The Clinton News Record, 1914-01-22, Page 12k MOTHER'S DUTY TO HER DAUGHTER •Is to Guard Horlioolth by Keeping Her Blood Sup y Pura. Anxious mothers who see their ; daughters fail in ettrength, become pale and languid, ean be certain that the cause of their anxiety is the condition of the growing giel'e blood. At, no time in her,life does a girl estaxid in greater need of pure, red blood and the strength •-Which it alone can give her, than when ehe is developing into Woman- , hoed. It is then that anaemia rapid- ly develops and the growing girl finds herself in ' declining health. If your daughter complains of feel- ing constantly tired, if her appetite is fickle, if she is breathless 'rem slight exertion, or if her heart pal- Toitates violently ore going upstaire, et is a certain sign that her blood is failing to meet the demands upon ft, bemuse it is thin and watery. It is at eueli times that Dr, Wil- liams', Pink Pills for Pale People are w,orth their weight •in gold to tired .anaemie girls. They actually make the new, red blood, that 'brings brightness to the eye, the bloom of health to the cheeks, and sbrength and activity to the whole body. The folloswing is an instance of their value to young girls: Miss Hilda Pearl Snow°, Barrington, N.S., 'gradually drooped under an attack of anaemia, At first she a -as pale and liebless, suffering from oceasional headaches, but as the trouble progressed, a severe cough also attacked her, and her friends feared she was in the grip of consumption. Almost from the outset she was being treated medi- cally, but with no apparent bene- fit. At a, critical stage in her ill- ness Miss Snowe W1sey desiided that she 'would give Dr. Williams' rink Pills a trial, After taking e them for some time there was a noticeable imptovement in her case, and the Pills were gladly con- tinued until she was fully restored to health. Miss Snowo is to -day as healthy and rugged as any girl could wish to be, and her friends believe that Dr. Williams' • Pink Pills saved her life. These Pills not only cure anaemia, but all troubles due to poor blood and weak nerves. Sold by all medi- cine dealers or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50, from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. • Too Fond of Trying. Too many ef us 1 this world do not know What we want, and con- seeuently are more or less bound not to get it. Carlyle once wroth: i`The weakest living creature, by concen- trating his powers on re,single object, can accomplish something; the strong- est, by dispersing his over many, may fail to aocomplish anything." Folks who are too fond of trying their hand at everything are apt to become "Jacks of all tradee and masters of none." Judge Not. There are numbers of circumstances which attend every action of a man's hfe, which can never come to the knowledge of the world—yet ought to be known and well weighed, before sentence with any Justice can be passed upon him. A man may have different views, and a different sense of things from what his judges have; and what he understands and feels, and what passes within him, inay be a secret treasured up there deeply forever. SAFE AND SURE FOR LITTLE ONES Baby's Own Tablefis are a safe and sure medicine for little Ames. They never fail to regulate the bowels, sweeten 'the stomaeli and cure all the minor ills of babyhood. Concerning them Mrs. Duncan joy, Vancouver, B.O., writes : "I al- ways keep Baby's Oevn Tablets in the house and give them to my little one whenever neadet, as I think • them the (safest, and surest remedy a mother an give her children." The Tablets are sold by medicine defilers or by mail ,ele 25 cents a • box from The Dr. Williaene' Medi- ' eine Cie., Brockville, :Ont. Handkerchiefs In Dickens' Time., Pocket handkerchiefs with printed information have .been known for a century. There were, for iuseanee, the 'moral" pocket handkerchiefs ,for chil- dren which Dickena alludes to, and there were the pocket handkerchiefs or "colors," as they were caned, of ecmtending pegiliste, eentaining their portraits and records of