The Clinton News Record, 1914-02-12, Page 12eigarnizetetardetnanamason,a • Kippen Ur. Dew of Saskaeliewan has been visiting his uncle, Mr. Robert par- ity, awl Mrs. Archie Rycliman and thilt are visiting the nume-olts fri- ends here and around • Chiselhurst. They have a fine farm of 180 acres Year -Moose Java. • Mr. II, J. Johnston of -the Carnagie Ieetitution, Washington,,D,, „, is hero visiting his , parents after ai three yoTs' trip arouiid the world and in South America, • Pities Florence Meelymont is home again after a pleasant months visit eisit Tilbury and Detroit. Oa `Puescley of last week Fill- more, Sask. all that was mortal of tke late James Fowler who laid to rest after a long and serious illness. Tike deceased, who was a nephew of Ube late John McNevin, and son-in- law of- IT, B. McLean, was well known love. Some years ago •he left here for Fillmore, where he engaged in the livery business and later in ferm- i*. He was a native of West Waw- aletsh. His widowed, mother lives in 11Wderick, Goderich Ur. J. A. Telfer,twho has beenfor some time mesa:Niger 00 Ike G.T.R. on the Butralo-Goderieh division, has e teen ae,nainted express agent at Port • .. stane his new duties. - delborne, and left last week' to as McKillop Township Coderich Township The Ladies' Club Which has been organized on the 16th con. and Will be known as "Unity Club, met at the home of Iffre, Harry Thompson on Wednesday afternoon of this week, There wae a large attend:Luce and in l'Quilt Coatest'followed •by music- al selections and light refreshbuents served by the nostess, the afternoon Paased away 'all •too speedily.. Tho next meeting of the Club; will be held at the hoine of Mrs. J. J. Smith on the evemeg of March 41h, to which the gentlemen will be invited. Ahola forty •members of Trinity church Social Club, 13ayfield, visited St, James church. Middleton, A. Y. P. A. on Wednealay evening, The pro- gramme consisted of gitessava contests dialogues, violin solos, readings, etc. After partaking of hutch all left for their homes, voting the evening ors oE the best, • Henry Cook, a former resident of Goderich township, passed away at his home in Kinloss near Lucknow on • Sattaday. Mr. Cook came out • loin Ireland in 1857 when he was a lad of seventeen, the family settling, ori the 9th con, of this township. Seven years later lb married Eliza, delight- er of the late Jacob McGee of Fg- mordvilbe. They continued to reside here until 1896 when they moved to a farm in Kinioss, quite near the vil- aage of Luelmow, and there he con- flate:el up to the time of his death. Last week appeared to a long one, aa. account of the intense cold we Sup- /10SC. raa'' Fleury Weiseaburg is busy a large quantity of wood in Henry eultii.nlit 1Mr. Cook was a brother of Mrs. .1, O. Elliott•of this township and 1 here i Kleberts bush, be: John Bennewies are two other sisters ; Mrs. Miller of In relig'oa Mr. Cook was a Methodist and was always an active and. enthu- , siastic worker in church affairs,, In politics he was a Conservative. His wife and a famdly two sons and two daughters survivea :Wesley of Toronto ; Albert on the homestead Mrs. A, Hamilton of Hentryn ; , and Mrs. Wm. Robb of Kinloss. The late •Clinton News -Record Goderioh Township Mr. Taos. Eiwoori returned recently rani a visit of n 'couple of mouths 0 his Dative shire of Cumberland Dag- aud, atter an aifs'ence of several years, He en:royed "the trip end visit to the ald name, hitt touted that it had chang- ed greatly and was glad ito get back to Goderieh town; h ip again; •Mr. Elwood thinks Old Fngl all right a d that it is holding its own very Wooly in the battle of nations, but 'Canada, the land of oepeetunities for him and his family. Mr. and Mrs. R A. Roberton spent over the week -end with the fornier's brother near • Auburn.' The family • lame of Roberton is welt and favor- ably known in and about Auburn. M. Prank Powell ' and Mr. Alex. Elliott were at Lucknow on Monday attending the funeral of their uncle, the late Henry Cook. