The Clinton News Record, 1914-01-22, Page 13Makes Monday shorter, easier, eooler PCI§ITIVELY the LoRGEST SALE in CANADA ww! Wwall11 PRICES -BF [AGM PROBIINS 10 interested and should :mow about the wonderful fifinr,,1 Whirling Spray wDouche Ask your 'druggist for It. If he cannot supply the MARVEL, accept ao other, but send stamp for IIIns- trated book—sealed. It girerfall V,1`22.7vIrigdgrarg Oa General Atratto, tor Canada. Whooping, Cough SPASMODIC CROUP ASTHMA COUGHS BRONCHITIS CATARRH COLDS vonagaSilielliEne es-ranosseo 1372 A simple, safe and effective treatment for broil. chial trouble., avoiding drugs. Vaporised CresoMoe stops the paroxyents of WhooplagCoughand Spasmodia Croup atone.. It is a NOON to eufferers front Astinan. The air carrying the antiseptic vapor, inspired with every breath, maims lanathIng east, soothes the sore throat and stops the cough.assuring Maid nights. It Is Invaluable 10 thors tvith young children. send postai for descriptive booklet. ALL DRUGGISTS. Try CRESOLENE ANTISEPTIC THROAT TABLETS forthe irritated throat. They Are Sionno, effective, and antiseptic. Of your druggist or from us, .00.10 °tamps. Vapo Creeolene Co. 62 Cordes& St., N.Y. Leergwro.,, &tidings COLD WEATHER IN PRANCE. Still Front Ten to Twenty Degrees of Frost. A despatch from Paris says: The extraordinary cold experienced hero during the past four weeks, .and which still shows no signs of abating, has caused the prices of food in Paris to rise !rein fifty to six hundred per cent. 'above the ordinary. Potatoes bring nearly double their 'usual price, while fresh vegetables cost from four to six times their regular prices. The old inhabitants recall the siege prices. Railway communications have been interrupted by snow, it being from two to four feet deep in some places. In' central and southern '-'"-IPPrance the temperature ranges from 10 to 20 degrees below freez- ing, Fahrenheit. STRATHCONA'S DAUGHTER. -- Hon. Mrs. Margaret Charlotte Howard Becomes Baroness. A despatch from London, Eng- land, says: Hon. Mrs. Margaret Charlotte Howard, only child of Lord Strathcona, is now the Baron- ess Strathcona and Mount Royal, leecoe, in the County of Ar- gy , Scotland, and of Montreal, Canada. When the late Lord Strathcona was raised to the peer- age in 189'7 no provision was made for the succession, but by a special remainder in a new patent granted Lord Strathcona in 1900 the Elle - cession was secured to his daugh- ter and to her male heirs following. The Baroness Stratheona WES mar- ried at Montreal, in February, 1883, to Dr. Robert Jared Bliss Howard, only child of the late Dr. R. P. Howard, dean of the medical facul- ty of McGill University. $126,000,000 SPENT. Annual Report of Tramseontinental Railway Conimission. A despateh from Ottawa says The annual report of the Transcon- tinental Railway Commission, brought down in the House on Thurecisty, show e a total expendi- ture of $126,000,000. The amount spent last ssear was $14,000,000, as against $20,000,000 the year before. The New Brunswick section was un- der operation during the year, and produced a revenue of $39,000. The cost Of operation of this section was $36,000. REPORTS FROM THE LEADING TRADO CENTRES OF APIERICA trim of Cattle, Crain. 0110000 ann Othelr traduce at.Honte end Abroad. Dreadstuffs. Toronto, Jan. 27.—F1our—Onario wheat flour, 90 per cent., $3.65, seaboard, and at 93.60, 'Poronto. Manitobas—mirst Patents, In jute bags. 9530; do., seconds, 94.80o strong bakers', in jute bage, 94.60. Manitoba wheat—Lake Porte. Ne, 1 Northern, 96 1-50, and No. 2, 93 3.40, track, Goderich. All rail, No. 1 Northern, $1; No. 2, 98 1-2o. Ontario wheat -Prices of No. 2 aro 86 to 87e, outside. and 91 to 950 on track, Toronto. Oats—No. 2 Ontario oats, 34 1.2 to 350, outside, and at 38 to 38 1-2o, on track, To - panto. Western Canada oats, 40120 for No. 2, and at, 300 for No. 3, Bay ports. Peas -51 to 91.06, outeide• . Barley—Good malting barley, 54 to 65e, °Weide. Corn—New No, 2 American. 