their achieve- ments, which were sold at the ring- side. Programmes of Lord Mayor's Shows also have been prieted in this form beyond the memory of the old- est, and every year probably sine the Derby was first run, gorgeous sine handkerchiefs lave-beeu on sale With a picture of the winner and records up to date. --London Daily Chrouiele. General A captain inspecting hie com- pany one morning came te an Dielp mien who evidently lied not shaved Ler several •days, "Doyle," he ask- ed, "how is ib you haven't elleY,,d this morning V/ -"But I did, • "How dare you tell rile that with the beard yen have on year face 7" 'Well, ye eee, sor,'stammered, • Doyle,. "there was nine rlY PS to one looking -glass, an' it must be ,theb in the gineral conliesion 01 shaved Some oiler man'e face." Plotters, Fruit and Sunshine in January , and always, are to he 'found in California, Cm ideal Wintering place, reached com- fortably and conveniently by the Oldeago, Union Pacific and North 1,yeste1n Lino, via the faatest -and most direct routaii, amidst the luXnrious 'surroundings .0 the 'ompartment, olub and observation pm, or, ,or more ittoderate-oiced and home- ike 'circlet car. Pbree snlendJd teethe toaily—Tho Overland Limited, fastest,train San Praneisco;,Tho Los Angelea Lint - ted, throe tinge to the Magic Clay of the and of Sunsiiine, via Salt, Lake dity ; and ; the 01) 71 Frandsen Limited, !rim Overland Route offeral Safety—Sneed—Scenery and unexeelled dining car ' serviee---fool 71 llatee, Illm ustrated atter and full partm. ulars 05 applieation. B. IL 13mi11e1i, Gen, eral Agent, Ab". IYoug,o . Street, Taranto, ,ontarie. . . FROM MERRY 010 EMI) NEWS BY MA,IL ABOUT JOHN BULL AND HAS PEOPLE. Occurrences lit the- Land That • Reigns Supremein th‘ Coin. • medal .World. The canals of •the United Kingdom stretel ever 3,900 miles: The Post.office makes fully *SP,- • 000 by unclaamed money orders an- nually. Lord Northbourne declares he will toast an ox on the day Mr. Lloyd C4eorge demies office, A badger weighing over 42 lbs. ha i been captured on Mr. Davis' farm, The Grange, Beeby, Leices- tershire. - The death is announced of Mr. Fred. Moore of Stafford at the age Of 89. He was the oldest church chorister in the kingdom. Countess Osteeiplaten, wile spent more than. $200,000.0 year en dress, has lefb her heire 50 dresses and 110 hats and nothing else. Yarmouth Corporatien has decid- ed to spend $7,500 during 'the next twelve months in advertising Yar- mouth and Gorleston as seaside re - The Lord Mayor of London's fund for the relief of the distrese caused by the reeenb -Senghenydd Colliery disaster amounts to over $205,000. Birmingham corporation will shortly take over the business of the Midland Moto-Onmibus Com- pany within the city, paying about $150,000 for it. Working men at Ohester-le- Street, Durham, have subscribed the money for half a dozen packs of playing cards for the inmates of the lotal workheruee. Workmen while excavating at Whitstable in connection with the new sewers, discovered the skeleton of a mammoth about 12 ft. below the Wilma 'Several thousand pounds' damage was done by a fine at a Heywood mill. The roof gave way, and a fire- man named Holden was eeriously injured. A provieional offer of $75,000 from the estate of the late Sir William Dunn, Bart., has been made to Lon- don hospitals by his trustees and executors. As the postmen pursued their rounds of the letter boxes in Read- ing, several boxes were found to contain a dark liquid and many ad- dreeses were obliterated, H. M. the Queen has sent to the friends of the poor, through the Needlework Guild, a large quantity of clothing for the families under the care of the society. No fewer than 2,336 farthings have been subseribed to the Sb. Michael's church building fund, Cricklewood, during the past month, making a total to date of $149,592. An old windmill at Long Buckley, Northamptonshire, which has been a, prominenb landmark, espeeially with members of the Pytchley Hunt, is to be pulled down. A railway sleeper which had been placed across the Great Western line near Briton