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Perdue leave this week to visit friends at Port Elg:tt,' Southampton and other pointa, • Mr, Ja-mes Mose has been moving his cheers across to lids farm in Me- Killop. Rev. 0. L. Langford left on Monday inotning to attend the funeral of his grandmother, the late Mrs.• Alexander Laitgford of Bidatilph township. - The members and adh'trents of Shar- on and Cole's Methodist church have arranged for a f,oint meeting to he held on Monday next at 2 o'clool: p. in. in Cole's churchto coneider, the advisiability of amalgamating the two appo'ntments into one. Rev. Rev. R. J. Maio snick, Superintend- ent of Bayfield Circuit and Mr. Jam- es Young, pastor, are both eseeeted to be present. All parties interest- ed are cordially invited to attend, Mr, George Colclough of the Ilth con. was pretty sick for some days., so meth so that a dontar had' to ha ealed in, but he is almost himself again, we arc pleased to be able to say. Mr, Edward fI. Wise the well known breeder 01 high class Short- horns, recently delivered a fine nine months bull calf to Mr. Nathan Peck of Stanley and on Thursday of last week Mr. Wise shipped to F. Mc- Donald & Son of Woodstock his fine stock bull (Goldies' Champion). To take his place Mr. Wise has secured a beautiful nine months calf from Mr. Robert Miller of Stoullville. This fine youngster collies from an excellent strain of breeding, his moth- er bring a very heavy milker and his grandmother .winning first over all dairy breeds at the Ottawa. Winter Fair, The News -Record is the Leader for Town and Township News, What is believed to be the hull of the Jo', n eleGean, the big freighter that foundered during the abvere storm last November, has been van off Naftel's Point, Sightseers who at- tempted to get closer to the boat last week made their way for half a mile out into the lake on shore ice. Crackling of the icefloes prevented them from gaining any position where the objects could be positivelt iden- tified. The hull is half a mile from the other one, supposed to be. that of the Oarruthors. During the soft spell whin the ice broke up along the shoreline with the choppy seas, the two supposed remains of what had °nee been the pride of the lakes were observed from shore. M. 1'. 1'. Miss Eva Sperling, teacher at No, 8 school, has been on the sick list for a number of days and utiable to teach. Heary Allin and Miss Mabel David - soli were married on Wednesday last. They will make their home near Saskatorn. .A, large number of the friends of Mr. McCutchcon's family met at his 'home on Friday evening last and pre- sented him and Mrs. McCutcheon with two expensive and beautiful chairs. The family are moving to Regina a- bout the fist of March and will be much missed here where they have lived so long and aro so favorably known, Their many friends wish them health and happiness in their new henna It is with feelings of regret that we announce the death of John 'Botta gherty atter a week's illness with Pneumonia. Deceased was a hard- working man and his vatality being run down he could nob withstand the disease, He was a strictly honest and truthful man, an adherent of the Methodist Church, a member of the Orange Society and in politics a Con- servative. Varna 'he Misses Stewart of Varna gave tv 'Tarte on Tuesday -eveneig ht lienor of their cousins, who have been visit- ing them. ttliniber elven(' the 'Village are e sufferinfrom colds; • Miss L. (iriflith gave an enteatain- , nicnt oalPrday evening for a few of the State of Illinois and Mrs. 'Thos. Webster Of Ashfield. Mr. Frank !Atw- ell and Mr. Alex.