', It •wars haul iitigrl :but a. ma nlaged to stiel1 on :Behind me 1. could Beat the sh0ltls of the hired teen ;11141 angry commands or liaicle: 1)ave to `'i4ap t111Re •11111'074 ' They could not understand what I was rap to. Ave went 111:11,1 Ill h1141 wi111 11 11181,, rid t dodged -]tush rat !1100 to e5011110 br eel: it ig`. my • tie ad 9511111511 the .doorway. Al v:still hanging the Psan, ;olid with U. fcelie of • g1 'I�O Quit sIn Your .Children with. strong Cathartics— Clialriberlatn's'Tabirlsore Ilmost. effeetive,in regula- ting' egula-ting. stomach -troubles and conn sripati111 for the little folk—one:: tabletgoing t • ,o bed means a s sunny face in the • morning. Pleasant to take, they never fail. 25c. 11 bottle,;'- Druggists and dealers or by. grail. Chamberlain Medicine Co. Toronto 4 cHAM BERL AI NS:. r 012 a210in NIB! • b.T « 17' �,.,x ...„'h .f,,,.i ,. i re,. .t.1. 'Y 1,1 }Lf'�,,°1•U.t ?;k ,41'33 -.^F+3�wct`s 1-.. 1 Cleans Cut Class and all Glassware easily, thoroughly and quickly. Leaves them bright and highly polished—absolutely clean. For ,every ;kitchen use Panshine is equally effective. It keeps woodwork and paintwork: spotless., Panshine is a .pure, white, and clean' powder without any disagreeable' smell -.- 1 the magical kitchen cleanser. Sold in handy sifter top can 1 O:C. At All Grocers -- relief"and thankfulness, I pulled on the .reins. As 'the horses ease to a standstill, 'J: heard a third in ithe hay behind me, and turned round to see Al .sitting 'up and gazing at me with the same wide-open' eyes that 1 had noticed when be first swung off the beam. He was 'so exhausted that had. to lhelp,hintdown: off the top of the• load.'By that time Uncle Dave and the men had arrived, and we explained :the affair to them. Un ele Dave limited pretty solemn for ai moment. But he didn't scold its very Bard. 13e could see that we had learned something- about the folly of recklessness—something neither of us has ever 'forgotten. PORCELAIN 1101. SE NEXT. Will. ]lire Skeleton Frame of Steel and Will Ile Waterproof. Until comparatively recent times houses were built either of. Wood or brick. Buildings in the suburbs and rural districts 'were of frame and those in the city brick. Stucco was introduced a few years ago, and on the heels of that came concrete, re- inforced concrete, hollow tile and concrete blocks. •I1 a scheme that has had the attention of a maul .for many years materializes, and he salt's it will, houses built of porce- lain will be •the next seen in our suburbs. This ratan is in the porce- lain business and is of a. family of porcelain makers, and has hath such 11 building in mind for forty years. After years of experimenting he socceccled in making .a porcelain tile strong enough for building purposes and soon will meet a House of porce- lain. The tile will be built around the skeleton frame of ai skyscraper, In other words, the house wi1! have 41 slceletun frame of steel, and the tile wilt be nothing more tha.1 a finish. The tile will be lilt 3:7)11 thick arlel of at strength not expected of such brittle material as .puroe- lido , 1t is a composition 1hi6111111.1.4 required - years to • 'find, .and. the Maker proposes to 'guard 'his secret. Besides strength and remarkable qualities, the porcelain house will be waterproof and steamproof,. Ex- cept for the steel ;frame it will be porcelain. The walls, floors, ceil- ings:, halls, stairs and everything else fot5rcl in a well -constructed dwellingwillbe (porcelain. In. such a house germs cotlicl not live. 'There will be no comers nor angles for them to lurk in. It would be possi- ble to wash down such ti llottse with a hose •every day if necessary: Not onfy will it .bas the most perfect house from .a sanitary point, but at can be built more cheaply than any typo of house being erected at tl'e present time. • All One • "The wind is tempered to the shorn lamb," quoted the Wise Guy. "And I suppose those that are not :shorn have the wool pulled over their': eyes,” suggested the Simple Mug. (Sire's a wise 'Widow who never shows how wise she is, Pierre Golly,' a French scientist, has made an apparatus by which X-ray photographs may be taken of tate internal structure of mieru- scopic objects. It will ,contribute largely to our knowledge of minute animal life. Bich Headaches- .. are not caused•by anything wrong in the head; but by constipation, bilious- ness and :indigestion. ' Headache powders or:tablets tnay deaden, but cannot cure them, Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills do cure sick head- ache in the sensible way by removing the constipation or sick stomach which caused them. Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills are 'purely vege- table, free' from any harmful drug, safe and sure. When you feel the headache coining take 42 Dr. Morse's llanrdian Root Pills • PURE --;,PALATABLE — NUTRITIOUS — BEVERAGES' FOR SALE BY WINE AND SPIRIT MERCHANTS EVERYWHERE LOCAL OPTION --Residents in the local option districts can legally ally order from this brewery whatever they. require for personal or family use, Write to JOHN LABATT, LIMITED, LONDON, CANADA nnnnnmm�n�mArrnnnnn 711 •f�/.1/A/.�lA/A, A n'/,1/�n/.1/�1S)!M/c THIS 15 A STORE OF DEPENDABLE VALUES A store that keeps in touch with the constantly changing jewelry styles. A store' that sells the salveg oods as those sold in. the better stoles all over the country - And sells them, too,pricesRE at as low as ANY STORE GAN. Everything , - ho n r� ndepended c show 1 ca be u � n o to Yp DEa , exactly what we tell you it is. This is so from Tie Holder$ at a quarter to Diamonds. And it matters not whatou' nia. require nor lvhen Y Y q , if it belongs to a Jewelry stock, it's here, Prove ova these things any time occasion arises. R. Counter JEWELER and ISSUER OF MARRIAGE I.IGENS.ES -seat J