71 /-20, all rail, Toronto. Ryo—No. 2 at 63 to 63 1-2o, outside. Buakwhent—No. 2 at 73 to 720, orteide. Bren—Manitobe bran, 922 to 922.50 a tort, In bags. Toronto freight. Shorts, $24 to 924.52 Toronto. COUntry Produce. Butter—Choke dairy, 23 to 240; inferior, 20 o 21e; farmers' separator prints, 24 te 260; creamery prints, 30 to Ma; solids, 27 to 29e; storage prints, 27 to 2.00; Bolide, 26 to 26 1-2e. Eggs—Case kM of new -laid, 42 to 420 per dozen; select, se to 37o, end storage, 34 to 350 per dozen. Cheeee--New cheese. 141-2 to 14 3-441 for large. and 15o for twins ; Bertne—lfancl-picked, 51 DO to 92.25 Por buehel; primes, $2.10. Honey—Extractedin tins, 11 to 120 Per Ib. for No. 1; combs, 93 to 53.25 per dozen for No. 1, and 92.40 to 52.50 for No, 2. Poultry—Powl, 11 to 12e per lb.; chick- ens, 16 to 17e; docks, 13 to 16e; geese, 14 to 15e; turkeys. 19 to 220. Potatoes—Ontark, 80a per bag, on track and Delawaree at 80 to 850, on track. in car lote. Provisions, Bacon—Long clear. 15 to 1.6o ger lb., in 0580 lots. Pork—Short out,, 978.50; do.. mess, 524.60. Hadre—Medium to light, 581-5 to 190; heavy, 17 1-2 to Ilia; rani, 15 to 15 1-20; breakfast, bacen, 18 to 19e; books, as to 24e. Lard—Tierces, 141.40; tubs, 14 1-2e; pails, 143.4o. Baled Hay and Straw. Baled hay—No. 1 at 014.60 to 515 a ton. on track here; No. 3 °noted at 513 to 813,50, and mixed at 812 to 512.50. Baled straw—Car lots, 98 60 to 58.75, on traek, Toronto. Winnipeg grain. • Winnipeg, Jan, 27.—Oash—W11eatNo. Northern, 85 1-4e; No. 2 Northern, 83 1-20; No. 3 Northern, 81 Mc: No, 4, 760; No. 5. 700; No. 6, 620; feed, 60a; No. 1 roieetcd seeds, 80 1-20; No. 2 rejected seede, 78 1-20; No. 5 rejected swede, 76c; No. 1 smuttY, 801-20; No. 2 smutty', 78 1.50; No 3 smut- ty, 760; No. 1 red Winter, 85 1-4e; No. 2 rod Winter, 85 1-2a: No. 3 red Winter. 511.40, Onts—No. 2 ems 303-805 No. 3 CLIY., 31 1-20; extra, No. 1 feed. 31 3-40: No, 1 feed, 31 1-4ot No. 2 feed, 30 1-2e. Barley— No 3, 461-40; No, 4, 40e; re:Meted, 38e; feed, 871-2o. Flax—No. 1 NAV C., 91.27; No. 2 (LW., $1.24; No. 3 0.W.. 51.11. THE LATE LORD STRATIICONA. STRATHCONA WAS WEALTHY Estimated .that the Late High Commissioner's Holdings Was About $8o,000,000 A despatch from Quebec' says: The death of Lord Strathcona will have a Material effeet on the reve- nue of the province for the current year. It is understood that tlie immense holdings of the late High Commissioner will fall under the succemion law of Quebec, and cal- culations are easily made that the revenue froin the estate will amount up to millions of dollars. It is said it was anticipated that EXPORTS SHOW INCREASE Canada's Domestic Produce Shipments Advanced ,Over Twenty-eight Per Cent. A despatch from Ottawa says : During the nine:months' period ending Dee. 310913, the total trade of Canada showed an advanee al 10 per 'cent. upon the trade of the corresponding •period of the year •before. According to the figirrca issued by the Department of Cus- toms Friday, the total trade, ex- cluding exports 01 foreign products and imports • other than those of doraestio consumption, from April 1 to Dec. 31, 1013, was $857,856,- 693, as againot H719,987,058 in 1912, the increase being 278,269,835. The great increase was in ex- the value of the holdings was about $80,000,000, and, if so, the succes- sion dues at eight per centwould amount to $6,400,000. This amount will very likely be modified when She value of the estate in Quebec is known, as this very point has arisen over the judgment of the Privy Council in the Cotton case. At all events, theii provnce s expecting to benefit to the extent of several mil- lions by the decease of Lord Strath - cons. ranged from $6.75 to 87.50; good from $6.25 Stop Sneezing to 06.75; and medium from 95.75 to 56.25 