- Elliott attended the funeral, which. intik plan, at Imetnow me Monday, Goderich Miss Pearl Bradford is home from Toronto. Judge Holt was in. Toronto last week attending the welding of Miss Edith Elwood. Hullett Township Miss Marie Jordan of Dublin visit- ed over Sundhy at Mr, and Mrs. D. Flynn's. Parties having Auction Sal- es find it pays to advertise in the News -Record which covers the ground so thor- oughly. Every Price • a Bargain Price. Phone 78 What We Advertise Is So. IsCou011 & Co. 1 THINKING of Your I New Gown --Have You Considered Your N e w Corsets. „in.CURVE-Bleei SOCEFAIICEI In justice to your dress maker as well as to yortrself your corset should re- ceive 3 our first consideration. See Our New Nemo Models.. You must first rriake:„..su•re your "fig- ure contour conforms with the newest fashion or else your spring costume can- not be perfection. Nemo Corsets have • taught thousands of women that an exact and corpfortable fit in a corset of the utmost elegance can be had without paying high pric- es. Many new spring niodels now on di6play. We have the agency for ibis new corset. Ask to see them. • Special from the Coat Dept. As we have one of the cleanest roantledepartment itt tbecounty, we want to keep, it this way. We have. aboy,t seven odd coats to clear, not of the • latest.styles but are mad a of good cloth some sold as. - • , high as *15, your choice only $2,030. • Mr. 11, Bailey bee iettiread: to , the- 13anle here, His old friends ere, pleas- ed to have hint bane:and those •, who have occasion to do businese witif the bank -always find him obliglOa.- • . Mr. and Mrs, J E. Harnwell, who, have been halite from tho west for the past couple of months, left Mon- day to return to their Saskatchewan homestead. They did not intend. re-. turning for another month 'but ' hav- ing received, word that the men who had charge (A their stock at Speyer could not any longer take the' re- sponsibility of ib they concluded to go right out and see how things were going. Mr. Harnwell had beet' teaching in the Babylon Lino school, owing to the 'illness of „Mrs. Kerr, and the school has been closed this Week. But it is expected Mrs. Kerr will be able to return to her •dutiefl by next ,week. The News -Record is the Leader for Town and ilownship News, Stanley Township Stanieti Towinship Sir, and Mrs, .1. te. Barnwell were aceortipanted . to, the west by. Mrs. Lillie Thompson, who spent a few months with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A, Duncati, Mr, Will Reid' Ilaa been buying a few beane and intends elapping the last of this week, A number of young people of this vicinity attended the oyster supper et Mr, Zaff's on Friday night last and all report a good time.. • Mrs. L. Keys has returned home after ! spending a 'couple of months witli het sister in. Chicago. Miss Lillie Kennedy of Clinton. spent the past week a guest of her friend, Miss Little May Armstrong. ,Misses Ruth Reid and Flossie Step- henson Visited at the home of Mr, Frank. Keys on Sunday last. Mr. Thomas Rotel, now, sorts a dandy new driver, which he purchas- ed recently, Tom thin' s the Peer Line •is the best road for breaking in young colts; Mr. Fred Reid was in. Clinton op. Saturday. . M. and Mrs, Frank Keys o: Varna, entertained a number of tho yp mg peo- ple on Friday evening last. The even- ing wee spent in various ga-nes, tins- ic etc; and all present rn-ort a very eneoyable time. Mesers. Will Stephenson and Thos. Reid are cutting wood at Mr. D. Anderson's this week. Tom and Will aro hustlers, as 8011C of the ' Baby- lon Line fellows are now ready to admit. , Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Ritchie and children of Lanes have been spending the past, weelc at the home of Mr, Geo. Coleman. (intended for. last issue.) Mr• and Mrs. J. E. Harnwell in- tend leaving For their home in the west on Monday next. Mr, and Mrs. J. E. klarawell spent a few days last week on the Baby- lon Line. Mrs, W. L. Keys returned on Mon- day after spencnig a few days with her son, Mr. Melvin Keys of London. