The Clinton News Record, 1914-02-12, Page 4DR. WILLIAMS' PINK PILLS MAKE WOMEN WELL - just beeatteebe is a woman, there are times when every woman needs help and !strength in the form of a blood-buildiea tank. To tholiaands of girl' and women Dr. Williams" Pink Pills have proved a blaingt because they enrich the blood, give -strength and restore tone tO he, aching nervee. The anaemic W atoll and pale) the wife wiles; back feels like breaking; the matron whose 'health fails AS eho reaches middle age—for all smelt +sufferer.% Dr. ! Pink PilLs are invaluable bemuse ill health in woman is usually eaused by poor blooda or insufikient blood. These pills have cured theueands of others, why not you Mrs. IS.Morine, Wallbroola NS., says:—'lb is impossible for me to !say too much in praise of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. I have been a great sufferer f-rom those troubles that snake the life of 80 many women an almost constant misery. Pains in the back and side racked and •torturecl me. My nerves seeraed to give out, and at times I could do no house work, and only women who have similarly suffered know -what I endured. I tried medicine after Inedieine without any benefit, and was finally per- suaded to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Soon after etarting the pills --I found an improvement, and as I cehtinucd their use my health and strength returned; and I now feel aa well as. ever I did in my life, and am relating my experience merely in the hope that it may lead some c.ther suffering woman to renewed health, I may add that my mother suffered fas.xn rheumatism so badly that she had 1:o use a crutch, and Dr. Williams' Pink Pills complete- ly restored her to her usual good health. Always g.,et the genuine pills with the full name "Dr. 1Villiams' Pink Pills for Pale People," on the wrapper around each box. If your dealer does not keep them, th� pills will he Sent post paid' at 50 oents a. tox or six boxes for $2.50, by writing The Dr. Williams' Medienie Co., Brookville, Ont. BANDITS PitEVE15T WRECK.. FROM 'When They Shoot Engineer of a Mail Train. How an attempt by bandits to rob a mail train on the Manchurian Railway unwittingly averted -a wreck is reported in a story from Pow...at-11,01mila Russia. - A freight -train 'was slowing up Lor n crossing when the peopl8 at the station noticed that the mail train was rapidly overtaking the freight, train, the driver of the mail train. apparently being unaware of the Inc ahead. Just as a collision seemed inevitable there was a grinding ' of brakes and the mail train came to a stop. Upon inves- tigation the engineer was found un- conecioun in his cab, with a bullet hole in his chest. The fireman had disappeared. Upan recovering censciousnees the engineer said that as the train was approaching Pogranichwaia his fireana.u, a new man on the road, had eulldenly produced a revolver. At the, same time he noticed armed men in the woods and realized, that his fireman WAS in league with the robbers. Ignoring the (leder to stop he pat on alL possible speed, when the firemen- pulled the trig- ger, ehet tlea'engineer in the ohest saci, jumped from the train. The . as engineer knew he was badly wound- -ed. and before lapsing into uneon- aciousnese pulled the whistle coed and set. the brakes. He ku.ew noth- ing of the train ahead. ERIN'S GREE 3 ISLE NEWS nr IA1L Fitom LAND'S SHORES. Happenings In the Emerald Isle 0) Interest to Irish - IRE. men.. . Peter Dem.,' a laborer of Druan- lcirkabolL ,cemity, Sligo,: was cut to pieces 'en the Midland Railway .nestr " A donation box, estimated ta con- tain about $15, has been stolen from the Catholk Church at En- nietymon. •. A fire occurred at a flax mill at Lower Beitooney, near , Nevatort- ateleart, the property.ol Mr. Aiken. The entire, mill' was destroyed: A stir lute been created in 'Clif- clew by .tho fact that the doors and showboarde of houses of prominent residents in the town have been tarred. A miller, named Patrick Reilly, residing at Druincar, near Dunleer, had one of his arms almost tarn away by being caught in the cogs of.a wheel. During the past week seine large seal's made their way to the shore eb Dangaryan, and