while common brought $4.75 to 55.75. But- chers' choice cows ranged from 9650 to 97,25; good front 96 to $6.60; medium from $6.60 to $6; common from 94.75 to 8558; outtere from 54.25 to $4.76; and canners from 83.75 to 94.25. Stockers and feeders— Good stokers, $6,60 to $7; feeder, 96.75 to $7.60. Milker,s and Springere Gold at 560 to $105 e.ach for good offerings. Calvee— Beet ealvee brought $9.50 to $11; mediunt from 57 to 5950; common from $5 to $6. Sheep and lambs—Light •sheop owes rang- ed from 96.25 to 8675; heavy sheep and bucks from 95.26 to 56.25; oulle from 82.50 to $6; lambs brought, from $9 to 59.50, bucks off. Swine—Hogs went at $0 66 to $8.85 on board care at country pointe, 59 to $9,20 fed and watered, and at, $9.25 elf ears. Montreal, ran. 27.—Extra choice steers. 59.75; choice butchers' steers, 9225 to 98.50: do., extra good, 87 75 to Sat do., good. 87.26 to 57.50; do., fair. 56.75 to 57; butchers' bullooke, geed, 57 to 57.25: deo Doer to inodium, 54 to $6.75,• butcher cove, good, 56.75 to 57; do„ fair, $6.25 to 9650; do.. raedium, $5.75 to $6; do., common, 55.25 to 5150: do., poor, 94.50 to 85; eheep, $5.25 to $5.35; lambs, per owt., 58 to $8.25: hogs, selects, easterne, 99.75; do., sows, 97.75; do., stags, $5 to 95.60; de.. westerns, per cwt., $9,56 to $9.60; calves, actording eize and qualitY, $3 to $15. Montreal Markets. Montreal, Jan. 67.—Corn--Ameriorm No. 2 yellow, 73o. Oate—Canadlan Weetorn, No. 2, 42o; do., No. 3, 410; extra No. hard, 59 1.2e. Darley--Nanitoba feed. 48 to 600: melting, 64 to 66a. Buelrwheat—No. 2, 66 to 570. Flour—Manitoba Spring wheat pat- ente. firsts, 55.40; do., seconds, 84.90; strong balms', $470; Winter patents, choke, $4.76 to $11; straight rollers, 9458 to 54,60; do., in bags, 52 to 52.10 Rolled ortte—Itar- role, $4.40 to 94.60; bag of 90 lbs., 92.10 to 52 12 1.2, Millfeed—Bran, 922: shorts. $24; middlings, $26 o 027; monillie, $20 to $29. Nay—No. 2, per ton. car lots, $14 to 55440 Cheese—Finest westerns, 13 7-6 to 14o; do.. eaeterns, 132.4 to 13 3.40. Butter—Choicest creamery, 581-2 to 290; seconds, 26 1-2 to Mc. Egge—Preeh, 42 to 43o; selected, 350: No. 1 etock, 30a; No. 2, do.. 26e. Potatoes —Per bag, car lots, 75 to 80o. United Statee Markets. Minneapolis, Jan. 27. — Wheat — 87 3-4 to 877-20 bid; JulY, 89 3-8 to 89 1-20 Oneh—No. 1 hard, 69 7-8c; No. 1 North. ern, 06 3-8 to 88 7-8o; No, 2, do., 83 7,8 to 857-50; No, 3 wheat, 817-0 to 83 7-8a, Corn —No. 3 yellow, 56 1-2 to 570, Oats—No. 3 white, 56 5-4 to 360. Flour—Paney patents, 8425; first clears, $3,36;4second clears, 92.50, Bran, 522, Duluth. Jan. 27.--Wheat—No. 1 hard, 87 1-4o; No. 1 Northern, 86 1-4o; No. 2, do., 84 1.4e; Montana, No. 2 hanl, 84 1-4 to 84 3-4c; May, 88 1-4 to 88 3.8o; July, 89 3-40. Lin8ee0—$1.50 5-8; January, 51,49 1-8; May, Live Stook Markets. Toronto, Jen, 27.—Butehers' cattle—Good to choice steers from 97.76 to 9250; medi- um, 57 to 87.25, and common, 55.75 to 9676. Heifers -0004 to choice, 97.75 to 98.26; medium to good, 96.50 to $7,75. Dutcher cows and bulls—Butcher bone, Choice, tsteerfarelseeellar Swollen ands and Feet feet. mean Kidney TroUble. Ijuinients and bleed purifiers are useless. What you must do is to cure the kidneys. Take GIN PILLS Gin Pills act directly on these vital organs—correct all disease—neutralize uric acid—purify the blood—relieve the pain and reduce swelling in hands and 5oc. A box ;6 for $2.5o. At all dealers or sent on receipt of price. Sample free if you Mention this paper. 185 NATIONAL DRUG AND CHEMICAL CILt OF CANADA LIMITED, TORONTO. THE RIGHT WAY . In all easca of DISTEMPER, PINK EYE, INFLUENZA, . GOLDS, STO, Of all horses, broodmares, otallione, Ssto ",aPOHN THEM" on their tongues ow in the feed put Spohn'ts Lionid Compound. , (lave the remedy to all 01 then,. aote on the blood encl glands, It routes the dieeatie by expelling the dia. ease germs, It wards off the tronble 710 matter how they are "exposed." Abso- lately free fi•onf. anything Injurious. A child can safely take it. soia by drug. gioto and harneou dealers. Distributors: Wholesale Druggists Sp hn 'Modica! Co, flimmIste and Bacteriologists GOSHEN, IND., U. 5, A. SERIOt S STRIKE IN LONDON. 