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Hannah of Yellow' Grass, Saslr., who have been spending their vacation with friends in this vicinity and also in London Michigan and Seaforth, lefb for their home on Tuesday last. Mr. Harvey Reid, who was sudden- ly stricken with appendicitis while engaged in teaching at Baden and had to be hurried to the Berlin hospital to undergo an,oparation, has so far re- covered as to be able to return home and is rapidly regaining his strength. He will not resettle teaching, howev- er, until after Easter. Mr. Webster Turner now sports a nice new cutter. Wit says it pays to get the best,. Passing of Mrs. John Rathwell. On Saturday evening last there pas- sed away at her. home in Hensall • a native of the Babylon Line in the per- son o: Mrs. John Rathwell. Mrs, Rathwell had been in poor health for several months, but her departure was hastened by the sudden death a fortnight ago of her brother, William E. Graham of Marlette, Mich. Mrs. Rathwell was a member of the Graham* family identified with the early settlement of the Babylon. Line on which she continued to reside after her marriage to Mr. John Rathwell, wito survives her. To their union. two children Were born, the late Mra Thos. Dowson al- so of the Babylon Line and Mrs. Jas. Johnston of Hensall. Mrs. Rathwell was a devoted Christian woman and a lifelong mem- ber of the Methodist Church. The interment too': place on Tues- day at ternaon in the family plot in the Bayfield cemetery, the services being conitueted by Revs, Hicks and Doherty, There was a large attendance of sympathising, friends. Among the relatives from a dis- tance present was Mr, Reuben Gra- ham of Clinton, brother of the deceas- ed, who has thus been deprived by death of a brother and a sister with- in a fortnight. Mrs. Graham accom- panied him. February 119th, 191(4 UNITED STATES FOLLOWS ON- TARIO. Hon., Janice Duff, Ontario'd Minis- ter of Agriculture, will read with pride and pleasure the following des- , patch from Washington : Washington, Feb. 7. -Representative Asbury F. Lever, of North Carolina., is the father of the hill which seems Le be one of the most practical meas- ures ever aimed at high prices. 11 provides that a trained agricultural observer shall be appointed for every county. His duty shall be to aid, in every way known to science, in the work of inereasing the fertility of the farms in his district, He will he friend and teacher . of every textile; and it is thought his efforts will re- sult in enormous increases in their production of foodstuffs. It is now several years since the Ontario Department of Agriculture adopted and put in operation the above, p1011. As fast as "fit" , young men graduated from the 0, A. 0., they were sent to different counties at the expense of the Governmont as District Representatives to "aid in every way known to science in the work of increasing the fertility of the farms in his district." Few counties in old Ontario but now have their ac- tive, alert, well equipped District Represlentative taking the lead in all things making for thetnereage and bet- terment of the product of farm and orchard. In Essex "More and 3otter Corn," in NOriollc and Lambton, "Mere and Better A.pples and other, Fruits" have been the watchwords, and here in Kent corn, heans, tobacco and fruit have all been given atten- tion with splendid results. ;It is well to know that Ontario's much criticized Minister ot Agricul- ture has been years directing a branch 'of ,beneficial work for agriculture that is only being taken sip 'in tbe, United States, and that :there ft is consfder- ed of so Much practical importance as to he proclaimed far and wide as an important step in the solving of the chief question in the minds of the people.-Ridgetowe Dominion. • Com' pany Head Offite:.