Ferry station, was fotind by a platelayer, who moved it just before a train passed. Owing to the shortage of cottages in Reigate rural &Atria area, the council have decided to take the necessary steps and provide accom- modation for ies own employes. A windmill ha e been inecerporated in Ile design rif a stained glass win- dow aeBlogliall Church, Suffolk, to commemorate a fine mill that was burned down some Veers ago. In the mining village of Bentley, near Doncaster, some 200 children are being kept away from school by their parents on the ground of the long distance they have to travel. Burton -on -Trent brewers distri- buted among their employes at Christmas '75,000 lbs. of beef, 1,500 turkeys, 1,000 gem, 1,000 brace of pheasants, 600 couple of ducks and !peels, and 500 hares. Bute more than 100 years ego, clueing the Bonaparte scare, Fort Clarence, an obsolete ntrenghold at Rochester, has beep handed over by the War Office to No, I Terri- torial Company, Royal Garrison A•rtillery, '9" FRI E I) LY TIP. ILeStored Ifope and Confidence. Afbea several years ef indigestion and it attendant evil influence en the mind, it 3a net, vary surprising that one finally leses faith in things generally. An Etistern woman writee an ie- teresting letter. She says: "Three years ago I suffered from an attack of peritonitis which left nm in a most miserable condition. For over two yeare I suffered from nervousness, weak heart, shortness of breath, c,oulcl not eleep, etc, "My a,ppolite was ravenous but I felt starved all the time. I had plenty of food but it did not eeem tq help, I got discouraged, etoppeel medicine and did not care much whether I lived or died, "One day a friend teeked ine, why elieln't bey Grape-Nutfood, stop clrielring coffee and ItSe POsillal. I had lest faith in everything, but to please any friend I began to use 1,•111, and soon became ' very fond of them: "It ween't very long before I get some etreeg th, felt a decided change in my system, hope gnarls up in my heart and slowly but surely I got better. I could sleep very well, the constant craving fot food eca,seel and I have better health now thanbefore the attack of peritonitis. "My lerieband and I are still ueing Grape -Nuts and Poefium." Name given by Canadian Postuna 1,Vindeor, Ont. Read, "The Roael to Wellyille," in pkgs. ''There's a 'Reason." Ever. read the shove letter? A new elle appears from time to time. They (tee genuine, trtte, and or human attereet. 11 Doctor Said He Had Diabetes Dodd's Kidney Pills Cleared Out Every Trace of It. That's Why Hr. David Resit, Of Nieplet Co., Quebet, Is Recent - mending the Great Canadian Kidney Remedy To His Neigh- .- bore,- . St. Wenceslas, Nieolet Go., Que.,' Jan. 26 (Special).—"I started to take Dodd's Kidney Pills 'because' the doctor told ane I was threatened with., diabetes. After taking ten boxes I was again examined by the doctor, and he told me that all trace of diabetes had disappeared." This is the statement ef Mr. Da- vid Hewn well known and highly respected here, and he is only one of many in this neighborlisod who have found a new lease of life in the great Canadian Kidney rem- edy. • Ib is cures such as this that have given Dodd's Kidney Pille their reputation., They are now known from the Atlantie to the Peel& as the remedy that never fails to cure kidney disease, no matter where or in what form it is found, Doeld's Kidney Pills are no cure- all. They simply cure diseased kidneya. The reason they cure backache, dropsy, rheumatism, neuralgia, diabetes, urinary tron- hie:3 and 13rightis Disease is that at of these are either diseases of the kidneys or are caused by dis- ordered' kidneys failing to do their work. 0 LD-FASH 10 N ED NAMES. Our Forefathers Labored Under Some Odd and Ungainly Handle& A certain set of Christian names taken from the Scriptures has been In use Igo long that we do met think of them as Adam, Moses, Samuel, David, Daniel, Solomon, • Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, Others taken from the Saints, like Peter, Paul, John, Stephen and Matthew. originally giv- en to