two of 'them were shot by a ma,n -who went out in a boat. The opirleink of scarlatina is still prevalent in Clornnel, seven fresh cases having been adinitted to hos- pital, malting 24 being treated there al together. ' A purchasela acting on behalf of the King, purchased two A.b,erdeen Angus crosses at the. Dublin Win- ter.Show, the property of Miss Sta- ples, Dunmore, Durro.w. The death. hae :taken place in the Ballindine district of Mrs. Mary Rhatigan, -at the age of 109 years. She was the mother of the Rev. Fa- ther Rhatigan, U.S.A. Militant suffragettes have again been at work in. Dublin where un- corked hobbles containing !corrosive fluid has been .dropped in letter boxes. Much damage was done. At Ballymena the trustees of the Independent Order al Rechabites Proeecuted ointunber of that Society for imitating a doctor's signature on a certificate of sickness. While workmen were .employed in the erection of the municipal dwell- ings in Wellingtan Street, Lurgan, they excavated a number of coins of the reign of George III. The strike of the cabinetmakers working on the premises of .tho Sligo Iron Company has been suc- cessfully settled, the men returning to work after an absence of five weeks. A deputation representing the goods agent, stationen.aster and elerke of the G. S. Sr W. Ry. wait- ed on the directors est, Kingsbridge, seeking improvements in salaries and conditions. Owing to the satisfactory opera. tions of the Clancy Act, the .Ath- lone Urban 'Council have been en- abled to reduce the rants of the working class houses by 12 cents peaweek each. The postal anthoritie.s have corn - The Registrar -General for Ire- land reports that the number of emigrants who left Irish ports dur- ing November was 6,151, of whom 698 were males, over 553 females, a decrease of 123 persons over last year. More Like A Th011ea1111 of 'Etta "I never paid a cent, to a doctor or a lawyer in my life," "Of COUPee not Who ever heard Of a doctor or a lawyer charging such a fee a5 'that 7" Do It Now. • Bix—r re had this umbrella eight years. Dix—That's loug enough, you ought to return it. . •••••••••=1C.IMPAIMINIMMIMMEIM Appetite Finds Ready Satisfaction In a laoval of Post Toasties and Cream. Thin, crisp bits of In- dian Corn --- cooked and toasted So that they have a delicious flavor— " Wholesome Nourishing Ensy to Serve —gold by Grocers- evei'Y- Where. 3inadian Postern Cereal Co.. Lta. 03_1_100 aSSiedsor, Oetarka oinaor el Front Great Lakes To the Rockle WOMEN SING THE PRAISES 01 DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS. Suelcatchewan Lady Adds Her Tes timony to What Has Alremb Been Said of the Great Work Dodd's Kidney ,Pills Are Doiug. Cseearville, Sask., Feb. 0,-,-(Spe- cial).-7--The scarcity of fe,Malehheip in a new country subjects the wo- men of the prairies to unusual strain, and careful observation has established the fact that this strain first makes itself felt in the kid- neys. For this reason Doeld's Kid- Uey Pills are making an enviable reputation from the Great Lakes to the foothills of the Rockies.. Everywhere you will find women singing the praises of the great Canadian kidney remedy that has banished their pains and weari- ness, and brought them back to health. Among the many is Mrs. Edgar Cowen, an estimable lady of this &ea "I have foued Dodbl's Kidney Pills very beneficial," Mrs. Cowen states, "If anything I can eay will help a.ny sufferer I am .glad to add my testimonial to what has already been said." The kidneys *train all the refuse material out of the blood. If they are out of order this refuse remains in the blood, and beeotne.s poison. That's why sound kidneys mean pure blood and good health. Dodd' Kidney Pills make sound kidneys. sa_ CRIMINALS ARE C 0 WA.RD S. Observations of Italian Army Doc- tor During Tripoli Campaign. Major Consiglio, ,curi Italian army doctor, 'Sante up in the Frankfurter Zeitung his observations during the Tripoli campaign of 225 soldierS who had been convicted of various crimee before the war. He says the hardened criminals, though bold and aggressive toward their superiors and their cornrasTes, were, with scarcely any exception, cewardly in action. Among t,he casual criminals, dri- ven