10,000' Coal Porters Out and No Fuel Being Delivered. Quit Sniffeling, Curt Your Cold ports. During 1913 the total exports were $388,707,375, as against $307,- 525,768. Of the exports, $359,115,- 658 were of domestic produce, as against, $278,1252,157, Shy inereaSO thus pi IMcpebirig$8 bti.lsent e°'63 re4'° d15o3.1' •e onrover s um8 to5n showed a slight decrease, standing tt $498,.741,512, as against $600,- 934,901 in 1912. Dutiable goods showed a drop of nearly $3,000,000, from $326,417,953 in 1912 to 434,277 in 1913. Free goods, on the other hand, increased by nearly $41,000,000, from $174,516,948 to $.175,307,235. LATE LORD STRATHCONA. Career Worthy of Emalation Ily the Civilized World. A despatch from London, Eng- land, says; Hon., Lewis HareTtrt, coldnial • secretary, speaking • M Hastingden on Wedneaday night, ,said Lord Strathcona watil a great pioneer in allthat was best 10 North America. During the three years Hon. Mr. Harcourt had been at the colonial office it had been his , privilege to work officially with Lord Strathcona. Many years be- fore that it was his privilege to count him among his friends. His private generosity and public bene- factione had been beyond record or belief. He left a name and record illitnained by personal affection and public honors and a career worthy of envy and emulation by the civi- lized world. The Soothing Vapors of Catarrho- zone Bring instantaneous Relief. Thousands of Testimonials prove that Catarrhozone cures permanently. When germs attack the lining of the nose, make you sneeze and gag,—when later on they infest the bronchial tubes,—how can you follow them with a cough syrup? You can't do It—that's all, Cough syrups go to the stomach—that's why they fail. But Catarrhozone goes everywhere .—gets right after the germs—kills them—heals the soreness—cures the intlammation--makes Catarrh distill - pear. "Nothing I have ever used gives the warm, soothing sensation of Catarrh°. zone," writes Isabel Fry, of Seguin rails, Ont. °I was In a frightful way with catarrh of the nose and throat— had droppings, hard breathing, bad breath and indigestion. Catarrhozone relieved at once and cured me thor- oughly. It is invaluable in colds, sore throat and bronchial trouble." Not difficult for Catarrhozone to cure, be- cause it contains the essences of pine balsams and other antiseptice that simply mean death to catarrh. Large size costs $1.00, and contains two months treatment; smaller sizes 25c., and 50c., all druggists and store- keepers or The Catarrhozone Co., Buffalo, N.Y., and Kingston, Canada. A despatch from London, Eng- land, says: Ten thousand coal porters in London went on strike fo- higher pay on Wednesday. Practically no coal was delivered in the city, which is in the midst of the longest and worst cold snap of many years. It will take only a couple of days to cause great mis- ery in thousands of homes where coal is bought daily, only a bucket- ful at a time. Porters who are paid 18 cents a ton for handling coal, are demanding an increase of two cents a ton and other concessions, which it is estimated, will practi- cally raise -the pay seven cents MODS. ' TWO MEN SHOT IN CHICAGO. The Italian Qnarter lit That City Is a Bail Mace. A despatch from Chicago says: A feud in the IfaIia quarter on the North Side elairned two more lives on Thursday night. While the police were searching for the assas- sins of Toseph Portuguese, who was ;Mot down at Milton Avenue and Hobble Street, they were etartled by two gunahot wounds. Hurrying to the 'e..orner, they found R. De- penza, proprietor of a