children because they were born on the saint's day, are still so common that We think of them as English names. These names antedate the use of surnames, as may be inferred from the fact that nearly all of them have given rise to patrouymics. like Jacobeon, Peterson and Stephenson, In the twelth century missionaries used to baptize whole villages at once, and to save time Invested all the men with the name of John or some other saint, and the women, usually Mary or Martha. To distinguish the Johns some ad- ditional name like Short or Strong or White.or Black was given him by the neighbors, and so Christian names and surnameswere united. After the Reformation it became the fashion among the Puritans to give children the names of eharactees like the Old Testament and odd ones like Melchizedek or Imenillal *ere preferred. Among these were Abel, Levi, Jesse, Amos, Asa, Isaiah, Ephraim, Gideon, Malachi, Job, Ab- ner, Hosea, Ezekiel, Jeremiah, Sac- hariab, Asher, Dli and hundreds of ethers. Per some reason the use of these names has largely Ceased. We can understand why Ebenezer has been draPPed. No modern girl could fall In love with an Ebenezer: But most of the Puritan Bible names have e strong manly ring, and have been borne by able men. We ea,n only hope that descendants of these ancient worehles have in- herited some Of their sterling quali- ties, though they do not perpetuate the name. Looked Like Intended Suicide. The citizen who was brandishing it name looking moor nays it wasn't, anieide but corns he was thinking about. Ned - 1s to say his wife bought him Putnam's Corn Extractor and hid the razor—very wise, because Putnam's mires in 24 hours; try it, 25o, at all dealers. .P Her Reason. Hubby—I wonder why Kate does- n't mind her own business. Wifee—She hasn't any. Hubby—Businees 7 Wifie—Ne; mind. PILES CURED IN 6 TO 14 DAYS Tour druggist will refund money if PAZO OINTMENT tails to cure 5115 muse of Itch- ing, Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Piles in 6 to 14 days. 60e. ge—"I. always love- d the good and the beautiful." She ---"Oh, John, what a leeway way to ask me I" etinard's Liniment Cures Distemper. There are in the United King- dom a,berut three and a half million rows, and on the average each ,yields 400 v.:Ilene of milk a year, Minard's Linlinent Cures target In COWL, • ''Sarah," said her • .miebrees, told you eo tidy up my room an hour •ago, and heee 11 is in terrible dis- order I" "Yis, ma'am, and I did," said Sarah; "but the master came in to pub on a clean collar, and he lost hes stud." HACKING COUGH OF TWO MONTHS STANDING Cured by Na -Dr -Co Syrup.of Linseed, Licorice and,Chlorodyne You know how hard it is to get rid of O cough that has hung on for even Iwo weeks, let alone two months. So yon will appreciate whet Na-Dru-Co Sy rim of Linseed Licorice and Chlorodyne did for Mr. Petrick Holland, of Bast 001142, P. 14. I. Ile says: "I suffered from a hacking cough for over two mouths. I tried several reme- dies, but they failed to cure me. At last I tried Na-Dru-Co Syrup of Linseed, Licorice and CI -aerodyne, aucl got midi, relief that I tried Inore, and after 'Using tl2ree bottles was absolutely cured," • the unique, scientific combination of throe such reliable reMediee Makes Na- Dru-Co Syrup of Linseed, Licorice and Chlorodyee the best preparation that thet; has ever been offered for all sorts of colds and coughs. Get a 20c or Gee bottle from your Druggist aud see for ' yourself how effective it is, National Drug and Chemical Co, of Canada, Limited. " 323 0.91.1tL, 3111;011:10 IotI.7u11801:0,.4I0N4D:51A.1:8 BuRNING AN, tole ef stlumshum 111 111 dia makingmoe ,b tagnifictint bead - Way and pt,Oiniseti*to heonnie onc itCtitiO.: EC, ZEMA :o The wi)rLlit.f the most Minor -taut industries of that empite, 1Irupovtia'of alinnintun ingots and"' elicete into India frem Europe aect tho Dented States now • approximate 500 torts per year.