astray through faulty upbring- ing, by chink, or by tho spirit of adventure, a few wero found who distinguished themselves in the field. Nevertheless, they, too, fre- quently rendered themeelves liable to disciplinary penalties; further, they proved themselves incapable of regular work er of a 'sustained mor- al effort, Those who prayed themaelyea host adapted to modern warfare, Bays the doctor, were mon who had been good citizens in times of pea.oe. BABY'S OWN TABLETS ARE SAFE AND SURE Mothers wanting a safe and sure remedy for their -little ones can de. pend upon EabY's Own Tablets. They are absolutely guaranteed by a government analyst to contain neither opiates, narcotics or other injurioue, drugs. Concerning them Itire. G. L. Bonham, St. George, Out., Gays :—"I ea,n recommend Baby's Own TabletaS a etsfe and sure medicine for little on,e,s. 1 have raised four babies with their aid and would not be without them." The Ila.blets are soki by medicine dealers es' by mail at 25 ceets a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine, Co, Brookville, Opt. THE TOWER OF SILOAM. Exeaystors in Jerusalem Uncover Its FOUnditt1011.8. NOWS of the finding of the founda- tions of the Tower of Siloam have been received. 'Phis was the tower concerning whioh Jesus is quoted in Luke xfii., 4, as saying: "Those eighteen upon whom the tower in Siloam fell and slew, think ye that they were sinners above all men that dwelt in Jerusalem:1,7" The excavators, azoording to the message, have "discovered a long, woll-eut 'Greek inscription, which speaks of the, presbyters and fath- ers with Simertides, laying the feundatioe of the synagogue, the baths and caravansary. These baths and the foundations of the synagogue are exposed. They have found the base of is circular tower whith may well he that, !of the Tow- er of Siloam,. spoken of by Ohrieb They have fonnd also is conduit leading front the spring, That BCOU by Sehluck in the nineties, wrongly thought to have been the oldest, is new shown to be 'above the aPring.” • PEET inuyin WREN ASLEEP Head is' Lighter and Feet Much Heavier on Awakening. You often bear a person complain of his head feeling 'heavy" after a long sleep, AS a matter of fact, his head is considerably lighter and Inc legs and feet just that much heavier when he gets up than when he goes to bed. Experiments have shown that if a nsan goes to sleep sn a bed- °us- pended 'ex:aptly at Middle, point of his weight his head begins to tip slowly; up and , his-- feet go down, This is due to the fact that when we sleep the blood in the brain goea off to the other parte of the body. The moment the brain wakes ±0 life again id draws the blood back. Andtherof the curioas fads brought to light by the scientiets who aro fond of trying to solve the mystery of sleep is that when one is fast asleep some pa,rb of his brain or several perts of it, may at the same -time be awake. A man may walk, talk, sing or solve mathemati- cal Problems'and yet at the same time be safely,in ithe land 'of Nod. It seems hard or impossible to decide what part of the brain really does sleep. Our sense of time, for instance, is stronger when we sleep than when we are awake. Ex- periments conducted some years ago on a number of men and women between the ages of twenty and thir by showed that 60 per cent. of them were able to wake up in the morning at any time they had de- cided lIP011 the night before. As teeTTA One has aptly expressed it, the resolve, seems to wind up some- thing in the subconscious brain], and .when the hour has arrived this something gives in some mysterious way the alarm and the eyelid's open. Another curious fact about sleep is that the further the part of the body is away front the brain the less soundly it sleeps. A touch of the toe will awaken one muth more readily than is touch on the shoul- der. The Chemistry of Roatl,s. The macadam highways not only wear away as 'the result of purely physical peocesses, but are actually dissolved away by water carrying carbonic acid and oxygen, says Mr. W. G. Fearnsides. That is, they disintegrate chemically as well as physically. In, a Decent lecture be- fore the Surveyors' Institution in London