small bank, dying at .almo.sti the same spot where Portuguese *PULS Dur- ing the last two years eleven 111110- ders have been committed in the block. NITROGEN FROM AIR. Cot/ eessi o G ra ted by the New- fo un d la na Geyer ante at. A despatch from St. John's, Nfld.1 says • The extraction of ni- trogen from the atmosphere on a large scale for use as fertilizer is the purpoSe of a, concession just granted by the Colonial Govern- ment for thn employment of Grand Falls in Labrador. The plans call for the development of one million horse -power from the falls to gen- erate electricity.. xo, SIGN or FOUL PLAY, Man Found Frozen to Death Near Idunher Camp. A despatch from Port Arthur says : Apparently overcome, by a fit while walking from the Rassell Company's camp, at Pearl to the Station, William Lownshorough, aged thirty-one, wag Cound frozen to death on Thursday. The body was lying undisturbed,, with no signs of foul play. TO PREVENT FRAUD. -- Cheese and Butter to Be Honestly Weighed. A despatch from Ottaa a says: An important measure to eliminate the possibility of fraud in connection with weighing of cheese and but- ter at the port of Montreal will he introduced shortly by Hoe. Martin Burrell, minister of agriculture. For many years there have been loud complaints by farmers, who charge that they have not received fair weight. According to the terms of the proposed bill, a government inspectoe svill be appointed, whose duty will be to adjudicate cases in dispute. Remedies will he applied to other unsatisfactory conclithens .of the cheese exchange in Montreal. FATAL ACCIDENT AT COBALT. Cobalt Lake Mining Company's Forentan WOMAN KILLED I3 WRECK. Accident on C.P.R. - - Ten Miles East of Pembroke. A despatch from Pembroke says; The Soo train No. 19, which left Montreal at 10.30 Wednesday night, was wrecked by the spreading of a rail at Meath, ten miles east of Pembroke, early Thursday morn- ing. One passenger was killed and about fifteen injured, seven of whom have been removed to Pem- broke Hospital. The dead passen- ger is Mrs. J. J. Summon. of Sud- bury, who with her husband and two -year -old -child,"' had been visit- ing at Osceola and boarded the train a few tations from whore the wreck occurred. Her husband and child escaped. • .1. AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE. Attendance at the Institution This Winter Is 886. A despatch. from. Guelph says: The attendance at the Ontario Ag- rictilturel College and Macdonald Institute is now 866, divided as fol- lows : Macdonald Institute (regu- lar course), 140; 0, A. College (regular course), 430, Short courses —Steels and seed judging, 135; bee- keeping, 77; poultry, 38; dairying, 61; mutual training and special subjects, 13. Magic ‘Norvililio" Euds Stiff fteck,, Lumbago Any Curagle Muscular or Joint Pain Is Instantly Relieved , by Nerviline. GET TRIAL BOTTLE TO -DAY. You don't have to wait all day to get the kink out of a stiff neck if you rub on Nerviline. And you don't need to go reund complaining, alr-4.-,t turn, bago any more. You can rub such things away very quickly with Nervi - line. It's the grandest liniment, the quickest to penetrate, the speediest to ease muscular pain of any kind. One twentyelve cent trial bottle of NervIline will cure any attack of lum- bago or lame back. This has been moved a 'thousand times, just as it was in the case of Mrs. E. J. Grayden; of Caledonia, who writes:—"I wouldn't think of going to bed with- out knowing we had Nerviline in the house. I have used it for twenty odd rears and appreciate its value as a family remedy more and more every day. If any of .the children gets a stiff neck, Nerviline cures quickly. If It is earache, toothache, cold on the chest, sore throat, Nerviline is always my standby. My husband once cured himself of a frightful attack of lum- bago by Nerviline, and for a hundred ailments that turn up in a large fam- ily Nerviline is by far the best thing to have about you." WEAKNESS IN BOILER. . Clause of the Disastrous Explosion at Ottawa. A despatch from Cobalt says: William E. Janes, 40, was instantly killed here by a falling derrick striking him on the head. Janes was the foreman employed by the Cobalt Lake Mining Company to superintend the work of deepening the rock cut, through which the water from the lake is to flow when the draining is commenced. 