• . Phameet important, use of aleerni- niain in India is in inaleing.vessole for carryieg their daily supplies el water to the native louses from the village taps or hydrants ors from welle and rivers. On account, of the ca,ete, rules or prejudices, na- tive s of different caste's living in the same neighborhood must often go long distances apart in order to • secure water not defiled of meno- polizecl by other eaetes or outcasts, and as h rule not only the poverty of mese ofethe peePle but also their religion prejudices prevent con- necting their hotmes with central taps, and so the use of metal ves- sels or receptacles for obtaining we- ber foe the many household pur- poses forewhieh it is required,is of great importance in, the domestic econonay, • . When the natives are extremely poor they use earthenware vessels, but as their means increase they adopt -the use of metal ware for carrying their water, In a liros- perous community it is customary to see people carrying vessel; of copper er brass (usually on their heads) between their sources of wa- ter supply and their homes. Of late, however, the advantages of aluminum `forthis purpose are coming recognized, as it is not only much lighter to carry but also raueh cheaper. Another important and rapidly extending use for aluminum in In- dia le, for manufacturing cooking utensils, especially kettles, grid- irons, saucepans, stew pans, frying pans, etc. ' Death Nearly Claimed New Brunswick Lady Was Restored to Her AnxIoUs Fam- ily When Hope Had Gone. St. John, N.B., Dee. 151h.—At ono time i1 was feared that Mrs, J. Grant, of 3 White St., would' succumb to the deadly ravages of advanced kidney trouble, "My Bret attacks of back- ache and kidney trouble began years ago. For six years that dull gnawing pain hap been present. When 1 ex- erted myself It was terribly intensified. If I caught cold the pain was unen- durable. I used most everything, but nothing gave that certain grateful re- lief that came from Dr Hamilton's Pills of Mandrake and I3utternut. In- stead of being bowed down with pain, to -day I am strong, enjoy splendid appetite, sleep soundly. Lost proper- ties have been instilled into my blood —cheeks are rosy with color, and I thank that day that I heard of so grand O medicine as Dr. Hamilton's Every woman should use these pilis regularly because good health pays, and it's good, vigorous health that comes io all who use Dr, Hamilton's Mandrake and Butternut Pills. Sorry For Their King. An English professor, who had been a fellow student and friend of led -ward VI1. when he was the Prince of Wales, was appointed honorary physician to his majesty shortly after he became king. The professor was very proud of this and wished his students to know of the honor conferred upon him, so he wrote upon the black- board in his classroom. "Professor Baker is pleased to inform his students that he has been appointed honorary physician to his Majesty, King Ed- ward." The professor shortly left the room, and when he returned to meet another class, he could not understand why they should be so much amused at what he had written. Later, how- ever, he discovered that some one had carefully added to his announcement the following; "God save tbe King." First Scottish Parliament. Lanark Town, front which heavy political artillery is now being direc- ted for the capture of the southern division of the county, has a claim upon the interest or Parliamentary candidates oecond to none in Scot- land. For 11 was in Lanark that in 978 the first Scottish Parliament met; and here the war of Independence be- gan When Wallace rose against the English Governer and slew him, along with NO of his men. The famous "Lanark Declaration', was inade by the Covenantere at the Market Camas in 1682—a declaration which de- nounced Charles II. as a perjured king, and solemnly excommunicated him.—London 'Daily Chronicle Try Murine Eye- R.ernedy If you have Red, Weak, Watery Byes or Granulated Eyelids. Doesn't Smart —Soothes Eyo Pain, Druggists Sell Murine Eye Retnedy, Liquid, 25c, 50c. Merino Eye Salve in Aseptie Tubes, 25c, .50c. Eye Book» Free by Mail. An Eye Tonle Qood for All Eyes Met Need Cam Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago He Understood llama n icain PP. The young (lector was buying fur- niture for tlie equipment ef his new office. The eager salesman iticked his brain to think of something else to sell him. He hed sold almost everything thee could go 111 an of- fice, when Ile bad a happy thought,. 