Mr. Fearnaides declared that this chemical dtsintegration was of little importance at the sur- face Of the road, because the me- chanical wear there was so much faSter. But in the foundation, upon which the real life of the road depeaded, where the stones "were often kept to stew in water for whole seasons," the chemical action of water was of serious impart. The rocks particularly susceptible to this action are feldspar, limestone and those containing ieon1and sul- phides. This destructive chemical action of water is also particularly in evidence in the case of slags, much used in England for road- inaking. Value of a Good Wife.' , 'A man at a wedding the other daY. was !telling' everybody,in a very loud velee.,. that a good wile was - capable of ,turning this gloomy earth into a joyous heaven, "A good wifd emu make is veritable angel of a' .man," 110 declared. ''You' -re quite. right 'there," no of the mar- ried mea exclaimed s 'Stable came near '60'' making one of Me with her Cures Olcl Folks' Coughs a. Blaming Mother. "My mother made me what I am," said the political speaker as he proudly threw out his chest. "Well,' said a small man at'the rear of the hall, "she must, have put in most of her time at other things." Files Cured in 8 to 14 Deye Druggists refund money if FAZO OINTMENT fails to cure Itching, Blind, or Protruding' Files. First application gives relief. 60c. • How some men do hate other men becauee of their superiority. Minard's Liniment Cures Colds, Eta It Was Discouraging. Mrs. Gadd—Dear me, I've had such a discouraging hard day of it, making call'e. Gadd—What was the difficulty 7 !Mre. Gadd—Why, I found nearly every one of them at home. Doesn't Disturb the Stomach, Eases at Once aud Cures Thoroughly. "CA.TA.RIITIOZONE" A BOON TO MANY THO U SAN D S. Because you aro old is no reason for suffering with everlasting cough- ing—those terrible chest troubles and difficult breathing can be thoroughly cured with Catarrhozone. You simply breathe the healing vapor of Catarrh. ozone, and instantly its rich balsamic fumes are carried by your breath into the tiniest recesses of the nose, throat, chest, bronchial tubes and lungs. Just think of it—a direct breathable medicine, full of soothing antiseptic pine essences that reaches every sore, congested membrans M two seconds. No drugs to take—nothing to harm or sicken the stemach, because Catarrh - ozone is the purest, safest cough, ca- tarrh and cold remedy ever devised. "For many years," writes Richard McCallum, Stirling, Ont, "I have suf- fered from Catarrh, and continually hawked and coughed, so that my throat was always In an inflamed, IN ritable condition. "Doctors' medicine did not help me in the least, and all other remedies I used were quite useless. In one case It was time wasted In snuffing powder up the nose; In another using a greasy ointment, and so on. Not one of them was the least bit of good. "I heard Catarrhozone favorably spoken of, and tried it. Really it bene. fited me more in a few hours than years of treatment with doctors' and other so.called remedies. "Receiving such immense benefit, I continued using Catarrhozone, and In O few weeks I was completely cured of Catarrh and throat trouble." Gat Catarrhozone taday. Large size costs $1.00, and lasts two months. Smaller sizes 250. and 50. All deal- ers, or The Catarrhozone Company, Buffalo, N.Y., and Kingston, Ont. Play Straight—Play Fair. When I wee young and thin and Not half so !stout, nor yet as tall As people tell one I am now, We had a GOTt of schoolboy vow That, come what may, we used to hold ' As clearer than the purest gold, And mach more rare. And woe to him who broke the rale, This steadfast motte of the school : Play straight; play 18,1r. When I grew up and left the school I vowed to keep MIT golde,n rule. ' To be a sportsman just the same; I'd play to win, yet play the game. But in the fight of life 1 sought In vain, for decent, 'cleanly eport Was truly rage. And people seemed -to stand aloof, Wheashould have yelled in stern re- proof: "Play 'straight; play fair And, no it is;,1though blessed in 'health, have not garnered heaps of. Success; as most consider such, I have nob met with overmuch. But I am