- 43=45' King Street W., Toronto. The Seventeenth Annual General Meeting of the Shale- 1 hi',olid4e.rs of The Trusts and Guarantee Company, Limited was ), ivsld in the Company's Board Room at noon on January SO • • The President presented the fallowing : Seventeenth «Annual Financial Statement. Balance Sheet, December' 31st, 1913. ASSETS. THE IMMIGRATION QUESTION. Saekville, 1, 13. Feb. 12th, 1014. Raymond liggington of this city same to the Maritime Provinces two years ago last April and he has this to say on Immigration to the Mari- time Provinces and Canada, -"I be- lieve greater care should be in bringing :out to Canada the right sort of men. I do not favor the establishing of English commute. Wes -we want to feel that wo are part and parcel of the Can- adian life and to imbibe that Can- dian Spirit that teaches us self-- reliance ; to be shown- that we are welcome by honest work, to extract our share of the great opparluaities and wealth of this magnificient coun- try. -Are the provinces making pro - Vision so that the men who roam here may have a fair thence to con- tinue in and use the experience that they have.gained in English business ? Many of these men, had they been placed in the right kind of businees, would undoubtdly have made good, as it is they have gone back to Eng- land and are spreading false ideas a- bout the opportunities of these Prov- inces. How careful our legislatures should be to have men at the head of :this great question who have discern- ment, and who are able to take upon themselves the responsibility of being able to place us in 0 proper sphere of life and work, not only for our good but also for the lasting good' of the Province in which we settle. SMELTS .ANTI TOMMY CODS. • Pampbelltoit Feb. Loth 1914 While the catch of smelts and Gotamy clod has not been large, the price has compensated for the short- age, Seven cents a pound is being paid for smelts. It is estimated that • $1000 is being paid out per day be- tween Dalhousie and Dalhousie Jenc- Hon in this business, It is poor fishing when two • men will not take $101 per night, and there have beea several cases where the earnings of two fishermen have exceed-. Kt $100. in a single night. The fish are shipped by that Canadian Govern- ment Railways to. New 'York, Boston, Montreal and Toronto. It Will Pay You To Buy Now. We are anxious to reduce our stock as quickly a,s possible and for that reason have put clearing prices on many lines. It will pay you to buy now. Ladies' perfect fitting skirts, grey, navy and black, regular $5.00 for $3.88. Good sateen skirts, extra value, 500 12& and 150 prints and ginghams for 100. Wool tweeds 40c values for 30c. Wool tweeds 60e values for 48c.. Wool tweeds $a.00 values for 70c. 75c coating for 50c. Men's tweed pants for :1.10, $1.25, $1,35, $2.00 and $2.20. • $1.00 and $1.25 vests for 88e. NEW AUTOMOBILE FACTORY FOR ST. JOHN, N. B. St. John, ,Jan. 15, 1014. The Doininion Motor Car Company is a newly organized company with a capital of $100000, largely subscrib- ed in the United States, and having connected with • it ditch prominent men as P. A,. Rockefeller, J. M. /CH - burn; President ot the National City Bank, ,1. 17. Plaster and Geo. F. Vin- cent. This Company has purchased the Maritime Motor Company and two acres of land at Coldbrook. A •contract for the erection of a building to cost 965,000 has been placed with T. A. Gilloopie Company of New York, and the work will commence within bixty days. Nine- ty thousand dollars worth of maeh- ery has been ordered trom a well- known film in New York. It is ex- • pected •that the plant will be in naming order and hundreds of high class automobiles manufactured this year. Model cars will be assembled and placed among agents by March the fast of 'this. year. Ibis estimated that • (hreeihundred handwill be emplo the start which it is hoped scion he increased to one thous F. A. Edwards Bayfield Him Mel Varna Store. During the month ot Feb- ruary we will offer special bar- gains in Dry Goods, Shoes, Rub- bers, IVallpapers and all lines of winter goods. It will pay you to buy here, We here (pate some of the Specials we are offering: •'Men's Fine Shoes Regular $4.00 now $2,50 3,00 " a 2.01/ " 2.50 1.50 Boys' Shoes Regular $1.75 now $1.25 1.50 ". 