'The aceident was caused by one of the guy ropes giving away. Janes was anative of Newfoundland. He leaves a wife, who is at present on a visit to Nova Scotia. GRANJ) TR1JNE PACIFIC. Gap in the Mountains Reduced to , 149 Miles. • A despatch from Ottawa says: The gap in the Grand Trunk Pacific+ Railway in the mountains bap, been reduced to 142 miles. Forty miles were completed last month. Ab the present rate of progress the rail- way will be completed by June 'three years the Salada Tea Co. have 'increased their sales 3,290,954 pounds. In other words they ha,ve added to their already large trade one-tenth of the entire annual tea eonsumption in the Dominion of Canada. The Ontario Legislature will probably meet on February 17. • Is good Wail—blood that MOW'. hikes the whole body, and enables every organ to perform its func- • tions naturally.Many people ow* it to HOOD'S SARSAPARILLA, Which relieves scrofula, epaorna, .psoriasis, and all blood humors. 11111••••••1111•111.101111•111M NEWS-RECORO'S NEW CLUB- BING BATES FOR 1913-14 WHEELIES. News-Itecord and Mail & Empire ...$1,60 News.liceord and (Lobe....• . . .. 1,60 News -Record an41 Family Herald and Weekly Star .. . ...,...,...,.• .• .,• • . 1.85 Newa-Record and Weekly Sou ,....,.. 1.85 NeweNecord and Farmer's Advocate . 2.35 News -Record and Parra 11 Dairy 1.85 Newe-Record ad Canadian Parra „.. 1.85 Newe-Record and Weekly Witneee • 1,86 Newts -Record anti Northern Moseenger 1.60 Newtoltecord and Pres Press 1,85 News -Record and Advertiser 1.85 Newe•Record and Saturday Night 5.25 News -Record and Youth's Companion 3.25 News -Record and Fruit Drawer and MONTHLIES. News -Record and Canadian SPorts- man $3.25 Newe-Record and Lippincott's Maga- A despatch from Ottawa says; Olaf E. Granherg, chief inspector of the Boiler Inspection and Insur- ance Company of Canada, who came here from 'Montreal and made an official inspection of the boiler which caused the Howick Hall dis- aster, pronounced the explosion due to a weak manhole frame in the boiler. Be finds there was plenty of water in it, and absolves the en- gineers from blame. .14 Mail service by Atlantic steamers will vety shortly beimproved, the Postrnaster-General announced. Fire which gutted the Canadien Athletic Club gymnasium at Mont- real, resulted in $100,000 property loss. DAILIES. News -Record and World................93.38 News.Record and Globe 420 News -Record and Mail a Empire ....,..4.50 News -Record and Advertiser .......„. 2,85 News-Ree.ord and Morning Free Prase. 3,35 News -Record and Evening Free Press. 2.06 Nenve-Record end Toronto Star 2.36 News -Record and Toronto News 2.55 If what you want le not .in thie list let us know about. it. Wu, can eupply you at less than it would cost you to send direct. In remitting please do so by Post -office Order Postal Note, Dxpressi Order or Reg, istered letter and address, W. J. MITCHELL, Publisher News -Record CLINTON, ONTARIO .•••1111MIIIIMINOMMir aninenell OLD AGE AND CUPID. 