happy, foe I've tried When others would lba.ve moped and 'sighed) A smile to wear. , And still I bold my.sell repaid RI can say that I have played Both straight and:fair. ley." g PRIVATE OFFIcE Cave:lining down ill -chosen , food, and rushing baok to work. leads straight to dys, pepsia, with all It tneanS Isa misery. ' Proper habits of eating, , with a Na-Dru-Co IDys- pepsia Tablet after each , meat, .,restore good cages- ' 'ttonahealth and happfne.ss. A bolt of Nil -Ore -Co Dye - Pepsis Tablets costs but 600. at your Drugglea. , National Drug and Chem - Mal Co. of Canada, Limited,. BROKE 01[1. ON HEAD, NECK AND SHOULDERS In Little Blotches, Scratching Caused to Spread.. Hands Had to Be Tied: Cried Day and Night, COI - cure Soap and Ointment Cured. Enniekillen, 01.01. — "The trouble started when my baby was four months old. 11.(3r bead, neck and shoulders were a mass of soros. They broke out ab first in little blotches, only watery, which the child scratched and caused to spread and form a maes of doree. Bee bands had to be Med to keep her from, scratching the sores. The eczema caueed her 50 1000 and Mira and to be cross and peevish. She was disfigured for the time she had it. She oiled day and night from the irritation. Neighbors eald she would never be cured. , "She was given some medicine to take inwardly but without euccess. Then a friend told me to try Cuticula Soap and Ointment which I 001. I washed the child with Outicura Soap, dried well, then ap- plied be Cuticula Ointment ovory day and In a wook's thee the burning sensation left, the child scratched no more, and when sho was eleven months old sho was completely cured." (Signed) Mrs. John J. McCann, Nov. 27,1910. Although the Cuticura Soap and °lab- mont are most successful In the treatment of affections of the skin, scalp, hair and bands, they are also most valuable for everyday use in the toilet, bath and mammy, because they promote and maintain the health of the skin aud hair from infancy to age. Sold by druggists and dealers everywhere. For a liberal free sample of each, with 32-p. book, send post -card to Potter Drug ea Chem. Corp., Dept. D, Boston, 01 .5, A. Of Vital Interest to Synip and !wank* Bazar Makers SISelleainf Wide-awake Maple Syrup makers will consult their best interests by order- ing their supplies now insteAdeof de- laying until Maroh—our busiest time. Write for free booklet telling Omni our "Champion" Evaporator, made in 22 sizes, suitable for largo or small groves. TIM anima mars, cos 5.1MITDD 58 Nirelnr.a•ton St., Montreal, Qua. Ile Meant Well. Hostess (at the party)—Mina Rob- ins has no partner for this welts. Would you mind dancing with her instead of with me. The Man—On the contrary, I shall be delighted. One Thing at a Time. Hub (anxiously) -- But if you buy this costly fur, how are we ever go- ing Ito pay for it 7 Wife—Now, Tom, don't let's talk about two things !at °nee. Let'e talk about the coat. MInard's Liniment cum Diphtheria 11 is hard luck that comes -easi- est. POTASH F" Cr"8 On All Solis POT.P_SPI Is an Indiopensable PLANT FOOD. Ste sou will raise a Maximum Crop thee demi not contain an AVAILABLE 809 - ply, sufficient for the ceon's needs. zdt/mr.A.TE• OP POTARN and SIMPNATLI OF P025A.011 oan be obto.ined from the leading fertilizer dealers and eeedsmen, Buyers of "reedy -mixed" fertil- izers should Moist on brands of HIGH VOTASSIE CONTENT. WItITE for our FREE, educative bulletins on the important subject of PleRTILIZING, 011/ZALAN 80TASEC ErrieleICATE, 1010 Temple Bldg., TORONTO. DEA Al) D umr, CLUB. London Has , Otte of Nearly Two Iletudred Members. One of 1;110 ITIOSC IIIIIC.1110 Chihli in the world is the National Deaf Club of Landon. Nearly 20 members are enrolled and ,they can dine and wine and play cards .and billiards' the clubhouse whenever they del sire. Worsen ate !admitted, (bad id is 'said that at 'the presen.t. time they form about a third of the mernisee- shiP. There are notalkative saa'Sters. employed laYs tine Club, Says Tho Chicago Tribune. There are no electric bells, no large print notices to observo. eilence in this or that room. B'ells -being unrrecesearY, signs are resoated lie. Thus, when one presses the bell