'Oh, yes, surely, 1 nearly forgot that 1'' he exc.! imed . '`V.U11 need a deo mum " "Nee a new One," said the young doctor, "I'll get that at a meconel- hand store. A worn tale will ben,a; nuoh beeter adverbisement ear me. Circumetantiel An old nigger had been in trouble for stealing chickens, and Was con- viefied en eircumstant,ial evideme. '1,17h0t's circtirnst,, n Li al evidence 7'' he wes tusked. "Well," lie said, 'as near I kin splain 111, f'uin de way ib hag been splained to me, cir- cumstantial evidence is de feathers dat you lenyes lyin' around after you has done with de chicken." On Hands and Arms, Bioke 0 t I , Fine Rash. Had to Give Up'Work Could Not Rest, Cuticura Soap, and 'Ointment Curocl, . LoMbtirdy, ont: hadheefistiffer14 for inve years with eczema ottrayliaMig,and ItpX11%. niy hand .brokeeitt In a. One resh with a burning and itching that was hard to bear, the Robing and burning wore so bad I had to wretch fill my herredsz01t4d6,0tsies1 00%1004 aLd wti stand 10 put them In srwater.. I also had to Eire UP MY Wark., Them it spreeallcyer m5armhitulI;94645lig,6th;bedeleesoidtr10eruptileyer '61134 eodu-wdtt8ttlreV.:efrilnedntse glmyylnilia:adcal; 5 fee' trial bat they failed to cure me, Then I saw the e.dvertfeement in the paper about Cutietwa Stipp and OlntmenSso 0 sent for a samplennd I began to use them with VOry little faith, but to my isurprise I found roller from the very Desk 1 washed ,mY hands In warm water with Outieura Soap and dried them wlth a soft cloth, then 5 pub the Oakum. Ointment on and bandaged them' with soft cloth, 1 used.two boxes of the Cuticura Orntment With the Cluticura Soap and used them steady for two -months and they entirely cured me.", (signed) MM. Helena El. McCall. May 27, 1915.. A single Sake of Outieura Soapttnd box of Outleure. ointment ere ofteti sufficient ashen all else bas failed. Sold by druggists °Racal, dmetialettrosderferysym., hweirteh. 8Lizhpr siksiannitimo loc.! Address post -card Potter Drug & Chem. Corp., Dept. D, Boston, 95.8. A. km GRAN GDOSCODIN NED1INGRAIN Choose which Grain you like best fa your white Sugar and buy St. Lawrence Pure Cane Granulatedwhite, in original bags—Fine grain, medium or coarse. Each the choicest sugar. Aek your Cramer. tr. LAWRENCE SUGAR REFINERIES, LIMITED MONTREAL. 3640-53 Tommy Persisted. At, breakfaet restless little Tommy began ta play with the cruet stand. His father told him- not ,to do so. Tommy persiebed, and at lest upset it and spilled the pepper on the tablecloth. "Now, Tommy," said his father, "you were disobedient and upset the pepper castor, and I really ought to make the punish- ment fit the crime by putting some of the pepper on "your tongee." Tommy looked up in a flas.h "and said—"Should I be punished the same way, dad, if I upset the sugar bowl 7" • "Better shave, old man." "Why 1" "I expecb 'they will play kissing games, and if se, you may find emnaself disqualified for rough - nese 1" The 3rab1ishor of 'the best Farmer's P3. per in the Maritime Provinces in writing to us states: 'T -would say that I do not know of a medicine that laws stood the test of time like MINARD'S, LTNIMENT. has boon an unfailing remedy in our household over since I can remember, and has out- lived dozen -s of wonld-be competitors and imitators.' A Misfortune Teller. Robtey—I feel a,wful. I just heard that I'll not get uncle's money, my auto will be stolen, and Grace will turn me down for another. Wabyttrn — Heavens, man, who told you thee? Robley—A foreune Wayburn—You mean a misfor- tune teller, don't y.ou Wanted. Wanted — Twelve well-e,ducated, conscientious young women .as pupil nurses in Oity Hospital, Cleveland, to fill vacancies caused by graduation. Unusual variety of experience. New Nurses' Homo soon to he completed. Fiuest con- tagious disease building 05 the State. Children's