1.00 Men's Heavy Rubbers Regular $2.75 now $2.25 Boys' Rubbers 65e to 1.00 low " .117 now .40 •19111••••••••*1•0111.1.0 • COME AND SEE WHAT OTHER BARGAINS WE HAVE FOR YOU. HIGHEST .P14I016 PAID FOR PRODUCE. TERMS GASS. Phone 17 on 172 MM. HORNER & INGS Varna. 4.1111SOMOMMONMOOMOOMO GRANO TR NK RseNvEtli Capital Achoonti : • Mortgage Loans, Call Loans, Dabs entures and other Securities with interest accrued thereon $1,238,74,2,61 Office Premises at Toronto and Calgary, Safe Deposit Vaults, Fixtures ote, 356,857.16 Real Estate Cash on hand in. bank Uncalled Capital Ste* Guarautteed Trust Accounts : Securities on Real Estate, Stocks, Bonds, Debentuxes, etc . '• $3,728,588;22 Casb oh hand and in bank ' 93,099,40 3,821,187,62 Estates and Agency Accounts : • Mortgages on Real Estate $1,512,266,57 Other Securities, including 'Unreal- ized Original Assets 4,535,053.39 (!ash in bank 151,176.45 64,074.95 5,742,343.72 619,453.82 6,198,196.39 $12,111,981,55 LIABILITIES Capital Account Capital Stock subscribed $2,000,000.00 Dividend due January 1st, 1914 40,514.96 Sundry Accounts payable , 2,587.53 Balance at credit of Profit and Loss 348,695.05 $ 2,391,707,51 Guaranteed Trust Amount : Trust Funds, with Interest accrued to date $3,821,687.62 3,821,687.62 Estates and Agency Account ; Estates and Trusts tinder admin- istration by the Company $6,198,496.39 6,198,496,39 • $12,111,981.58 JAMES J WARREN, E. B. STOCKDALE, President. General Mnnager. Votes of thanks were extended to the I3oard of Directors, the Advisory Board 40 the Alberta Branch, and to the of - Race; and staff for their efficient and painstaking services ia tho Company'S behalf. The following were elected Directors for the ensuing year J. H. Adams, Toronto ; W. D. Bell, Chesley ; A. C. Flumer- felt, Victoria, B. C, ; Lloyd Harris, Brantford ; D. W. ham, Woodstock ; A. 15. MacLaren, Stratford Hon. Seise ator MacMillan, Alexandria ; N. W. Rowell, Toronto ; C. E. Ritchie, Akron, Ohio ; G. P. Seholfield, Toroato ; E. 13. Stockdale, Toronto ; W. Thoburn, M.P., Almonte ; Jamea J. Warren, Toronto ; Matthew Wilson, Chatham. The Board subsequently met and unanimously elected Mr. James J. Warren, President ; Messrs. D. W. Kara, C. E. Ritchie, Vice-Preraidents ; Mr. E. 13. Stockdale, General Manager, and Mr, C. S. Hamilton, Secretary of the Com- pany. The substantial growth of the Co.'s business is shown by the following table : TIME TABLE CHANGES. A general change of tine will be made January 4th, 1914. Time Ta- bles containing full particulars may be had on application to Grand Trunk Agents. LOW RATES TO CALIFORNIA, FLORIDA AND THE SUNNY sourrH Now in Effect. The Grand Trunk Railway is the most direct route from all points east through Canada via Chicago, Detroit or Buffalo. ‘. Full particulars at Grand Trunk of- fices, or write C. E. HORNING, D. ,P.A. Toronto, Ont. ' Year Guaranteed Trust Funds 1005 $ 82,922.59 1908 294,920 35 1907 785,421,52 1008 1 311,660.37 1909.. ...... 1036,233.72 1910 • 2,862,212,12 1911 „ , 3,237,694.80 1912 3,559,141.04. 1913 ... ... .. ..., 3,821,687,62 Estates Total Trust Funds Assets $ 644,442.62 $ 2,870,908.16 1209,608.78°" 1851,013.16 2,825,1162.42 3,251,4794)4 3,801,378.66 4,079,046.73 0,106,383.46 6,198,406,39 12,411,981.55 4,830,482.13 5,883,677.58 7,431,630.29 8,938,789,81 10,123,169.48 1' 11,146,006.87 JAMES J. WARREN, E. B. STOCKDALE, President. • General Manager. JAMES TWITCHELL & SON, Representatives at Clinton. 1 It Will Pau You TO buy ypur furniture from us because our stock is complete in every department and our prices are right. Nowhere in the county can you get better Fur= niture satisfaction •than in our store. If you have cot been deal ing .with us give us a trial. imanesnairominsimosn The Store of Quality, Phone 28 W. Walker Furniture Dealer and Undertaker Residence Phone 140 1