of the hall doer a red light, appears over the door- way and brings an .atiranclant at once. A similar arr.angenient noti- fies the waiter when his !services are required. Those fortunate persons who can epeak 'and hear .and who have been privileged to watch a game o1 billi- ards at this clubhouce declare 'that it is more 'thee n, 'relief to see a con- test where neither party yokes his grievances .ae he goee along. There are ne criticisms of the table, the balls or the cue. Everything is peaceful and quiet There are :some remarkable men belonging to the National Deaf Club. One, for example, is head of San important railway firm in Sam- rua and has under his control hun- dreds of :in -en .of all nabionalitiee. Another member hes travelled over the world is record -number of times, always accompanied, and, though he hag been in many civiliz- ed land, has always been able to look 'after hitazelf. Then there are various probession8. One actnaliy teaches musie; another is it nurse. There is an annual biaignet for deaf ansi dumb persens, which is usually presided over by some em- inent mute. POINTED PARAGRAPHS. Same mon are nothing more 'than animated threats._ Those who pay as they go usually find the going good. "All life is set to musk," says a poet. And the life of is tramp to ragtime? We are sometimes inclined to think there are not enough square deals to go around. The fool and his money are soon parted, and the fool and her money marry is title. Same thing. TO OUTS a Cold in 0110 3307 Telco LAXATIVE 131101T0 QUININE Tablets. Druggists mental money if it falls to cure. E. W. °BOVE'S eigna- 6ture is on each box. 2 c. After a Good Meal. Hostess—Another piece of mince pie, Georgie! Just a smell piece 1 Georgie (reluctantly) — No, thanks. 1 midst chew it, but I couldn't swallow it. Minard's Liniment Co.. Limited. Some time ago / had a bad attack Quinsy which laid mo up tor two weeks and cost a lot of mime. Finding the lump again forming In my throat, I bathed freely with MIN- ARD'S LINIMENT, and saturating a cloth with the liniment left it on all MOIL Next morning the swelling was gene and I attributed the warding off of an attack of Quinsy to the free Use of MIN - ARV S LINIMENT. C. Ir. WORDEN. St John. The Baby's Birthday. Among the innumerable supersti- tions about babies is the old saw about the day of birth: Monday's child is fair of face; Tueaday'e child is full of grace ; Wednesday's child is SOVIT and sad; Thursday's child is merry and glad; Friday's ahild is loving and giving; Saturday's child must work for a living; But 'the child that is born on the 'Sabbath day Ie blithe and bonny, and good and gay. bnpossible. Binks—When will you be able to pay .me 'that Money you owe me 7 Winks—Nett week, Friday. Bink—Aid will you call at my of- fice 7 Winks—Impossible 1 I'm going on a hunting trip with it. Doing Well. Bix—How ,a.e'e you makino• out on your resolution to ecenonnze 1 Dix --Pine 1 I've got my onn.ning expenses slowed down to a walk. Try Murine Eye Remedy If you have Red, Weak, Watew Eyes or Granulated Eyelide. Doesn't Smart —Soothes Eye ,Pain. Druggists Sell Murine Eye Remedy, Liqtlid, 26e, 50c. Mnrine Eye Salve In Aseptic Tubes, 25e, 60e, Eye Books Free by Mail. An Eye Tonle flood for All Eyes thee Mod Core Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago„ People with a vivid imagination work the bardest—so they say. Minard's Liniment Cures Distemper. Perfectly Agreeable. .She, to rejected euiter--"I'll be a sister to you, Alphonse," • He (briskly)_A11 right. Come kiss your brother." ' You will final relief in blank ! It eases. the burning, stinging pain, slops bleeding and brings ease. Perseverance, with Zan= Eitik, means cure; Why not prove this 7 .114 Dragesta ana aore.9.-; goo boo. GliDinealasaleseass. ED. 4. ISSUE 7—'14. 011 nA5 A CORN ANY ROOT5? A nourishing, ta,sty, economical meal. A dine and money saver. ( A strength producer. , FARMS FOR SALO. 11, w. DAWSON, Ninety Colborn. Street. Toronto, IrF YOU WANT TO BUT OR SELL A Fruit, Btook, Grain, or Dairy Farm. write 11. W. Dawson, Brampton, or re Colborne St, Toronto, tt W. DAWSON, Colborne fit., Toronta. Tes, and branches end stems as Can it be oured? Yee, by applying Put- nam's Corn Extractor; it's palniees, safe, e.nd Invaviably eatisfactory. Insist nu only Pulnem's Extractor, 260. at all ealers. NEWSPAPERS FOR SAM aye's RAVE SEVERAL GOOD NEWS. V T paper properties for eel° In On. tario towns at right priees, Apply quickly ea subeeription renewal time Is just °Pere Mg. Wilson Publishing Company. 