Ward Etna ma.. ternity Deparement. Two months' Visiting Nurses' work. Monthly allowance from time of acceptance. Address Mise Frederika K. Geiser, Principal. The whole of human virtue may be reduced to speaking the truth always' and &ling good to oth,ere. mieard'a Linitnent Tures Diphtheria, A Scolichnian While walking with a friend passed a jeweller's shop where there were many precious stones in the window. ''Would you ri.ot like to have yourepick 7" asked Sandy, ''Not ma pick, but tity shov- el,'' Said his friend. • 11 You will find relief In Zam.13ak I It eases the burning, stinging pain, stops bleeding and brings - ease. Perseverance, with Zan!. Buk, means cure: Why not prove this? „..da .vrugotsee anci Stores.— too box. weenamEMMESSISMMegaiMMIMEIMMer,, FROM ERIN'S GREE I ISLE NEWS BY MAIL. P110141 [RE. LAND'S SHORES:, Happenings' til the Emerald Isle nl Interest to Irish. men. t,hIpe,orSr. tr6Tiaxlitaymnbvelei:lviesnitareil:eibico,:lipialv°sofayie- eeesoi:e 131 1! fter 30 years' service. fecal corporation, Patrick Minilsaht has just died ,at Limerick, e,ged 106. Arthur Martine 2'7, of Dublin, was fraatthal.ly injured in a collision while riding a motor cycle near Gibbet - Limerick Borough Council has :rPePcitieiodn ti,)orf a71kwaonr °kin' $en81' 03d5w1e9111.inthges at Ki11al,00, Edmond Smith, 'farmer, Oust, Gleneely, was fined $60 M 1Vlachin petty sessions for being in poeses- eion a an illicit still. Dundalk Urban Council have •a,p- • plied for a loan of $450,000 to carry out a scheme of housing under the Working Claeses Act. Owing to the insanitary condition of Oarrick-in-Suir fever hospital, the nursedn charge has been strick- en with typhoid fever. Sergeant ,Won. Smith, who Rese- ed unscathed through the South African war, was killed at Antrim station by a Belfast express. The Newry Urban Council has de- cided to increase the wages of all the men in the surveyor depart- ment by 24 cents per week. Mr. John _Carson, proprietor of the Trader Hotel, Belfast, was kill- ed by a fall while attending an auc- tion sale at '73 King street, Belfast. Considerable alarm is being felt on account of an outbreak of fever in Gemmed Union. Altogether there are some dozen cases in the fever hospital. For some months the Armagbone coalfield, near Stewaresto-we, County 'Tyrone, has been success- fully worked by Mr. John MeNally, I.P.'Cooksbown. A disastrous outbreak of fire em - marred on the premises of Samuel Gibson, druggist, of Belfast, tend damage estimated between $(3 000 and $7,000 was caused. While Abraham Blong, of 13•erry- villa, near Porta.rlingeon, was shooting crows on his farm, the gun —en old-fashioned one—burst. and inflicted serious injuries to hie arm. At, a meeting of the local share- holders of the Killaloe elate onaTry at Menagli it was decided to raise $3,000 by debentnres in order to re- float the company. There is a general Feeling time the Dublin police will he honorably scouitted of- the allegations nincle against them in connection with their efforts to maintain peale dur- ing the labor troubles, 3,— TO DIME A COLD IN ONE DAY Take LAXATIVE BROMO Quinire Tablets. Druggists refund money if it tails to cure` E. W. GROVE'S signature is on each box, 25e. "Did you tell the Fins ytm were, going to be married 7" "Ne ; he's down on all unions!" Minard's Liniment Cures Colds, Eta Mrs. Exe—"I can't get My dauelp ter to take any interest in kitchen work at ,all." Mee. 1,Vae—"Have you tried balling it domestic. ence 7" . DO YOUR STOCEINGS antux from washing and hurt youl, Do the children complain? The IDEAL STOCKING STRETCHERS make old stockings feel mod wear like uow, relieve tired feet. ease corms and saYe darn- ing, Two size% adult and child- ren'a. 60e. a pair by mall, 1. E. YORK .f4 CO., Waterford, Ont, .".41 r mails Highest grade beans kept whole and mealy by perfect baking, retaining their fall strength. riayoreci with deliolons sauces, They have no equal. x FARMS FOB SALS. ft W. DAWSON. tilnetY Coiner...Street. Toronto, I r acT TOBUT Oft SELL A y6tml,fr,n,%DtlzPara weol1.riowoo3.00zrA Colborne St., Toronto: N. W, DAWSON, Colborne St., Taranto. NEWSPAPERS *OR SALE, VITE HAVE SEVERAL GOOD NEWS. T paper properties for sale in On. tarlo towns at right prices. Apply quickly as subs,e1,4,1,-n tug. Wil`Soii West Adelaide Street, Toront,,. NURSERY STOCK. TRAWBERILIES, RASPBERRIES, 1I111• 17, Varieties. Ere'Catalog, McConnell • Son, Grovesencl, Ontario. MISCELLANEOUS. AZITZT?ighTt'ASI-1wIgg la? )13Zige,P..stslisTle or spare time; good pay; work sent any dietanco; charges prepaid. Fiend stamp for particulars, National Manufacturing Company, Montreal. st-1 ANCER, TUMORS, WIMPS, ItTO., • internal and external, cured with. 001 berti;r'e blee°11,rtel.L'mjr. TAteanotm7d1111 06 Co., Limited, Co'ilingemcd. Ont. d?ZalYZOTherjeape The close intimacies et old age seem to consist In comparing gouts anti rheamatlz. IT IS M. A PAIT.ler 1.1.COIC(NG) ia 97 per cent. pure Sulphur. liquefied by a few other mare. diente just as oure and health. THE Ow. 2,11, You (MN use it safely and WA? Profitably 10f1 EN ANTISEPTIC. 'Iry 11 os 11510 ool,t 0050, 01 5017 otter sore you may have. Lsa000g mimes reropsnona 01• .vrice, 55 cents a. bottle. For Vitt sale by all drugglsts. NEW If your druggist does not WAY carry it remit direct to SUL- PK UR PRODUCTS, 158 Bay street, Toronto, and send us his name_ EL Fir E, P1015 'roam nerastetemotlel,01,1,,reet,, ia°011,,,t'llultif. 01 ‘.'''',.)11'erea,0'0,,?"'gi.r 011 0)150, 511510555 ,,,,ibpou..„,,,158051. 07 161E10, 5,376. PCSIngto011. "Licks the Bucket Clean" Blatchford's Calf Meal As good as New Milk at half the Cost. ...e4e.teg4L',2.42.aaer-etee--anetsiegateee. 1)00 pounds makes 100 gallons of Perfect Milk Substitute. - Send for pamphlet, "HOW to Raise Calvea Cheaply and Successfully Without Milk.'" At your Dealers or STEELE, :BRIGGS Toronto, Ont., Canada. Always laugh when you can; ib is a cheap medicine. Merriment is o philosophy not well underetood. It de the sunny side of existence. A PriOUSEVITIFE IS JUDGED HY HER KITCHEN. FOR A BRIGHT STOVE AND A BRIGHT REPUTATION, USE BLACK KNIGHT, PASTE I THE r: F. DA LLEY LTD, I NO DUST 11, °WASTE, HAMILTON.ONT. No RUST ' fej.4:11VV „ 02o0.00 Di COW GIVEN AWAY FR - .6101.9 „„,EV....17.1 3-141:P44\0' t77:1'Y11.1...rg' LPAPE I 111110 nwpisNmeww.wm.awaaarmacawnemarmw.www4 CPANE NOVR A 14 •- Up alto ,‘........„..,.....,,., AYSIAIRVNEER - .. . YDRAPI/GRE 1 • E*RpA trztlern.......wrousal.... 1. Con .2',i1w'Iar`b i,?.lbnn1:56t'tfN'i'tc. 10A'l''11I.'0' ),n..Lr,.i0h,lg.. 0:rF'17 ,T:1i,,'I E,r',i,..0t1r!7;i.N SII14irTignElIt11TIONu111430EI'2"°,r‘`1,1'=°.'71,tX'l5`''i''1thY''''''''''''''''3°th,P`:w.ryo:an,,:0,1,::gX, `41i oroUlton:ilaina rwat Dol , To U. persomng out te 000)1,1 1aEt nlmir the sum 0 1r ollarE To,ho rmason aakInEtebrdiargoat amataIlmwan TLaly 00115wTotho 5c000waaing A fouath 149e3trn?tr c Nun W:wenylE114r15Iu15 wo 1a:ons nt1rwfscq:11c;tIt,111.1: F':1A1)Fd''T7`I1'1cg::;)11?u,7,0,:,i„,4,17,,,,i,,,,,Li,11: 1.!t14Ea,71.,1.141(eni.1ccgn1Foo51o115rotrp:rscnss:11e!o11.corr;aW5wors ,li.1.,f,,,5,,1,1,iv4il,o,4$ro,),,od000i11kgi3O,tno,,oud `r1'idPVI'il'rP0'70401n'n,TL"Ti)(i'1 ,11WXCrVOIVOTTN1VvII4Vo1,2,7,sAtanin,,i„„tc.,,,. 0,Ionythbl14ea.W0aTe,11sato00 utoacoec0nE:feqBtomorzpiy, 110 11010E10y,,tilEAl04cz.Ar,%0,i1LD141yBnEcINE00,Dik5,,Rrorc;7AquE wa.wwwawasseuwawwwewawerwaetawwwww.w.oanwww,a0WwwoNcoatwe 17 HOTEL TRAYMORE Otsi Ti -l15 OCEAN FRONT. ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. 'NEM 44a. maseiileent ten -story, ere-proef ad/Minn Is 11101 being tom 'detect, Making tado famous hostelry' Ihe newest and moot lap -to -date of Atlantic rily :Betels. A new feature to the 41 41 IlEttai EIKE of the bed rooms, averaging 19 feet square, Every roem ,com mends un Gees 0 view, bath a btached with sea aim fre,,h water. Ohnvalglaes in every plumber. Temperature regulated by Thennosdadt, the latest development In steam heatin7. Telephone In every 1001n. Golf Privileges. Capacity 605, Write for netrated booklet. CHARLES 0. mARQuaTT, TRAY/IA.0Rn rioTEL COMPANY, Manager, 0, S. WHITE, Proe)ctset. WAVAAVAVirmilmi.A.AADTFAIAttat.EARNAIIMAAIMPAAIATAATAWE.141.4,ApArrAyA/AtrAgAu •