'Bridal Couple's Ages Total Cen, tury and a Half. A. despatch from Brantford says:" Age cuts no figure when Cupid lets his arrows go! This is shown by - the marriage at Milton on January 21 by Rev. W. L. Martin, of Manse. wood, Ont., of Miss Elizabeth H. Chisholm, of Milton, aged 72, to George Haddlesy, aged 78, of this city. • Twenty-six new detachments of the Royal Northwest Mounted Po- lice were added to the force last year. Forty years In use, 20 years the standard, prescribed and recom- mended bY Physicians. For Mi. man's Ailments, 1) r. Martel', Female Pills, at your druggist. CANADA'S DEBT TO BRITAIN A Trade Balance in the Mother Country's Favor of 172,000,000 A despatch from London says: Sir Edward Holden, the famous banking authority, made an impor- tant speech on Thnrsday on inter- national finance and currency. Af- ter dealing with the position of France Sir Edward referred at some length to Canada, the United States, and India. Canada, he said, has borrowed from London during the last three years about 2120,000,000, During 1913. she borrowed abciut 244,000,- 000. . Her imports during 1913 amounted to about 23137,000,000 stooling, and the interest which she has to pay in respect to the money borrowed approximaic 0 at least 215,000,000. Her exports for the year amounted to about 280,000,- 000, therefore after 'paying for her imports with her exports she had to provide the 'earn of about 272,000,- 000. As her borrowings in this mar- ket have amounted to about 244,- 000,000, the balance of her indebt- edness for which provision has been made amountto about 228,000,000 sterling. judging from those facts it Would .appear, in Sir Edward's opinion, to be obviously the duty of Canada to go slowly, spend less and, borrow less, but it would be a mis- taken policy for investors in this country to button up their pockets against further Canadian loans, so long as the securities are of a first- class c har at ter, - • • CONFESSION OF CONSTABLE Personally Gave Rope and Revolver to Murderer to Aid His Escape From Prison A despatch from Winnipeg says: Constable Robert Reid, of the city force, one of the two officers guard- ing John Krafehenk.o when he et, caned, made a full confession on Wednesday before the Royal Com- mission, and implicated Percy He- gel, the lawyer, John Buxton and • Sohn Westlake. Constable Flow - ere, his fellow guard, he clears of all suspicion. Reid had formerly withstood a seven -hour grueling be-, fore the commission which seemnig- ly had justified hina,, but he com- pletely reversed his sworn etate- , In the witness box Reid told how he personally had' given the repe, key and revolver to ffrafcheliko two days before the escape, while tho hack of Flowers, the other guard, was turaed. The loosened Safe and Sound! New issue 5% BONDS (4- 85 and Interest, or, $850 and Interest ,per $1,000 Bond. Municipality of Esquimalt, 13.0. (Adjoining 'Victoria) British Naval Base on the Pueblo. Write or Wire EASTERN SECURITIES CO. LIMITED 157 St. James St., MONTREAL, P.R. bars in the window, he said, had been tampered with while Ryan, the day gutted, was asleep in the eell. The tonsta.ble etated further that ell the arrangements for the escape—were made in the office of Percy Hegel, Krafehenko's conn - eel, where Krafeireeko had sent him to spa Rage!. He said he dld not knew what had induced kiln (Reid) Kratchenko. Bexten had given the gun to Reid in Hegel's office, :anti the number had been filed off in Hagel s presence. Ho- ge'. had told him that Westlake, Who was to hide Krefehenko after his escape, could he trusted to do so without ''squealing.'' Hegel, , he ,Said, lied gone to Plum Coulee to got $460 to handle the case. :Re- did net know whether he got it or riot. IffOr White Vaseline Is the purest and best ointment for all family uses. Keeps start' soft'. end smooth. C21) Sore throat, cold in chest, toothache, etc., is quickly relieved by Capsicum Vas - 'cline. Amily externally. .s, 4s.•••• es.e"-el On scratches or sores appiy Car. • bolated Vasel- ine. The simplest, safest antiseptic dressing you can find. • Nothing like Cam-. phor Ice for chapped hands, cracked lips, etc. Just what the outdoor man or', girl needs. 01, Ever suffer from nervous headaches? Rub in Men- tholated Vaseline. 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