73 West O1,,lo f4rset. Terente. NURSERY STOCK. TRAWBERRLES, RASPBERRIES, FIL`TX Varletiee, Free Catalog. McConnell & eon, Grovesend, Ontario. MISCELLANEOUS. ANOER, TUDIOILS, 1,U.GPS. ETO.. internal and external, cured with. oat pale by our home treatment. Write as before too late. Dr. Reitman Medina Oo., Limited. Collingwoocl, Ont Pure ang,as is neoessazy to the lxisitlx of young or old, Good home-made candy, StIgat' 013 porridge, fruit or bread—not only pietISOS but stimulates, Buy St,EaverenceBabra Granulated lu 'tags and bo sure of the finest pure e an e sugar, un tonenecl byhand from factory to your kitchen, 13agr. gs lbs„ ao ibee (-Orton:. a 1 PULE WEI51E1' GUARANTEED. 050111 by bat dealeys. 1 51. Laurence Saar lidisstlaaidelied, • Entreel, Many is man is dissatisfiad with his lab becaase it ±6 located too [oar that of his neighbor. ?Marti% Liniment Curos Cargot In Covas. FOR BRIGHTNESS BLACK KNIGHT A PASTS I No DUST NOWASTE THE F. E DALLEY 0 LTD. HAM I LTO N,ONT.I NO RUST AND LI OHTNE53,USE Shwixag r ver Influenza, pink eye, epizootic, distemper and all melte and throat dieenses eared, and all others, no matter how "ex. posed," kept (rem having any of these diseases with SPORN'S LIQUID DISTEMPER CURE. Three to six tames often care a case.One bottle guaranteed to do so. Best thing for brood inaros. Acts on the blood. Druggists and harness shops. Distributors — ALL WBOLESALS DP.UGGISTS. SPOHN MEDICAL CO., Chemists, Cleshon, Indiana, U.S.A. Ve,-;;;Fie7 -1;gele-F277- " ...4.ISA2MMSgpell,45WANTO "IriTERPIATIOPTAL, POULTRY FOOD" 0. W. mow001.2, one dem hest knowe poultrymen in karma, rays- "I heartily recomsnual INTERNATIONAL, POULTRY FOOD, as I have tested st on my hens. They laid eggs all winter. No one nroued hero 11 00 wcil with their poultry, and my rp-illts wcte caus INTERNATIONAL POULTRY )100D.' DICOROF. PETERS writes: Iiighland Gro,c, Onto March, International Stock Bood Co., Limited t Dear Smn.-I must eny your Poultry Food is all that you claim. I never had lay hole lay st/I whiter before this and they have laid steadily." INTERNATIONAL POMMY FOOD Use best punt trY1110111 1001,, World," as one admirer pots it. It makes hens lay all Me whiter. because it heeps fowls strontt aud healthy, 11 15 a wonder d egg prmluccr-pre- vents chicken cholera -cures reap. - and is a prima fattener. Eggs ;me way up. Now is the time to make money out of your hens. Feed, INTERNATIONAL POULTRY FOOD aud dentea your egg production. For Sale by Dealers Evcrylnhere. 76 Well!send yon 0 free color of one e3.000 meek ami poultry book/ Write Use it. internationaiStook Food Co. ilagnap,4 woraeswe. - • ---%r..r.yngwzfghyz4Tee.ioom IP V V Eri AND 100 VALUABLE PREMIUMS GIVEN AWAY st Prize, 0$0.00 in Cash. Svd Prise, 038.00 Cash. 2nd PrICO, 040,00 gn Cash. 41:0 Prige, LeGG.00 Ell Cash. 810 to IN's Prizes, each $10.00 in Cash. Below will be found six sets of mixed or jumbled letters. Can yoi. maange these six sets of letters in such order that each set will spell. the name of a well known vegetable. By sending a proper arrange - mail; you have au opportrinity of winning a cash prize, Write these eix nerds plainly arid neatly on a slip of paper, as in, the case of ties; bah writing mid neatness will be considered factors it this contest, "1 01-57401INIOON BACEQABFN-NurOr ircAdoR LE,BTE befllTj't)1l1ti11t0101dt01150; we will reply by tette% IStal y817.1 whether year answer is corrector not, and we will send you, a coin- plete Prize Dist, together with the namea end addresses of persons who have recently received Two Thousand dollars bit tash Prizes from us, and full paaticulare of a simple condition to be folfillea. This condition cloes not involve tho spending of ay of yam' money. Send tome reply ;Greet Co EWA/ EL EMIANUFACTVRING t"',OJAPA-NY 63,01/E1.- ESill.1211.-THING, (31 LATOUR et) MONTV..w.AP..„, 101 0.Zer a,